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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 FOR O~FICIAI. USF ONLY JPRS L/ 10226 30 December 1981 ~ Vi~tnarn Re ort p CFOUO 16/81) . ~ Fg~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATIO~V SERVICE FOR OFFICIA~ USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 NOTE .TPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency _ transmissions and broadca~ts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from E.glish-language sources _ are transcribed or reprinted, :aith the original phrasing and other :.haracteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of each item, or following the ~ last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phoneticall;� or transliterated are ~ enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the soiirce. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. , COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE O11LY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500010024-9 - JPRS L/10226 - 30 December 1981 VIETNAM REPORT (FOUO 16/81) CONTENTS MILITARY AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC SECURITY Infc,~rmation on Vietnamese Military Units 1 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, TRADE AND AID US~iR-Socialist Republic of Vietnam New Five-Year Agreement (FOREIGN TRA~E, Nov 81) 11 ~ - a - [III - ASIA - 110 FOUO] FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540010024-9 F~JR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MILITARY AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC SECURITY INFORMATION ON VIETiVAMESE MILITARY UNITS [The following information on Vietnamese military u~ita has been extracted from Vj.etnamese press sources published in Hanoi, unless otherwise indicated. Unit deaignators and subordination are as they appear in the original source. The rema.rks include a brief summary of the salient information available in ti~e new item.] Unit Rema.rks - B.72 Gp, Truong Son Corps [Binh Road construction work. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN Doan] 4 Nov 81 p 1) _ Binh Minh Regt Thang Tam Engineer Gp Constructing combat support pro~ects. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Nov 81 p 1) 12th Co, N.99 Gp Located on the Truong Son Road. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Nov 81 p 2) 12th Regt, B.31 Recruit Training Formerly an economic construction unit. Pres- Center, lst MR ently trains recruits. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 4 Nov 81 p 3) M.53 Regt, B.56 Gp, Tay Bac Forces VCP activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Nov 81 p 1) B.38 Gp Unit finance officer attended conference held on 29-30 Oct 81 by the Finance Department, Miuistry of National Defense for units lo- - cated on the northern border and islands. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Nov 81 p I) B.13 GP " " " " B.23 Gp n B.22 Gp " " " " B.55 Gp " " " " 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540010024-9 ~ FOR ONFICIAL USH: ONI.Y Unit Remarks N.71 Transportation Gp Commanded for service to units "on the border Unit N.2 and Western Region forces." (QUAN DOI NFTAN Unit M.1 DAN 5 Nov 81 p 1) y Unit M.3 Unit M.20 Unit M.O1 Unit C.64 Unit DC.64 Unit DM.O1 Unit EM.3 Unit N.12 Long Air Force Gp Photo show~ that unit is equipped with MiG fighter aircraft. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Nov 81 p 1) "X" Gp In Oct 80 converted from training to economic , construrcion unit. Has been w~rking at the - Pha Lai Thermoelectric Powpr Plant Work Site since May 81. -llth Regt -Co~ander: LUWU VAWN THAAPJ. Reassigned from working at the Ha Tu Coal Mine, Quang Ninh Province to ~'ha Iai . -47th Bn -Commander: NGUYEENX DAWNG THUYEETS. Preceded main bod3? of "X" Gp to the work site being there since at least Dec 80. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Nov 81 p 2) Post 21, Border Defense Plants manioc and corn. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN Forces, Son La Province 5 Nov 81 p 3) H.88 Gp, Quang Ninh Forcea United membera commended for farming ac- complishments. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Nov 81 p 3) Military Administration School, Self support food producing activit~es 32d Corps [Binh Doan] ~ reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 5 Nov $1 p 3) Depot K,2, Engineer Technical Upgrades technical quality of personnel. tQUAN Materials Department DOI NHAN DAN 5 Nov 81 p 3) ~ Huong Giang Corps [Binh Doan] Party building activities in subordinated H.4 Regt units reported (XAY DUNG DANG Sep 81 p 29) 05 Regt M.64 Regt H.19 Regt M.O1 Regt 2 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500010024-9 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ B.21 Gp, Capital MR Cultural activities reported. (QUAN DOI 24th Medical Bn NHAN DAN 6 Nov 81 p 1) 86th Regt 70th Regt .88th Regt 14th AAA Bn, "H" Gp, 5th l~t Photo of unit arma.ment. Good rPsults achieved in training new personnel. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN ~ 6 Nov 81 p 3) ~ H.47 Gp, Na Tuyen Province A recruit training unit. (QUAN AOI NHAN DAN 6 Nov 81 p 3) 2d Bn, 05 Armored Gp, Quang Ninh Achieves good results in training new tank ~ gunners. (QUt~N DOI NHAN DAN 6 Nov 81 p 3) 78th Truck Bn, Hqs, Engineering Deployed in disperaed elements. Practicing Forces POL supply economy. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 8 Nov 81 p 1) ~ 52d Truck Bn, N.71 Gp Cited as a model unit for PaL supply economy. ; (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 8 Nov 81 p 1) - 19th Engineer Co, Unit 165, B.7 Gp Located in Ka cha Village, Ou Dong District, ~ Kampong Speu Province, R~mpuchea. (QUAN n0I NHAN DAN 8 Nov 81 p 1) lst Bn, 08 Gp, Chemical Warfare Aasigned a front line combat support m~.ssion. Forces (QUAN DOI N~~AN DAN 8 Nov 81 p 3) B.91 Gp Deputy commander for Political Affairs; HGUYEEtJX XUAAN TOANF. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN ~3Nov81p 3) Song Da Misr~ile Gg ghoto of unit SAM-2 missile. (NHAN DAN 9 Nov 81 p 1) B.45 Gp, Tay Bac Forces Photo of unit members on the nnrthern border, (NHAN DAN 9 Nov 81 p 3) H~ng Linh AAA Gp, Hanoi Air Achieves good results in training exercise. Defense Forces (QUAN DOI NHAN DA1J 9 Nov 81 p 1) Sao V?ng Gp Assisted local people with construction of a road. (QUAN AOI NHAN DAN 9 Nov 81 p 1) Huong Giang Corps [Binh Doan] Conducts training for company VCP Chapter B.25 Gp Secretariea. (QUAN DOI NHAI~I DAN 9 Nov 81 p 1) - B.06 Gp H.47 Gp, Ha Tuyen Province Farcea Photo of unit 120 mm mortar crew. Preparing - for 2d Phase training. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 9 Nov 81 p 1) 3 , ~OR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540010024-9 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY 22d Gp Elementa of thia unit are working on construc- tion of Route 279 in the northwestern area of Vietnam. Locations mentioned are Cap Na and Pha Dinh Peaks. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 9 Nov 81 p 3) 75th Gp Unit ~ember spurns bribe offer from thief at work site. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 9 Nov 81 p 3) 50th Regt, 3d MR Unit medics commended. (QUAN DOI NHAN~DAN 9 Nov 81 p 3) i~.70 Navy Gp - Defending national waters. Conducted 2d ' Vessel 207 Phase training. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN Vessel 183 10 Nov 81 p 1) Vessel 209 Vessel 185 Vessel 18'l ; Vessel 806 Vessel 808 . Vessel 811 � Vessel 151 : Song Thao Engineer Gp Conducted bridging and fording training in 2d phase training. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 10 Nov 8; pp 1, 4) � 91st Military Hospital, 1st MR Use of herbal medicines noted. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 10 Nov 81 p 1) ~ llth Regt, 3d MR Working with Soviet apecialists at the Pha Lai Thermoelectric Power Construct3on Site. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 10 Nov 81 p 2) 75th Co, Hong Linh AAA Gp, Hanoi Unit discipline ~.mprovement noted. (QUAN DOI Air Defense Forces NHAN DAN 10 Nov 81 p 3) . 2d Gp, 7th MR Political activities reported. (QUAN DOI 8th Regt NHAN DAN 10 Nov 81 p 3) 722d Reft . H.03 Tank Brigade Conducted political activities. