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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USIE ONLY - J?RS L/10410 26 March 1982 Translation SATELLITE HYDROPHYSICS Ed. by B.A. Nelepo FFBIS] FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040056-1 NOTE JPRS publications contain information pr~marily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from fore ign- language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics reta�:ned. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or [Excerpt] in the first line of eac.h item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes within the body of an item origina te with the source. Times within items are as given by source. The r-ontents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULA't'IONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF TH IS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 FOR OFFiC[AL USE ONLY JPRS L/10410 25 March 1982 - SATELLITE HYDROPHYSICS Sevastopol' SPUTNIKOVAYA GIDROFIZTKA in Russian 1980 (signed to press 4 Dec 80) pp 1-152 [Collection of articles edited by B. A. Nelepo, Iadatel'stvo Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy iristitut, 250 copies, 152 pages] CONTENTS Annotation 1 - Problems in Investigating the Ocean From Space (B. A. Nelepo, Yu. V. Terekhin) 2 - Experiment for Investigating Internal Waves in Ocean by Remote Methods (Yu. M. Kuftaxkov) 8 Determination of Parameters of Internal Waves by Remote Methods (V. N. Kudryavtsev) 14 Remote Measurement of Ocean Temperature in IR Range Using Reference Points (V. S. Suyetin) 22 Features of Radar Determination of Sea Wave Parameters (V. V. Pustovoytenko) 27 Effect of External Illumination Conditions on ftemote Measurement of Color Index 36 (V. Ye. Shemshura, 0. V. Martynov) Investigation of the Ice Cover of Seas From Artifical Earth Satellites (A,. V. Bushuyev) 41 Assimilation of Satellite Data in Numeric al Models of Ocean Uynamics (I. Ye. Timchenko, et-al.)........................................ 51 Multispectral Method for Determining Ocean Surface Temperature (V. A. Golovko, L. A. Pakhomov) . 59 - a- II - USSR - E FOUO] FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY Spatial Resolution of Instruments With Stipulated Field Measuremen'v = Error (S. V. Dotsenko, M. G. Poplavskaya) 66 Calibration of Remote Instruments on the Basis of Polygon Measurements ~ (S. V. Dotsenko) 77 Choice of Some Design Paxameters of a Satellite Data Systerr for , Remote Sounding of the Ocean (S. S. Kavelin) 87 Problems in the Quantitative Di.stinguishability of Hydrometeorological . Situations (B. Ye. Khrryrov) 95 - Quantitdtive Characteristics of Ilistinguishability of a Physical System - With Continuous States (B. Ye. Khrrqrros) 103 Parametric Invariance of Multichannel Excess Remote Measurement Syst,ems (V. A. Gayskiy) ....................e............................ 110 Autonomous Buoy Compl Px for Use in Subsatellite Polygon i (I. B. Paviovskiy, et al.) 116 Determination of Vertical Temperature Profile From Ilrifting Buoys (I. L. Isayev, et al.) 123 Effectiver,ess of Remote Methods for Investigating the World Ocean (T. K. Ivaahchenko, et al.) 132 ~ - b - FOR OFFICIA[. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ANNOTATION The collected papers cover basic ideas abnut remote sensing of the sea surface fror, satellites. Data on the determination of temperature, colour, waves and ice-cover of the sea-surface are listed. Also analysed is the relationship between surface radiation variations and internal waves. Theoretical problems and methodology of remote sensing are discussed. Information on automatic buoy systems of subsatellite observational regions and data processing systems are presented. The collected papers are ini;ended for specialists in ocean physics, students and post-graduates of relevant specialities. 1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY PROBLEMS IN INVESTIGATING THE OCEAN FROM SPACE Sevastopol' SPUTNIKAYA GIDROFIZIKA in Russian 1980 pp 5-1' [Article by B. A. Nelepo and Yu. V. Terekhin] [Text] Abstract: The article examines the fundamental prcblems involved in remote determination of the informative hydrophysical parameters of the ocean for their use in prognostic models of the ocean. The authors discuss the features of ineasurement of oceanic characteristics in - the ?D-SHF and visible ranges of the radia- - tion spectrum. The requirements on the accuracy in measuring hydrophysical parameters and their spatial resolution are formulated. The prospects for the use of space vehicles in investigations of the world ocean are pointed out. The world ocean, always playing a cansiderable role in the life of wankind, has now become the sphere of man's economic activity. This has predetermined the ever- increasing attention being given to its investigation, especially since today sci- entists comprehend the role of the ocean in the formation of weather and climate on the earth, understand that the earth's resources are not unlimited and that the ecosystem is quite brittle relative to the onslaughts of modern civilization. The eyes of scientists are turning toward the ocean: does it have such a self-regul- ating system which would enable it to cope with the irreversible effects caused by man's active intervention? In order to answer this question it is necessary ta have - prognostic models or schemes taking into account the entire complex system of rela- tionships regulating the state of the atmosphere and ocean. In order to formulate physicomathematical models on the basis of which it is pos- si-ble to carry out prognostic.computations it is necessary to make detailed inves- tigations of the boundary layers of the ocean and atmosphere. It is precisely in these layers that the greatest tamperature gradients are formed, these arising as a result of the absorption of soiar radiation, cont2ct heat exchange and evapora- tion. The heat.fluxes, directed into the ocean from the atmosphere, or vice versa, create in it a complex circulation of air masses, thus forming the weather. Simul- _ taneously, atmospheric processes (especially wind) exert an extremely important influence on the upper layer of the ocean, leading to a corresponding exchange of 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040056-1 FOR OFF7CIAL USE ONLY thermal energy becween the atmosphere and ocean. The diversity of conditions at the boundary between the gaseous and fluid media also leads to a great diversity of circulatory systems in the ocean and atmosphere, forming against the background of macroscale dynamics of the ocean. In this connection the key problem in modern oceanography is a study of synoptic phenomena in the ocean, among which the most important are oceanic eddies, zones of upwelling and subsidence of abyssal waters, fronts and thermal anomalies. Syn- optic eddy movements of water masses affect a thickness of the ocean of several kilometers; their horizontal extent is hundreds of kilometers; the spatial velocity of movement attains several kilometers each day. The energy concentrated in such formations is comparable'in quantity to the energy of macroscale ocean currents. In addition to the development of fundamental concepts concerning ocean dynamics, investigations of ocean eddies are of interest from the point of view of the pos- sibility of formation of productive zones in the open ocean. Sufficiently powerful (with respect to intensity and scale) synoptic eddies of a cyclonic character, ex- isting for rwo years or more, are capable under def inite conditions of maintaining a powerful upvelli.n-, of deep waters ensuring the transport of nutrients from the ocean depths ta its stirface. Thus, formulation of the problems in prediction essentially involves large-scale (and for the ocean at an oceanic scale), operational and regular observatioras of the transniring of processes with a periodicity of renewal of information not less than the time scales of synoptic variability (10-15 days). No reasonable num- ber of research ships and buoy stations can ensure such a possibility. Accordingly, the above-mentioned problems can be solved only using instrumentation for the re- mote sensing of the ocean carried aboard space vehicles, with development of tech- niques, methods and procedures in space oceanography as a new method for investi- - gating the ocean. There is a rather great number of theoretical models making it possible to desciibe the processes transpiring in the ocean. The input parameters of such models are - water and air temperature, radiant energy flux, height of waves and wind velocity in the near-water layer of the atmosphere, humidity and atmospheric pressure, ex- tent of cloud cover, depth and intensity of the jump layer, ice characteristics , and others. Temperature of the or_ean surface is the most informative of these. The most important tasks of oceanography, whose solutian is possible with use of the - temperature characteristics of the ocean surface, are: study of inesoscale variabil- ity of the ocean, discrimination of frontal zones and zones of strong currents and prediction of structure of the active layer in the ocean. Data from observations of inesoscale variability in the ocean show that the temper- ature field of the ocean surface is formed nct only under the influence of atmosph- eric processes, but also to a considerable degree conforms to the character of eddy movement in the main ocean thermocline. The principal features in the distribution of this parameter were caused by eddy advective currents disturbing the principal zonal distribution of temperature. In contrast to the circulatory character of eddy movement in the main ocean thermocline the distribution of temperature at the ocean surface is characterized by an intrusional char2eter of the movement of isotherms. - 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040056-1 H'UR UM'FIC:tAL USE UNLY The characteristic scales of formations in the upper layer of the ocean are 40-400 km; the mean velocity of spatial movement is 5-8 km/day, the temperature drops are 0.2-2.0�C in zones of influence of deep mesoscale eddies and up to 2-30C in zones of intensive formations of the type of Gulf Stream rings. A not less important role in the general dynamics of the ocean is played by its variability at scales of 15-50 km, which is associated with the high energy level at these scales. The temperature drops in these formations usually fall in the range 0.2-1.0�C. Accordingly, for a study of synoptic variability in the ocean the required accuracy in determining tem- perature falls in the range 0.1-0.20C with an in situ resolution not worse than 3-5 km. Temperature anomalies are traced against the mean climatic background as formations with characteristic spatial scales from hundreds to thousands of kilometers and time intervals from a month to tens of months and a thickness in depth attaining tens of ineters.. The amplitude (extremal deviation from the climatic norm) of such formations is not more than 2-30C. As a result of the great thermal inertia of the ocean in comparison with the atmosphere they exert a considerable influence on planetary weather at global scales. The principal requirements on data from remote sensing, making it possible tu trace the evolution of these anomalies, is the breadth of coverage of ocean regions and the frequency of receipt of informati4n. It is best to obtain surface temperature maps at ocean scales with a frequency of once or twice in a 10-day period. In this case the allowable spatial resolution