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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY JPRS L/10215 24 December 1981 Worldwide Report NARCOTICS AND DANGERnUS DRUGS . (FOUO 59/81) Fg~~ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500010013-1 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources _ are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and = other characteristics retained. - Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as given by source. , The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- _ cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNITIG OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI,Y. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 - EUR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10215 24 December 1981 WORLDWIDE REPORT , NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 59/8Z) CONTENTS ASIA ~ AUSTRAZIA Queensland Site of Drug Activity; Stiffer Laws Sought (Peter Morley; THE COURIER-MAIL, 8 Oct 81) 1 Police in SA Investigated for Involvement With Ilrugs I (THE AGE, 9 Oct 81) 2 Briefs Cleri-cal Disguise 3 BURMA Brief s 4 Maymyo OpiLm Seizure ~ Morphine Block Seized ~ Heroin Seized in Zashio 5 Loilem Opium Seizure - HONG KONG - Police Smash Heroin Importation Syndicate, Arrest 10 (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 14 Nov 81) 6 . . Addicts To Try Out Fxperimental IJrug Suprenorphine (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 18 Nov 81) 7 BriPrs F` Kilos Heroin Seized - a - [III - WW - 138 FOUO] rnn nrvrv- - v t rCr' AIli V 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 !�Y1it Ut'FII'iAl. tISN.' ONt.t ' INDIA Forty Percent of Opium Production Smuggled Out of Colmtry - (THE WORKING PEOPLEIS DAIZY, 24 Nov 81) 9 NEW ZEALAND Record 17-Year Sentence Imposed for Drug Trafficking (THE EVENING POST, 13 Nov 81) 10 PAKISTAN 'Nefarious Business ot Narcotics' Discussed (JANG, 9 Nov 81) 11 Cultivation, Trafi'icking, Abuse of Ilrugs in Pakistaxl _ (VIEWPOINT, 15, 22 Oct 81) 12 Brief s 19 � Contraband Drug Seized 19 Aid To End Poppy Cultivation 19 Heroin Seizure I,ATIN AMERICA MEXICO Corrunutation of Trafficker's Sentence Criticized (EL DIARIO DE NUEVO I,I.RFDO, 5 Nov 81) 20 Briefs 21 poppy Destruction Activity 21 _ Heroin Laboratory Destroyed 22 _ Pil]., InY~al.ant Danger Cited 22 Pills From C}iihuahua, Aguascalientes 22 Nogales Drug Problem Described 23 Sonora Antidrug Drive Results NEAR EAST AND NORTH AFRICA EGYPT - Briefs Narcutics Worth $50 Million Seized - b - - FOR OFFIC[AL USE QNLY 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 FOtt OFFtCtA: t'Sr: cNt.t SUB-SAHAR.AN AFRICA KENYA Briefs Nigerian Convicted i DENMARK WEST EUROPE 25 Two Indicted foz� Smuggling Qne One-Half Tons of Hashish (Bent Bak Andersen; BERLIrIGSKE TIDENDE, 20 Nov 81) 26 NETEIF;RLAN DS Briefs Heroin Se:izure S4JE DEN 27 Justict Minister Approves Dogs in Prisons To Stop Drugs (Willy Silberstein; SVEN5KA DAGBLADET, 23 Sep 81) 28 Reporter Describes Police Action Against Hashish (Willy Silberstein; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 1 Nov 81) 30 Police Expect 'Price War' in Heroin as Supply Inereases (Willy Silberstein; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 2 Nov 81) 34 Police Act To Stop Smuggling of Amphetamines From Netherlands (Leif' Dahlin; DAGENS NYHETER, 6 Nov 81) 39 Committee UrE7P.f,, tlidden Microphones, TV in Drugs Fight - (Wil"i,y Si_lberstnin; SVENSKA DAGBLADET, 12 Nov 81) 42 'PURKEY Armenian H,eroin Smupglers Said To Finance Terrorism (Ftasan Ti.mur; IiURRIYET, 30 Oct 81) 44 Police Claim Success in Controlling Narcotics Traffic (Emin Ozgonul; HURRIYET, 2 Nov 81) 47 Joirit Operation Uncovers Narcotics Smuggling Ring (Ufuk Guldemir; CUMHURIYET, 2 Nov 81) 48 l1NT`('1?U KINGTOM Cann?bis Gang Santenced to Jail Terms (12p }{nnry; 7'HF DATT,Y TFLEGRAPH, 27 Nov 81) 50 - c - _ NOR OFF[C[AL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 I AUSTRALIA QUEENSLAND SITE OF DRUG ACTIVITY; STIFFER LAWS SOUGHT Brisbane THE COURIER-MAIL in English 8 Oct 81 p 3 (Article by Peter Morley] [Text) The State Government w ill consider a move to jail first offence drug growers and peddlers for at l.east five - years. The harsher penelty was SugBested tnight pa tions with a atreet a ua yesterday bq Mr M. Tenni (NP, Bsr- aaid that north h n near Cape Tribulation � lto m11 51 .9 o o - ron River) w queensland police had found ~&s or~rth 551,9 million 1n the last 2 wedks� ~ ~ aV ~ and to 4m high, ~me oi the plants, up i His remarka, at a government joint needed two police to pull them out and ; parttes meeting. led to an instruction Qbviously had been producin6 for. that Cabinec immedtatdy make mor2 years, - money available for drug surveWance gelicopters were Mtally needed far work. Laat nlght the Premier, Mr BJe1ke- lnvestlgative work snd police should be able tfl camp out to overcome sltu- ~ petersen. said Cabtnet would have to . ~one llke an Snciden. during the aome up with the eztra money because t drug detection work had "Just - i ~~kend when part of a plantation t ncen acratched the surtace." to Mr Tennl, the gddition- din ' I A . heul We~ los ,Th~ p~ants had been removed and - h g ccor al ilnance fs needed to better equip po- ey re s~~~ bq police. But when t turned on 8undap the marlhuans w~ Itce, s12ow Lhem to charter helfcopters d traln dogs to acilff aut druBs tn the ~~g� ure t an ~ nocthcrrt terraln� 1oint parttea meeting ld th t ~ p ~ Quanitp oi 83 percen beroin ready to be cut to 12 percent for e o He ; Lhat becauae of the dangerous elements 5~~ ~dicated ethat1sasV well as a ~ aa~ociated wfth the druB businesa, po- llce ahould catrY aucanatlc shotguns .~g ~ntre, the north was u9ed es wi ~ for itnported bard ~ or Armalite ritles. M-is carbine anm'unitlon had been leating house druBs� Mr Tenni said becsuae of the ruBBed dincovered, makinB 1t lmPerative that noUoe be lssued artth mon than the the ~obvioul5 � n standqrd .38 calibre revolver. marihuana. w used to b;ing ln fGrtilLser and irriga- In a detalled submission, he pro- posed that ffrst otienders should be Lion equipment. . Jailed for five to 10 years, although the Judiciary Fould be abk to impose less"- be ded sh u d lose hta ttcence for Ufe. Mr Bjelke-Petersen said that while er pen'lties tn aome cases� . H1s suggcstlon led to s lengthy dts- l north Queenaland was obviously a Bi'0R1riB gnd lmyort area, the druBs t' cvmton in which magistrate+ perP ar fclaed tor SmposlnR lenlent fines and wore going to schools and younB peoP1e jg(I aentences foe drug otfences. sald througbout the statc^. Thls wes the roaaon the jotnt Darttes Howver, Mt BJelke-Peterse:i last ni8ht the matter ot penalt:es had had unanlmously agreed that as a first ' - been left in abeyance at this sta8e. - f step police should be givetn more mon to flght the dNB traffic� or Mr TenN said during the Iast _ CS0 : 5300/7515 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500010013-1 AUSTRALI.A POLICE IN SA INVESTIGATED FOR INVOLVEMENT WITH DRUGS _ Melbourne THE AGE in English 9 Oct 81 p 3 [ Text ] South Australian police and.t#e" Crown Law Dp,{ctment are in- - vestigattng allegations ot police involvemen: in the dru8 rackets. The South Austrdian Attorney General, Mr Griflin, ordered tha investigatian two montha ago atter he wes given information by rrporters on the Adelaide 'Advu�, Wer'. Mr Grift said he tmmedLtely ordered the "top-line tnqufry" bt. cause the dlegations quescloned the integrity ot thepoItce. He said were ra and to the tinvestl8atons checking the uformation. Mr Griffin said the laqulrY pas makinQ considerable progras and he expe.:ted the report ot the three-man team to be camPleted by the end ot '.:.