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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034432-9 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9851 15 July 1981 I~SSR Re ort p ENGINEERING AND EQUIPMENT (FOUO 4/81) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are transZated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets . are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last 1?ne of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indica~or is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words ur names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF � MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ODTLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 _ JPRS L/9851 15 July 1981 USSR REPORT ENGINEERING AND E~UIPMENT (FOUO 4/81) CONTENTS NUCLEAR ENERGY Using Vertical Steam-Raising Units to Further Improve Geaerating Facilitiea With WER Reactora 1 Interaction of Gas Coolant Counterflowa in a Model of Sphere Charging of the Core of the VG-50 Non-Channel Reactor........... 8 Enlargement of High-Pressure Iieaters for High-Power GenArating Facilities in Nuclear Electric Plants With WER Reactors 15 _ Planning and Auilding Nuclear Electric Plante 19 Decontamination of the Equipment in Nuclear Electric Power Stationa With WER-440 Reactors 21 NON-NUCLEAR ENERGY Energy-Storing Materials and Their Use 28 - CONSTRUCTION Continuous-Action Excavators 30 NAVIGATION AND GUIDANCE SYSTEMS Firing Ground-to-Air Miesiles 33 ' FLUID MECHANICS Operation of Marine Hqdroacoustic Stations 37 - a- [III - USSR - 21.F S&T FOUO] ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICUL USE ONLY MECHANICS OF SOLIDS Plates and Shella With Discontinuous Parameters.....������~������� 40 Dynamic-Energy Relations of Oscillatory Systems 42 TESTING AND MATERIALS Erosion Strength of Components of Flightcraft Enginea and Power Plants 44 Improving the Efficiency of Selective Testing of the Metal - of Nuclear Electric Power Station Equipment......��������������� 47 _ b _ FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 NUCLEAR ENERGY UDC [621..311.25:621.039J:621.181.6 USING VERTICAL STEAM-RAISING UNITS TO FURTHER II~II'ROVE GENERATING FACILITIES WITH WER REACTORS Moacow ENERGOMASHINOSTROYENIYE in Russian No 3, Mar 81 pp 2-4 [Article by Candidate of Technical Sciences Yu. V. Kotov, Doctor of Technical Sciencea N. M. Markov, Candidate of Technical�Sciencea I. K. Terent'yev, engi- neers L. L. Bachilo, G. Ye. Kelin, candidates of technical sciences A. A~. Piska- rev, M. I. Grinman and Engineer P. A. Kruglikov] [Text] One way to improve nuclear electric plants is to increase the initial steam parameters and optimize the structure of the heating arrangement. For nuclear electric facilities with WER [water-cooled water moderated power] reac- tors, without changing the parameters of ::he primary circuit (pressure and tem- perature of the coolant at reactor inlet and outlet), the parameters of the secon- dary circuit are determined by the minimum temperature difference in the steam- raising unit. In the horizontal steam-raising units that are used for generating facilities with WER reactora, the entire heating surface worke as an evaporator. The feed water supplied to the steam chatnber in the ateam-raiaing unit is heated from temperature t~,,~ (at the outlet from the regenerating aystem of the turbine set) to the saturation point tei correaponding to the steam presaure by condeneing - some of the spent eteam. In this case (Fig. 1) tei ~ t2 - ~tmin+ ~1~ where t2 is the water temperature in the primary circuit at the outlet from the steam-raising unit; ~t~n is the minimum temperature head at the beginning of the evaporative section. At the minlmum poesible value of ~t~n ~ 10�C accepted in the generating units of the WER-1000 the initial ateam preasure of pp = 6.4 MPa is essentially the limiting value. In a horizontal steam-raising unit the size of the heating surface is independent of the temperature of the feed water, and therefore at fixed parameters of the primary circuit the optimum aize of the heating aurface is determined only by the relation between the change of electric power of the unit and the heating surface of the regenerative heaters, i. e. a value of t~ close to the thermo- dynamic optimum is ~ustified (at ~p = 6.4 MPa, t~ ~225�C). Thus when horizontal i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t; c ~ J40 s 310 3 . J00 ~ . 6 ' ~ teo _ B 160 1p0 110 ~ !0 100 ll = ~eoo ~ af ~ Fig. 1. t-Q diagram of the ateam-raising unit (Q is the relative thermal power of the steam-raising unit): 1--saturation temperature t8 corresponding to the water pressure in the reactor circuit; 2--underheating of water below boiling in the priraary circuit ~tboil~ 3""parametera of coolant in the primary circuit t~ = 325�C, t2 = 290�C; 4--minimum temperature difference ~t~,n in an arrangement without economizer; 5--minimum temperature difference ~t~~n~in a system with economizer; 6--saturation temperature in the secondary circuit t8i = 286.4�C (pp = 7.2 Mpa); 7--saturation temperature in the secondary circuit t8I = 278�5�C (pp = 6.4 MPa); 8--water temperature in the economizer secLion (pp = 6.4 MPa); ~ 9--relative thermal power of the economizer section QeC at pp a 6.4 MPa; 10-- - relative thermal power of the evaporative section QeVBp at pp = 6.4 MPa; 11-- relative thermal power of economizer aection at pp = 7.z MPa; 12--relative thermal power of the evaporative section QeVB~ at pp ` ~�2 MPa. steam-raising units are used in WER-1000 generating facilities without changing the parametera of the primary circuit there is no poasibility of further in- creasing the parametera of the secondary circuit. The situation changes when a vertical steam-raiaing unit is used since there is a capab ility for segregating part of the heating surface in the zone of minimum temperatures of the coolant in the primary circuit of this ateam-raiaing unit for the purpose of heating the feed water from t~ to t8i, i. e. introducing an economizer section QeC >0 (aee Fig. 1). In this case t8I ~ t _ t~n+QeC~GI~pi, ~2) where QeC is the thermal power of the economizer aection, GI and cpI are respec- tively the flowrate and mean heat capacity of the coolant in the primary circuit on the economizer section. 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030032-9 FOR OFFiC1AL USE ONLY Comparing expresaions (1) and (2), we arrive at the conclusion that for unchanged parameters of the primary circuit and the minimum possible ~t~n, an economizer section csn raise the pressure in the secondary circuit, and the increase ie greater ~ith increasing QeC, i. e. decreasing feed water temperature. When the same presaure is maintained in the secondary circuit of the vertical steam-raiaing unit as in the horizontal unit the miniminn temperature head iR greater for the vertical unit, ~t~~n = t3 - tsi > ~t~n, where t3 is the coolant temperature in the primary circuit corresponding to the minimum temperature dif- ference in the vertical ateam-raising unit. As a consequence, the mean logarith- ~ic temperr~tu~e head ~tm lo~g~ for the vertical steam-raising unit is higher than the corresponding logarithmic tEmperature head ~tm io of the horizontal ~init, which in turn gives a gain in heating surface for thegvertical unit. Calculations : show that at pp ~6.4 MPa, this gain is an estimated 20% over the heating surface. However, resesrch has shown that the advantagea of segregating the economizer sec.*.ion in the vertical steam~-rai~ing unit c~n be put to more effective use for raising the initial ateam parameters rather than for reducing the area of the heatin~ surface, as relative reduction of the average temperature Yeead with in- creasing pressure in the secondary circuit is lower in the case of the vertical steam-raising unit than for the horizontal unit. Thus as the parameters of the _ secondary circuit are increased, there is less of an increase in the heating sur- face of the steam-raising unit with the economizer than without the economizer. ratio in the change of heating surfaces increases in favor of the vertical steam-raising unit if we consider the fact that there is some increase in the thermal power of the economizer section with increasing tsi, which leads to an increase in temperature t3. Thus for constant thermal power of the reactor and parameters of the primary circuit tl = 325�C and t2 = 290�C, at an initial pressure of pp = 6.4 MPa the mean logarithmic temperatuz�e difference for a horizontal steam-~raising unit ~tm log is 24.4�C, while for a vertical steam-raising unit at t~ ^ 220�C and Ot~n of 16.8�C, . ~tm log ' ~t~~logQeC + Otm~~gg4evap ~ 31.5�C, where QeC and Qevap 8re respectively the percentages of thermal power of the economizer and evaporative sections under condition of equality of the heat transfer coeff icients on these sections. Thus the difference between the heating surfaces of the two types of ateam- raising units at ppi 6.4 MPa is about 29~. - As a result of the pressure increase in the secondary circuit to pp= 7.2 MPa, for the horizontal steam-raising unit at ~t~nin= 4.6�C, ~t 1og = 14�C, whereas for the vertical unit ~tm log = 23�C, i. e. in this case the d~fference between the _ heating surfaces will be about 64% in favor of the vertical steam-raising unit. If we consider some difference in the heat transfer coefficients on the econo- mizer and evaporative sectiona, the gain in~surface for the vertical unit at pp ~ 6.4 MPa will be about 20X, and at pp= 7.2 MPa it will be about 45X. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030032-9 ~ FOR OFFICIAI, t1SE ONLY Fig. 2. Change in ad~usted expenditures for a ~Ca, thous. rub/yr WER-1000 generating facility with horizontal - steam-raising unit as a function of the initial ~ steam pressure: 1--for the steam-raising unit ~ (pCSR); 2--replaced power,for the intermediate eoo superheater and for the regeneration system (pCal +OCBH +~Caeg) ; 3--total for the unit (E~Ca) ~oo F t ' ~Ca, thous. rub/yr ~1oa a Fig. 3. Change in adjusted i 6p0' a expenditures for a WER-1000 aoo i ~ generating facility with 4~ ~ _ vertical steam-raising uni.t as a function csf initial o o ~a s p, MPa -I presaure pp and feed water ~ _ ~ temperature t~,,~: I--t~=180�C; - ~ ? II--t 200�C; III--t s 220�C; 1--for the steam- -AOo raising unit (~CSR) ; 2~for replaced power, for ~_~too ? the intermediate auperheater and for the regener- ation system (~Cgl + ~CBH + ~Caeg) ; 3--total for the _~600 ~ unit (E~Ca) ~ - zooo The described situation ia illustrated by a comparison of Fig. 2 and 3 from which we can see that the rate of change in adjusted expenditures for the steam-raising unit with increasing pressure is considerably greater for the horizontal steam- raising unit than for the verti;~l one (difference in slope of the curves for OCaH) . The optimum initial pressure is determined from the value of minE~Ca ~ ~C81 + ~CaH + ~Caeg - ~CBR, where ~Cal + ~CaH + ~Caeg is th~ total change in adjusted expenses for replaced - power, for the intermediate superheater and for the regeneration system; ~ CaR is the change in ad~uated expenditures for the steam-.raising unit. The optimum value of pp corresponding to minE~Ca for a vertical stea~-raising unit will always be higher than for a horizontal unit since the curve for ~CaR with the same behs~vior of thermal economy with increasing pp for the vertical ~ unit lies below the analogous curve for the horizontal unit, and the overall curve E~Ca changes aign of the derivative at a point corresponding to a higher value of pp. These is also a change in the optimum feed water temperature when a horizontal steam-raising unit is uaed. In the horizontal steam generatur, expenditures had no effect on the optimum t~. In the vertical unit, the optimum feed water tem- perature is defined as the minimum difference of reduced expenditures OCal due - to the change in power of the generati~eg + pC~Hexanddexuenditureahfore~heesteamn system and intermediate superheater ~Ca a, P raising unit pCaR. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fig. 3 showe how the adjusted expenditurea vary by components as a function cf pressure in the secondary circuit and temperature of the feed water in a r~,nge of 180-220�C for a WER-1000 generating facility with vertical steam-raising unit. An increase of initial pressure in the vertical steam-raising unit shifte the optimum temperature of the feed water tapard lower values. At currently accepted parameters of the primary circuit for a vertical steam- raising unit the optimum parameters of the secondary circuit are initial pressure of 7.2 MPa and t~ = 200�C. These parameters give an appreciable economic effect as compared with 6.4 MPa and 220�C; they can be obtained by changing the thernnal arrangement somewhat. In particular, the optimum feed water temperature (about 200�C) can be obtained by increasing the pressure in the d~aerator to 1.25 MPa and by feeding the heat- ing eteam condensate from the single-stage intermediate superheater to the pres- sure line of the feed pumps. Implementation of these atepa requires development of a deaerator designed for increased preasure and the incluaion of an additional pump in the heating syatem = for transfer of the condensate of the intermediate eteam superheater. However, these expenditures are paid back with intereat by the advantages that are ob- tained as compared with the heating system for horizontal ateam-raising units. Let us liat the most important of these advantagea: feeding the condensate of the heating ateam from the in:.ern?ediate superheater into the feed water channel improves the economy of ~~he generating facility by reducing the power of the feed pump and cutting ].osses in heat exchange; increasing the temperature difference of the heating and heated steam in the single-stage intermediate superheater (due to increased initial pressure) r~duces the heating surface as compared with a two-stage superheater; three high-pressure heating stages with total heating surface of 15,000 sq. m(six ahells) are eliminated from the heating system; the temperature difference (t8Z - t~). on all working conditions of the steam- raising unit remains nearly constant because hot condensate of the intermediate superheater is fed into the feed water line; the increase in initial parameters of the secondary circuit improvea the thermal economy of the generating facility by about 0.71'; the volumetric flowrate of live steam is reduced by about 17Y, which reduces losses of presaure in the pipelines and the stopping and regulating equipment~ and givea an additional gain in thermal economy of about 0.2~. The use of a vertical eteam-raising unit and reconfiguration of the thermal ar- rangement, when introduced can save more than one million rubles of capital invest- ments and about 700,000 rubles per year in reduced expenditures, which is equiva- Ient to a total reduction of specific capital expenditures for the generating facility with WER reactor of about 4 rubles per kW (table) without consideration of the reduction of capital investmente in the reactor department (etructural part). The use of vertical ateam-raising units is in no way detrimental to the safety of reactor operation, aince the water reserve in the shell of the steam-raising � unit is not reduced as compared with the horizontal steam-raising unit. Thus the use of a vertical ateam-raising unit and the concomiCant implementation of the enumerated steps considerably aimplifies the heating syatem, improves the 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ a~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ w o � ooo~n V ~ ~ O O ~ iC iC 5C ~C i~ p p~p iC , +.J N N N N N e--I N N H w "a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ . H O � u1 u1 L~J c,~0 ~ .