is 20-30 lan; the accuracy in determining tem- perature is not less than 0.50C. The position of the principal frontal zones in the world ocean and zones of intensive currents has been determined quite well. Accordingly, the principal task to be solved in this direction is a study of the variability of such factors as the position of the axis of currents and fronts, meandering and stability. The principal indicator for the identification of "images" of ocean fronts and boundaries of intensive cur- rents is a temperature drop at their boundaries which can amount to as much as 2- 100C. This makes possible its reliable detection by instrumentation operating in the IR range. With such great temperature drops the acceptable accuracy of its de- termination will be 0.50C (sometimes 10C) and the principal requirement related to the determination of the boundaries of frontal zones is related to spatial resolu- tion. It appears that the optimum value of such resolution is about 1-2 lan. We add that information on the position of the boundaries of frontal zones carries data on the color index of water, the nature of cloud cover over the ocean and other data. A highly important task of oceanography is prediction of the vertical structure of the active layer of the ocean, which is the principal intermediate link in the proc2sses of interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere. The prediction in- ~ cludes a determination of temperature of the ocean surface, the position of the lower boundary of the homogeneous layer (layers), the position (depth) of the dens- ity jump. The temperature and depth of the homogeneous layer determine the intensity of the temperature anomalies (heat content and lifetime), allowance for which is necessary in prediction problems; the positiori of the jump layer determines the _ lower boundary of the zone of active photosynthesis in the upper layer of the ocean. 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY There are now quite a few theoretical models making it possible to compute the men- tioned parameters of the vertical structure of the active layer in the ocean. The input parameters of such models are air temperature, xadiaat energy fJ_ux, wind vel- ocity, humidity, pressure, cloud cover, which can be measured by remote methode from artificial earth satellites. Computations with the use of these models make it possible to iise the temperature of the ocean surface, measured with an accuracy to 0.10C, depth of the mixed layer and the position of the jump layer with an ac- curacy to 1-2 m. It is understandable that the attainment of thi:a same accuracy in measurements by remote methods is a task of the future and therefore the temper- ature of the ocean surface, measured with the accuracy attained up to now, can serve only as a calibrsiLion parameter in choosing the empirical parameters of this type of model. By the time when the necessary accuracy in measuring ocean surface te^:perature is attained (0.1-0.20C), the assimilation of this parameter in theoret- ical models will make it possible to proceed to computation of the heat fluxes at the boundary of the jump layer and thus determine the receipt of heat in the main ocean thermocline. The attainuient of the required ac:curacy in measuring temperature of the ocean sur- face from aboard an artificial earth satellite is held back by two principal fac- tors. One of these is related to an increase in the accuracy in determining the atmospheric transfer function. In actuality, investigation of the characteristics of the ocean surface by passive methods in the IR and SHF ranges involves measure- ments of reflected solar radiation and the characteristic radiation of the ocean. Since the latter are transformed during transmission through the atmosphere, the accuracy in determining the degree of this transformation enters directly into the total error in determining the temperature of the underlying surface. The accurac- ies in the evaluations of the atmospheric transfer function attained at the present time introduce an error into the measured temperatures at the level t(0.5-1)�C. The surface temperature measured with remote sensing instrumentation, which we as- sign as a characteristic of the mixed upper layer of the ocean, strictly speak- ing, relates to the uppermost emitting layer, the so-called skin layer of the ocean. However, in this layer the properties of the medium differ substantially from the characteristics of the homogeneous layer, and in particular, the temperature gradi- ents in it attain tenths of a degree per centimeter. The state of this layer, very much dependent on the general hydrometeorological situation, is an important fac- tor, to a considerable degree exerting an influence on the accuracy in determining temperature of the ocean surface. It can be assumed that *_he existence of a cold surface film is a universal phenomenon and for the most part it is stable with time. In such a case, since IR radiometers measure the brightness temperature of the very thin (micron) water film, whereas the temperature of the underlying homo- geneous layer is of practical interest for researchers, the problem of the legit- imacy of identifying the temperatures of the quasihomogeneous layer and the sur- face film or the methods for correction of the measured brightness temperature is of great importance. As long as we do not know the true temperature in the skin layer, and also the pattern of horizontal distribution of the characteristics of this.layer, the inaccuracy in determining the temperature of the homogeneous layer will substantially reduce the information content of these data. The reduction in information content will be as follows. First of all, since the characteristic time for the carrying out of IR surveys from a satellite is comparable with the characteristic time of existence of tfie skin layer, the uncertainty in measurement 5 - FOR OFF ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY of the tempexature of the homogeneous layer can attain the level of the temperature drop in the skin layer. Second, the temperature of the skin layer exerts a substan- tial influence on the energy characteristics of the processes of interaction be- tween the ocean and the atmosphere. Since the thickness of the skin layer is very small, its direct role in the energy budget of the upper layer of the ocean is in- significant. For example, the skin layer in a certain sense is "optically trans- parent" for incident solar radiation. With respect to other heat balance compon- ents, such as heat expenditures in evaporation, contact heat exchange and outgoing long-wave radiation, here the skin layer can change these characteristics by 10 or 15%. Thus, it can be stated that the creation of an adequately correct thermohydrody- namic model of the surface skin layer, together with improvement in methods for taking into account the influence of the atmosphere, opens the way for a substan-- tial increase in the accuracy in determining the temperature of the ocean surface. Considerable experimental data have now been accumulated from remote sensing of the earth's surface (including the ocean) which have been obtained from Soviet satel- lites of the "Cosmos" series and also from American meteorological satellites us- ing individual systems operating in the visible, IR and microwave ranges. These data indicated great potentialities for the use of space technology in investigat- ing the ocean and brought to the forefront the task of creating a specialized oceanographic earth satellite supplied with a complex of research apparatus making it possible to obtain evaluations of the informative physical parameters of the ocean and atmosphere. The artificial earth satellite "Cosmos-1078," launched on 12 February 1979, was our country's first satellite interded for perfecting methods for solving the above- mention,~d problems. One of the addirional sources of data on the world ocean is measurement in the vis- ible range (wavelength�i 0.4-0.7 �.m), in which the greatest amount of information is carried by the spectral composition of the ascending light flux. In the open parts of the ocean it carries information on the biological productivity of waters and their hydrooptical characteristics. This is making it possible to discriminate different water masses, determine their boundaries, detect eddies, zones of upwell- ing of water and other dynamic formations. In coastal regions, on the basis of water color, it is easy to differentiate waters of the continental runoff, their distribution and interaction with waters of the open sea. We nota that investiga- tions of the ascending light flux over the ocean in this range have two peculiar- - ities in comparison with measurements over the continents. It is well known that the diversity of colors, hues and contrasts on the continents is incomparably broader than at the ocean surface. For the most part different natural formations have quite distinct and sharp boundaries. In ocean waters all these characteristics are tens of times less clearly expressed and the problems of geographical "tie-in" of the results of observations are more complex to solve. Accordingly, on the one hand, the requirements on the resolution of instrumentation in situ are not so rig- _ orous for oceanological investigations as for the land, but on the other hand, the response of instrumentation for detecting differences in water masses must be high- er. A considerably higher spectral resolution is also required. Accordingly, the visible-range instrumentation carried aboard the "Cosmos-1078" oceanographic 6 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY satellite has transmission bands not exceeding a few na.nometers. Instrumentation with such a high spectral resolution was carried or a satellite for the first time. One of the most important elements in the investigation of the ocean from space is a system of calibration points at which there are direct measurements of the character- istics of the ocean surface layer. In experiments with the "Cosmos-1076" satellite. use was made of automatic buoy stations and shipboard data systems for these pur- poses. The instrunnentation placed on automatic buoy stations and a satellite makes it pos- sible to carry out a regular read-out of the data accinnulated on the automatic buoy station and transmit it to the corresponding reception centers for joint processing. In addition to solution of inethodological problems and the problems involved in the calibration of remote sensing sensors, the use of a system of automatic buoy stations in the ocean, determining the hydrophysical characteristics with depth, makes it pos- sible to pose the problem of the relationship o� surface fields (measured from a satellite) with processes in the deep layers of the ocean, at least within tr;d lim- its of the active layer. The launching of the "Seasat-1" and "Cosmos-1078" space vehicles marks a new stage - in the study of the ocean. It must be hoped that the processing and analysis of the collected data will enable oceanologists to make considerable progress in compre- _ hending both the methods for organizing observations and the essence of the process- es transpiring in the ocean-atmosphere system. 