`te month. "I believe police should be be- yond reproach." he said. '7f vw have bad eggs we waat to Md them:' The informatioe idectiSed Individuals. �Adverttser' reporters David Engtish and Rabert Bc11 have alleged that � PaUce and lawYen are lnvotved CSO: 5300/7515 in rackets in which dniB dealers can have charges droPPed ur reduced by cashpa yauents; � Police have resold conflscated drugs; o Drugs havs disappeared from police custody before peoPa come to trial. � Polica have tabricsted evidence to convict dru6 dealers; � Police have been pald to leak Federal polics iniorm4tioa on drug intelligence; � Bnbes ot $500,600 have been paid in the ]ast tive years to a small nuinber ot police for pro- tection. .Mr Engltsh said the informa- tion given to M~t~ G~ Federal trom lawyers, Po poltce, criminsv and State police. The SA DePutY Commissioner o[ Police, Mr J. B. Giles, Assis- tant Commissiartur (services), Mr D. A. Hunc, aad a Crown Law Department offlcials have worked under cover ~ice depa g, scenR and in the po ment since the allegations wera , made. � It is believed they have ques- tioned minaLs and erhave ~u1~~n Aoli e files. 0 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 AUSTRA1IA BRIEFS CLERiCAL DISGUISL--A man who disguised himself as a Raman Catholic priest to txy to smuggle 19 kg of cannabis resin through Cust,-.ns in April, 1980, was sentenced to six years jail in the District Criminal Court yesterday. Leon John Greentree, 33 fisiimonger, of. Gazelle SCreet, Glenfield, had pleaded guilty to importing and possessing cannahis resi.n at Sydney in April, 1980, and false pretences in July, 1980, .ludge Coran sai.d !.t may iiave been his ill-fortune, that his luggage was carried on to Melbourne in a flight, and when recovered it had already been in- spected by Customs officers. The drugs were found and the officers "were waiting - for you." Greentree had ttien carried out an "elaUorate" false pretence to obtain $2,000 from a motor vehicie dealer to pay his legal expenses, the Judge saj.d. He was sentenced to five years on the drug charge and an extra 12 months for false pretences with a non-parole per~.:a of two years. Judge Goran said but for Green- tree's severe handicap following some "sr:ocking injuries" the sentence would have been much harsher. Greentree had goneto New Delhi, India, taking with him the garb of a Catholic priest, and then bnught the cannabis resin kilogram by kilogram from a taxi driver, the Judge said. [Text] [Sydney THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD in - English 8 Oct 81 p 101 CSO: 5300/7515 - 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 BURMA ' BRIEFS A MAYMYO OPIUM SEIZURE--At 1800 on 30 October, Inspector U Tin Maung Yi of an intelligence unit of the Maymyo people's police force, together with a police squad and ward people's council members, raided the residence of Daw U at No 102 on Cherry Street. A search in the compound of the house uncovered 10 balls of raw opium weighing about 10 viss [36 pounds] hidde?i:Cn a clump of - bamboo trees. llaw U, 60; '.`'Ia Nan Htan, 28; Ma Kauk, 34; and Maung Maung Aye, alias Ye Chan, alias Gyan, 36; all of whom were involved in the case were charged under sections 63, 7.B and 103 of the narcotic drugs law by the _ Maymyo police station. [BK040640 Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 14 Nov 81 p 41 MOP.PHINE BLOCK SEIZED--At 1430 on 14 November, police station nfficer U Aye and a police squad searched the fourth floor of building No 96 on. Latha 5treet, Rangoon's Latha township, and found a morphine block weighing 2 viss [7.2 pounds; and worth about 30,000 lcyat neatly wrapped in paper and inside a leather brief- case helonging co Daw Yu Yin, 43, and Daw Aye Sein, 30, of Hko-man village, Shan State's Kyaukme township. The houseowner U Main Kaung, 62, and the two women were charged under sections 63, 103 and 11/14.D of the narcotic drugs law. [BK040640 Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 16 Nov 81 p 7] HF.ROIN SEIZED IN LASHIO--Under the orders of the National Intelligence Bureau, the No 9 intelligence unit of the Criminal Investigation Department, in coopera- tion wiCh Lashio township people's council, seized 56 kg of brown heroin worth 420,000 kyat from the residence of (Ban Pawk Shone), alias (Lawk Shone), on (Kokang Kyaung) Lane, Zone 6 of Ward No 12 in Lashio at 1930 on 19 November. Arrested were the owner of the drugs, (Lawk Lu), alias (Li Tae Pu); his wife (Ah ' Meik), alias (Cho Cho Win); the wife of houseowner (Ban Pawk Shone), (Law Kyauk Se); and (?her) sister (Ma Krin Aye). Upon receiving information that (Lawk Lu), � alias (Li Tae Pu), was planning to sell 33 kg of brown heroin at a price o.f 7,500 kyat per kilogram, surveillance was placed on his house in Zone 6, We,rd No 14. (Lawk Lu) took the prospective buyer to the house of (Ban PawlL Shona), where he dug up 33 kg of brown heroin placed in a drum and buried behind the iZOUSe. While the tieroin deal was being made, the arrest was made. A search was conducted in the house and a further 23 kg of brown heroin and 5,900 kyat obtained from drugs sales were also seized. The four arrested persons were - charged under sections 63, 7.B and 10.B/11 of the narcotic drugs law by the Lasliio police station No 2. (BK040640 Rangoon Domestic 5ervice in Burmese 1330 GMT 30 Nov 811 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 I,ctl I,EM 011111pt :111:1~ I11:1:---11~~ N Novemhrt�, rtulliur ll lc+ti i�oiireritaJ atOpyrd ttl1c1 detirchrd, til thv western enLrauce to Loilem, abus--registration No KHA/988 and driven by Shwe Nu--plying between Loilem and Taunggyi. Found hidden in a bag of coal on the _ bus were 4.2 viss [about 15 pounds] of raw opium. The owners of the opium, driver - Shwe Nu and Nyunt Maung, were arrested and charges were filed against them by the Loilem police station under sections 6.b and 10.b of the Narcotic Drugs Law. [Text] [BK111245 Rangoon MYANMA ALIN in Burmese 2 Dec 81 p 4] CSO: 5300/4573 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 HONG KONG POLICE SMASH HEROIN IMPORTATIOIl SYNDICATE, ARREST 10 Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in L�'nglish 14 Nov 81 p 1 [Text] Narcotics Burenu ofrcers ycsterday smashed a Kowloon hcroin importation and distri- bution syndicate nnd arrested 10 people. About 60 detactivea - about 30 per cent of the bu- reau's strength - wcre in- volved in four simutteneoue raids in Kowloon after a three-month invatioation. Officera believe they heve broken the beckbone of the syndicate by arresting the "maeterminds;' although one or two gang members were still ut large last night. Drugs and a quantity of parephernalia worth alwut 5150,000 were aeized. The seizure incladed 800 A rams of suapected heroin ve kilograme of caffeine end aboat one or 1'fi lilres of hydrochloric acid. Sourcea said the eyndicate hired wuriero to import drug9 from Thailand and distributc them throughout Hongkona, bua mosdy m Kowloon. They believed some of the arrested people xleo