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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 wOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/9959 3 September 1981 Worldwide Re ort p NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS CFOUO 41/81, F'BIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATI~N SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 NOTE . JPRS publications contain informatior. primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from riews agency transmissions and broadca s ts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or r~print ed, with the original phrasing and other characteristics reta ined. Headlines, editorial repor ts, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, ind icate how the original information was processed. W'here no processing indicator is given, tre infor- mation was summariz~d or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenth etical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publ ication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440050009-3 r ~ JPRS L/9959 3 September 1981 WORLDW I DE REPORT NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS . (FOUO 41/81) CONTENTS ASIA INBIA Major I1rug Smuggling Ring I}i.scovered in Bophal (THE STATESMAN, 20 Jul 81) 1 Brief s Heroin Smugglers Convicted 2 Morphine Factory Seized 2 MALAYSIA ' Briefs Dog Sniff s Out Opium 3 PEiKISTAI`1 Drug Seizures Repoxted for 1981 Fiscal Year ~ (DAWN, 17 Aug 81) 4 - Tabani Urges Illegal T1rug Sa1e Curb (BUSTNESS RECORDER, 26 Jul S1) 5 3rie~'s Narcotics Sales Increase 6 Narcotics Seized 6 Heroin, Charas Worth Qve~ Rs.10 Lakh Seized 6 Maxihuana Seized 7 Opium Rncovered 7 Hashish in Wheelchair 7 Customs Stops Hashish 7 ' Contraband Narcotics Increase 7 - a _ (III - WW - 138 FOUO] ~ , FnT~ (1FFT('TAi, i.JSE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400050009-3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . PHILIPPINES - Brief s Raid Yields Heroin 8 Ifugao Marihuana Plantation I}iscovered 8 SOUTH KOftEA Metriamphetamine Ring Apprehended (THE KOREA TIMES, 26 Jul 81) 9 THAI7sAND Brief s Four Sentenced for Possessing Heroin 10 VIETNAM Hau Giang Cracks Down on Reactionary Culture, Narcotic Use (SAIGON GIAI PHONG~ 24 Jun 81) 11 I,ATIN ~MERICA BAHAMAS Marihuana Worth $6 Million, 8 Boats Seized; 19 Arrested (Athena Damianos; THE TRIBUNE, 20 Jul 81) 12 Six Policemen Arrested, Charged Drug Offenses (Dilette Thompsan; THE TRIBUNE, 20 Jul 81) 1!~ Brief s Cocaine Chaxge 15 Colombians in Custody 15 PERU Briefs Arrest by Civil Guaxds 16 _ PIP Captures Narcotics Bands 16 Laxge Cocaine Seizure 17 C?andestine Airstrip 17 International Cocaine Trafficking 17 International I?rug Operation 18 Undercover Drug Bust 18 Civil Guard Drug Seizures 18 PIP Cocaine Raid 19 New Shipping Method - 19 Cocaine Distributor Arrested 19 -b- FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY ~ ~~AI: ~'u4S1' ~IVI) N~F~ CEI A.E~'KLOA IRAN ~ Brief s Heroin in Estahbanat 20 Narcotics Seizure 20 Hashish SeizUre 20 55nuggler Arrest 20 Drug Arrests 20 Opium Seized in ~Adelabad 20 Zahedan Drug Find 21 Heroin Seizure 21 Opium Seizure 21 Drug Seizure in Shiraz 21 Drug Seizure in Borazjan 21 WEST EUROPE FRANCE I,argest Drug Haul Made Off Brittany Coast (AFP, 23 Aug 81) 22 'SWEDEN Po11 Shows Half of Population for Drug-Case Phone Taps (DAGFNS NYHETER, 26 Jul 81) 23 Brief s Heroin S~nuggler Seized 2!~' Joint Nordic Narcotics Effort 21~ Amghetamine Manufacturer Sentenced 2!~ LSD Smuggler Seized 25 , - c - FOR OFFLCIAL USE ONL3~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 INDIA MAJOR DRUG SMUGGLING RING DISCOVERED IN B~HOPAL Calcutta THE STATESMAN in English 20 Jul 81 p 11 [Text] BHOPAL, July 19.-A chance tiarcotIcs Cummissione`r's': o~ce, ; relzure ot morphine on :Kaq 13, appear to be stlll ~roplnX in the ~ valued at Rs 8 lakhg, Erom the d~rk. The rea~on i~ that the mor houee of an employee of the Nee. phlne catch 1~ the biy~est in Neo- aivch alkalide factory has led to much in 3landsaur district.~ whicb - the discovery of what !s apparenG u normallq known for its maring ly a maJor drug smugeline rin; opium smug~ling slnce it 1s tha tn eaistence for same years. country's biggest opium Yrowin~ The maln man in th~ lon� chaln area. i~ yet to be identiSed. :14eanwhile, ~�o posaibillties ere beia~ dis the State ' Criminal Investigation cussed. One 1s that that the mot~ Department has requested the Cen� phine would be smugAled out tral Bureau of Investigation to through the several illleft factoriea take custody of the arrested em- tn the countrq where morphine i~ ployee, ~Ir Lateef In whoae conveMed lnto heroin. The other howe 21 kgs of aemi-reHned mor poasfhility 1s th~t ths � morphina p6fne were repartedly found. He � may be smu~gled out of the coua� ts alleged to have confessed that u.y, - ihe racket uas bean !n exi~teace iince August 1880, whlle claiming The alleQationi ol amug~line total ignorance about the quantiq from the factory ibel! are not ot morphlne smuggled out of tha new. :4Ir R, K. Pathak. a labou! factory and the man behfnd S~ leader and now a disrnisaed em~ ThonAh yIr I.ateef was arrested ~ ployee, clalms tbat he had written along with four others, a fitth to the Finance Minfstry as early man cailed Santosh, a dismiued es 1978, sayin� that there was - emp{oyee, Is atfll abscondln~. San ?=e6e~acale smuggling ~oing on. It tosh, wh� ha~ taken anticipatory aPNuiris k at about 2; yeara ago ball, hu now been descrfbed a~ b g of morphine was found Mr Iateef's "contact man", but 3n a place in the tactory where !t where the chain will ultir.fately was not suppoaed to be. Since end ia not knowa. there wen no elalmanta; tbe taN At &st~ factorq oBicfals clalmed tory authoritfes menlp restored tbat the morptitne was not~ thelre. the morphine and d1d not even L;~ter, however, they ~re saM to order an inqu! have accepted that that morphine In one securi~y eheet, .an em~ could be trom the factory. Ployee waa found to Ra 9,000 in Authoritles invest)gatlnQ the ae! cssh, but his explanatton that be zure one convinced that the mor I6ad won the money throuIIh pamb� phine could not have Xone out. ~Y.waa accepteC. consi~aring the heavy sacurity~ There aaa a 40day strike ia ~rithout tbe connlvance of hl�b ~ October 1979 and. one of tbe main security odlcials. demands was that there should be Tbe morphine flnd has' rataed ~a a~8I piobe into the . large~icale number of possible leads, some o! smuqglJnq trom the factory. them matnly in the realm ot ape- The Central ~ Indnstriai Securitq culation. In tact an inexporienced Force l~ ttuardfng the factory, but' State CID team went aU the way t6~ ~ervanta in~ the re~idences ol to PunJab only to raturn empty tbe nianagers and the qenerat ma- hLndad. All tho~e connected with nager w6ich are 1tt~ide tbe com� the investiRation. includina the pound, do not like to be sub)ected 'o cheelr~. CSO: 5300 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400050009-3 INDIA BRIEFS - HEROIN SMUGGLERS CONVICTED--An Indian and a US passport holder convicted for at- tempting to smuggle out of the country 860 gms of heroin worth over Rs 1.5 crore ~ last June were on Frid~y sentenced to the maximum prescribed sentence of three years rigorous imprisonment each by additional chief inetropolitan magistrate ~ Jitender Mohan Malik reports PTI. Mr Malik also imposed a fine of Rs 30000 each on Sukhan Lal Tyagi, the Indian who allegedly supplied the heroin and Joseph Frenna the US passport holder in default. He directed, they undergo nine months rigorous imprisonment each. Mr Malik imposed a two year term and a f ine of Rs 30,000 on Ms Michellene Marcoux the Canadian woman