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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500440005-7 F~R OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/ 10359 ~ March~ 1982 ~ - ~ USSR R~ ort ~ ~ p ~ ENERGY . cFOUO 3is2~ FBIS FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORM~?TIO~V SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAd, USE ONi.Y . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540040005-7 NOTE JPAS publications c ontain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language ~ sources are transla ted; those from English -language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. y Aeadlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets _ [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in th e first line of each item, or following the last line of a brie f, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or e~tracted. Unfamiliar names r~ndered phonetic311y or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words cr names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in paren.*.heses were not clefir in tl�e original but haqe been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the source. Tianes within ~tems are as given by source . The contents of th is publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.t itudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINA,TION OF' TfIIS PUBLICATI0~1 BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500440005-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS Z/10359 2 March 1982 USSR REPORT ~ . ENERGY (FOUO 3/82~ . ~ CONTENTS ~ ~ FUELS Oil Exploration in Central, We~tern Azerbaija~ To Be Stressed (A. N. Guseynov, Sh. S. Rocharli;~GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA, Oct 8I) .......................................e.... 1 Safety Kegulations in the Gas Service (N. S. Bersenev, et al.; PRAVILA BEZOPASNOSTI V GAZOVOM KHOZYAYSTVE, :980) 12 - GENERAL CEMA Fuel, Energy Prob lems (Anatoliy Ivanovich Zubkov; VOPROSY ERONOMIRI, Oct 81) 15 / - a - [III - USSR - 37 FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 , i ' HOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY ~ ~ ~ i ~ , i FUELS ' OIL EXPLORATION IN CENTRAL, WESTERN AZERBAIJAN TO BE STRESSED Moscow GEOLOGIifA NEFTI I GAZA in Russian No 10, Oct 81 pp 7-15 ~ [Article by A. N. Guseynov and Sh. S. Kocharli (Azneft' [State Association of the � Azerbaijan Oil Industry].): "The Main ?.reas for Prospecting and Exploration by the Azn~eft' Association During the Ylth Five-Year Plan"; passages enclosed in slan~- lines printed in italics] � - [Text] The total area of Azerbaijan's land area that holds promise of being oil- bearing is 47,000 km2 (or 54 percent of the total area). These areas are con- fined to the republic's lowlands and piedmont areas, and they include the following oil and gas bearing basins or de~ressions, which experienced intense submergence in Mesozoic-Cenozoic time: the Tersko-Caspian depression and the Caspian-Kuba area; the South Caspian depression and the Apsheron, Gobustan and Lower Kura zones; the - Yevlakh-Agdzhabedi depression and the Kirovabad and Saatly-Geokchay zo~es; the Iori-Adzhinour depression and the Adzhinour zone; and the Kura and Iori interfluve (figure 1). ~ The indicated regions.and zones are not iden~cical in de~ree ot exploration, prdmise _ o:' the sediment~, or development of the resources. This was considered in the . Integrated Design for Geological Exploration for Oil and Gas in the Transcau~asus for 1981-1985. ~ At the present time the most studied re~ion is the A~sheron Peninsula, where the extent of exploration is 2,060 meters/km and 0.7 km /well. _ In the Low.:r Kura lowland and the Casgian-Kuba i~egion, where the presence of oil and gas was established comparatively recently, the degrees of expl.oration are, respectively, 350 and 260 meters/km2 and 8 and 7.6 km2/well. As~for the certtral and western regions of the republ.ic, particularly the Kura and Iori interflu~~e and the Adzhinour ~istrict, their depths have practically not been. studied at ~.I1 with deep drilling. The degrees of exploration there are~ respec- tively, 7 and 3 meters/km2. ' Neither have the logs of individual oil and gas bearir~g regions been studied uni- ~ ~ formly: thus, on the Apsheron Peninsula, about 99 percent cf all drilling is at dspths of less than 5 km, where Middle Pliocene (PT) ~~posits primarily have been developed. 1 - FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440005-7 v~~~ vr~'~4~h~i ~J.1G \/l~ll.l Figure i. Scheme 76.u.t~ u ~ , ~ of the Oil and 0 y . O Gg5 Bearing ~ ~iw~ ~ a ~ j Regions , v ~ ~ ~fJ fd ` . ~ ~ O~ ~ o 0 - , y i, ~ ~ , 0. ~ d . . . ~ e ..`4 0 �p ~ ~a~ . O � !y 6 ~ 6aK O. # _ , � ~ � _ 0.9 ~ Q o _ M ~r ~ ` ~ L O ~ \ 'a~ Key ~ ~ N P II H * ~ ~ 5 ~ . *Iran. a **Caspian Sea. ~3 ~4 QS ~6 ~ #Baku . ##Tbilisi. . 1. NGO's [oil and gas bearing areas]. Axial lines: I. Northern Apsheron. II. Gobustan-Apsheron. . 3. Mingechaur-Saatly-Talysh interbasin III: Lower Kura. uplift. IV. Yelakh-Agdzhabedi. 4. Yevlakh-Agdzhabedi depression. - V. Iori-Adzhinour. 5. Oil and gas fields. 2. NGR's [oil and ~as bearing regions]. s. Local uplifts. 4. Kusary-Divichi. 1. Talabi. ~ 6. Shemakha-Go~ustan. 2. Agzybirchala. B. Apsheron. 3. Leninabad. - 'L. Apsheron Archipelago. 4. Astrakhanovka. a. Lower Kura. 5. Kyzylagach. e. Baku Archipelago. Muradkhanly, Saatly-Geokchay 6. Kalamadyn. zone. 7� Muradkhanly. 3� Kirovabad. 8� Zardob. ~ u. Lenkoran'. 9� Sovetlyar. . K. Adzhinour. 10. Tarsdallyar. Kura and Iori interfluve. 11. Gyurzundag. 12. Sazhdag. M. Mir~zaani. 13. Adzhinour. H. Nakhichevan' (possibly oil and gas bearing). . ~ 2 - FOR OFFICI~4L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040005-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - In other oil and gas bearing regions, the shars of penetration to the more ancient sediments is somewhat higher, although in the total balance it is still very low. The degree of development of oil resources in Azerbaijan's land area is 65.6 per- cent. However, thi.s has been achieved thanks mainly to the degree of exploration of the resources of older regions, particularly t'he Apsheron Yeninsula (96.7 per- cent). In the Lower Kura lowland the resources have been developed by 53.7 per- cent, in the Caspian-Kuba region by 45.6 percent, in the Saatly-Geokchay zone by 28.7 percent, and in Gobustan by 6 percent. In the Kura and Iori interfluve and in Adzhinour the resources still have not been explored despite a positive evalua- tion of what is underground. Recently the Aznef.t' Association executed a redeployment of exploratory drillin~ _ from the eastern regions to the less studied centr~l and western regions. In so doing, the results~of an analysis of the geologico-geophysical data and of an evaluation of the degree of promise of individual lithologico-stratigraphic com- plexes in the new oil-geology regi~nali�~ation of promising ground wcre considered. The preliminary results of exploration have confirmed the correctness of the chosen ~ areas. P,stailed exploration and introduction into development of the Muradkhanly field has created a new oil region in central Azerbaijan, the Zardob,.Duzdag-Gedak- boz and Kalamadyn fields have been discovered, and high promise for the presence of oil and gas in various areas of western Azerbaijan has been proved. In accordance with the "Integrated Design," during the lith Five-Year Plan pros- pecting and exploration will be accomplished in three main directions: the Mesozo- ic, the Paleozoic-Miocene and the Middle P~iocene. During 1981-1985, 700,000 tneters of exploratory hole are to be drilled. Apparently the most effective direction of geolo~ical exploration during the 11th Five-Year Plan will be the MiddlP P1?.ocei?e. This proposition is associated with the fact that the exploratory drilling at discou~red fields of the Lower Kura depression occupy the main place in the amount of penetration in the indicated direction, while in the.other two directions, prospecting and appraisal drilling occupy the main spot because of the low degree of study of the new areas of the republic's central and western regions. /In the Lower Kura lowland/ the oil and gas fields of Kyurovdag, Karabagly, Khilly, Neftechala, btishovdag, Kyursangya, Kyursangya-South, Kalmas, Pirsagat and Kalama- dyn were discovered in recenu years in sediments of the Middle and partially of the Upper Pliocene, and thcy were introduced into devclopment. Small deposits of - oil and gas were found in various tectonic blocks in the Pirsagat, Byandovan, - Bol'shoy and Malyy Kharami, and Babazanan-Durovdag areas, and in other areas. ~ The log of the PT correlates well with the logs of the Apsheron Peninsula and the - Dzheyr.ankechtnesskaya depression. In the lowera?ost strata of the PT such sandy benchmark horizons as the XII, XV, XVII and XX (the suite of "discontinuity") hc~rizans, as well as analogs of the NKP and PK suites of the Apsheron Peninsula, are being singled out. Because of the multiple-formation nai:ure of the PT,'and also its great capacity and depth, tYiese sediments are being explored ~individually in three stages: i:he first stage covers horizons I-VII, the second stage horiz~ns VIII-XVII, and the third stage horizon XVII and below. 