acted as couriero. In a raid on premieee at 132�134 Auetin Road, Tsim- sh4tsui, four men were arrest- ed dnd about 500 gramt oi suepected No 3 heroin was eeiud. Another party of officen arrwted e couple at 28 Cherry Street, Tai Kok Tsui. The premises waa believed to be s drug packaging centre. About 300 gratns of sus- pected No 3 6eroin, 8va kilo- grame of caffeine, 1% litra of hydrochioric acid and a quan- tity of paraphernalia wen eeized. Sources said the coupte were relativee of `eome of the W eople arreated in� Austin oad. A raid in a San PQ Kong ilat led to the arrest of anoth- er man. Three ot6er men were apprehended in s pnmiea at 16 Choi Hung Road, WonQ- taisin, where e rmall quantity of suepected heroin wae aleo aeized. Nine ot the erreetedpco ple, aged betwecn 18 and 65, will appear at Kun Tong, North Kowloon and South Kowloon Courta thir morn- ing. CtiO: `i S!U/`) 1 U4 (i -A, APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 HONG KONG ADDICTS TO TRY OUT EXPERIMENTAL DRUG SUPRENORPHINE Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST ir, English 18 Nov 81 p 14 ~i [Text] The Action Committee Against Narcotics has ap- proved the experimental treatment of local addicts with a new drug, the Com- missioner Por Narcotics, Mr Peter Lee, said yester- day. Clinical trials using bu- prenorphine insteud of methadone will bcgin early next y~;ar, he said. "We are writing the proto- col now setting down the rules and conditions of the trials," Mr Lee said. The trials will involve a "double blind" situution to e^aluate the etfects of the drug, with some patients get- ting buprenorphine and others perhaps a placebo, he said. - The use of buprenerphine was recently recommended by a narcotics treatment and rehabilitation consultant to the Medical and Health De- partment. Dr Robert Newmnn said earlier this month that bu- prenorphine can be dlscontin- ued abruptly with few, if any, withdrawol puins whereas the sudden stoppagc of mctha- done treatment me;ans severe discomfort. He said buprenorphine has been swdicd extentirvely in the United States and Europe for ebout two years. tt haB. beln FAUnd to have no side efFectR. lt is nlso widely nvail- CSO: 5320/9104 able as an analgesic drug. , Yesterday, 22 doctors from 12 ;ountries ended, their three�week coursehero on the treatmept and .reNqbnlitation of addicts. ' The wurse wsa the third of its kind organiled by the 'Goverdment in oonjwietion with the World Neelth. Ur- ganisation. Next year, it will be held in Thailand. "Today, in the closing dec- ades of the 20th cent�}y, we see that, worldwide, the rav- agea of this insidious plague (drug kddiction) have reach- ed pandemic proortiona, sap- ping the energies of young people and putting at nsk the social febric and security of. nations. ' "We have seen thet no man or woman is immune to this dreadful scourgc given the appropriate combinatitm of tircumstance and oppor- tunity," Mr Lee sa;d at the closing ceremony. There aro however "real indicatione" of containment of the problem in Hongkong, he eaid. Hon~kong hae an ageing population of addicte, with 64 per cent uf the eatimated 40,000 IoceI addicu aged over 30 and only 4.6 per ant young peoQle, he said. ',Chemicet abuse ie a F roblem wlth iooial, cultural, egel and politicnl implicn~ tions and, in any wciety. Iittle 7 progreas can be anticipated unless t6ere is rnerall oo- operation and co-ordination between all t6ose ooncerned. "There muet be more ex- chenge of ;information, more joint plammng of sttategy and programmes. We cannot sue- ceed by ourselves." Mr La said. . , . . , . Drug abuee ie a sym ptom of an underlying oondition which, he felt, is esaentially wncerned with the relation�, ship between an individua!` and hie environment. i Attention should be di- rected to the root causes of whic6 the common denomina- wr ie stresa, Mr Lee said. ' Dr Musarraf Hwesin, Mhb was appo~nta~ t~s.clasd leaaer aa~(d~g tbe :oouree, prui9~ Fta~koni -(dr`tteat ' ing drug adiction aa a medi� cal and social' problem wheren many countries, in- cluding Pakistan, stiil loqk at it ea e; paychistric ptoblem. . The registrar of a neuro- p~ychiatric unit in Karachi, he estimal6d thet oight to 10 per cent. of peychietric pa- tienu in'Pakistan.ttke druge. Buk other coWMcs haw found !t a terious problim in the long run and Dr Hunaln intende to recommsnd t6tt his tiovernment ehould suatd againet thls pouibility '�i nwst uka my 6N dff tot the I~ n~km~S � for iu the . prolem," he b~dcd meneea. fdement, of . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 HONG KONG BRIEFS T'TVE KILOS HEROIN SEIZED--Police seized five kilos of heroin when they arrested a couple on a motorcycle atter an accident in Shamshuipo yesterday. Emergency Unit officers signalled a motorcl�cle to stop after the rider had disobeyed traf�ic signs at Nam Cheong Street near Laic:hikok Rbad, Shamshuipo shortly before 8 am� The aY' clist sped away and after a chase was involved in a collision with a taxi. The cyclist, aged 30 and his woman pillion rider (18), were arrested after a bag con- taining 13 packets of heroin was found in the girl's handbag. On the Island, three men wanted in connection with blackmail and drug offences were arrested in an anti- swoop in Wanchai yesterday morning. A suspected drug pedlar was also among those arrested. They were among 863 people stopped and questioned by -"+anchai po- lice in a major anti-crime operation. A total of 191 people were '.:aken to Wanchai Police Station for questioning. Police said 28 were detained for further inquiries while 38 others suspected of committing various offences were allowed bail. [Text] [Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in English 20 Nov 81 p 251 CSO: 5320/9104 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 INDIA - FORTY PERCENT OF OPIUM PRODUCTION SMUGGLED OUT OF COUNTRY Rangoon THE WORKING PEOPLE'S DAILY in English 24 Nov 81 p 71 ['1 ext ] NEW DELHI, Zz Nov -About qo per cent af sll opium produced In Iadia is smuggled out " r by ebout �o gnags of the' country every yesi engaged in the trafAc, it wss reported hesa aahu'daY� A UNI news agency in the country had reached on a atudy report, based 44 kilo rammee. . of opium production in Des~te inteneive effcrts Mandsaur District, in the dovernment Narcotics Madhya Pradesh State, Department got only 6a deacribad as Asia's largest per ccnt of the production; = opium-producing centre, the rest being smuggled satd oplum worth about out, the agency added.' Soo million rupeea (So Smuggling is carried million US dollars) was out in three phasea- being smuggled out to opium is illegallypurehas- Pvkistan and Nepal ed from cultivators and - thi ough the porta of Bom- then tranaported else- bay, Msuiras and Bhuba- where and,.finally, haaded neswar. ovor to foreign agenta. Tha report said a record Opium amugglers, ac- _ - scizurc of i,ooo kilo- cordtng to the agency, grammes of contraband play an. lmportant role tn opium was made in Mad- Indian poltttca, contribu- hya Pradesh a(one this ting funds tb local and y car. parl iamentary , elections. The opium-producing Politicians cultivated thcm centres are sttuaced in the for money and paid back tViree large nnrth Indian thrpugh favourc, tt addcd. states rif Macihya Pradesh, The Narcoties Dapart. lJt*ar I'radcsh and Raja- ment believed that one ath:n. '1'hcy together incent.ive- to