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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9893 5 August 1981 East Euro e Re ort p p - POLITICAL, SOCIOIOGICAL AND MILITARY AFFAIRS (FOUO 7/81) FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATiOfV ~ERVICE FOR OFFI~~[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily fror., foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from nE:ws agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. Headlines, reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was _ processed. Where no processing in3icator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. - Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- c ies, v iews or attitudes of thc TJ.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400040005-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9893 5 August 1981 EAST EUROPE REPORT POLITICAL, SOCIOLOGICAL AND MILITARY AFFAIRS (FOUO 7/81) CONTENTS BULGARIA Stanko Todorov Praised for His Socioeconomic Insight (Dobri Bradistilov; IKONOMICHESKA MISUL, No 1, 1981) 1 ~ - a - [III - EE - 63 FOUOj APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440040005-8 F( ~ , BULGARIA STANKO TODOROV PRAISED FOR HIS SOCIOECONOMIC INSIGHT Sofia lK0~10MIC~IESKA MISUL in Bulgarian No 1, 1981 pp 80-87 [Review by Dobri Bradistilov of the boak by ~tanko Todorov "Usilini Godini" (Diffi- cult Years), Partizdat, 1980, 627 pages; the article was accepted for publishing an 1 12 Feb 81] [Te.xt] The contemporary world is scarcely in the best position to assess the im- ' po:-tance of a series of publications by Partizdat which bring together the reports, spe~~ches, a.rticles and statements by the party leaders and the bui~a~rs of the soc~alist state. Time develops its own assessments and criteria. It will elimin- ate the transitory in order to leave ~or generations to come those documents and memoirs which are witness to thE feat of the party and the class, of the creativity of the people, the wisdom and perspicacity of those whom events and history have brought to the head of o~xr people during the years when the appearance of the mother- land was being transformed. However, even now, when memor~~ is fused with sn em- phatic~lly dynamic reality, it can affirmatively be said that each volume of the selected works makes a substantial contribution to understanding the great age in which the people under the leadership of the class vanguard inscribed stirring pages of the most recent history of our free fatherland. Each volume in the series of publications is a reliable witness of the greatness of our times, of the bold f light of thought and deed illuminated by the ideas of the founders of Marxism-Leninism an3 the experience of the peop~e and which has opened up a new era in the history of mankind. It shows the impetus and unshakable belief of those who 90 years ago carried the banner of socialist rebirth ~n the Bulgarian land. From this viewpoint it can definitely be said that "Usilni Godini" [Difficult Years], a work which brings to~ether ths memoirs, statements and articles of the mzmber of the Politburo of the BCP Central Co~nittee and chairman of the Bulgarian ~ Council of Minist~rs, Stanko Todorov will be of equal interest to the ordinary read- er, the public figure and the sciantific worker. The selected works of Comrade St~ Todorov would be difficult to classify in terms of I genre. They could equally be considered as memoir literature for the years of our ' people's armed resis~~ance against fascism and ~apitalism or as best examples of sci- entific research on the development of sar_ialist national economy ia our nation and - its fruitful ties with L-he USSR and the other states of the socialist commor_wealth. The pages devoted to international relations are convincing proof of the policy un- swervingly followed by socialist Bulgaria of peace and constructive c.ooperation with all countries, near and far, developed and developing. 1 " FOR OFFIC~AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440400040005-8 FOR OPFIC'IAL t!SF. ONI.1' The four sections which comprise the contents of "Usilni Godini" have a somewhat hypothetical nature. This is because the problems are interrelated and intertwined in terms of subjects. The questions of economic policy of the party and the social- ist state also have political o~ertones. Tt?e upbringing of youth is directly re- lated to the correct positing of economic problems and the sniving of a number of cultural questions. A rise in labor productivity is equally determined by economic, social, ps}chological and ot!~er factors. Cooperation between the nations of the socialist commonwealth, like the policy of peaceful coexistence between states with different social systems, as an economic subtext. Economic relations are the basis on which political ar.~i other relations are erected between states with the same or different socioeconomic systems. This has determined the basic content of the in- dividual sections of the work. ~conomic problems define the content of not only the s~:cond section of the reviewed work entitled "On Certain Problems of Party Economic Yolicy." These problems permeate the textual fabric and problems of the remaining t~vo sections devoted to the improving of social administration and international re- lations. Only the first section of the volume has the nature of inemoirs. The rich biography of the author has determined the stirring content of the first secrion. Comrade Stanko Todorov was one of the leaders of the armed resistance against fascism in Sofia and its surroundings. The pages devoted to this period of ttie atithor's biography are full of movement and frequently the memoirs turn to tragic situations the outcome of which is of an unexpected anci unforeseen nature. These pages are read with excitement and unflagging interest. In places they sound like a hymn of self-sacrifice for the sake of the great ideals for which thousands or the sons and daughters of the people gave up their lives. The leader of the com- hat groups of