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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400430060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/987~ 30 July 1981 ~ Translation CQMPUTERIZED RADAR OPERATOR TR~~NERS' By , Anatoliy I~ikolayevieh Romanov ~ ~81~ FOREIGN BROADCAST IIVFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 NOTE ' JPRS publications contain informati.on primarily from foreign .s~ newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency _ transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources ar~ translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the oxigin~l phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such ag [Textj or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. ~ Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the oxiginal but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in ~he body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Governmznt. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULA.TIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED IiEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-0085QRQ0040Q030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL TJSE ONLY JPRS L/9879 30 July 1981 COMPUTERIZED RADAR OPERATOR TRAINERS Moscow TRENE\ZHERY DLYA PODGOTOVKI 0~'ERATOROV RLS S POMOSHCH'YU EVM in Russian 1980 (signed to press 5 Dec "19) pp 2-126 [Book "Computerized Radar Operator Trai,ners" by Anatoliy Nikolayevich Romanov, Voyenizdat, 6,000 copies, 127 pages; UDC 681.14:621.396.96(024)] CONTENTS Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ' Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Operator in the Radar Information Processing System . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Operator Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Unique Features of Operator Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Actions Taken by Operators in Typical Situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Radar Information Processing Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Semiautomatic Information Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Psychophysiological Characteristics of the Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Operator Recognition of ~adar Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Trainers for Radar Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Computer Modeling of a Situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 The Principles of Computer Nbdeling of a Situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Building a Model o~ the Trajectory of a Simulated Taruet 25 Modeling the Pracess of Arisal of Blips from Simu.lated Targets, Detection Errors, and Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Nbdeling a Sequence of the 2~bments of Target Entry Into the Radar Scanning Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Modeling the Algorithm far Formation of the Target Blip Sequence 34 An Example of a Nbdel of an Air Raid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Simulation of a Situation oz~ Radar Indicator Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 The Composition of Target and Interferenc2 Simulation Apparatus 45 Formation of the PPI Sweep on fihe Indicator Screen 46 Measurement of Target Co~rdinateg in Digital Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Representation of a Target on an Indicator Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Simulation of Jaitmiing and Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Computerized Trainers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Trainers Used to Teach PPI Radar Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~1 Trainers Used to Teach Guiclance and Manual Target Tracking Operators 76 - a - [II - USSR - FOUO] - [III - USSR - 4 - FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2Q071Q2/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R0004Q0030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - TeacY~ing Techniques Applied to Operators Trainers . . . . . . . . . . . 35 The Techr~iques of Stage-by-Stage Formation of Actions and Concepts . $5 The Unique Features of Instruction 7.'rainers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Prinaiples of Assessing Operator Training Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 M~thematical Methods for Assessing Operator Training Level 9~ Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S9 \ , -b- FOR OF~'ICI~?L USE OIVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFLCIAL USE QNLY ANNOTATION This book examines tY~e basic technical principles of building comAUterized trainers, and it presents the requirements imposed on trainers. Methods for simu- - lating targets and interference on a display with the assistance of a computer are described, as are the principles of signal simulation in trainers. Some problems associated with operator psychological training are illuminated, the techniques of teaching operators with trainers are described, and the methods for y evaluating thei~r preparedness are p~esented. The book is intended for mili.tary sp~cialists involved in the development and cperation of trainers. INTRODUCTION Radio engineering troop units and subunits possess the most sophisticated combat - equipment emb~dying the latest achievements of Soviet science. This~~poses high - requirements on the training level of personnel servicing this equip A high professio~a~l~~ed controltsystemst(ASU~ andctos~ompetently exploitdthe combat equipment and au � potentials designed inta such equipment. Life has necessitated a search for ways to train radar operators more quickly. Reducing specialist training time is only one part of the problem. 7.'he other is that of upgrading the quality of work done by ope~ators with combat equipment. Organizing and conducting combat training, commanders, political workers, and staff off.icers base their efforts on the fact that the continually growing power and com- plexi.~y of military equipment is intensifying the dependence between the degree to which this equipment is assimilated by the personnel and the effectiveness of its ' combat use. , - The proficiency of ra3io engineering subunit crews ~lirectly influences the accuracy with which antiaircraft missile troops znd fighter aviation perform their missions. Therefore one of the most important requirements imposed on crew proficiency should : be statEd as detecting targets at maximum range, providing radar information with 1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-0085QRQ0040Q030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY maximum precision, and fully exploiting the possibilities of the combat eqt~ipment when determining the composition of airborne targets. The progress of science and technology in r~cent years has led to broad prolifera- tion of complex technical systems. The human operator plays the decisive r~le in such systems, and the complexity of analyzing information and of performinq control functions has made it necessary to upgrade op~rator training and instruction qualaty. This problem is especially impoxtant in radar applications, where operator training based on real systems involves considerable outlays of resources and significant expenditures of material. Despite the rather broad use of simulators and trainers as technical devices to teach operators the habits of controlling various systems, the effectiveness of - their use was inadequate until recently. An analysi~ o� the development of trainers showed that at first, their designers tried to simulate the situation in the air with simplified models with permitted training only withsn a limited range of operating modes. The requirements on the quality and teaching possihilities ot trainers increased, making it necessary to raise the completeness and accuracy of use of dynamic and information mo3els, vahich necessitated inclusion of electxonic computers inta the trainers. Among the merits of computerized stimulators and trainers we should include the possibility for simulating any aerial situation, for maJcing it more or less c~mplex, for changing the target trajectory parameters on a real ~ime scale, for reusing the information models of the aerial situation, for studying such models in parts, and for automatically obtaining an objective score of operator proficiency and monitoring the course of operator training. ' Z'hese merits and advantages of computerized trainers promote more-effective training, they raise its quality, and reduce its ~ime. ~'he results of operator training sessions can be used as a basis for evaluating how well an operator is suited ~o controlling a concrete system, and for comparing operators for the purpose of their ' selection. 2 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIdI+Y THE OPERATOR IN THE RAD~Ut INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM , Operator Selection A person's aptitude for a job depends on the individual features of his in~elligence and his capacity for enduring stresses. Occupational selection has the purpose of detereai..zing hcnv well a specifi.c person's capabilities fit the requirements imposed on a particular form of activity. It would be sufficient to recall how meticulously cosmonaut can.didates are seleCted: Not everyone will pass through the fine "sieve" of selection. For example 500 persr~ns were invited to join one of the astronaut groups in th~ USA, and only 11 persons were taken on following selection. Selection is,just as riqorous in aviation, in rail transport~ation, and in a number of other sectors. ~ There are many different technique~ for selecting future specialists. Important among them are test-taking and testinq with spe~ial devi.ces. Such test programs are developed by scientists with regard ta the particular features of the future operator's occupational activity. It cannot be said that all of the problems of selection have already been solved. = Z"hey are much more complex than may be imagxned; however, the requirements on operators in the principal specialties have bc?en defined with su~ficient complete- - ness. For example an operator-controller mubt have an ample working memory, good d?ction, and a capability for quick decisions, and he must be maximally attentive, while a radar operator must have the capability for cox~centrating liis attention for a long period of tia~e, and he must have an ample working memory. ~rne woric of ~ radar operator is distinguished by exceptional intensity and responsi- bility. Besides fundamental technical knawledge, it also requires firm practical habits associated with detecting airborne targets and determining their coordinates and their motion parameters. An operator's wrong actions may lead to serious conse- quences such as missing an enemy airplane or causing a friendly airplane to crash within the vicinity of the airfield. High tension experienced by radar operators durinq their work, especially in a coinplex aerial situation when the time ~ to reach the right decision is iimited, and the feeling of high responsibility for one's actions presuppose selection of willful, technically compet~nt indivrduals as the radar operators, ones having a full grasp on the habits of working in complex c,~~. ,~ciitio..:.. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY After a radar operator is selected, he must be trained. What does traininq with real equipment involve, what is its effectiveness, anci what does it cost? _ ~fie activity of a rad:ir operator can be divided into two stages--preparatory and per- forming. In the first stage the operator turns~on the apparatus, tunes and adjtis~s it as necessary, finds faults, and corrects them. Training a radar operator for work in the first stage is complex and expensive, and use of real equipment in such training _ reduces its operating life. The ~ontent of the second stage can be summarized as the operator's detection of targets on the background of various sorts of interference, determination of the ~ coordinates and motiQn parameters of detected targets, and target lock-on and tracking. _ This stage is rather complex and laborious. Z'hus tor example, to create a complex situation on radar screens, we would need to simultaneously launch a larqe number of airplanes and direct their flight on particular routes that would ensure their entry into the radar detection zone at given time intervals. The airplanes would have to perform coA,plex maneuvers in course, speed, and altitude, and they vrould have to create various forms of interference. We need not belabor the difficulty uf such a task. Moreover, it is also extremely difficult to evaluate the actions c~� the opera- tor. And yet, only a specialist with considerable experience in complex situations can become a good, reliable operator. Thus training operators with real equipment is ~isadvantageous due to the following - shortcomings : As a rule, training is expensive; the equipment needed for training is not alway~ available; the time allowed for training is limited by the specialist traininq schedules ane~ programs; a specialist who has completed the training program is forc~fl to supplement his knowledge and improve the habits he has aequirpd zn independent practical work. Sometimes his habits are found to be insufficient, and the specialist makes mistakes in his work, which may lead to serious consequences; it is sometimes difficult to evaluate the result5 of such training. - Trainers help us to eliminate these shortcomings, or at least re3uce them somewhat. Trainers for cocnplex machines are usually designed to be as accurate copies of the original as possible. The cost of such a trainer rmay be very high, approaching that - of the machine itself. This is where the computer comes to our rescue: It can be used to create a mathematical model of the machine, one capable of reproducing all situations that may arise during work with the real object. Moreover a computer permits us to vary the training rate. Thus a novice operator can be trai:i~~ at a slow rate, which can be increased as he acquires experience. 4 FOR OFFI~IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400404030060-8 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Unique Features of Operator Activity Irrespective of their type and purpose, automated control systems can be defined as complexe~ of technical resources that collect, receive, transmit, and process infor- mation. Within these complexes, which form a control loop, man is the central Unit. Called an operator by tradition, he in a sense closes~the circle of information processes withi.n the system, works with the information provided to him, and exercises control (9). The operation of such a system can be 3escribed in general form as successive comple- tion of three basic tasks: 1. Collection and transmission, via communication channels, of xnformation on the object ~f control--so-callc:d wa~ning informatian,'and i.ts conversion for computer input . 2. Processing information on the object of control in accordance with prewritten algorithms executed by computer program. 3. Output of control information, its conversion, and its transmission to the object of control. Of course, the degree to which the huma,-~ operator participates in different systems varies. In principle, some systems may function operator in the control - loop (Figure 1). Here the individLal simply starts up the system, sets its work program, and monitors the correctness of program execution. When trouble arises in the system, the aontrol process is halted until the indiL-idual is able to correct this trouble. Such systems are usually called automatic (for example, aut~matic - control systems). _ The control loop shown in Figure 2 is typical of systems characterized by a high level of automation. 