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 ruK urrlq-iwL ust unLY EXPERIMENT FOR INVESTIGATING INTERNAL ZdAVES IN OCEAN BY REMOTE METHODS Sevastopol' SPUTNIKOVAYA GEOFIZIKA in Russian 1980 pp 12-18 [Article by Yu. P1. Kuftarkov] [Text] Abstract: The article gives the results of an experiment for ascertaining the interre- lationship of temperature fluctuations in the thermocline and radiation temperature at the free surface of the ocean. It is shown that on `_he basis of the characteristic thermal radiation of the ocean in the IR spec- tral range it is possible to reconstruct the scales of internal waves in the ocean. Studies have appeared recently which have been devoted to the remote sensing of in- ternal waves. Considerable successes in solution of this problem have been at- tained fo'r the most part due to use of optical methods [1]. However, their use is possible only during the daytime under definite hydrometeorological conditions. In order to investigate the possibility of the sensing of internal waves in the IR range within the framework of the international program JASIN-78 an experiment was planned which was implemented in September-October 1978 on the expedition on the 18th voyage of the scientific research ship "Akademik Vernadskiy." We will describe the method for carrying out the experiment. Varinllt 1. Observations oi :lie field of internal gravitational waves were made from a drifting ship using an array of three sets of distributed temperature sensors (SRD). Tao sets were lowered from the ship's stern and prow and the third was plac- ed on a buoy at a distance of 100 m from the middle of the ship perpendicular to _ its side. The sets of sensors were made up of links of different scales and occup- ied the upper quasihomogeneous iayer of ttie ocean and the seasonal thermocline. The distribution of sensors with depth was as follows: the SRD-1 consisted of seven decimeter temperature sensors (RDT) and one sensor 100 m in length. Three SRD-3 sensors, two of which were each 10 m in length and one which was 50 m in length, were lowered from the ship's prow. The SRD-2, placed on the buoy, consisted of six distributed sensors: two of 50 m each, two of 25 m in length, and two with a length _ of 10 m. A set of current meters was suspended from the stern for determining the _ ship's drift relative to the water; these occupied the upper 70-m layer of the 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ocean and consisted of five DISK instruments and three BPV current meters. This scheme for the placement of RDT made possible a detailed investigation of the vettiical structure of the temperature field and made it possible to give an answer to the question as to whether we are dealing with a random group of internal gravi- tational waves or with mesoscale turbulence. In order to compute the mean profile of the .V.aislla Brent frequency characterizing the field of internal waves we carried out measurements with ISTOK instruments and a sinking probe to ascertain the fine structure. Directly at the free surface iae made observations of the microstxucture of the temperature field using a float- ing-up probe. The radiation temperature of the ocean surface was measured using an IR radiometer in the range 8-12 ).Lm with a time constant of 3 sec and a response of not less than , 0.03�C. The radiometer was mounted on a boom at the ship's prow and was directed vertically downward. The angle of view of 5� ensured averaging of the radiation temperature t p in a circle with a radius of 1 m. In the analysis use was made of data for an 8-hour measurement interval in the evening and nighttime hours as be- ing the most favorable for observing the radiation temperature of the ocean sur- face. Variant 2. The ship was at anchor (at a depth of 120 m) in the regic+n of Ampere Bank (near Gibraltar). The steep slopes of this bank (the horizontal scale along the isobath 2500 m is 30-40 km) make it a natural generator of internal waves. Ob- servations of the wave field were made using the system of distributed tempera- ture sensors described above with the single difference that it included only two sets of sensors which occupied almost the entire thickness of the water from the surface to the top of Ampere Bank. The distribution of the sensors with depth was as follows: the first RDT-100, lowered from the ship's prow, occupied the water layer from the surface to a depth of 100 m; on this same vertical there were seven other 10-m RDT-10 sensors placed successively one under the other be- ginning with a depth of 10 m; three sensors (two each 10 m in length and one SO m in length) were lowered from the ship's prow. As in variant l, here we used :neasurements of the temperature profile obtained with STD instruments, sinking and floating-up probes. Variant 3. Attention was given to a determination of the interrelationship of the spatial scales of temperature inhomogeneities in the thermocline and at the free ocean surface. The results of observations made while the ship was proceeding on course make it possible to evaluate the influence of the ship's hull on measure- ments of radiation temperature 'L P obtained in variant 2. The horizontal structure of the temperature field in the thermocline was investig- ated using the SRD--1; it was towed by a ship at a speed of 5 knots. Four runs were made of 5 miles each in different directions. At the same time observations were riade of the radiation temperature of the ocean surface. The length of the runs does not make it possible to carry out a 3oint statistical processing of the initial records at the time scales of interest to us but makes it possible to 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 h'UK Uh'h'It;lAL UhE UNLY compare the characteristic phase shifts and scales of temperature inhomogeneities - in the thermocline and at the free surface*. s t f~ ZPaa 1,.,~~ 10` k degree2�min - S 0,9 I J6 ~ ~ f-41 Ol 10-1 10"y v, Y LPdl z74 9. 4 ~ "/80 !,1 90� p�L d minutes 40 JO ?0 15 V f r.yuy Fig. 2. minutes 40 JO 1013 10 5 T MaK _ Table 1 gives the designations and characteristics of sose series of ineasurements obtained in the experiment in variants 1 and 2. Figure 1 g=.ves the spectral densit- ies of temperature in the thermocline and the radiation temparature of the free surface.All the spectra in the region of time scales 10-20 min are characterized * The observational data ohtained at drift, while at anchor and while the ship was proceeding on course are identical with respect to the effect of the interrelation- ship of temperature fluctuations in the upper thermocline and at the ocean surface and therefore only some results of the experiment will be presented below. 10 FOtt OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044456-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY b,y a rather steep (f-3 and f'4) dropoff from the low frequencies to the high fre- quencies, which gives basis for postulating a wave character of the investigated phenomenon. Table 1 Variant Instrument Number of Depth, Duration Discrete- Number of series m T, hours ness, min terms in series 1 IR radio- 1 0 7.93 0.62 772 meter RDT-10 2 40-50 7.93 0.82 772 2 IR radio- meter 3 0 7.8 0.82 760 RDT-10 4 50-60 7.8 0.82 760 The degree of interrelationship of internal waves and radiation temperature of the ocean surface at time scales from 10 to 37 min is illustrated by the coherence spectra (Fig. 2,a) and the phase spectra (rig. 2,b) of series 1,2 and 3,4. If the series were not correlated, then with a number of degrees of freedom 30 the evalu- ations of coherence with 95% guaranteed probability would not exceed the level of the random errors 0.36. The stability of the phase shifts in periods from 37 to 10 min also indicates a correlation of the temperature fluctuations in the thermo- cline and at the free surface of the ocean. ~ It was found from an analysis of the phase spectrum that the fluctuations of effect- _ ive temperature in the thermocline with an accuracy to the registry and processing of data are almost in antiphase with the radiation temperature of the free surface - of the ocean. Due to the limited nature of the observation series the cited stat- - istical analysis relates to time fluctuations with a period not more than 40 min. In order to establisti the degree of correlation between the radiation temperature of the ocean surface and the field of internal gravitational waves at all the time scales of interest to us (up to 8 hours) we used special processing methods based on the expansion of the initial fields in a system of empirical orthogonal func- ctions [2]. The expansion of the investigated field in empirical orthogonal functions is desir- able only when the f irst two or three eigenvalues in the sum are much greater than the others. In this case there is discrimination of the energy-significant fluctu- ations; the other nonenergy-carrying disturbances are suppressed or are filtered out. A special practical advantage of the empirical functions approach is that as a re- sult of expansion of the initial field in these functions oii tlie one liand there is discrimination of the coherent part of the fluctuations from each horizon, and on the other hand, there is information on the distribution of the particular hor- izon by empirical modes. 11 FQR OFFICIAIL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY l 1D r JO JD Im : 1 y -/,I,R -(lu Qy -QG Q 0,k - . . Fig. 3. Table 2 Perc.entage Content of Total Energy Modes Depths, m 0 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 1 39 30 79 92 86 2 41 36 20 7 12 Therefore it is possible to propose the following processing procedure. First, on the basis of data for RDT situated on one vertical we obtain the vertical and tem- - poral structure of the significant energy modes of the wave field and then to the initial data we add a'GP series and again construct empirical orthogonal functions. If in this case a large part of the energy 'LP is distributed in energy-significant - modes of a purely wave field, this will mean that fluctuations of the radiation tem- perature correlate with the field of internal waves. As the initial mass of data we used data on temperature fluctua.tions obtained using - iour RDT and an IR radiometer. Computations were made for these cases: 1) the em- pirical modes were obtained solely on the basis of data from the distributed sen- sors; 2) using RDT and IR-radiometer data. An analysis indicated that in both cases the first mode is energy-significant. The two lower modes together contain about 90% of the total energy of pulsation movement. Figure 3 shows curves of the ver- tical distribution of the empirical functions of the first (curves 1, 3) and sec- ond (curves 2, 4) modes characterizing the intensity of temperature fluctuations _ with depth. Curves 1, 2 describe the vertical structure of temperature fluctua- tions of the wave field without the "radiation" horizon (z = 0), curves 3, 4 char- acterize the vertical structure, including the horizon z= 0. It can be seen that the presence of the "radiation" horizon does not impair the vertical structure and 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY the profiles of the corresponding modes with exclusion of this horizon are sim- ilar to one another. The temperature fluctuations in the second mode at the ocean surface and in the seasonal thermocline (30 mm< z< 40 m) are in antiphaser that is, " the rising of the isotherms in the seasonal theriaocline is accompanied by an in- crease in temperature of the ocean surface. The first two modes (Table 2) contain more than 90% of the energy at the individual horizons where the RDT are placed, with the exception of the horizqn 10-20 m, and 80% of the energy of the radiation series (z = 0). This gives basis for speaYing of a high degree of correlation of fluctuations of radiation temperature of the free surface and internal gravitational waves. The energy contribution to the em- pirical modes from a depth of 10-20 m is determined very inexactly, since less than 1% of the total energy is accounted for by this depth Thus, the cross-statistical analysis cited above and a special analysis based on an expansion of the initial fields in a system of empirical orthogonal functions indi- cated that on the basis of IR photographs of the free ocean surface it is in prin- ciple possible to "reconstruct" the scales of internal waves and determine the zones of their convergence and divergence. _ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Apel, J. R., et al., "Observations of Oceanic Internal and Surface Waves From the Earth Resources Technology Satellite," J. GEOPH. RES., Vol 80, No 6, pp 865- 881, 1975. 