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 . v~? u. � ~~..~~~u VJV Vl\L~l . The first stage exploration has now been basically completed, and deposits were found and are being developed. There remained the tracing of the deposits de- _ tected in the southwestern wing and the crest zone of the Karabagly and Kyurovdag area5 and the crest portion of the Mishovdag field. The borders of the previously discovered deposits were gre~tly expanded ir: the southeastern direction dur�ing the later drilling of development wells in 19'8-1980. - In 1978 the Kalamadyn oil and gas field was disc~vered in the northwestern side portion of the.Lower Kura lowland during first-stage exploration of the PT. Four deposits that were established for the area at shallow depths (900-1,450 meters) must be promptly mapped and turned over for development. Deposits of oil and gas previously discovered still have not been mapped for - the second stage of exploration of the PT in the Kyurovdag, Karabagly and Kyur- syangya areas. Yet thi.s task is one of the basic ones to be fulfilled in order to carry out tasks concernin~ the preparation of oil reserves. However, because uf the considerable lag in dril:'.ing work, it is being resolved extremely slowly. The ob~taining of an industrial flow of oil and gas from analogs of the suite of "discontinuity' (huriz~n XX) at the Pirsagat area has been the foundation for expanding prospecting and exploration in other areas of the Lower Kura lowland. It was established that in the areas of Mishovdag, Kyurovdag and Karabagly, horizon XX _ was represerited by coarsely broken facies and by clayey sand in areas more to the southeast. Oil gushers from horizons XX and XIX of the PT in the Neftechala area (holes 705 and 733} confirmed the~ industrial petroliferousness of the lower part of the FT log. Because of this, the lith Five-Year Plan calls for a concentration of drill- ing here in order to prepare reserves and involve +,.hem most rapidly in development. Geophysico-geological data also indicate that during the third stage of explorat~on ~ grospects are high that oil and gas are present in the Kyursangya and Kyursangya- South areas, which are associated with deposits of oil and gas-condensate in adja- _ cent areas of the Baku Archipela~o. However, the practical execution of this task is possible where holes 6,000-6,500 meters deep are drilled. _ The Kyzylagach area, which is theextreme southeastern element of the Kyurovdag- Neftechala zone, is also considered no less promising in the lower horizons of the PT. The drilling of prospecting hole No 10 at lower horizons continues in the area. /Thc ~aatly-Geakchay zone/ of uplii'Ls embraces the northeastern side of the Yev- lakh-Agdzhabedi depression. . ~ During thc L:ighth and Ninth Nive-Year Plans, a number of submerged Mesozoic struc~ - tures that were grouped in the Saatly-Dzharly-Sorsor-Karadzhally and Mil'skaya- Muradkhanly-Zardob.-Amirarkh folded belts were prepared here and introduced into � seismic exploration. In the Saatly-Karadzhal zone, which has proved to have few prospects for oil and gas because of the presence of a large discontinuity in sedimentai;ion, from the Upper Cretaceous to the Sarmat inclusive, exploration for oil and gas has ceased. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY " APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040005-7 FOR OFFICIAI. USF ONLY ~ During 1974-1980 exploration was concentrated in the Mil'sko-Muradkhanly-Zardob- . Amirarkh uplift zone. At the Muradkhanly field the petroliferousness of effusive ; formations that had previously been established in the crest zone was significant- ly expanded in the western and northeastern directions. Ac^ording to drilling data and the operating and geological characteristics of the holes, it was established that the oil saturation of the effusive ro~ks changes sharply with area and cross- section; this change is apparently associated with the block structure of the area. _ During the 11th Five-Year Plan the main tasks for prospecting and exploration drilling at the Muradkhanly field will be those of mapping the deposits of the Upper Cretaceous effusive Paleogenic formations that were found and of prospecting _ for new ones in c~rbonaceous rocks of the Upper Cretaceous, within the southwestern - wing of the fold. The petroliferousness of the Maykop and Chokrak sediments will be assessed coincidentally. _ In April 1981, the Zardob field, which is located to the northwest of the Murad- khanly area and has a geological structure similar to it, was discovered. The dis- � - coverer of the field was hole No 3, from which an industrial flow of oil was ob= taine.d by a formation tester from the 4175-4225 meter interval (the Middle Eocene - member above the marl?). The Zardob area was prepared for drilling by seismic exploration in 1968 and was introduced to drillin~ in 1971. However, an assessment of the area's petrolifer- ousness has been hampered greatly because of the elimination of holes Nos 1 and 2 for technical reasons. Ir~ 1974 additional seismic wort: was performed here which refined the area's structure. Aside from an anticlinal trap in the southwestern wing, which faces the Yevlakh-Agdzhabedi depression~formations that lens out strati- graphically also are singled o~it in the log of Eocene sediments. Holes Nos 4 and 7, in which oil is being obtained from Eocene and Upper Cretaceous sediments, are now being completed. An intensification of prospecting and exploration for the purpose of mapping dis- covered deposits, an assessment of the presence of oil and gas in the Lower Eocene and Upper Cretaceous formation, and the conduct of additional seismic exploration - for purposes of refining the tectonics of the area, especially within the right - bank of th~~ Kura River, are ca].led .for. It should be noted that a number of volcanogenic benches throughout Mesozoic sedi- ments, which are of great prospecting interest, were discovered by highly precise gravimetric studies of thc southwestern plunge of the Zardob-Muradkhanly zone that H~ere conducted by the Southern Division of VNIPIgeofizika [All-Union Scientific- Research and Development Iflsti~:ute for Geophysical Operations], These will be . introduced to drilling as their structure is refined and the collectors in effusive and carb~naceous rocks of the Upper Cretaceous are developed. To the northwest of the Zardob area is the Amirarkh structure, which has been pre- pared for dri.lling by seismic exploration for Upper Cretaceous carbonaceous forma- ti.ons. A fold has been superimposed on the monoclinally uplifted northeastern side oF the Yevlakh-Agdzhabedi depression. The prime portion of the latter in the sec- tion that is being examined i~s represented by the huge Lyaki-Agdash Mesozoic uplift. - ~ocene and Upper Cretaceous carbonaceous sediments have been discoverPd at hole No 2, which is situated in the crest portion of the structure. On sampling ~;he ' S FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 _ rvK ~rrc~iwL U~~. UlVLY Middle Eocene marl member with a formation tester, oil with a flow rate of 20 m3 per second was obtained. However, the engineering state of the hole did not per- mit this aross-section to be assessed. The Integrated Design for Geological Exploration During the iith Five-Year Plan - calls for the institutiori here of a nur~ber of prospecting holes that will enable the question of the area's petroliferousness to be resolved unambiguously. In the northwestern part of the Saatly-Geokchay uplift zone, aside from the Amir- arkh area, several submerged uplifts and benches (the Mursal'skaya, Garkhunlin- skaya, Gedakkobi, Shakhsuinslcaya and others) have been discovered by seismic ex- ploration and are being prepared for drilling. They face the Yevlakh-Agdzhabedi _ oil and gas bearing basin and occupy a position that is suitable for oil and gas accumulation. The latter will be involved in drilling ~s new geological and geo- physical data are obtained. . The West Garasuinskoye uplift was prepared by seismic exploration and introduced into deep drilling at the junetion of the Saatly-Geokchay zone and the Lower Kura - depression. Middle Pliocene and spreading Miocene-Paleogenic sediments have a fin- ished structural shape here, at a time when the Upper Cretaceous (according to the seismic P horizon) sediments are marked by a monoclinal plunge in the direction of the Padarskiy