7.'hese highly developed control systems are sometimes called semiautomatic--not the best term. The individual is connected in parallel with the _ system, and he processes some of the inforn~ation ahout the object of control. For the most part the operator exercises m4nitoring functions, and when an unforeseen situation arises, he can make corrections in the control process without stopping the system's work. A prcad~lction process dispatcher control system is an example. . In systems that are autiors?ated in the strict sense of the term (Figure 3), the indi- vidual takes a direct and constant part in the control process. The operator receives information from the computer on the status of the object of control, he evaluates it, he works out and adopts a decision, and he feeds control instructions into the system. The computer feefls a processed and ordered set of data on the object of _ control to the operator, the iridividual evaluates thisi.nfo~mation, and he ~akes a decision on the nature of influence to be exerted upon the object. Ia this case the operator makes the final decision. Various traffic control systems are exarnples of systems. - In automated systems workin3 in real time, in which an untimely though correct deci- sion is equivalent to a mistake, extremely high requirements are imposed on the capa- bilities and occupational skills oi the operators. . 5 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~u~~P~uUp ( 5 ) 06aexm(1) , ynpnene~~tia U6beKm - ynpaencnuR ~ (2) 2) na~iw~a- ~~p�30- , eumcna uN- eom~ena uK- I 2 ~ ~~u~u Mauu~ llpeo6paso Cperxfpa,~n~ Bamcna uN- nnn~nh uN- ; ~PMauuu ~lmn~+oquu ~ 3 � B ~ ~ M yenoeeK- -on~~mop ~ ~ 3~ 4enoeeK- ~ 3~ . ~ , M - onepumnp KopPgKmYP (6) Figure 1. Control Loop in an Automatic Figure 2. Control Loop in a , Sys System matic System Ku,uaHda~ ynp~aene- Nua OQaeKm (1) - ynpae~eNU,v ~ 8 n~~30- w E eam~nb un ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~popMOquu ~ 3 cocmoANUe A aQaeKma nPvenemiA M Figure 3. Control Loop in a Traffic Control System Key: 5. Supplsmentary information 1. Object of control 6. ~rrection input 2, Information converter 3. Computer 7. State of the object of control 4. Human operator 8. Control instructions 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430060-8 _ FOR 4FFICIAL USE ONLY Preparing information for decision making, evaluating and selecting the alternatives ~making the decision, in fact), and executing the decision--in general the basic stages of operator activity--the operator utilizes his knowledge, experience, learned decision making techniques, and habits. These are precisely t.he components that make up the operator's professi~nal countenance, his psychological, or internal, as psycho- logists say, resources or tools of activity. _ In his work as an ~perator, the individual uses external technical resources or tools of activity that are created by system designers. The external resources include, - fir~t of all, the information display devices (screens, signal panels, graphic panels, indicator instruments), the information (symbolic) models of control processes they display, controls, and communication resources. Four types of operator activity can be distinguished (9). - 1. The operator-production engineer. He is directly included in the control process, _ he works mainly in an immediate response mode, and he performs controlling actions predominantly, guiding himself by instructions that as a rule cover almost the com- plete set of situations and decisions he rnay encounter. 2. 'I'he operator-observer--controller (for e3cample a radar station operator, a traffic - controller). He deals with a larger amount of information models, conceptual mpdels, and decision makiag procedures, alid he correspondingly possesses somewhat broader ' control habits (in comparison with the first type). Such activity is typical of operators in most automated systems. ~ 3. The operator-researcher. He makes significantly greater use of intellectual actions and experience embodied within conceptual raodels. Controls play a still- smaller role for him, and the importance of information models is significantly greater. An example of such ~n operator is a researcher of any profile: a computer system oper- ator, and so on. 4. The operator-manager. In principle, he differs little from the previous type, but for him, the mechanisms of intellectual activity play the most importa~zt role. 'I'hese are orqanizers and managers, pErsons making important decisions and possessing intuition, knowledge, and experience. Perhaps the types presented here do not fully reflect all aspects of operator aetivity (it may be suitable to distinguish the activity of an operator-manipulator perf~rming control functions on manipulators--amplifiers of ht~man muscle power). However, this classification simplifies revelation of the specific features of operator activity, and helps us reveal what is most important in the work of different types of operators. We will subsequer.tly focus our main attention on prob~ems associated with training - operators of the first two types. Actions Taken by Operators in Typical Situations One of the unique features of operator activity is that the operator is deprived of the possibility for observing the objects of control directly, and he is forced to use information fed to him via communication channels. 7 ~ _ FOR OFEICIAL USF ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The individual's visual system passesses the broadest possibilities in comp~rison with~hi~ other analyzers playing a part in information reception. In this connection most technical signaling resources that transmit information from machine to man are designed for visual reception of signals bearing information. Hearing is often used for information transmission with the purpose of reducing the load on the visual system. The relatively small number of acoustic signals that man can dependably distinguish is the limi.ting the use of acoustic signals. Considering the circumstance that sound is one of the strongest stimuli of the orienta- tion reflex, acoustic signals are used mainly as warnizg signals. ~ A rac7ar operator's activity consists of a number of successive operations associated with distinguishing,and reeognizing marks presented on a display. 2'he starting point of this process is the sensation which arises when the visual analyzer interacts with the marks presented on the display. The first stage of observation involves detection and isolation, from a set of signals, those which are necessary to the task of the operator. From the.series of signals he detects, the operator begins to select their most informative properties (character- istics), which transform within him into operational units of perception. Z'he operator . errors that arise most frequently in this stage of observation are due to insufficient distinctness of the characteristics of the signa'ls, as a result of which they are con- fused with each other, becoming unable to support the operator's work. Another cause of errors in this stage is �ast supersession of useful information, as a consequence of which the operator fails to identify the signals he needs. The second stage of observation inv~lves c:omparisAn of an isolated signal character- istic with the accepted standard, which is stored in the operator's memory. Here again there is the danger of losing significant signal characteristics, if the wrong standard or unessential characteristics are selected. In the last stage of observation the operator processes the information he receives in accordance with a prescribed algorithm. 'I'his may entail simply decoding and re- cording the signal, or comparing it with a certain value, recording the comparisan results, and so on. W~e can mentally subdivide the process of transforming a set of input signals into suitable actions into two stages; Breaking down situations into class~s requiring an identical action (this is commonly called the recognition phase); selecting actions suited to eacn of the groups of situations. An operator's determination of ways to solve prablematic situations within a short interval involves so-called operationai thinking. In a number of cases an operator will use intuition ~o evaluate a problematic situa- tion and make a decision in a shoLt time interval. Operational thinking and intua.tion are closely associated with ~ne another, and they are manifested in operators with highly developed spatial and temporal faculties. As a result of this process, the 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407142/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440030060-8 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY operator arrives at a final decision on controlling the system of which he is a - component. The operator's ac~curacy of perception ~nd the swiftness of hi~ reactions to incoming signals may serve as criteria by wriich to evaluate his activity. Radar Information Processing Systems if we are to automate airspace surveillance and air traffic control, we wo~ild.need to .~ave complete and continuous information on the coordinates and characteristics of u~oving aircraft appeari~zg within a given space. 'I'his information is acquired as a rule with the help of circular or sector scanning radar. In the initial period of radar development, the main method for determining target coordinates with the help of a radar set was as follows (12). Using a circular scanning display, the ~perator determined the range to the target - and its bearing, and then he transmitted this in~ormation by telephone. To increase the raading accuracy, electronic range and bearing scale markers were employed, and sector displays showing target blips on a larger scale were used. This method had a number of shortcomings: The accuracy of coordinate determination was still low, depending to a great extent on the training level and state of the operators; the information lost its value when its transmission rate was low. Such shortcomings on one hand and the great potential radar has for fast detection a of large number of targets on the other necessitated automation of radar information processing--that is, it required the transfer ~f some or all functions of th~ human operator associated with radar information processing to computers. Automation of radar information processing can be partial or complete. Partial automation entails the creation of so-called semiautomatic processing systems. The human operator in a semiautomatic system is its most important organic unit, without - which the system cannot work. Such systems are planned with regard to the specific features of human psychology and physiology, such that functions could be distributed sensibly between the individual and the computers. All stages of processing are delegated to ca~puters in automatic radar information ~~rocessing systems. The functions of the individual in such systems are basically - li.mited to observation of the system's work, and its technical mai.ntenance. 3oth the semiautomatic system and the automatic system are tied in directly with the sources of radar information, and they may perform the following tasks: Detection of signals (blips) reflecte~~ irom airborne targets~ rletermination of the cuordinates of detected targets; detection of the trajectories of targets on the basis of the set of blips produced by a number of radar scanning :ycles; ~ :omputation of target motion parameters (speed, course, and so on) and determination ~�i ~f coordinates on this basis, smoothed and predicted over a certain time interval. '~~he first two tasks are usually referred to as primary radar information processing. The others have come to be called secondary radar informati.on processing. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In an unautomated system, all of the primary and secondary processing tasks listed above are completed by the operator, with the help of a plan position indicator. In a semiautomatic processing system, only operations associated with determining tar- _ get motion parameters and generating anticipated coordinates are usually subject to automation. Tr~ese are fundamentally computer operations, and they may be performed with the help of both analog and discrete computers. Z'he other processing tasks may be performed in such a system by the operator, visu~?lly or with the help of inechanized devices (plotters) that raise the accuracy of visual processing. In an automatic processing system, both primary and secondary processing are performed with the help of automatic logic devices and cornputers. In this case as a rule, tasks involving the processing and coding of information obta.ined during one radar sweep are completed with the help of specialized primary processing computers, and tasks associ- ated with processing target trajectories are cor~.~p].eted with the help of electronic com- puters. T.he computer memory volume and speed mLSt be sufficient to process data on all � targets observed by the radar set, in real time. ~emiautomatic Informa~ion Processing A simplified functional diagram af semiautomatic information processing is shown in Figure 4. The system includes a visual display, a huma~n operator, a coordinate glotter working off the display screen, and a computer intended to calculate the target's motion parameters and to plot its trajectory (6). The operator records the coordinates from the display and feeds them into the com~uter ~ by superimposing an electronic marker (blip) produced by the coordinate plotter over the �.:~.~get blips on the displa1. Signals (tarqet blips) are fed from the radar receiving channel to the display at dis- crete intervals defined by the duration of the radar antenna's scanning cycle, Tp. Ob- serving the display, the operator detects the targets, and then he selects, independently or in accordance with target indication data, those of them which need to be processed for automatic Lock-on of a selectad target involves successive input of the coordinates and detection times of two successive blips into the computer. The operator uses the plotter to feed the target coordinates into the computer. He superimposes the electronic marker created by the plotter over the target blip, after which he presses button K and the marker co- ordinates (identical in this case to the target coordinates) are fed into the computer. The motion parameters are determined from the ~irst two computer inputs, and the com- puter begins calculating the anticipated target coordinates. Anticipated coordinates are calculated continually when analog comouters are used, and in fixed time intervals when discrete computers are employed. The motion parameters and anticipated (extra- polated) coordinates are transmitted to the users. In addition the extrapolated range and bearing coordinates~~ and ~3 respectively, are used in moving the marker across the display screen. The marker's motion trajectory corresponds to the computed trajec}ory of the target. When a new blip associated with this trajectory appears, the operator observes the discrepancy between the coordinates of the new blip and the coordinates computed for the moment of observation by the computer. If this discrepancy exceeds a permissible value, the operator makes a correction by once again superimposing the marker over the blip and pressing button K. He stops making such corrections when the true and computed trajectory coincide. ~ Semiautomatic processing systems enjoy broad use in cases where the number of targets to be tracked is limited and the operator (or group of operators) is capable of tracking each one of them with prescribed accuracy. Nbreover semiautomatic systems 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ ' - . ~ Pnc ~ . , ~Q ~06020 06 `~O � ~pQ 'Oid Cr i ; ~ 1 _ ~ H s j / . ~ ~j cbeMnuK eiyucnumendnoe ?coo a nam ycmpoucrneo d4 vac 3 KoopBunarnbi !