smuggling account for about 8o per was, the low Government cent of the world produc- procurement price for tioii. opium. The department Smugglcd lndian opium felt smuggling could be was also finding its way to reduced if the price could Sri Lanka and Mauritius, lie increased by at least the agcncy said, yuot'ing 2o ti) 3'o per cent. Minister of State for ' NABIAFP Finance SS Sieodia. The avcragc yield of opium, aiso known as �'black gold", per hectarc CSO: 5300/4910 9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500010013-1 rrEw zEAJArro RECORD 17-YEAR SENTETICE IMPOSED FOR DRUG TRAFFICKING Wellington THE EVEIQING POST in English 13 Nov 81 p 14 [Text) AUCKLAND, Today (PA). The fanancier and organiser of an - Auckland-based drng riag, aad the 26-year-old woman wha distributed the narcotfes froal her Avondale 6ome, were sentenced to 17 years and 12 years jail respectively, by an Auckland High Court judge today. Appearing before Mr Justice, - Holland were Colin James Prast, 41, a company director of H121- - sborough and Glenda Faye Menzies, ianemployed bank teller of Avondale. Prast had earlier admitted one - count of importing heroin, Ehree counts of importmg morphine, one couat of conspiring to imporC, heroin, one count of conspiring to supply heroin and two counts of supplying morphine and heroin. Charges Menzies had been found guilty, after a trial lasting three weeks. on one count of supQlying heroin and one of supplyu' ~g morphine. The judge said the case was the gravest of its kind to have yet come before the New Zealand courts in relation to drugs. Prast was the orgamser, the financier and the brains behind the importing and distributiori, ring. Motivated by greed,he had set up the organisatioa with a good deal of skill and ability. He used a coinrier to traveI tQ the East to purthase dru8s and that rnan's functioa was com- pleted when he :eft the narcotics in an Air Nevo Zealan,d aircraft or at a terminal. Theq Were pickecf up by someone naknown to hitu,; he said Prast then engaged an Air New Zealaad employee to take the drugs off the. plane and to hide them. On 6is instrnctions, Menzies. uplifted them, hid them again, and then distributed thern in the North Island. The judge said the e~cpenses; were tugh but that Prast, com-~ pletely uncancerned aboat the ha-~ man misery caused by his actions,'�, played for high stakes. There could be fittle regard for his or his faruily's personal cir- cumstances, or for his rehabilita- tion. "It is important that those wtw attempted Go deaFin hacd dniBs know they will not t,e treated leai- ently; ' he sald. The longest term of imprisao-' ment imposed in New Zealand for' a drug o fence was 16 years for a: man called Ctrtis, convicted on' one count of importing heroin. It was not insigaificant that Gurtis had oace been Prast's partner. Tt:e judge said not only had Prast beea operatmg over a sub- stantial period, he had admitted' four specific importations. In September and agaia ia De- cember, last year;'~fhe courier purchased about lkg of morphine on Prast's instractions. In February, the caurIer at- tempted to purchase one pound of morphlne but f,he mission was :borted. In March, in t6e vicinity of a kilo of heroin and 250gra of morphine were purcluased, and in April 600 grams of morphine had been imported by him. The street value of both drugs at that tune was betweea ;100 and $150 a gram. Value "The value of the importations, without the drugs beiag cut, was accordingly ;500,000, but the evidence showed that you con- templated reducing those drugs three to one," he said. "If that was applied thrnugh- ouf, the street value may well have been in the viciqity of ;1,500,000." The judge, w6o had earlier in- dicated tbat be intended to impose a substantial fine on Prast in addi- tion to a jail terno, said it seemed that Prast had succesafully tudden his "ill-gotten gains". That was nut surprising for a. man who used the names of de- ceased cWldren to obtain PassPocts. CSO: 5320/9105 10 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 PAKISTAN INEFARIOUS BUSINESS OF NARCOTICS' DISCUSSED Karachi JANG in Urdii 9 Nov 81, p 3 [Text] In spite of the complete ban on liauor, opium hashish, and other narcotics, intoxicated and stoned people are arrested everyday, or large quantities of narcotics seized. From this, it is very clear that these drugs are being prepared inside the country and being smtiggled in. According to a report, tincture which is prepared f:or Palice P'oundation hospitals, after being transferred to the druggist, is sold at a much higher price. Former Inspector General of Police and Chairman of the Foundation Haji Habib-al-Rahman has admitted that prior to this report a similar - kind of complaint about another drug was received. Consequently, the Foundation stopped its marufacture. The residents of Pathan have complained that liquor, hashish, _ opium and mandrake is being sold openly. The people involved in this nefarious - business make catea~kint women, ildren hmandrake addictsby brandishing them, and they ar g ch - them because good citizens dare not quarrel with these heodlums. It is a coincidence that both these reports have been received simultaneously. Otherwise such reports arrive every day. The reality is that in this situation, not only criminals but also the police, people from the Excise Department, and respectable members of the community are involved as well. Without them, this business could not be conducted. From the pr.eparation to the sale of these drugs, many stages are traversed. In the face of all the restrictions and bans, all these stages are easily bypassed. We were amazed at the logic uf stopping the manufacture of a drug in the Police Foundation inasmuch as it comes out and is used on the street for addicts in , the public. If a similar thing is proved about tincture, thenhoits spitalsfanduthewill also be sropped. Now the question arises as to w patients do whu need it as well? It is like preventing the grinding of flour in a flour mill where the miller chuoses to adulterate the flour. We demand of the governmenr that it keep a strict watch over th3s nefarious business oE drugs and in whatever area sucL husiness may be conducted, the police and the F.xcise Deparrment people shoul.d be held accountable for it and punished severely. 9859 CSO: 5300/4544 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 PAKISTAN CULTIVATION, TRAFFICKING, ABUSE OF DRUGS IN PAKISTAN Lahore VIEWPOINT in English 15, 22 Oct 81 [15 Oct 81 pp 22-231 [TextJ THE ILLfC[T production of - opium io Pakistan, despite scrict controls by the Government, had for quite some timo exceeded that of tbe infamous Golden 'Cri� angle on the borders of Thailand, LaOs and Burma. But, its largr scate conversion into heruin, a fastet-than-anticipated increasa in _ the smuggling of the drug from - Pakistan to Europe and the Unit- ed States, and the discavery of Pakistani heroin addiccs are caus- ing considerabie concern to nar. ~ cctics concrol agencies. I'here is a well�founded fear that the couatty coulcl become a major source of heroin for the interna� tianal market. It has atreaiy taken a lcad over its opium�pru- ducing neighbours - TurScev, Afghanistan and lran-commonly known as the Golden Crescent, The bulk of the rising produc- tion, according to narco!:cs cun- trol agencies, comes from ram shackle laborator~es that have sprouted in ihe sacalled tribal belt alonK the border with AfAhan istafl. It is believed that there are abuut 20 such labs and that rach can producc up to 110 kilo- grams of pure hcroir a mon!h. 