fold. /The Kirovabad Zone/ occupies the southwestern side portion of the Yevlakh~-Agdzha- bedi depression. ~The developmer.t of the small oilfields--the Kazanbulag, Mirbashir, Adzhidere, Naftalan and others--that were discovered in the northwestern part of the zone, in Maykop and Eocene rocks, has been suspended because of the wells' low productivity, and they have been motliballed. - During the 1970's the Eocene and upper Cretaceous sediments here were explored in the Shirinkum, Sovetiyar and Buzdag-Gedakboz areas. An oilfield (Eocene) with the same name as the latter was discovered in 1979. During the llth Five-Year Plan, in addition to the mapping of a deposit in the Duzdag-Gedakboz area, the Eocene-Upper Cretaceous sediments at the Sovetlyar, Shirvanly, Lemberan and South Ag4zhabedi areas will be prospected and explored for petroliferousness. /The Kura and Iori interfluve/ occupies the southwestern side of tlie Iori-Adzhinour depression, and it is characterized by a low degree of si;udy underground. Previous _ geological-survey work and structural drilling found Oligocene-Miocene structures h~re. Eiawever, because of complicated seismo-geological conditions and the lack of deep-drilling data, the structure of the Eocene-Mesozoic sediments that held prom- ise that ozl and gas were present was not studied. The promise of the Gocene-Upper Cretaceous sediments in the Kura and Iori inter- fluve is substantiated by the establishment of their petroliferousness in adjacent regions of the Middle Kura lowland (the Muradkhanly and Zardob areas on the east and the Samgori area to the west). An analysis of the actual data indicates that in the southern side portion of the Iori depression--the Kura and Iori interfluve ~ and the Tbilisi region (the Samqori)--Middle Eocene rocks are represented primarily by the redeposition of coarsely iragmented formations (a horizon of "intricate stratificatian") and, in the Yevlakh-Agdzhabedi depression, by terrigenic carbonates (figure 2). 6 FOR dFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040005-7 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY ( ~1 (2V! ~e z Yaizcs~n ~~1 (~1 0 . : ~ . { ' ' . ; ~ ; . { ~ _ . ; J600 � ' o, ; . o ~ ~ . ~ f e ~ , : .r., ~ ?300 ~Jw ~ 420 'd ~ 1 a~ , r . t ~ ~ ~ > ~ a~ o ~ ~ � `~e~ , ~ > - . ~ . Z ~1 rn s r f ` ~ ~ ~ ~ � . ~ } ~ ~ 'O l~ ~ ~ ?6O0 . : ^ ~ ~ C~i W O ~ ' ~0 c~ w . 4t: ~ �r - ~C~' c. r~-I G~ ~ % cd ~ 'C3 N f~ ' S~. 'Cl t~. . ~ a,r., a . lj W ? ~ ? . ~ a + ' ~ ' � ~ aco~i � ~ t a~ . . o~ ?In0 ' ~ ~ "t i ~ o . ' ` ~~r i O t f / i ~ ~ N . I : � 3 39G0 ~ ao z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ 1 . ~ A a N ~ '3 ~ o M ~ � m ?800 ~ ~ o ti a~ � o A ~ o~ cv z~oo . r% ~ N ~ �o ~ r . ~ ~ ~ ~1 ri G~ ~ 7 . ir O I r-1 ri f O ~ O Q Yr:� j ry U cC . j ~~r � �O f~ O '~U � I � N ~ ~ . ~ ~ 't i~~ ~ ~ A N ~ ?900 ~ ~ � l ~ ~ y . . . . ~ ha w x.~ N M~r ~ a.~, . � / ~ . . V~~ � / ' . / 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE Ol'dLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044445-7 � ~ ~~.~/1L. VJG V1VL1 During the lOth Five--Year Plan, in accordance with the program that is specified, geophysical research will be integrated with the drilling of a profile of appraisal holes and with the subsequent concentratian of drilling in the promising areas. _ In particular, the profile of the Mamedtepe-Damirtepe-Udabno-Sazhdag-Armudlu holes was drilled over. In the submerged portions of the depression, in the Sazhdag area (the Miocene-0li- gocene complex) and the Armudlu area, where hole faces were 4,000-5,000 meters deep, the holes did not leave the Oligocene-Miocene sediments, after having estab- _ lished their great thickness, the presence of overthrusts and blankets and diapir- ic introductions of rock, and so on. _ In the side portion of the depression an abbreviated thickness of Oligobene-Miocene and Paleogenic.sediments and a comparatively shallow deposition of a surface of Upper Cretaceous rocks (2,547 meters) were recorded in hole No 1 in the Mamedtepe - area. During testing of the hole, a nonindustrial flow of gas and oil from Upper Eocene formations was obtained. ; Conditions are more favorable for the presence of oil and gas in the intermediate - belt, in the Damirtepe-Udabno and Sazhdag (Mesozoic complex) areas. In 1:he Damir- _ tepe-Udabno area, Middle Eocene sediments--the horizon of int~�icate stratification, which is represented here by an alternation of terrigenic, carbonaceous and rede- - posited volcanogenic facies--were discovered in holes Nos 1 and 2. With discovery of the horizon, an ini:ense absorption of the flushing fluid and oil and gas shows were observed, and the oil-bearing soils were uplifted. Oil with a flow rzte of 5 m3 per second was obtained in hole No 1 at the 4,095-4,011 meter interval. A log tlnat was similar but 450-500 meters higher was discovered in holes 3 and 4 in - the Sazhdag area, which had been prepared for drilling by seismic exploration. A concentration of prospecting drilling is called for, taking into account the new data from seismic exploration and drilling in the Sazhdag and Damirtepe-Udabno areas. In the eastern part of the Kura and Iori interfluve, the Gyurzundag, Palantekyan and Molladag structures have been prepared for drilling by seismic exploration, and the Tarsdallyar, Western Gyurzundag and other areas were found and have been prepared. In the southern side portion oP this region prospecting structural drilling is also being conducted with a view to preparing structures and solving regional i:asks. . _ /In the Adzhinour Zone,/ where the log and deep structure for promisin~ sedimcrital complexes remain completely unstudied, the drilling of appraisal hole No 1 was started, based upon Mesozoic sediments, in 1979. Because of a thick buildup of pebble formations (1.5-2 km), geophysical methods of exploration, particularly seismic, proved not to be very informative here. 'There- fore, structural drilling into the complex, with geophysical methods of explora- tion, vrill be increased in the eastern part of the zone in or.der to resolve - regional problems. /The Dzhalilabad region/ also is included in the poorly studied lands of Azerbai- jan, although the prospects that it bears oil and gas have been confirmed by struc- _ tural-prospecting holes previously drilled here. In order to study the log and the 8 - FOR OFFIC~ AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY possi.bility of the presence of oi1 and gas in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments, it is planned to lay down: appraisal holes in the Shirinsu, Turmarkhanly and Agdash areas, and also to conduct geophysical operations of a regional nature, during the - lith Five-Year Plan. /In the Gobustan-Shemakha region/ it has been established that ~il and gas are present in the rocks of the Lower and Middle Miocene, in the central part thereof (Umbaki and Adzhiveli) and the Middle Pliocene to the southeast of the Dzheyran- kechmesskaya depression (the Duvannyy,Dashgil', Kyanizadag and others). - Work was done here in southeastern Gobustan during the lOth Five-Year Plan for pur- poses of prospecting for deposits of oil and gas in the Oligocene and Miocene sedi- ments and in central Gobustan, in.order to study the log and the possible presence of.oil and gas of the Mesozoic sediments. After discovery of the productivity of the Chokrak sediments in the Duvanny area, and in conside~ation of the regional presence of oil and gas of Oligocene and Mio- cene deposits in the western Apsheron and in the Baku Archipelago (the Sangachaly- Offshore fieldi, areas of Duvannyy-West, Dashgil' and Solakhay were introduced to exploratory drilling. Despite the discovery of Miocene sediments through holes (hole No 60, Dash~il') that were characterized positively by cores and bv etectri- - cal logging, industrial flows of oil and gas were not established. This was caused - by the high degree of disturbance of the Miocene sediments (coals with a dip that - sometimes approaches 80-90 degrees), by the erosion of their summits, and by par- tial destruction of the deposits. Because of this, during the iith Five-Year Plan expZoration work will be conducted at those areas where there are no sharp struc- tural disconformities and the sequence of the log�is retained (the Duvannyy and Eastern Cheilakhtarma). In central Gobustan, holes that had been drilled in Mesozoic sediments in the Umbaki, Adzhiveli, Kelany and Nardaran-Suleyman areas, where the depths were ~,500- 5,50Q meters, did not emerge from the Oligocen�-Miocene or Eocene rocks, after confirming the deep submergence of the surface of the Cretaceous formations. Therefore, it is planned that drilling in Gobustan will be conducted at the Shey- tanud, Leninabad, Karadzhyuzly and Astiakhanka and other areas. ~ The poor informativeness of geophysical methods, particularly seismic exploration, tells negatively on the results of exploratory operations. Lxploration work on the Apsh~ron Peninsula, where PT resources are being fully explored, has been peri'ormed in limi~.ed amounts in the Miocene and Mesozoic sedi- _ ments. Un the northern wing of the Karadag area (the southwestern part of the Apsheron) the bc~rders of a previously discovered oil deposit in Miocene rocks was greatly expanded. A prospecting hale is now being drilled in the Bibi-Gybat area, and it . is pl2nned to sink new wells in the Kala, Puta and other areas. Appraisal hole No 1 at Kyurdakhany in the northwestern Apsheron was drilled into Mesozoic sediments. In this hole, the Upper Cretaceous rocks, which were re~resented by an alternation of clay and marl, primarily of flysh habit, without siglis of oi.l or~ gas, were foiind 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON~,Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 ~ . v~� ~ .