-i .-i ~ N ~O N ~q ~ k /C ~C k pC ~ ~ iE a~ N NNNN ~ N ~ ~ N ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ v`~, u o000 ~n - ~ ~ :�~:�~r~. ~i ,N ~ ~C k ?S >E >C N ~ iC . ~ ~ H ~ N N N N N c~1 ?r1 N w ~ ~ ~up o�o�o va�a~' ~w � NNN i i o o i Gl U1 y I-i C yC 5C ~E N N W ~-i ~ t~A y N N N ~ v1 ~ U ~ ~ u ~ ~ o c~tl fA Dr~l U~iN Gl G f~+ 'd ~ 1~-~ ~ 1~+ ~ La c~ Cl ~ C3 H y,~j 1~.1 G~l G~J .C Cl cd ~ ~ 00 cd rl W~~ ~ 1~-~ ~ cd t~A ~ N U1 r~l O ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q) ~ 4"~ 0 ~ ^ ~ R) L~ 'I"~ ~ R~ Gl rC' l~ ~ G~ ~ ~ ~ N~ I S~ ^ ~ ~ a ~ 11 rl 1~ ~ i ~ p, b0 i d N ~ ~ N w a~.C - ~ O rl rl Cl 1~ ~ II v O W b N o N ~ ~ p p~ ~ W v f/~ N p~ U ti-1 fA ,b r+ O _ ~ ~ b0 ~ N 'r~ C3 ~ p ~r~l ~ b cti id al ~C ~ c0 v~l ~i y ~I Gl Cl id 'd 00 ~ f-I 1-I 41 Cl N Ul 'b ~3 r-I ~ R1 ~ R1 N~ C! ~~1 O N Cl MI G! O~~ F+ tA q R1 a~ v a~ .c a~ ~ o a~ a~ v cd G1 00 H H 1-~ ~d rl N~~d O 0I C.1 cd .C �r~ N 1~ H tA VJ H ~I o~ N al al ~I ~ ~n cd t~ a+ a~1 N cd a v~ ~ A ~ N.,~ a~ u a~ 'Lf o' Cl h-1 ul r-I ~ 41 ~ Cr' Gl ~rl I 1+ r-1 ~r1 Vf ~ri rA cd R1 cd H Ol 3~+ Cl 1+ 'L7 cd cJ cd ~ R1 N H'd 3 O.L1 ~ �rl H rl Gl Gl Cl O N W dg Cl �rl b0 N~ O P+ Ggl O~ W N C~1 .C H ~ �C ~ ~ ~ ~41 ~ F+ ~ ~ O ~ C~J ~ ~ C~l ~ ~ 1~-i ~ ~-~I Gl Gl N +.r Gl b0 Gl ~ Gl aL tJ ~�{a OD N ~ 3-i H Gl C7 .C dl ~rl J-? N~ tA R! N N fA ~ rl ~ N RS 7J O J.1 O y'~j I cd 1 rl H I .G CI ~ Cl 3-i ~ .C q la v-I ~ y tA (n t11 Cl Ol rl �rl G) ~ ~ .C N O rl ~rl Gl 'C7 O 1.~ GJ v,~nv, ~+d a~a `�c`'.,c+'da ~~a~~~`d~ ~~~u ~ N H H H cd ~ N W ~ tA G! ~rl Gl 41 W U1 01 tA Gl �rl II a a a p+ 1.i O b0 H.C ~ ~~.C " i i i ~ ~n~ av~+a ~+a~n~+vi�pa~i~a~im~4w.+ .a i v~ u a~ o~ v~ a~ a~ a cn o ~ o0 00 0o r. o a~ ~n ~ ~a a ~d .c ~ a~ a ~ ~n ~o a ~ ~ ~ a~ ,T � ~ cda~~G cdv~~+~ o~dv~a~ o~ w p~ww o ~~n ~p.c~o~ aa~av, c.~q.~v,,~au~ 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030032-9 FnR OFFICIAI. USF nNLY working reliability of equipment, and enables the use of a standardized thermal arrangement with unified auxiliary equipment for generating facilities with WER- 1000, RBMK-1500 and RBM-KP-2400 reactors. In this system, the following basic equipment that makea up the turbine set is standardized: steam-generator sepa- rators, condensate pumps for the intermediate steam superheaters, heaters of the low-pressure regeneration system, deaerators and turbine feed unita. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", "Energomashinostroyeniye", 1981 6610 CSO: 8144/1087 7 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFiC1AL LiSE ONLY UDC 621.029:536.24.023. INTERACTION OF GAS COOLANT COUNTERFLOWS IN A MODEL OF SPHERE CHARGING OF THE CORE OF THE VG-50 NON-CHANNEL REACTOR Moscow ENERGOMASHINOSTROYENIYE in Ruasian No 3, Mar 81 pp 2-4 [Article by candidates of technical aciencea R. G. Bogoyavlenskiy, G. V. K~;esno- pol'skiy and Engineer S.'u. N. Pintelin] [Abstract] Heat exchange in a aphericgl layer has n~t been as well covered in the current scientific and technical literature ae heat exchange in tubular sur- ~ faces. The reason for this is that up until the early sixties the spherical layer was treated as a cap without internal heat release with the purpose of ~ a filter or a recuperator charge. Pro~ects begun in the sixties on non-channel gas-cooled reactors with spherical fuel elements served as an impetus to development of research on heat exchange in a spherical layer at high Reynolds numbers. Some of the research that was done resulted in relations for the intensity of heat exchange of spheres as a function of Reynolds number at different volumetric porosities of a spherical _ charge [Ref. 1, 2]. A typical feature of sphere charging of the core of a gas-cooled'non-channel reactor is that the volumetric porosity will not be the same throughout the core, particularly during recharging and in operation on the principles of multiple- . pass or single-pass travel of the fuel elements through the core when lo~al stacking may arise at isolated points of the spherical charge from tetraocta- hedral (with porosity m Q 0,26) to cubic (m ~ 0.476), and thera may also be changes of porosity at the wall. In experimental work by Decken [Ref. 3] an investigation was made of the nonuni- formity of the average heat transfer coefficient in a layer wiCh diameter of - 20 calibers, and at different points of sphere stacking, including at the wall. Differences were found to range in limits of �10%. The pattern of heat exchange is particuYarly complicated in a non-channel core � in the case where it is necessary to cool spherical fuel elements of the reactor when part of the gas flow is directed for cooling spherical fuel elements being unloaded through a discharge channel. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030032-9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY There a~ce as yet no methods in the scientific and technical literature for calcu- lating gas flows in spherical packing in the presence of counterflows of differ- ent intensity. In the simplest case we can consider the encounter of a main flow of gas coolant penetrating through the sphere charge of a non-channel core with the gas flow leaving the unloading channel counter to the main flow. After mixing in the ~ sphere layer, both these flows are removed from the core to the hot gas collec- tor situated at som~ distance from the walls of the channel for unloading the spherical fuel elements. It is natural to assume th~ existence of some region in the charge where the velocities of the flows are mutually cancelled, and con- ~ sequently there is appreciable detriment to heat transfer and an associated ef- fect of overheating of fuel e].ements that have sufficient heat relEa~e in this region. The research plan included getting data on the magtiitude oc heat exchange in a sphere charge in the region of mixing of counterflows of different intensity. In addition it was necessary to determine more precisely the dependence of heat exchange on Reynolds number for the region outside the flow mixing zone. With consideration of data cited on the posaible variation of porosity through the core during recharging, recurrent measurements must be made, i. e. they must be statistical insofar as possible. The experimental study was done on a VNIIAM atand [expansion not given], which is a closed circulation loop with gas blower, an experimental section and auxili- ary heat exchangers (Fig. 1). Provision is made in the loop for separating the coolant into two streams and feeding them to the experimental sect.ion. Each of the coolant streams is provided with instrumentation for determining the flow- - rate, and with choking devices for regulating the flowrate. Fig. 1. Diagram of stand: 1. sphere duct; 2--tube . -J~d for feeding spheres into experimentalfsection; 3--mecha- ~ niam for raising the calorimeter unit; 4--calorimeter ~ r unit poaition indicator; 5--calorimeter unit; 6--power shell; 7--lines to measurement instrumentation; S-- sealed electric entrance; 9--flexible thermoelectrodes; 10--upper cylinder of model with hemispherical displa- - , cers; 11--central chamber of the model; 12--perforate bottom of the central chamber; 13---lower cylinder of 14 the model; 14--sphere charge of the model; 15--e ec- ~~s ~ ~16 trically driven sliding grate; 16--safety valve; 17-- ~ water type gas cooler; LS--compressor; 19--gas.blower; ~B 20--totai stream flow meter; 21--electric gas heater; 22--flowmeter for the counterflow; 23--storage hopper ~1971 r0 '~9 The experimental section is a cutaway model of the reactor core including the unloading channel. It is made in the form of two coaxial cylinders of different diameters. The main upper cylinder, 1200 mm high and 580 mm in diameter (13 calibers) is interfaced with the lower cylinder, 405 mm in di'ameter (9 calibers) by a cylindrical chamber 300 mm high (6.5 calibers) and 850 mm in diameter (19 calibers). 9 ~ , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ The lower part of the chamber has a tapered transition to the lower cylinder without holes to a diameter of 580 mm, and then perforated up to a diameter of 850 mm. Beginning at the perforated section of the chamber bottom is a gas col- lector that takes the gas out of the model. In the bottom of the lower cylinder - is an electrically driven sliding grate. The upper and lower cylinders and the cylindrical chamber are filled with graphite spheres 45 mm in diameter. The model is filled with the spheres from the top through a tube 50 mm in dia~eter with lower end dropping below the level of the upper cylinder. The model is emptied by opening the sliding grate, the spheres dropping into a collector: an inclined pipe with diameter of 4.5 calibers. To prevent direct leakage of gas along the upper wall, hemispherical displacers are installed in the upper cylinder that simulate an infinite laye~. The main gas flow entera from the power shell that accommodates the pressure- relieved experimental section. Via the open end of the upper cylinder the gas flowa downward through the sphere layer and out to the collector through the perforationa in the tapered bottom of the chamber. The gas that cools the fuel elements in the unloading channel is fed through - the sliding grate into the lower channel and moves counter to the main flow, and then after mixing with the main flow above the unloading channel, this gas also flows out to the collector. Located in the sphere layer is a calorimeter unit that can be moved vertically along the axis of the model (Fig. 2) [photo not reproduced]. The unit is raised by a special lifting mechanism, and lowered together with the sphere layer when the spheres are partly unloaded from the model by moving the sliding grate. The calorimeter unit ie assembled so as to cover the cross section of the model as completely as possible. Each calorimeter in the unit is a sphere 45 mm in diameter made up of two cop- per hemispheras 1 mm thick (Fig. 3) [photo not reproduced]. The hemispheres are ~oined by a copper core on which a tubular electric heater is installed with a power of 300-350 W. Welded to the surface of the sphere are three KhA (KTMS) thermocouples. The free part of the aphere is filled with molten lead to improve uniformity of distribution of the heat flux over the surface of the calorimeter. The thermoelectrodes of the thermocouples and the electric leads of the heater are brought out through a stainless steel tube 16 mm in diameter with wall thick- ~ ness of 1.25 mm connected to the sphere with solid solder. This tube holds the calorimeter in the unit. On the other end of the tube is a terminal block through which all electrodes are connected by flexible leads to the sealed entrance from the power shell, and thence to the measurement instrumentation and power trans- formera. ~ To prevent gas leakage along the calorimeter holder tube, on the outside are ten freely moving drilled graphite spheres of the same diameter as the charge (45 mm). The locaCion of the calorimeter unit in the layer is shown by a special indicator that can be observed on the outside of the shell. Connected in the section of the tube for feeding the counterflow is an electric heater for raising the gas temperature by 20-30�C over the unheated main flow. 10 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The measurements made in the experiments included gas pressure in the shell, flowrate and temperature of the main flow and couterflow, temperature of the _ gas flowing around the calorimeters, temperature of the walls and power of the calorimeter heaters. The experiments were done under conditions of stabilization of flowrates, pressures and temperatures of both airflows, and the temperature of the calorimeters. Temperature stability was monitored from the readings of an EPP-09 automatic chart-recording ~:at~ntiometer. The first distinguishing feature of these experiments was measurement of the temperature of the gas impinging on the calorimeter and the temperature of the calorimeter wall by the same thermocouplea installed on the surface of the sphere - with the heatera of the calorimeter disengaged and engaged respectively. The second feature is lowering of the calorimetera together with the layer of spheres, - which enabled measurement with the same calorimeters at different points height- wise of the layer. The features give a more reliable picture relative to the distribution of gas temperature and intensity of heat exchange in the volume of the aphere