'Che peoplc who refine the opiurn in crude makeshift labs in the iribal belt are bel:PVed co be collaborating with dealers from - Thailand, They usually work to apecific orders mrd move from one vitlage to aoother t0 avoid detection. It is, of course, not the local trafFickers alone who are turning to heroin; gangs of incernarianal smugglers have been lured by the cheap prices and the prospects ot fat profit;. In the past they useu to come here in search of op:um and 'hashish' sources but are now dealing in heroin instead. The pclice have picked up around a dozen for.eigners this year who were involved in what is called "che Pakfstani connecrkm", The most experienced traders hire "carriers", usually groups of two or three local inhabitants haviag good experience of sl:pping through security checks and poti- ce patcols. The rraffickers usually make straight for Peshawar and the tribal belt, which is Aow con- sidered a major drugs centre. Indian transit points India has become a verv im- portant transit point for drugs, a clear.;ng house into which come opium�based drugs. like morphine and heroin. from, the Golden Tri- angle as well as the Goldea Cra sceat, India is a very convenient cauldron for drags-easy bai) law and lenient ariti+trafficking regu- lations in India attract drug traRic- kers in large numbers. There are other and equally important rea- 12 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500014013-1 sons why more and more drugs However, the output is still very are now pouring intd lndia from high since it is estima'ed that 150 the Crescent. After the Soviet in- metric tons of.op~um can feed a21 tervention in Afghanistan, the the World's addicts for a year. iand roure which was used to Over the past one year, narca carry the drugs to Europe from tics traders 6ave been parsuading Pakistan became useIess. Indian the tr:besmen to conPert their airports, consequently, have be- opium stocks into � heroin, which come more popular and less dan� is more manageablt arid lucra- . gerous cake-off points. Secoudiv, rive. Opiunt has a dist:nctive ' India's importance as a tmnsi; smell and is difficult to transport, point increased because it is con� but 10 kgs, can be re6ned inta _ sidered a"soft" place. ln India, a Qne kg. of hecoin, which is far distinccion is made between dnig less noticeable at security and abasers and traffickers; the for- customs check-points, mer get about a year in jail or less, while the sentence for pus� in general, the Government has _ sessiro of narcotics is upto seven tried constienti0usly to curb nar- years, but seldam more than cocics production and smuggling. chree vears are awarded, The After the baaning ef aarcotics two tines are ridiculously low-sel� y+ears ago, the planting of poppy dom higher than Rs. 30,000 for has been virtually outlawed; no traffickers. licences have been granted for F(,, heroin, Pakistan these day-, legal harvesting. The penalty for is che iocal poi,nt. Traffickers narcocics consumptiun under Is- have succeeded in inducia8 the lamic law is 80 lashes and [wo people in the northern tribal belt years' imprisonment. But, even to produce heroin for export to this does not appear to deter local the Uniced States and Europe and foreign traffickers, ofteit rather than send raw opium or linked whh interaatioual nec morphine to Europe, where pro� wdrks. Heroin can be bought in _ cessors would reap mast of the northern Pak:stan for a compara� pro6t as middlemen. A rerent UVelY � low price of, U.S. $ drop :10 opium pr-acess and the 0O E o' , stepped'uQ concrol resulted in uro r U S. $ 50-100 eW0 a P e the former's stockpiling tons of k8. or in the U.S. for U.S. S raw opium ip the tr:bal areas. 17 5-200,000 a kg. So a kilo oE The officials monitoring the trade beroin can make a smuggler a mil- say the shift toward heroin pra lionaire overnighc. ducrion amounis to a substanrive ' and ominous change. Big hau1s "Mostly a large number of inde- pendent free�lancers are involv- Pakistan's byggest narcotics ed", said a law enforcing official. haul was made in ApriJ this year "Some have brought in European Nhen a Pakistani was arrested at - rhemists, but refining poppy down Yslamabad airport with five co morpbine and then to injecta� kg, of heroin worth around U.S $ ble heroin No. 2 is something that 500.000 on tbe foreign market. uny one could do by following Last month, there were two big written instructions". herain hauls in the country, On September 23, Kazac6i Eacise Output high Police unearthed a heroin-extrac- taoa plant in an apartment in the - lc is interestilag to note that denselY-PoPulated People's Co- opium producrion in Pakistan hea lony in North Nazimabad. .The been cut down from a world re- accused, Musharaf Shah of Pesha- cord of 500 tons in 1979 to arour.d war, admitted his links with the 125 tons over- the past two years. narcotics "king", Khayali Khaii 13 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 of the uibal area, with wbom he was working as "helper" after - gettinQ training from a Thaa ex- pert. The police found 11 kg. oF refined herain ready for exporr. The other haul was in Islamabad on Sept. 28 when the Customs au� thorities seized heroin wortli about a 1.5 milliun on foreign market from a car. The authorkies arrested an Afgnan nat:enal, Sar war, who was smuggling heroin into Islamabad from the tribal area. The heroin has been pouring into the Capital brOught there by his agents who reportedly deliver- ed ic to some foreiRners to be smuggled abroad. Far the lasc many years, how- ever, wheaever the authorities seized narcotics, they have tried to give an impression that the whole underground "matia" is being weeded our. But soon che whole matter is hushed up and _ things again become 'normal', Before the promulgation of Hadud Order of Feb, 7, 1979, there were four prohibitory Ordinances and - Qne Prohibition Act, besides about a dozen Acts, regulatink che sale, purchase and other as- pects of the naccotics trade. While the Hudud. Order repealed a:l proh;bicion laws, the one relatirig to narcotics was allowed to stand. Later, ' a draft law proposing a comprehen- sive law to replace the existing dozen or so drug�controlling enactruents was shelved. Mean- tidme, it has happened quite often _ that due to lack oi cemprehea- sion, the enforcement starT chal- lans the culprits under irrele- vant pr :isions resulcing in their . acquitta! by the rourts. Alternative crop, ESorts at a tiigher level have been made during the lasi few [22 Oct 81 pp 25-261 [Text] pRUG ABl'SE in the past feY: vears has become a signi6ranc 14 years to reduce illicit production of op:um in the country, Tha United Nations has sponsored a number of projects to wean poppy farmers away from opium and attract them to alternative cash craps. An irrigated pilot scheme in Buner, in northern Pakistan. has had some success with the local landowners who have swit- c4ed oyer to qther crops. They, have had little effect in the uibai belt, however. Ezperty point out the ditTicuJties in persuadiqg a poppy fazmer to give up his an- nual income of U,S. f 1,000, trvice that of income from ap