~..~~~a� VJU VI\L1 at the 2,414-4,210 meter interval. The dip of the coal formations increased sharp- ly with depth, from 30-40 to 70-90 degrees. The sinking o~ new wells here depends upon the conduct of additional geological and - geop~ysical studies. - /In the Caspiar~-Kuba region/ exploration went on during the lOth Five-1'ear Plan in . the Tengino-Beshbarmak anticlinorium, the Siazan' Paleogenic monocline, and the - low-lying part of the region. - The main work volume was concentrated in the Siazan' monocline, in order to trace discovered deposits in the northwestern direction. The borders of the deposits of Paleogenic sediments were expanded in area and depth when an industrial flow of oil was obtained in holes 1105, 1264, 1390 and others. However, as a result of the strongly broken-up and forested terrain and the com- plexity of the geological conditions, exploration is going on slowly here be- cause of the lag in the buildup af field facilities. Unsolved problems include the - absencc of a standard procedure for interpreting oil~ield-geophysical data and sub- stantiating the estimated parameters of the deposits for the steeply dipping collectors. In the Tengino-Beshbarmak anticlinorium, drilling was conducted in the Chirakh- Kala and Chinarlar areas, where Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic sediments were dis- . covered in carbonaceous-terrigenous facies. Since negative results were obtained, the sinking of new wells here is not planned. In the foothills part of the region, in the Talabi-Kaynardzha area, work was performed at Paleogene-Miocene and Mesozoic sediments. The positively described log of Eocene rocks with signs of oil and gas discovered at Talabi's hole No 26 deserves attention and requires further study. Appraisal hole No 1 of Agzybirchala, 3,558 meters deep, emer.ged from the PT into dense s~zndstones, aleurolites and argillites that hypothetically were of Jurassi.c age, and, from a depth of 4,700 meters to the hole face at 5,142 meters, dense mag- matic rocks of the Triassic were found (217 millions years in absolute geochronology)~. Aside from tracing the Siazan' monocline's deposits, exploratory work will be con- tinued during the 11th Five-Year Plan in the Caspian-Kuba district in the Khudat, - Sitalchay, Talabi and Agzybirchala areas (in the submerged sections). The conduct of exploratory work here will depend upon the results obtained in mastering the technology of drilling holes to great depths. Thus, the 11t;h Five-Year Plan, the main direction for prospecting and exploration for Azneft' Association will be the Paleogenic-Mesozoic in the repub- ].:ic's centra] and western regions. With a view to raising the effectiveness of geological exploration in :,~olving the geological tasks that have been set and of providing for the planned amount of growth of reserves, for purposes of stabilizing the Azneft' Association's level of oil recovery, the following are necessary: 1Q - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440005-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY To :improve the quality and effectiveness of drilling work by improving the de- ~ign uf ho.les :xnd the choice of optimal parameters of the flushing fluid, and to provide for high-quality discovery and testing of productive intervals. 2. To raise sharply the annual amount of exploratory drilling, bi�inging it up�to 150,000-160,000 meters. 3. To develop a standard procedure for the preparation of structures in accordance with the data of field geophysical research in the Gobustan-Shemakha region, the. Adzhinour region, and the Kura and Iori interfluve. 4. To develop a standard procedure for interpreting oilfield geophysical data on - effusive, carbonaceous and finely alternating and steeply dipping reservoirs.~ 5. To redeploy drilling enterprises into regions of operation, and to provide for _ the full buildup of facilities ir. new areas that,.have been intr�oduced into explorationv ~ . 6. To provide the Azneft' Association wi~;h equipment for drilling holes 6,000- 6,500 meters deep. _ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Nedra GEOLOGIYA NEFTI I GAZA 1981 - 11409 CSO: 1822/66 . _ 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044445-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . FUELS SAFETY REGULATIONS IN THE GAS SERVICE Moscow PRAVILA BEZOPASI~OSTI V GAZOVOM KHOZYAYSTVE in Russian 1980 (signed to press 20 Nov 79) pp 1-2, 166-168 ~ [Annotation and table of contents from book "Safety Regulations'in the Gas 'S~rvice edited by N. S. Bersenev et al., ~ State Scientific and Technical Inspection of Mining of the USSR, Izdatel`stvo "Nedra," 475,000 copies, 167 pages] - [Text] The regulations provide for safe wurking methods in the construction and operation of gas pipelines, gas regulation paints,and units and gas ~equipment in cities and other populated areas when gas is used by industrial and agricultural consumers, as well as publ~ic enterprises and enterprises of public utilities and social services. Safety~ regulations for the operation of i;iquefied gas-filling stations are presented. The review of the regulations took into consideration the requirements of newly issued standards documents for the designing, construction and operation of gas supply systems and facilities, as well as the accumulated experience of - operational and construction-installation organizations, and the suggestions obtained from the scientif ic research and planning organizations. These regulations are not retroactive and cannot be app3.ied in a control order to structures for previously active regulations and standards for gas pipelines and gas supply structures to evaluate their construction, manufacture of ~truc- tural components, nated�working pressure and testing. With the publication of these "Safety Regulations in the Gas ~Service tlie '.'Safety Regulations in the Gas Se~rvice approved by the USSR Gosgortek~ina:;zor - [State Scientific.and Technical Inspection of Mining] on 28 October 1969 become ineffective. The regulations have been approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor and are manda- tory for all ministries, departments and organizations that operate gas lines and gas equipment. � Developed by the State Scientif ic Research and Planning Institute "Giproniigaz," o� the RSFSR Ministry of Residential and Communal Services. Agreed upon with the AUCCTU on 16 November 1978, with the USSR Gosstroy on - 16 February 1979. ~ ' 12 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040005-7 I ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i _i ~ Approv~d by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor on 26 June 1979. Contents Page 1. General Conditions 3 2. External Gas Pipelines 9 . Special Requirements for Installation of Gas Pipelines Made of - Nonmetal Pipes 1~ - 3. Internal Gas.Equipment 2~ ~ Industrial, Communal and Agricultural Enterprises 20 ' Public Enterprises and Enterprises of Pablic Utilities and Social Services (Communal-General Facilities) 27 Residential Buildings 33 4. Gas Regulation Points and Gas Regulation Units 38 - 5. Construction of Gas PipelYnes 40 Pipes and Materials 40 Welding Operations and Quality Control 40 Insulation Operations and Quality Control 45 Electrochemical Protection from Corrosion 47 Gas Pipeline Testing 48 6. Gas-Filling Stations, Gas-Filling Points, Automobile Gas-Filling Stations 50 . Gas-Filling Stations of Liquefied Gases 50 Evaporation and Mixing Units 57 Gas-Filling Points 5~ Automobile Gas-Filling Stations 58 7. ~ylinder and Reservoir Units of Liquefied Gases 59 Individual Cylinder Uni.ts . 59 Group Cylinder Units ~?p _ Reservoir Units 61 8: Gas-Dangerous Operations and Emergency-Dispatcher Service 63 9. Operation of the Gas Service ~ 73 Acceptance for Operation of Facilities of Gas Supply Systems 73 Connection of Newly Built Gas Pipelines to Active and~ Turning ~ On of Gas 74 _ Operation of Gas Pipelines 77 Special Requirements for Operation of Gas Pipelines Made of Nonmetal Pipes 82 Operation of Gas Regulation Points $4 Operation of Cas-Filling Stations, Gas-Fil],ing Points and Auto- mobile Gas-Filling Stations of Liquefied Gases 85 Firing. 