member of the international gang of drug smugglers, found guilty along with Frenna and Tyagi. [Text] [New Delhi PATRIOT in English 18 Jul 81 p 5) _ MORPHIN~ FACTORY SEIZED--New De1hi, 31 July--Police in the Indian capital has alerted the Interpol f ollowing the seizure of a morphine manufacturing factory and narcotics worth over two million rupees (250,000 dollars), it was revealed here today. SuresY: Roy, one of the deputy commissioners of New Delhi police, ' said that two persons including a dismissed employee of the Narcotics Department had been arrested in this connection. He said tha.t police in its biggest seizure recovered from the factory operating for about three months, 550 grammes of morphine, 10 kilogrammes of opium solution and 8.5 kilogrammes of opium besides equipment for the conversion of opium to morphine~,--NAB/AFP ~Text~ ~Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 2 Aug 81 p 7~ CSO: 5300/4960 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 MALAYSIA B RI EFS DOG SNIFFS OUT OPiUM--Kuala Lumpur, 30 July--The Malaysian customs anti-narcotics dog unit scored a major success when ~ne of the dogs sniffed out.100 pounds of raw - opium from a car in Changloon neax the 'I'hai-Malaysian border yesterday. A customs spokesman said the opium, hidden in secret compartments behind the back seat of the car, was worth 70,000 Malaysian dollars (33,000 US) in the local market and about one million dollars (450,000 US) in the international black market. The driver of the car, a hairstylist, and his passenger, a mechanic, bath 21, from Penang, in North Malaysia, were detained for questioning. The spokesma.n said this was the first success of the dog unit without the benefit of a tip-off. He said the car, with a Penang registration plate, was stopped for a surprise check as it came in from Thailand. The dog went inaide the car and gave out an excited cry before it began to tear the back rest of the back seat and sniffed out 25 slabs of raw opium. He said the car was heavil perfumed but th3.s did not prevent the dog sniffing out the drugs. NAB/AFP ~Text~ ~Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE`S DAILY in English 1 Aug 81 p T~ CSO: 5300/4960 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000440050049-3 ~ , PAKISTAN ~ ~ ~ bRUG SEIZURES REPORTED FOR 1981 FISCAL YEAR ~ ~ Kar~.chi DAWN in English 17 Aug 81 p 10 [Text] Pakistan Customs ma3e seizures of smuggled goods worth Rs. 1.78 billion- ~a~or hauls being of narcotics worth Rs. 930 million and of other contraband items worth about Rs. 852.7 million during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1981. I According to figures of the Central Board of Revenue (CBR), the narcotics seized in- ~:luded Ogium 1,996 kilograms; Hashish 10,678 kilograms; Heroin 26,626 kilograms; ' Hashish oil 25,000 Rgs; Morphine 1.95 kgs.; Cocaine 11 Phials and Methaquolone ~ tablets 2.1 million doses. The contraband narcotics were meant for "illegal ex- ' port" to USA and other European countries. ~ 'Other contraband goods seized include foreign cloth, electrical goods, vehicles, ' launches; watches; betel nuts, bidi leaves, foodgrains; spare parcts, currency Rs. 28.2 million) and armF and ammunition (Rs. 9.4 million), VCRs, Liquor and other ~ ~miscellaneous items (Rs. 498.3 million). ~The seizures made by Rarachi Custams anti-smuggling organ3sations amounted to over ' Rs. 212.3 million, including narcotics during 19g0-81, excluding the biggest-ever cache of Hashish weighing ~ver 4,OQ0 kil~grams lately, The CBR also reported the loss of lives of two custom inspectors and two sepoys during encounters with smugglers of narcotics during the year. CSO: 5300/4644 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400050009-3 PAKISTAN TABANI LTRGE~ ILLEGAL DRUG SALE CURB Karachi BUSINESS RECORDER in English 26 Jul 81 p 3 [Text] The 8ind Excise and Taxatioa Co~trot Bcsid !or actfon~ agaiast ' ~ biiaiater, Ashraf N. Tabani yes- the ns~rcotic dealera. Lerday direcced the officiaLS of; Abaut the i~.u~ctioning of the :us departmsnt W keep a strict' Directorate, t,he Director Excise~ vigilance on unauti~orised sale Karae:~i, Anwaz Shailcli said ; of coatraband intoxicants in the t`~?at a total of 116 were de- City. tected 'oy tl;e: Excis~ 3taif in He was oresiding ove,r a Pr~' Karachi ~luring 1980-1981. sentation hal3 at h:s office, in Tha tireak-up of the detection conaection with the working of of exeise crimes is, seizure of - Uhe Directorate oP Exciae~ Kar. 8.iZ8.~80 k~ oi charas; 128.O7b achi The Seretary, provincial kg of opium; 0.123 kg of bhang; Excise aad '!`axation Departm~t, 21it quads of fqreign liquor; 73 Manzuorul Hasan tnd Directer quads of Pa,cistan made foreign General Exciee aad Taxation~ liquor; 65 q~~ads and two tins Sind Syed MoYubullah Sha1i~ of bee: ; 5i4 quads of ilicit liquor were also pr~ent. and 25 Lbs: and uinecups o! 'i~e Miniater esked the Dlrec- tincture. tor Excise, Kar~chi lo depute In addition 2.100 kg of heroin speclal teams o! the Iutelligance was aeized by the Karachi Ex- 8taff at various places to take cise Police, durin~ last year immedtate action against all which was firsl, haul�up o! the those persons involved in this heroin in ~he history of Sind illegal b~sinesa. Abkari. He further directed them to 'P:~e Mini,ter was told that an ' take auitable r~~e'vcntive measures amount of Rs. 25.554 was re- In various localities of Karaahi covered as P~cise revenue during against the ac!dicts and the per- laet l~~i~ Y~' ~der dilfer- soas involved in the tratficking eat heads of excise duty an~ o! Lhe contraband articles in� finea. cluding liquor, opium, charaa, The ~ind Excise and Z`axati6n heroin etc. l~inister appnciateci the effortc Tabsni atressed 1]~e aeed for of the Exci~e Staii for detectioa close and regular coordination ot excise crimes including the with the E'akistan Narcotics capture ot heroin. CSO: 5300 5 . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440050009-3 ~ PAKISTAN BRIEFS ' NARCOTICS SALES INCREASE--The sale of narcotics especially of charas is on the in- ; crease in the City. According to a repart, in most of the City localities the p~d- dlers of narcotics have increased their activity and now they offer narc~tics in cigarettes ready for use. The areas where the narcotics is easily available include Lyari, PECAS, Jacob Lines area, Tariq Road and various other localities where low income group people reside. According to report, two peddlers of Jacob lines area ; have adopted new method of sale of narcotics. They usually fill the cigarettes with narcotics and their agents sell them to the well-to-do people at price between Rs. 5 to 10. These cigarettes are also avilable in some big hotels in posh Saddar area where these are offered to foreigners. According to report, there are numerous charas dens in Lyari which cater to the demand of narcotic addicts from whole of ; the City.--PPI. [Text] Karachi BUSINESS RECORD~R in English 24 Jul 81 p 4] NARCOTICS SEIZED--Police failed to arrest a drug trafficker in a raid on his den ~ in North Nazimabad seized a large quantity of narcotics and detained two other per- sons. Intoxicants seized are 1020 botteles of wine, 4000 pills of a mandrex, 13 kilo charas, 200 grams of opeium. According to details the burglary staff of Liaquatabad along with the police of North Nazimabad raided the house of accused ! Said-ur-Rehman.and arrested two persons Ahmed Shah alias Badshah and Mian Younus Kt?an, Said-ur-Rehman made good llis escape. Police have registered a case against ! the accused and are looking for them.