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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440019-2
~ JPRS L/ 10373
~ 8 March 1982
USSR Re ort
CFOUO 4/82a~
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F( ,
JPRS L/10373
8 March 1982
~ G~ouo 4/sz1
~ Strengthening, Modernizing Liveatock Feed Production
Acceleration of Rates of Egg Production Called For
~ ~ (V. Annenkov; PTITSEVODSTVO, Dec 81) 6
' Develo~ent of Food Progrem Within APK Syate~ Discussed
(Yuriy Ivanovich Bystrakov, Mikhail Ani~imovich Pol,yakav;.
~i ~ .
- a - [III - USSR - 7 FOUO]
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. .
Moscow itOlt'MOPROIZVODSTVO in Russian No 1, Jan 82 pp 1-3 .
LArticle: "Strengthening and Developing the Feed Base for Animal Husbandry_'/
LText/ One of the chi.ef conditions for solving the taske aseigned by the 26th CPSU
Congress for increaeing the production of animal husbandry product$ is that of
creating a atable feed base at each kolkhoz and sovkhoz, converting feed production
over to an industrial basis and attaching a branch character to auch production.
During the 1976-1980 period, the development of the co~~untry's feed base wr~s carried
out by means of improvements in the structure of forage crop plantings, by an
increase in the productivity of these cropa, by a more extenaive introduction into
production operations of progreasive techaologi~s and methode for procuring and
atoring feed and by increasing the production of mix~~d feeds and industrially
produced feed additives. During the Tenth Five-Ysar'Ylan; the average annual
expendituxe of feed increased by 9.2 percent above, the figure for the Ninth Five-
Year Plan. However, on the whole the growth in feed production did not satisty the
increasing requirements of animal husbandry, either from the standpoint of quantity
or quality. The ratea of growth ia the cropping power of the principal forage cropa
did not co~respond to those assigne~l in the tasks and a substantial increase was
not achieved in the productivity of the natural haying and pa8ture lands. Ia recert,
years the conaumption of concentrate8 has increased at higher rates, but at the
same time the proportion of coarse and succulent feed within the overall structure
of expenditures has not increased to the degree required.
~ The ~,ecisions handed down during the July (1978) Plenum of the CC CPSU called for a
considerable increeae during the ~:leventh Five-Year Plan in the production of
coarse and succulent feeds and improvementa in their quality. In carrying out this
- Cask, priority importance will be attached to making maximum use of all available
potential and reserves. Mare intense ~?ork muat be aarried out in connection with
intra-farm specialization in feed production, crea~ing feed produ~tion subunits at
the kolkhozes~and sovkhozes, with land areas, equipment ancl personnel aseigned to
specialized feed production departmenta, sections and bri.gadea and further
improvements muat be carried out in the control atructure. The work of creating
epecialized farms and inter-farm asaociations for the producti.on of marketable
feeda must also be continued. ' .
Some chief concerns in feed production which ~ust be addressed in the next few
years include achieving highly efficient uae of each hectare of feed land,
1 �
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Fax or�r�luiai. us~ ornY
raising the culture of branch management and sharply increasing the cropping power
of forage crops on arable land and the productivity of the natural haying and
pasture landa.
The principal trend with regard to increaeing tiie production of feed on arable
land~s continues to be that of improving the atructur~ of the areas assigned for
forage crops. Special attention must be concentrated on expanding the plantings of
- perem~ial leguminous grasses alfalfa, clover and others and increasing their
proportion in the structure of mown perennial grass areas. By 1985, with a
neglig~ble increase in the overall perennial grass area, the sowings of alfaZfa
must be expanded to 9 million hectares, clovex and sainfoin to 10.5 million
hectares. The work associated with reducing the sowing areas for annual cereal
grasses should be continu~d. Taking into account the soil-climatic conditions of
th~e olbasts, krays and republics, grass mixtures of pulse and annual cereal grasses
should ideally be used mainly as intermediate and occupied fallow crops and also
~ within the green conveyer system.
Under the conditions imposed by concentration and specialization of agricultural
production, great importance is attached to introducing specialized feed crop
rotation plans into operations, with consideration being given to the parti~ular
animal husbandry trend at a farm. With the mastering of these plans, feed
production on arable land can become the foundation for feed production and its
further intensification.
Silage crops, which annually occupy I8-19 million hectares, warrant special
- att~ntion. An industrial technology must be introduced on a wide scale into
kolkhoz and sovkhoz practice far growing corn for silage, with ears of milky-waacy
_ ripeness and involving the use of highly effective herbicidea and early :{nening
and mid-sea~~n ripening corn varieties and hybrids.
Duriag the current five-year plan, a aharp increase must be realized in the
e�fectiveness of use of~reclaimed land in behalf of forage crops, so as to ensure
- that these lands serve as a guaranteed source for obtaining feed.
Improvements in the structure ef the areas under craps, through an expansion of the
plantings of perennial leguminous grasses (with irrig~?tion Co 76 percent and on
drained lands to 68 percent), corn, food roota, the application of optimum
fertilizer norms and observance of th~ irrigation regimes will make it possible to
double, by 1985, the gross yield of feed obtained from reclaimed lands, compared to
the average annual level achieved during the Tenth Five-Year Plan.
Expansion of the sowing areas using new and highly productiv~e varieties of forage
crops and grasses offers great opportunitiea for obtaining additional feed.
Compared to 1980, the areas to Ue uaed for early ripening hybrids and varieties of
corn during the current five-year plan must be increased by a factor of 2.5.
Technologies will be introduced into production operations on a more extensive
scale which will make it possible to obtain 2-3 forage crop yields annually on
irrigated lands and in the zone of adequate moisture. The plans call for the
area of intermediate sowings of forage crops under irrigation to be increased by
twofold prior Co 1985. The sowings of early ripening mustard family crops
(rape, oil-producing radishes, white mustard and others) must be expanded.
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- The creatton of a strong feed base is unthinkable in the absence of en
intensification of the pasture-meadow econo~y and the extensive use of natural feed
lands for agricultural purposes. The kolkhozes and sovkhozes are carrying Qut a
grandi~se long-term program for mastering these lands and raising their
productivity based upon the increasing potential of land reclamation, mechanization
and the use of chemical processea.
During the Bleventh Five-Year Plan, the plans call for a large volume of work to be
carried out simed at radic~+lly improving the natural feed lands; creating irrigated
haying and pasture lands, flooding pastures and developing catchwork irrigation.
In addition to carrying out further work associated with improving haying and
pasture lands, the attention of workers attached to kolkhozes, sovkhozes and
agricultural organs must also be concentrated on their effective utilization. A
radical change must take place in the attitude towards the use of improved natural
!feed lands, the area of which will increase to in excesa of=31 million hectares by
1985. The timely caxrying out of a camplex of ineasures for the tending and
rational use of these lands will make it possible to increase the fodder qield by a
factor of 2-3.
A great amount of ~aork must be carried out during ~he current five-year plan aimed
at introducing a technology for the multiple-cutting use of grass standa. This
technology will be based upon applications of canplete fertilizer norms and
harvesting of the grasses during the early phases of development. The use of this
technology fn regions of adequate moisture will make it possible to carry out 3-4
cuttings of the grasses and, in the process, to raise the quality of the feed
Forage crop areas located on flood plain lands require strict attention. Even with
low expenditures for developing them in many regions of the c~untry, they can
become a reliable source for obtaining coarse and succulent feeds.