94 . Special Requirements for ~peration of Automobile Gas-Filling Stations ~ 95 13 FUR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440005-7 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY Operation of Group Cylinder and Reservoir Units 96 Operr~tion of Gas Eqi~ipment of Industrial, Agricultural and Communal Enterprises gg Operation of Gas Equipment of Public Enterprises and Enter- prises of Public Utilities and Social Services and Residential Houses 102 " OpeFation of Devices of Automated Control Systems for Technological Processes (ASU TP) ' 106 10. Additional Requirements for Construction and Operation of Gas . Supply System under Special Natural and Climate Conditions 108 Territorie:s go Be W~rked E?ver 108 Seismic Regions�with Heaving and Sagging Ground 110 Appendices ~ ~ 111 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nedra" 1980 . 9035 CSO~: 1822/67 . 14 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 I ( FOR OFFICIAY, USE ONLY ~ . . . ~ ` E i ~ � GENERA~ ~ ~ CEMA FUEL, ENERGY PROBLEMS . Moscow VOPROSY EKONOriIKI in Russian No 10, Oct 81 pp 93-99 _ /Article by Doctor of Economic Sciences Professor Anatoliy Ivanovich Zubkov, chief of a department of the Institute of Economics of the World Socialist System of the USSR Academy of Sciences: "The Fuel and Energy Problem in the CEMA Countries"/ /Text/ One of the central places in the documents of the past congresses of the Communist and Workers Parties of the socialist countries and in the plans of social and economic develogment for 1981-1985 and the distant future is assigned to the solution of the fuel and energy problem. Much attention is devoted to the questions of thz energy supply of the CEMA countries in the fuel and raw material long-range goal pro.gram of cooperation, which is intended to continue until 1990, as well as in the proeess of coordinating the national economic plans for 1981-1985. At the 35th meeting of the session of CEMA (1981) it was emphasYzed that the integration ties of the CEMA countries are playing an important role in supplying the national economy with fuel and raw materials. The supply of the CEMA countries with fuel and energy is taking place under domes- ~ic and foreign economic conditions which are becoming more complicated. In prac- tically all these countries the increase of fuel production and the development of power engineering require increasing investments~, which are connected with the � worsening of the conditions of the working of deposits, Che increasing use of low- calorie fuel,"the increase of the expenditures on environmental p.rotection and so on. For the countries, which import fuel and power, the expenditures on their pur- chase have risen considerably as a result of the increase of the foreign trade prices and the need to participate in investment construction pro~ects on the'ter- ritory of the states which are suppliers of fuel and energy resources. The impor- tance of the economicaY and efficient use of energy resources and the assurance of further economic development with the systematic decrease of the power-output ratio of production is increasing in this situation. National programs or decrees of directorial organs, which orient the national econ- omy toward the highly efficient use of fuel, Qnergy and other tnaterial resources, ~ have been adopted in the CEMA countries.i The set of ineasures on the saving of energy is a component of the national economic plans of these countries for 1981-1985. The measures in this area are aimed at the elimination of the unproduc- tive and wasteful consumption of energy resources within the framework of the pro- - duction technology already being used in the national economy. A1ong with this the retooling of a number of sectors and the introduction in them of an ene.rgy- and fuel-saving technology are planned. A considerable set of ineasures is also being ~ 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040005-7 . - - - - pl~nned jn the area of. structura]. rearrangements and the updating of. the products list in the directions of the limitation of the growth of some power- and fuel- consuming works and,the preferential development of less power-consuming sectors. Cvnsiderable allocations are being earmarked for the assurance of the economical and efficient consumption of fuel and power. The effectiveness of such investments is much greater as compared with the expenditures on the increase of the amount of _ additional energy resources. For example, in the GDR the assets being allocated for the efficient use of energy are fron one-third to one-half of the expenditures connected with the incieasP~of the consumption of energy resources. ~ The economicaZ consumption of fuel and energy in the CEMA countries is being en- sured by the introduction of revised standards, th~e limitation of *he consumption of resources, the increase of economic sanctions, the raising of wholesale prices and the use of other levers. Thus, in Hungary the motor transport managements are - obligated to pay from the profit a large fine for the deadhead run of heavy-duty trucks. In case of the evasion of this the fine is collected in 10 times the amount.~ In the GDR hundreds of new norms of the consumption of energy have been drawn up, which have gone into force as new standards. A decrease of the consump- tion of energy by evaporators by 14-35 percent, by equipment in ceramics prodsction and baking by 15-17 percent and so on, for example, is called for by them. State limits of the consumption of energy and penalties, in conformity with which the users pay 10 times the amount for its excessive consumption, have been introduced here. Measures of an organizational order, which ensure the efficient us�. of energy re- sources, have acquired primary importance. They include the setting af a differen- tiated temperature in buildings, regulate the consumption of electric power in the lighting of streets, roads and buildings, stimulate the cansumption of power at the works and in housing anc3 municipal services during the periods of the minimum load of the power supply network and so on. In transport the operation of worn out trucks is being reduced and the multishift operation of economical vehicles is be- , ing introduced, the fleet of official pass~nger cars is being reduced, norms of - their total kilometers logged and operating time are being established, the maximum traffic speed on roads is being restricted. The retail prices for gasoline and the charge of fuel and power have been increased in a number of countries. The revi- sion of the wholesale prices for fuel and energy is stimulating economic organiza- tions to use them efficiently, and since in this case the prices for imported ener- gy carriers are increasing more rapidly than the prices for domestic fuel, the stimuli~for its preferential use are being increased. Such a direction of the increase of the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy - began to be used extensively in the late 1970's and is continuing in the 1980's. It does not require large investment outlays and yields significant results. At the same time the redistribution of energy resources amoar~ the sectors of.the na- tional economy yields the greatest results at the initisi ~,tage. Then these re- serves can be reduced and their importance can be decreased, since the technical and technological bases are little affected when implementing these measures. The introduction of new technology and equipment, which ensure the economical and - efficient use of fuel and energy, is more capital-intensive than the above- examined measures. The developtnent and introduction of energy-saving technology also require a long time. In the CII~IA countries this direction has been developed 16 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 FOR OFF[CIAL U5E ONLY ; on a limited scale, but may become one of the basic directions in the 1980's and ~ the more.distant future. ~ During 1981-1985 the CEMA countries plan to continue the retooling of sectors on an ~ncreased scale, which will promote the further increase of the efficiency of ener- gy consumption. The renovation of obsolete thermal electric power stations and the ~reequipment of industrial furnaces, boiler houses arid other installations for the purpose of the most complete utilization of ~iomestic solid fuel are envisaged here. A policy of decreasing the power-output ratio of products on the basis of the im- provement of the design of items, the introduction of new materials and their sub- stitutes and new technology, the use of secondary energy resources and so on has been adopted. ~ Technological modernization will become one of Che factors of the saving of fuel and energy. In Hungary the annual saving of all types of energy resources by the end of 1981-1985 will be equivalent to the cost of 1.5-1.7 million tons of petro- leum.2 In the GDR during the current five-year plan it is planned to save 65-70 mil- lion tons of lignite.3 In the CSSR by the end of t?