--PPI. (Text] [Karachi BUSINESS RECORDER in English 29 Jul 81 p 3] ~ HEROIN, CHARAS WORTH OVER RS.10 LAI~i SEIZED--Charas and heroin worth over Es 10 lakh in foreign currency were seized from two persons while they were going in a ' car on Tariq Road by CIA police it was reported yesterday. The accused were iden- tified as F.ashid and Zahid. The former lives in a building near Jubilee Cinema ~ while the latter in Mohammad Ali Housing Society. Rashid, a young man, zhe police sources said was convicted in Holland two years ago on the charge of narcotic ; smuggling while Zahid, an elderly man, is a previous convict in three cases of cha- ras trafficking here. Accrrding to the reports both the accused were going in a ' car No 069-344 carrying one killo of heroin and five killos of charas in the boot of the car when a police party of CIA, after a tip off, intercepted them at Tariq ~ Road and seized tt~e contraband cargo. The contraband cargo, the police said, if i smuggled abroad would have fetched Rs 10,50,000 in foreign currency. The car be- longing to Zahid was impounded by the police. A separate case under Arms Act was regiatered against Rashid following recovery of an unauthorized revolver from his ~ possession. [TextJ [Karachi MORNING NEWS in English 20 Jul 81 p 5] ~ I I 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404050009-3 MARIJUANA SEIZED--Contraband marijuana weighing about four maunds worth about Rs. 3.5 million was yesterday seized from an upcountry truck near Musical fount_ain on Abdullah Haroon Road by the Anti-Burglary Staff of the Civil Lines Aivieian. According to details SuperintendenC oF Police Babar Khattak ot tlie Civi1 Lines Uiv- ision was tipped off about a truck bringing contraband mari~uana from tribal belt in the false cavities o� the vehicle (PR 8721). The detectives went all over the city in search of the said truck and f inally intercepted it c~n Abdullah Haroon Road, while it was moving away towards the harbour. The driver of the truck, identified as Abdul Rashid, has been arrested and is under intensive questioning in a bid to find out the 'links' at Karachi who were to receive the contraband for onward ex- port to a European country. [Text] ~[Karachi DAWN 28 Jul 81 p 8] OPIUM RECOVERED--Rawalpindi, July 25--Two kilo opium was recovered from a bus pas- senger near Wah Garden yesterday. The raid was conducted by the Excise Inspector and the opium was found in Iftari basket--PPI. [Text] [Islamabad THE MUSLIM in. English 26 Jul 81 p 3] HASHISH IN Tr7HE~,LCHATR--Islamabad, July 28--The airport customs_staff, arrested ~:ie involved person here today and allegedly recovered from him 18 kilograms of - hashish worth about Rs. 10 lakh in the international market. Acting on a tip-off, _ the customs staff searched the wheel chair on which the accused Safden Sethi had been seated and found that a small portion in the middle was very soft whereas being an iron chair this could not have been the case.--A.P.P. [TextJ [Peshawar KHYBER MAIL in Eng~ish 29 ul 81 p 1] CUSTOMS STOPS HASHISH--Karachi, 19 July--Over 100 kilogra~es of hashish intended for shipment to Rotterdam by a ship, S.S, Mount Sanana, was seized by the customs officials here today. NAB/AFP ~Text~ ~Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE~S DAILY in English 21 Jul 8i p 6~ CONTRA,BAND NARCOTICS INCREASE--Hyderabad, 11 Aug--An overdose of Mandrex tablets - (a narcotic) has killed one Shaukat, 27, of the Cantonment area. flis body was found early yesterday morning. Postmortem report revealed the cause of death. Contraband narcotics are rampant here and some medical stores are reportedly in- volved in pushing them. A couple of months back seven medical stores were raided and a large quantity of locally brewed liquor was also impounded. [Text] [Lahore THE PAKISTAN TIMES in English 12 Aug 81 p 6] CSO: 5300/46~?3 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404050009-3 PHILIPPINES BRIEFS RAID YIELDS HEROIN--Operativea of the Constabul.ary Anti-Narcotics unit (CANU) under Majors Beltran.and Aldaba arrested five persons, including three Americans and confiscated ~101,117 in bank notes during a raid last Saturday on a residence in Angeles city. Apgrehended were Virginia de la Pena, alias Mama King, Master Ser- geant Larry I~'urman of the US Air Force, Patrick Sullivan, James King and Cesar Reyes. Also confiscated by CANU agents were one plastic bag.reportedly contain- ing heroin powder weighing 50 grams, one attache case containing marijuana resi- due, one display scale containing heroin powder residue, one gold-plated Buddha containing hero3.n powder residue, one weighing.scale, and assorted notes containing names and addresses and telephone numbers of customers and heroin buyers of De la Pena. [Text] [Manila BULLETIN TODAY in English 4 Aug 81 p 28] IFUGAO MARIHUANA PI;ANTATION DISCOVEREI~--A large marijuana plantation in the moun- tain slopes of Ifugao was discovered a~zd national bureau of investiga- tion (NBI) anti-narcotics operatives following the arrest of two suspected members of a marijuana syndicate in Baguio city. NBI Directflr Jolly R. Bugarin said that the mari~uana plantation which is located at.Barangay Gusadan, Tinoc, Ifugao yielded 2,150 fu11-growm mari3uana plants measuring seven to l0 feet high and es- timaCed to be wor~h ~8.6 million. Those arrested were Ramon Pagad-o, 18, ma.rried, a farm~r of Pingad Sabangan, Mt. Province aad Edwin Cabanse.y Viado, 21, single. Charges �or violation of RA b425 (Dangerous Drugs Law) have been filed against them by the NBI before the Ifugao provincial fiscal. According to Director Jolly R. Bugarin, his operatives disclosed that on July 21, Pagad-o together with Cabanse were caught while delivering three kilos of dried high-grade mar3.~uana to an NBI undercover agent poaing as an Americaa merchant marine from Olongapo city. The mari~uana was reportedly being sold at $500 a kilo. [Text] [Manila BULLETIN TODAY in English 31 Jul 81 p 36] CSO: 5300/4962 , - 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400050009-3 SOUTH KOREA METHAMPHETAMINE RING APPREHENDED Seoul THE KOREA TIMES in English 26 Jul 81 p 8 [~Text] Eleven people including one Japanese have been axrested on suspicion of trafficking in hiroppon worth more than 10,000 million won sinci~e late last year by productng it at secret workships they built in their houses or on uninhabited islets, the Seoul District Prosecution reported yesterday. Those arrestpd are among 24 people who were checked by a special investigation team - from the district prosecution. They are charged with violation of the Psychotropic I~rug Control La.w. Mrs. Kang Chong-suk, 31, having no fixed residence, and another were criminally booked in connection with the case. Oh Kuk-hwan, 35, an official of Health-Social Affairs Ministry, is alleged to have accepted eight miTlion won f,rom the hiroppon ring in return for not reporting the crimes, and Hirogat,su Nakasima, 40, of Okinawa, Japan, is accused of attempting to smuggle the drug to Japan. The prosecution seized 2.4 kg of hiroppon valued at about 240 million won, syringes and distilled water in raids on the workshops. Pyong Hi-j in, 50, living :Ln Yoksam-dong, southern Seoul, has three criminal con- victions and is alleged to have produced 3 kg hiroppon at his house since October, 1979. G~hoe Wan-su, 50, of Kwang-an-dong, southern Pusan, is accused of supplying the work- shops with raw materials such as chloride ephedrine in exchange f~r processed hiroppon, according to the prosecution authorities. ' The authorities said Nakasima tried to smuggle 360 g of hiroppon to Japan after buying it for 900,000 yen from Choe Tae-san, 50, now under arrest, at his Lex Hotel room in central Seoul on July 17. The Japanese suspect