In addition to the further watering of pastures in the arid zone, more intense work
must Ue carried out in connection with improving their ability to produce feed. In
addition to taking advantage of .existing scientific and practical experience, it
will also be necessary to expand the work volumes associated with introducing
pasture rotations with two seasons of use and alCernation of *he spring and summer
pastures. This will make it possible to raise their productivity by 20 percent,
increase the areas to be used for planting pasture-protective saxaul strips and for
the additional aowing of grasses and to intensify the campaign being wagect against
the degradation of pastures.
One of the chief problems in feed production continuea to be that of improving the
quality of the feed and reducing losses during their procurement and storage.
Considerable feed ~osses and a reduction in their quality are being tolerated as a
result af the untimely harvesting of the forage crops. A a~.onth or longer is being
spent in harvesting the sot~m and natural grasaes at kolkhozes and sovkhozes and
only 30-40 percent of their areas are being cut down during the optimum periods.
And indeed just one day's delay results in a 2 percent loss in feed units. When
corn is cut down during earlier phases (prior to commenc~ment of milky-waxy
_ ripeness of the grain), each hectare produces 25 fewer quintals of feed units. The
yield of dry substance is especially low in the case of late ripening varieties and
hybrids. .
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The untimely harvesting of forage crops is the result mainly of failure to observe
technological diacigline, the absence of operational control over the course of
feed procurement operations, weak organization of labor and unsatisfactory
preParation and use of the feeachievinticompletemand~efficientkuseeofathesentirees
are confronted by the task of g
pool of machines and raising their productivity priorroductivenequipmentfithisewill
plan. Taking into account the deliveries of highly p
make it possible to reduce the s8 andlforfsilagevest~o 9gdayseSOr~mor~ thanltwofold.
working days, for haylage to
An important reserve for increasing production and raising the quality of feed is
that of introducing progressive technologies for the procurement and storaoe of
feed. During the Eleventh Fhee~thodpofnfo ced ventilation~,eWillhincreasertoe55s~
presaed and prepared using t
percent instead of 25 percent as was the case in 1980. A technology for the
chemical preservation of green plants holds great prospects for the future. This
technology is preaently being employed for preparing 7-8 million tons of silage.
In 1985, assuLaing deliveries by t~hegchemiWillibeupossible8toipreserve 60cmillion
preservativea in the plannad vol ,
tons of fodder.
The kolkhozes and sovkhozes are sustaining considerable losses in feed nu8r~iee~cent
owing to a lack of feed stnrehouses. In 1980, 40 percent of the silage, p
of the haylage, 10 percent of the root crops and 8 percent of the hay were placed
in storage in capital facilities. Despite a great volume of feed storehouse
construction to be carried out during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, the requirements
of the farms for such facili~iod must beiviewed as menimalhandtuseCmustrbetmade of
volumes for the 1981-1985 pe
all available potential and res~eg vkhozr completing the construction of feed
storehouses at each kolkhoz an
A g'reat amount of atte�:~ion ~u8usbandrven ~n 1980nionly 44elrpercent ofdthefforage
use of forage grain in animal h y ortion was used in an inefficient
graire was procesaed into mixed feed. '~he remaining p
' manner in aimple feed mixtures or in crushed form.
Special importance is being aL�tached at the present time to organizing the
production of animal husbandry products wiCh minimal expenditures of concentrates.
Bvery attempt must be made to ensure that all grain allocaCedin additionursnaximumg
used ix~ the form of mixed feed or full-value feed mixtures. ~
effort must be dfrected Cowards reducing the proportionrassgmeal andtvaluable waste
by increasing the proportions in them of high quality g
products from the food industry and agriculture. Experience has shown that Che
proportion of non-grain canponents in mixed feeds can be raised to 40-50 percent,
with no harm being caused to the productivity of the animals. In the process,
rather Chan simply mixing var~iduction of~rich mixedtfeedsewhich wil.lebeebalancednin
manner so as to ensure the pr
terms of the required nutrients.
The non-grain feed resources which our country has at its disposal, assuming their
camplete use, could also cnake it possible to reduce the proportion of grain in
mixed feeds. For example, when organizing the drying of beet pulp residue, malt
res:due, brewing waste and potato pulp, it is poasible to obtain on an annual basis
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no less than 6 million tons of valuable raw materials used in the production of
mixed feeds. However, drying is being carried out presantly only in the case of
~ beet pulp residue, and only on a limited scale.
Each year the animals are being fed large quantities of skim milk, whey and
- buttermilk. When these products become readily available during the summer months,
when no protein deficit is being experienced, they are expended in an irrational
' manner. The orga~ization of the drying of these products will make it possible to
obtain 1-1.5 million additional tona of rich raw materials.
An increase is required in the production of feed additives of animal origin. At
the present time, slightly more t:han 50 kilograms of ineat-and-bone meal are being
produced per ton of ineat, although this indicaCor could be considerably higher.
Measures should be undertaken aimed at procesaing into feed meal all waate products
obtained from the meat industry and making complete utilization of all slaughtered
In order to achieve rhythmic operations by the inter-farm, kollchoz and sov~hoz
mixed feed enterprises and departments and uncanditional fulfillment of the
production plans for mixed feeds and feed mixtures, the USSR Ministry of Procurements
must undertake additional measures to enaure that the tasks for supplying
agriculture with protein-vi~tamin additives are fully carried out. Special
importance is attached to ensuring that USSR Gosplan, ~7SSR Minkhimprom LM~.nistry of
the Chemical Industry/, USSR Minudobreniy /Ministry of Mineral_Fertilizer
i Production/, USSR Minmedprom lMinistry of the Medi~al Industry/ and Glavmikrobioprom
achieve fulfillment of all plans and are able to supply agriculture with additional
! quantities of mineral additives, microelements, vitamins and other biologically ~
~ active subatances.
~ It is presently impasaible to solve the growing ta3ks in feed production in the
; absence of active scientific participation and influence.
I �
The task of scientiats consists of intensifying studies of a r~search nature,
i expanding scientific work of an applied character and sharply increasing the volumes
of completed scientific studies introduced into operations. All possib:e
measures must be undertaken simed at raising the operational effectivenesa of
i scientific institutes~in the area of feed production and strengthening their
contacts with kolkhozes and sovkhozes.
I ~
~ The placing in operation of all available reserves for feed production, the use of
modern methods and technologies for preparing feed and the raCional use of feed are
~ making it possible to raise the productivity of animal husbandry and to enaure the
_ successful fulfillment of the animal huabandry production voluanes planned for the
Eleventh Five-Year Plan.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Kolos", "Kormoproizvodstvo", 1982
7026 ~
CSO: 1824/174
~ 5 ~
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Moscow PTITSEVODSTVO in Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 2-5
[Article by V. Annenkov, first deputy chief of USSR Ptitseprom: "Accelerating the
Rates of Intensification of Egg Production"]
[Text] While implementing the party's agrarian policy, our country's poultry work-
ers have done an immense amount of work in the past three decades for concentration
~ and intensification of productioa in the branch.
Before the changeover of public poultry raising to an industrial basis it was main-
~ ly small kolkhoz and sovkhoz farms that engaged in egg production, and extensive
methoc~s were used in the branch. The average production of eggs per hen on farms
of thQ public sector amounted~to only 117 per laying hen, 80 percent of the eggs
were obtained during the spring and sum~er period, and they were produced at a loss
on the ma3ority of the farms. In 1964 the groas yield of eggs amounted to 26.7 bil-
lion, including only 7 billion or 26 percent from the public sector. The per capi-
ta egg production was 126.