charge where the calorimeters are located. The experiments were done in two series. In the first series an investigation was made of the way that the intenaity of convective heat exchange depends on _ Reynolds number for the spheres located in the layer under conditions of unidirec- tional flow. Experiments of this series were done with the calorimeter unit in the upper position and with feed of only the main airflow at different flow- rates. The resultant experimental data in the form of the Nusselt number (Nu) as a function of Reynolds number Re (Fig. Nu 4) calculated with respect to gas velocity � in the full cross section without consider- doo ation of blocking of the channel by spheri- ~oo soo cal elements, and with respect to the diam- soo eter of a sphere as a characteristic dimen- voo 1 sion show that over a range of Reynolds num- bers of 3�103-20�103 with error of 15% we roo can use the formula , ?oo - Nu = 0. BReo ~ 6 5~ ,so - - and for Reynolda numbers of 20�103-50�103 - with error of 7~L we can use the formula r00; 4 S~~ q.q IO 15 ?0 70 40 Itt10~~ Nu = 0.48Re��~. . Fig. 4. Relation Nu = f(Re) in the .case of unidirectional flow: 1-- The indicated errors are determined mainly _ Nu = 0.8Reo,65~ 2__Nu = 0.48Re~�~ by nonuniformity of the distribution of heat transfer intensity in the sphere packing crosa section The experiments of the second series were done with lowering of the calorimeter unit from the upper poaition to the mouth of the channel for unloading the spheres. This arrangement included feed of both the main (upper) gas flow, and the (lower) counterflow via the unloading channel. The main flow was the "cold" ' gas, and the counterflow had a temperature 20-30�C higher than the main flow. 11 . FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400034432-9 FOR OFFiC[AL USE ONLY ~ - The wall temperature of the calorim- etere on each of the levels heightwise H~Sph , over the mouth of the unloading chan- 'p s nel was measured first wit~hout engage-. p ment of the heaters (to determine the � j temperature of the air flowing over the calorimeter). Then the heaters ? of the calorimeters were energized and Q5 ~ : ~o after stabilization had been reached o� ' (the calorimeters were heated), repeat a)' ~ measurements were made of the emf of o the calorimeter tt~ern?ocouples. 3~ These emf's were used to determine wall t temperature, which in combination with ~ measurement of electric power and with ~ ~ conaideration of thermal loseea as a b~ result of heat tranafer to ad~acent ~ ~ unheated spheres enabled determination 6. of the heat transfer c~efficient, and p s _ consequently the Reynolds number for each of the calorimeters. 4 ~ The calorimeters were lowered together as with the spheres of the layer as some ~ ~ ~ of the spheres were discharged through the unloading channel. The experiments 6 5 r~+ S ~ 6�6O. with lowering of the calorimeters were R/daph� done at only one maes velocity of the main flow (in the upper cylinder). The Fig 5. Diagram of mixing of main mass velocity of the counterflow Wa8 flow and counterflow in the form of _ measured over a wide range (from 50 the relation (to- t)/(tp- tcf~ ~ to 125% of the mass velocity of the main flow, nominal velue of 75~). f(H/dsph; R/ds h) at different ratios of the mass ve~ocities of the main In the experiments of thia series one flow and counterflow; a--0.5; b-- can determine the course of mixing of 0.75; c--1.25 the main flow and the counterflow, and using the temperature field delineate the so-called "mixing zone" [Ref. 4] by of the gas in the layer as determined from measurements without heating of the calorimeters. The mixing zone is that part of the volume of the sphere layer above the mouth of the unloading channel where the flow over the apherical fuel elements in each elementary volume consists partly of the gae of the main flow (arriving from above) and partly of the gas arriving from below (from the unload- ing channel)� remervaluesfoccureareetherboundari s for~theOmixingtzoneurfacea where these ext It can be seen from the grapha of Fig. 5 that the position of isotherms in the form of relations (to- C)/(to- tcf~ � f(H/dePh; R/d8ph) that reflect equal de- grees of mixing of the main flow and counterflow changes with a change in the ratio of their mass velocitiea. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The mixing zone increases with ar. increase T ~ T T/d~ph in the mass velocity of the counterflow. Beaides, the region of the mixing zone � where intermixing of the flows takes place o s most intensively, i. e. where the iso- ~ therma are moat densely spaced, shifts Q~ j up noticeably (by nearly 1~ sphere cali- ? bers) with increased mass velocity of 4~ the counterflow as compared with nominal 4f ' conditiona. At the same time, there is ~ ~ an increase in the overall height of the , a mixing zone, especially on the edges, ~ where the gas velocity at the wall ia ' 6 considerably greater than the average s due to a~ump along the wall of the un- loading channel. Errors in placement qe 4 of the isotherms due to reduction of the Q~ ~ temperature of the counterflow caused pQ ? by heat losses through the wall of the o Q4 ~ central chamber do not exceed 5X. D ) The experiments of the second aeries also ~.0 ~ enable us to single out the "zone of im- ~ paired heat exchange" which is the part 6 of the volume of the sphere layer above 9 S the unloading channel where we observe _ q a reduction in the intensity of heat ex- 3 change as compared with the overlqing sphere layer due to a reduction in the - Q.s ? mean velocity at which the coolant flows Q~ ~ over the spherical fuel elements, which s s ~ ~ ~ ~ R~ ia cauaed by the interaction of the op- R/deph c) poaed flows in combination with a change in the direction of flow determined by Fig. 6. Diagram of distribution of the configuration of the walls of the heat exchange intensity above the funnel and ~he location of the point where mouth of the unloading channel the coolant leaves the model of the reac- Nu/Nuo= ~(H/dsph; R/dsph) for dif- tor core. ferent ratios of the mass veloci- ties of the counterflow and the Fig. 6 shows graphs of the distribution main flow: a--0.5; b--0.75; c--1.25 of linea of equal intensity af heat ex- change Nu/Nuo m~(H/d8ph; R/dsph) plotted in the scale of the average Nusselt number (Nuo) in the aphere layer above the _ zone of mixing of the flows and the zone of impaired heat exchange. It is clear from theae diagrams that the minimum relative valuea of the Nuaselt number are 0.4-0.45, and are situated at low velocities of the counterflow close to the mouth of the unloading channel. When the masa velocity of the counterflow is increased, the region with minimum Nusaelt number (0.5) "floate" upward nearly two calibera above the mouth of the channel, and ite volume decreases consid- erably. 13 FOIt OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY There is a noticeable correlation between the diagrame of mixing and heat ex- change, eapecially at high velocities of the counterflow, with respect to non- uniform distribution of velocities in the unloading channel. Therefore it is of interest to study the inside of the unloading channel. The form of the dia- a grams may also be considerably influenced by poir_ts of location of coolant dis- ~harge. ~ Our research enabled qualitative investigation of one of the possible ways of controlling the zone of impaired heat exchange close to the mouth of the channel for unloading fuel elements from the reactor core by altering the ratio of mass velocities of the main flow and counterflow. In doing this, we have established that for the investigated model and designs geometrically similar to it, doubling the mass velocity in the unloading channel (as compared with the nominal value) increasea the minimum intensity of heat exchange, reduces the volume where it occurs, and reduces the temperature of the coolant flowing over the fuel elements in the zone with impaired heat exchange conditions. This reduces the danger of exceeding the permissible fuel element temperature and improves conditions - of heat exchange on the approach to the unloading channel where cooling is to tkae place. REFERENCES 1. Bogoyavlenakiy, R. G., "Gidrodinamika i teploobmen v vysokotemperaturnykh yadernykh reaktorakh s sharovymi tvelami" [Hydrodynamics and Heat Exchange in High-Temperature Nuclear Reactors With Spherical Fuel Elements], Moscow, Atomizdat, 1978, 112 pages. 2. Bogoyavlenskiy, R. G., "Hydr.odynamics and Heat Exchange in High-Temperature Reactors With Spherical and Prismatic Fuel Elements (Survey)" in: "Voprosy atomnoy nauki i tekhniki" [Problems of Nuclear Science and Engineering], Moacow, Institute of Nuclear Energy imeni I. V. Kurchatov, 1977, p 67 (Series on Atomic-Hydrogen Power, No 2(3)). 3. Decken, G. B., Hautke, A. I., Binckenbanck, I. and Backus, F. P., "Bestimmung der W~rmeubergang von Kugelschuttungen in durchstrtimendea Gas mit Hilfe der Stofftlbergang", ANALOGIE. - CHEM. - INGR. - TECHN., 1960, B. 32, s. 591. 4. "Current State and Outlook for Development of the HTGR in the USSR" in: "Atomno-vodorodnaya energetika i tekhnologiya" [Atomic-Hydrogen Power and Technology], edited by V. A. Legaeov, Moacow, Atomizdat, 1979, No 2, pp 57-66. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinoetroyeniye". "Energomashinostroyeniye", 1981 6610 CSO: 8144/1087 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC [621.311.25:621.039]:621.182.14-11.001.2 ENLARGEMENT OF HIGH-PRESSURE HEATERS FOR AIGH-POWER GENERATING FACILITIES IN NUCLEAR ELECTRIC PLANTS WT''~ VVER REACTORS Moecow ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSII in Rusaian No 2, Feb 81 pp 12--13 - [Article by candidates of technical sciences V. M. Marushkin, Ya. L. Polynovskiy and G. T. Shkol'nik, Ural Affiliate of the All-Union Scientific Research Insti- ~ tute of Heat Engineering imeni F. E. Dzerzhinakiy) [Text] A characteristic feature of the current stage of nuclear power develop- ment is an increase in unit capacities of facilities made in the form of indi- vidual generating units including a reactor, steam generators and a turbine. It is quite natural to expect that the effect of this trend would be maximized by enlarging all types af equipment in the electric power plant. However, the enlargement of certain kinds of equipment presents rather complicated problems. This applies in particular to high-pressure heaters. Difficulties in enlargement of such heatera are due to high flowrates o�f the feed water at the same time that water velocity is reatricted to.leas than 2 m/s in the elements of the heating surface; another source of problema involves limitations on overall dimensiona of the heaters. The water velocity constraint is a result of technical and economic factors, and also the limita of reaistance of heater coils to cor- rosion and eroaion, as operating conditione permit the use of relatively inexpen- - sive grade 20 eteel for making high-preeaure heating coile for generating facili- tiea with VVER [water-cooled water-moderated power] reactors. The 220 MW generating units now being used in nuclear electric plants with WER reactors according to All-Un~on Standard OST 24.271.28-74 [Ref. 1] are equipped with PV-1600-92 vertical collector heaters designed by Krasnyy Kotel'shchik Pro- duction Asaociation. The heater shell has 2600 mm inside diameter and a height of 10.6 m. . Having reached the limit with respect to capabilities for further enlargement in the design featurea incorporated into the PV-1600-92, Krasnyy Kotel'shchik tried making horizontal high-presaure heaters of chamber type [Ref. 1] in developing heaters for the fifth generating unit of Novovoronezhsk Nuclear Electric Plant with two K-500-1500 turbines. However, for technological reasons these heaters could be made only from austenitic ateel even though working conditions did not require it. The coet of a set of auch heaters per 500 MW turbine unit was 2.4 million rubles (specific cost of 400 rubles per aq. m). Deapite this high price tag, the 15 FOR OFF IC IAL US E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430032-9 ~ F OR OFF IC IAL USE ONLY optimum temperature of the feed water accordihenttheglivefeteam paraII?eoers are a single-pase steam generator with economizer w 7 MPa (70 kgf/cm~) and 310�C. By contrast, Ref. 2 points out that the optimum ' temperature of the feed water would be about 220�C when uaii~ng a~8nnualure heater with heating surface coating 100 rublea per sq. m, 8 savings of about 150,000 rubles. ~ According to our own analysis, this temperature could be attained by using PV vertical collector high-pressure heatere based on the PV-2300-380 units currently installed in the generating units of 500 MW fossil-fuel electric plants jRef. 3]. The feed water in such hi gh-presaure heaters can be heated to 220�C when the pipe system ia made up of colle ctors w ith diameter of 377 x 24 ~n, and the.flat coils are formed from tubing w ith diameter of 32x 4 or 32~ in�an arrangement withntwoe . diameter of the shell of 3200 mm and height of 14 . high-preasure heater etg8e8d suhe~rheate r beingffed~intoathetwaterhfeednline8te from the water separator an p A cost Krasnyy Kotel'shchik ie nearly ready to etart manufacturing auch heatera. analysis by the All-Union State Institute for the Deeign and Planning of Elec- trical Equipment for HesonEofideliverylandaiastallation willacosts500~000 rubles heaters with coneiderati _ (apecific coat of 120 rub les per eq. m)� Such heaters in a two-channel model and Wiunithofetheal000eMWiSouth Ukxainianr ~ have now been accepted for the generating ased a h.eatix?g Nuclear Electric Plant. A number of organizations have prop arrangemenC with 1.2 ~a ~12 kenerationeaystem~and aa aux liarypPND85xlowepressure stage in the high-pressure reg heater for generating units of thia same power. We feel that this idea is not 88 ea~or aeince witheequalieconomyaand capitalgh pressure heater with 0.7 MPa deaer ~ outlay it requires development of auYeeof1200�C~ the 1.2 MPa deaerator, and a feed pump with inlet water temperat Research projecte done in receof HeateEngineering1lmeni1F8tE.