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Nou 81 p 1) M.46 Navy G~ Recently completed construction of 20 unspecified pro~ects on Phan Vinh Island. . (QUAN DOI NHAN AAN I1 Nov 81 p 1) Factory Z.53, Technical A vehtcle repair faci.lity for training General Department forces. (QUAN DOI NHA13 DAN 11 Nov 81 p 4) ~ - 4 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410024-9 FOR OFFIC[~L USE ONLY 39th Regt, N.65 Gp, Truong Son Working at the Da River Hydroelectric Power Corps [Binh Doan] Work Site, (~uAN DOI NAAN DAN 11 Nov 81 p 2) " 1et ~n, 184th Re;gt, Mien Tay Corps Located in a comhat ready position in a moun- [Binh Doan] tain area. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Nov 81 p 3) Transportation Department VCP activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 650th Regt 11 Nov 81 p 3) ' 23d Regt ~ *I.28 AAA Gp Photo of unit member working or? shells. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 11 Nov 81 p 3) Air Defense Branch Morale building activit~es in subordinate B.63 Gp units noted. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 l~ov 81 B.69 Gp p 1) B.75 Gp B.77 Gp H.91 Gp H.78 Gp H.26 Gp H.63 Gp H.36 Gp B.67 Gp Thanh Loa Missile Gp H.73 Gp H.75 Gp - M.9~ Gp Photo of inembers of signal detachment checking wire communications. (QUAN DOI ' - NIi~AT DAN 12 Nov 81 p 1) y 60th Gp, Transportation Forces Photo ~f unit members handling cargo in Port of Haiphong. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Nov 81 p 1) 12th Regt Self support farming activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Nov 81 p 2) M.14 Gp Located in a horder area. Self support farming of rice, manioc, corn, beans, sugar and honey. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 12 Nov 81 p 2) 34th Gp Piscecultura~. activities reported. (QUAN Unit H.4 DOS NHAN DAN 12 Nov 81 p 2) , Unit S.6 Unit S.8 Ba Dinh AAA Gp, Mien Tay Corps Self support farming of bananas and sweet [Binh Doan] potatoes. (QUAN DOI N~~AN DAN 12 Nov 81 p 3) 5 FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540010024-9 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY - M.fi9 Infantry Regt, B.11 Gp, Pac Assisted with school construction for the Bo Corps [Binh Doan] people of the border distiict of "T" in Cao Bang Province. (QUAN DOI iJHAN DAN 12 Nov 81 p 3) Cuu Long Air Force Gp Photo of unit pil~t. (QUAN DOI NH~,N DAN 12Nov81p3) 64th Missile Gp, Song Da [Gp] ~'h~r~~ of t~il end of SAM-3 miss3.le. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 1~ Nov 81 p 1) ~ Air Defense Branch Subordinate units achieve good results in H.63 Missile Gp, Ho Chi Minh firing exercises. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Nov City Air Defense Forces 81 p 1) H.?7 Missile Gp, Hanoi Air Defense Forces - B.65 Gp Song Thao Corps [Binh Doan] Tested chemical warfare technic~ues in stib- A.16 Gp ordinate units. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Nov 81 P.45 Gp p i) iJnit N.55 8th Bn, Ol Navy Gp Located in Kampuchea. (QU~,N DOI NHA~T DAN 13 Nov 81 p 3) 2d Co (lOSmm guns), B. 57 Gp, 2d MR Recently supported infantry in repellir~g enemy seaborne incursions into Ha Tuyen Province. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Nov 81 p 3) Commo Platoon, B.6 Infantry Gp Negligent messenger critic~?zed. (QUAN ,~OI NHAN DAN 13 Nov 81 p 3) 565th Gp Commended for maintenance of wire and tele- phone equipment. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 13 Nov - 81 p 3) Van Hai Gp, Quang Ninh Province Maintained unit housin~ and furnishings. (QUAN DOI NHAt7 DAN 13 Nov 81 p 3) 31st Air Force Gp VCP party activities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 14 Nov 81 p 1) M.3 Transportation Regt, Makes long distance hauls. (QUAN DOI NHAN Transportation Department DAN 15 Nov 81 p 1) 53d Bn 55th Bn N.99 Gp, Truong Son Corps [Binh Bridge construction reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DoanJ DAN 15 Nov 81 p 1) - 6 - FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504010024-9 POR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7th Military Hospital Loca.ted in or near Phu Tien District, Hai Hung Province. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 15 Nov 81 p 2) - 3d Co, 12th Bn, ?lst AAA Gp Photo shows that armament includes twin bar- relled weapons. (QLdAN DOI NHAN DAN 16 Nov ~ 81 p 1) T.16 Gp Located in Quang Ninh Province. (QUAN DOI _ NHAN DAN 16 Nov 81 p 1) To Vinh Dien AAA Gp Improved discipline noted. (QUAN DOI NHAN , DAN 16 Nov 81 p 3) Vessel 603, M.25 Navy Tranaport Gp Supplies Spratley Islands. (QUAN DOZ;NHAN DAN 16 Nov 81 p 3) ~ B.73 Gp, Truong Son Corps [Binh Doan] Roa.d constrsction work. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 17 Nov 81 p 1) Transportation Forces, Rear Services Subordinate units practice POL supply econ- General Department omy. (QUAN TJOI NHAN DAN 17 No~~ 81 p 1) N.25 Gp N.23 Gp N.60 Gp 51st Regt Commander: Tran Thi [TRAANF THI]. (QUAN? DOI NHAN DAN 17 Nov 81 p 3) 52d Bn, N.71 Gp Practices supply economy of POL supplips. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 17 Nov 81 p 3) _ B.59 Gp Unit officer discusses POL supply economy. (QUAN DOI b'HAN DAN 17 Nov 81 p 3) ' T.8~ Gp, Phu Khanh Province Activities of Youth Union members reported. (QUAN DOI NEiAN DAN 17 Nov 81 p 3) B.57 Gp, Tay Bac Forces Subordinate units include a signal battalion, engineer battalion and AAA battalion. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 17 Nov 81 p 3) B.90 Gp Located in Thanh Hoa Province. (QUAN DOI . NHAN DAN 18 Nov 81 p 1) 45th Gp ~ POL ~'orces, Rear Services Subordinate units commended for supply General Department economy. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 18 Nov 81 p 1) 74th Regt 671st Regt 661st Regt 663d Regt 664th Regt - ~ ~92d ;Regt _ 7 ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 34th Co, 21st Bn, To Vinh llien Gp Located in Danang. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 18 Nov 81 p 3) 22d Tank Bn, B.04 Gp Commended f4r training accomplishments. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 18 Nov 81 p 3) , Tan Trao Infantry Regt, lst MR Improve troop living conditions. (QUAN DOI 127th Bn NHAN DAN 18 Nov 81 p 4) Thang Tam Engineer Gp Commended for Youth Union recruiting activities. (THANH NIEN Sep 81 p 14) Khanh Khe Infantry Gp " " " " O1 Armored Brigade " " " " Song Dao Infantry Gp " " " " Sao Vang Gp " " " " 9.N Infantry Regt, Huong Giang Unit medics commended for services to Corps [Binh Doan] subordinate battalions and for preventive medicine service to local population. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 19 Nov 81 p 1) B.91 Gp, Truong Son Corps [Binh Road construction activities by aubordinate .Doan] units reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 19 Nov 81 lst Regt p 1) 8th Regt H.2 Regt , Ha Tu Coal Mir~e Self Defense Regt Photo of personnel at antiaircraft gun. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Nov 81 p 1) B.76 Gp, Mien Tay Forces Self support farming activities reported. 8th Bn (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Nov 81 p 3) 5th Co, B. 03 Signal Reft VCP political act~vities reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Nov 81 p 3) 6th Bn, H.44 Gp, Quang Ni.nh Province Unit faod purchasing afficer commended. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Nov 81 p 3) 48th Regt, Dong Bang Gp Photo of ut:it's self support farming activities. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 20 Nov 81 p 3) 24th Medical Co, M.8 Gp Plants medical herbs. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN _ 20 Nov 81 p 3) Factory 47, B.91 Gp Vehicle repair accomplishments, self-support farming results reported. (QUAN DOI NHA1~T DAN 20 Nov 81 p 3) 8 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500010024-9 FOR OFFICIAL USN; ONLY National Defense Factory 42, Coimnended for performance. (QUAN DOI NHAN Technical General Department DAN 22 Nov 81 p 1) Prime Mover Department, Technical Subordinate depots commended for vehicle General Department handling procedures. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAlv 112th Depot 22 Nov 81 p 1) 258th Depot Radar Detachment, 27th Air Force Gp Photo of three different antenna arrays. ~ (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 22 Nov 81 p 1) H.47 Gp, Tay Bac Forces Assigned to a combat role on the northern _ border. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 22 Nov &1 p 3) Truong Son Corps [Binh DoanJ Subordinate units maintain good relations B�72 Gp with tribal people. (NHAN DAN 23 Nov 81 p 3) B.73 Gp ~ B.91 Gp B.44 Gp B.84 Gp �B.97 Gp, 3d MR Repaired the Chap Khe-Yen Lap railr~ad sec- - 7th Bn tion of the Kep-Bay Chay Railway Division. 8th Bn Converted to this economic construction mis- 9th Bn sion from a training mission in Ma.r 81. Presently working on the Chi Linh-Pha Lai section. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 23 Nov 81 p 2) ' N.72 Gp Photo of self-propelled heavy gun. (QUAid ~ DOI NHAN DAN 23 Nov 81 p 2) M.98 Regt Located in a front line position on the north- ern border facing PRC torces. (QUAPZ DOI NHAN DAN 23 Nov $1 p 3) N.76 Gp Photo of unit SAM-~3 missiles on launcher. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 24 Nov 81 p 1) Quyet Thang Corps [Binh Doan] Training activities in subordinate units Quan Tien Phong Gp reported. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 24 Nov 81 p 1) PM.2 Gp B.9 Gp Trieu Hai Gp Thanh Dong Border Gp Song Lo Regt Tu Vu Regt - Ba Vi Regt 198th Bn, H.02 Armored Gp M.5 Gp A production unit located in the mountains. (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN 24 Nov 81 p 2) 9 FOR OFFIt'[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 ~Olt U1~ FICIAI. USI's ONI,Y N.%1 Transportation Gp Unit vehicle repair shop commended. - (QUAN DOI NHAN DAN�24 Nov 81 p 3) lU8th riilitary Hospital Located in Hanoi. (SLTC KHOE 5 Nov 81 p 7) Hong Linh Gp, lst MR A combat ready unit at a border location. (THE DUC THE THAO IO (~ct 81 p 3) 62d Navy Signal Gp Activities to mark upcoming 5th VCP Congress noted. (TIEN PHONG 3-9 Nov 81 p 2) CSO: 4209/136 10 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500014424-9 ~ NOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TNTI:RNATTONAT. RF�I.ATTONS, TFtAD~ AND AID USSR-SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM NEW FIVE-YEAR AGREEMENT Moscow FOREIGN TRADE in English No 11, Nov 81 p 15 - [Text] Tfie negotiations between the governmental trade del- eg~itions of tlie USSR and the Socialist Republic of Viet- nam, which were held in an atmosphere of fraternal fricnciship and mutual understanding, resulted in the sign- inc~ of a Trade and Payments Agreement between the USSR and the SRV for the 1981-1985 period on ,July 30, � 19a1. N. Patclichev, Ulinister of Foreign Trade, signed the ' aqreement for the Soviet side and Le Khac, Minister of Foreign Trade, for the Vietnamese side. Nguyen Huu Mai~, Ambassadcr Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the So- cialist Republic of Vietnam to the USSR, attended the � signinc~ ceremony. The Agreement provides for a considerable increase in the vol~nne of mutual goods deliveries: it is to rise almost 90 per cent as against the 1976-1980 period. 'ihis con- sidErable growth is a result of expanded and deepened friendship between our countries, improved forms and mctt~ods of trade and economic cooperation between the Soviet Union and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. A signi(icant increase will be observed in Soviet de- livc.ries l~ Vietnam of such vital commodities as oil pro� - cl,ir.ts, fr.rtilizers, rolled stock, motor vehicles, road-buil- dinc~ maci~inery, cotton, paper among others. An increase ~~f Vfetnanicse exports to the USSR, including timber, c;c,lt~:e, tea, spices, vegetables, fruit, handicraft articles and eiiibroideries is also stipulated. The E~resent five-year period will witness continuation ol the cooneration, successfully accomplished over the last iivc ycars, in the V~etnamese m4nufacture of e~arments. , c;irpets, i>>edicines on the basis of raw materials received f~oni thc USSR, the finished pioducts being delivered to Ilir. Sovi~rt lliuon. COPYRIGHT: English Translation, "Foreign Trade", 1981. CSO: 4220/118-E E~ 11 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010024-9