The radical re~cructuring of the branch began in keeping with the decisions of the
March (1965i Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee and the decree of the CPSU Central
Comm3,ttee 'and the USSR Council of Ministers, "On Organizing the Production of Eggs
and Poultry Meat on an Industrial Basis," of 3 September 1964. During the time that
has passed since then a specialized system of poultry raising farms has been creat-
~ ed (USSR Ptitseprom). Reconstruction of existing enterprises, and the construction
of large new poultry farms, breeding plants and other reproduction facilities were
~ carried out systematically and consistently. 1965-198(! 13.5 billion rubles'
worth of capital investments were made in the development of a production base for
the branch, amounting to a total of 15.6 billion rubles. A total of 437 poultry '
farms for egg production were constructed or expanded, as were 75 breeding farms.
Almost all of the specialized enterprises underwent technical :earmament. New ca-
pacities to accomodate 110 million laying hens were put into o~eration. Large
poultry farms for 300,000-600,000 and 1.0-1.5 millio~l head of industrial stock were
- created. .
The rapid.technica~l progress in the branch, the conaolidation of enterprises and
the improvement of the volume and planning deciaions led to a change in the stand-
ard designs of poultry farms. Reinforced concrete structures with plant readiness,
~ asbestoe cement, and panels f~ced with sheets of aluminum began to be used more
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extensively. All this made it possible t~ use industrial methods to construct spe-
cialized enterprises and to sharply reduce the time periods for putting them into
The development and mass production of highly productive equipment and machinea for
various purposes contribu~ed to the.technical rearmament of poultry raising, and
this considerab ly raised the level of inechanization and automation of al.l technolo-
gical processes without exception.
Durin~ the years of the Tenth Five-Year Plan.they began series production of such
highly efficient modern coop equipment as the~KBR-2 two-layer battery for group
maintenance of hens that breed other hens for egg laying, and a three-layer battery
~ of the cascade type for raising poultry to repleuish the flock and main*_aining lay-
ing hens of the industrial flbck (BIQ~I-3 and BKN-3). Their utilization makes it
possible not only to consi~erably increase the density of the poultry per one square
meter of floor of the chicken coop, to reduce labor expenditures and to increase la-
bor productivity by 14-47 percent, but also to provide for operating the equipment
automatically and to create optimal conditions for~keeping the poultry. .
- As of 1 January 1981 on egg farms of the USSR Ptitseprom more than 98 percent of
the laying hens of the industrial~flock,.almoet 99 percent of the young poultry for
replenishing the flock and about 70 percent~of the reproduction flock were kept in
mechanized batteries. IKP-90 ineubators are being groduced for raising large
batches of young poultry. The poultry farms are now receiving BSK-25 exterior bun-
kers for storing mixed feeds and ASP-25 special feed carriers. �
In order to change poultry raising over to an industrial basis, it was necessary to
develop a principally new technalogy ~nd~effective methods of feeding and maintain-~
ing poultry, as well as to improve the forms of organization of the branch s.nd ad-
ministration of the pou~try raising business. On the basis of a study of the prac-
tice of poultry raising throughout the world and generali~ation of the advanced
practice of the best farms of our country, Soviet scientists, in a relatively short
period of time, developed and introduced into production a comprehensive system for
running the branch on an industrial basis. This system includes methods of selec-
tion, norm setting for feeding poultry, programs for controlling productivity (pa-
rameters of the microclimate, lighting conditions, purposive raising of young for
replacement~, artificial molting of laying hens, and so forth), technology for main-
taining poultry in batteries of cages, effective measures of fighting against the
most dangerous infectious diaeasea of poultry, and many other things.
Improvement of breeding work and the creation of domestic lines and crosses of
highly productive poultry for eggs played a special role.
At the time of the creation of the USSR Ptitseprom system in our country there were
no sufficiently highly productive lines and crosses for obtaining hybrids. In or-
der to accelerate the creation of a breeding base, the A11-Unfon Trust of Breeding
Poultry Farms was organized. It ineluded 20 of the best breeding farms.
In to replace the less produr.tive poultry, more than 200,000 head of young
foreign crossbreeds were imported. This poultry was propagated and improved in
scientific institutions and at breeding plants. .
_ 7
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As poultry raising became more intensive, sele~ction workers were faced with more
and more compl,icated tasks. Scien*_ists and specialists of scientific institutions
and leading breeding plants, on the~basis of domestic and imp~rted genetic material,
created and introduced. into production a whole series of highly p~oductive egg lay-
ing ~rossbreeds. The most widespread on the specialized farms were the following
crossbreeds: YantaL'-1 (38 percent of the poultry that waE utilized), Belarus'-9
~ '(31 percent), Zarya-17 (12.7 percent), and Volzhskiy-3 (10 percent).
~ Many farms that used the Zarya-17 cross achieved high indicators of the productivity
of the hens in 1980. Thus the Giryale poultry sovkhoz in the Lithuanian SSR gather-
ed an annual average of 271 eggs per laying hen, the Veviskaya poultry farm in the
Lithuanian SSR and the Zabrodenskoye association in Voronezhskaya Oblast--267, and
the Gur'yevskaya poultry farm in Kaliningradskaya Oblast--264 eggs. '
At the present time there is fully developed system of breeding farms in operation
in egg production, which makes it possible to utilize only hybrid laying hens at all
couanercial enterprises without exception, which allows us to hope for a significant
increase in the productivity of the hens in the near future. Ttiis pertains also to
kolkhoz and sovkhoz farms and faranstead plots belonging to the population.
At the same time, under the Eleventh Five-Year Plan selection workers will be faced
with the task of creating producing crosses of poultry which produce 255-260 eggs
~ per laying hen with feed expenditures of no more than 1.4-1.5 kilograms per ten
A large amount of work has been done to deepen the specializations of the farms,
concentrate production and improve administration of the branch~on the basis of
agro-industrial integration and the creation of various interfarm associations and
complexes. As a result, the average size of the farms in the USSR Ptitseprom sys-
tem has increased from 44,000 head of mature poultry in 1965 to 150,000 head in
1980, that is, more~than 3-fold. Whil,e in 1975 there were 60 production associa-
tions in the USSR Ptitseprom system, as of 1 January 1981 there were more than 100.
These associations now includ~e 400 farms or~28 percent of the overall number of
farms in the USSR Ptitseprom system. The work experienc:e of the Minsk, Kiev, Tomi-
lino, Kustanay, Vitebsk, Glebov and many other associations clearly sh~ws this form
of organization of the branch contributes tq~improving technology and introducing
comprehensive mechanization and automation; it also provides for more efficient uti-
lization of fixed capital and a reduction of the expenditure of labor and money per
unit of output with a sharp increase in its gross volume. .
During the years of the~Tenth Five-Yc~ar Plan the farms of the USSR Ptitseprom pro-
~ vided for a significant further increase in~the gross yield and procurements of
eggs, and compensated for the shortage-of them in other categories of farms, thus
contributing ta successful fulfillment of the five-year plan which envisioned in-
creasing the average annual egg production on a1S categoriea of farms to 58-61
billion. It actually amounted to 63 billion eggs.
The overwhelming ma~ority of poultry farms and kolklzoz and sovkhoz farnas have suc-
cessfully fulfilled the assignments for the past fi~ve years. There wus also a con-
siderable improvement in the quality of egg products, and expenditures of labor and
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feeds per unit of output decreased. Labor productivity, profitability and produc-
tion efficiency also increased.
One cannot but take note of the large amount of work that has been done for a sig-
nificant expansion of the processing base on farms of the USSR Ptitseprom. During
the past five years the capacities of slaughter shops increased from 1,800 to 3,400
tons of slaughtered poultry per shift. Enterprises of the Russian Federation and ~
the Be~orussian SSR have organized the production of powdered eggs, whose output
amounted to 3,700 tons in 1980. All this made it possible to considerably improve
the quality of the products and reduce losses of them.