~Dzerzhinakiyion Scientific Reaearch Inetitute Krasnyy Kotel'ahchik Pro duction Association [Ref. 4] and the acientific Boiler tion asaociation of the CeitiallScPolzunov indicate theifeasib ilitynofgconsider_ and Turbine Inatitute imen ably reducing metal inputs and e8me~81Within acceptableboveralledimensionsVforP ing two-channel high pressure h 2000 MW generating units. Judgie$8tin unita4oftfoaeil~fuel.yand nuclear elec- high-preseure heaters in tha gen S tric facilities ia to sw itch to makx38~ for1riuGlearbelectricaplants)rface from small-diameter tubing (20 x 3 or 22 The following results are achleved by designing the high~pressure heatera of high-power generating unita in nuclear electric plan~essurenheatersnofntheigener~ featurea suggested in Ref. 4 for single-shell high-p ating unite in 800 MW fossil-fuel electric plants. Vertical single-channel PV 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 Fig. 1. Structural diagram of a eingle- ' channel PV collector high-pressure heater for generating units of a 1000 MW nuclear ~ ~T~ electric facility . collector high-pressure heaters can be made for 1000 MW generating units in a shell 3200 ~n in diameter and ~ 14.5 m high (Fig. 1) with heat-engineering character- istics ensuring attainment of a feed water temperature . of 200�C with two-atage heating and 0.7 MPa deaerator. The 4000 aq. m heating surface in these heaters consista of a built-in condensate cooler and ~ a single-pasa condensation zone, and by analogy with ~ the recommendatione of Ref. 4 it is made up of aections ~ in the form of two~double-tube flat coils placed one over the other and formed from gxade 20 steel tubing with diameter of 22 x 3 mm welded to intermediate ele- ments with diameter of 45 x 5 mm. The aections, as reco~mnended in Ref. 4, are welded to the collector in two etaggered rows; the atep to each row is 104 mm, ' and the average apacing between coils heightwise of the high-pressure heater is 26 mm. The collectora are made of tubing with diameter of 377 x 24 mm. In this arrangement, the maximum velocity of the water ' in the coils will be lesa than 2 m/s, while that in the collectore will be about 6 m/s. The maximum length of the tubing in a coil will be 13 m, and the high-presau~e heater will mass 250 metric tons. The ~ estimated coat of a single heater is 350,000 rublea. , _ ~ . Fig. 2. Structural diagram of a . doubled eingle-channel chamber ~ high-preasure heater for gener- , ating unite of a 1000 MW nuclear electric plant � Even greater capabilities for enlargement of high- ~ pressure heaters open up with the acquisition of chamber heaters. A posaible deaign of a single-channel ~ - ~ chamber high-pressure heater for a 1000 MW generating _ facility ia shown in Fig. 2. . When U-tubes with diameter of 16 x 2 mm and length of 10 m are used for the elements of the heating surface in such a heater with total heating surface of 4000 sq. m, it can be made with a shell diameter of 2000 mm and length of about 12 m. The grade 20 ateel tube pl~i:e is 300 ~n thick. The heater maeaes 180 metric tons. 17 FOR OFF IC IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430032-9 FOR OFF IC IAL USE ONLY REFERENCES 1. OST 24.271.28074. "Regenerative Heaters for Turbines in Nuclear Electrtc Plants", Leningrad, Central Scientific Research Design and Planning Boiler and Turbine Institute imeni L. I. Polzunov [TsKTI[, 1976. 2. Andreyev, P. A., Grinman, M. N. and Smolkin, Yu. V., "Optimizatsiya teplo- energeticheskogo oborudovaniya AES" [Optimizing Heat Engineering Equipment of Nuclear Electric Facilities], Moscow, Atomizdat, 1975. 3. "Kotal'nyye i turbinnyye ustanovki energoblokov moshchnost'yu 500 i 800 MVt. Sozdaniye i osvoyeniye" [Boiler and Turbine Facilities for Generating Units with Power of 500 and 800 MW. Development and Production], Moscow, Energiya, 19 79 . 4. Polynovskiy, Ya. L., Marushkin, V. M., Kul'mukhametov, T. Ya. et al., "Odno- korpuenyye podogrevateli vysokogo davleniya dlya energobloka 800 MVt" [Single- Shell High-Preseure Heaters for 800 MW Generating Unit], ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSII, No 9, 1977. COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, "Elektricheskiye stantsii", 1981 6610 CSO: 8144/0820-B 18 FOR OFF IC IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY uDC 62i.o39.5 ~ PLANNING AND BUILDING NUCLEAR ELECTRIC PLANTS ~ Moscow OSOBENNOSTI PROYEKTIROVANIYA I SUORUZHENIYA AES in Russian 1980 (signed to press 4 Dec 80) pp 2, 188 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Particulars of the Planning and Construction of Nuclear Electric Plants", by Leonid Mikhaylovich Voronin, Atomizdat, 4000 copies, 192 pages] jText] The book discusses the ma~or problems that come up in working out plans for nuclear electric facilities with different kinds of reactors. Methods and stages of construction and installa~ian on the faciiity are exa.mined. The ma3or emphasis is on questions of features that are inherent only to nuclear electric _ plants. A central place is given to questions of ensuring hig~ quality of the building, assembly and installation ,jobs, which is especially important for re- liable operation of nuclear electric facilities. The material is based on ex- perience in the planning, construction and operation of Soviet nuclear electric . plants with water-water and channel reactors. For specialists in the field of~planning, building and using nuclear electric facilities. Mey be of use to students ma~oring in the appropriate fields in engineering colleges. Tables 15, figures 73, references 53. Contents Preface 3 Introduction Chapter l. Problems of Safety in the Planning, Construction and Operation ~f Nuclear Electric Facilities 6 1.1. Specific conditions and peculiarities of nuclear plant operation 6 1.2. Nuclear and radiation safety 13 1.3. Safety criteria, and requirements to be met by the nuclear plant on stages of planning, construction and operation 15 1.4. Ehvironmental impact of plant operation 25 1.5. Steps to ensure safety of nuclear facilities 29 Chapter 2. Planning the Nuclear Electric Facility 36 2.1. Peculiarities and principles of planning nuclear facilities 36 2.2. Meeting safety requirements in planning nuclear electric plants 43 19 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2.3. Site selection for construction of nuclear facilities ~+5 2.4. Plannin~ of structures and systems for assembly, handling and storage of radioactive components of equipment, spent fuel, and radioactive wastes of the nuclear electric facility ~+8 2.5. Selecting the ma~or equipment of the nuclear facility 58 2.6. Particulars and principles of arrangement of the buildings and struc- tures of the nuclear facility 67 2.7. Configurations of nuclear electric facilities in the USSR 72 2.8. Engineering plan of the nuclear electric plant, its components and specific features 87 2.9. Ways to improve plans for nuclear electric plants 89 . Chapter 3. Construction of the Nuclear Electric Facility 95 3.1. Particulars of construction and installation jobs on the nuclear facility 95 3.2. Organizing and planning construction and installation work on the nuclear electric plant 100 � 3�3� Technolot;ical sequence and combination of construction and installation work on the nuclear electric plant 111 3.4. f'rincipal methods a.nd stages of installing equipment on nuclear electric facilities with different kinds of reactors 115 3.5. Specific features in organizing quality control in constructing a nuclear electric plant 149 3.6. Weldin~, requirements on nuclear facilities 152 3.7. Ins~~ection and qutility control of welds in the installation of equip- ment on t~ nuclear facility � 154 3.8. Procedure and particulars of tests and certification of installed equipment on the nuclear facility 157 3�9� Ways to improve efficiency in constructing nuclear plants 160 Chapter 4. Startup and Ad~ustment Work on the Nuclear Electric Plant 163 4.1. Specific features of startup an d ad,justment work on r:uclear plants 163 4.2. Principal stages, content and sequence of startup and ad~ustment work on the nuclear facility 161+ 4.3� Organization of startup and ad~ustment work on the nuclear plant 181 References 183 Alphabetic sub,ject index 186 COPYRIGHT: Atomizdat, ly8o 6610 cso: 1861/98 20 FOB OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 UDC [621.311.25:621.039]:576. DECONTAMINATION OF THE EQUIYMENT IN NUCLEAR ELECTRIC POWER STATIONS WITH VVER-440 R~ACTORS Moscow ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSII in Russian r;o 4, Apr 81 pp 6-8 [Article by Yu.V. Balaban-Irmenin, candidate of the engineering sciences and A.L. Teplitskiy, engineer, All-Union Thermal Engineering Institute] ~ [Text] The long-term operation of AES equipment leads to the constant accumula- . tion of radioactive contaminants on the internal surface of the radioactive loops of AES's, as well as on the outer surfacesof equipment and walls (floors, ceilings) of rooms. This process can occur at different rates depending on the AES technology, the application of various preventive measures, etc., but in any case, there is an increase in the gamma radiation level fran the AES enuipment with time, which coniplicates and increases the cost of its repair and metal monitoring, and in a number of cases, even prevents normal operation of the electric power station. For this reason, it is necessary to periodically de- contaminate, i.e., remave radioactive contaminants fram equipment and room surfaces. An analysis of the radiation exposure of personnel at AES's shows that the personnel dosage expenditures are primarily related to equipment repair [1, 2] and at the present time, the radiation exposure of personnel is 70 to 90 percent governed by the radioactive contamination of the internal surfaces of the primary loop equipment, which comes in direct contact with the coolant. Various methods of removing radioactive contaminants can be used at AES's depending on the decontamination purposes and facilities: chemical, electro- chemical, chemical-mechanical and others [3]. The primary method which makes it possible to curtail the dosage expenditures of AE9 p~rsonnel both during a repair period and in a decontamination period is the decontamination of the loop equipment while assembled. The traditional, so-called two bath method is usually used ab.road for this operation, which consists in the sequential flushing of the primary loop first with a rather concentrated solution of alkaline permanganate and then with an acid solution (predaminantly oxalic) with an intermediate flushing with condensate. The _ 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY complex configuration of the primary loop and the necessity of careful removal of the resiudes of the decontaminating solutions fr an it in this case produce a large amount of radioactive water (up to 70 times the volume of the decontami- nation loop) and require considerable expenditures of time, which have a direct inf luence on the duration of the power generator downtime [4]. For this reason, the primary loop is rarely decontaminated using the two bath method. Soviet specialists, in con~unction with specialists fr an the GDR, have developed a new technology for primary loop decontamination. The dissolution of the oxide film, including radionuclides, is accomYlished in this case by successive exposure of the f ilm to a solution of potassi~n permanganate and aii etching solution made of ethylenedi~aminetetraacetic and citric acids. The first test of the new technology was made in 1978 during the decontamination of the primary loop of a standard power unit with a WER-440 reactor [5]. The reactor vessel and the volume compensator, which are made of nonalloy steels, as well as three loops (of ~ix) with steam generators were decontaminated. The - core was unloaded for the purpose of providing for the insp�ction of the reactor vessel. The duration of the 3econtamination was 54 hours. Some 84 hours was expended on the preparatory work. All of the operations were performed with regular equipment, without the installation of additional hardware. Some 605 Ci were removed fram the loop as a result of the decontamination, including 28 percent fissdon products while the remainder were corrosion products. The following were removed through the dissolution of the oxide films from the metal surfaces: 86.5 kg of iron, 7.3 kg of chromium and 6.3 kg of nickel. The reduction in the dosage expenditures of the personnel as a result of the decon- tamination was governed not only by the reduction in the level of the gamma radiation doses from the equipment (the decontamination factor reached 25 for the steam generators), but also by the reduction c~f the time needed~to prepare the metal for testing, by virtue of removing the oxide film during the decon- tamination. No corrosion damage to the equipment or traces of secondary corrosion following the decontamination was detected. One of the advantages of this technology is the small amount of waste. The quantity of primary wastes was a total of three times greater than the loop volume; the volume of concentrated waste amounted to 17 m3. At the present time, the technology described here has been used to decontaminate the primary loop of two power units with WER-440 reactors. The results of the trial have shown that the application of this method can be permitted five times for the decontamination of one power unit without the danger of corrosion to the equipment. In the case of short term shutdowns of power units and a limited amount of repair and metal testing, decontamination of the entire primary loop is not expedient. For this reason, independent decontamination systems are widely used at AES's for individual components of the core loop. Independent decontamination makes it possible to clean that equipment which requires an increased amount of 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030032-9 inspection and monitoring work, as well ae to employ the most efficient solutions in the least amount and the corresponding minimal quanCity of waste. Figure 1. Configuration of the decontamina- ~ t ion unit f or the main circulation 1! pumps . ~ Key: 1,2. Tanks for prepar- 3 y ~ Z ing the solutions; 3. Decontamination bath for the removed portion of the MCP; ~ 4. Decontamination ' bath for the rotor 6 of the MCP; 5. Circulation pump; 8 6. Tank for the ~ ~ -~9 hydrogen peroxide f f0 ~ solution; 7. Pump for the 5 hydrogen peroxide solution; 8. Steam feed; 9, Compressed air feed; - 10. Condensate drain; 11. Condensate feed. The main circulation pump (GTsN) [MCP] is that component of the primary loop which is most often sub,jected to inspection and repair. To decontaminate it, special decontamination units have been created at AES's, which included [6]: storage tanks for the workir.g acid and alkaline solutions; a decontamination bath for the removed portion of t~he MCP; a decontamination bath for the rotor of the MCP; a solution circulation, feed and return pump; and a control panel (Figure 1). The outside portion of the MCP is delivered through easily removable covers in the central room to the decontamination unit and is installed in a special - bath. The construction of the bath makes it possible to treat only the lower most contaminated portion of the MCP, which has come in direct contact with the coolant. Ta decontuminate the MCP rotor, a special bath is also set up, where to avoid deformation, the rotor is decontaminated in a suspended position. The solutions are prepared in tanks; thE solutions are fed to the bath��with the equipment by means of a pump. The solutions are heated up to the requisite temperature in a heat exchanger, where the temperature of the solutions is registered by a thermocouple and the readings are fed out on the control board. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 - I~'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . 6 5 3 5 7 i ~ B ; 1 2 ~ 4 , Figure 2. ~ ~'igure 2. Configuration for the decontamination of the steam generators. Key: 1. Cold header of the steam generator; 2. Hot header of the steam generator; 3. Pump; Blank flange; - 5. Water feed; 6. Compressed air feed; 7. Tank for the preparation of the solutions; 8. Discharge to the special sewerage system. The decontaminating solution is circulated by means of the same pnmp. To achieve the greatest intermixing rate, compressed air is fed into the baths. The framework of the unit provides for washing the entire system with pure condensate, as well as repeated use of the solutions. If a chemical reagent does not reach its saturation after the decontamination cycle is campleted (something which is determined by analysis), it is expedient to repeat its application, and this reagent is pumped into storage tanks for the decontaminating solutions. The structural design of the decontamination baths makes it possible to treat not only the removed portions of the MCP, but also other small equipment and parts. A basket which is placed in the large bath is used for this purpose. The equipment to be decontaminated is loaded into the basket. The usually attainable decontamination coeff icients f luctuate fram 10 to 100. A rather typical case of independent decontamination of equipment when assembled is the decontamination of the steam generators for the WER-440, the sche~matic of which is ahown in Figure 2[7]. The following equipment was assembled to create this configuration: blank flanges in the pipe where Du~= 500 mm on the side of the main circulation pump, which 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE~ONLY prevent the decontaminaCing solution getting into the piping; flanges on the header of the steam generators to introduce and circulate the decontaminating solutions; a tank with a capacity of 2 m3 to prepare the solutions (at the same Cime, this tank was used as a"breather"); a pump with a delivery of 45 m3/hr. The decontaminating solutions were preheated on the side of the steam feed secondary loop (a pressure of 8 to 12 kgf/cm2) from the turbine room into the continuous purging line of the steam generators. TABLE Concentration, g/1 Temp- A1- Ox- Iron Overall activity era- kali alic with respect to Operation ture PH acid the dry residue, �C Ci/1 Alkalization (first cycle) 70 13.21 16 - - 1.4 � 10-5 ~ Acid stage (first _ cycle) 80 1.11 - 25.2 0.325 2.0 � 10-3 Alkalization (second cycle) 80 13.20 10.4 - - 6.2 � 10-6 Acid stage (second cycle) 72 1.31 - 21.0 0.230 3.1 � 10-5 Flushing with a weak solution of nitric acid 78 1.76 - - 0.125 4.2 � 10-6 Note: The concentration of the potassium permanganate during alkalization was equal to 3 g/1 and the nitric acid concentration during the etching was 0.3 to 1 g/1. The decontamination technology included treatment with an alkaline solution (KOH at 30 g/kg and KMnOq at 3 g/kg) for the case of solution circulation and a temperature of up to 90 �C (the alkalization was carried out simultaneously with the warming-up of the steam generator). Then, after flushing with water, 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a treatment was made with a solution of oxalic (IS g/kg) and nitric (1 g/kg) acids. The final flushing was accomplished with a slightly alkaline water (2 g/kg KOH), and then with pure water, the decontamination coefficient was equal to 8. 5. One of the major reasons for the relatively low decontamination coefficients in this case is obviously the low liquid velocities. For this reason, the All-Union Institute of Thermal Engineering imerii F.E. Dzerzhinskiy and the Kol'skaya AES proposed a special device which makes it possible to produce a liquid mass rate of flow through the steam generator of a WER-440 reactor of about 1,600 m3/hr when the pipes where Du = 500 mm are cut off from the steam generators. A two bath method was used in the decnntamination (see the Table). Just as in the variant described here, the solutions were warmed up at the secondary loop side. As a result o� the first decontamination cycle, 6.685 kg of iron oxides, refigured for Fe203, were washed out in dissolved form and radioactive nuclides amounting to 11.16 Ci were removed. An examination of the headers showed that the surface of. the cold header wa~ completely cleaned of the oxide film; 70 percent of the hot header surface was coated with a gray colored oxide film. The gamma radiation dose in the collectors was reduced by a factor 9T10. The second decontamination cycle was carried out using the same technologp as the first cycle. Additionally, following the acid:~stage, a weak solution of nictric acid (0.7 g/1) was used as a rinse. The duration of the second cycle 16.5 hours. As a result of the second decontamination cycle, 5.2 kg of iron oxides, ref igured for Fe202, were washed out of the steam generators in dissolved form and radio- active nuclides amounting to 1.78 Ci were removed. The examination of the headers after the second decontamination cycle showed that the surface of the hot header was likewise fully cleaned of the oxide fi1m. After the second cycle and the disassembly of the device, the Du = 500 mm piping along with the steam generators were flushed with condensate. The gamm~ radiation dose rates from the steam generator (in the headers and above the pipe still), measured after the completion of the second decontamination cycle, were sharply reduced as compared to the initial level. The decontamination coefficient of the various sections of the equipment averaged: 49 with respect ta the cold header; 25 with respect to the hot header and 32 with respect to the pipe still. Similar results were obtained for the case of decontamination in two cycles of the steam generators of another power unit. In the case of one cycle decontami- nation, the decontamination coefficient was equal to 10. 26 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030032-9 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. "Dozy oblucheniqa personala Kol~skoy AES v per3od ekspluatatsii i remonta oborudovaniya i puti ikh snizheniya" ["Personnel Radiation Doses at the Kol~skaya AES During Equipment Repair and Operation and Ways of Reducing Them"], A.P. Volkov, B.A. Trofimov, V.F. Kozl.ov, et al., in the book, "Sovmestnyy sovetsko-angliyskiy simpozium po teme 'Ekspluatatsiya atomnykh elektrostantsiy ["Joint Soviet and English Symposium on the Topic 'The Operation of Nuclear Electric Power Stations Doklady SSSR [Reports of the USSR], Moscow, VTI [All-Union Thermal Engineering Institute imeni F.E. Dzerzhinskiy], 1977. 2. Sedov V.K., Baranov M.A., Vlasenko V.N., "Dozy oblucheniya personala AES v protsesse ekspluatatsii, inspektsii i remonta. Puti 3kh snizheniya" ["The Radiation Doses of AES Personnel During Operation, Inspection and Repair. Ways of Reducing Them"), in the book, "Joint Sov~et and EnglfisR Symposium on the Topic 'The Operation of Nuclear Electric Power Stations~", Doklady SSSR, Moscow, VTI, 1977. - 3. Balaban-Irmenin Yu.V., "Dezaktivatsiya oborudovan3ya AES. Trebovaniya k proyektirovaniyu AES s tochki zreniya dezaktivatsii" ["The Decontamination of AES Equipment. Requirements Placed on AES Design from the Viewpoint of - Decontamination"], in the book, "Radiatsionnaya bezopasnost' i zashchita AES" ["Radiation Safety and AES Shielding"], Moscow, Atomizdat, 1977. - 4. Couez H., Picone L.F., PROC. AMER. POWER CONF., 1971, Vol 33. 5. Ertel' K., Kherol'd K., Bernkhagen A., "Razrabotka skhemy i tekhnologicheskogo reglamenta dezaktivatsii pervogo kontura na AES s reaktoram~ tipa'WER-~440" ["The Development of the Scheme and Production Process Regulations for the Primary Loop Decontamination at AES's with type 'WER-440 Reactors"], Report to the Conference of CEMA Member Nation Specialists on Topic 1-3.3, GDR, Cottbus, 1979. 6. "Dezaktivatsiya oborudovaniya AES" ["Decontamination of AES Equipment"], Yu.V. Balaban-Irmenin, I.M. Plotnikov, O.M. Ryazanov et a1, in the book, "Joint Soviet and English Symposium on the Topic ~The Operat~on of Nuclear Electric Power Stations "',,Doklady SSSR, Moscow, VTT, 1977. ~ 7. Golubev L.I., Dyukov V.F., Plotnikov I.M., "Dezaktivatsiya parogeneratorov - Novovoronezhskoy AES" ["The Decontamination of the Steam Generators of tRe Novovorone2h8kaya AES"], ATOMNAYA ENERGIYA, 1978, Vol 44, No 5. ~ COPYRIGHT: Energoizdat, "Elektricheskiye stantsii", 1981 8225 CSO: 8144/1064 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY NON-NUCLEAR ENERGY uDC 621.499;66i.961.62i;621.438.9 LNT?IiCY-S'I'ORiNG MA7'~RIALS AND Ti[LTR US~ Kiev LN1;itCUAKKUMULIftUYU:.~11CflIYL V1,'St1CH~STVA I IKH ISPOL'ZOVANIYE in Russian 1980 (si~r,ned to prc~:~ 2f3 J~l. E3U) pp 2, 238-239 [Anno~;ation arid tat~le of contents f'rom book "Energy��Storing Materials arid Their Use", by I1'ya L'vovich Varshavskiy, Institute of Machine Building Problems, UkSSR Acade~y of Sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Naukova dumka", 1000 copies, 240 pages] [Text] The monograph discusses problems of using certain substances as secondary enerf~r c~.rriers. Energy-storing materials are classified, and iheir energy capacity is analyzed as well as methods of producing them. An evaluation is made of the feasibility of using energy-storing materials to get hydrogen from water. The book is intended for scientists and engineering-technical personnel special- izing in the field of power engineering, ma.chine buildir.g and transportation. Contents 3 ChuF~t,er L. Lnerr?,y-~toriu~; Mat, b l. Mz~t,eri:~lc thut rele~l: e c~ner~y with cnemir_a.l interaction 6 2. Material~ thr~t release ener~;y without chemical interaction 35 3. Lner~-storing materials from liquid slags ~9 4. Silicon as an energy-storing material 54 Chapter 2. Hydrides as Enex~ry-Storing Materials 60 1. Hydro~;en :,tora~?e units based on metal hydri des 60 2. ti,ydride-silanes 72 Chapter 3� Reactors for Producin~; Hydrogen from Water with the Use of _ Lner~r-Storin~; Materials 79 1. 'i'~ieoreticra.l premises 79 2. Lxperimental reactor brzsed on energy-storing materials 100 Cha~~ter ~F. Ilydride 2'hermosor,ption Compressors and Their Use in Power T;nKineeri.n~ 106 1. `1'tiermoc:Yierrdcul compression of hydrogen ' 110 2. Yower ~~lants witYi thermosorption compressors 113 3. Efficier~cy losses i Il s,ys t ems o f energy conversion and with thermo- 121 sorption compress~rs 28 ~ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. Thermosorption compressors in designs of fossil-fuel and nuclear elec- tric power plants 123 5. Combined gas-turbine cycle 125 6. Production of secondary energy carriers in thermochemical cycles 127 7. Facilities with thermosorption compressors for liquefying hydrogen 133 8. Thermosorption compressors for separating hydrogen-isotope mixtures 142 Chapter 5. Use of Hydrogen in Heat Engines 1~+7 1. Studies on a one-cylinder facility 148 2. Studies on the Moskvich-412 engine 154 3� Use of hydrogen as a gasoline additive in internal combustion engines with spark ignition 15$ 4. Investigation of an internal combustion engine on hydrogen fuel in a diesel ~ cycle 162 5. Therm::dynamic analysis of operation of hydrogen-flzeled engine with fuel obtained from water by using ener~-storing materials 169 6. U;e of ~ilicon as a~uel for transport engines 185 Ch~.pter 6. Converting Motor Vehicles to Operation on Hydrogen-Containing Cuel with tl-~e U~e of ~nergy-Storing Materials 193 1. Conversion o~' ttie Moskvich-412 198 _ 2. Conversion of tYie VAZ-2101 to operation with hydride-stored hydrogen additive 20~+ Chapter 7. Gas Turbine ~ngines and Steam-Gas Turbine Power Plants Using Hydrogen Additives to the Main Fuel and Using Energy-Storing Materials 209 l. Hydrogen additives to the main fuel in gas turbine engines 210 2. Ma,jor characteristics of gas turbine power plants with conversion to hydrogen and to a mixture of water vapor and hydrogen 217 3. Thermod,ynamic calculation of working parameters of a steam-gas turbin~ power plant using energy-storing materials as fuel 225 References 233 COPYRIGIIT: Izdatel'stvo "Naukova dumka", 1980 bfi10 C~O: 1f3G1/ l02 ~ 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONSTRUCTION unc 62~+.i3 - CONTINUOU~-ACTION ~XCAVATORS . Moscow LK~~KIIVA`!'OfiY NL,PRLRYVNOGO DCYS'I'VIYA in Russian 1980 (signed to press 1~? ;;eF~ 80) 3~~-3~3 [Annotation and table of contents from book Continuous-Action Excavators. Second Revised and Enlarged Edition", by 'Lalman Xeremeyevich Garbuzov, Viktor Mikhaylo- vich Donskoy, Nikolay Vasil'yevich Karev (deceased) and Leonid Yermolayevich Podborskiy, Izdatel'stvo "Vysshaya shkola"~ 35~00~ co~ie~~ 304 pages] [Text] The book describes the power equipment and drives of continuous-action excavators (chain and rotary trenchers, drain-ditching excavators, transverse diggers, rotary and auger-rotary channel diggers, boom-rigged rotary excavators), their construction, technical operation and organization of excavation work. Contents Introduction 3 Chapter I. General Information ~ 7 �l. CtiAracteristic: and classification of continuous-action excavators 7 �2. :~o:i].