2. Moore, D., "Empirical Orthogonal Functions a Nonstatistical Viet," HOT LINE NEWS, No 67, pp 1-9, 1974. 13 FOR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040056-1 rvim vrria,iwa, vaz wivLtt ~ DETERMINATION OF�PARAMETERS OF INTERNAL WAVES BY REMOTE METHODS Sevastopol' SPUTNIKOVAYA GEOFIZIKA in Russian 1980 pp 19-27 [Article by V. N. Kudryavtsev] [Text] Abstract: A study was made of the problems involved in the sensing of internal waves from the characteristic IR radiation of - the ocean. The author proposes a very simple model of the appearance of internal waves in the radiation temperature field of the _ surface based on a redistribution by the field of induced velocity of the concentra- tion of surface active substances having an emissivity differing from sea water. Computations using the formulated model are compared with experimental data. An expres- - sion is proposed which makes it possible to reconstruct the energy spectrum of internal waves on the basis of the radiation tempera- ture spectrum. - Introduction. Recently the formulation of the problem of determining the parameters of dynamic processes in the ocean by remote methods has become timely [1]. A solu- � tion of such a problem primarily involves an analysis of the effect of the inves- tigated phenomenon on tfie physical parameters of the ocean surface, whose varia- tions are registered by remote apparatus. For example, the authors of [2] examined the the problem of the appearance of a synoptic eddy formation in the thermal structure of the upper quasihomogeneous layer. The mentioned model can have application to determination of the scales and intensity of an eddy on the basis of data from IR sensing of the ocean'surface from aboard flightcraft. Only the first steps have been taken in the investigation of internal waves by remote methods. Using the ef- fects ot suppression of ripples in definite zones of a current induced by internal waves the authors of [8] were able to observe internal waves in the Gulf of Calif- ornia from space. However, the use of optical methods is possible only during the daytime under definite hydrometeorological conditions. Source [3] gave the results - of an experiment for ascertaining the interrelationship between the field of IR radiation temperature and displacements of the thermocline. An analysis of the ex- perimental data indicAted that the radiation temperature field can be a valuable source of information on the scales and energy of internal waves. 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044456-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 'lhe purpose of this articie is the formulation of a very simple model for deter- mining the spatial-tPmporal aad energy characteristics of internal waves on the basis of the field of radiation temperature of the ocean surface. 1)eLermination of Radiation Temperature Ln the IR range the radiation temperature of the ocean is determined from the ener- gy brightness < e?, averaged for the surface So viewed by the radiometer, rdtigly, a change in the intens.ity of capillary waves and a redistrihution of surface active substances (on which the rate of evaporat,ion is. dependent) by the field of internal waves leads to the appearance of TS :inomalies wiiicli in ;uny c:atie witl be a mriximum of atiout T. Emissivity is also dependent on the type and concentration of surface active substances. For example, according to the data ir_ [6], films of petroleum and its products, depending on the concentration, are capable of changing ~ by several hundredths. As can be seen from (3), the varia- N N tion 0.01 leads to TP = 0.6 K. This estimate indicates a potentially high con- tribution of films of surface active substances to the formation of TP contrasts. _ i'iius:, investigation of problems relating to redistribution of the concentration F of surface active substances by the field of internal waves and a knowledge of the functional dependence F_ ) for different. really encountered types of surface active substances is the central problem in formulating theoretical mod- els for IR sensing of internal waves. Now we will examine a very simple model. We will assume that for the field of in- ternal waves the ratio of the induced surface velocity U to the phase velocity C is a small value, that is, U/C > 1, then C2=g~Pho, �Po ih Fi = ho/2 and expression (18) assumes the form 0 ! L Zo'! Cy � (19` J - Summarv The results of the cited analyses show the fundamental possibility of determining the dynamic structure of internal waves by the method of remote registry of the characteristic IR radiation of the ocean surface. An important point in the con- sidered theoretical model is the need for the presence of a surface active sub- stance differing with respect to its emission properties from sea water. This cir- cumstance does not reduce the model proposed here to a special case since the ocean surface is virtually always contaminated by surface active substances as a result of vital functions and deconposition of marine organisms, and also as a result of man's activity. The redistribution of the concentration of surface active sub- , stances by the field of internal waves leads, on the one hand, to modulation of t}le coef:ficient of attenuation of capillary-gravitational ripples and the for�ma- tion of slicks, and on the other hand, to modulation of ocean surface emissivity. ThE! Eirst effect was used in [8] for sensing of interrtal waves in the'visible range Crom slicks on the surface; the second lies at the basis of sensing internal waves in the IR range. In conclusion we note that the possibility of practical use of the method of IR sensing of internal waves is related to an investigation of the capability of the atmospheric layer to transmit the contrasts of characteristic emission of the ocean. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Pdelepo, B. A., Khmyrov, B. Ye., Terekhin, Yu. V., et al., PROBLEMY, VOZMOZHNOSTI I PERSPEKTIVY KOSMICHESKOY OKEANOGRAFII (Problems, Possibilities and Prospects of Space Oceanography), Preprint No 4, Sevastopol', Izd-vo MGI AN UkSSR, 1979, 52 pages. 20 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2. Nclepo, B. A., Kuftarkov, Yu. M. and Kosnyrev, V. K., "On the Problem of Determining the Parameters of Synoptic Eddies in the Ocean From Artificial Earth Satellites," DAN SSSR (Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences), Vol - 242, No 6, pp 1289-1292, 1978. 3. Nelepo, B. A. and Kuftarkov, Yu. M., "Experimental Investigation of 'the Char- - acteristics of Internal Waves in the Ocean by Remote Methods," DA17 AN SSSR, Vol 249, No 4, pp 980-983 [year not given]. - 4. Bramson, M. A., Zel'manovich, I. L. and Kulestiova, G. I., "Emissivity of Water in the Spectral IR Region," TRUDY GGO (Transactions of the Main Geophysical Observatory), No 152, Leningrad, pp 31-67, 1964. 5. Kudryavtsev, V. N., "Evaluatt.on of the Temperature Contrast Between a Slick and the Clean Surface," in press. 6. Bogorodskiy, V. V., Kropotkin, M. A. and Sheveleva, T. Yu., "Investigation of the Influence of Petroleum Contaminations, Salinity and Some Other Factors on the Optical Propertj_es of Water in the IR Spectral Region," METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA (Meteorology and Hydrology), No 12, pp 3-9, 1974. 7. Levich, V. G., FIZIKO-KHIMICHESKAYA GIDRODINAMIKA (Physicochemical Hydrodynam-- ics), Mos.cow, GIFML, 1959, 699 pages. 8. Apel, J. R., et al., "Observation of Oceanic Internal and Surface Waves From the Earth Resources Technology Satellite," J. GEOPHYS. RES., Vol 80, No 6, pp 865-881, 1975. 21 FOR OF'F[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044456-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY REMOTE MEASUREMENT OF OCEAN TEMPERATURE IN IR RANGE USING REFERENCE POINTS Sevastopol' SPUTNIKOVAYA GEOFIZIKA in Russian 1980 pp 28-32 [Article by V. S. Suyetin] [Text] Abstract: A study was made of the possib- - ility of interpreting multichannel remote measurements of IR radiation of the ocean under conditions of cloud cover with gaps liaving unknown characteristics for the pur- nose of obtsining the temperature field of the ocean surface. As additional informa- tion the author proposes.use of data from direct measurements of surface temperature at individual reference points. Modern oceanology is imposing extremely high requirements on the accuracy and de- tail uf ineasurements of the temperature field of the ocean surface [1]. These re- quirements can in principle be satisfied by remote measurement methods in the IP. range by means of high-resolution scanning radiometers. One of the principal rea- sons for the substantial errors in determining ocean temperature on the basis of data from IR measurements is cloud cover, in part covering the radiometer field of view (resolut.ion element) [2] and leading to an apparent temperature decrease. A rigorous solution of the problem of allowance for clouds is complicated by the Eact ttiat their temperature and optical characteristics can vary in a wide range. This leads to an increase in the number of undetermined factors and accordingly requires the use of additional initial information and the adoption of simplify- inK assumptions. For example, the authors of [3, 4] proposed a method for the interpretation of simultaneous measurements of the radiation at two wavelengths (~11 = 2.7, ;1 2= 11.11A.m) on the assumption that ocean temperature and the characteristics of clouds are constant within the limits of some area considerably greater than the ttie size of a resolution element. Only the relative error eAjof clouds entering into the radiometer field of view is considered variable. Iii solving problems in study of variability of the ocean [1] the assumption of a constancy of its temperature is unacceptable. In this article a study is made of tlle possibility of taking clouds into account under conditions of a substantial spatial variability of the temperature field by use of multichannel remote 22 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440056-1 rOH ONN�iCIni. uSH: ONI.v measurements in the IR range and use of direct measurements of the ocean surface at individual reference points. Zn the case of translucent cloucis it is proposed that measurements be made at not totis Lhzin three wavelengths in tfie windows of atmospheric transparency. In the case of opaque clouds two wavelengths can be adequate. As a simplification we . will assume that the directional diagrams for each measurement channel are iden- - tical and have a right-angle configuration. Within the limits of a resolution element the temperature T of the ocean surface will be considered constant. The intensity of the measured radiation of the wavelength Ai will be represented in the following way: 7= 1(') + ~7~t~ , where ,71(l) a~}d.7�(2) is the radiation with 0 and 1 respectively. Assume � that ji= ~fil~~ are fixed radiation values measured at the point for which the surface temperature is known and equal to Tp. The corresponding Z'J value (unknown) will be denoted liJ0. Taking into account that the variations of surface tempera- - ture T do not exceed several degrees, for a description of the deviations 7i - ji(o) it is possible to use the approximate expression � d.7=~:R dB 4i +xZ li'e(,kj, r,)- ~ 67- (1) as(~ , T - s~ -x~ R e , ro) ~ (~-Wo)+(~p )x~ dT ' where B(,A , T) is the Planck function; B r) = B (~,r)+ -577--~ 9 , T- TO;9i is the sea surface blackness coefficient; Pi is the transmission roeff icient with = 0(cloudless atmosphere); (ri is the atmospheric transmis- ~:ion function with W= 1. Here we used the following expressions: (k, J4)= xlr,6 (Ai,T) +F ~ u�here Fi is atmospheric radiation with cJ= 1(including solar radiation reflected or scattered by clouds); (,~i is atmospheric radiation with cJ = 0. Tn vector form model (1) assumes the form - t= Baj+~ G!