the Pancharevski Party Region and a direct participant in the assault , c~n 9 September 1944, rhe author tersely describes these intense days, months and years, without path~s and with human sincerity and simplicity~. He speaks with piety oL those with whom he was brought together in battle but who did not see victory. Some of the situations in which the author found himself could almost go to confirm the thesis known in philosophy of chance as the breaking of naturally determined chai.ns. Following in quick succession are meetings, ambushes, arrest, interroga- tion, bombing, flight, return to the ranks of the fighters, pursuit, wounding, arrest and again freedom. And freedom came with the victorious march of the Soviet P,r?iiy. Socialist creation began. The leading posts which tt~e party and communist power offered him opened up opportunities for creative accomplishments. Tfie auttior focuses chief attention on the complex problems of the national economy. As a youth leader, the first secretary ~f the BCP okrug committee in Burgas, the mini5ter of agriculture, the secretary of the BCP Central Committee, the chairman of the State Planning Commission and chairman of the Bulgarian Council of Ministers, Comrade Stanko Todorov worked with exceptional dedication to solve them. The lead- ing posts in the party and state apparatus allowed him to see and disclose the es- sence of those processes and to systematize the means which the party uses in indi- vI_dual periods of socialist construction to consistently solve the economic, social and other problems of the national economy. The successes in building a new social system are indisputable. They are a joy to tlie heart of the young and the already mature party leader. But these successes, Comrade Todorov emphasizes, must not stop us from seeing the difficulties and weak- nesses which inevitably arise with the laying of ttie economic bases ~nd material- technical base of a socialist economy. For the builders of socialism, as he points 2 FOR OFFCCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 ~ out, it is not characteristic to be intoxicated with successes. "The view that the devel~pment of a socialist society is devoid of contradictions and difficulties is naiv e and our party rejects it" (p 162). Successes are the spring of revolutionary optimism and instill confidence in the forces of the party and the people. However, the disclosure of errors and weaknesses is the condition for eliminating them. Char- acr.eristic of the author is that simultaneously with the stating of the committed mistakes he seeks out the factors which gave rise to them and proposes measures to overcome them. The author of "Usilni Godini" shows a realistic and responsible ap- proach to the complicated questions of the national economy. He seeks their solu- tion both from the principled positions of Marxist-Leninist economic science and from the view of the specific socioeconomic and political conditions which exist in our country. The pages devoted to the problems of the socialist transformatic,n of our national economy msintain their timeliness regardless of the time of their writing. The - author's statements in this area are as diverse as the problems which he was called upon to solve as a member of the leading party and state bodies. The systematized answers which Comrade St. Todorov gives during the var~ous periods of the socioeco- nomic development of the nation show in essence the stages through which it passed fram the victory of the socialist revolution to the beginning of a developed social- ist society. For the author of "Usilni Godini," the building of a socialist social system has be.en a a creative process caused by objective patterns. At the same time economic laws are also of definite significance. This requires "...the mastery of the eco- nomic aspect of Ma.rxist-Leninist *eachings" (p 59). However, only a good knowledge of economi.c theory is not sufficient for managing the socialist economy. The plan- ned directing of economic processes also presupposes an understanding oi the organ- ization and technology of production in the correspondir~g sector. Only a harmoni- ous combination of theory and practice can guarantee resuits meeting the needs of socialist construction. In the theoretical elucidation and practical resolution of strategic and current tasks, the author proceeds from the view given by the four~ders of Marxist-Leninist economic teachings that over the histor~cal Iong run the victories of the socialist , social sysLem will be determined by the degree to which use is made of the objective opportunities which socialist production relations create for increasing social - labor productivity. The historic mission of socialism is to guarantee higher labor productivity than under capitalism. On this basis he searches for a solution to - pr~blems in relation to raising the ~tandard af living of the population. The - author turns to this question each time it is 3n issue of using the conditions and factors for economic growth which are present in the country. Comrade St. Todorov views the question of economic growth rates oi~ various levels. During the first years of socialist construction, he assessed the achieved results through thE prism o~ pr~~duction employment for the working--age population and the efFective use of the labor resources (p 229). He also draws attention to the ques- tion of increasing worker skills from the standpoint of the ever-i.ncreasing demands of production and exports. He views the effective use of natural resources as the chief ineans of increasing and improving the quality of agricultural praduction (p 359). The struggle to sav.