~; 12 ti:;. I'n,.rt i cu.lrir.~ o I' work tn~; {~roce:~:~e^ 18 1'Aft`P UNL;: I'UWLI~ LfZUlI'MLN'i' ANll DRIVLS Chapter II. Drives from Internal Cumbustion Engines 28 �4. Ma,jor indices of engines installed on excavators 29 " �5. Clutches ~9 ChaF~ter I:it. Electric Urives r~nd rlectric Equipment 33 ~ ~6. ~ources of electr~ic energy. Current supply 33 �7. Electric motor~ 35 �8. Protection and control equiprnent 39 �9. ~lectric motor control. Electric circuits �10. Electric equipment of excavators with drive by internal combustion 46 en~ine Chapter IV. Hydraulic Drives and Hydraulic Equipment 49 �11. Workinf; fluid ~9 ~12. Hydraulic machines 51 �13� Hydraulic equipment 57 - 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430032-9 511+. Tanks, filters and tubing 60 �15� Schematic diagrams of hydraulic drives 62 PART TWO: DESIGNS Chapter V. Chain Trenchers 66 �16. Excavators based on caterpillar tractors 66 �17. Excavators based on roller tractors 81. Chapter VI. Drain-Ditching Excavators for Drain Construction in Land Reclamation Areas $7 518. General information 87 �19. Transmission 91 �20. Frame, pylon, conveyer and propulsion unit 94 521. Working equipment 95 �22. Controls 101 Cht~ptcr VTI. Drain-Ditchin~, Lxcavators for Drain Construction in Irrigation Arens 110 �23. Ceneral information 110 424. Construction 112 �25. Controls 121 Chapter. VIII. Transverse DigQers 12~+ �26. Lr~nd reclamation exc~.vators 125 �27. Quarry e~:cavators 137 Chapter IX. Rotary Trenchers 11+5 �28. General informa.tion 145 �29. Tractor 150 �30. Transmission 151 �31. Working equipment 164 ~32� Controls 171 Chapter X. Double-Rotary and Plow-Rotary Channel-Diggers 173 �33. Overall layout and kinematic diagrams '174 �34. Working equipment 187 �35� Transmission 189 - �36. Controls 196 Ctin~~ter X[. l1uNc~r-itotury 1,xczlvutors 199 � j'(. Over�;~1J. luyout ~lrid kinema.tic dit~~rrn.rr~s 199 ~ 3f~. Workin~ equipment 213 �39� Transmission 216 �40. Contr~~ls 223 Chapter XII. Rotary Boom-Rigged Excavators 22~+ �41. Genera.l layout and kinematic di.agrams 226 �~t~. Workin~~ equi~~ment 232 �43, Controls. ~cFiematic dia~rram of electric equipment 237 YART TIIRL:i;: ORCANI'LA`PION ANll TECHNOLOGY OF EXCAVATION WORK Ch~.pter XII:T . Fundament~~.l Information on Geodesy 242 �44. ~urvey of terrain 2~+2 . �4j. a map of the 249 ~46. Profile of ttie terrain 250 ~47. Calculatin~ areas 252 Chapter XIV. Technology and Orpanization of Production Work with Continuous- Action Lxcavators 253 �48. Cener~.l inform~,tion 253 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY �4y. Trench preparation ~5~ �50. Construction of channels 259 ~51. Stripping and quarry work 263 �52. Drain construction in land reclamation 264 ~53. Drain construction in irrigation 268 �54. Pipes used in constructing closed drainage systems 269 Chapter XV. Servicing of Continuous-Action Excavators 27~ �55� Ma~or requirements to be met by excavators before they can be put into operation 270 �56. Basic principles of the system for servicing and repair of excavators 271 �57. Monthly servicing 272 �58. Planned servicing 278 �59. Lubrication 282 �60. Internal combustion engines 284 �61. ~lectric equipment 285 562. Hydra.ulic equipment 287 �63� Transportin~ excavators 290 �64. Storage of excavators 293 Chapter XVI. Organizing the Work of Excavator Operators 294 �65� Service personnel and their duties ~9~+ Q66. Settin~r up and testing equipr.?ent,e.nd delivering equipment for use 295 �67. Control of excavators in operation ~97 Chapter XVII. General Principles of Accident Prevention 299 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Vysshaya shkola", 1980, s izmeneniyami 66io CSO: 1861/97 32 FOR OFFiCIAL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 NAVIGATION AND GUIDANCE SYSTEMS UDC 355.58 I~'IHiNG t;1i011N1~'1'U-AIR M.IS3ILE:3 Moscow STREL'BA ZENITNYMI RAKETAMI in Russian 1980 (signed to press 10 Mar 80) PP 292-295 ~ (Annotation and table of contents from book "Firing Ground-to-Air Missiles", by Fedor Konstantinovich Neupokoyev, Voyenizdat, 12,500 copies, 296 pages] [Text~ The theoretic~,l principles of firing ground-to-air guided missiles are presented in the book, based on information from Soviet and non-Soviet open- source literature. The genera.l characteristics of ground-to-air missile systems are given; an exami- nation is made of fields of application of various missile guidance techniques; factors that determine errors of missile homing on a target axe analy~ed as well . as parameters of the coordinate law of striking a target; methods are outlined for calculating the in dices of firing effectiveness, and for estimating the space and time capabilities of a ground-to-air missile complex. TFic book i:s intended for :;F~ecialists in problems of combat utilization of ground- ~.O-r.~,lt" rti.i.:s:~ilt, com~lexe - Con terite; Introduction 3 1. General Characteristics of Ground-to-Air Missile Systems, and Essentials of riring Groun d-to-Air Guided Missiles 6 1.1. ~y:~tem~. 1'~,r~.meters of motion of airborne target � - Coor~i:inute ..y~tem:~ - I.'arumetcr~ of moti.on of airborne tarpet 11 Uerivation of relr~tion~ between normal acceleration of a moving F~o ini; , i t:~ ~~her i cut coordinates and their derivatives 18 1.2. :;,y:~ tem:~ f'or ~;ui d~,nce of ground-to-air missiles 22 ~Tob:~ to be hr~ndled, and makeup of the guidance system - Remote control command system 25 Mis:~ile tiomin~; systems 28 Combined ~;uid:.~.nce 33 1.3� Methods of producing guiding forces and torques 34 Maneuverability of the ground-to-air guided missile - 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Forces acting on the missile in flight 34 Torque~ actin~* on the missile in flight. Balance relation 39 /1v~~i.1+~b1e ~-forcce~ r~nd meneuverabi.lity of the guided ~;round-to-air mi:;sile 42 1.4. Ground-to-air missile complexes 48 Makeup and general characteristics - Ground-to-air missile complexes of non-Soviet armed forces 5~ 2. Method:, of Controllin~ Ground-to-Air Guided Missiles 56 2.1. Determination of the method of guidance, and requirements to be . satisfied - Concept of inethod of guidance of remote-controlled missiles - Concept of inetYiod of guidance of homing missiles 59 Pr~incipal requirements for methods of guidance 61 2.2. Methods of guidance of remote-controlled missiles 63 Dynamic errors of the method of guidance 66 Ttiree-point method Method of linearization 72 Methods of complete and incomplete linearization of the tra,jectory 75 2.3� Methods of guidance of homing missiles 80 Evaluatiri~ methods of guidance of ground-to-air homing missiles - Mettiod of pursuit 83 Method of 13uidance with constant angle of lead 89 Method of paral.lel approach 9~ MetYiod of' proportional approach 96 3. Concept of the Control Loop of a Ground-to-Air Guided Missile 1~5 3.1. Basic definitions Requirements for the ground-to-air guided missile control loop - Concept of the transfer function of the system 108 3.2. Transfer function of a missile with consideration of feedback ii7 3.3� Schematic of the control system of a guided missile Command control loop of the missile Homin~ loop of the ground-to-air guided missile 121 4. Nature t~.nd Sources of ~rror of Missile Homin~ on a Target 12~+ 4.7.. clenera.l. c}iar~,cteristics of aiming errors ' 4.2. Busic computational relations of the normal distribution law 126 4.3. llynamic error of missile homing on a taxget 131 Ilynamic error due to the limited capabilities of the missile with - respect to g-forces 1~ Errors due to misc~lculations in compensation corrections introduced 133 into the control commands 137 fsrrors of trarisient processes 4.4. 1~'].uctur~t:iocicll arid instrumental errors of missile homing on a target 142 i~'l.uctu~.tional error of missile guidance 1~~ ~ lnstrumentr~l ~;uidc~.nce error 1~.5. Inf'luence that twisting of the coordinate system has on the accuracy 1~8 oF ~;uidance of a~,round-to-air guided missile 4,G. I'robability of missile reaching a circle of given radius at the target 152 ~t.7. Concept of determination of errors in missile homing on a target 161 5. Action of the Warhead of a Ground-to-Air Guided Missile on the Target� 163 Coordinate Law of Striking the Target 5.1. Characteristic~ of fra~nentation warhead. Region of possible strike - 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 Characteristics of fragmentation warhead 163 - Rej;ion of pos~ible strike 166 - 5.2. I~termination of the instant of detonation of the missile warhead at the target 169 Region of radio fuse operation 170 Principles of operation of the radio fuse, and possible methods of matching it with the missile warhead 172 5�3. Damaging effect of the warhead of a ground-to-air guided missile. Vulnerability of an airborne target " 175 Characteristics of airbrone taxgets in brief - Brisance 176 Shrapnel effect 177 - Cumulative action 180 Estimate of vulnerability of airborne targets 181 5�~+. Coordinate law of strike on a target - Concept of coordin~.te law of a strike - Approximate analytical representation of conditional law of strike on a ~:ar~et 185 6. Methods of the Indices of ~ffectiveness of Missile Firing for Given Charucteri:;tic:~ of the Law of Errors in Ground-to-Air Missile Guidarice ~.nd a Coordinate Strike Law 188 G.1. Tcidices of effectivnes~ of firing at an airborne target - 6.2. t'robability of striking an isolated target 189 General relation for calculating the probability of striking a target - Calculating the probability of striking a target with a single missile 191 Probability of striking an isolated target with n missiles 199 6.3. Electronic counteraction, and antimissile maneuvering of airborne targets 200 Electronic counteraction by ground-to-air missile complex - Antimissile maneuvering 209 Estimate of probability of striking an isolated target under con- ditions of electronic counteraction and maneuvering 210 6.4. Relirsbility of combat action of the ground-to-air missile complex 213 Some defi.iiitions - Method of determining the coefficient of reliability of combat action 214 ~trike probability with con~iderr~tion of combat reliability of the complex 217 6.5. ~vriluatin~,r effectiveness of firing ground-to-air missiles at a group o f tr~rp;et:~ 218 I~'irinf; r~t ~~;rou~ of isolr~ted tar~,ets - a.b. U~int; me~hod:~ of c~ucuinpr, theory to evaluate the indices of effec- t~ivenes:~ 01' ttie ~;round-to-air missile complex 222 Conc~~~i: of queuin~ system. Computational relations - On u~in~ the computational relations 225 7. Generalized Indices of Combat Capabilities of a Ground-to-Air Missile Complex, and Factors that Determine These Indices 227 7.1. P~.ctors that determine the limits of the strike zone of the complex - Basic definitions - Factors that determine the ceiling and range of the strike zone 237 On the low-altitude limit of strike by the complex 2~+3 , Guaxanteed launch zone ~5~ - 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7.2. Capabilities of the ground-to-air missile complex in sequential firing at targets 251 The firing cycle and its components - Capabilities for fire transfer 253 7� 3� Limit of ,~ob performance and cover capabilities of the ground-to-air missile complex 254 Limit of ~job performance - Cover capabilities of the complex 255 8. Ground-to-Air Missile Firing System. Principles of Fire Control of Divisions 259 ~ 8.1. Essence of the concept and basic principles of the firing system - - 8.2. Fire control of divisions, and requirements to be met 262 Essence of fire control Requirements imposed on fire control 264 8.3. Distribution and designation of targets 267 Solution of the problem of fire distribution for a.irborne targets - Assi�~ment of firing to divisions 269 8.4. Effectiveness of ground-to-air missile defense, and the concept of methods of evaluation 270 APPENDICES: l. Examples of transformed functions 275 2. Table of va.lues of the Laplace function 276 3. Tabl~ of values of P= 1- e-n 277 4. Probability of reaching a circle of predetermined radius with elliptical scattering law and absence of systematic errors ~79 5. Table of values of the Hankel function of first order 281 6. Table of values of the function Je(K, T) 282 7. Values of norma.l distribution function 283 8. Values of probabilities Pf for missile corriplexes with small strike zone 287 9. Values of probabilities Pf for complexes with large strike zone 288 COPYRIGHT: Voyenizdat, 1980 6E~10 CSO: 1861/104 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 ~ ~ 'Y - FLUID MECHANICS UDC 681.833. OYEItATiUN Uf~' MAIiI.NL }IYDRUACOUSTIC STATIONS Leningrad EKSYLUATATSIYA SUDOVYKH GIDROAKUSTICHESKIKH STANTSIY in Russian 1980 (si~rned to press 19 Sep 80) pp 2, 189-191 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Operation of Marine Hydroacoustic Stations", by Vladlen Anatol'yevich Pokrovskiy and Gennadfy Aleksandrovich Shche- glov, Izdatel'stvo "Sudostroyeniye", 3500 copies, 192 pages] [Text] The book gives ma,jor cliaracteristics of hydroacoustic stations. A de- scription is given of standara measurement instrumentation used in technical servicing of these stations. An analysis is made of factors that influence the output functional characteristics of hydroacoustic stations, and a technique is offered for quantitative evaluation of efficiency in using them. The book is intended for marine radio navigators, and can be used by students in institutions of higher and intermediate education that train hydroacoustics specialists, and also by engineering and technical workers engaged in the design and utilization of hydroacoustic facilities. Contcrit:~ ~ymbol~ 3 Preface 5 Introduction 7 Chapter 1. Output Characteristics of Marine Hydroacoustic Stations, and Their Depen3ence on Various Factors 11 ~ l.l. Factors that influence the output characteristics of hydroacoustic - stations - A. Acoustic field.