I srould like especially to discuss an important economic indicator of the develop-
ment of the branch and the efficiency of the operation of its enterprises as labor
productivity. Dur3ng the past fifteen years it has increased 4-fold on the farms of
the USSR Ptitiseprom system, including by 41.8 percent during the years of the
Tenth Five-Year Plan. The highest rates of increase in l.ioor productivit}~ were
achieved on specialized farms of. Belorussia, Lithuania and the Russian Federation.
~ Under the Tenth Five-Year Plan, 80percen* of the increase in gross output was a-
chieved as a result ~f increased labor productivity.. It ia typical that the rates
of increase in labor productivity exceeded the increase in earnings 2.5-fold. This
is a most important indicator of production efficiency.
While in 1975 4.2 man-hours were expended for 1,OOU eggs, in 1980 this figure was
3.0 man-hours. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan the number o� head of poultry at-
tend~d by one worker on the farms .of the USSR Ptitseprom system increased 1.5-fold.
The 26th CPSU Congress earmarked increasing the average annual volume of egg~produc-
tion on all categories of farms to no less than 72 billion during the current five-
year period. In order to achieve this it will be necessary for all categories of
farms to obtain no less than 75 billion eggs in 1985, including 52-53 billion eggs '
in the public sector.
In order to carry out this task~it wi11 be necessary to evaluate critically all the
work that has been done and to concentrate attention on unsolved problems. When.
analyzing the indicators of the operation of specialized farms, one cannot fail to
note the significant differences in them. In each oblast and republic there are
farms that achieve a sharp increase in egg production from year to year and in-
crease zootechnical and economic indicators, and there are enterprises operaring
under the same conditions with a considerably lower level of operation.
One of the main reasons ~hy the farms of a number of oblasts and republics fail to
fulfill the plans for�zgg production is inadequate attention to such a~reserve as
increasing the egg bearing of the hens. Fr.equently the explanaCion for their low
productivity is the poor quality of mixed feeds that are sent to the farms. But
still many entarprises with th e same conditions achieve quite a different result.
Increased productivity of the hens is the result of a persistent, purposeful strug-
gle for the further intensification of the branch. A good deal is being done in
this area in a whole number of union republics. For example, in 1980 the special-
ized farms of the Lithuanian SSR obtained an average of 249 eggs per laying hen,
which is an annual increase in productivity of six eggs; and enterprises of the
Estonian SSR and the Belorussian SSR gathered 246 eggs per hen, ti~ith the increase
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in productivity per head being four eggs and one egg, respectively, as compared to
1979. ~
And yet on the farms of the PtiCis prom of the Tajik S5R the productivity of the
hens decreased by 13 eggs, the K~.Y'B~~ SSR--by 8 eggs, ~the Latvian SSR--by 10 eggs,
the Azerbaijan ~SR--by 5 eggs, and`~the UTcrainian SSR and the Kazakh S5R--by 2 eggs.
The immediate task of managers and�specialists of the branch consists in extensive-
ly developing the struggle for increas~ng the productivity of the hens. As a re-
sult of this alone,_with the same capacities, it is possible to significantly in-
crease the production and procurement of eggs.
~'his task is closely related to another, no less important one--economical expendi-
ture of feeds. For the greater the prcductivity of the poultry, the less feed 3s
expended per unit of output. On the Vevisskaya poultry farm in the Lithuanian SSR,
which obtained 267 eggs per laying hen in 1980, feed~expenditures per 10 eggs a-
mounted to 1.5 kilograms, at the Borovskaya poultry in Tyumenskaya Oblast--258 eggs
and 1.5 kilograms, respectively, and the Minsk production association--256 eggs
and 1.7 kilograms, respectively.
In the Tomilino production association in Moscow Oblas~ the egg production of the
laying hens increased from 221 to.241 eggs during the past five years. And this is
with a large number of head of poultry. In 1980 the Tomilino association produced
450 million eggs, and feed expenditures per 10 eggs decreased from 1.88 kilograms
in 1975 to 1.77 kilograms in 1980. In the Glebov production association in Moscow
Oblast the productivity of the hens increased by 8 eggs during this same period
and reached 240 eggs per laying hen. Feed expenditures decreased appreciably here
too. All~of these farms and associations strictly observe technology and strive to
enrich the feed mixtures.
One must not forget for a minute about efficient expenditure of feed resources. It
~ is known that th~e cosC of mixed feeds compri~ses 65-70 percent of all the expendi-
tures on egg production. Therefore the primary duty of workers of the branch con-
sists in struggling for economy of feeds each day and closing off a11 channels
through which they are lost. An inspection of the work of a number of farms showed
that from 2.5 to 5 percent of the feeds are lost when they are shipped in railroad
~ cars or open trucks, and 1�2 percent are lost while processing is being completed
on the farms. Rodents eat 1.5-2 percent of them.. And losses from all these fac-
tors reach 5-10 percent. Bu.t the greatest losses come from filling the feeders too
full--the scattering of the feeds accounts for from 10-15 percent of the losses.
And every gram that is lost means products that are not produced and labor that is
- expended in vain. A thrifty attitude toward feed ahould become an indispensable
law at each enterprise and f arm.
An important reserve in egg production is to reduce the percentage of re~ection of
laying.hens during the productive period. Many farms re3ect up to 40 percent of
the poultry during this time. As a result, during the course of the year p'roduc-
tion capacities are actually not utilized for about two months. ,
The extensive production experiments conducted st the Borovskaya poultry farm
showed the possib ility of keeping laying h~ns from the time they are 150 days old
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until the end of the productive period without rejecting them, with the exception
of removing dead poultry and those with symptoms of diseases. The results of the
- experiments were utilized in the practiCal work of the enterprise. This made it
poseible to reduce the culling of laying hens from 33 percent af the initial tlumber
in 1975 to 18 percent in subsequent years, that is, to keep an additional 120,000
- hens, which produced 30 million more eggs.
Further increase in labor productivity also requires unwavering attention. The
differences in this most important indicator among individual union republics are
still extremely great. Wtiile on farms of the Estonian SSR 1.8 man-hours are ex-
pended per 1,000 eggs, in the Tur.kmen SSR they expend 7.5 man-hours or four times
more. At specialized enterprises of the Georgian SSR this indicator is 6.7 and ir.
the Azerbai~an SSR--8.9 man-hours, that is, almost three times more than the aver-
age for the USSR Ptitseprom.
Labor productivity is a comprehensive indicator which reflects the farms level of
operation and determines its efficiency. Only constant and persistent study and
introduction of advanced practice and improvement of the organization of labor as
well as all other aspects of production activity will make it possible to achieve
_ an improvement in this indicator, and, consequently, successful fulfillment of the
tasks facing the farm.
Despite the significant increase in the pro.3uction and procurement of eggs in past
years, the demand for this valuable food product is still far from being fully sat-
isfied. The per-cap3.ta egg production in the republics of Central Asia, Transcau-
casia and 1 number of regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East still fall signi-
ficantl,~ :~~low the scientifically substantiated norms. Therefore it is necessary
to ship a iarge quantity of eggs there.
In these regions it is necessary to considerably increase production capacities by
reconstructing existing farms and constructing large new poultry farms and mechan-
ized commercial farms.