attempted to take the hiroppon to Japan after dissolving it in liquor, according to authorities. A certain Lee, 45, and seven others suspected of producing of the unlawful drug are being sought by the prosecution. CSO: 5300 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 THAILAND BRIEFS FOUR SENTENCED FOR POSSESSING HEROIN--Bangkok, 23 July--Three Australians and a Thai today were sentenced to a total of 121 years imprisonment af ter being found guilty of possessing 8.5 kilogrammes (18 pounds) of heroin for sale. The court jailed Sydney hairdresser Warren Fellows, 27, Wil'liam Sinclair, 67-year-old Bangkok bar owner, and Thai Kitti Imsap to 33 years and eight months each. Sydney football player Paul Hayward, 27, was sentenced to 28 years. The three Austr~.lians, arrested in October 1978 and held in cus.tody since then, pleaded not guilty to attempted trafficking. But Hayward and Fellows pleaded guilty to illegal posses- sion of the heroin which the prosecution said was found in their hotel room. The Thai, who was accused of supplying the drug, also pleaded not guilty. Defence lawyers said the Australians would appeal against the judgment. In a lengthy judgment, the court said it could have imposed life imprisonment but had passed lighter sentences because the defendants had been cooperative during the trial. It said the prosecution had estab lished clear evidence that Fellows and Sinclair were involved in drug trafficking for seve~. or eight years. Hayward was given a lighter term because there was no evidence that he was involved in drug trafficking prior to 1978, the court said. It said the sentences took into consideration the large amount of hemin involved. Dealing in such qua.ntities of drugs was a threat to the world community, it added. The court also noted prosecution evidence that about 30 kilogrammes (50 pound~) of drugs were being smuggled into Australia every month. NAB/Reuter ~Text] ~Rangovn THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 25 Jul 81 p 6~ CSO: 5300/4960 ' � 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040400050009-3 ~ ! � ~ ~ VIETNAM i - ~ ' ' - i ` HAU GIANG CRACKS _DOT>',N .ON REACTIONARY .CUI,TUR~, .N~RCOTIC ITSE i Ho Chi Minh City SAIGON GIAI PHONG in Vietnamese 24 Jun 81 p 4 [Article: Hau Giang "Severely Punishes Those Who Store, Disseminate Decadent, Reactionary Culture"J [Tekt] VNA--The peaple's court of Can Tho City (Hau Gian Province session to try Nguyen Phu Huu and Nguyen Van Giau for thegcrime of storinghand a disseminating decadent and reactionary culture, and of buying, selling, smoking and injecting narcotics. Since January 1980, with a stealthily purchased portable movie Huu has made a good deal of money by lurin man Projector Nguyen Phu films left behind by American impe'rialistsg Asyfor N.guyentVan~GiaumedespiteWhavingent been educated several times, he continued to stealthily organize the purchase, sale, smoking and injection of heroin and narcotics, poisoning the existence of unprogressive youths. Huu's and Giau's activities were exposed by the people, who helped responsible organs to arrest and detain them with complete incriminating evidence. . Before the court, both Huu and Giau admitted their guilt. The people's court of Can Tho City sentenced Nguyen Phu Huu and N.guyen Van Giau to 24 months in prison each, with confiscation of all incriminating evidence and means: 9213 CSO: 4209!407 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400440050009-3 COUNTRY SECTION BAHAMAS MARIHUAi39 WORTH $6 MILLION, 8 BOATS SEIZED; 19 ARRESTID , Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 20 Jul 81 p 1 . [Article by Athena Damianos] - [TeYt] MARIJUANA, VALUED at No drugs were found on any ~ over S6mlllian.eight boats and of these boats. about 20 pounds of scalefish Nothing was found aboard and crawfish were seized by either "Juventud" or ' the Bahamas Defence FoYCe off "Talisman," both of which are West Andros Saturday. Florida registered. The incident, which took However, � the Defence p tace neaz the "drug spokesman said crawfish traps hideaway" William's island, were found in the area where ~ ended up in the arrest of 19 the two boats were picked up. foreigners. The of~cers also reported that The 19 suspects were some of the men were seea arrested at about 10 ~ am "throwing something Saturday by officers of the overboard." 60-foot patrol craft "Exuma," Another boat was seized I captained by Lieutenant but later released. ; Co m mander Bachelette The boat had another vessel, LaFleur. Exuma, which was on "Wild 'n Wet." in tow . whea "routine pafrol," was later the Defence Force appeared. assisted by "Inagua," under the "Wild 'n Wet," which crewmen command of lieutenant reported was found drifting, Jackson Ritchie. was cut loose as the boat tried Of the eight boats arrested to leave the area. The boat was ' at sea was "Capricorn," a however, stopped and then ' S0-foot vessel carrying 286, freed, ; 50-p~und bales of what is A senior police officer told believed to be marijuana. Six The Tribune that a pound of Cubat~-Americans and one marijuana could be broken into ' Brazilian-American were smaIIer quantities and sold for , arrested. a street value of SS00. The ~ The other boats were the substance seized from - Florida-registered "The Capricorn was believed to be Playboy," with five pounds of marjjuana. It was packaged in crawfish tails; "fitnino", 286 50-pound bales, which ` Florida, 10 pounds of scalefish, would bring in a street value of and; Marie Dei Carmen, more than $6 million. Florida, five pounds of The 19 persons arrested are scalefish. The crawfish season expected to be charged in the u presently closed. . Magistrate's Court tomonow. 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440050009-3 ~ ~ " ~4;'" , ._Tr_'- l.i~-l ~ ' + \y ~ . I t ' . ~ ~ ` ~ ~ jJ.'~ i1 ~ . ~ ~ W ~ . ~ . (S ~~4 r ~r~: 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~y y J . ~ . Y~ J~ ` Q . ~'i ~ ~ ~.f ~y ~ ,~'t ~i~ T ~ ~ ~ . { . 4~ 4FX{~; 5 ^'.,ii b ~ ~�M � :K r.{. ~~l1 ~ ~ ~ U ,~i 'f I~A N~~~~~~~fi~a~ ~ - ' ~ ~J Y i~~`r t 4r: ~ ~+'A)~~ W ~ ~ ~j ~ ~ . rca: ' ~ r ~ F; ~ ~ 4 R~~ ~ j~~ ~~U+ ~ + . K . Y.~M . ~ P ~ Y..ti '~i ~a ~ t; b0 :v?1" O) ~ri : r~ ~ U F+ i O i.~ O ~y ? ' ~ ~ : N ~ rl a~? t ~ L7~' ~ ' L~ UI ' 1 ~:n. ~ ~ ~ ..J~, ~ ~ ~ . Q) 41 ~.f ~ e i ~ y ~ . Y + y ~L?~ , " ' ~ ~ A ,C N ` ~ ` r . -I U E3 r~ ,n o , i~~ ~ y ~ 00 N x~ .3 i 1a G' 1 t ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ rl J.~ ~p ~~T`~~". ' ~ ~u ~ . f-1 T~ ~C t i * ~ ~ ~f ~ . . , ~ 4-1 ~ a . n . } ` r, Ti~r~~ !3 ` ~'t . ~ ' i Y ~.',j` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1d~~E~~ ~ a" ~ ~r ~ Q~ ~ a ~7 t ~ ~ 1""I ~~.1 ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~1t? l~ (d ~ M ~ K ~ ; Y . ..�:ti~ S F=1 ~1'~ r ~r ~ . .~~i~: l..' Y ~ `it ~ ~ M ~n { ' 1 ~ 0 '1"~ � t: x ~ N j~ u ~ ~ ~~~t~,~y 'N ,w:~ , f+k~~ ~ ~f' i.i N ; � : ~ ~ ~bD N O ~ ~ ~ ~ N t ` 1 , ' O U] ~ ~ ` ' fi' ~f' . .a ~.~i r~-I - ' s~' ' cd cd . ) ~ tA O ~ ~q 3~+ 00 Gl N . . ~ ~ O ~ �,'E~ � a ~ 3 .t~;.i' :4: C.) D fA ~l ~ ~ I u~1 '-1 i ~ ~ p, ~on _ ~ A 41 t ?4 ~ ~ ~1 : `if.' ~ .1Y J~ N +~i - ~ 3 a o 0 ~ ~ .c ~ v~ o ~d w a~ bo b CSO: 5300/7575 A 3 ~ 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400450009-3 COUNTRY SECTION BAHAMAS S,IX POLICEMEN ARRESTED, CHARGED WITH DRUG OFFENSES , Nassau THE English 20 Jul 81 pp 1, 12 - [Article by Dilette Thompson] [Text] SIX POLICEMEN of the ~Ieadquazters with intent to as seven live rounds of .45 Fire Branch Department of the steal. bullets. Taylor was also Royal Bahamas Police Force A further chazge alleges that charged with being in were charged this moming with between 7uly 4 and 9, the possession of three grams of various offences which three men stole ~20 bales of marijuana on the same date. He included conspiracy to possess marijuana fram ~?rthur's pleaded noz.guilty. 