~a ~h ~A MapKCpa ( 5 ) !l~ ~~~J ( 6 'oapaudambi arccmpanonapooanHOU K nompebumerro (7) omMemxu Figur~ 4. Simplified Functional Diagram of Semiautotnatic Radar Information Processing: 1--target blips in two consecutive sweeps; 2--extra- poiated blip ~or the third sweep; 3--~rker trajectory Key: 1. Radar station 4. Computer 2. Plan position�indicator 5. Marker coordinates 3. Coordinate plotter 6. Coordinates of the extrapolated blip 7. To user can be used as back-ups in the event automatic processing systems break down or the latter are overloaded by intense interference. Psychophysiological Characteristics of the Operator Each of the components of the semiautomatic system examined above performs fully defi- nite functions: The display presents a visual representation of the information; the plotter provides the current coordinates of targets subject to tracking; the computer determines the coordinates and motion parameters of tracked targets. 7.'he functions of the human operator boil down to target detection and mec:hanical actions assaciated with recording the blips with the help of the plotter. All of the components of the system must be tuned and adjusted before they begin work. It is only in this case that the system would function normally and trouble-free. After displays, plotters, and computers are adjusted, they are intended to operate ~vithout further adjustment for a long period of: time. In the course of their oper- ation, these components need only be periodically inspected, so as to keep them in working state. 11 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY , Z'he reliability of the other cornponent of the system~ the human operator, is a m:tch ~ more complex issue. 7'he work of the entire system dep,ends on huw well the oper~tor is tuned and prepared. This issu~ is within the competency of psy~hophysiologis~s, and thexr rec~mmendations play an extremely important role in the designing of a semiautomatic system. - Z'he content of operator aotivity may be reduced to the following. = 7.'he main and most difficult task of the operator is to establish the presence of the target on the basis of th� results nf his observation of marks appearing on the display. How successfu3. he is in this task depends not only on the way the signals are modulated, the type of cathode-ray tube (CRT) and sweep employed, the character- istics of th~ luminophores, the intensity of screen illumi.nation by externaJ. saurces~ the CRT's operating mode, outside stimuli, the amount of influence exer~~~7. b:{-� ii;~:~rW ference, the nature of the targets being detected, and so on, but also to a signi- ficant extent on the physiological and psychologi~-a1 features of the operator. Assume that the operator must constantly observe the airspace represented on the - radar display. In this case the periodicity with which airborne targets would appear on the display throughout his entire work shxft, 1-2 hours for example, would not be dependent on a particular factor. On detecting an airborne target the operator describes it--that is, he determines its country of origin, coordinates, motion para- meters, the quantitative composition of the target,~ and so on. He may describe the target either vocally or through a set of the appropriate characteristics. A sample model of a radar operator's actions is shown in Figure 5(11). The operator's activity begins with his familiarization with the situation--that is, with perception and the conceptualization of information appearing on th~ radar dis- play. This requires a certain amount of time tl. Then the operator performs the current task--he identifies the object and makes a certain decision, which takes an amount of time t2. Finally the operator performs the necessary ~ctions, which re- quire an amount of time t3. Such division of the operations is un~erstandably condi- tional in nature, since it is often difficult to draw a line between perception, decision making, and reactions of the operator; however~ this division helps us to systematize the factors influencing the operator's work. Perception time tl depends on many objective causes defining the visi.bility of target blips, for example on the contrast between the blip and'the background, and the intensity and nature of interference. Moreover tiiere are also subjective causes influencing time tl, ones of the greatest interest to us. They include the operator's training level, his physical and psychological state, the features of his character, and his temperament. Decision making time t2 also depends on many variables, for example the problem solving algorithm, the operator's habits of executing similar tasks, and a large number of psychophysiological features of the operator. Z'he decision execution time t3 is a function of variables such as the arrangement of the controls, their dimensions and shape, the compatibility of the motor actions re- quired with the operator's accustomed actions, and the degree to which he is trained to perform such actions. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ Onepamop C Ct0 UNBUIlUBj/C~IbMbIMI/ OCOQCNNOCi7?AMU, xapoKmepoM, npza- ~ MUJ(JQUEU N~9N0fI CUCl11CMbl, /ICUXUVCCA'f/M COClIl0AH0CM, CDC?JOANUCM HP.~NO-MbIIL/CVHO!% OAYPtlOHOV.YlIU . 0 I' ii t3 t 2 nncnedoeamcnnHncma pahmm~~ c:~epamnpa BocnpuAmue onaunoednue uenu u NcnonNeuue un�~opMauuu( 3) nv~yx pemeNUA pcmenuA (S) ; ~4~ ~6~ (,7)~ i Q~ o~ ~ ~g i~ ~7 ~'D Z~ ~ o 5 ~ Y e nodto- AnEOpumM ~ TQ~CNI/pOBIINHOCl7?b 0 Tr.MNOma (11) mpexu- ~eNUF u ~u~ ucnoANCIIUU, COBMC- myM, nnMexu �a aKpax~ pocodnocme, ~KU e~W e- anu~+pcma Mnmapnn one~m pip6oma Huu nodo0nn+r tn ucmBt~cnpu- ,10dUy eeNxa,uu x'en Oneu~NUe yr.eaeu ) 4n~mnpe~, enun ue~a ave men pa0oma Figure 5. Sequence of Operator Actions Key: 1. The operator, together with his individual features, character, nervous _ system organization, mental state, and status of neuromuscular. activity 2. Operator work sequence 3. Information perception 4. Target detection 5. Target identification and decision making 6. Target identification 7. Decision making 8. Decision execution 9. Active actions 10. External conditions 11. Darkness, noise, interference on the screen 12. Factors influence operator work quality 13. Training level, work experience 14. Decision making algorithm and habits associated with simi.lar tasks 15. Degree of training in decision execution, compatibility of motor actions with accustomed movements. 13 FO~ OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY If completion of the t.ask by the operator is to be re.liable and effective, the sum S of all three times must be a little shorter than a certain time T, by which the operator's activity is rigidly delimited-�-that is, S= tl +t2 ~-t3 e~t > o, n-- at n.~~ > ey< < o, ~ n-I- ~i at 4x< 0 (operator P~), then all targets within range of the radar have been detected; in other words for practical purposes the current sweep cyclia adialram wouldenot be since further movement of the beam of tb,e radar station's po g able to provide any information on new targets within the limits of the remaining part of the sweep cycle. A transition is made to formation of false blips (operator c;wl~), and then the blips are arranged in the order of their detection--that is, in the order of increasing detection time (operator ~ig)� Information obtained in this - fashion during the sweep cycle is fed to the trainer's indieratorSiD e~n (operator B19~� Then a transition is made to the next radar sweep cycle (op 20 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY An Example of a Nbdel of an Air Raid The raw data for the model are: F--Number of targets participating in the raid; Y~~, Y~,y~~-breadth of the defense, given in rectangular coordinates; xH--abscissa of the so-called guidance boundary; when the target crosses it, its trajectoxy ceases to be modeled; xp--abscissa of target detection, signifying initiation of trajectory modeling; p Y, p V, p yl--the probabilities of target maneuver relative to course, velocity, and acceleration; y~c, Y~H -possible target turning angles; V~~, V~q.~H, H~c, H~H--possible limits of target maneuver in relation to velocity and altitude; To--discrete data output interval, representing a radar sweep cycle. The raw data are summarized on a raw data order blank to permit their input into the computer. ~Jrder Blank for Raw Data to Create an Air Raid Nbdel Raw Data Serial Unit of No. Data Measurement Symbol Value 1 Number of targets Units F 2 Breadth of defense ~t Y~c~ Y~ 3 Abscissa of boundary of guidance ~i xH 4 Abscissa of target detection HIvt xo 5 Probabilities of target maneuver in relation to: course pY velocity p v acceleration pyl 6 Target turning angles: Radians/min maximum Y~c mini.mum Y~H 7 Limits of target maneuver in relation to: velocity ~ Ea~/min V~C, VT,gIH altitude tavt H~c. H~H 8 Data output interval min To The raw data are fed into the computer, the model program is started, and reports on the targets are printed out in real time with an update interval of To. 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFiCiAL USE ONLY The model is built in the following order. The first step is to set the starting velocities V02 and altitudes HO1, as well as the starting coordina~es Y~ of all F targets. This procedure requires generation of random numbers d~, with a uniform distribution in the interval [0,1]. 7."he initial turning angles Yoi for all targets are assumed equal to zero (Yoi = 0~- The initial values of Voi? H~, y~ are interpreted as random variables with uniform distributions in the intervals [VMOK~, VMn~~1~ ~f~~~nK~~ HM~~~'1, IJMA~�, yM~~~~) respectively: V~~[ ~ V MIIII ~`~1 l~Mi11 - - 3, ~2~~,~ PicM~ _ ~ ~ and in this case the extrapolation algorithm would have the form _ e.~M~_--3.r1- 3xa X'.- - - Let us illustrate the use of these algorithms with the assumption that blips with coordinates x1= 6, x2 = 4, x3 = 2 are obtained from a nonmaneuvering target and blips with coordinates xi = 9, x2 = 5, x3 = 2 are obtained from a maneuvering target. Then the extrapolated coordinate for the nonma.neuvering target would be . _ . . _ _ _ 4 1 2 Xa~~~?,~= 3 �6-}- 3 '�_.:i '2_8~ while the extrapolated coordinate for the maneuvering target would be x,~M~=3 �9-3� 5-F2== 14. An algorithm of this so~t is run quite easily in a computer. The only shortcoming is that as the number of blips used to predict a future coordinate increases, the volume of the computer's main memory must increase. The target blip si.mulator diagramed in Figure 27 imposES significant restrictions - on the effectiveness with which computer'time is used, because during the time that the range sweep performs its forward trace, the computer is limi.ted to just the target blip formation task. In fact, every time that the readings of bearing pulse counter 7 correspond to the current target bearing value stored in the working memory of computer 9, the com- puter switches to a subroutine that continually interrogates the contents of range marker pulse counter 6 and compares its readings with the closest current range value of the target, located at constant bearing. Considering that the ratio be- tween the forward and back traces of the range sweep of a typical PPI is about 10:1, we can conclude that the computer will be occupied with just one task for 90 percent of its total working time, and that it will be free for other tasks for only 10 percent of its time. A functional diagram of a target blip simulator whic:n does not have this shortcoming is shown in Figure 29. It contains PPI 1, range sweep formation block 3, antenna simulation and bearing sweep formation block 2, bearing read-out starting flip-flop 4,kon"yunkyor bearing counter 6, range register 7, synchronization flip-flop 8, kon"yunktor 9, shaper-amplifier 10, target blip ou~pu~ flip-flop 11,kon"yunktor 12, pulse generator 13, and computer 14. 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ _ - - . _ _ - - 1 ~ 1 ~ r $ y !0 17 13 2 i 14 T T B !i ~ g s~ 4 5 Hav. ycm. ~l~ Figure 29. Functional Diagram of a Target Blip Simulator With One Range Register IGey : 1, Initial settinq Antenna simulation and bearing sweep formation block 2 creates, on i.ndicator screen 1 jointly with range sweep formation block 3, a PPI sweep. The PPI sweep on indicator 1 is synchronized with computer 14 by range sweep start (RSSP) and end (RSEP) pulses, produced in range sweep formation block 3. RSSP's are fed to kon"yunktor 5, which is opened by flip-flop 4, which starts the azi.muth read-out, at the moment that the At this radial-circular sweep passes through the zero point of the bearing read-out. moment the bearing read-out initiation flip-flop 4 is set in its unit state by a single from a bearing read-out initiation siqnal produced'by the antenna simulation and bearing sweep formation block 2. An RSSP is fed from the output of k,on"yunktor 5 to the input of bearing counter 6, which, by counting the number of incominq RSSP's, determines the angular position of the PPI sweep at any moment in time. Following a complete 360� revolution of the PPI sweep, bearing counter 6 automatically resets, and it once again begins to count pulses arriving at its input. The output of bearing counter 6 is connected to the computer's input register. To permit information read-out from the bearing counter, each RSSP is additionally fed to the input of the computer control unit interrupt block. On receiving this signal, the computer switches to a subroutine interrogating the contents of the bearing counter and comparing its readings with the target bearing values stored in the computer's working memory. If the readings of bearing counter 6 do not correspond to the closest target bearing value, computer 14 returns to the main program, which has no relationship to target blip simulation. Otherwise the computer ~wiseh~eto~aes o~�~~getfr qe corresget blip at the prescribed range. For this purpo ~ range ponding to a fixed bearing is transferred from the computer's mai.n memorY register 7 as an inverse code, after which the computer produ~es a signal turning on target output flip-flop 11. Switching to its unit state, the latter opens kolifYiertor 12 and thus connects pulse oscillator 13 to the input of kon"yunktar�9 via amp shaper 10. 64 ~ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400430060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2'he work of range register 7 is also synchronized with the PPI sweep on indicator 1. For this purpose RSSP's and RSEP's cont~ol synchronization flip-flop 8, which opens kon"yunktor9 at the beginning of the range sweep and closes it at the end. Inasmuch as kon"~unktor9 is open throughout the entire time of formation of the rangs sweep, the succession of pulses from oscillator 13 passes through it, filling range register As soon as a number of pulses equal to the value of the current range coordinate enters the input of the range register, the first target blip pulse appears at its output. This pulse is then transmitted to the CRT modulator of indi- ~ cator 1. To form a real target blip, consisting of a train of 10-12 pulses, during the return trace of the range sweep the computer rewrites the current range value in the range register by an inverse code 10-12 times, and produces a signal generating a target pulse. As a result of this, target pulses appear in 10-12 successive range sweeps. These pulses simulate a target blip with the given range and bearing coordinate. This procedure entails the use of the target blip simulation algorithm shown in Figure 30. - -`l~~pQ- ~r ~ ~ x~m Pz ~ ~,r A4 AS Ps Nem AQ - ~ Ai Figure 30. A Flow Chart for a Target Blip Simulation Algorithm Permitting Range Register Control Key: 1. RSSP 2. No 3. Yes 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Upon arrival of an RSSP, operator A1 interrogates bearing pulse counter 6, and logic operator P2 compares the readings of the bearing pulse counter with the closest current value of the target bearing, stored in the computer's mai:n memory. If the readings of the bear~_ng pulse counter do not correspond to the current target bearing, logic operator P2 transfers control to stop operator Si~. Otherwise, when P2 = 1, control is transferred to operator A3, which transfers the range coordinates for the target at the given bearing from the computer's main memory to range register 7 by an inverse code. Operator A4 forms a signal that turns on target blip generation flip-flop 11 and transfers controi to operator AS which counts how many times the target blip gener- ation flip-flop was turned on. 