~ raw products, materials and energy is not only an 3 ~ FOR OF'FIC[AL 1JSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 FOR OfFICIAL USE OtiI.Y economic question. It also has political overtones. The results achieved in this national economic area are directly reflected in the social sphere, that is, in raising the standar.d of living of the people. Comrade Stanko Todorov views the rise of labor productivity in a socialist economy simultaneously as an economic, technological, political-social and nsychological problem. The high social awarer.ess of the workers is not and cannot be an auto- matic consequence from the victory of socialist production relations. The shaping of a corre~t attitude toward labor, toward socialist property and labor discip?ine to a significant deg.-ee depends upon the indoctrinational and organizational work of the subjPCtive factor, of the party, the trade unions and other social organizations. In his statements at one of the rayon par~y conferences of the Sofia party organiza- *_ion, he forumulated one of the basic requirements which determine the party's place as the vangiiard force in socialist society. The communists are the example for the ~aorkers. The party, as an organized detachment of the class and the people, is a force wtlicli changes the direction of history and points it toward communism; the communists are "...the motor which drives that complicated system of engines and _ mecllanisms called a state and a socialist society." The party is "...the center or core arotind which the workers unite for the sake of a great cause, the prosperity of the Bulgarian nation" (p 131). The strength of the party is in its ties with the people. Only in this instance can it carry out the role of the political vanguard. TY~e roJ_e wliich history has entrusted to the working class in our times and in our nation which is moving along the patb of socialism," emphasized Comrade St. Todorov, "...requires a constant rise in its awareness, that it be indoctrinated in a spirit of communism and that the principles and directions of party policy be even more pro- f.oundly infused in it" (p 247). The significance of the problem merits the special attention which the author give~ to labor psychology (p 323). The attitude of the workers to the labor process, the choice of a profession, tiie psychological climate in tt~e production colZective are essential factors for active involvement in the labor labor process and for good results from the operations of the enterprise, brigade and - and individual worker. Labor productivity is viewed by Comrade St. Torodov as a _ derivative frcm the interaction of technological, economic, social, ethical, psycho- - logical and other factors. The elucidation and measuring of the importance of each of these factors are a prerequisite for their platined use in managing socialist pro- ducticn. Particularly the creation of a good psychological climate in the production collectives is assuming ever-greater significance particularly under the conditions nt tt~e accelerated introduction of. achievements .from the scientif ic and technical revo~ution and the new economic mechanism for managing the national economy. The question comes down not merely to creating suitable relationships between the lead- ers and the led and between the direct producers themselves, but rather the creation of a go~d osycholog~cal climate "...must be linked to the problems of labor hygiene and psysiology and to ergonomics" (p 323). Labor discipline has been and remains a permanent factor in increasing the results frorn the activities of each production collective. The creation oi aware, creative, socialist discipline is one of the main tasks of the social organizati~ns in the enterprises. Only in this is it possible to achieve the pursued production and social results, the author emphasizes "...when this is turned into the cause of millions, the labor collectives and all citizens" (p 324). Conscious, creative labor discipline is the condition for effectively utilizing the achievements of sci- ent:ific and technical progress. The scale of production and lhe pace of the labor 4 FOit OFFCC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004400040005-8 process under the conditions of the scientific an~ technical revolutioi. "...demand strict coordination of individual efforts, a uniform rhythm in producti~n, purpose- fulness and unity of action" (p 306). The author seeks the solution to this problem which has assumed emphatic urgency in our national economy during the period of building a developed socialist society in several directions: by increasin$ the overall and professional culture of the workers in maintaining the technological, economic and financial normative base which conforms to the particular features of production in the individual sectors, as well as by reconciling social, group and individual int~rests. Also of importance is the involvement of the immediate pro- ducers in production management. The condition for this, as the author points out, is "...a furttier improvement of socialist democracy and the creation of even better prerequisites for the broad and active participatian of the workers in management," as well as by creating opportunities for the wnrkers " influence it in taking the appropriate decisions" (p 324). Public ownership of the means of production is the objective basis for realizing this potential. The economic approach has tur_ned it in~o an i_nstrument for manage- ment activities. In proceeding from the theoretical views of the first party and , state leader, Comrade T. Zhivkov, concerning the new econon?ic approach, the author of "Usilni Godini" views its introduction as an instrument for planned management of the socialist economy and its subsystems as organically deriving :rom the content of socialist social relationships and the past which the party is carrying out in the production and social areas. Comrade St. Todorov sees the start of introducing this ' approach in the decisions of the April ~ienum of the BCP Central Committee of 1956 which marked a new stage in the development of the nation along the path of social- ist creation. He pays proper due to the personal contribution and accomplishments of the General Secretary of the BCP Central Committee and Chairman of the Bulgarian State Council, Comrade T. Zhivkov, as the architect and builder of the party's April course