20 bales of marijuana, House. Bail was sat at ~10,000 The case was adjourned to shopbreaking and stealing. each with a surety. August 24 while. bail wa~ The arrests were made as a Philip Rolle, 29, of Westem granted in the sum of $5,000 result of an ' internal Police Station and Henry with a surety. investigation conducted by the Johnson, 24, of the Police ALso charged with possession C r i m i n a 1 [ nvestiga tio n Headquarters were charged of mar~juana before Magistrate Department. The investigation together with Rotle, Culmer Edun today was George; followed a hreak-in which and Taylor ith conspiracy to Knowles 23, of C~ilmersville.~ occurred at Arthur's House, possess dangerous drugs, 20 He was chazged with possession~ the drugs storage department bales of mari~juana, between of .six grams of mat~juana on at the East Street Police July 4 and 9. July 17 and was granted bail Headquarters. Rolle was also charged with set at 52,000 with a surety. Represented by Elliott possessiun of four , grams of Trial begins August 24. - Lockhart and Godfrey' Pinder, marijuana on July 15. B;W for Kendal Rolle, 24, of Third~ bail totalling 330 Q00 was Rolle and Johnson was set at Street Coconut Grove is alleged~ levied on Mitchell 'Iraylor, 21, $1,000 each with a surety. to have possessed four grams of Arthur Sraith,' 24, of Seven Elected summary trials are mar~juana on July 18. Dominic Hills Estates; and Hensiey slated to begin August 26. Licencear, 20 of Wilson Tract Culmer, 23, of Richville ' Also before the court today was charged ~with possession of Subdivision. was another policeman, g grams .of marijuana and ~ The three pleaded not guilty Emmaauei Johnnie Taylor, 26, released on bail set at 51,500 to sho breakin between Jul of Sweeting Lane, Fox Hill. He with.surety. _ p g y was represented by Blliott Convicted of havin three 4 and 9 when tliey are alleged ~ckhart and Godfrey. Pinder. g to have broken into the The indictment alle ed that �f marijuana was Southern section of Arthur's g Shelton Moss, 19, of Ridgeland House at the Police Taylor possessed an unlicensed pazk. Moss was fined 51,000 or .45 revolver on July 15 as weU six months in prison. CSO: 5300/7575 . ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 COUNTRY SECTION BAH`~S : ia. ~ ,.;~~;>f{:~ ' .~'t'';~, BRIEFS : � ,r ,~,Y COCAINE CHARGE--Bernard Curry, 40, of Sweeting's Lane and Karen Munroe, 18y of , William's Lane were charged with possession of cocaine, an unlicensed firearm, � and ammunition before Magistrate Shirin Edun yesterday. Bail for each was set at $5,000 with one surety. The two were charged with possession of 15 grams of cocaine on July l, possession of a.357 magnum revolver, and possession of eighteen .38 bullets. They both pleaded not guilty. The case was ad~ourned to July 24. [Text] [Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 3 Jul 81 p 1] COI,OMBIANS IN CUSTODY--Six Colombians arrested aboard "Mariner" Tuesday by members of the Defence Force patrol craft "Inagua," were remanded in custody yesterday afternoon when they appeared before Magistrate Shirin Edun. The men were charged with being in possession of 403 bales of mari~uana on July 21 at Joulter Cay in the Bahama.s. They were represented by Nigel Bowe. Charged were Roberto Flores, 30, Carlos Perez Gonzales, 28, Jorge Robinson, 24, Osmond Newhall, 41, Eduardo Achivoro, 38, Mirando Taylor, 28, and Hector Andrade, 51. They were also charged with possession of marijuana with intent to supply. The case was adjourned to August 12. [Text] [Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English 24 Jul 81 p 1] CSO: 5300/7575 15 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 PERU BRIEFS ARRESr BY CIVIL GUARDS--Specialized personnel of the Huanuco and Tingo Maria units of the Civil Guard (GC) caught redhanded a number of traffickers making cocaine base paste (PBC) and selling the drug. According to a report from the inf ormation and public relations office of GC, the firat arrests ~ook place in Chaupiyacu, Huanuco, where 2 m3.lZion soles in illicit profits from drug sales were confiscated from Ploises rielandez Herrera, 53, and Ama.ncio Santol Gabriel, 44. During this raid, two processing tanks built by Dario Espinoza Vidal were destroyed. Es,pinoza Vidal admitted that he had sold 2 million soles worth of PBC. Also arrested by GC was Silvestre Malpartida Tru~illo, 62, on whose property four tanks were found with coca l~aves undergoing maceration; these tanks were also destroyed. It was re- ported also that the Cayhuayna GC road check unit searched a bus belonging to the Leon firm of Huanuco and found among the parcels a package contining 4.5 kilograms of PBC worth 2.25 million soles. Also searched was a Toyota, license AM-2660, driven by Tomas Villar Tumbay, 22, and three packages of coca were found weighing 100 kg. In addition, members of the 64th Command (Tingo Maria) arrested Gumercindo Dominguez Tru~illo, 39, Benedicto Ca~as Atachahua, 22, and a minor, 16, confiscating from them 6.55 kilograms of PBC. In another raid, at Arabe Alto, on the highway between Tingo Maria and Aucayacu, GC located and destroyed 4 coca maceration tanks. The persons arrested and the confiscated drugs and equipment have been placed in charge of the proper authorities. [TexC] [Lima EL COMERCIO in Spanish 13 Jun 81 p 56] 11989 PIP CAPTURES NARCOTICS BANDS--The Illicit Drug Traffic Investigation Division [INTID] of PIP [Peruvi~n Investigative Police] cracked three drug trafficking rings and con- fiscated a total of 110 kg of cocaine base paste. ltao of the organizations were operating in Tingo ;Ka.ria and the other in Piura. This report was made at�a presa conference by Che head of the drug investigation unit of PIP, Gen Berly Baca Vald:tvia, vaho noted that recently the drug rings have "recruited" naive women for their opera~ions. This is shown in the presence of women among two of the three groups of traffickers arrested recently. In Tingo Maria, he said, Ignacio Jorge Penadillo, 30, and David Raml.rez Espaldeza, 29 were arrested. They were part of an international ring and in their possession were 65 kg of PBC. General Baca Valdivia reported that in Piura Jul.ia 0lguin Ca11e, 23, was arrested as the leader of a trafficking ring; also arrested with her were Moisea Gomez Poma, 22; Felipe Santa ~ruz, 40; Andres Cumbicus Jimenez, 23; and a minor girl, 17; with this group 23 kilos of the drug were confiscated. Also in Tingo Maria, PIP arrested traffickers Luciano Vi11ar, Juan Florez Tuesta, Juan Mori Grandez, Jose Bernaola Mellan, Santos Sanchez vega, Juan Ayala Baldeon, Macario Perez Tru~illo and Silvia Vargas Suarez. This group yielded 22 kg of PBC. [Text] [Lima EXPRESO in Spanish 19 Jun 81 p 9] 11989 16 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000440050009-3 LARGE COCAINE SEIZURE--The Civil Guard yesterday confiscated 1,OQ0 kg of cocaine base paste worth 750 millian soles. The GC operation, in Pucallp.a, was named "Pincer" and was under. the command of Capt Carlos Zamora Viacava, of the Intelligence Directorate, working with staff of the 39th Command. A unit patrolling the Aguaytia River at 1400 hours apprehended two motor boats with four trafficker crew members. Shots were exchanged but no one was seriously injured on either side. After arresting the traffickers, the police searched the boats and found 1,000 kg of base paste, two containers of chemicals used in processing cocaine, a power saw, and an assortment of firearms, including