-GIo ) !I'1 + 9fVQf , (2) wliere a~`> x~ P� d dT'~ BC P o)-XBC~t~,T); J= ~ c i _ c1'=,1-f1+1 ~ a(T `or i= 1,..., n; n is the number of the measurement channels.We will assume that for the analyzed set of remor_e measurements at a number of lioints (scanning elements) only g and eJ are variable factors. The problem essen- Lia11y involves a search for the B k, k= 1,...,N values; N is the full number of iinalyzed measurement points. 23 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040056-1 FOR OFFI('IAL USE UNLY As i5 we 11 known, the d(i and Pi values can be stipulated a priori with an accur.- - Licy no worse than several percent. In seeking the absolute T values exclusively on tlie basis of remote measurements such an accuracy is too low, but in an analy- sis of the values of the deviations JJi and d the solution errors associated with _ error.s in stipulating the Xi and Pi values will evidently be negligible. We note t}iat for a more precise stipulation of these values it is possible to employ cvn- tact measurements at reference points and also remote measurements of microwave radiation. Thus, the vector al can be considered fully stipulated. With respect to a2 and a3, they must be considered unknown because the corresponding cloud cover characteristics Fi and ri can be stipulated a priori onl.y extremely approximate- ly. We will examine the following two characteristic cases. L. The vectors ai, 2, a3 are linearly independent. In this case (1 ~ 0(with (~i 0 the vectors ai and -93 are proportional), that is, the cloud cover is trans- i.ucent. In addition, the number of ineasurement channels is n% 3. 'Z. TheJvector i 3 is proportional to ai, that is, there is some coefficient E with which a3 al. In the case of opaque clouds 0 and -l. A situation when a3 and _~1 are not proportional and nevertheless the system of vec- tors a~, a2, a3 is linearly dependent is degenerate and is not examined hereafter. c:ase 1. A solution can be obyaiyed directly from (2) i~ the form e=(h,t) ifone _ (inds such a h vector that (h, al) = 1 and (h, a2) _(h, ag) = 0(the scalar pro- - duct is denoted by parentheses). Since n,3 and the vectors ai, a2, a3 are linear- ly independent, such an h evidently exists. In order for it to be determined we will use direct measurements of surface temperature at two other reference points in addition to the point taken as the reckoning level ji(0). The corresponding �9 values are denoted by B1 = Tl - Tp and B2 = T2 - To. We will rewrite (2) for these points (k = l, 2) in the form (3) - The vectors i and V. are known. If the reference points are representative, it can be assumed that ~1 and w2 are nonproportional; then these vectors generate a ptane in n-dimensional space, which according to (3) contains the vectors 2 and ~13. Accordingly, if we take some vector orthogonal to w and w2, with the corres- , ponding normalization it will be the sought-for vector - ;i1 this case use is made of reference measurements of temperature at three points: oie measurement (TO) is for establishing the absolute level and two measurements (Tl ~ U= (6,11) 9Z gZ CB~t2~ , L In a general case U is nondegenerate and therefore the values can be found at all points at which 1+ . Bt (A z). (1) [n ttie Optics Section of the Marine HydrnPhysical Institute Qf tlie Ukraiitian Ac�;icleTUy c>f Sciences sPecialists have recently designed an instrument whieh now makes :it noss:Lble to determine the value J' = k J, where k= const. The operat- ing principle of the instrument and the results of the first investigations were given in [1]. In remote measurements the registered value will be dependent primarily on .the external illumination conditions. 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY For the purpose of clarifying the influence of this factor on the results of non- - contact measurements of the color index specialists on the 31st voyage of the scientific research ship "Mikhail Lomonosov" carried out observations with deepen- ing of an instrument similar to [1] by 5-6 m and then at a height of 3-4 m from the water surface. It is evident that in the latter case there will be registry of the value J'sea - kJsea, Wlier.e _ ~sea Jsea - B Bsta ( T2) is the color index of the sea, equal to the ratio of the two spectral sea bright- nesses. For the direction to the nadir we can write Bsea~~) = n2 Br+ r Bsky(2) where Bsky( T) is the spectral brightness of the sky in the zenith; t and g are the coefficients of transmission and reflection of light by the water surface re- spectively (surface free of foam); n is the refractive index. Simultaneously with ' and J'sea there was also registry of the value JSc' = kJsc, where Bs Jsc - c( ,/A1) Bt~~l 2) is the color index of a horizontally, placed white screen isotropically reflecting solar radiation and sky radiation (BSc( is the spectral brightness of the screen), ~1 and A2 in the index meter are equal to 568 and 448 nm respectively. In order to compare the data obtained with different instruments it is necessary to normalize the J' and J~ea values to the color index of a standard object, us- a white screen for this purpose. It can be seen that the norimalized color ndices for the water layer and sea, that is, JSkY = J'/J'Sc and Jsea Jsea~ are equal to the ratio of tlie corresponding spectral brightness coefficients Jsky = p(,11)/p ( il2)31 (3) Jsea - Psea01 l) / Psea( A2)� t is known that the spectral brightness coefficients for the water layer, and ;ccordingly, also their ratio, are dependent in tliis case only on the primary - 1ydrooptical characteristics. Table 1 gives the values of the parameters J', ,i' , Jsky and Jsky obtained at one of the stations during sunny weather and ~ter a~~ialf-hour when there was a continuous cloud cover. It can be seen that the normalized color index of the water layer Jsky is not dependent on the ex- i:ernal illumination conditions. Figure 1 shows the dependence of J' a on JSkY under different meteorological con- clitions: from a full sun in a c1ouaIess sky (0) to continuous low cloud cover :i.nd a sun in the haze (0). There were 32 series of ineasurements, of which 10 were i_n clear weather. The presence of cloud covers of d..ifferent character lead to a 37 FpR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040056-1 FOR OFFIClAL USE ONLY considerable scatter of the experimental points. Table 2 gives the correlation co- eff.icients rXy. The upper lines in Table 2 correspond to the results obtained in sunny weather; the lower lines correspond to cloudy weather. The high value of the correlation coefficient between Jsea and JskY in the case of a clear sun and a relatively low value of the correlation coefficient in tne presence of a cloud cover is evidently attributable to the fact that the spectral composition of the radiation incident on the sea surface in the first case (with a not very low sun) changes insignificantly, but in the second case was subject to considerable vari- ations [2], which leads to fluctuations Bsea01), and accordingly, fluctuations of the color index of the sea. The value of the J' parameter is also dependent on meteorological conditions: as a rule, it is grIffer when a cloud cover is present than when there is a clear day. This means that the fraction of green light in the radiation of the cloudy sky is greater than in the radiation of a clear sky, since the J' measurements were made at the nadir and the direct sunlight reflect- ed from theSSea surface did not enter the instrument field of view. Sun flashes arising due to the waves were excluded. In actuality, using the data in Table 11.3 from [2] we find that the ratio B~ ky(568 nm)/Bsky (446 nm) for the cloudy and clear sky is equal to 0.92 and 0.~5 respectively. , Jr ~y sea 0,4 . : � . ~ � � q1 . , 7'ype of illumination Sunny Continuous clouds . , 0 0,10 Fig. 1. Measurement time ].400 ) 430 Jsky 0,10 J Table 1 , JT J Jsk J sea sky sea 0.092 0.23 0.38 0.15 0.075 0.30 0.59 0.15 'I'he dependence of the normalized colc>r index of the sea on the normalized color Index of the water layer as a whole is similar to the functional relationship 'Jsea - f(Jsky). The normalization of the Jsea to Jsc leads to some decrease in the scatter of points and an increase in the correlation coefficient in comparison witli the data considered earlier. However, the r value for the cloudy sky never- theless remains low (Table 2). .\ccordingly, with the use of an instrument registering radiation of the sea layer :�>ome uncertainty is introduced into the color index, making it impossible to make iull allowance for the spectral composition of skylight reflected from the sea ::ur.face. 38 F()R OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-04850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE Ol'VLY T~ J . ; ; � . ~ . . ~l0 . . ~ . ~ � � , � ~ . � i ?,03 " 1 t . j . Jsky ~ 0,05 Q14 0,13 010 J" Fig. 2. Table 2 Type of dependence r XY J' = f(JSkY) 0.972 sea 0.611 Jsky = f(Jsky) 0.982 sea 0.762 J' = f (Jsky) . 0.996 0.869 It is inter,esting to clarify the degree of influence of external illumination con- ditions on the J' value, measured by the contact method. Figure 2 represents the depehdence of J' on JSkY. Here the rXY values in both cases are quite high. It can be seen that the color index of the water layer is slightly dependent on the changes in tfie spectral composition of the incident radiation, as was demonstrat- ed earlier in [4]. Conclusions 1. The results of ineasurements made by contact and noncontact methods correlate with one another. The numerical value of the correlation coefficient is dependent on the conditions of external illumination: it is greater in the case of a cloud- less sky. . 2. The values of the normalized color index of the sea Jsea are greater in the presence of a cloud cover than during cl.ear weather. 3. The color index of the water layer J' is slightly dependant on the external il- lumination conditions. The results obtained in this study are of a preliminary cha.racter since the inves- tigations were made in regions of the Atlantic Ocean characterized by a high ' transparency [3] and a low biological producti.vity (the concentration of'chloro- phyll "a" in the upper layer of the ocean is C 0.2 mg/m3). In the future, for a more complete analysis, it is necessary to carry out such measurements in waters with a high level of the light attenuation index and biological productivity. 