~is five-year plan the saving of energy resources in the national economy should come to not less than 12 million tons ~f conventional fue1.4 In Romania the task is being set to save annually by the end of the current five-year plan more than 3 million tons of conventional fuel just by.the increase of the cogeneration of Chermal energy and electric power and - the development of the centra.l heating network.5 _ Whereas the organizational measures on the efficient use of fuel and energy to a considerable extent can be implemented by means of national efforts, in the case of the retooling of production, the development and introduction of energy-saving tech- . nology the greatest impact is achieved in the direction of the mututal cooperation of the CEMA countries. In this area definite achievements exist in a number of di- rections. For example, the use of the results of joint research on the development of highly efficient means of using gas and the creation of gas-using equipment, ac- cording to a preliminary estimate, is providing a saving of natural gas in all the (;EMA countries, on the basis of the level of its consumption in 1980, in the amount ~ of up to 10 billion m3, while up to 15.5 billion m3 of gas are fed annually through the Soyuz gas~pipeline from the USSR to the European CEMA countries. Various forms of joint activity, which are oriented toward the elimination of losses.of fuel and energy both during their production and during their consumption, can be mutually advantageous in a number of instances. For example, as a result of the operation of the joint society of Hungary and Poland, Haldex, it was possible to eliminate the coal-containing dumps in Silesia, which had accumulated over a century, and to obtain many millions of tons of high quality coal, as well as con- struction materials from the accompanying xock.6 An extensive aet of ineasures on the development and production of the latest mining machinery and energy-saving equipment is outlined in the fuel and raw material long- range goal program of cooperation. Their implementation is opaning new praspects of the intensification of socialist production by means of the fvrther rationalization of the use of fuel and energy resources. At the same time the gradual and thorough retooling of sectors is a constant process. Having undergone considerable develop- - ~ment, it will also be continued in the distant future. This process can be devel- oped most successfully on the basis of a comprehensively coordinated technical strategy of the socialist countries. ~ 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2447/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500444445-7 . . . . _ _ ~?V V~\LJl In the future the structural rearrangement of the economy of the CEMA countries, first of all of the importers of fuel and energy, will act as one of the more and more significant factors of the eff~icient use of energy resources. The national economic complexes of these countries during the decades of their formation were built up as multisectorial complexes, having also included power-consuming worka (chemical, metallurgical and others). During the period when fuel and raw mate- rials were inexpensive, in most instances this ~ustified itself. Now such a means of development burdens the economy, decreases its eff~ciency and leads to an in- crease of foreign indebtedness. A number of countries are faced with the objective need to set limits to the development of fuel- and energy-consuming works and to begin structural rearrangements in the~ economy, taking into account the new world situation in energy supply. This rearrangement can be accomplished during zhe fur- ther intensification of the international socialist division of labor and the de- velopment of the joint planning activity of the CEMA countries. Such an appr.oach = guarantees the supply of the markets of the socialist countries with the necessary = products, including fuel- and power-intensive products. The socialist countries have gained considerable experience in the coordinated and interconnected development of the structures of production, which can also be used successfully in the changed economic situation. For example, the cooperation of the USSR and Hungary in the development of the aluminum industry, which was expanded extensively ~.n the 1970's, made it possible to increase the mining of bauxites and the production of alumina in Hungary and to increase in the USSR on the basis of Hungarian deliveries of alumina the production of aluminum and its export to Hun- gary. As a result in Hungary, which is experiencing a shortage of domestic energy resources, by means of such cooperation up to 2.4 billion kWh of electric power are being saved annually., which corresponds approximately to its expenditures for household needs:~ The measures of the fuel and raw material long-range goal pro- = gram of cooperation, which provide for the location of the production of high power- intensive products in the USSR and low power-intensive products in other socialist countries for their mutual exchange and the meeting of increasing needs, are prom- ising. = The structural rearrangements in the national economy and first csf all in industry are connected mainly with the change of the intrase~torial proportions, but subse- quently they may also affect the intersectorial proportions. In 1981-1985 a number of CEMA countries in conformity with the new energy situation will begin to adapt their economic structures to the changing conditions of the supply of fuel and enerby. In Bulgaria the progressive structural changes in the economy are recognized as one of the primary economic problems of the current five-year plan, and in this connec- - tion the output of small-tonnage chemical products, electronic equipment and other relatively nonpower-intensive types of goods is undergoing leading development. Intraworks structural changes, which ensure the saving of fuel and energy, are en- visaged in Hungary. In the GDR the investments to a considerable extent are being concentrated in a highly efficient industrial structure (microelectronics, the pro- duction of robots, electronic machine building and 30 on). In Romania the growth rate of fuel- and power-consuming works in metallurgy, the chemic~l industry and other sectors is being limited. A long-range orientation toward the decrease of the growth rate or even the volumes�of the output of power-consuming products is planned in the CSSR. 18 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i i The process of improving economic structures, particularly by the limitation of the - development of power-consuming works, of course, does not eliminate the increase of _ the needs for the corresponding products. For example, the need for hi~h quality steel, including electr~c steel, as well as for light-weight nonferrous metals, - especially aluminum, will increase. Therefore the restriction of the development - of such works in some countries, apparently, should be accompanied by their in- crease in others, owing to which the importance of the coordination of the national economic plans of the CEMA countries is increasing. ~ In the socialist countries economic growth depends to a greater and greater extent ' on the efficiency of the use of fuel ~nd energy, and not only on the amounts of the commitment of their natural resources~to the economic turnover. In the European CEMA countries (excluding the USSR) during the 1970's the average annual rate of � decrease of the specific power-output ratio of the~national income, according to our = rough estimates, was 1.2-1.3 percent, while the average annual rate of increase of energy consumption was about 4 percent. Approximately 25 percent of the economic growth was provided by the decrease of the power-output ratio of the national income and 75 percent was provided by the increase of the consumption of fuel and energy. Nevertheless during this period the reserves in the area of the efficient use of energy resources remained very significant. According to rough estimates, in the late 1970's the power-output ratio of a unit of national income of the European CEMA countries on the average exceeded by 30-40 percent the corresponding indicator of the leading EEC countries (the FRG, England, France and Italy taken together). Thus, in the CSSR 20-50 percent more energy resources were consumed per unit of na- , tional income than in other developed cnuntries.8 In comparison with the indicated four West European countries the specific power-output ratio of the national income was substantially higher in Bulgaria, the GDR and Poland, at approxim~.