machjne guns, shotguns, pistols, revolvers and a great quantity of ammunition. The Civil Guard arraigned the arrested persons before the penal judge in office in Pucallpa. Investigations are under way to locate the rest of the organization, and within 24 or 48 huurs there will be more concret~ information on this sensational raid. Already the persons arrested can be sure of at least 20 years behind bars, according to the new laws passed recently by the j legislature. It is to be noted that this is the largest haul of base paste on re- cord. [Text] [Lima EI. COMERCZO in Spanish 19 Jun 81 p 10] 11989 CLANDESTINE AIRSTRIP--The Civil Guard discovered a clandestine airstrip in Carabayllo being used by international drug traffickers and seized 64 kg of cocaine base paste and the equipment for its manufacCure. This discovery and drug seizure were made at 2336 houra yesterday by personnel of the Carabayllo Civil Guard Post, in collaboration with the 72d Commissariat of Puente Piedra. A half hour earlier, several individuals were aeen in the vicinity carrying bundles among the underbrush. This fact was reported to the police who combed the area in search of the suspects. After an intensive searcii, the~~Civil Guard found three bags containing a total of 64 kilos of base paste, which were hidden in a drainage ditch located in a brush- covered, unpopulated area. In the vicinity, the Civil Guard also f ound two large empty cylinders, a medium-size cylinder con~aining sulfuric acid, a large plastic sheet for the maceration of cocaine base paste and other equipment for the manu- facture of the drug. Both the drug and the equipment used for its manufacture were ' found a short distance from a large fie13 which was being used as an airstrip for smal..l airplanes. A police spokesman said that intervention by the authbrities had prevented the~shipment abroa.d of 65 kg of cocaine base paste, which, according to investigators was to have been sent out of-the country in tt?e early morning hours. [Excerpts] [Li:~a EXP'RESO in Spanish 23 Jun 81 p 14] 8143 INTERNATIONAL COCA.INF TRAFFICKING--During operations carried out in the capital and the interior of the country, the Peruvian Investigative Police [PIP] made the largest confiscation of cocaine hydrochloride ever. The drug is valued at over 2 billion soles on the international black market. The police seized 30 kilos of cocaine hydrochloride from a powerful organization of drug traffickers made up of foreigners and Peruvians. Thia is the largest confiscation of such material recorded up to now in palice annalo. According to the official report, a former world class [soccer] player is a member of this "white gold mafia." The PTP also discovered modern clandestine laboratories where the cocaine hydrochloride was processed. One o� the labs was functioning in Salamanca, where the mafia had its center of operations. The identity of Che individuals involved in the mafia will be revealed next Thursday during a press conference, it was learned. Elsewhere, in another ^neration, the Carabayllo Civil Guard found cocaine base paste in a dr~inage ditch. The paste is valued at over 150 million aoles. In that same area, the police also discovered a amall landing field for light planes. Neighbors of the Pueblo Viejo country estate in Carabayllo had reported the presence of airplanes at night and in the early morning houra, thus alerting the police. In another development, two drug traffickers (one Brazilian and one Peruvian) were captured in a police net yesterday in the vicinity of Pucallpa. They were trans- porting 20 kg of cocaine base paste valued at 20 million soles." The prisoners are Franciaco Fracio Correia, a Brazilian, 31, and Italo Mexa Frais, a Peruvian, 39. Both men were arrested near the village of Leoncio Prado, of Lago Yarinacocha, while agents specializing in the anCidrug campaign were "combing" the area during 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400450009-3 operation "White Gold," which is designed to eradicate illicit trafficking in the regions of Pucallpa and Tingo Maria. In Tingo Maria, the Civil Guard destroyed maceration pits for coca leaves and arrested theix~owner, Teser Paredes Pezo, and his brother, Pedro P~.redes Pezo. The men had 250,000 soles"cash in their possession. [Text] [Lima EL COMCRCIO in Spanish 23 Jun 81 p 12] 8143 INTII~1~tATIONAL DRUG OPERATI~1--Members of the Tacna PIP [Peruvian Investigative Police] seized 10 kg of cocaine base paste from a ring of international drug traffickers made up of Peruvians and Chileans who were transporting the drug to the neighboring country. Detectives of the Tacna Departmental Headquarters, under the command of Col Alfredo Vergaru Cordova, during a quick-strike operation, indentified and arrested the ringleader and some of the criminals. The antidrug agents ohtained the clue leading to the arrests from Juana Rivera Caceres de Ramos, who liad traveled regularly to elrica on the pretext of purchasing Her conduct aroused the suspicion oi the police who, after several days of surveillance, determined the real activi*.ies of the woman. Later, the detectives arrested Miguel Llanque Turpo, Valen~in A~;ui1~r Nieto and I.uciano Ramos Cana, th~ husbgnd of the female prisoner. In turn, thege prisoners named Baudilla Teofil~ Caipa Valverde de Velasco as tt~e.leader of the organization. When she was arrested at her home at 698 Au~usto Legui~ Ave, the police found 10 kg of-the drug hidden in a refrigerator. In a related development, ehe PIP said that it was coordinating with INTERPOL to locate the other members of the band who are of Chilean nationality. [Text) [Lima EXPRESO in Spanish 24 Jun 81 p 37] 8143 UNDIItCOVER DRUG BUST--Pretendi~g that she was a drug buyer, a female detective of the Jesus Maria PIP [Peruvian Investigative Police] led to the arrest of the members of a ring of drug traffi�^kers from whom 4 kg of cocaine base pasre were confiscated. The police operation was planned by Ma~ Taul Bringos Villacorta, of the Jesus Maria PIP Station, ti~ho g~ve Detective Fania Vargas Olarie the dangerous mission of re- presenting herr~elf to the drug traffickers as a drug buyer. This detective reached an agreement with the "pushers" to deliver the PBC [cocaine b ase paste] at kil.ometer marker 6 on the North~Pan~nerican Highway. At ehis 1oc~.tion the police arrested E.f.rain Miranda Salicio, 35, and Humberto Isla Amasifueen, 39, and con- fiscated 2 kg of the drug. On the basis of the prisoners~ statements, ttie police were able to arrest Maria Edith Carmen Paz, 35, and Rubenson Calvo Rodriquez, 29, with 2 more kg of cocaine base paste, on San Maxtin S~, San Martin de Porres district. During the invesL-igations, it was determined~that Rubenson Calvo had brought the drug trom the town of Uch3za [Tingo Maria, where he had manufactured it. [Text] [Lima ~:Il'F~ESO in Spanish 24 Jun 81 p 14] 8143 CIVIL GUARD DRUG SEIZURES--In four police actions carried out in different parts of Huanuco, the Civi.l Guard aeized over 9 kg of cocaine base paste and arrested five drug traf~ick~rs. The firsr police action took pl.ace at the Cullqui Checkpoint whert~ passenger Mayle Crispin Rojas, 24, wlio was carrying a huge knife inside of which there were 1'1/2 k3.'.~s ot the drug, was arrested. Later, Capt Edgar Salinas , Azpur and Sgt Enrique LchevarY�ia Espin~za, who'were on duty on the Monzon-Huanuco Highway, arrested Juliu Ciriaco Blas, 3$; t~Ial.a~~sias Znfantas Roldan, 19; and Donato Morates Zevallos, who were trarisporting 1 kg of cocaine base paste: The third seizure took place at the Sullqui-Huanuco Toll GaCe. When bus XM=2333, of the Huallage Transportation Company, was inspected, 4 icg of the drug were found hidden ~ in the tank of a kerosene gas stove which was addressed to Alberto Campoa Cannelino. Finally, Civi1 Guard agents arrested DemeCrio Espinosa Dominguez, who was trans- porting 1 kg of cocaine base paste skillfully camouflaged as a wooden heel. . 