'Logic operator P6 compares this number with a con- stant defining the number of pulses in a train. If logic operator P6 = 0, control is once again transferred to the succession of operators Ag, A4, A5. When P6 = 1, control is transferred to stop operator SI~. The advantage of such a target blip simulation system is that in the event that the readings of bearing counter 6 equal the bearing value of the target to be simulated, . the computer performs just two operations: It transfers the range code of the target corresponding to a fixed bearing from the computer's main memory to range register 7, ~ and it sets target blip generation flip-flop 11 in its unit state. After this the . computer turns to other programs, until the next interrupt pulse appears.(RSSP). ~ 1 But the target blip simulation system examined here cannot simultaneously simulate several targets at different ranges but on the same bearing. This is a consequence of the design of the range register, which is capable of supporting formation of only one target blip on each radial sweep of the beam. - i 16 I9 i I ~a ~ I ~ n I i ~s i i 1/ ~4 . I . I I Id 1Z ~ g y r u rn a ~ ~2 J ~ T /2 9 '4 ~ Figure 31. Functional Diagram of a Target Blip Si.mulator Possessing a Range Register Switching Block 66 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400430060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY A functional diaqram of a target blip simulator free of this shortcoming is shown in Figure 31. It contains indicator 1, antenna simulation and bearing sweep forma- block 2, range sweep formation blo:k 3, bearing read-out initiation flip-flop 4, kon"yunktor 5, bearing counter 6, pulse oscillator 7, kon"yunktor8, target blip gener- ation flip-flop 9, amplifier-shaper 10, kon"yunktor 11, synchronization flip-flop 12, registers 13, 14, and 15 storing the current target range coordinates, current _ target range coordinate switching block 16, which ~tains q~te groups 17, 18, and 19, switching unit 20, (diz"yunktor)21, and computer 22. Working with range sweep formation block 3, antenna simulation and bearing sweep formation block 2 createsa PPI sweep on the screen of indicator 1. The PPI sweep on indicator 1 is synchronized with computer 22 with the assistance of range sweep start and range sweep end pulses generated in range sweep formation block 3. For this purpose RSSP's are fed to kon"yunktor v, which is opened by bearing puls; read-out initiation flip-flop 4 at the moment that the PPI sweep crosses the point of initiation of bearing read-out--that is, when the bearing is 0. At this moment bearing read-out initi~a~ion flip-flop 4 is set in its unit state by a bearing read--out initiation signal generated in antenna simulation ancl bearing sweep formation block 2. '~he RSSP's pass from the output of kon"yunktor 5 to the input of bearing counter 6 which, by counting tt?e number of entering RSSP's, fixes the position of the PPI sweep at any moment in time. Following a complete 360� revolution of the PPI sweep, bearing counter 6 automatically resets, and once again begins counting pulses coming to its input. ThP output of bearing counter 6 is connected to the input register of computer 22. In order to permit information read-out from bearing counter 6, each kSSP is addi- tionally fed to the input of the control unit of computer 22. In response to this signal the computer switches to a subroutine interrogating the contents of bearing counter 6 and comparing its readings with thz target bearing values stored in the computer's main memory. If the readings of bearing counter 6 do not correspond to the closest target bearing value, the computer returns to the main program having no relationship to target blip simulation. Otherwise the computer switches to a subroutine to form target blips located at different ranges but at the same bearing. For this purpose the computer, which contrals gate groups 17, 18, 19, successively transfers, in the form of an inverse code, the range code va~ues for targets fixed _ at a given bearing from its main memory through switching unit 20 to target range coordinate storage registers 14, 15, 26. After this the computer produces a signal turning on target blip generation flip-flop 9. Switching to its unit state, the latter opens kon"yunktor7 and thus connects pulse oscillator 8 to the input of kon"yunktorll via amplifier-shaper 10. The operation of kon"yunictorll is controlled by synchronization flip-flop 12, which opens it at the beginning of the range sweep and closes it at its end. Because kon"yunktorll is open throughout the entire time of range sweep formation, the sequence of pulses produced by oscillator 7 passes through it to the inputs of target range coordinate storage registers 13, 14, 15. Inasmuch as the range 67 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY coordinates of targets at a fixed bearing are stored in these registers in inverse code, after each of the registers is filled with a number of pulses equal to the coordinates of the target ranges, a bli~ pulse corresponding to each target appears at the output of eac:~ of them. Z'he blip pulses from differen~ targets pass through diz"yunktor 21to the CRT modulator of indicator 1. Simulation of Jamming and Interference In order to create, on an indicator screen, a model of an aerial situation typified by the presence of jamming and interference, it would be suitable to delegate simu- lation of the latter to the computer. _ Figure 32 gives an approximate idea of what radar screens look like when they are affected by jamming and interference (5), and Figure 33 shows one of the possible flow charts for a computerized and interference simulator. 1 ~ / / ' ~ ~ , 1 . ` 1 1 i ~''~~1~~ ' ` ~ / ~ / i ` J / a 6 Figure 32. Appearance of the PPI Screens of Radar Stations Subjected to Interference (a) and JaAnning (b) r 1 16 ~S R !B 2 ~ r' 3 14 19 . !3 1 8 6 12 10 S 4 T /la~l) ~ 1 11 B 9 10 Figure 33. Flow Chart of a Computerizec~ Jan�ning and Interference Simulator ~y~l. Initial setting . ' 68 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The simulator contains indicator 1--a cathode-ray tube with long image persistence, antenna simulation and sweep formation block 2, range sweep formation block 3, kon"yunktor4, bearing read-out initiation flip-flop 5, bearing counter 6, inter- ference bearing start determination block 7, interference bearing end determi.nation block 8, interference bearing start storage register 9, interference bearing end storage register 10, interference generation flip-flop 11, interference voltage formation block 12, diz"yunktor 13, synchronization fiip-flop 14, analog kon"yunktor 15, matching block 16, range marker pulse oscillator 17, kon"yunktorl8, register 19, and computer 20. Working together with range sweep forn~ation block 3, antenna si.mulation and bearing sweep formation block 2 creates a PPI sweep on the screen of indicator 1. To simulate jamming on the indicator screen, shown in one variant in Figure 32b, during the back trace of the range sweep the computer transfers the coordinates of the interference bearing start and end coordinates to registers 9 and 10. The PPI sweep on indicator 1 is synchronized with computer 20 by means of RSSP and RSEP pulses generated in range sweep formation block 3. Range sweep start pulses are fed to the input of kon"yunktor 4, which controls bearing read-out initiation flip-flop 5. When a"north" pulse, produced by antenna simulation and bearing sweep formation block 2, appears at the moment the PPI beam passes the azimuth read-out initiation point, flip-flop 5 opens kon"yunktor 4, and then bearing counter 6 begins fixing the current bearing values by counting the number of RSSP's enterinq its input. Blocks 7 and 8, which determine the start and end of the interference bearing, com- pare the current bearing values determined by counter 6 with the interference bearing coordinates stored in registers 9 and 10. As soon as the current bearing value of counter 6 equals the bearing value stored in interference bearing start register 9, - interference bearing start detiermination block 7 produces a pulse that places inter- ference generation flip-flop 11 in its unit state. The high potential produced by the unit output of flip-flop 11 turns on its current voltage formation block 12, which produces the range sweep illumination voltage. The illumination voltage passes through analog kon"yunktor15, the controlling input of which is connected to synchronization flip-flop 14, to the input of matching block 16, and then to the CRT modulator of indicator 1. As a result of this, beginning with the initial interference bearing, the screen of indicator 1 would be completely illuminated within the limits of the start and end bearings of the interference. :he interference is t~zrned off from the indicator screen by a pulse produced by interference bearing end determination block 8, at the moment that the carrent bearing value of counter 6 is equal to the bearing values stored in interference bearing end register 10. Passing to the zero input of interferenc e generation flip-flop 11, the pulse produced by intereference bearing end determination block 8 returns thE flip-flop to its initial state, and thus turns off interference voltage formation block 12. Analog kon"yunktorl5 is needed because in contrast to the situation with jamming, only a part of the range sweep on the indicator screen is illuminated in the presence of passive interference. Figure 32a shows the appearance of interference produced on indicator screen 1 by terrain features. 69 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY To simulate such interference, computer 20 transmits not only the start and end values of the interference bearing to registers 9 and ZO, but also the range coordinate of the interference, read from the center of the indicator screen 1; the latter is transferred to register 19 by an inverse eade. Range marker pulse gener- ator 17 is connected to register 19 via kcyn"yunktor 18, the controlling input of which is connected to synchronization flip-flop 14. At the start of the range sweep, synchronization flip-flop 14 opens analog l~on"yunktor ' 15 and kon"yunktor 18. As a result,the range sweep illumination voltage coming from the output of interference voltage formation block 12 lights up the indicator screen. However, as soon as a number of pulses equal to the value of the inter~ ference range coordinate enters register 19, a pulse arises at the output of register 19. 2'his pulse passes through ~z"yunktor 13 to the zero input of synchro- nization flip-flop 14, returning it to its initial state without waiting for the end of the range sweep. As a consequence analog kon"yunktor 15 and kon"yunktor 18 break the corresponding circuits, and formation�of interfe~ence on this range sweep ends. � 70 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY - COMPUTERIZED TRAINERS Trainers Used to Teach PPI Radar Operators A flow chart of a trainer i.ntended to teach operators how to use PPI radar stations ~ is shown in Figure 34 (15). Its composition includes plan position indicator 1, antenna simulation and bearing sweep formation block 2, range sweep formation block 3, bearing flip-flop 4, bearing kon"yunktor bearing.c.ounter 6, range flip-flop 7, range marker pulse oscillator 8, range kon"yunktor 9, range counter 10, target signal amplitucle range setting block 11, target signal amplitude determination block 12, matching block 13, semiautomatic coordinate plotting mechanism 14, marker formatian block 15, marker x coordinate register 16, marker ~ coordinate register 17, time pulse sensor 18, time registration flip-flop ~9, time kon"yunktor 20, ~ime pulse counter 21, and electronic computer 22. r yl~ f ~ _ . . _ 2 4 ~f ' 6 3 ~ NN P/j 1 F. ~ NR P/! 1 9 10 ~ B 11 IS ll i1 /6 !4 17 13 / b rB 20 1~ r r~ Figure 34. Flow Chart of a Trainer for PPI Radar Operators Key: 1. SSP 3. RSSP 2. SEP 4. RSEP 71 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The essence of the trainer's operation is as follows. ~ Antenna simulation and bearing sweep formation block 2 generates scan start pulses (eSP's) and scan end ~ulses (SEP's), which pass throuqh the unit and zero inputs of bearing flip-flop 4 respectively. At the moment bearing read-out is initiated, an SSP sets bearing flip-flop 4 in its unit state, thus opening bearing kon"yunktor 5~ the input of which receives a constant flow of range sweep start pulses produced by range sweep formation block 3. RSSP's pass from the output of kon"yunktor 5 to the input of bearing counter 6, which counts the incoming RSSP's, thus fixing the current bearing values. When the PPI sweep completes.a full revolution, a scan end pulse produced by antsnna simulation and bearing sweep formation block 2 returns bearing synchronization flip-flop 4 to its initial state. With the start of a new scan, bearing counter 6, the output of which is connected to the input register of computer 22, once again begins recording the current bearing values. RSSP's and RSEP's are also used to synchronize the work of range flip-flop 7, which is connected to range kon"yunktor 9; range u~rker pul~e oscillator 8 is connected to the other input of the latter, and range counter 10 is connected to its output. Thus range counter 10 records the current range ~lues from zero t~ maximwn in each range sweep. As with the output of bearing counter B, its input is connected to computer 22. - Target bli~s and target trajectories are form~ed in the following fashion. The current bearing and range coordinates of all targets are fed into the compute~ memory. After the trainer is turned on, each RSSP passes to bearing counter 6, and~simultaneously each pulse is fed through the computer's in.terrupt channel to the input of its control unit. In response to this signal the computer switches to a subroutine interrogating the contents of the bearing counter and comparing its readings with the value for the first target range coordinate, stored in the computer's main meu?ory. If the readings of bearing counter 6 do not correspond to the value of the closest target bearing coordinate; the computer returns to its main program not associated with target blip formation. Othenvise the computer switches to a second subroutine forming target blips at a given range; this entails continuous interrogation of the ccntents of range counter 10 and comparison of its readings with the value of the closest range coordinate of a target at fixed bearing. As soon as the current target value corresponds to the~reading of the range counter, the computer feeds a signal to target signal amplitude determination block 12, causing it to produce a target pulse on the i.ndicator's ranqe sweep. The reason target signal amplitude determination block 12 is within the composition of the trainer is that in real conditions, a nonlinear dependence exists between the amplitude of the signal received by the radar station and the range to the ~arget. This dependence is shown in Figure 35.(10). However, because of the action of the automatic gain adjustment circuit in the receiving channel of the radar station and saturation of the receiver at low target ranges, a signal at the output of the re- ceiver increases in intensity only to a certain value; therefore this law is usually simulated approximately in trainers. 