But in many oblasts, krays and republics the per-capita egg production has reached
300 and more, that is, it has approached the scientifically substantiat~d norms for
consumption. In these regions the problem of providing eggs for the population has .
practically b~een soJ�ad. Consequently we should discuss utilizing production ca-
pacities more fully and increasing all qualitative indicators of production as well
as its efficiency. ~
One cannot but take into account the role of farmstead plots e�ither. They are an ~
important source for augmenting food resources. Their annual egg production a-
mounts to 20-22 b illion egg~. Therefore it is neeessary to fully satisfy the needs
of the owners of these farms for highly productive young poultry. In 1980 570 mil-
lion head of young poultry were sold to the population--almost 200 million more than
in 1975. But this must be regarded as only the beginning of effective measures for
rendering assistance in the development of farmstead poultry raising.
The first year of the Eleventh~Five-Year Plan is ~rawing to a close. Labor col-
lectives of poultry enterprises and farms, implement:ing the decisions of the 26th
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Party Congress, are striving to fulfill and overfulfill annual plans and ~ocialist
- commitm~nts for the ~production and sale to t~?e state of products of the branch, and
to lay a firm basis for early~completion of th~ assignments of the five-year plan.
The utilizar~~~n of the extremely rich reserve of indus~rial poultry raising will
make it possi~~le ~to make a worthy contribution to the improvement of the supply of
highly valuable food products for the population of our country.
~COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Kolos",~~Ptitsevodstvo", 1981
CSO: 1824/154
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Moscow VOPROSY EKONOMIKI in Russian No 12, Dec 81 pp 103-113
/Article by Yuriy Ivanovich Bystrakov, doctor of economic sc3ences, deputy chair-
man of the Cammission on Scientific Principles of Agriculture under the Presidium
of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and Mikhail Anisimovich Polyakov, candidate of
' economic sciences, senior scientific worker at the Institute of.Economics of the
USSR Academy of Sciences: "Agroindustrial Ccuplex and Development of the Food
Program"/ ~ ~ ~
i~~ccerpt/ The party and the government pay constant attentian to the development
of integration relations of agriculture with industry and service epheres. ~At the
November (1979) Plenum of the CPSU Central Coamiittee L. I. Brezhnev stressed the
following: "In the final analysis the consumer ~udges both the quality and quan-
tity of agricultural output by what he sees arid can buy in a store. That is why
it is necessary to strive f or a smooth and coordinated oper.~.tion of all the links
of the chain that connects the field or the farm with the consumer. Everything~is
equally important here--the txansport and production of contain~rs, atorage and
processing of ~roducts and, finally, trade." ~'ha link that connects the field and '
the farm with the consumer is a figurative er:pression of the agroindustrial com-
plex (APK).
The agroindustrial complex of the USSR as a structural unit of the system of the
national economy is the totality of technolQgizally and economically interconnected
sectors subordinate to a common ultimate end--full satiafaction of the *~eeds of
socialist society for food products and other consumer goods produced from agri-
cultural raw matzrials. The agroindustrial complex received an off icial status in
the national ecanomic plan. The f ollowing is stated in "Basic Directions in the
Economic and Social Development o� the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the Period Until
1990": "The country's reliable provision with foodstuf�s and agricultural raw ma-
terials is the basic task of the agroindustrial complex."
The agroindustrial complex occupies a position exceptional in its scale in the sys-
tem of the national economy. For example, more than 600 million hectares of agri-
cultural land, in~luding more than.220 million hectares of arable land, are used
in agroindustrial productian and over 40 million average annual workers are em-
ployed in it. During the.llth Five-Year.Plan more than one-third of all the capi- .
tal investments are allocated for the development of the agroindustrial complex
(including nonproduction construction). The proportion of the agroinduatrial com-
plex in the f orroation of the final product compriaea more than 50 percent. The
share of foodstuffs in retail trade turnover comprises approximately 55 percent
and of all the goods with the use of agricultural raw materials (foodstuffa, fab-
rics, clothing, knitted articles, footwear and so forth), about 80 percent.
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The structure of the agroindustrial complex is determined by technological and e-
conomic relations and coanections among sectors directly participating not only in
the production. process, but in the delivery of the final product to the consumer
as we11. The correlation of sectors performing production functions at every etage
of integrated agroindustrial production f orms the sectorial structure of the agro-
industrial complex.
Agriculture and f ood and light industry sectors are the basic complex forming sec-
tors of the agroindustrial complex. The proportion of all these sectors in the
production of the final product comprises about 65 percent.
The following belong to the sectors of the agroindustrial complex: tractor and
agricultural machine building; machine building for light and food industry; machine
building for animal husbandry and fodder production; production of mineral fertil-
izers and plant protection agents; mixed feed and hulling and milling industry;
microbiological industry; repair of tractors and agricultural machines; material
and technical supply (in the part made up for by the enterprises and organizations
of the Sta~e Commnittee for Supply of Production Equipment for Agriculture); land
reclamation; rural construction; road construction (in the part of intrafarm work);
housing and cultural-general construction; personnel training; farming sectors;
animal I:us~andry sectors; f ood industry (including meat and dairy industries);
light industry; procurements; trade and cansumer cooperatives; specialized transport.
In the physical and material component food products and agricultural raw materials
for 'their production, which in their totality form the food subcomplex, constitute
the predominant part (about three-fourths) of the final product af the agroindus-
trial complex.
The level of development of the food subcomplex in our country makes it possible
to ensure the population's nutrition in terms of the total caloric value at the
level of scientif ically substantiated norms. From 1965 through 1979 the per-capi-
ta cansumption of basic food products increased at the following rates: of ineat,
by 41 percent, of tuilk, by 27 percent, of eggs, by 88 percent, of fruits and ber-
ries, by 36 percent and of vegetables, by 32 percent. During the same period the
total caloric value~of food products 10 percent, amounting to approx-
imately 3,000 kcal, which correapands to the average physiological norm determined
by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Commission of the United Nations).
Balanced nutrition in t~rms of the total caloric value should not be a calming
factor, because the needs f or proteins and fata of animal origin are compensated
at the expense of carbohydrates. At present the conaumption of milk, dairy prod-
ucts, eggs, meat, vegetables and fruita lags behind rational norms.
The partially unsolved problem of the population's provision with food products
generated the need f.or the development of a special food program. Speaking at the
October (1980) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, L. I. Brezhnev.said the fol-
lowing: "Among.the problems on which the living standard.of the Soviet people de-
pends improvement in food supply occupies the f irst place... The Politburo of the
CPSU Central Committee adopted a decision on the preparation of the food program.
It is a question of a program designed to link together problems connected with
- the development of agriculture, of the industrial sectors servicing it and of the
procurement, storage, transportation and processin~g of agricultural products and
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problems connected with the development of the food industry and of trade in food-
stuffs... This agroindustrial food complex should be plar~ned, financed and man-
aged as a single whole, ensuring high end results. The food program should be pre-
pared so that it becomes an organic component of the llth Five-Year Plan."
Beginn ing in 1980 economic planning organizations, scientif ic research institutes,
ministries and departments have been developing proposals for the food program.
The USSR Gosplan has guided this work.
The diff iculties in its development are connected with the intricate social and econ-
omic structure of the food subcomplex, as well as of the entire agroindustrial com-
plex, whose development is determined by the natural and climatic factors of the
country and regions. Products are produced at atate and kolkhoz-cooperative enter-
prises and on private subsidiary farms. The system of management and planning has
a sign if icant eff ect on the stab ility and eff iciency of production.