1f3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R444444454449-3 This prisoner and the above-mentioned drug traffickera were turned over to the Judicial Authorities with their respective statements. [Text] [Lima EXPRESO in Spanish 24 Jun ~1 p 37] 8143 PIP COCAINE RAID--A epiritualist house which wae the center of operatione of a dangoroue ring of internaCional drug traffickore wae diemantled recontly by rha [Peruvian Investigative Police] Directorate oi Inveetigatior; of Illicit Drug Traffi.cking [DINTID]. 7.'his house was discovered by the DINTID during Operation "Mandrake,"~with the partic3.pation of PIP noncommisaioned officer polores Sanan de Valdivia, who visited the drug traffickers~ center of operations under the pretext of being a fervent believer in spiritualism. According to information released yeaterday during a pre~s conference, the head of the DINTID, Gen Berly Baca Valdivia, ~he operation required over a month of surveillance of the goin,~- and-c anings of the drug traffickers. Spiritualist Blanca Polo Loayza, 48, known to her clientele ~s "Madame Carmeli," was the connection between buvers and producers of cocaine hydrochloride. Her "consulting room~' was loeated at 1423 Raymondi Ave, La Victoria. General Baca Valdivia reported that the d~ug produced by the above-mentioned drug trafficking organization was of good quality and was sent abroad in booksr which bore title on the subject of Che History of Peru. Over 16 kg of 98 percent pure cocaine hydrochloride were seized fram the ring. In addition tb the spiritualist, "Madame Carmeli," the PIP arrested Eugenio Huaman Gomez, 64, and his wife, Rosa Quijano Diaz, 60, and their children, Roel and Graciela, 23 and 27, respectively. f~ufino Alcibiades Cabre,jos Paz, 26, son-in-law of the spiritualist, was arrested with her. The following Colombians were also arrested: ~Iernando de Jeaus Uribe Restrepo, 33; Diego Mazuthler Camelo, 35; and Luis Felipe Debedout Molina, 27. [Text] [Lima Spanish 27 Jun 81 p 23 ] E1143 NEW SHIPPING METHOD--Using new and highly refined methods, an international drug ring has been sendin~ cocaine chlarhydrate abroad concealed in volumes of a History of Peru, as reported bq completely reliable sources. The criminal operation was discovered yesterday by the Illicit Drug Traffic Investigation Division of PIP [Peruvian Investigative Police] in a raid on a luxurious apartm~ent in the Salamanca district, where 20 kg of cocaine chlorhydrate were found cleverly concealed in more than 15Q volumes of the History of Peru. According to the sources, the acting attorney general took part in the police operation and stayed up until dawn in ord~er to file all the necessary charges. Investigation by our reporters revealed that this drug trafficking ring had a modern laboratory capable of making large quantit~Les of drugs. This type of laboratory, according to one detective, is the most modarn and sophisticated yet to be uncovered. [Text] [Lima EXPRESO in Spanish 19 Jun 81 p 9] 119 89 COCAIIJ~ DTS`TRIBUTOR ARR.~STED--The Illicit Drug Traffic Investigation Division of PIP [Peruvian Investigative Police] reported yesterday the capture of Raymunda ("Poison") Ramos Cavero, 50, considered the principal disCributor of drugs in the form of sma11 packets to young people in the river district. According to the chief of this police unit, Gen Be�r1y Baca Valdivia, the arrested woman was destroying through a net of female runners working near centers throughout this densely populated area. "Her accomplices have been identif ied and may be arrested at any time," he added. He said that Ramos Cavero was caught in a residence in the Villacampa district in the act of preparing 200 packets or "ketes," most of which were ready for sale, A thorough search of a residence at 650 Los Molinos Boulevard yielded a clevexly concealed kilogram of cocaine paste base, according to the PIP official, [Texe] [Lima EXPRESO in Spanish 20 Jun 81 p 18] 11989 CSO: 5300/2L~10 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400450009-3 - IRAN BRIEFS HEROIN IN ESTAHBANAT--The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps of Estahbanat, Fars Province, have s.eized 2,4 kg of opium and 1,700 cents [as heard] of heroin from several cars. Three people were arrested. [LD170137 Tehran Domestic Service :in Persian 1630 GMT 16 Aug 81] NARCOTICS SEIZURE--The Estahbanat Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.has seized 2.4 kg of opium and 1,700 pounds [as heard] of heroin from a number of cars. [GF161941 _Shiraz Domestic Service in Persian 1430 GMT 16 Aug 81] ?HASHISH SEIZURE--The BushEhr antidrug squad has seized 2.2 kg of hashish from an Afghan. [GF161941 Shiraz Domestic Service in Persian 1430 GMT 16 Aug 81] "SMUGuLER ARREST--According to L-he PARS News Agency, thanks to the efforts of the ~officers of the antinarcotics headquarters of the Islamic Revolution Court in ~Mashhad, yesterday an Afghan smuggler was arrested ~ogether with (?2,010) grams of tpure heroin in Torbat-e Jam and was handed over to the Mashhad Islamic Revolution Court, (?with his dossier). [Text] [Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1630 GMT 17 Aug 81] DRUG ARRESTS--Quoting the Islamic Revolution Committee of Eslamabad-e Gharb, the ~Central News Unit reported: 9.421 rounds of am~unition and 6 assorted weapons, �4 grenades and 2 kg of opium were discovered from buyers and sellers of unauthorized weapons. In this connection, five were arrested. The Islamic Revolution Guard ~Corps of Khorramabad, with the cooperation of the gendarmerie brothers in that city discovered 3,125 brams cf opium, 2 Cr 3 rifles, 1 kalashnikov and one hunting (?rifle) and ammunition. ~lccording to the Central News Unit, the Islamic Revolution Guards of Sahneh, the day before yesterday, also discovered three G-3 rifles, three Brno rif les and 30 kg of opium, which was hidden in a car. In this connection, six persoi:s were arrested and handed ovex to the Islamic Revo].ution Court. Also ' according to this r.eport, the members of the Torbat-e Jam Islamic Revolution Guards Corps discovered 15 kg of an~3 250 grams of heroin and also 280,500 rials in cash from a smuggler. [TeYt] [Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1630 GMT 17 Aug 81'J OPIUM SEIZED IN 'ADELABAD--Members of the Fars Islamic Revolution Cotmnittee have seized 500 grams of opium, a handgun and 11 rounds of ammunition from a car in 'Adelabad. [GF181610 Shiraz Domest3.c Service in Persian 1430 GMT 18 Aug 81J 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404050009-3 , ZAHEDAN DRUG FIND--Officials of the Nosratabad Gendarmerie Post of Zahedan dis- covered a bogus officer with 62 kilograms of hashish and 700 grams of heroin. The Public Relations Office of the Gendarmerie of the Islamic Republic of Iran announced that the officials of the Nosratabad Gendarmerie Post of Zahedan became suspicious of Ahmad Sa'id who was driving a convertible jeep with Shiraz license ~~'S5812 and was wearing an officer's uniform, but did not have an identity card. After inspec- ting his car, they discovered, in a compartment in front of and under the seat, ' the following: 700 grams of heroin, 62 kilograms of hashish, a Colt .45 caliber pistol with a magazine and seven cartridges. According to the report submitted, the driver of the jeep was arrested and after the investigations he was turned over to the