72 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY P~D 1 1-~ a Fiaure 35. Change Experienced b.y a Signal at a Radar. Receiver Input _ Depending on Range to the Target 1, and Simulation of This Change by a Trainer Z In the trainer under examination here, the amplitude of the signal received by the radar station is simulated by the target signal amplitude range setting block , one of the possible variants of which is shown in Figure 36. The main component of the block is linearly-falling voltage generator 26, the input of which is connected to adjustable constant voltage sourc~ 25 via analog kon"yunktor 23, con- trolled by flip-flop 24. At the begi.nning of a range sweep, an RSSP sets flip-flop 23 in its unit state, thus opening analog kon"yunktor 25, which connects the adjust- able constant voltage source to linearly-falling voltage generator 26, starting up the generator. Z"he magnitude of the constant v~oltage fed to the input of generator 26 is set such that the law of change of the linearly-falling voltage~would be close to the law of change of the signal reeeived by the radar station, depending on range to the target. i i ~ ~ & I I 74 15 26 ~ 1B ' I I ~K 6nnKy coZna- J coea~r uA I Nll~/1 T i MB ~ i NKPQ 73 i ~1 i ~o,,m 3BM 12 ~ L Figure 36. Flow Chart for a Target Pulse Formation Block Key: 1. RSSP 3. From computer 2, RSEp 4. Zb matching block In this case the target signal amplitude determination block 12 (Figure 34) would consist of delay multivibrator 27 (Fi~ure 36), connected to the controlling input of analog kon"yunktor 2t3, the other input of which is connected to the output of linearly-falling voltage generator 26. At the moment a si.gnal requiring production 73 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY of a target pulse on the indicator's range sweep arrives, delay multivibrator generates a pulse, the duration of which is equal to the duration of the pulse reflected from the target. This pulse passes to the controlling input of analog kon"yunktor 28, openi::g it and thus connecting the output of linearly-falling voltage generator 26 to matching block 13 (Figure 34). The latter interlinks the target signal amplitude determination block with the CRT modulator of indicator 1. At the end of the range sweep an RSEP returns flip-flop 23 (Figure 36) to its initial state, disconnecting the constant voltage source from linearly-falling voltage gener- ator 26. When as RSEP appears, the linearly-falling voltage generator starts up . once again, and the process of target signal amplitude formation repeats itself. Zb simulate successive target pulses on k successive range sweep lines, the computer transmits a target blip generation signal to block 12 (Figure 34) another (k-1) times at the moment the current target range is equal. to the reading of range counter 10. To simplify the trainer flow chart Figure 34 does not show the jamming and inter- ference simulation blocks, though such interference may be simulated in precisely the same way as the target blip. Information is read semiautomatically i.n the trainer with the assistance of semi- automatic coordinate plotter 14, marker formation block 1v, and marker coordinate x and y registers 16 and 1?. In principle, coordinates may be read semiautomatically off of various types of conventional radar indicators, for which purpose the indicator must be equipped with a special plotter. An electron-optic reading method has enjoyed extensive application abroad (12). 7.'he operation of the tarqet coordinate plotting unit (Figure 37) basically consists of the Eollowing. The unit contains guide mechaniem 1, which consists of two slotted yokes situated 90� relative to ear,h other; rod 2,connected to a handle and plotting button 3~rocks in the slots. Devices 4 that convert the tilt angles of the rod into a binary ntuaber are mounted on the axles of the yoke. As the rod rocks, binary numbers proportional to the rod's tilt angle (xTq and yM) are picked off from these converters. PasSing through.a "x,y number-voltage" converter, these numbers are transformed into constant voltages which, acting upon the CRT's deflecting system, determine the position of a luminescent electronic marker on the screen. Rocking ~ rod 2, the operator moves the electronic marker and superimposes it over the return from the target. When superimposition occurs, he presses plotting button 3, which is connected to switch 5. The switch closes the contacts of the x and y binary number output in the computer, and thus marker coordinates xM and yM , equal to the coordi- nates of the target at the moment of superimposition, are transmitted to the computer. This method requires the use of special indicators on which the simulated radar situ- ation is superimposed over secondary signals such as, for example, markers, symbols, and digits. 74 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030060-8 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY . ~1' _ _ , . anr j ~ z ~ - ~ . ~ I ~ , ~ -/A~ ~~1 ~ 4 - 4 ( 90' . 5 I . xM YN o-r ~~2~ ~ I aaoeo ~~1p0 ~ 3 ) I Figure 37. Functional Diagram Explaining the Principle of Electron-Optic Coordinate R~ead-Out: 1--guide mechanism; 2--rod; 3--plotting handle and button; 4--devices converting rod tilt angles into binary numbers; 5--switch Key: 1. CRT 3. "x,y niunber-voltage" converter 2. To computer The radar situation and the marker can be simulated by the same deflecting system in polar coordinates. Reproduction of the marker requires interruption of sawtooth voltages to the CRT's deflecting system for long enough to transmit the constant voltages of the marker. The frequency of marker illumination must be such that on one hand the marker would be observed as a nonblinking point, and on the other hand the loss of information , caused by interruption of the sweep would be minimal. In this trainer system (Figure 34), electron-optic coordinate plotting differs from the system shown in Figure 37 in that the coordinate plotter contains a system which converts turning angles in relation to each of the coordinates into a code. The readings of these converters are transmitted to registers 16 arid 17 (Figure 34), connected to the computer. In this case when the marker is superimposed over the - target blip, the operator presses the plotting button, and a"plot" pulse is gener- -sted in block 14. This pulse passes through the computer's interrupt channel to its ~�ontrol unit, switching the computer to the subroutine interroqating the contents of marker coordinate registers 16 and 17 and comparing their.readings with the true coordinates of the simulated targets. 75 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400404030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y Inasmuch as the true position of the target is recorded in the computer memory in polar coordinates while the marker position is given in rectangular coordinates, the computer transforms the coordinates of the marker from rectangular to polar, and compares them with the target coordinates. As a result of the comparison the computer determines the error made by the operator in measuring the coordinates. In addition to determining the precision characteristics of the operator, the trainer can also measure and record the temporal characteristics of his work. For this purpose the trainer contains time pulse sensor 18, conneeted via kon"yunktor 20 , the controlling input of which is connected to time recording flip-flop 19, to time pulse counter 21. The moment a target blip appears on the indicator screen, the target pulse is passed to time recording flip-flop 19, placing it in unit state and thus opening kon"yunktor 20. From this time on, ~on"yunktor 20 begi.ns passing time pulses from time pulse sensor 18 to time pulse counter 21. When the operator reads the coordinates, time - recording flip-flop 19 returns to its initial state in response to a"plot" pulse, thus blocking kon"yunktor20. Concurrently, because the "plot" pulse is transmitted to the computer at the mament the plot button is pressed, the computer interrogates the time pulse counter and records the result in its memory--the operator's reaction time. At the desire of the training supervisor the accuracy and time characteristics may be appropriately processed by the computer, and the results can be printed out. The operator locks onto a selected target for tracking by successively inputting the coordinates and moments of detection of two successive blips into the computer. Using the first two inputs, the computer determines the motion parameters and calculates the anticipated coordinates of this target, which are then used to move the marker across the indicator screen of the trainer. To calculate the marker coordinates for one or two sweeps ahead, it would be suffi- cient to use Newton's simple extrapolation foxmulas (12). Trainers Used to Teach Guidance and Manual Target Tracking Operators The task of guidance and manual target tracking radar operators differs~from that of PPI radar operators in that they must use target indication data--that is, the target coordinates--to aim the intended system in such a way that the bisector of the scanning sector would intersect the target (Figure 38). The operator observes the aerial situation on a guidance indicator, which looks approximately as shown in Figure 39. This indicator has a scanning pattern similar to that of television; the scanning pattern is created by a scanning motion of the antenna beam pattern (S). Then the operator superimposes the marker of the slave range system (the horizontal marker) over the target (as a result the target is placed at the intersection of ' the scanning sector bisector and the horizontal range marker) and sets the antenna control system and the slave range sys~em in manual tracking mode, trying to keep the target at the intersection of the scanning sector bisector and the horizontal range marker. 76 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400030060-8 F~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY GucccKmpucn (1) CtKmopn cKanupoeanuA r ~1 d ~ E _ o'cs ~ ~ i- ~l c�.i E a~/ .~_~r~--~. ~ va\L~ ~ \ ~ / ~~y ~ d Y y y ~ ~ Wupuxa '~~7 cr.?cmupn 3) cKnnupoannuA rnc (4) Figure 38. Scanning Pattern of a Guidance Radar Beam Key: 1. Scanning sector bisector 3. Scanning sector width 2. Scanning sector height 4. Radar station i ~ Z~ (1~ �x ~ ~ ~ 4' Yso~ Mecma (a~uMym) Figure 39. Approximate representation of a guidance indicator: 1--scanning sector bisector (vertical marker); 2--target blip ; 3--horizontal range markerf 4--range sweep line Key: 1. Range ~ 2. Angle of sight (bearing) - � 7? FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2Q07/02109: CIA-RDP82-0085QR000400030060-8 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY The flow chart for a trainer used to teach guidance and manual tracking operators is shown in Figure 40 (16). 6 9 ~ B 10 1! y 11 1 p 13 / . 3 1 84 ~5 f 16 `4 ~ g !1 IB t9 13 5 ~(i . ?1 ?S ' ?2 16 Figure 40. Flow Chart of a Trainer Used to Teach Guidance and Manual Tracking Operators The trainer consists of guidance indicator 1, angular sweep formation block 2, range sweep formation block 3, vertical marker formation block 4, horizontal marker formation block 5, antenna system simulation block 6 connected to angular antenna movement control 7, scanning sector start pulse formation block 8, scanning sector end pulse formation block 9, blocks 10 and 11 maasuring .th� coordinates of the left and right boundaries of the scanning sector respectively, scanning bisector pulse formation block 12, control flip-flop 13, angular coordinate read-out kon"yunktor 14, block 15 which reads the angular coordinates within the scanning sector, range flip-flop 16,. range marker pulse oscillator 17, range kon"yunktor 18, range coordi- nate read-out block 19, horizontal marker position determination block 20, block 21 which converts angular movement of the control into a code, manual tracking control 22, matching block 23, computer 24, code switching block 25, and manual tracking block 26. Before the trainer is placed into operation, the program for the target trajectory and interference is fed into the computer's main memory. After the trainer is turned on, a zebra-striped display is created on indicator screen 1 by blocks2 and 3, which form the angular sweep and the range sweep. 78 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400430060-8 ~FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The position of the scanning sector of the indicator screen is synchronized with the position of the antenna system by blocks 8 and 9, which correspondingly form the sector scanning start and end pulses. 7.'hese blocks are rigidly joined to antenna system simulation block 6. Controlling antenna system simulation block 6 by control 7, the operator moves the scanning sector's boundaries, which are indi- cated by scanning sector start (SSP) and end (SEP) pulses, generated by blocks 8 and 9. One of the possible variants of the scanning sector start and end pulse formation systems is shown in Figure 41. 1 ' K 3BM (1) = NIIC ~2) 2 3 8 4 5 G 7 NKC ~3~1 ~1) ?c 3BM - �Figure 41. Principle of Measiring Scanning Sector Boundary Coordinates: 1--rotation angle-code converter; 2--scanning sector bisector sensor; 3--scanning sector start sensor; 4--magnet; 5--electric motor; 6--scanning sector end sensor; 7--current collector; 8--control Key : 1. To computer 3. Scanning sector end pulse 2. Scanning sector start pulse A disc with a magnet mounted on it is rigidly secured to the axle of the electric motor, which rotates at a constant speed. Opposite this disc and mounted co- axially with it is another disc, on which three sensors are mounted: scanning sector start and end sensors, and a scanning sector bisector sensor. The axle of the second disc, upon which the current controller is mounted, is rigidly connected to the scanning sector movement control. � When the disc with the permanznt magnet i;: turned by the electric motor, scanning sector start , scanning sector bisector, anc~ ~canning sector end pulses are formed successively in the sensors before the second disc. - ~,vo systems converting rotation angles inta a code determine the coordinates of the scann~ng sector boundaries. The readings of one of them correspond to the posi~ - tion of the scanning sector's left boundary while the readings of the second 79 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 - FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY correspond to the position of the scanning sector's right boundary. When sector scanning begins, a pulse formed by the scanning sector sensor passes through the current collector to the rotation angle-code converter, and the converter's readings are transmitted to the computer's input register. In similar fashion, at the end of sector scanning a pulse formed by the scanning sector end sensor passes through the second rotation angle-code converter, and the coordinates of the scanning sector are . once again transmitted to the computer's input register. A pulse defining the loca- tion of the scanning sector bisector passes through the current collector through the vertical marker formation block. Scanning sector start pulses start up angular sweep formation block 2(Figure 40), while scanning sector end pulses return it to its initial state. Inasmuch as the repetition frequency of scanning sector.start and end pulses is 16-24 Hz, an angular sweep is formed on the indicator screen. The range sweep is created on the indicator screen by range sweep formation block 3, which i.n turn produces range sweep start (RSSP's) and end (RSSP's) pulses. In order that the target blips would appear on the indicator screen only after their coordinates are within or on the boundary of the scanning sector, the scanning sector left and right boundary coordinate measuring blocks, which are connected to scanning sector start and end pulse formation blocks 8 and 9, and to antenna simula- tion block 6, record the absolute coordinates of the left and right boundaries of the scanning sector, which are read by computer 24. Coordinates within the scanning sector are determined more precisely by block 15, which reads the angular coordinates within the scanning sector, and by block 7.