and as the consistent~fighter for its realization. The April Plenum and the Ninth Party Congress marked a beginning to the ~rocess of an integrated improvement in national economic organization and management, for introducing the creative ap- proach, for promptly solving problems related to improving planning and price forma- tion and for broadening democracy in economic activ~ties. The improvement of socialist social relationships and the bettering of the organiza- tion of the national economy and the methods of its leadership have been reflected in a new approach in the forming and distributing of enterprise income, in more fully considering the demands of the law of distribution according to labor. Material and moral incentives have been more consistently applied in practice (p 89). The economic approach in managing socialist production is viewed by Comrade St. Todorov as the consistent realization of the demands of the economic laws of_ social- ism in managing economic and social processes (p 169). These derive organically from the goal of socialist production. The constant rise in the material prosperity and culture of the workers in a contradictory unity links the production and social sphere. The quantitative indicators of distribution and consumption (social and in- dividual) are determined by the results obtained in the production sphere. In par- ticipating in the elaboration of the production plan at individual enterprises, the workers "...will be rewarded or penalized depending upon the end result" obtained from the collective's production activities (p 169). The consistent application of the economic approach, in the words of the author, must lead to the surmounting of the contradiction which has arisen in the national economy between the created 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 FOR OFFiC1.AL [~SE ONL1' material and technical base and its efficient use. Here, in raising the question of correctly reconciling public, collective and personal material interests, it is " essential to proceed from the presence of commodity-monetary relationships and the ar_tion of tlle law of value under the conditions of public owiiership of the means of production and the law operating on this basis of the planned and proportional de- velopment of the national economy and the requirements of the basic economic law of socialism. This requires both the use of valiie categories in the management of socialist production as well as the method of cost accounting. Cost accounting is a form of organization and a method of managing a socialist enter- prise. On a basis of cost accounting, conditions are created for an integrated and - comprehensive solution to the questions of raising labor remunerati~n, the efficient ~:se of production capital, the improvement of price formation and the fuller satis- fying of the needs of the public (p 326). The builc:ing of a developed socialist society in our nation, in being directly linked with the introduction of scientific and technical achievements and the con- sistent introduction of the economic approach in management, determine the strategic _ tasks which in following years will be carried out in the national economic sectors. Among them, according to the author, of primary significance are the following: raising the role of science and technical progress in the production sphere; raising ttie concentration, specialization and modernization of production in accord with the requirerients of the scientific. and technical revolution; the consistent introduction of ttie brigade organization of labor as the basic form for organizing the labor proc- ess; a maximum saving of live and embodied labor; improving product quality and rais- ing the standard of living of the population. The introduction of the economic ap- proach in managing the national economy is the chief ineans at the present stage in the nation's development " turn the party directives into action" (p 452). The improving of planning involves the~development of the productive forces and tre con- tinuous rise in the level of socialist production. The plan for the nation's socio- economic development has been enriched with new indicators and sections. Comrade St. Todorov views the question of territorial planning in relation to this. The plans for the socioeconomic development of the individual okrugs are viewed by the author of "Usilni Godini" as an element for improving national economic planning and as a necessary section from comprehensive national economic development. For him territorial planning is one of the instruments for raising the socioeconomic effec- tiveness of socialist production. The correct territorial placement of the produc- tive forces " one of the main, still not fully utilized reserves for raising economic efficiency and for the most rational use of the natural, labor and material resources" (pp 265-266). The report given by the author at the March (1970) Plezum of the BCP Central Committee in terms of its content represented a forecast for the territorial placement of the productive forces and for improving the terr.itorial organization of production over the following two decades. The plenum decisions adopted on the basis of the report by Comrade St. Todorov outlined the strategic tasks which must be solved in this area of the national economy, namely, raising comprehensive development of the economy in the individual okrugs and economic re- gions and gradually surmounting the substantial socioeconomic differences between them inherited from capitalism. The pages devoted to the socialist way of life merit ~~articular attention, chiefly in line with the questions which our national economy is presently solving. The 6 ~rUR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 FOR OFFICIAL USF. ONLY author views the rise in the standard of living in direct relation to the results achieved in the production sphere. The production employment o� the working-age contingent of the population is an essential element from the realization of the creators