average Pakistani field, espec:ally when traffickers arrive ac tha farmer's door w=th seed and cash iq ad? vance co pay for the ctop. Apart from the cribal belt, a lot of pop- py is being grown in places like Air and lower Swat. On the ocher hand, the increasa in supplies of hero:n has beea accompanied by a rise in the number of Pakistani heroia ad� dicts, a fact which is causing alarm at every level of scciety. The Pak- isran Narco[ics Cootrol Board has acknowledged the "growing daager" a Eew moaths back, Tradi- tionally, Pakistan has had an opium problem, especially in northern area where the tradition of chew- ing Opium is passed from father to son. .4lthough an esrimated 150,000 drug add~:cts in the coun- try chew opium or smoke hash� ish, iew have until this year beea iatroduced co heroin. Heroin has become more readily available only during the last few months. The authorities are now discover� iag youngsrers turn`.ag to heroin at some places in northern Pakis~ tan. The new heroin trai] from Pak- istan's cribal areas is a challenge both for international drug figh� ters and law-enforcemenc agenr- ies inside the country, problem, especially on college and universit}� campuses. A pattern ef APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540010013-1 mix-clrug abuse has rmergea very rap:dlv and the use o;' psychu tropic drug,., which include man- drir and mo-phine, is rising ar an alarming rate. At the rehab;� liLation cencres `.n the country. &ve out of six patients are su:ier ing from poly-drug abuse. Since the total ban on the use of narcotic drugs, fvllowed by ihe promulgation of the Hadd Order on Feb. 9, 1979, no reliable statis- - tics are available, but before the ban was imposed there were 4,50,000 registered addicts io the - country, in addition to a large number of illicit users. Since the abolition of "Theka" (licence shop) system in Pakistan, a nunn- ber of morphine and heroin manu- facturing Eactories have come up - iR the tribal areas. The pheno� menon of mix-drug abuse has ap- peared a'ter this ban. The reason is very simple; before the ban the addicts were getting the drug of the-r choice free!y and usually did not shift to any ~ other; now they take whatever j they can get and what is easily I available in the market. ln the past, eHoru were concea'rated ~ on checking the illicit production ! of opium, and with the assistance i of the United Narions a number ; of projects were carried Qut. ; However, this process caused a j shift ia the trend of drug abuse in the country. A majority of ; opium add:cts turned to psyclic- tropic druRs, speciall,y the stimu- i lants. Besides, abour 60 tcns uf I opium out ef che total annual ' productioh-whicb is placed at ' 125 tons by the PNCB and thricc as much by the internatiunal agencies-is stil consumed hN. the Iacal addicts At present, there exists an in� tricate country�wide narcc,tics network tvhich is rapidly getting mure efticient, sophisticated and deadly. It invo(ves not onlY the pedlars on the srreecs in variou. - "notorious areas" of diflerent tities and towns but also m;llion- air; smugKlrrs in cities, like Lahore and Karach;, who havc� cxcrllene connect.ons amonK sume very intluential people. 7 he net 15 wnrk runs deep and wide and its tentac{e ~ have spread even irito jails. One of the doctors, who has treated some uf the drug addicts insidP ;ails, told `Viewpoint' that it was obv?ous the addicts were regularly gerting their supp:iec. "If they were not, the} wou)d be violent and can't imagine bow desperately cheir bedies � need the drugs. lf you tnuch the sromacli of a morphine addict, who has been off the drug for some time, you will feel as if an animal is kieking from evithin. But the ones I saw were quiet...... 'Establis6ed traditions' The ill:cit crade is being carried out under certain "esta� blis6ed traditions" and the "un- derworld" is extremely well-or- gan:sed and methodical. A burvey in Lahore by this correspondent reveals that at present there are abouc a dozen groups, comprising eight to ten persons each, who operace nearly 100 dens in dif� ferent parts of the city. The com- mcn practice is that if anybod} wants tu operate a den in a parti� cular area, he has to "come to terms" with the head of che 'group' in h:s area for "formal sanction" and "legal p: o:ection". Then there are no less than SO wholesalets in the city whose "commodities" are supplied to various dens. For chemical drugs, the retail market consists of drug stores and den-keepers. One can easily get mandrix, barbiturates, amphate- mines, pathedine, infadamine 'and morphine from drug stores in any part of che coun'ry. These den�keepers and retailers have a number of employees-the so- calIed drug-pushers. And where these drug-pushers are reluctant to go, for example, in the slum areas, drug-pedlars are engaged, and most of them are venders or petty shop�keepers belonRir..g to rool� families, liowever, after che promulga- linn of :he Hadd Order, the �7e- ta'l operation" fer the sale ut APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500014013-1 'charas', oF,iun. and uther cuntrd� bands has becume furttier com� plicatrd. The major dens have disappeared and now the dru; pushers either sell contrabands in little strips and pieces-with the cdlaboratior tf addicts-or use small shop�1:: epers and vendors for this purpose. 1'h� area of l.yari in Karachi, for example, serves ac a model inr such "d:>- rr.butio channels". Growini; sniuggting Thr smur-gling oE (Ipium and 'chares' frum the tribal areal has co7siderablv increased during the last two years. It started with the Saur Revolution which blocked the drug business as the main route - acruss the Afghanistan- lran border-was closed. Now 'charas' and opium are concealed in trucks taking goods to Karachi from Peshawar and other parts uf [he PIN'FP. Althoagh this route is not `safe', the smiegglers-mest� ly having incernatioaal connec� tions-tai:e up che ctiallenge as samething normal to their crade. The arithmetic is simpie and stunn:ng, One k'.logram of `hash- ieh' custs 150 [0 200 dullars in Pakistan. In the tlnited S*ates, i: fetches as much its 3,200 dollars. htorphine which can be bought hcre for 3,000 dollars a kilo sells for 70,000 dollars in America. A measure of the scale of nar- cotics trafficking can be had from the fact that during the period July 1980 co June 30, 1981, che Pak;stan Custom seized following drugs: Opium, 1,996 kg: Charas, 10,678 kg; Herc,in, 26.625 kg; Hashish oil, 25,010 kg; Morphia 1.95 kg; Cochine 11 phials and Mandrix 2.1 million doses. The street value of these contraband narcotics rn the internatiunal market was esr.mated at 93 mil� lion dollars. Mcan,ime, it is believed that there are nci less thun 800,000 re� gular drug addicts in Pakistan. A particular rause for conrern ic the increasc in addiction amunK thr younger generaton. A 16 cCnservative escimate has it that 10 per cent of Yha student popu- lation uses various kinds nf nar- cotics such a , `hashish', morphia, heroin, amphetamines, etc. The uneducated ' youth, in general, are addicted to `charas' The sacalled `rocket' (Salconal sodium) has gained immense popu larity among them, The 'rockets' which are consideced most harm� ful of all the modern - sedatives, are available in total markzt for 1.50 paisa each. I studied over thirty students wbo were involved in drug abuse, at least ten of them were on mari- juaaa. Anotber group of tea stu� dencs had gone over to mixed drugs. Most of the drug�users were men excepc ia the case of 'valium' rvhere'six of the ten stu- deats were womaa. In the limited space here, the findings can be presented only briefly. The procedure followed has been to analyse a few iadi� viduat cases, determine the pre� dominant trends, select represen- tative cases for each group s:udi� ed, end condense and disguise these cases withour sacrificing the basic facts. 