~9; which reads the range coordinates. With this purpose the training sector start and end pulses are transmitted to control flip-flop 13, which, upon arrival of a sector scanninq start pulse, op,ns the angular coordinate read-out kon"yunktor which connects range sweep formation block 3 to block 15, which reads the angular coordinates within the scanning sector, and when a scanning sector end pulse arrives, it closes the kon"yunktor. Thus the readings of block 15, which records every angular coordinate within the scanning sector, are fed to the computer. Nbreover RSSP's formed by block 3 are fed to range flip-flop 16, which, upon arrival - of an RSSP, opens range coordinate read-out kon"yunkto~l8, connecting the output of range marker pulse oscillator 17 to range coordinate read-out block 19, and when an RSEP arrives, it closes it. Every range sweep is broken up into discrete intervals by range marker pulses, and at every m~oment in time, coordinate A is recorded by range coordinate read-out block 19, the readings of which are fed into the computer. The computer controls simulation of target and interference blips on the indicator screen. For this purpose when a scanning sector start pulse reaches the computer, the latter switches to a subroutine interrogating the readings of scanning sector left and right boundary coordinate measuring blocks 10 and 11, and compares their readings with the current coordinates of targets and interference, stored in the computer memory. 80 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE aNLY As soon as the operator changes the angular position of the antenna by control 7 in such a fashion that the target and interference coordinates stored in the com- puter memory are within the scanninq sector, the computer switches to its second subroutine, interrogatinq the readings of block 15, reads angular coordinatea within the scanning sector, and compares them with the target and interference angu- lar coordinates stored in the computer memory. As soon as these readings are equal to the coordinates of some particular target or inter~erence source, the computer switches to a third subroutine interrogating range coordinate read-out block 19 and comparing its reading~ with the range coordinate of the simulated target or interference source. When the latter are equal, the computer feeds a signal to matching block 23, causing the first pulse from the target or interference source to appear on the range sweep. Inasmuch as the number of pulses received by the guidance radar station from a target pulse train is random and depends on the scanning rate and the breadth of the antenna's beam pattern, the concrete value of the target or interference pulse chain width is picked by the computer program in accordance with the concrete tactical situation being simulated. To simulate target pulses following the first (lC-1) pulses, the computer generates, on k successive range sweep lines, another (k-1) times,a signal turning on the target or interference pulse range sweep at the moment the current values of the target or interference range are equal to the readings of range coordinate read-out block 19. Vertical and horizontal markers are formed on the indicator screen to simulate lock-on of tracking systems to the target in relation to angular coordinates (bearing) and range. The vertical marker is formed by illuminating the tnid-line of the range sweep, which corresponds to the position of the scanning sector bisector and divides the scanning sector of the antenna in half. For this purpose block 12 (Figure 40), which forms scanning sector bisector pulses, generates a pulse that passes to vertical marker formation block 4 at the moment the antenna's beam pattern aligns itself with the middle of the scanning sector (when the disc bearing the magnets is opposite the scanning sector bisector sensor, Figure 41). Block 4 illuminates one of the range sweep lines. One of the possible variants of the vertical marker formation block is shown in Figure 42. X3N 1 ( 4 ) _ T ~j, T 1' K 3/IT 1 2 d 4 ~ 2 XRP/~ I c3) Figure 42. Flow Chart of a Vertical Marker Formation Block Key: 1. VMSP 3. RSEP ~ 2. R: `;P 4. To CRT 81 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ The vertical marker start pulse (VMSP) generated by the scanning sector bisector sensor is transmitte3 to the input of delay flip-flop 1, setting it in its unit state. The need for a delay flip-flop stems from the fact that because there is no syn- Chrony between scanr,ing sector start pulses and range sweep start pulses, the verti- ~ cal marker start pulse may appear at any moment during formation of. the range sweep. The delay flip-flop delays the vertical marker start pulse until the next range sweep start pulse arrives. Switching to its unit state, delay flip-flop 1 opens kon"yunktor 2, to the other input of which range sweep start pulses are constantly fed. The first RSSP follow- ~ng,the VMSP passes through kon"yunktor 2 to thej~,nput of lightinq flip-flop 3, switching it to its unit state; this pulse simultaneously passes'to the input of delay flip- flop 1, returning it to its initial state. The high potential picked off from lighting flip-flop 3 is fed through amplifier 4 to the controlling electrode of the CRT, illuminating one of the range sweaps. At the end of the forward trace of the range sweep the range sweep end pulse passes through the zero input of ligh~ing flip-flop 3, returning it to its initial state and thus shutting off the lighting voltage. The horizontal marker is formed by block 20 (Figure 40), which determi.nes the position of the horizontal marker. The value of the current coordinate of the CRT's beam position is fed to one input of this block from range coordinate read-out block 19, while the other receives either the coded value of the position of manual tracking control 22, formed by block 21, which converts angular movement of the control into a code, or the coded value of the target velocity from the computer. Horizontal marker position determination block 20 compares the coded ;;~~~:~w~of the current coordinate of the CRT's beam position with the coded value of the angular position of manual tracking control 22, or the target velocity, and at the moment of their equality it triggers horizontal marker formation block 5, which produces a lighting pulse that proceeds to the cathode of indicator 1's CRT. Inasmuch as. this comparison is made in relation to every bearing sweep line, the succession of lighting signals forms a horizontal marker, which may m~ve across the display screen as manual tracking control 22 is rotated. When an operator is working with the trainer, first he searches for a target, for which purpose he moves the scanning sector by moving scanning sector angular control 7, until such time that a target blip appears on the screen. The operator's task is to set the position of the scanning sector in such a way that the vertical marker would divide the target marker in half. Then, moving manual tracking control 22, the operator superimposes the horizontal marker over the target blip in such a way that the target blip would be at the i.ntersecti~~n between the vertical and horizontal markers. ti::ter this the operator presses a button which turns on manual tracking block 26. At this moment code switching block 25 disconnects block 21, which converts anqular movements of the control into code, from block 20, which determines the position of the horizontal marker, connecting the latter directly to the computer. A code pro- portional to the rotation rate of control 22 passes through manual tracking block 26 to the computer, where it is transformed by a special subroutine into a code 82 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400404030060-8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY proportional to the target's velocity; then the code is transmitted through code switching block 25 to horizontal marker position determination block 20. Thus by correctly selecting the rotation rates of controls 7 and 22, the o~erator is able to keep the target blips continuously superimposed over the intersection of the horizontal and vertical markers. The flow chart for the algorithm simulating target and interference blips on a guidance indicator screen in shown in Figure 43. . _ N f A~ f2? Hem n z a - ~.T Nem 4 ~Q AS Nem p e ,~a B, AB ~ Hem v � 9 . QO A,~ Figure 43. Flow Chart of an Algorithm Simulating Interference and Target Blips on a Guidance Indicator Screen Key: 1. Scanning sector start pulse 3. Yes 2. No The algorithm begins with operator A1, which interrogates the readings of the left and right scanning sector Y~oundary cooxdi.nate measurinq blocks at the moment a scanning sector start pulse reaches the computer. Logic operator P2 compares the readings of the scanning sector boundary coordinate~measuring blook with the closest values of the target bearing coordinates, stored in the computer's main memory. If 83 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY logic operator P2 = 0--that is, if the target and interference bearing coordinates lie within the scanning sector boundaries, control is transferred to stop operator A10� Otherwise control is transferred to operator A3, which interrogates block 15 (Figure 40), which reads angular coord~nates.within the scanning sector. If logic operator P4 = 0--that is, the target and interference angular coordinates do not correspond to the readings of block 15, control is once again transferred to operator A3. But if P4 = 1, control is transferred to operator As,which interrogates range coordinate read-out block 19. Logic operator P6 compares the readings of the range coordinate read-out block with the closest range coordinate value recirded for the given bearing and stored in the main memory of the computer. If logic operator P6 = 0, control is transferred to operator A5, which once again interrogates the range coordinate read-out block, setting its reading at a new position. As soon as the readings of range coordinate read-out blockl9 correspond to the total range coordinates--that is, when P6 = 1, control is transferred to operator B~. The latter forms and transmits a target pulse to the CRT modulator of indicator 1. In addition operator B~ transfers control to operator Ag, which counts the ntunber of pulses produced by operator B~. Logic operator Pg compares the number of target pulses transmitted to the indicator's CRT m~dulator with a constant defining the width of the pulse train. If logic oper- ator Pg = 0, control is transferred to operator A5 which, together with operators p5 and B6, once again forms and transmits the next target pulse. When the number of pulses generated by operator B~ is equal to the number of pulses defined by the constant, condition Pg= 1 is satisfied, and control is transferred to stop operator A10� Operator errors are recorded by an operator work precision evaluation program: After target blips are produced on the indicator screen, the angular coordinate and range coordinate of the target are compared with the positions of the vertical and horizontal markers. If the target blip is not at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical markers, a subroutine registers the angular deviation of the target blip from the vertical marker, and its range deviation from the horizontal marker. Concurrently the computer also registers the times at which these deviations were detected. When the operator finishes work with the trainer, the computer prints out the precision characteristics of the operator's work, in real time. 84 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TEACHING TECHPQIQUES APPLIID TO OPERATORS USING TRAINERS The Techniques of Stage-by-Stage Formation of Actions and Concepts The theory of stage-by-stage formation of actions and concepts permits us to digress - from the traditional fonas of training, in which the future specialist is first presented the knowledge he requires, and then he engages in real acti.ons. According to the theory of stage-by-stage formation, traini.n~ begins not with communicating pre- liminary knowledge and actions to the student , but rather with furnishing him with an action fundamentals orientation chart--an AFO chart, also called a test card, bearing specific instructions, drawings, graphs, and so on. It indicates the sequence and content of all operations associated with the action the operator is assimilating. Such a chart (test card) must include elements that would account for psychological difficulties encountered by the students. Using a test card, the student can imanediately perform a previously unknown action correctly (though slowly). All directions helping the student to correctly perform an action are involuntarily memorized, together with a large vollnne of the most diverse information necessary for the performance of this action. Thus the stage in which the student must intentionally learn the material is excluded. As a consequence of this, as well as due to immediate formation of the correct skills and exclusion of unneces~ sary trials, errors, and the associated loss of time, the duration of the course of instruction decreases significantly as well. As the students assimilate the necessary information, the instructor gradually reduces the number of external cues, and he con- trols the instruction process in such a way that information contained on the action fundamentals orientation chart weuld transform into the corresponding knowledge ~f a new action. t~~hen actions are formed in this manner, qualities the student needs, such as wisdom, flexibility, the ability to make generalizations, and consciousness, permitting him to act correctly in diverse conditions, are developed through proper selection and change of the initial material--that is, th~ose tasks which assist: in formation of a r.ew action. The basic provisions of the theory of stage-by-stage formation were tested out in many u~its, to include the Order of Lenin Nbscow Antiaircraft District, in which radar oper- ator training was organized in such a fashion that the students performed all of the ~ctions associated with inspecting, turning on, and testing a station, as well as of ;letecting targets, both with and without interference, from the very beginning of ~`raining, slowly but without mistakes (18). Error-free actions were insured by slow, 85 FOR OFFICIA~. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400404030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (1) Bardamn nr.pnnr, dnHCCCViue ~ 1. NoMCp qCnu ( 2) ~ 24 ~ fcma nu .~uarcvcHrra~ c~crmopa uan yw~c~KU ~Kpnxo T 7. A,~uMym uenu; ( 3 ) - Naumu nanpnenenue na uene: ( 4) en, 25~ (26) � - omcvem ar.'cmu no eepmuKOnaHOU ( 5) ~ ~a nu �e~a ~z~~~~MU . upak?e Meinxr. no vacoeou cmpenKC u� nenue"acnuoumb soceem ( 2 ~ Nem ~ ,~iircy,n rpnpMy uyue ~0 nr~tt, 8 .mr.ecm . qena da S' Ur,na notcp~c� I{e~a en/aeo Ur.nn nn~oo (~o J Mr,mn~e dune dayx na ~la o,n ~ou ~/J nm .~ac~evener S� M~moK S' MC/NKU S' Men~KU ~~~,,,rx cc~rniol+. 3a~~rwe"b~ nn~~~cnn- rmcKnnnKO ccxnmar~ e au~c FjiKax n~xa cnupnreaie 3 3 aer.a axOuN 31 unu nAmce ) AauMy~n A3uMyin A.~rrMym Aa~~Mym u nn nu uPnn MCn~KU nenori ,S � nc~uxi S' ncnn6 S� ~i nu nu u~~b. u Na nu qeAa. ~ MemKU + d' _ Mr.mKU * 1" Mcmnu + 4" ( 9 HP.m Qa Ncm rt cn~ Q ~ ~ 5 ) 3 Qonnencma qcnu (14 ) ~ 2 ( ~ ~QU2~AC6 001 !(P,N/11~ 9KpQNQ~ NUUIpf! JMlI~IC' U~UM~mh 0/K1XUl1lA~ O~~U/1IA~ Qo~~e� o~ro.wume~ Qoscu~'uma~ f.IM1N(((lA C/I!/IH4UA C!lWNUUF , CmaH4uA , Clil[iN[(UA ,/IION((U ~ 15 UC QIIU.M'QQUlCI% K t(C/lU MCl1JKU (~U/IbNQCI!!ll ~ '~~m ,Y~U~'C,m (x~Ka~pY~n ~iuKr.up{~m Qmr[rr~em Ka~PY~" URnNlR~IA1C ORmUBNbfC ~NlGtiYlOnblE l~d/ON~P ~N.~PON- HL7CUlIXp1N- I!(1Mf.Xfl. /lOMCXU� lIOMEXU. AOAICXU. h1E ~~0~'~~. N~ fC/~A /(P./lU f/�'mb 1(~~tl f.f.lOb I(CBQ Qcn~ ~m 10 qr.nb nocepe !{eao earu~r, !(cna rte~~uc P~ 35 ~6 r~r,~~ "~"3$ u~('~39 (su,ooJ-KM auNC deyx . ira ~lr n,n ~m 1/a~ u~� q. Mem,re IO,~M eKn~oK IUR,u Mem,ru 1/I,YM Mt'mKU Ba~doma B�~d�m� ~cpeoe g~ d~,~ ~ 8) Aonccea 8) /la~anvcinn Qunanncmy /lana~~ocma Rannnncre _ _ _ _ du HrcroKU' dn Nu~rNr.u BO NIIXHL'(I dn eu~ruc~i 1/}A'M MC/7/A'U lP+YM MC/AA'U ~/1*M ~'~~~K� ~ Q?RbNCUU/CC ORUCQM ~j d~(Rmcae~cmu onepamnpa ~17~ +iKAf *~A'M ~RM ~91[~~~.