legal authorities. [Text] [Tehran ETTELA'AT in Persian 10 Aug 81 P 4]� HEROIN SEIZURE--According to a PARS News Agency report, Shiraz police succeeded yesterday in discovering 2.4 kilos of heroin on a person named Abdolhoseyn Gholami, son of Abbas. The narcotics were seized near Takht-e Jamshid, and the person involved was detained and handed over to the legal authorities. [Text] [LD230311 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1630 GMT 22 Aug 81] OPIUM SEIZURE--According to the PARS News Agency, thanks to the alertness and perseverance of the antinarcotics personnel of Quchan police. Yesterday 36,200 gr of opium was discovered from three passengers in a van. The persons were arrested and handed over to the relevant authorities together with their dossiers. [LD222227 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 0730 GMT 20 Aug 81] DRUG SEIZURE IN SHIRAZ--During the past few wesks the Shiraz police have seized 4,250 grams of heroin. [GF221835 Shiraz Domestic Service in Persian 1430 GMT 22 Aug 81] DRUG SEIZURE IN BORAZJAN--Borazjan revolution guards have seized 1 kg of opium from two individuals who have been arrested. [GF231801 Shiraz Domestic Service in Persian 1530 GMT 23 Aug 81] CSO: 5300/5592 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000404050009-3 FRANCE LARGEST ~RUG HAUL MADE OFF BRITTANY COAST NC2322C~1 Paris AFP in English 1838 GMT 23 Aug 81 [~xcerpt] Brest, West France, 23 Aug (AFP)--French customs made their biggest narcotics haul ever when they netted six million dollars' worth of canabis resin aboard a 55-ton British-registered yacht near here Friday, it was revealed today. T~o West Germans wer.e arrested after customs made a chance-boarding of the Conquest IIT laden with 1.75 tons of canabis which police said came from Morocco and was intended for a"north European country." Tt?e 60-foot (18-meter) wooden yacht, registered in Falmouth, Cornwa].1, and bristling with radio equipment, had reportedly lost its bearings off Brittany's western coast. It had sailed from Lisbon, Portugal, to the Mediterranean where it rendezvoused with another ship to take on the drugs,~ police said. Oustoms said the yacht's skipper was to be paid 135,000 marks (about 50,000 dollars) for the trip. According to police, he had previously been sentenced t.o 4 years' i~inprisonment for cigarette smuggling. . One of~ the two Germans, both said to be in their 50's, was sea-sick when customs boarded the yacht off the north-western French island of Ouessant (Ushant). CSO: 5300/2427 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400050009-3 SWEDEN POLL SHOWS HALF OF POPULATION FOR DRUG-CASE PHONE TAPS Stockholm DAGENS NYkIETER in Swedish 26 Jul 81 p 1. [Text~ Every other Swedish voter is prepared to approve concealed microphones and telephone tapping without authorization in order to cut down on drug abuse and to uncover tax violations. This was shown by an opinion poll taken by the Institute for Opinion Analysis during the spring of 1981. The institute has conducted opinion polls based on checking off a form containing around 500 questions in 1979, 1980 and 1981. This is the first year narcotics appeared in the questionnaire. Nine out of ten Swedes favor strong steps against narcotics and eight out of ten voters favored measures to combat tax violations and foreign deb.ts. Asked if hidden microphones should be placed in residences to uncover drug deal- ings and tax cheating, 30 percent answered, "Yes, definitely" and 23 percent said, "Yes," for a total of 53 percent. Unauthorized telephone tapping was approved by 29 percent in the top category and 31 percent in the next for a total of 60 per- cent. TV surveillance without special authorization was accepted by a'total of 53 percent. Pessimism is widespread when it comes to getting at narcotics, with 36 percent thinking the situation will get "much worse" in a few years and another 27 per- cent feeling it wi11 get "somewhat worse." At the same time as demands for taking action against tax cheating are rising, tolerance for tax eheating is increasing. 6578 CSO: 5300/2423 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000400050009-3 ~ ~ SWEDEN ~ BRIEFS HEROIN SMUGGLER SEIZED--Helsingborg (TT)--A routine check paid off. The two , ! small packages customs officials were interested in turned out to contain heroin, j 216 grams in all. Customs people in Helsingborg found the heroin packages a , ' short time ago in the trunk of a car. The driver, a 35-year-old man, was on his way to Stockholm where he was going to sell the heroin. In an interrogation the man said he estimated he wou?d get 140,000 kroner for the heroin. This quantity is worth considerably more on the street. The man had obtained the heroin in Beirut from where he had flown to Kastrug Airport. He is now jailed in Helsing- borg. [Text] [Stockholm SVENSKA DAGBLADET in Swedish 25 Jul 81 p 6] 6578 JOINT NORDIC NARCOTICS EFFORT--Ostersund (TT)--"We will all safeguard free mo- _ bility in the Nordic region. But we must all regard the alcohol and narcotics problem as a mutual one and try to cooperate in reducing the harmful effects of these drugs. So said Social Minister Karin Soder (Center) on Sunday to the Nordic abstinence congress being opened in Ostersund. The congress will last . until Thursday. Karin Soder said that both the delegates to the Nordic Counil and the governments through the Nordic Council of Ministers will intensify coopera- tion on these weighty s4cial issues. The problems of alcohol and narcotics are ~ shared ones and to some extent the same in all the Nordic countries. Therefore we have stepped up cooperation in recent years. By exchanging knowledge and expe- riences we can work together to combat the forces spreading drugs throughout the . Nordic region, Karin Soder said. Some ten Nordic organs are involved in research in this area. The Nordic Agency for Alcohol and Drug Research, set up in 1980 in Helsinki, and the Nordic Health Care School are two examples. [Text] [Stockholm DAGENS NYHETER in Swedish 27 Jul 81 p 3~ 6578 AI~HETAMINE MANUFACTURER SENTENCED--Goteborg (TT)--Prison for 1 year followed by permanent expulsion from Sweden was the sentence handed down for a 35-year-old chemical student in Goteborg who worked at manufacturing amphetamines. The police and prosecutor do not know how much of the substance the man produced but remains of amphetamines have been found in his residence. The 35-year-old said that during an carlier stay in prison he had been so badly affected by all the drugs in the institution that he decided to find an antidote to narcotics. [Text] , [Stockholm SVE~3SKA DAGBLADET in Swedish 11 Jul 81 p 6] 6578 2L~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3 LSD SMUGGLER SEIZED--Goteborg (TT)--A 30-year-old man from Dalarna has been smuggling in LSD from the United States for 2 years. He sent the substance on blotting paper in letters to Sweden and also brought in LSD tablets taped into the folds of a shirt. The man is now charged in Goteborg District Court with serious narcotics violations but denies that he sold narcotics and maintains that he used them himself or gave them away to friends. But a 25-year-old friend of his says he bought LSD from the 30-year-old. The 25-year-old, who is from Varm- land, is also charged with possession of LSD. He has confessed. Compared with the situation in the early 1970's LSD is quite uncommon. The Goteborg police said the occasionally confiscate some. The last time was more than a year ago. [Text] ~Stockholm SVENSKA DAGBLADET in Swedish 11 Jul 81 p 6] 6578 CSO: 5300/2423 END 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000400050009-3