'itiell-oft families 7he survey, in general, re%eals that most of the male and female drug addicts come either irom middle��lass or aPfluent :amilies. The -male student-- nn che whole are now shifting to psychotropic drugs and seem to have passed the stage of `hashish'. The girls, however, have taken ' more to tranquillisers and barbiturates than pspchotropic substances. Sut some girls are also seek:ng refu- ge in pa:hedine after it became vecy popular among, the educated youth. `A', a young man with a plea- sant, iotelligent face, came out wearing bluc jeans, and 'a khaki shirt wora outside his jeans. He vividly described his confus`on over what he wants to do. He dis- likes university life and observ. ed: "Everbody comes in, does the APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 and gets degreei". goes on same mined by fate and does not per- , , _ `A' began co smoke 'hashish' ceive anyching he has done as be- - during his first year at the univer� ir.g of his own choosing, - sity, becoming heavily addicted in his final year. He explained Emotional strain that he liked `hashish' because it �ag� "softens his competitiveness 'C' �is twenty, an excellent stu- , gressiveness and combativene.-s", dent, with a fairly remarkable traits he w9uld like to get r'd of. academic career. Her pac ents op� :Ie connected these symptoms with poseri her academic ambitions, his fami}y, whirh he described as feeling that work was not :m- very achievement-oriented; his portant for a woman, 5he, how- father is a' successful physician, ever, `.nsisted and got admission he has a brother who is aGrade in the univerfity. At the univer� 20 officer. sity, she got attached to her `A' saw his father as authWta� classfellow 'Y'. Her parents op-, ; tive and dominatiQg at home, ad� posed thP relationship and warn- = ding that his father wanced' co ed her that she would have tu see him a"very successful" man abandon, her studies if she ever ` in life whereas he saw che com� Y' outs:de the uni- tried to meet petitive side of himself as "mean� versity, `C' says she dees not wanr ' ingless". He agreed that using . She in- to be another `martyr ' drugs had played a large part ;n , will sists that marriage with `Y his etTorts- to resolve the difficul- ges her away from her family and ties he had w:th his family, and make her feel less "inrerior". those aspects of his fa.her that`he r+reeks when 'C' was For a few so "dislikes in himself". . under the strain, she use,d sleep- `B', a twenty�one�year�old, clean� ing pills, Now ahe is dependenr cut, final year student, has' been on valium to pragramme her wak- on mandrix for six months and ing and sleep hours. She has has built up a ten-rupee�a-day dooming herself to fu1611ing her - habit, mother's goals uf "self�sacrifice' `B' connected his introduction and renunciation of ambition and to mandrix rvith his relationship pleasure. . _ with a young woman he saw in So far, the authorities hare his first year at che university, only, from time to time, rec�ardecE although he does not understand their eoncern over the ever�in� how or why wamao and mandrix creasing use of drugs and presErib- came into his life at the same ed some measures to fight the r;n1e, mtynace. But because they have The relation'shipended and his no reliable data on which to base mandrix use subsided. But his thcir recomrrtiendatioas, their i,.ivolvement with another . wo� anti-drug crusade has praved an man, 'X', has led to takiag mand- exerc:se in futility. Not a single rix in greater amounts than ever study has beeo undertsken so tar oefore. He says he would like to to 6nd the causes of drug addic- marry 'X' bur his family circum� tion. stances do nut permit it in the The Pakisran Narcotics Control near future. Board, after the complete prohi- His mother foughc constantly bitioa of drugs two years back, over his father's dcinking and the established seven drug treatment - f:imily's lack of money. He descri� and rehabilitation cen!res These bed his mother, who works in a centc�es are working in Lahore, hcspital, a'miserable woman' whc) Fiyderabad, Rawalpindi, Pesha- throughout her Ufe had t� fight war, Chamalabunir (Swat), Quet� for her children's future. . ta and Gilgit. However,, these cea- 'B' dreams of himself ay the tres have prQVed to be quite in- passive speccatel- of liis own ac. effective. Firstly, because the res- t:ons. He sees h`.s life as deter- ponse of the. people is very poor 17 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540010013-1 and, secondly, because they cover a very smalt area and the vast majority of the add`cts cannot reach the centres. Not enoug6 ' Dr. Ijaz Haider, Director, Drug Abuse Programme, Punjah, talk- ing td `Yiewpoint', said that his studies showed tbere were more addicts ac places like Sahiwat, Sialkot, Okara, lhang, etc., than Lahore. He made it clear that by upening a few centres, it was im- possible to control, even oa e very minor level, the abuse af CSO: 5300/4574 18 drugS in the country. Present:J, at the Drug Treat- ment Cencre, Mayo Hospital, Lahore, there are only 100 pati- ents who are main!ained on opiutrt tablets supplied by tbe Eacise and Taxation. authorities. This figure is aegligible in view of tfie total number of opiura addicts even in Lahore. The rest, of course, are continuously getting opium and other drugs from -other "sources", Dr. Ijaz Haider suggested that there must be cen- tres at every district. headquarters as the majority of opium addicts belong to the rural areas. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 PAKISTAN BRIEFS sub- CONTRABAND DRUG SEIZED--About 600 kilograms of secobarbital, a psycho-tropg~erda stance,to the tune of Rs 30 crore in the fo.reign underwarld, was seized y_ y by the speciaZ checking squad of the customs in a surprise raid. Packed in 20 suitcases the contraband drug was booked from Salzburg, Austria, and was destined for Lahore in different names under the declaration of old and used clothes and personnel effect. The 1971 UN convention on psycho-tropic substance control re- stricts its use and it is abused by converting it into capsules for narcotic ad- dicts. Preliminary investigations have made important revealation which can lead to arrest of certain important anti-social elements. Meanwhile, the Member (Cus- tom) Board of Revenue, G. Ashraf Jehangir, accompanied by the Collector (Preven- tive) Mohammed Akbar yesterday inspected the seized contraband and appreciated the customs performance. (Karachi BUSINESS RECORDER 3 Dec 81 p 11 AID TO END POPPY CULTIVATION--Islamabad, Dec 2--United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control (UNFDAC) will provide Pakistan 4.2 million dollars as support to expand its efforts to eliminate opium poppy cultivation in the Buner area of the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), under