~ of ob~ects of o?~servation - B. Influence of.' the m~.rine environment 15 C. I.nterference to signal reception ~ 19 D. `I'echnic~,l condition of the 2~ydroacoustic station 21 1.2. Interrelation between output and technical characteristics of the hy,~3roacoustic station 23 A. Ran~re of action 23 B. ~ccuracy of direction finding and resolution 29 , 37 FOR OFEICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1.3� Influence that conditions of use have on the technical state of a hydroacoustic station ~ 34 A. Degree of depletion of service life 36 B. Electrical loading conditions of elements and components of the equipment 37 C. Climatic conditions 39 D. Radiation 43 1.4. Efficiency of utilization of hydroacoustic stations 4~+ Chapter 2. Principal Procedures in Technical Operation of Marine Hydro- acoustic Stations 50 2.1. Fundamental concepts. Putting hydroacoustic equipment into use - 2.2. Checkin~ the technical condition of hydroacoustic equipment 58 A. Major quantitative characteristics of monitoring 59 - B. Basic procedures of monitoring, and its effectiveness 63 C. Par~;icular features of monitoring the condition of hydroacoustic stations 66 2�3� Preventive procedures in the process of technical servicing of marine hydroacou~i:ic stations - 2.4. Providing spare parts and accessories for the marine hydroacoustic station 71 Chapter 3� Facilities for Monitoring the Parameters of Hydroacoustic Stations 74 3�l. Electroacoustic instrument transducers - 3�~� Measurement oscillators 78 3.3. Acoustic pressure sensors 88 3�4. Displays and recorders 9~+ . 3.j. Equipment for analyzing phase and spectral characteristics 107 Chapter Procedure for poing Hydroacoustic Measurements During Operation of the Hydroacoustic Station 117 4.1. Principal rules of doing hydroacoustic and electronic measurements - 4.2. Procedure for measuring parameters of the reception part of the hydro- " acoustic station 126 A. Acoustic measurements 126 I3. Special electronic measurements 132 4.3. Procedure for measurin~; parameters of the transmitting part of the hydroacoustic ~t~,tion 13~+ A. Acoustic measurements - B. Special electronic measurements 135 Chapter 5� Procedu~e for Measuring the Level of Interference to Operation of the Fiydroacoustic Station 136 5�1. Llectric interference to operation of the hydroacoustic station, and measurement procedure - 5.2. Acou~tic interference to operation of the hydroacoustic station and measurement procedure 141 Chapter 6. 'I'roubleshooting in Modules and Subassemblies of the Hydroacoustic ~tation 146 6.1. Factor:; �hat determi.-~e repairability of the station 146 6.2. Trouble:~hooting technique~ 152 6.3. Method: of elimin~,ting ma,jor malfunctions in the components and subassemblies of marine hydroacoustic stations 161 Chapter 7. Lrgonomic Factors and Possibilities for Taking Them into Consider- ation in the Process of Operating the Hydroacoustic Station 171 ~ 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7.1. Role of the operator in the man-machine system 171 7.2. Some characteristics of the human operator with respect to reception and processing of information from displays 1 73 7.3. Accounting for ergonomic factors in the process of utilization of hydroacoustic stations 179 Conclusion 184 References 186 . COPYRTGNT: Izdatel'stvo "Sudostroyeniye", 1980 6610 cso: 1861/l03 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030032-9 FOR UFFICIAL USE ONLY MECHANICS OF SOLIDS UDC 539�313 PLAT~;S AND SHELLS WTTH DISCONTINUOUS PARAMETERS _ Leningrad PLASTINY I OBOLOCHKI S RAZRYVNYMI PARAMETRAMI in Russian 1980 (signed to press 4 Apr 80) pp 2-5 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Plates and Shells With Discontinuous Parameters", by noris Kuz'mich Mikhaylov, Ministry of Intermediate and Higher Special ~d~cation, RSF5R, Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo univeraiteta~ 1304 copies, l~~i ~t~~r,e:: ] (Text] The book presents methods of calculating shells and plates with ribs, breaks, cuts and holes sub~jected to distributed and concentrated loads, based - on ~eneralized (discontinuous) functions. Solutions are presented for problems that come up often in computational practice. The book is intended for engineers and scientists who deal with strength calcu- lations of thin-walled three-dimensional structures and specialize in the thoery of thin shells. Contents ~ Introduction 6 Chapter 1. 1'rincipal Equations of Equilibrium and Deformations of Shells with Discontinuous Parameters 9 ' l. Usin~ discontinuous functions to account for physical and geometric lumped factors 9 2. Equations of ec~uil.ibrium anci deformations for shells with breaks 13 3. ~;~~uation~ of ec~uilibrium and deformt~,tions for ribbed shells 18 4. },'clua.tion~ of' ec~uilibrium t~nd deformations for shells with. cuts and cracks 20 j. Complex Lransforma.tion of differential ec~uations for shells with dis- continuous para.meters 23 G. 1'rincipal re^olvin~, equations for cylindrical shells with discontinuous parameter~ 35 8. Shells of revolution and near shells of revolution Chapter 2. Action of Breaking Loads on Plates and Shells ~6 l. Solution of differential equations with pulse fur_ctions in the second member ~7 2. Solution of differential equations with pulse functions in the case of multiple roots of the characteristic equation 5~+ 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 3. Systems of equations with pulse functions in the second members 55 4. Effect that loads distributed along a line have on a plate 57 5. Effect that loads distributed along a line have on a shallow shell 61 6. Effect that loads distributed along a line have on a cylindrical shell 65 7. Spherical and conical ~hells under the action of a strip load 66 8. Effect of a lumped force on a plate and on a shell 70 9� Load distributed on the surface of a plate or shell along a line of arbitrary shape 73 Chapter 3. Solution of Differential Equations of the Theory of Shells and Plates with Discontinuous Coefficients Such as Delta Functions and Their Derivatives 75 1. Solution of differential equations with variable coefficients that con- _ tain delta functions 75 2. Another method of getting solutions of differential equations that contain coefficients with delta functions of one vaxiable 81 3. Solution of differential equations with coefficients that contain derivatives of delta functions 83 4. Solution of a system of equations with pulse coefficients that depend on one variable g~ 5. An equation that contains discontinuous coefficients with factors that depend on two variables ~ 6. Solution of differential equations with pulse coefficients that depend on different variables g4 7. Proof of validity of formula (6.3) 99 8. Simplifications in the solution of equations with pulse coefficients. Construction of matrices with zero components 102 9. Application of inethods of solving equations with pulse coefficients to the solution of equations with variable coefficients in the form of regular functions 112 Chapter 4. Shells with Breaks in the Midcile Surface 116 1. Shallow shells with breaksin one direction 116 2. Shallow shells made up oP strips of positive curvature 123 3. ~hallow ~hells mt~de up of strips of negative curvature 125 4. F'olded prismatic shells 127 5. f'olded pyramidal shells close to conical 133 6. Ca1ci.Llation of shelis made up of flat elements 136 Chapter 7. Calculation of Multiple-Wave Coverings 142 1. Calculation of single-span multiple-wave covers made up of shallow shells 1~+4 2. Calculation of multiple-wave covers with hinged shells 156 3. A multiple-wave cover made up of shal.low shells resting on contour com- ponents of lengthwise-variabl.e stiffYiess 158 Chapter 6. Pl~.te:~ rind Shells with Cuts 162 1. Ylate with a cut Eu1rr~.llc1 to one side of a rectangutar planform 162 2. E:xtimple o�;ion of plfLte with cut 169 3� Verification of' ttie: mettiod of' calculation f'or the special case of a cylindrical t?inge alon~ the entire plate 174 4. Appl.ication of the pro~~osed method to calculation of a beam on an elastic b as e 176 5. A bendable platc with several cuts 180 b. A~~late with rectangular hole 182 7. Shallow shell with cuts in one direction 18~+ 8. Shallow stiell with rectangular hole 188 9� Cylindrical shell with cuts 190 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Leningr~,dskogo universiteta, 1980 6610 cso: 1861/ioi 41 FOR OFFICIAL US~ ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ UDC 53~+.232.001.11 DYNIIMIC-LNLRGY RELATIONS OI' OSCILLATORY SYSTEM~ Kiev llINAMIKU-ENLfiGLTICHESKIYI; SVYAZI KOLE~ATEL'NYKH SISTEM in Russian 1980 (sil;ned to press 14 Jul 80) pp 2, 186-187 [Annotr~.tion ~,nd table of contents from book "Dynamic-Energy Relations of Oscil- latory Systems", by Aleks~.ndr Yevgen'yevich Bozhko and Nina Moiseyevna Golub, Institute of Machine Building Problems, UkSSR Acadeiqy of Sciences, Izciatel'stvo "Naukova dumka", 1000 copies, 188 pages] [Text] This monograph gives the results of studies of the interrelation between c~ynamic and energy processes that take place in oscillatory systems with free and forced oscillations. Harmonic, polyharmonic an d unsteac~y forces are con- sidered as forces of excitation. These studies are extended to a broad class of oscillatory systems: Iinear and nonlinear, with one, two and n degrees of freedom. Examples are given relating to systems of reproducing vibrations and active vibrution protection based on electroc~ynamic exciters. '1'I~e t~ook i~ intended for ~cientists , en~ineers , graduate students ma.~oring in the field of v.ibrution equipment design and vibration testing of machine~ and instru- merit,:;, ~.rici ~,l~o for ~.dvanced etudents in engineering colleges. Figures 26, rel'crence:~ 36� Content~ Preface 3 Chapter 1. Free Oscillations of Linear Systems 5 1. Dissipative characteristics of oscillatory systems 5 2. Energy relations in a system with one degree of freedom 8 3. Systems with two degrees of freedom 13 4. Systems with n degrees of freedom ~7 Chapter 2. Forced Oscillations of Linear Systems 38 1. Motion of systems with one degree of freedom under the action of an applied harmonic perturbation 38 2. F'olyharmonic excitation of systems with one degree of freedom 45 3. Systemc with two de~;rees of freedom under the action of a harmonic constraining force . 50 42 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040400030032-9 4. Polyharmonic excitation of systems with two degrees of freedom 57 5. Systems with n degrees of freedom under harmonic action 63 6. Systems with n degrees of freedom under polyharmonic action 71 7. Systems with unsteac~y action 73 Chapter 3. Free Oscillations of Nonlinear Systems 86 1. Particulars of nonlinear systems 86 2. Conservative nonlinear systems $9 3. Harmonic linearization of equations of motion of conservative systems 93 4. Systems with viscous friction 102 5. Systems with nonlinear velocity dependence of the force of friction 107 6. Self-oscillatory systems 111 Chapter 4. Forced Oscillations of Nonlinear Systems 114 1. Nonlinear conservative systems 111~ 2. Ultraharmonic and subharmonic oscillations of systems 122 3� Discip~.tive systems with nonlinear force of elasticity 138 4. System:, with nonlinea.r f'riction 142 Chapter 5. Lner~~ Analysis of Uscillations of Electroc~ynamic Vibrators~ 148 1. Lner~ dissip~.tion by vibrators 148 2. Optimum dissipative characteristic~ tliat correspond to the maximum mean power of vibrators 159 3� Maximum power of vibrators in reproducing polyharmonic vibrations 162 4. Energy relations in active vibration protection systems 168 5. Dynamic characteristics of active vibration protection systems 175 References 184 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Naukova dumka", 1980 6610 cso: i86i/ioo 43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 b'UR UM'FI('IAL USE ONLY TESTING AND MATERIALS uDC 629 . 7. 0 36 : 5 39 . 4 ~;RU~ ION .~'i'RL'N(;'Pll UG' COMl'UNI~,NT~ OF FLIGHTCRAFT ENGINES AND POWER PLANTS Moscow L,RU'LLONNAYA i'RUClINO:;T' D~TALEY DVIGATELEY I ENERGOUSTANOVOK LETATEL'NYHIi APPAHATOV in Rus~ian 19~0 (signed to press 4 Oct 80) pp 2, 243-2~+5 [~lnnotation and table of contents from book "Erosion Strength of Components of Fli~htcraft Lngines and Power Plants", by Roman Grigor'yevich Perel'man, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinoetroyeniye", 1000 copies, 248 pages] ~ ~ [Text] The book outlines the theoretical and engineering aspects of erosion - stren~th when fluid particles interact at high velocities with a solid. The characteristics of erosion strength are given for some materials, as well as ~ methods and examples of digital computer calculation of blades in compressors of gas turbine engines and nuclear turboelectric space vehicle power plants. Some recommendations are made on designing items with required erosion strength. The book is intended for aviation industry engineers. Contents Preface 3 SECTION I. STRUCTURAL STRENCTH OF ENGINE AND POWER PLANT COMPONENTS UNDER THE DYNAMIC ACTION OF WORKING FLUIDS 7 Chapter 1. General Problems of Erosion Strength 7 1.1. Erosion strength as one of the classes of structural strength 7 1.2. Classification of types of erosion destruction of materials and parts 22 Chapter 2. Basic Meteorological Parameters that Cause Erosion 23 SECTION II. PFiTNCIPLES OF THE TH~ORY OF EROSION STRENGTH WHEN FLUID PARTICLES STRIKE A SOLID 31 Chapter 3� Determination of Loads on the Surface of a Part Interacting with ~ Yarticles and with a Gas-Liquid Stream 3.1. Impact with a hydraulically Smooth Surface 31 Influence of fluid properties 37 Determination of Rayleigh wave parameters 3.2. Interaction of the flow that forms as a particle runs off a surface 47 Model of surface action of a gas-liquid stream 47 Interaction of radial flow with polycrystalline materials 51 44 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY 3.3. Impact of a liquid particle against depressions in a plate 58 Pressure on the bottom of a gas-filled indentation 5$ Pressure on the bottom of a liquid-filled indentation 60 Pressure at the tip of a crack situated on the bottom of a liquid-filled depression C2 Chapter 4. Characteristics of a Two-Phase Flow and of Particles that Interact with Components of Flightcraft, Engines and Space Vehicle Power - Pla.