~~....~.^~ ~ L------- Figure 44. Principle of Organization of a Test Card Used to Teach Radar Operators the Actions of Target Detection Key: 1. Make initial report 2. Target number 3. Target bearing 4. Find direction to target 5. Read the values on the vertical marker, clockwise 6. Target on 5� (30�) marker 7. Bearing of marke.r 8. Target midway between two 5� markers 9. Bearing of left 5� marker, +3� 10. Target to right of 5� marker and 1/3 away from it 1:L. Bearing of left 5� marker, +2� 12. Target to right of 5� ma.rker and 2/3 away from it 13. Bearing of left 5� marker, +4� 14. Target range ~ 15. Moving from cen~er of screen, find range marker closest to target _ 16. Target on 10 (5~1,100) km marker 17. Range to marker 18. Target midway be:tween two 10 km markers 19. Range to lower :LO km marker, +5 km 20. Target 1/3 abov~: 10 km marker [key continued on following page] 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-0085QRQ0040Q030060-8 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 21. Range to lower 10 km marker, +3 km 22. Target 2/3 above 10 km marker 23. Range to lower 10 km marker, +7 km 24. Are ~ere illuminated areas or sectors on the screen? 25. No 26. Yes 27. Is a target present? 28. Make initial report 29. Reduce illumination by "Briqhtness" and "Gai.n" adjustments 30. What is the shape of the illuminated area ? 31. Sector, several sectors, entire screen illuminated 32. Individual areas of the screen illinninated in the form of bright bands or spots 33. Spiral curves illuminated 34. Is target visible? 35. Report: "Station being jammed. Target present" 36. Report: "Station being ja~ned. Target absent" 37. Report: "Station receiving interference. Target present" 38. Report: "Statioii receiving interference. Target absent" 39. Report: "Station receiving asynchronous interference. Target present" 40. Report: "Station receiving asynchronous interference. Target absent" 41. See subseq~ient descrip~ion of operator activity successive, step-by-step performance of all operations, with reliance upon the action - fundamentals orientation chart. The AFO chart (test card) places emphasis on the logic of an operator's work. This - permits the students to assimilate not only the individual operation contained in activity that is new to them, but also the general principles of its st~ucture. For example by performing th~ operations of target detection and tracking, the operator may find himself working both in the absence and in the presence of interference. Therefore the action fimdamentals orientation chart must allow the younq operator to organize his activities in all situations that may arise at one time or another. In this case the individual elements (branches) of this chart would contain descriptions of successive operations, a complete set of cues for each of these op~rations, and a system of directions defining how and in what order he is to follow these branches, and how he is to perform each operation. As with the entire chart as a whole, the individual branches of the chart are set up in sucr a way that the student would correctly perform each operation as he pxogresses from or.~e direction to the next. slowly at Eirst (but correctly at the first try!). The principle of organization of such a chart (test card) is shown in Figure 44. Certain elements of this test card may be made more specific. What we are attempting to show rere is o:~iy the general principle of organization of an action fundamentals orientation chart, ar.3 the way the activity of students may be organized on its basis; this figurs also shows the sequence oi actions taken by an operator in making his initial report. a~ ~ , FOR OFFI~IAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-0085QRQ0040Q030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Another example of a test card prepared for a lesson in which the student learns to tune the PPI of a P-10 radar station is shown below. - Z'hese are the meaninys of the symbols employed: ~--do perform this operation, and go on to the next; � -~A--do not perform this operation, and report to the instructor (lesson leader); independently perform the operations listed in the text. Test Card for Plan Position Indicator Tuning 1. Set operating mode switch at EQiO + SCALE. ~ 2. Did a narrow, sharp sweep line appear? Turn brightness and focus knobs to make sweep line narrow and sharp. 3. Is the start of the sweep precisely at the center of the indicator screen? Turning splines marked Center, Vertical, Horizontal, set the origin of the sweep precisely at the center of the screen, so that it align~ with the hole in the center of the graphic scale. 4. Is the image on the indicator screen sharp? y-~ Set the CONTRAST-OFF tumbler switch at its CONTRAST position, and the mode switch in its ECHO + INTERROGATION poSition to improve the visibility of signals on the background of terrain featuzes (interference). 5. Is the sweep brightness too high? Turning the BRIGH"~'NESS knob, reduce ~he sweep brightness to where it is barely visible. 6. Set the GAIN knob at its far right position. i 7. Is the image on the screen of normal brightness? y-} Turning the spline marked BRIQiTNESS LEVFL, set the required image brightness. 8. Set the mode switch at its SCALE POSITION, and set the scale switch at position 100. ~ 9. Does the second scale mark~er align with the 10 km division of the graphic scale? 88 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R400404030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Turning the spline�marked START-100, up the second scale marker with the 10 km division. 10. Is the lOth marker aligned with the 100 km division on the graphic scale? Turning the spline marked END-100, align the lOth marker with the 100 kia division on the graphic scale. It may appear at first glance that the actions are in a sense made aare complex, more cumbersome. But this is only a first itnpression. In fact, this scheme permits us to organize t.he training in such a way that a young soldier would be able to per�orm the appropriate tasks right away, and without mistakes. This is simply a qualitative alteration of the process for forming a needed action. In order to simulate assimilation of the content of an action by the students, after a certain amount of time (extremely short) the test card is substituted by an abbreviated one. L~ter on, the operator will be able to work without relying on test cards, since owing to orqanization of activity in this way, he will quickly assimilate all elements of the test cards. When working with the test cards, and in his first attempts at working without them, the operator must talk out his actions aloud, laying emphasis in his speech on the significant factors and basic conditions leading to correct performance of the required action. Such verbal accompaniment allows.the student to develop conscious performance of each action, with a complete understanding of all of its features and circumstances, and to qradually dispense with external cues provided by the lesson leader,such as the AFO charts, gradually as the actions are assimilated. As the actions are assimilated, the ~tudent progresses to fast and abbreviated mental rehearsal of the individual operations--that is, he mentally recalls what he must do next. 7.'hen he begins to mentally rehearse larger operations consisting of several smaller ones. After a while, the need for such rehearsals disappears. From this moment on, the particular action in a sense becomes automatic. Now the operator works silently, and he reports only those data that are required by the appropriate documents. It may be said that this basically ends formation of a new action. What comes next is improvement of the new action in terms of its speed. - Thus while in traditional instruction the operator acts on the basis of knowledge he had acquired earlier, in this case he does not learn the knowledge beforehand, instead receiving it in the form of cues or directions (test cards) explaining what he must do. The operator reads the~e directions aloud, and then he perfornis the necessary actions. It should be noted, however, that if the young operator conns the habits of radar control i.n relation to some unchanging conditions (const:ant weather cond~tion~, the same types uf tazgets, and so on), were a change in these conditions to occur, the operator would once again find himself in an unf3miliar situation. In this case his actions would unwittingly slow c7own, because the operator would not be able to imanediately distinguish the concrete ways in w~ich the new situation differs from the customary one, what sort of operation could be carried over from the previous situation to the new one, which operations require some adjustment, and so on. 89 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400430060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Therefore, from the very beginning of training, the radar operator must be placed in conditions that would compel him to work in different sectors of the screen, both in the absence and in the presence of interference, while tracking different types of targets, and so on. The possibility of such work is guaranteed by the AFO chart, which permits us to conduct the training not according to the principle of going from the simple to the complex, as is required by traditional didactics, but rather according to the principle of contrast, where tasks of difficulty are per- formed from the very beginning, with simple tasks alternating with complex ones. This promotes maintenance of high student efficiency, raises interest in the training, and keeps the training challenging. It need not be feared that formation of an action at the very beginning of training in a broad range of conditions is a slow process in such training. The benefits of this approach will appear later on, as the actions are improved and practically utilized. Comparative data obtained in military units show that this method significantly reduces the time to form the knowledge and habits required of radar operators, beginning with turning on the station and ending with complete control of its .functions, and with mastery of target tracking habits equivalent in proficiency to that of a specialist 3d class. In this case half of the training time is used up with detailed test cards, an~. 30 percent is devoted to abbreviated test cards. The time required to make young soldiers ready for combat crews is decreased by a factor of 1.5-2. In this method, the role of junior conananders in subordinate traininq rises signi- ficantly, and control over specialist training by commanders and chiefs of all ranks improves. They may determine, at any moment, objectively, and with the least expenditure of time, how well training is proceeding with detailed and abbreviated test cards, reveal the causes of shortcomings, and take efficient steps to eliuninate t~hem. Mo:~eover this method raises the possibilities for individual training right at the wor:-places. It is effective in subunits containing i.ndividuals in many different specialties. In this case, properly organized independent training reducFS, by several times, the amount of training time required to restore the habits of combat duty lost by operators for various reasons. Training by this method may be performed anywhere: i.n radio engi.neering subunits and at training centers; by the group method in training subunits, and individually right with the real radar stations and automatic control systems. 2'he Unique Features of Instruction Using Trainers . The forms of instruction exam~ined here have one more advantage. 7."he psychological techniques embodied within the test cards for performing the actions of detecting and tracking airborne targets, to include low-altitude target~, permit the use of simulators and trainers to teach the operators. Practical training with trainers is as a rule preceded by theoretical instructions and demonstration of the work by experienced operators. The training begins with 90 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY development of sensomotor culture--the operator's functional background. An oper- ator's sensomotor culture is defined as his capability for implementing an adopted decision that may be expressed in the form of a simple sensomotor reaction, a complex sensomotor reaction, and sensomotor coordination. A simple sensomotor reaction is an operator's fastest possible response to a sudden- ly arising but previously known signal with a known, simple, solitary movement. All other reactions are complex. Typical complex reactions are: the discrimination reaction (a certain movement must be made in response to one signal, and no movement is made in response to others), the choice reaction (selection of a needed movement out of a large number of possible movements), and the swi.tching reaction (selecting one of several buttons to be pressed in response to a particular signal). After sensomotor culture is developed, individual procedures are practiced operation by operation, gradually going on to complexes of actions. 2'he student should pro- gress to complexes of action before he forms sound habits associated wtih the per- formance of individual procedures. Tn each stage of training, only those elements of the aerial situation model which the operator requires for the performance of a given procedure are used. Each complex action is practiced as follows: The instructor (lesson leader) provides a complete description of the place and - significance of the given operation within the overall process of target detection and tracking; the instructor performs the indicated operation quickly, as would be required in real combat work; the instructor repeats the entire operation slowly, explaining each action as he performs ~t; the i.nstructor once again performs the operation, but this time the student pro- vides all of the explana~~a^s by answering the instructor's questions; the student performs '~he operation, continually explaining what he is doing and what he intends to do further; the stt~dent practices the given operation, and the instructor scores his performance of each element. 'The er.ercise goes ~~n until the student iis able to complete the operation satis- factorily twice. Iri the event gross errors arise, the instructor explains their causes, he demon- strates and tx~~lairis how the stucl.ent should act, he recreates the situation in which the :o~sLaxe nad been made, and he requires the student to repeat the exercise. Later on cne instructor makes the worl~: of the operator more complex by i.ncluding interference and jar~minq on the traine~r's indicator screen, by increasing the number of targets, and by introducing malfunctions, thus achieving error-free per- formance of all procedures by the opez~ator. ~ 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE aNLY Operator training ends with a critique. Using computer data obtained during the exercises and relying on his own observations, during the critique the instructor reaches his own conclusions about the successfulness of the students, he notes the ~ errors, he states tha objective for the next training exercise, and if certain mistakes were the result of ignorance of the theoretical material, he explains the latter. Principles of Assessing Operator Training Level The results of radar operator training must be summarized in accordance with certain *xaining principles embodied within the trainer at the of its desi;gn. Inasmuch as the trainers examined in this book are computerized, they do not impose any sort of restrictions on the nature of the habits that may be developed by the oper- ators. The reason for this is that a computer can run any operator training algo- rithm. Z'he overall assessment of the training level of a radar operator and an automated control system operator is the sum of the partial scores awarded for the following stages of the operator's activity: theoretical knowledge; knowledge of the rules, instructions, and manual~.requlating operator activity in different situations; the ability�to perform individual procedures and equipment maintenance operations in allotted time; the ability to practically apply acquired knowledge. Thus an operator's activity may be represented either as a single process fallowing a certain algorithm, or as a set of several procedures and actions. In the first case we would need to award an overall score, and in the second we would have to award partial scores to the individual procedures and operations. Partial scores must be awarded to operator habits and skills because only this way can we promptly single out and eliminate concrete mistakes influencing the activity as a whole, and preclude reinforcement of incorrect habits. Finally, this approach is well consistent with the requirements of the operational- integral me:thod of trainiiig: At th~e beginning of training; when individual proce- dures are being worked oui:, each of them must b~e scored separately, and in subse- quent stages of the training it would be suitable to score the performance of a n~unber of mutually associated procedures, or th~ operator's entire activity as a whole. 