Theref ore, in the process of development of the food program special attention is
drawn to the elimination of bottlenecks, that is, an inefficient structure_of fixed
productive capital and an outstripping growth of the capital of agricultural pro-
duction as compared with the capital of sectors of sphere III of the agroindustrial
complex. The reasons f or the noted shortcomings are the low level of utilization
of the existing natural and growing technical and economic potential of agricul.:ure
and of the capital producing and processing sectors of industry connected with it;
imperfect structure of agroindustrial production; weak effect of the existing sys-
tem of the economic mechanism an production eff iciency. The insuff iciently high .
rates of development of the agrarian sector of the economy are due not to the de-~
f iciency of the production potential, but to its ineff ective utilization owing to
the separation of sectorial interests intensif ied by the practice of sectorial
planning and management. At the November (1981) Plenum of the CPSU Central Com-
mittee L. I. Brezhnev stressed that "during the preparation of the program it is
necessary to carefully work out the structure of the agroindustrial complex and to
eliminate the discrepancies existing in it. In the presented plan slightly more
resources are assigned for the development of sectors supplying agriculture with
means of production, as well as carrying out a more thorough processing and ensur-
ing the preservation of agricultural products." ~
The following are the basic conditions for a successful functioning of the multi-
sectorial agroindustrial complex: First, a balance of production stages in the
volumes of output and resources; second, a apecif ic orientation of sectors func-
tioning at various stages of reproduction toward a common ultimate end through the
subordination of the activity of each of them to the task of the fullest possible
satisfaction of the needs of sectors engage:i at the subsequent stage. of reproduc-
tion for production resources.
An increase in the stability of production of agricultural raw materials and food-
stuffs is one of the important principles of the agrarian policy of the party es-
tablished by the March (1965) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee and further de-
veloped at the 24th, 25th and 26th congresses and plenums of the Central Committee
of the party and in the decisions and decrees of the party and the government on
problems concerning the development of agriculture and of servicing and process-
ing sectors of the agroindustrial ~omplex. Therefore, the concept of a steady and
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stable development of agroindustr~al production becomes basic in the establishment
of the country' s f ood prugram f or the f orthcoming f ive-year plan and f or the period
until 1990. The ob~ectives and tasks of the very near future and of a long-term
period and large-scale measures and step~s aimed at the solution of the food prog-
ram are deve?.oped fram this point of view.
The fulfillmeat of the indicated conditions of developmeat. of the agroindustrial
complex of the USSR in the specific proposals for an improvement in the structure
and mechanism of its functioning is connected with the effectiveness of the basic
principles of socialist management, in particular democratic centralism and so an.
In the system of ineasures directed toward the attainment of stable rates of devel-
opment of agroindustrial productian ratianalization of the structure of the agro-
industrial food complex and improvement in the economic mechanism of management are
put in the forefront. At the same time, the economic mechanism itself is a means
of rationalizatian.of the structure of the agroindustrial complex--provision of op-
timization of the functional structure of the agroindustrial complex and its em-
bodiment in the sectorial structure.
The object food program is aimed at ensuring the basic conditions of functioning
of the agroindustrial complex--a balance of the production stages of this complex
in the volumes of production and reaources and orientatian of the sectors of the
~ agroindustrial complex toward a coumion ultimate end. In other words, the program
envisages not only rationalization of the structure of the agroindustrial complex,
but also the elimination of the existing separation of its sectors by the motiva-
tional mechanism of stiwulation of economic activity for the attainment of high
end results. This will create favorable opportunities for the fullest utilization
, of production, biological and material resourcea at all the atages of agroindus-
trial production.
The many-sided nature of solution of problems connected with the development of
the agroindustrial complex requires a single management.of both the elaboration
and the realization of the food progxam. This should be based on a systematic
transition from the existing territorial-sectorial management to a primarily over-
all territorial-intersectorial management of the.agroindustrial complex with a sep-
aration of regional and.specialized subcomplexes. The sys'Cem of management of the
agroindustrial complex should organically combine the overall (system-program)
planning of all the stages of agroindustrial production, the economic mechanism and
' the organization of management ensuring a rational combination of centralism and
democratic principles in the area of decision making and realization. Directing
agroindustrial production toward the maxi~um output of the final product (f ood)
rational in its structure per unit of integral production resources, not toward
sectorial (intermediate) resulta, is the most important condition f or its effec-
tive functioning.
~The creatian of conditions for the transition from sectorial to intersectorial
program-ob~ect planning and management should become the most important task in
the area of improvement in production planning. In this connection the develop-
ment and utilization~of progressive norms as the principles of the
system of the agroindustrial complex, as well as control over the observance of
planning discipline, takes on special importance. At the same time, it is neces-
sary to strictly observe the provision of planned assignments with resources in
accordance with standard rEquirements.
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Only the types of products needed for the formation of all-Union food stocks, as
well as export and reserve resources, should be envisaged in the state plan for
purchases of agricultural products, which fully regul~tes the production structure.
The realizatior_ of the principles of program-ob~ect planning and management of the
agroindustrial complex is connected with the elimination of bottlenecks hampering
- the development of production and causing losses and with the liquidation of inter-
mediary links in the sectorial and functional structure of agroindustrial produc-
tion. The rationalization.of placemen t and specialization of the sectors of the
agroindustrial complex serve this task. During the forthcoming years it is espe-
cially important to begin the implementatian of ineasures for the fullest utiliza-
tion of the country's natural and climatic potential with due regard for the real-
ization of large-scale plans in the future. They include primarily the forma.tion
of specialized production zones and an interregional exchange of the output of the
- agroindustrial complex.
The stability of production in the system of the agroindustrial comple~c should also
be understood as the attainment of a regional structure of the agroindustrial food
complex that ensures the maximum utilizatiore of all the resources available in its
The development and mastering of advanced syateme of agricultural management, ac-
celerated realization of the achievements of scientif ic and technical progress in
the sectors of the agroindustrial complex (selection and seed growing, breeding of
highly productive livestock and poultry, increase in the reliability and productiv-
ity of machinery and equipment, development of land reclamation and so on) and the �
solution of social tasks of rural development take on especially great importance.
Measures f or changing the regional structure of agroindustrial production should
; be implemented simultaneously with an improvement in the sectorial and functional
structures of the agroindustrial complex. For this it is necessary to change the
relations among the complex forming sectors of the agroindustrial complex, giving
consumer sectors greater oppor.tunities of influencing supplier sectors. The com-
' bination of planning levers with the development of direct cont~actual relations
and the elimination of intermediary organizations could be the most acceptable so-
, lutian of this problem. This involves, when approving the production and sale
plan of the capital producing sectora of the agroindusrial complex, enabling agri-
culture itself to form the orders for equipment on the basis of economic contracts.
At the same time, it is also fundamentally important to create economic incentives
for an improvement in the quality of the delivered fixed prdductive capital. This
can be attained, for example, if, along with other conditions, contracts provide
for the fulf illment of all the operations for complex repairs and care of equip-
ment by the forces of the industrial enterprises producing them.
In the area of price formation it is necessary to establish a stricter state con-
trol, not permitting a rise in the price of a unit of useful effect of ineana of
production in the sphere of their production consumptian. In order to ensure a
price balance in the system of the agroinduatrial complex, prices of products in
all its sectors should ensure the same conditions of accumulation per unit of the
integral indicator of production resources, including land resources, in a mone-
tary evaluation.
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An important role in the system of ineasures aimedistassir~ed totlegal~supportechi~
nism of management of the agroindustrial complex 8n
is necessary to significantly raise the level of legal regslation of economic rela-
tions, in particular following the example of industry.
The cancept of stabi~.ity should not be identified with the demand for production
stabilization. Canversely, an effective develogment of positive tendencies and .
flexibility (observance of the principle of elasticity) of rational decision making
under changing conditions (foreign political situation, natural and clima.tic fac-
tors, social and economic development and so forth) are needed. At the same time,
stabilizatian and even a certain local reductian in the production of intermediate
- products of the sectors of the agroindustrial complex are an inevitable measure of
the period of transitian to a more productive and, therefore, economically advis-
able stage in the development of agroindustrial production. This concerns prod-
ucts the production capacities for the processing of which in the localities do not
correspond:to the attained volumes of production and their transportation to the
country's other regions or export presently is not possible or advisable. There-
fore, stabilization of for thedureventionsofelossesaandiansefficientuutilizationin
is a necessary measure P
of the potential of the entire agroindustrial complex.