~zt s 61~ 4.1. Influence of the ambient medium on the characteristics of a liquid particle before impact (1~ Subsonic flow 65 Supersonic flow 79 4.2.. Characteristics of particles that erode the blades of gas turbine zngine compressors 83 4.3. Parameters of liquid flow in the turbines of nuclear turboelectric space vehicle power plants 85 l'~,ttern of' flow movement $5 Determination of' the parameters of particles acting on the working b l~lde s $7 Ctia~ter 5. 1)estruction oi' a Solid by a Discrete F'low of Liquid 90 >.1. Limitecl role of cavitation phenomena in the case of high-velocity action of' prir�ticles 90 - 5.2. l~'undam~ntal criteria of erosion strength 93 5.3. Periods of erosion destruction and the way erosion is affected by the relief of the surface being worn away 102 5.4. Particulars of destruction of brittle materials 115 SECTION III. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF COLLISION OF LIQUID PARTICLES WITH A . SOLID, AND OF THE MOTION UF LIQUID PARTICLES IN THE AXIAL GAP OF TURBOMACHINERY 117~ Chapter 6. Collision of an Isolated Particle with a Plane 117 6.1. Damage produced by single particle 117 6.2. Determination of characteristics of loading by a liquid particle 124 ~ Using a st~.tionr~ry piezosensor 125 Usin~ hi~r~-speed and ultrahigh-speed motion picture photography 127 The method of' rotatin~; pi.ezosensors 133 G.3. Investi~,ation of stresses in the surface of a component�with droplet impact lor~din~, 137 `1'he method of dynamic photoelasticity 137 'Ptie mettiod c~f holuf;rfipYiic interferometry 142 Cli:lpter 7. Mu.ttiple Cotlis ion of ~'articles with a Plane 144 'T.1. M~.thods ~.nci facil:it.ies for liquid impact erosion tests 144 7.2. :3ome known ct?ar~.cteri:~tics of' erosion strength of materials 148 "(�3. I)ro~>let imp~.ct (,jet imp~,ct) facility 154 llevice:s for� producin~ stxeams of droplets 156 S~ecimens th~,t ure used 159 7.4. Test results 160 Inf'].uence of ambient medium on dimensions of the maximum contact spot 160 Comparr~t-ive ero~ion properties of droplets and ~ets 162 Kinet:ics of erosion wea.r of inetals and alloys 166 Charr3,cteristics of materi~,ls necessary for calculating erosion strength 171 7.5. Erosion strength of composition materials 179 45 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7.6. Modelir?~, of erosion stability 181 In the region of fatigue fracture 181 In the region of material flow 182 In the region of brittle fracture 186 Chapter 8. Investigation of Erosion Stren gth of Alloys in Alkali Metals and Vapor 187 8.1. Methods of evaluating the corrosion-erosion strength of alloys, and substantiation of these methods 187 8.2. Testing equipment 191 8.3. Results of tests of alloys 19~ CHAPTER IV. PROBLEMS OF PLANNING AND CALCULATION FOR EROSION STRENGTH OF COMPONENTS IN GAS TURBINE ENGINES AND NUCLEAR TURBOELECTRIC SPACE VEHICLE POWER PLANTS 206 Chapter 9. Method of Machine Calculation of Erosion Wear of the Working Vanes _ in Air-3ireathing Jet Engine Compressors and Nuclear Turboelectric - I'ower Plant Turbines 206 9.1. Ano.lytical model of ~i,he change in shape of working vanes with Wear 206 9.2. Difference scheme of solution 212 9.8. On ca.lculating the parameters of streams of droplets 21~+ _ Chapter 10. Working Conditions and ~xamples of Calculation of Erosion of Components 216 10.1. Calculation of erosion of working vanes in the first stages of gas turbine engine compressors 216 Calculation of erosion of the gas turbine engine vanes in a supersonic transport plane 221 10.2. Calculation of erosion of the vanes of wet-steam turbines in nuclear turboelectric space vehicle power plants 224 References 233 - COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 1980 6610 C~o: 1861/9y 46 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 UDC [621.311.25:621.039.002.5]:546.3: IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF SELECTIVE TESTING OF THE METAL OF NUCLEAR ELECTRIC POWER STATIODI EQUIPMENT Moscow ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSII in Russian No 4, Apr 81 pp 8-10 ~ _ [Article by V.N. Gulyayev, candidate of the engineering sciences, "Energiya" Scientific Production Association of the USSR Ministry of EnergyJ [Text] High reliability of tiie metal and the welded ~oints of equipment should be assured~in the operation of nuclear electric power stations. Monitoring during the operational process must be set up so that primarily those parts or their xones which are the most dangerous from the viewpoint of the possibility of the occurrence of damage are inspected with selective monitoring with minimal expenditures and so as not to violate existing instructions, where there is a max3mua? of confic~ence in the reliability of the results of selective = checking. The efficiency of selective monitoring can be increased, when the factors considered in the following are taken into account. There is a considerable scatter in properties in parts~ especially those made of thermal strain hardened steels. This scatter in properties is customary in world practice and is explained both by the fluctuations in the actual chemical composition of the steel (or alloy) within the range of a brand of steel and the application of standard heat treatment schedules at the plants, these schedules are specified as a whole for a standard steel camposition for a given specific product. For example, the processing of the certificate data on 205 pipes of 47 melts, intended for the boiler plants of thermal electric power stations, showed that the scatter was as follows: 25 kgf/mm2 for the yield stress; 20 kgf/mm2 for the ultimate strength; 12.5 percent for the relative elongation; 30 percent for the contraction ratio and 14.7 kgf � m/cm2 for the impact toughness. Operational experience with conventional thennal electric power stations shows that the equipment camponents undergo brittle rupture primarily in the case of 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USt: ONLY Z kgf�m/cm2 , . . , ~ ,r.c�n/cN ' ~ . r. ~ I 36pN~ - I ' J. ; a ~ j ! ; ~ ; ~B ' az - - ~ I ~ I I o I ' o a~ o' o , ~ ~ ~ ' i - - - 70 ~ oCO, . _ 4--- - a ~ oo ~ o ~ o ~ ' . 7B o ~ ~ o..o ~ h~ Q I ye �g Qoo d~ ;S ~ ~ - ~ I 60 64/L 69 7: %6 1~ Krc MNZ 2 2's` p !r I I o I ~ 6� \u~ 6~ Ag~~21[QL O 36 60 6f 6B 77 76 Kic/Nr.' o 0 ~a) a~ j~S~~~2 0 0 16 Figure 1. Graphs of the relative elongation (a), the ~z o. O d~ , contracti.on ratio (b) and the impact toughness e (c) as a function of the ultimate strength at a6 60 6e ~z �/~r 20 �C for one of the types of alloy steel. (c~ e~ kgf~ffin inadequate metal ductility. Since increasing the strength and hardness is, as a rule, accompanied by a reduction in plasticity, ascertaining especially high strength and hardness indicators during the input quality control in individual products or regions of them can be evidence of inadequate ductility and a tendency to brittle fracture, i.e., the most dangerous damage. Various steels, depending on the alloy, have various ductilities for the same level of strength [1]. For products which have already been fabricated, it is necessary to take into account the ductility and the impact toughness of the metal when monitoring and sampling dangerous regions (from the viewpoint of pos- sible damage). The relative elongation, the relative contraction ratio and the impact tough- ' ness are shown in Figure 1 for one of the brands of alloy steel.~ For the case where the upper ultimate strength is limited to a value of 68 kgf/tmn2, the indicators for the plastic properties and the impact toughness increase. The conclusion can be drawn that in the case of selective monitoring, primarily those products or regions of them should be checked, the metal of which has the highest strength and hardness indicators. To reducc the probability of damage to metal, the following requir ~nent is stipulated in the rules of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers for the Supervision of Industrial Safety and Mining Inspection [2]: the value of the ratio of the yield stress to the ultimate strength (a~g/vg) at room tempe~rature should not exceed 0.6 for carbon steels, 0.7 for alloy steels and 0.8 for alloy reinforcement steels. In actual products, the value of Qg/QB for a metal can vary in a rather wide ran~e. Thus, pipes, the scatter in the properties of the metal of which was given earlier, were distributed as follows with respect to the value of ~S~QB~ ~ 48 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 Percentage - aS~~B of Pipes of the Total Numb er < 0. 7 33 15.1 > 0.7--< 0.75 29 14.1 > 0.75--< 0.8 100 48.8 > 0.8--< 0.85 39 19.0 > 0.85--< 0.875 4 2.0 The role of the og/o~ criterion is rather clear wlien Figure 2 is considered, from which it can be seen that there is a linear relationship between the value of ag~Qg:and the number of. cycles before destruction in tests for short-term fatigue at a specified deformation amplitude [3]. A similar linear function is likewise characteristic of tests for thermal fatigue. The greater the value of ag/vB, the fewer cycles the metal sustains for destruction. An analysis of a ninnber of faults in the primary medal and welded joints at conventional TES's [3, 4] has shown that damage was primarily observed where the requirement concerning the value of the ratio vg/Qg was not met. Since AES's are used to carry the base load and operate with a emaller number of starts and shutdowns of the equipment than conventional generator sets with capacities of up to 200 MW and nonmodular TES installations, higher ultimate values of the ratio os/6B can be permitted for the metal of AES equipment. 1000 . . ..n . - - - - Figure 2. The graph of the relationship between the number "0 - of cycles before destruction in the tests of su~~- 15 GNM and 22 k steels for short-time fatigue for the case of a deformation amplitude of vou - a a 1 percent and the ratio of the yield point to Z00 ~ ~ � a,ss qsn o,ss a,~v o,~s u,eu the ultimate strength. Regardless ot tlie setting of these ultimate values, the effectiveness of selective monitoring of the metal and welded joints of AES equipment is improved - iF those elements or regions of them where the values of ~g/~g are maximum are ~iven priority in the testing. - The val.ucs of the ultimate strengths Qg can be taken frmn the certificates or d~tcrm(ned based on har.dncss measurements during input quality control during - tt~e rqutPment inst~llation period. The yield stress og is likewise in the 49 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USi: ONLY certificates for the primary metal or can be determined using nondestructive techniques [S, 6J. When determining the regions of equipment whibh require increased attention during testing, it is likewise necessary to take into account the possible change in the metal properties c~ue to transformations wfiich take place in it at the working teperatures during operation. At conventional TES's, pipe bends are the most subject to damage, besides welded joints [7], where the operability of pipe bends depends not only on the properties of the metal and the thermal treatment following bending, but also on the ovality, since with an 3_ncrease in the ovality, the actual stresses in the bends increased [8]. This cir.cinnstance predetermines the expediency of ineasureznents during the acceptance t~sting for the ovality of bends and the priority monitoring during operation at those bends which have the maximum ovality. Piping made of austenitic stainless steel ~s found widescale applications at AES's. The qua].ity of the weld joints of such pipes and their functional capa- bility during operation depend on the ferrite phase content in the metal of the pipes and in the deposited weld metal. Because of this, it is necessary to check the ferrite content in each pipe during input quality control. It should be noted in conclusion that the large volume of data on metal properties obtained during the input quality control makes it difficult to use them in an operationally timely manner when testing during the operational process. Because of this, the problem arises of designing a monitor system around computers. The latter, based on the metal properties from the certificate and documents of the input quality control which are stored in their memory, as well as the values of the existing stresses, should feed out reco~endations for specific equipment or regions in it which are to be given priority in monitoring during operation. Conclusions It is e~cpedient to do the following for the purpose of improving the of selective monitoring of inetal and weld joints during operation: --Determine the equipment components or regions of them, the metal of which is the most inclined to brittle f.ailure, during input checking based on the analysis of certificate data as well as the results of hardness and yield stress measure- ments; - --Use nondestructive techniques to determine the ultimate strength and yield stresses of individual regions of weld joints and bends, as well as for the primary metal in some cases; --Give priority to the checking during the operational process of those components or regions of them by nondestructive methods, where reduced values of the ductility and impact toughness, as well as high values of the strength properties and the QS/~B ratios are combined with the maximum acting stresses; 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030032-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY --'Pake into account the ferrite content in the metal of pipes for the weld joints of piping made of austenitic steel. 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