7.'he following techniques can be recc~mnended for assessing the activity of an operator working with a computerized trainer. 92 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL',l APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400434460-8 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY We write out a detailed description of the behavior of a certair. ideal operator, using perhaps a master operator of the radio engineering troops, or an operator lst class as our model. Each step in the activity of a student undergoing training is compared with the behavior of the ideai operator. For this purpose we write a mathematical description of the ordpr of actions of the ideal operator, and feed - this description into the computer in the form of a p~ogram. Ir. the course of training, the computer also follows the actions of the student operator, step by step. Assessing the behavior of the student operator, the com- puter records mistakes and deviations in his actions from the actions of the ideal operator, and in addition it considers the time required to run the algorithm. In this case the algorithm is defined as a set of elementary information processing acts, and selected logical conditions defining an order of performance of these acts which would lead to the particular objective--compl~te processing of the information. Let us illustrate the above with the actions of a radar operator detecting and tracking targets with the assistance of a marker.. 'r7~~ arbitrarily divide the operator's responsibilities into elementary operations- actions A and logic conditions P, which we arrange in the following sequence: A1--detection of a target blip on the indicat~r screen; A2--superimposition of the marker over the target blip, and attachment of a serial r.~,unber to the blip; P3--determination of this blip's presenc~ in the next radar scan; P,~--determination of the coincidence of the target blip and the marker position. The pattern of operations in the algorithm has the following form: target released from tracking A1 A2 Pg P4 - ~ ~ Tt,e terms of the algorithm function in succession, from left to right. In this case if a successive logical condition is not satisfied, the operator must proceed in the order indicated by the arrow. Operdt.ion~, performed ~y an ideal operator are thus represented in the form of such a tormalized algorithm, which is then recorded in the computer memory, together with th~ ar.ioun~t of time set aside for the performance of these operations. The _ r-~ ~:;.~a~ ~.c:;.s ~nd lag~.~ cendi~ians .:~y rtach in the hundreds for an a1.7or; -~f mon~~~: ~ i~e :,~~amplexity. S-tuc-ly of thE algorithms of a hiunan operator's acti.on ~ac~>>d allow us to evaluate the relative complexity of his responsibilities, ar:~i isol~~t~, for individual study, the portions af the algorithms that are the hardest to assimilate. 93 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - An algorithm of the activity of radar and automated control system operators is co~?only assessed on the basis of intensity, stereotypy, and logical complexity. Intensity depends on the ratio of the number of operations ir the given algorithm - . to the time allowed for the algorithm. � Stereotypy depends on the number of continuous sequences of operations in the algorithm, and the length of each of these sequences. - Logical complexity is defined by the number of portions of the algorithm containing a continu~ous sequence of logical coz~'itions, and .the number of these conditions in. each group. The more intense the algorithm and the qreater its logical complexity, the harder it is to perform. It has been established that those elements of an algorithm which contain a continuous succession of three c~onditions and more are the most difficult for the operator. 27,.e activity of radar and automated control system operators improves through lengthy and systematic training: Confusion of similar operations is gradually eliminated; the time required by the operator to perform the procedures of target.detection and tracking decreases and becomes more stable; elementary habits becou?e grouped together, merging into habits of a Iiigher order; extra motions are eliminated, and new combinations of motions arise. Visual control over the correctness of motions disappears; ' operators concentrate their attention not on the performance of an action, but on its result; - resistance to outside interference arises, tiring and tension decrease, and atten- tion becomes less concentrated. - These factors must be accounted for when evaluating an operator's training level. A direct scoring metrod is the most ,~uited to the purposes of troop practice. In this method we score the precision and correctness of each procedure or decision of the operators. Experience has shown that a large number of alternative actions and decisions made by radar operators (of the "yes-no" type) may be described ex- haustively by "right" or "wrong" scores (with a consideration for the time requiz~ed tn complete them). The concrete meaning of "action precisian"~ depends on the nature of the given action. The following can be thought of as typical actions of radar and automated control system operators: a) Reading target blips off of an electronic indicator (blip classification); b) Isolating a useful signal from noise on an electronic indicator; 94 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY c) determining the coordinates of target blips on an indicator screen, with and without auxiliary inst~tunents; d) reacting to a previously known signal (turning on a required tumbler switch)j e) continuous output of generated data by means of a control stick; f) discrete output of comanand information with the assistance of keys, tumbler switches, switches, and so on; g) t~ackin.g a target (superi.mposing a marker over the return from a moving target); h) oral reports, commands. These examples show that the whole typical list of operator actions may be sub- divided into three groups depending on the possibilities for automating their assessment. 'I'he first group of habits (a, b, f, q) can in fact be fully described as to the correctness of their execution, inasmuch as these are alternative "yes-no" reactions. The second group of habits (c, e) may be assessed in terms of the accuracy of their execution--the size of the error made, expressed quantitatively as the difference between the true value of the variable to be deteriained and the value determined by the operator. ~ Assessment of the actions in t-he third group (target tracking for example) requires developznent of a c~mplex mathematical model, one which is run raost easily in com- puterized trainers. - Mathematical Methods for Assessinq Operator Training Level In cybernetics, we equate man to a complex inforn~ation system, the activity of which is influenced by many psychological and physiological factors that are hard to account for. Therefore each realization mf an action or procedure by the indi- vidual is a random event, and in accordance with probability theory, thp scores of the results would be random. If we assume that the quantity of elementary factors influencing the score of operator activity is ]arge, and that the role of each of them in forming a random error is small, then the random error should have a normal c~istri.bution. If a developed habit is to be scored correctly, we would need to subject the results of operator training to statistical treatment, which would require a large volume of calculations. Therefore if we are to score an operator's actions immediately ~fter ? tY~ining session, we would need to automate these calculations. Such auto- mation ;.s achieve~, most siinply in computerized trainers which record all character- istics c~f operator activity in the course of training, and display a score for the operator's activi!-.y after the training is completed. 95 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000400430060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Mathematical methods for assessing an operator's training Ze ~el permit us to ob- jectively describe the qualitx of the training, and compare different operators amonq each other. In practice, we often encounter difficulties i.n determining which operator is best, if they are all able to perform their work-related actions within standar.d time. How, for example, do we compare operators whose performance jugt barely satisfies the standard, when one of them must be evaluated on the basis of operation fulfillment time, and the other must be evaluated in tezzns of the accuracy with which nominal values of a parameter are set? Finally, how da we evaluate the success of an operator who decides to become an - operator 3d class and challenges, to a competition, another operator intending to become an operator lst class? Assuming both operators meet the challenge, how do we determine which has a better grasp of his specialty, relative to the profi~iency required of his class? One of the most widespread methods for evaluating operator work quality is to calcu- late the standard deviation, which describes the scatter of concrete results about a mean. We can use it to evaluate the stability of the achieved level: The smaller the standard deviation, the more stably the specialist or crew is working (4)� It would not be difficult to calculate this standard deviation if we know the results of the actions of the operator, and the quality of these operators. Then we can find the average result M, and use it~to calculate the standard deviation: - - ~(/N~ M~~ _I- (ly1- Ml' (/1-in - M1' ~ Q /z ' where M1, M~,..., l~I.y~--individual results of the operator; n--n~er of results; M--average result . It would be more difficult to compare the characteristics of operators when they are measured in different units, for example volts and seconds. The solution to this situation is provided by the variation coefficient C, which is used to compare either different characteristics or identical characteristics, the only condition being that the standard deviations must be significantly different: C=M. The value of this coefficient is lower for operators who work more stably relative to the average results. ,We can compare operators exhi.biting different levels of training by using a special normalized deviation coefficient, x. 7.'his coefficient is calculated on the basis of known standard requirements for the ' mean MH and standard deviation Qg: _ MN_M x= oH . 96 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Knowing the requirements i.mposed on specialists of the particular class, it would not be difficult to establish that the lower the value of the normalized deviation ccefficient, the better are the characY.eristics attained by the students (4). f fT . _ - _ - f f~ ~ r a a `r~ ~ . A ~ I ~ ~ I` j I ~ . ~ I % I ~ 0 I ~ e~ n+ r ; N M ~ t. Figure 45. Actual (a) and Theoretical Figure 46. Actual ~a) and 'i'heoretical (b) _ (b) Distribution of the Results of Distribution of the Results of a Correct an Incorrect Training Technique Training Technique - f fT o 0 I ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ` ` ~ Ml N t Figure 47. Actual (a) and ~'heoretical (b) Distribution of the Best Possi.ble Results By applying the normal distri.butxon law to the training results, we can~reveal whether or not the training process is correctly organized. Let us examine, for example, the case shown in Figure 45, where the horizontal axis represents the average result M and the standard characteristic N. 7.'his mutual location of the actual (a) and theoretical (b) curves appears when mistakes are made in the work or when the training technique is incorrect. In another case (Figw:e 46) the actual and theoretical curves coincide. Z'his means that instruction is proceeding normally, there are no gross errors in work, and the quantity of training ses~ions should be increased to permit~attainment of the standard result. In the third case (Figure 47) we find that the studAnts have reached the limit of their possibilities. Further growth in the characteristics would be possible only if the work is organized in some other way, for example by redistributing functional responsibilities among the crew members, or changing the sequence of elementary oper- at~cn~. 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444444434464-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY We can also use the law of rare phenomena and the binomial law in addition to the normal distribution to analyze training. 7.'he law of rare phenomcna allows us to establish whether or not mistakes made in the work are a rare event arising owing to objective , to a certain extent unavoidable causes, or due to subjective causes whicY!'may be eliminated. The binomial di.stribution law is used to analyze so-called alternative events. These are events with only two outcomes possible: One pleases us, and the other does not. For example a crew may either satisfy a standard, or fail it. If training proceeds noz~cnally, then the dxs~ribution of failures would be subordinated to a binomial law. Technical training resources--trainers, simulators, visual aids, classroom equipment, and so on--play an important role in maintaining high combat readiness in the troops. With their help, soldiers study the theoretical principles of the design and opera- tion of modern combat equipment, and they acquire the necessary practical habits of its;use, in combat and in the course of daily op~ration. Br~ad introduction of simu- lators and trainers is also significantly promoting economi:*.ation ~of the life of combat equipment. As armament becomes more complex, the existing technical training resources must be constantly updated and improved, and'new models must be created. Efficiency experts play a large role in the creation of such equipment. Z'hey, the specialists who come into direct content with the combat equipment, and use it, are precisely the ones who must design new, more aophisticated technical training resources. t 98 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400030060-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Anisimov, B. V., and Chetverikov, V. N., "Preobrazovaniye informatsii dlyw ETsVM" [Conversion of Information for a Digital Computer], Moscow, Izd-vo "Vysshaya shkola", 1968. 2. Belotserkovskiy, G. B., "Osnovy impul'snoy tekhniki i radiolokatsii" [Principles of Pulse Technology and Radar], Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroyeniyz", 1965. 3. Buslenko, N. P., "Nb~~lirovaniye slozhnykh sistem" [Modeling Complex Systems], Nbscow, Izd-vo "Nauka", 1968. 4. Grebennikov, N. 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