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040056-1 N'UN Uh'M'1(;IAL USE UNLY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Li, M. Ye. and Martynov, 0. V., "Some Results of Investigations of the Color Index in the Sea," MORSKIYE GIDROFIZICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA (Marine Hydrophys- ical Investigations), No 1, Sevastopol', Izd-vo MGI AN UkrSSR, pp 133-138, 1976. 2. Semenchenko, I. V., "Sea Brightness," PRIMENENIYE AEROMETODOV DLYA ISSLEDOVAN- IYA PiORYA (Application of Aerial Methods for Investigating the Sea), Moscow- Leningrad, Izd-vb AN SSSR, p 15, 1963. 3. Voskresenskiy, V. N., Martynov, 0. V. and Shempura, V. Ye., "Hydrooptical In- vestigations During the 31st Voyage of the Scientific Research Ship 'Mikhail Lomonosov'," MORSKIYE GIDROFIZICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA, No 2, Sevastopol', Izd-vo MGI AN UkrSSR, pp 180-184, 1974. - 4. Neuymin, G. G., Solov'yevs M. V. and Martynov, 0. V., "Some Results of Measure- ments of the Color Index of Waters of Different Regions in the World Ocean," OPTICIiESKIYE METODY IZUCHENIYA OKEANOV I VNUTRENNIKH VODOYEMOV (Optical Meth- ods for Studying the Oceans and Internal Water Bodies), Novosibirsk, "Nauka," pp 27-33, 1979. 5. Clarke, G. L., Ewing, G. C. and Lorenzen, D. J., "Remote Measurements of Ocean Color as an Index of Biological Productivity,." PROC. OF VI SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, Univ. of Michigan, Oct 69. 40 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INVESTIGATION OF THE ICE COVER OF SEAS FROM ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES Sevastopol' SPUTNIKAYA GIDROFIZIKA in Russian 1980 pp 47-57 [Article by A. V. Bushuyev] [Text] Abstract: The article describes the character- istics of the ice cover, which can be determined - from television photographs of artif icial earth satellites, and also methods for finding the boundaries of zones of different compaction and ice drift vectors. The effectiveness of use of the analytical method for studying the ice cover and supporting the navigation of ships de- veloped at the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute is demonstrated. Also consid- - ered are the prospects for further improvement _ of inethods for obtaining and processing satel- lite information from ice cover observations. From the moment of launching of the first meteorological artif icial earth satel- lites it became obvious that they can be an effective means for studying not only meteorological elements, but also sea ice. Already in 1968 the first satellite maps of ice distribution in Antarctica were compiled and satellite photographs came into regular use for refining and supplementing ice maps compiled on the basis of data from aircraft ice reconnaissance [3]. in the initial stage only frame TV systems which made a survey in the visible range were used for ice observatinns. Artificial earth satellites are outfitted with scanning systems which are used in a survey in the blue or several spectral ranges and have a higher resolution and constant light distribution over the frame field, as a resulC of which the photographs have measurement properties. The collection of.information in the visible range (TV information) is possible when the survey region is adequately illuminated by the sun. Such a survey is us- ed for ice observations in arctic seas from March through October, in Antaretica from September tlirough April. With development of remote sensing techniques it was possible to obtain images of the earth's surface in the IR (8T1214 m) and microwave or SHF (0.8-3.0 cm) spectral ranges of electromagnetic waves. 41 FQR OFFICIitL USE OIeIII.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040056-1 H'Ult Uh'N'1(;IAL USE UNLY Ttiermal IR radiation is almost not dependent on illumination, but for the detection of sea ice it is necessary that there be an adequate temperature contrast between surface ice fields and open water. Since in summer such a contrast is virtually absent, IR information can be used for ice observations only during winter. Instruments for the registry of the natural radiation of underlying surfaces in the microwave part of the spectrum (passive SHF sensors) make it possible to carry out observations regardless of ineteorological canditions and illumination. This is a substantial advantage of such instruments, but in actual: practice ex- tensive use is made of instruments operating in the visible range, since the photographs taken with such instruments most precisely transmit the desired in- formation on the parameters of the ice cover. The data obtained on ice conditions obtained as a result of the processing of space videoinformation at sea should be represented in the form of maps at a stipulated scale and in a stipulated projection. The principal processes used in the compilation- of ice maps are interpretation and geographic tie-in. By the term interpretation of sea ice is meant the recognition of different ice features and determination of the characteristics [4, 8, 11] of the ice cover as a whole. In order to identify the image peculiarities on a television photograph of a spe- cific sector of the ice cover with its characteristics it is necessary to have data on characteristic "standard" sectors. The observations in such polygons, including radar observations and aerial photographs and other types of remote sensing, as well as a broad complex of on-ice observations, including with the use of diving techniques, are being systematically carried out by the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute on the drifting ice in the Arctic Ocean. The institute has developed a system of interpretation criteria and the possibil- ities of determination of the characteristics of the ice cover were evaluated on the basis of its image on the television photographr. Using TV photographs with a resolution of 1-2 lan on the ground, taken in the absence of a cloud cover, it is possible to determine the compaction o= ice in the range of the principal grada- tions (9-10, 7-8, 4-5, and sometimes also 1-3 scale units), the position of boun- daries of zones of different compaction, individual ice fields greater than 4 1m across, channels and leads wider than 0.5-1.0 lm. As a result of simultaneous scanning of the entire sea area the photographs of artificial earth satellites make it possible to detect a complex pattern of ice distribution, inevitably sim- pl.ified with the interpolation of cond3tions between aerial ice reconnaissance flight lines, to register a system of main channels and leads, to determine the position and conf iguration of gigantic ice fields. The most valuable data can be obtained on the dynamics of ice. If the distribution of ice has been established by aerial ice reconnaissance, information on drift was limited to data from two or three drifting stations and data from individual runs obtained as a result of repeated aerial photographic surveys in individual straits and in the coastal sectors of the seas. With the appearance of satellites whose scanning radiometers have the above-men- - tioned resolution, it became possible to determine the drift field within the limits of the entire sea. 42 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The plotting of the boundaries of zones with different ice compaction in the com- pilation of ice maps and the investigation of ice dynamics require a high accur- acy in geographic tie-in, by which is meant determination.of the position on the earth's surface (and accordingly, on any map) of the features interpreted on the photograph. Since space photographs cover extensive sectors of the earth's sur- face (which leads to a need for taking into account the earth's curvature and the variable scale of the maps) and due to the peculiarities in obtaining images with scanning systems, the transformation of satellite photographs into a stip- ulated projection requires nonlinear transformations. Such a transformation is accomplished most precisely by the analytical method with use of digital comput- ers. The geographic tie-in of TV photographs when they are used for ice and meteorolog- ical observations was accomplished by a graphic method [5, 7, 10]. Due to the low accuracy, in this case it was possible to compile only small-scale general ice maps (1:10,000,000 or smaller); there was virtually no possibility of determin- ing the ice drift vectors. During recent years specialists at the Arctic and Antarctic Institute have devel- oped and introduced a method which provides for the analytical transformation of coordinates not for all photograph elements, but only for individual points (the turning points of ice boundaries, individual ice fields). The process of geograph- ic tie-in in such cases includes three principal stages: measurement of the coor- dinates of points on the photograph and the input of data into a computer, analyt- ical transformation of the measured coordinates and output in digital or graphic form. In the processing scheme the input units were photogrammetric instruments for measuring the rectangular coordinates of the photographs; the data output units are curve plotters and a printout unit. In the future this wi11 make it pos- sible to introduce the analytical method at most autonomous data reception sta- tions. It is desirable that the processing system be developed on the basis of a mini- - computer (an "Iskra-125" keyboard electronic computer is used at the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute [9]), but it is also possible to employ large universal computers ("Minsk-22," "Minsk-32" and others). Among the most important features of the a].gorithm for .solution of this problem is that it can be so lved using the formulas of spherical trigonometry without the introduction of an intermediate geodetic coordinate system; the coordinates of tlte control points are computed after simuttaneous measurement (on a stereophoto- Krammetric instrument) of the coordinates of photograph points and the corres- ponding points on the map diapo sitive; the correction equation along each coordin- ate a:cis is a first-degree polynomial. The data obtained as a result of the processing of a single photograph are ready for output to a curve plotter (F ig. 1) and for transmission to users in the form of telegrams (the geographic coordinates of the turning points of ice boundaries). The developed method provides for the possibility of joint processing of a pair of photographs for determining the drift vectors during the period between photo- graphic surveys (Fig. 2,a). 