A certain reduction in the areas sown wi-Ch some low-yielding crops greatly depend-
ing on weather canditions, as well as in the population or` unproductive livestock,
in a number of farms, rayons and Iarge regions is necessary for the attainment of
an improved regional structure of the agroindustrial complex on the basis of for-
mation of specia.lized zones of production of basic comm~odity products of the sec-
tors of the agroindustrial complex and development of intrarayon spec3.alization
and interregional exchange. The combined material and technical potential of the
agroindustrial food complex rel.eased in the process should be .directed to the pro-
duction collectives, sectors aed~efoods oductiontthrough utPtheacountryd(region)
gressive effect of the increas P
can be obtained.
The most rapid elimination of losses in all the links and at all the stages of ag-
roindustrial production plays an exceptional role in the solution of the f ood
problem. Speaking at the November (1978) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, L.
I. Brezhnev~, discussing losses, eapecially stresaed the exceptional importance of
a radical solution of this pit and~cottonal ssesais not only anaeconcmic problem.
lem of grain, vegetable, fru
It is also a big political problem."
Z'he set of ineasures for the fight against lossea should be based on the realiza-
tion of the above-mentioned steps for an improvement in the sectorial and function-
al structure of the agroindustrial complex and an the elimination of bottlenecks
in the sectors of processing and infrastructure during the storage, processing and
transportation of raw materials and products. For the purpose of increasing the
balance of the structure and volumes of production in all the sectors of the agro-
industrial complex, f or the llth Five-Year Plan provision is made for measures
for an outstripping development of the concluding stages of production of theFor
nal product of the agroindustrial complex and its deliveiy to the consumer.
example, plans are made to increase capital investments for the establishment of
storage facilities 1.6-fold and for the construction of intrafarm hard-surface
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_ roads 1.4-fold. These measures must be combined with rationalization of the place-
ment and specialization of production, bringing processing closer to the zones of
- specialiZed production of agricultural products and developing an interregional
- exchange.
An elimination of losses is, at the same time, a f ight for an improvemeat in th~
quality and efficiency of utilization of productian resources. It is necessary to
concentrate efforts on the development and use of advanced technologies (primarily
resource saving technologies) and agricultural management systems and on the over-
all nature of deliveries of machine systemsinstead of deliveries of separate units
- and so forth. Principal attention in the area of agriculture should be given to
an improvement of~qualitative indicators. An increase in the volumes of production
~ (with due regard for the internal balance of the agroindustrial complex) should be
ensured primarily through an in the yield of crops and i~ the.productivity
_ of livestock, refinement of tlie structure of plant growing and animal husbandry
= sectors and improvement in the qualitative characteristics of output. The follow-
ing are necessary for this: an ob~ective evaluation of qualityy enhancement of the
role of standards and their observance and consideration in prices through the val-
ue of useful effect of ineans of production and implementation of ineasures for the
stimulation of the quality of output of the sectora of the agroindustr3al complex.
In the solution of the food problem considerable attentian should be paid to meas-
ures f or the introduction of nontraditional technologies of protein and food pro-
duction. As investigations and experiments under productian conditions have shown,
these measures can be realized without substantial capital investments and ensure
the production of high-quality food products with the fullest utilization of ini-
tial raw materials. ~
The stability of development of the agroindustrial complex is connected with the
formation of a stable and reliable system of organization and management of the
establishment of the country's f ood program. "It is important to determine the
stages and order of the solved problems in the program," L. I. Brezhnev noted at
the October (1980) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee. "And, of course, it is
necessary to have a system of program management clearly establishing personal res-
sponsibility for every sectian of work and giving the necessary rights. Without
all this~the program is not a program, but a sum of good wishes." As noted at the
26th CPSU Congress, work on the food program should constantly be in the center of
attentian of the activity of party, Soviet and economic bodies.
The development and realization of the program is one of the basic tasks of the
current 5-year and lang-term period. This is not a one-time task. Conversely,
- this is large-volume work requiring constant efforts on the part of workers of
many ministries, departments, scientific research institutions and organizations,
the personnel training system and so forth. "The program should represent a sub-
stantiated plan of ineasures directed toward the end result and toward a complete
solutian of one problem or another, a plan based on accurate calculations," said
L. I. Brezhnev at the October (1980) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee.
The f ood program should encompasa a11 the components of the agroindustrial com-
plex in their organic interconnection, unity and developt~ent. The process of de-
velopment of this program should be continuous and iterative, ensuring the reali-
zation of the principle of democratic centralism,and.adaptive,creating conditions
for a systematic refinement and increase in its efficiency. ~
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Discussing the food program, K. Chernenko, member of the. Politburo of the CPSU Cen-
tral Committee, said at the festive meeting in Moscow devoted to the lllth anniver-
sary of V. I. Lenin's birth tha~ "this is an important and large-scale task. Peo-
ple's needs are growing constantly. Furthermore, not everything is obtained right
away. In any work something must be corrected and completed. It is quite obvious
that the fulfillment of the food program requires special attention, persistence
and purposefulness. It requires a more rapid elimination of any manifestations of
irresponsib ility, laxity, lack of departmental coordination and mismanagement and
a bolder search for new unbeaten paths." Therefore, when developing the food prog-
ram, it is important to take into consideration the principles of unity of the proc-
ess of its elab oration and realization. Ever newer circumstances requiring correc-
tions of previously developed individual parameters will inevitably~ appear in the
course of study of program outlines. Owing to the organic interconnection of the
technological stages in agroindustrial production, this will lead to the need for
ref inement of the proportians among sectora, volumea of resources and so forth.
In accordance with "Basic Methodological Principles of Development of Overall Na-
tional Economic Object Programs approved by the USSR Gosplan it is advisable to
work out the program in three stages. An analysie of the food situation in the
country is made at the f irst stage. Then the initial.assignment for the program
is developed and approved. The preparation and approval of the draft program rep-
resent the concluding stage.
- The basic task of the first stage in the elaboration of this program lies in the
for~ulation of problpms connected with the development of the agroindustrial food
complex, which bring about an aggravation of the food situation. For this it is
necessary to investigate the patterns in the formation and development of the ag-
roindustrial complex beginning with the establishment of the basic~values and
goals of this. social and economic system and of the''structure of~its organization and
mechanism of functioning. It is necessary to compare the real system character-
ized by the actual values of parameters with its ideal representation in the form
of a standard model described by specific standards (for example, norms of per-
capita consumption of f ood). As a reault, the following should be developed: con-
cept of the solution of the food problem; consolidated structure of the program's
goals and the tentative values of the most important object standards; functional,
sectorial and regional structures of the food complex; list of priority proposals,
which can be included in the plan at this stage; consolidated structure of the
program (list of basic subprograms). The tentative periods and evaluations of the
expenditures on the program should also be determined.
The food program, owing to its exceptional importance f or the solution of social
and economic problems, should be an ob3ect program and receive priority among oth-
er national economic programs in the allocation of various types of resources f or
its development and realization. The order of the technical and economic calcula-
tiona and draf ts of this program should correspond to the movement from the ulti-
mate end of the agroindustrial complex through a system a~ measures to all the
types of resources necessary for the attainment of intermediate goals at every
stage of agroindustrial production.