~tely the level of these countries in Romania and slightly lower than this level in Hut:gary. - The analysis of the basic indicators of the development of the national economy of the European CEMA cauntries for 1981-1985 attests that approximately 30-40 perc~nt of the increase of the national income will be provided by the decrease of the _ power-output ratio of a unit of national income and 60-70 percent will be accompa- nied by an increase of the consumption of energy resources. During the current decade the average annual rate of the decrease of the specific power-output ratio ' of the national income will be, apparently, not less than 1.5 percent, while in the GllR and the CSSR this decrease will be even more significant. The economic development of the socialist countries, which is being ensured to an _ increasing extent by the economical and efficient use of energy resources, also pre- sumes the further increase of the consumption of fuel and energy. However, whereas in the 1970's the average annual increase of the national .income by 1 percent was due to the average annual increase of the consumption of primary energy resources by about 0.8 percent, during the 1980's the latter indicator may decrease to approx- imately 0.7 percent. According to the most reliable estimates, the consumption of primary energy resources in the European group of CEMA countries in 1978 came to - 560-580 million tons of conventional fuel.9 During 1981-1985 the average annual increase of the national income in Bulgaria is planned at the level of approximately 4-4.5 percent, in the GDR--5-5.4 percent, in the CSSR--2.7-3 percent, in Hungary--2.7-3.2 percent and in Romania--6.7-7.4 per- cent. As a whole for the European CEMA countries during the 5-year period this 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040005-7 v......~~u Vvai VI~LI indicator will thus be approximately 4 percent. If in the listed countries in the future to 1990 the 4-percent average annual growth rate of the national income is taken into account, an average annual increase of the consumption of energy re- sources b~ 2.8 percent should correspond to it. In this case their total consump- tidh in 1990 may increase to approximately 800 million tons of conventional f~iel. _ A higher rate of economic growth will cause a further increase of the consumption of fuel and energy and, on the contrary, a slowing of the rate of economic grow may decrease the need for energy resources. Other things being equal, economic growth - will depend on the amount of energy resources which the countries have available. The interrelationship of economic growth and energy consumption in Cuba, Vietnam and Mongolia is distinguished by a special feature. In this group of socialist - countries in the 1980's the proportion of industry and especially of its base sec- tors--the mining, fuel and power sectors, some metallurgical works, the construc-. tion materials industry--will increase, modern types of transport will undergo de- velopment, the mechanization of agriculture will be intensified. During such de- velopment the increase of energy consumption usually leads the increase of the na- tional income. The trends being revealed for the 1980's in the development of the naL-ional economy of Cuba, Mongolia and Vietnam make it possible to expect that in them for every 1-percent increase of the national income the increase of the con- sumption of pximary energy resources may be not less than 1.2-1.5 per.cent, that is, - the average growth rate of the consumption of fuel and energy here may be several fold greater than in the European CEMA countries. The further increase of the use of fuel and energy at a faster rate in Vietnam, Cuba and Mongolia and at a slower rate in the European group of CEMA countries is causing the need for the involvement in the economic turnover of large additional energy resources. In the future nuclear power engineering will become the most important direction of - the development of the fuel and power management of the CEMA countries. By 1990 nuclear electric power stations with a total installed capacity of up to 37 mil- lion kW, which is equivalent to the consumption of up to 70 million tons of conven- tional fuel a year, will be built on the terr3tory of the European CEMA countries. The production of the equipment for them and the building of these projects are be- ing carried out on the basis of mutual cooperation. As a result, the role of nu- clear electric power stations in the total generation of electric power is increas- _ ing considerably. Thus, in 1985 in the CSSR nuclear electric power stations will . ~ account for approximately 20 percent of the generation of electric power in this country and in Bulgaria--about 26 percent of the generation of electric power in this country. The CEMA countries are cooperating in development in the case of the building of thermal reactors with a unit capacity of 1 million kW, which should replace the 440,000-kW reactors now being produced. However, as Academician A. Aleks~narov notes, thermal reactors cannot ensure the development of nuclear power engineering for the distant future, and science proposes a radical means--the development of fast breeder reactors, sinc~ only in this case is it possible to approach nuclear power engineering which is self-sufficient in fuel for an unlimited time.10 The first reactors of this type have been built in the USSR. The pooling of the ef- forts of the CEMA countries is making it possible to expedite the wor'~ on the as- similation of these reactors and to turn to the development of nuclear power engi- neering in the new direction. . � 20 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040005-7 ; ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - i ~ ; The construction of the Khmel'nitskaya and Konstantinovskaya AES's with a total ~ capacity of 8 million kW is planned by joint efforts on the territory of the USSR. ~ The amount of deliveries of electric power from them to the European CEMA countries ~ by 1990 may be increased to 20-22 billion kWh a year, which is equivalent to the annual use at thermal power stations of 7-8 million tons of conventional fuel. Th~ idea af creating large nuclear power complexes, which was advanced by Soviet scien- tists, is of interest for the more distant future. During the present decade the generation of electric power in the CEMA countries along with the development of nuclear power engineering will be based to a signifi- cant extent on thermal electric power'stations. Here at the electric power stations liquid fuel is being replaced by domestic solid fuel (brown coals, lignites, shale). Thus, in Romania the proportion of coal-powered electric power stations will be in- creased in the generation of electric power from 35 percent in 1980 to 55 percent in 1985. The mining of brown coals in the GDR and the CSSR and of lignites in _ Bulgaria fs increasing. The increase of the production of raw materials in the majority of CEMA countries - is being accomplished under mine working and economic conditions which are becoming complicated. Thus, in the GDR the specific capital outlays per unit of in- crease of the production of raw materials in the 1970's increased by 50 percent, while in the 1980's they will increase by more than twofold as compared with the. 1960's.12 With the development of the mining of coals and lignites their ash and moisture content increase, the calorific value decreases. This leads to a substan- tial decrease of the service life of power boilers, unplanned shutdowns and repairs of equipment and a considerable excessive consumption of fuel. The purification of fuel at the site of its production provides a large economic impact in transporta- tion and.power engineering, which exceeds the expenditures on cleaning. Coopera- tion in the development and production of equipment for the prepara tion of solid - types of fuel for use in power management makes it possible to decrease the effect of this unfavorable natural factor on the indicators of the development of power engineering of the CEMA countries. In the 1980's it is planned to expand the use of water resources, including by joint efforts. Thus, several powerful hydroelectric and pumped-storage power sta- tions will be built by mutual cooperation on the territory of the European CEMA countries. Along with this the use in some countries of the water power petential - of small rivers, especially in mountainous regions, is possible. ' The rising costs in obtaining petroleum and its inereasing value as a chemical raw material and motor fuel are leading to the more and more limited consumption as boiler fuel of the residues of petroleum refining (fuel oil). of the refining of petroleum in many CEMA countries is 45-SO percent. As estimates show, an increase of the degree of. refining to 65-70 percent makes it possible to addi- tionally obtain in these countries up to 15 million tons of light petroleum prod- ucts and lubricating oils and to decrease accordingly the yield of fuel oil_.13 In conformity with the~agreement on the specialization and cooperation of the produc- tion of advanced types of sets of equipment for the heavy refining of petroleum in the CEMA countries, including the USSR, in 1981-1990 it is planned to produce vari- ous units with a total refining capacity of about 190 million tons of petroleum a ~ year. Cooperation in the production of units whic:h ensure the refining of petro- leum according to the most advanced technologies (catalytic cracking, hydrocrack- ing and others) is of particular importance. 