43 FQR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The results of the calculations, in addition to output to the digital printout unit, are simultaneously registered on the magnetic tape in a cassette, which makes it possible to carry out further processing (Fig. 2,b). The analytic geographic tie-in mPthod was developed in 1975 and was used for the first time on an expedition aboard the scientific research ship "Mikhai'_ Somov" in May-June 1976. Experience has shown that for the direct support of ship navi- gation, in addition to the maximum possible accuracy, there must also be a maxi- mum detail of map representation of individual fields, channels, leads, ic:e ac- cumulations and spots. Due to the impossibility of an analytical determination of coordinates of the - necessary number of points a detailsd representation of ice conditions to a con- siderable degree is impossible. Taking this into account, a method for combined analytical and optical-mechanical processing of TV photographs of the "Meteor-2" artificial earth satellite was developed [2]. This method involves essentially the following: some of the photograph, depicting the navigation region, is brok- en down into a grid of squares of limited area (or rectangular grid units) and the geographical and rectangular (on a map of a given scale) coordinates of thsir cor- ners are determined analytically. Using these data a grid of quadrilaterals is constructed on a blank map, after which the photograph is projected by elemen- tary areas onto the map. In order to exclude the transformation process within the limits of each quadrilateral there has been a modernization of the "Neva" FPVF phototelegraphic apparatus, ensuring an approximate reduction of the photo- graphs to a near-horizontal form. It has been established that such a combined method, retaining the accuracy of ana- lytical tie-in, makes it possible to represent far more details of structure of the ice cover. In order to make use of all the information available on the pho- tograpr we also developed a method for determining the position of the ship di- rectly on a satellite photograph, which is accomplished using the main pregram for a geographic tie-in by the successive approximations method. The relatively high resolution of the new Soviet artificial earth satellites of the "Meteor-2" type, their operation in a direct transmission regime, and the practical introduction of the methods for interpreting and processing of satel- lite video inf ormat ion developed at the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research - Institute have substantially increased the possibility and effectiveness of use of the latter both for the study of the ice regime of the seas and for routine _ Gupport of the navigation of ships. Under favorable meteorological conditions, using satellite photographs it is pos- sible to compile maps of the distribution of ice by degree of compactness, which - with respect to detail and accuracy are not inferior to maps prepared on the ba- sis of aerial ice reconnaissance. There are great possibilities for using these - photogr.aphs for investigating the parameters characterizing ice dynamics (dis- placement of the boundaries and edges, drift of individual components of the ice cover, formation of polynias, channels and thinnings, breaking off of shore ice, formation and breakup of ice concentrations, spots and bands). 44 F4R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fig. 2a. Map of ice drift vectors. A further increase in the role of satellite ice observations involves an improve- ment of instrumentation and methods for remote sensing from space, nzans for the pro cessing and interpretation of data. The principal direction in improvement of instrumentation is an increase in the accuracy of the measured parameters of electromagnetic fields and the spatial- temporal resolution of multispectral measurements in the visible, IR and micro- wave spectral regions. Emphasis must be on the microwave range, observations in 45 FqR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FUR UFhI('lAl. l'tiH: UN1.1 / t k ~ � \ Fig. 2,b. Field of drif t at points of intersection of a reg- ular grid and map of divergence of current velocities. uPc~cxa nbt~oa . ~ tx ~ i IlASapcexcusa ; eexropeora na1a i CICOpOCT9fi llE1Eft~a ~ 'MAr ~07...- 0.7 / 1 3~~-z~"' ~ r 00 - , 0000 46 , FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY Lo- ~ v~ i ~p \ . , KEY: 1) Ice edge 2) Divergence of vector field of drift velocity APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040056-1 FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY ' wliich are virtually not dependent on ill~mination and cloud cover and can actually _i hecome regular. At the present time the limited use of this range is associated - only with the low resolution of videoinformation. Thus, on the basis of photographs f rom the SHF scanning radiometer on the American "Nimbus-5" artificial earth sat- eLlite [13], operating in the range of wavelengths 1.55 cm and having a resolution at the nadir of about 30 km, for practical purposes it is possible to make a reli- able determination only of the ice edges, that is, the boundaries between the drift- ing ice and the open water. This is attributa'ole to the fact that the radiobright- ness temperature is dependent on the thermodynamic temperature and emissivity of matter. It has been established [12] that the emissivity in the wavelength range 1.55 cm is: for sea water 0.40, for one-year sea ice 0.95, for perennial ice 0.80. Such a difference ensures an adequate contrast of radiobrightness temper- arures of all three underlying surfaces. However, in order to determine the age composition of ice and its degree o� compactness on the basis of, data from the SHF r:idiometer the resolution area must be less than the dimensions of uniform ice fLelds (2-5 km). Otherwise.the change in compactness may be interpreted as a change in the age composition of the ice and vice versa. Tlie variability of ice conditions leads to a rapid "aging" of ice information, af- ter which it toses operational significance and can be employed only for research purposes. According to established practice, ice information must be sent to the di.rect user the director of sea operations ox ship's captain several hours after a survey has been made. Accordingly, in the future everything possible must be done to develop a system for direct radio transmisstons from satellites to autonomous simplified data reception stations servicing individual users [6]. All remote methods for collecting ice information are indirect. When carrying out aerial and satellite instrumental ice observations the evaluation of ice cover characteristics is possible only as a result of use of a complex of sensors oper- ating in different parts of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves. As a rule, the measured parameters of the field of electromtgnetic radiation are dependent on a whole series of factors. The necessity for correlation of the signals registered from remote sensors with ic�e characteristics and solution of the prob:Lem of collating and correction of d:ita collected at different times and data oE different kinds requires the auto- mation of the pri.mary processing and analysis of data from remote sounding of the ic�e cover. The investigations carried out at the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research In- stitute indicated the fundamental possibility of automating the determination of icP compactness and forms (horizontal dimensions of floes) from television photo- graphs. The processing process will probably be of a semiautomatic character: the observer will discriminate the part of the pliotograph free of cloud cover and the boundaries of the zones. The subsequent determination of ice compactness within the liinits of the zones and construction of histograms of distribution of ice fields by extent will be accomplished automatically. Particular attention must be devoted to the creation of a standardized instrument cumplex adequately simple for introduction in the entire network of data reception points and at the same time making it possible, to the maximum degree possibley to automate the data processing process. 47 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 MUK UNMII,lAL UJt UIVLY However, in the future satellite ice observations cannot replace all the remain- ing types of observations. In satellite observations it is impossible to deter- mine the age of hummocking, form and destruction of the ice cover. It is evident that for investigation of macro-, meso- and microprocesses in the ice cover ob- servations must be carried out in all spectral ranges of electromagnetic waves and at all levels, including satellites, aircraft, ships and direct observations on the ice. Taking this into account, specialists at the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Re- search Institute have developed a structural scheme and have initiated studies for the creation of a complex system of an automated type whose subsystems en- sure the collection of ice information, input, storage and subsequent process- . ing, tie in of different kinds of flows of data, output in a form suitable for computer analysis and routine use, preparation of numerical short-range and long- range ice forecasts, archival storage of data, search and output [1]. _ In this system satellite ice observations will be used for mapping the distribu- tion and dynamic state of the ice within the limits of individual seas and the hemisphere as a whole. Data from aerial and shipboard observations will then be plotted on these very same maps, which makes it possible to combine the breadth of scanning of satellite photographs with the completeness and detail of ice characteristics on ice aerial reconnaissance maps. The determination of drift vectors from artiL-ic-ial earth satellite photographs will make it possible to ac- cumulate data on the age composition, form, hummocking and degree of destruction of the ice cover. Even adequately modern measurement complexes cannot provide all the f.ormation concerning the state of the ice cover with the spatial and temporal de- tail required for practical work. Accordingly, the computation and forecasting subsystem is of great importance in the created automated ice-information system for the Arctic (ALISA). The task of this subsystem is as follows: 1) daily computation of the spatial distribution of highly important characteris- tics of the ice cover: thickness, compactness, hummocking, degree of destruction, intensity of compression, etc.; 2) correction of the results of computations by data received from the subsystem for tlie collection of ice-hydrological information; 3) formulation of ice forecasts for different times in advance. Since the matching of the results of computations with observational data will oc- cupy an important place in the ALISA system, the problem of developing an effec- tive correction method must be devoted great attention. It is assumed that the basis for this method will be the principles of modeling of deformations of sur- faces developed at the Institute of Data Transmission Problems (IPPI, AN SSSR). The ALISA is being created on the basis of and with the use of the experience with the existing system for scientific-operational support of navigation. Here satel- lite observatiens have been assigned an extremely great and very definite place. 48 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 _ FOR QFFICIAL USE ONLY With the development and improvement of technology and methods for remote sens- ing from space the role and importance of observations from artif icial earth sat- ellites will be increased still more. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Nushuyev, A. V., Volkov, N. A., Gudkovich, Z. M., et al., "Automated Ice-Infor- mation System for the Arctic (ALISA)," TRUDY AANII (Transactions of the Arc- tic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute), Vol 343, Leningrad, pp 8-18, 1977. 2. Bushuyev, A. V., "Use of Satellite Information in Studying the Ice Regime of Seas and Support of Ship Navigation," I S"YEZD SOVETSKIKH OKEANOLOGOV. TEZISY DOKLADOV (First Congress of Soviet Oceanologists. Summaries of Reports), tdo 1, Moscow, "Nauka," 1977, 181 pages. 3. Bushuyev, A. V. and Volkov, N. A., "Meteorological Artificial Earth Satellites - as a Means for Observing Ice," PROBLEMY ARKTIKI I ANTARKTIKI (Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic), No 33, pp 5-12, 1970. - 4. Bushuyev, A. V., Volkov, N. A. and Loshilov, V. 0., ATLAS LEDOVYKH OBRAZOVANIY (Atlas of Ice Formations), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1974, 140 pages. 