Preliminary investigations show that the attainment of the basic goals of the ag-
roindustrial f ood complex is connected with the development and realization of the
following subprograms:
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1. The subprogram "general concept and methodology": elaboration of the general
concept of development of the agroindustrial food complex of the USSR; investiga-
tion and development of the functional, sectorial and regional structure of the ag-
roindustrial complex; substantiation of the system of goals for the development of
the agroindustxial: complex; elaboration of basic directions in the solution of the
f ood problem; creatian of the methodological scheme of the food program and substan~
tiation of the ways of its realization.
2. The subprogram "food production and the granting of services"; overall anal-
ysis of the state and tendencies of and prospects for the development of function-
al-sectorial and production-technological links in the systems of agricultural man-
agement (farming, plant growing,.fodder production and animal husbandry) and prod-
uct subcomplexes (grain, .meat-%egpt7-dairy, fruit-and-vegetable, potato and fat-and-
oil subcomplexes; subcomplex for sugar production; sea-f ish-product subcomplex;
subcomplex f or the production of salt, preservatives and foad~additives, of~non-
traditional types of foodstuffe and so forth); evaluation of supply and demand;
_ evaluation of the possible volumes of production and expenditures of resources;
analysis of problems and solution alternatives.
3. The subprogram "production and technology investigation and analysis of the
sectorial and territorial-sectorial structure and placement of production; devel-
opment of concepts of improvement in the sectorial and territorial-sectorial struc-
tures of farming and animal husbandry on the basis of formation of specialized
zones; evaluation of the variants'of placement of production with due regard f or
the expenditure on the development of production and social infrastructures; ela-
boration of systems of economic management in the sectors of th~e agroindustrial
complex and of resource saving technologies.
4. The subprogram "natural resources and the environment": overall evaluation of
natural resources (land, water and forest) and of natural and climatic conditions
of productian; development of inethods of rational utilization of land resources
and of ineasures for their conservation and reproduction; elaboration of probleme
of preservation of the ecological balance; rationalization of waste utilization.
5. The subprogram "material and technical resources": overall analysis of the
state and structure of the material and technical base of the agroindustrial com-
plex; development of ways, methods and periods of elimination of the lag of the
material and technical base of the processing industry and sphere of circulation;
evaluation of the volumes and rational structure of capital investments; develop-
ment of alternative variants of the structure of material and technical resources
with due regard for the poasibilitiea f or their interchangeability.
6. The subprogram "labor": investigation and development of the occupation~l-
skill and age structures of labor resources; development of demographic forecast;
investigation of problems of migration and development of inethods of its regula-
tion; analysis of labor productivity and elaboration of proposals for increasing
it, lowering personnel turnover and strengthening labor discipline; analysis of
the system of training of mass trade peraonnel; elaboration of proposals for an ,
improvement in the material conditiona of work and employment in a rural area.
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7. The subprogram "infrastructure": investigation and elaboration of problems of
improvement in production infrastructure (procurements, storage facilities, mate-
rial and technical supply and technological production support, transport, power
faCilities, repair base and types of services--agrochemical, veterinary, land or-
ganization,.informatioa-computer and so forth); elaboration of problems connected
with the development of nanproduction infrastructure, including the system of pub-
lic health, elementary education, municipal and everyda.y services and housing and
road construction.
8. The subprogram "economic mechanism and management": analysis of production
eff iciency in the system of the agroindustrial complex; formulation of proposals
for an improvement in intersectorial relations directing all the lir.ks of the ag- .
roindustrial complex toward the ultimate end; development of a system of economic
incentives operating at all the levels of the agroindustrial complex; elaboration
of proposals for an improvement in the system of collective wages and economic in-
centives; determination of the forms and methods of ~combination of the plan and
direct contracts; provision of conditions f or an enhancement of the role of con-
tracts in the regulation of economic relatione; development of economic and legal
principles of contractual relationa and of the.strengthening of contractual dis-
cipline; elaboration of proposals for an improveIIent in economic legislation; de-
velopment of the concepts and formation of the s~ stem of organizational .management
of the agroindustrial complex of the USSR; determination of the principles of ob-
ject program planning and management in combination with sectorial and territorial-
sectorial management; development of proposal~ f or the establishment of a long-
term scheme of management of the agroindustrial complex.
9. The subprogram foreign economic relations": el.aboration of the general con-
cept of utilization"of the f oreign market for purposes of an eff icient development
of the agroindustrial concept; investigation.of the structure of import and ela-
boration of proposals for its improvement; evaluation of the opportunities of ex-
port trade and of the ways of their realization; ~investigations of the possibili-
ties of international division of labor and integration of CEMA members in the so-
lution of the food problem; elaboration of proposals for the organization of out-
put of the sectors of the agroindustrial complex on a compensation basis.
10. The subprogram scientif ic and technical progreas": development and substan-
tiation of the basi:c" scientif ic and technical progress in the sec-
tors of the agroin~3ustrial complex; elaboration of an overall program for scien-
tific investigations of problems�connected with the development of the agroindus-
trial complex of the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the period until 1990.
11. The subprogram "eff iciency and quality": development of the criteria and
measurers of efficiency and quglity; analysie of losses and unutil~ized opportuni-
ties with an indication of the reasons for their occurrence in all Che techno-
logical production links of the agroindustrial complex; development of a program
of urgent measures for an elimination of losses and realization of unutilized
opportunities with an evaluation of the expenditures necessary for this; elabora-
tion of proposals f or an intprovement in the standards of the assortment and qual-
ity of services.
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12. The subprogram "social development": elaboration af the concept of social
development of rural areas with the determination of immediate and long-term tasks;
investigation of social factors in the economic devalopment of the agroindustrial
complex; evaluation of economic efficiency of social transf ormations in the system
of the agroindustrial complex; substantia.tion of sources of material resources for
the solution of social problems.
13. The subprogram "experiment": development of proposals for an organization of
an experimental check and performance of social and economic experiments for the
solution of various problems connected with food supply for the population and in-
crease in the social and economic eff iciency of the agroindustrial complex of the
The developed operational (program) goals, system models and problems should be in-
~ tercoordinated. Such a combination of all the program tasks ensures a unity of
approaches to the solution of the food problem and cansistency of results. At the
same time, it becomes possible to correctly coordinate the organizations developing
individual subprograms in the procese of program development. This equally applies
to the determination of priorities and concepts, including f or the periods of solu-
tion of the food problem, as well as to the comparison of the evaluations of prog-
ram expenditures and results (effect of the program).
The food program is one of the main components of the economic policy of the party
for the llth Five-Year Plan and f or a long-t~~rm period. At the November (1981)
Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee L. I. Br,ezhnev noted that the "preparation of
such a program is a~highly creative and--therE~ is nothing to hide--complex matter.
It should combine efforts in agriculture itself, in the sectors of industry cerv-
icing it and in the systems of procurement, storage, processing and transportation
of and trade in agricultural products. What is especially important, it should
_ subordinate the work of all the indicated sectors to the common ultimate end--meet-
ing the country's needs for foodstuffs."
The utilization of the uncovered reserves, increase in the effectiveness of capi-
tal investments and rational utilization of ineans of production and labor and nat-
ural resources will make it possible to give the country more grain, potatoes~ veg-
etables, meat, milk and other necessary products. A skillful and efficient utili-
zation of the advantages of planned socialist management, of the productian and
scientif ic and technical potential and of the initiative and creative work of mil-
lions of workers will contribute to a successful solution of the tasks envisaged
by the program and to the attainment of new advances in communist construction.
COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Pravda", "Voprosy Ekonomiki", 1981
CSO: 1824/164 F~ND
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