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 In the 1980's the CEMA countries intend to expand the geological prospecting opera- tions and cooperation in tl~is area. Thus, the joint ~etrobaltic organization, which was created by the GDR, Poland and the USSR, is carrying out exploratory drilling for petroleum and gas on the shelf of the Baltic Sea within the territorial waters of these states. Cooperation in the performance of geological prospecting and th~ recovery of petroleum ax?d gas on the continental shelf of Vietnam is envisaged in accordance with the 1980 agreement between the USSR and Vietna�~n. The use of new methods of recovering petroleum may be of great importance for the CEMA countries. Thus, in Romania the treatment -~f petroleum in the beds with bac- teria was successfully tested, which made it pos~ible to increase substantially its _ extraction in a number of depleted fields. Here it is planned to increase the co- efficient of the petroleum yield of the beds from 31.5 percent in the late 1970's to 37 percent in 1985 .and 40 percent in 1990.14 In the USSR the exp~erimental and pilot industrial use of polymers and other reag~ents, intrabed burning and high- pressure steam in recovering petroleum has begun. Experience attests that the new methods will make it possible to increase the coefficient of the petroleum yield to 55-60 percent. The cooperation of the CEMA countries in the intensification of the use of petro- leum resources can be developed in several directions. For example, the coordi- nated development of the production of the chemical reagents necessary for this, their reciprocal.deliveries, the sharing of experience in the working of reserves and so on will~be of mutual interest. The large reserves of coals, lignites and shale in the European CEMA countries make it possible to direct attention to their versati~e use, including as raw materials for obtaining liquid fuel. This problem is especially urgent for the USSR and Poland, on the territory of which the largest coal fields are located. These two countries have concluded an agreement on cooperation in the development of inethods of obtaining liquid fuel from coal. The production of natural gas in the USSR will be developed in the future. As was reported in the Accountability Report of the CPSU Central Committee to the 26th party congress, for the socialist countries their participation in the increase of the recovery and transportation of Western Siberian natural gas may be of substan- - tial importance. The large reserves of gas in this region of the USSR and the ex- perience of the construction by the socialist states of the Soyuz gas pipeline are making it possible to aim at the joint working of these reserves and the increase - of the deliveries of Soviet gas to the European CEMA countries. In the CEMA countries the losses of accompanying liquids, which are a valuable raw material for the chemical industry and a high calorie fuel, are considerable in the recovery of natural gas. The losses mainly at small- and intermediate-capacity fields, as world experience attests, can be reduced by several times by the means of modern technology. Equipment of the unitized type, which is tailored for moving from some relatively small fields to others as Che production of gas increases or - decreases, is required~for this. The production of such equipment, which is based on international specialization and cooperation, and its efficient use are making it possible to commit additional reserves of raw materials to the economic turnover of the CEMA countries. 22 ' ~ � FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONI! Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The further development of the domestic energy base of the CEMA countries, includ- ing Mongolia, Vietnam and Cuba, will be combined with the importing of fuel and energy, including from developing countries. The USSR remains the main exporter of - these products to the CEMA countries. However, the increase of deliveries of fuel and energy from the USSR is undergoing substantial change. Whereas in 1976-1980 - the exports of energy from the USSR to the CEMA countries increased as compared with the preceding 5-year period by 43 percent, in 1981-r985 it will increase as com- pared with 1976-1980 by 20 percent. Thus, the energy resources, which the CEMA countries h~ve during the current 5-year period, are limited and require their very efficient use for the assurance of the necessary rate of economic growth. Thus, in the P980's an overall strategy of the solution of the fuel and energy prob- lem by the CEMA countries is being formed. It is based on the economical and effi- cient consumption of energy resources, the adoption of energy-saving technology and - structural changes~in the economy, which ensure the systematic decrease of the power-output ratio of production; the structural rearrangement of the balance of primary energy resources, in which the proportion of atomic energy and solid types of fuel is increasing; the slower increase of production and the consumption of primary energy resources as compared with the preceding decade; mutual cooperation, which is oriented toward the decrease of the power-output ratio of production and the efficient consumption of energy resources, which encompasses the field of the study of new resources and sources of energy, and also includes the continuation of deliveries of energy resources from the USSR to the other CEMA countries. The rate of economic growth of the CEMA countries in the 1980`s along with other conditions will be determined by the progress of the implementation of this strate- gy and its individual components and by the intensity of cooperation in.the main directions of the solution of the fuel and energy problem. FOOTNOTES 1. See, for example, "Decree No 28 of the Council of Ministers of the People's Re- public of Bulgaria of 28 June 1979" (D"RZHASIEN VESTNIK, 13 July 1979); "Decree of the GDR Council of Ministers on the Efficient and Economical Use of Electric Power, Thermal Energy, as Well as Solid and Liquid Fuel" (NEUES DEUTSCHLAND, 21 September 1979): "Decree of the State Council of the Socia?ist Republic of _ Romania on the Taking of Steps on the Proper Management and the Reduction of the Consumption of Electric Power, Thermal Energy and Natural Gas" (SCIENTEIA, 31 July 1979); "Decree of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers 'On the Intensification of the Work on the Economy and Efficient L'se of Raw Material, Fuel, Energy and Other Material Resources (PRAVDA, 4 July 1981). 2. NEPSZABADSAG, 20 January 19F31. 3. NEUES DEUTSCHLAND, 15 April 1981. 4. RUDE PRAVO, 7 April 1981. 5. "Romania. Documents--Events," Bucharest, AGERPRES, No 37, 1979, pp 16, 19. 23 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440005-7 rvK ~rr~LiwL U5~ UN,LY 6. RUDE PRAVO, 23 January 1980. - 7. See "Toplivno-syr'yeva~a problema v usloviyakh sotsialisticheskoy ekonomi- cheskoy integratsii" /The Fuel and Raw Material Problem Under the Conditions ~ of Socialist Economic Integration7, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1979, pp 37-38. _ 8. RUDE PRAVO, 8 April 1981. 9. SPRAWY MIEDZYNARODOWE, No 9, 1980, p 24; "Energy Problems and Cooperation in the ECE Region." Statistical annex. Economic Commission for Europe. Energy (R 10), add. l, 16 December 1980. ' 10. See KOP~~iUNIST, No 4, 1981, pp 89-90. 11. See EKONOMICHESKOYE SOTRUDNICHESTVO STRAN-CHLENOV SEV, No 1, 1977, p 72. - 12. WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFT, No 10, 1980, p 1176. 13. See VNESHNYAYA TORGOVLYA, No 10, 1980, p 17. 14. See PRAVDA, 12 January 1981. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Pravda", "Voprosy ekonomiki", 1981 � 7807 CSO: 1825/28 E~ - 24 ~ - FOR pFFICIA~, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040005-7