an agreement, signed here today. The Pakistan Narcotics Control Board (PNCB) will implement this programme in co-operation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). [Karachi BUSINESS RECORDER 4 Dec SlpB] HEROIN SEIZURE---Custom authorities in Karachi have seized eight and 1/2 kilograms of heroin powder from a cargo vessel. The raid was carried out when the vessel was about to depart for its destination in Western Europe. Estimated cost of the heroin powder on the international ma.rket is stated to be about 85 million rupees. [Karachi Domestic Service in Urdu 0200 GMT 11 Dec 81 BK] - CSU: 5300/4572 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 MEXICO COMMU'I'ATION OF TRAFFICKER'S SENTENCE CRITICIZED Nuevo l.,aredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanish 5 Nov 81 Sec D p 3 [Text] It is only a matter of hours before the doors of the municipal jail wilt open and offer a release to one of the most dreaded gunmen and drug traffickers, who terrorized the population of.Nuevo Laredo during the Mafia period. }le is Yedro Gaytan Elias, no less, who had been sentenced to 17 years in prison in various trials, including those for murders and drug trafficking on a large scale. He served only 9 years, and the rest of the sentence was commmted,(;as;a: result of his attorneys' appeals to the Supreme Court of Justice. Gaytan Elias, who was one of the most powerful members of the underworld organization on this border, had entered jail in 1973, following the intervention of Salvador del Toro Rosales; and since that time the battery of defenders began using influence "above" until they achieved more flexibility on the part of the justice system regarding the penalties that had been imposed on him. . Despite the fact that the convicted individual had led a dissolute life, upon enter- ing jail he was appointed head of several floors; and it might also be mentioned that while inside this jail he dealt in drugs and was even the brains of the lower echeions of the powerful organization that had been destroyed by the arrival of the federal groups. iPiirtliermore, when Federico Carrasco Gomez confessed to the series of crimes that he - had committed, in (7uadalajara, he named Pedro Gaytan Elias as the one who had ordered the execution of Comdr I'sverardo Perales Rios. Understandably, the release of this Mafia member will result in other pr9.soners accused of these same crimes notitaking loandtbelongetorthencellsaofethe notorious that nearly all of them are millionaires, Mafia octopus which operated on the bor+ier. Of What Use Was the Effort of Del Toro Rosales? The r.ecord that was left In this town by Salvador del Toro Rosales, by fighting bareilandedly to destroy two international drug trafficking rings which had spread terror almost on a national scale, was not backed by the federal justice system; because despite the fact that he jailed the most dangerous members of these crime syndicates, since the latter had enough means to silence the high courts, the majority uf them succeeded in recovering their freedom within a short period of time; which causes one to think that the anti-underworld effort expended by Del Toro was af no use. 2909 CSO: 5330/56 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 MEXICO BRIEFS - POPPY DESTRUCTION ACTIVITY--Since the weather is favorable for the pappy growing cycle, the Ninth Military Zone has intensified its activities relating to the CONADOR (Marihuana-Poppy) plan and, according to reports, it is in the southern part of the state that the Mexican Army forces have been most active in destroying plan- _ tations, reactivating this campaign. This information was provided by Brig Ge:i Javier Vazquez Felix, commander of the Ninth Military Zone, to EL SOL DE SINALOK, explaining that the activities are under way from Cosala to the very boundary with the state of Nayar:Lt, toward the south, and with Durango, toward the east. He said - that the activities also involve the vigilance associated with the Federal Law on Arms and Explosives, whereby pistols and other weapons are taken from individuals who are found to have them, so that they may first prove their legitimate ownership as well as showing the permit for carrying them. In this connection, Gen Vazquez Felix said that the gun confiscation in the mountain area and in locations in the . southern part of this capiCal has made it possible to reduce the formation of gangs acting, in that region in an attempt to commit crimes against the citizenry. With - regard to the number of plantations destroyed, the commander of the Ninth Military Zone stated thaC, according to the reports received to date, more poppy than mari- huana plantations are involved, and they are continuing to be discovered in the most remote areas, where the Army troops are going to destroy those plantations. He concluded by saying that the instructions from the Secretariat of National Defense are to continue the action aimed at destroying all the plantations which are discover- ed, without pausing at any time, until that activity has been minimized to the greatest possible ex.*.ent. [Text] [Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 23 Nov 81 pp 1, 4] 2909 HEROIN LABORATORY DL'STItOYLD--The destruction of a clandestine laboratory, with the seizure of 85 grams of opium gum, and the arrest of four presumed drug traffickers, constitutes another success far the action being carried out by the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic in the permanent battle againsz crimes affecting health. Reports obtained by EL SOL DE SINALOA from the No 6 coordi.naCor of the permanent campaign against drug trafficking indicate that the second commander of the Federal Judicial Police, Manuel Espindola Martinez, with forces under his cammand, succeeded in conducting this operation in which positive results were accrued frnm the investigations carried out to identify those who were dealing in drugs. Hector Aviles Castillo, head of the coordinating entity, reported that$ in Culiacan, Pedro Sarahia Garcia and his hrother, Loreto, with the same surnames, were arrested along with their respective wives, Teresa Diaz 4~ Sarabia and Julia Diaz de Sarabia, who had been helping them in their illegal activities. Having 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010013-1 - confessed that they were engaged in the purchase and sale of opium gum, and in processing that drug to convert it into heroin, the individuals under arrest pointed out to the investigating agents the place where they had concealed 85 grams of a dark substance with a penetrating odor, which is apparently opium gum, and also indicated the site where the laboratory in which they had been processing those - drugs was located. The place where they had concealed both the processing equipment _ and the drugs themselves was located on the E1 Potrero f arm, in the municipality of Cosala, where the investigators went together with the arrested subjects so that the latter could show the exact spot where they had hidden all the laboratory equipment and the opium gum. [Text] [Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 20 Nov 81 p 6] 2909 PILL, INHALANT DANGER CITED--Nogales, Sonora, 23 November--So long as there is no legal provision the sale of tnhalants and certain toxic pills, the lie