of the material goods and cultural values in a socialist economy. In parallel with the rise in the income of the population and its higher material and cultural level, a major role is played by the service sphere (p 339). The latter must be developed in direct relation to the increased income of the population and its social and cultural needs. With good justification the author has biven significant attention to one of the factors of growing significance for the dynamic development of our national economy, - namely the participation of our country in the integration processes among the states of the socialist commonwealth and our growing cooperation with the Soviet Union. Comrade St. Todorov views the all-round cooperation of our nation with the other countries of the socialist commonwealth as an objective, natural necessity. This nature of cooperation is determined by the uniform production relationships, by the international division of labor which has been carried out and by the interna- tionalization of the productive forces. Technical progress plays the determining role in the growing significance of socialist integrati~n. The importance of the integratioa processes, the author stresses, for countries such as Bulgaria is de- termined by the following: the growing needs for energy and raw material resources which our nation possesses in limited amounts; by the demand to continuously broaden scientific and tecnnical potential and the need for a market to sell the products from the sectors with which Bulgaria participates in the international division of labor (p 66). The participation of Bulgaria in the integration processes between the states of the socialist commonwealth helps to improve the sectorial structure of industry and efficiently utilize the labor resources. "...Conditions have been cre- ated for a continuous rise in labor productivit;� in the entire national economy..." (p 98) and for raising the standard of living of the population. - The particular features which characterize a socialist society and its econoiny also determine the forms of organization and the methods of its leadership. These partic- ular features determine the style and methods inherent to the party, administrative and economic leaders and leadership. The author ~of "Usilni Godini" takes up these principles in more than one place in his articles, reports and statements. In dis- closing the essential features and the approach which must be applied in managing the socialist economy, Comrade St. Todorov proceeds from the views given by the founder of the Soviet state. Proceeding from the views of Lenin, he pleads for a clear delimitation of the functions, the rights and duties of the individual elements and institutions which form the superstructure of the socialist society. In his re- port to the November Plenum of the BCP Central Committee held in 1968, Comrade St. Todorov clarified. the relationships between the functions of the central and local bodies of co~unist power; between the activities of the party and state bodies; be- tween the bodies of the Fatherland Front and the people's councils. The latter, the author emphasized, "...must assist in developing the economy and increasing its effi- ciency, in accelerating technical progress and introducing a scientific organization for production, management and labor'.' (p 380). A lack of coordination, duplication, formalism and excessive paperwork are fundamentally alien to the organization and management of a sociaJ_ist economy (and this applies equally to the other systems of the socialist state). The role of the party organizations must be increased as the political leadership. The class approach, concern for the working people, concern 7 FOR OF~'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8 FOR OFFICIAL USE OtiLY for man remains the criterion for assessing the activities of the bodies of the socialist state under the conditions of victorious socialism. Scientific management of the economy requires "...that the people's councils take a greater part in plan- ning the activities of the enterprises operuting on its terri~ory, while naturally the main responsibility is born by the appropriate administrative and economic lead- ership" (p 392). Ari essential trait of socialist management is its scientificness. This presupposes the full use of the achievements of social sciences and production methods which modern science and tc~hnc~logy oFfer us. What was said by Comrade St. Todorov con- cerning the approach in the activities of the people's councils at the November Plenum of the BCP Central Co~nittee (1968) is of fundamental significance for the ~~yle and methods ir, the activities of all bodies of the socialist state. Each state and social body is obliged to operate in the range of functions granted it in - the system of socialist man~tgement. It mus~ promptly and professionally solve the questions which life and the population have posed for it. The activities of the individual bodies must be organized on the principles of democratic cer.tralism and ttie unity of legislative and executive activities wi*_h a harmonious combination of sectorial and territorial planning in the economic area. The broadening of democ- racy in management presupposes the ever-fuller involvement of the population in man- agement activities while strictly observing the requirec~ents of objectivity and ef- ficiency in management (p 397). In solving economic problems, the effectiveness of the end result is of crucial significznce (p 432). The high level of socialist man- agement requires fewer but more effective sessions, profeGsionalism and responsi- bility. Ttie revie~ved work is an authoritative proof of the indisputable successes which our people have won along the path of socialist construction and their unswerving desire For cooperation in the name of peace and all-round progress for all peoples. COPYRIGHT: Ikonomicheski Institut na BAN, 1981 10272 CSO: 2200/109 END 8 FOR O~'Ft~[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400040005-8