5. Bushuyev, A. V. and Novikov, Yu. R., METODICHESKIYE UKAZANIYA PO VOPROSAM OBRABOTKI I ISPOL'ZOVANIYA SPUTNIKOVOY LEDOVOY INFORMATSII (Methodological� Instructions on the Problems of Processing and Use of Satellite Ice Informa- tion), Leningrad, AANII, 1974, 84 pages. 6. Vetlov,.I. P., "Results of Investigations in the Field of Satellite Meteorol- ogy," PROBLEMY SOVREMENNOY GIDROMETEOROLOGII (Problems in Modern Hydrometeor- ology), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, pp 145-164, 1977. �7. German, M. A., SPUTNIKOVAYA METEOROLOGIYA (Satellite Meteorology), Leningrad, - Gidrometeoizdat, 1975, 367 pages. 8. Yegorov, N. I., FIZICHESKAYA OKEANOGRAFIYA (Physical Oceanography), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1974, 455 pages. 9. Butrin, V. P., Nakul'tsev, G. S., Bogatyr', B. N. and Novikov, Yu. R., "Com- plex of Instrumentation for the Collection and Processing of Hydro- meteorological Information (KTS ASOGI)," AVTOMATIZATSIYA SBORA I OBRABOTKI GIDROMETEOROL. INFORM. (Automation of Collection and Processing of Hydro- meteorological Information), 8, Obninsk, VNIGMI MTsD, pp 3-8. 10. Leont'yeva, A. V. and Nayshuller, M. G., ISPOL'ZOVANIYE TELEVIZIONNYKH I INFRAKRASNYKH SNIMKOV V PROGNOSTICHESKIKH ORGANAKH SLUZHBY POGODY (Use of Television and Infrared Photographs in Prognostic Agencies of the Weather Service), Moscow, GMTs, 1969, 39 pages. 49 FQR OFFiCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 11. NOMENKLATURA MORSKIKH L'DOV. USLOVNYYE OBOZNACHENIYA DLYA LEDOVYKH KART (Nomenclature of Sea Ice. Symbols for Ice Charts), Leningrad, Gidrometeoiz- dat, 1974, 140 pages. 12. Gloerson, P., Campbell, W. J., Ramsier, R., et al., "Beaufort Sea Ice Zones by Means of Microwave Imagery," X-910-80, Goddard Space Flight Center, Green- belt, Maryland, April 1975, p 17. 13. Gloerson, P., et al., "Microwave Maps of the Polar Ice of the Earth," BULLE- TIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, Vo1 55, No 12, pp 1442-1448, - 1974. 50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500040056-1 - FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY ASSIMILATION OF SATELLITE DATA IN NUAtERICAL MODELS OF OCEAN DYNANIICS Sevastopol' SPUTNIKOVAYA GIDROFIZII:A in Russian 1980 pp 58-66 [Article by I. Ye. Timchenko, V. D. Yarin and I. G. Protsenko] [Text] Abstract: A method is proposed for the adjustment of remote measurements of ocean level and contact measurements of the density field. It is based on use of a dynamic-stochastic model of state of the ocean. The article gives the re- sults of use of this method for the "POLYMODE" polygon in simulating meas- urements of the level surf ace from space. The method of assimilation of satellite - data is promising for organizing monitor- ing of state of the ocean. Remote observation methods make it.possible to obtain virtually simultaneous data on the state of the acean surface over great areas. Together with contact measure- ments made from aboard scientific research ships or on autonomous stations, satel- lite measurements make it possible to trace the evolution of the principal ocean parameters. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop methods for the assimilation of satellite observations in theoretical models of the ocean, wtiich, applying data relating to the upper layer, make it possible to compute the characteristics of deep layers in the ocean. One of the possible approaches here is dynamic- s tochas tic modeling based on the theory of optimum filtering of systems wit?1 distributed parameters [1] and suc- cessfully developed at the present time both in meteorology [2] and in oceanology [3]. The basis for such an approach is a description of the physical processes transpiring in the ocean using variable states. The problem is an optimum evalua- tion of the vector of state at an arbitrary moment in time, taking into account ongoing measurements of some components of the vector of state. Tlie method tias been described in adequate detail, for example, in [3, 4]. Here we will cite only a sum- mary of the formulas necessary for further exposition. Assume that the evolution of the vector of state 06(x,t) is described. by the equa- tion 51 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440056-1 - FOR OFFICIAI, USE ON1,Y dz n+ 1. - In the regime of system calibration the vector of primary parameters is known, for example, on the basis of data from contact measurements. In this case we write rZ ; ~ ~ � yj(t' z\t)S qy ~y~ ~ ~ ~ k . (7) u The system (7) contains k equations and (m + 1)k unknown Bg:j parameters of the channels. Additional equations can be derived when using't groups of readings at different moments in time t= 1,'G on the assumption that during this time the parameters Bgj reiRain unchanged. In this case 'G:~,m+ 1 and expression (7) is transformed to thp form r71 j L4 (t~ ~4 [h(t)j i7' t s F, z' (s) ,/=0 In order that the system (8) have a solution, all i(t) for t= 1,1 must be differ- ent. Accordingly, forycalibration work it is necessary to have not less than 2= m+ 1 known vectors X. The solution of system (8) relative to Bgj makes it pos- sible to identify the channels for some segment of time in which they can be con- sidered stationary. On the other hand, for a discrete time the calibration regime ensures a tie-in of , the origin of readings and the possibility of using the system of equations (6) in 'the form 111 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7, Z~ ~ ~ d D x ~tj = (D ~x~~) ~ ~ ~~I+K+ (9) where there are n unknown increments Qx(t), (m + 1)k unknown parameters Bej of the channels (for nonstationary channels) and k equations. We will take ti groups of readings and with h - rt (10) � we obtain the necessary broadening of system (9). The matrix and the column of free terms of system (9) will have the form . � � ~ ~ . .IZhCt)II~~I I ~~I 1 Z, ~1) . . . ZIm wher.e 1 Z1 (t ) ~ . . . . . . . . . . 11~ (Z) . . . Zl"L Cz) , d~1.. -d~R -d~~. : � : _d(1..-d4,L (11) (12) (13) . i~~ I = . � (14) 44 The number of working cycles 'G determines the speed of the system. In a system with minimum excess k= n+ 1 and t=(m + 1)k. With an increase in the number k of channels the maximum speed of the system will tend to t= m+ 2. Accordingly, with a great excess of the channels the gain in speed will not exceed more than the factor k. The speed of a system has importance in the sense that the parameters {BEil and [a in system (9) should remain constant during the time ti of the working cycles, which we will. call the correction time. - Thus, with allowance for'l groups of readings system (9) will contain Z k unknowns 4nd equations and also can be solved relative to the increments of the prima.ry physical parameters td xi} of the object and also relative to the unknown 112 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040056-1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY parameters ~B 8 j~ af the channels for a new moment in time. 1(1;1;1; . . . ~ Z(z) r(1)Z~,2) ~ . t ~ , ~ ~d , ~ d ~ � + _ f h`I)~(1) . ~r)X(1) . : . ~X~z) ' t a - Z(t-r-~) I(t-r) Z(t-1) 1?(t) . t' . ~ , . - ~ ~ ldEi ~ td~i 1 ; t X(t-t-1) . . . ~(t-1)X (t-1) . . . X~~~ ~ Fig. 1. Diagrams representing data processing in a parametrically invariant system: a) in a regime of accumulation of blocks, b).in a moving regime. Since the solution Qf system (9) far [A xi~ is not dependent on {B�j1 and vice versa, the system as a whole is parametrically 3nvariant with the above-mentioned limita- tions. We will examine the two principal possible operating regimes of the system. The sequence of operations in a regime with accumulation of+a block of readings Z is shown in the figure (Fig. l,a). First the valuesfcr [X(0)]j and {agi}, comptited using expressions (1), (8), are introduced in the calibration regime using the! known vector Z(0). Then in a working regime there is accumulation of a block cf Z readings l(t), t= l,t of output signals which are used in computing the co- efficients ZJ, r j= O,m of the system (9). Since it is necessary to satisfy the condition 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Z4 (t-1~..'-- t=~z, (15) so that there will not be identical equations in the system, either the measured parameters Lxi} or the parameters of the channels {Bg3} must change in the time correction segment. If these garameters do not change, the values of the measured vectorZ(t) are equal to the values of the calibration vector X(0). We will regard as improbable mutually cpmpensating changes {xil and I BEi ]with which the Z vector remains unchanged. Thus, by virtue of the nonstationarity of the Ixi} and [B�j) parameters the set of Z readings will be a random value. After obtaining t groups of readings the system (9) is solved relative to jQx4,3 , usin&_which the value of the vector1(0)--i1( L) is corrected, new values spg[X( t l,k are determined using (1) and the response coefficients aEi are determined from (3). Then the correction cycle is multiply repeated. In the moving correction regime (Fig. l,b) the block is formed from the current t readings of the t(t) vector at each discrete moment in time by a shift of one in- _ terval to the right. The system of equations (9) in this case is transformed to the form at a 1EV Z4 (t-0) -~1c4 ir~ ~ 4 The matrix and column of free terms in system (16) have the form I I, . ~ ZO I ,1 Ctl I~K(t) I z/f l d ( where 1.Z'(6-z)... Zfl, (t- z). I 1~ I- IZI Ct-J)... Zn I . I1, (t) . . . Z;". Ct ) 114 F'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY , (16) (17) (1s) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . : (19) I v~ . L, ~ ' ' (20) I CpE Ct -1) ' System (16) is solved relative totLSxi} and then the current values X(t), {a4Ei(t)} are computed. The moving correction method has a more rapid adaptation to the measurable para- meters, but requires a greater number of computations in comparison with the meth- od for accumulation of blocks of readings. In both cases if at any ment in time the system receives calibration information on the vector-3t, the VP;X and Nilvalues are computed on its basis, not using cor- rection data. The tBgi I parameters can also be determined by solution of systems (9) and (16). If some of the f,3k, }parameters of the channels are known and are constant, the terms containing them in equations (9) and (16) can be shifted to the right part for forming a column of free terms for the purpose of reducing the order of the system. We note in conclusion that the realization of the considered method for attaining - parametric invariance in multichannel excess remote measurement systems provides for the solution of slightly conditional systems of linear inhomogeneous algebraic equations. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Korn, G. and Korn, T., SPRAVOCHNIK PO MATEMATIKE (Handbook on Mathematics), Mos- cow, "Nauka," 1973, 831 pages. 2. Gayskiy, V..A., "Measurement-Computation Channels With Automatic Correctiori of tlie Transfer Function for Hydrophysical Instrumentation," MORSKIYE GIDROFIZ- ICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA (Marine Hydrophysical Reiearch), No 2, Sevastopol', pp 136-143, 1977. . 11.5 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 run Vt'~'ll.lM4 %jor, vi%t.m AUTONOMOUS BliOY COMPLEX FOR USE IN SUBSATELLITE POLYGON Sevastopol' SPUTNIKOVAYA GIDROFIZIKA in Russian 1980 pp 126-132 [Article by I. B. Pavlovskiy, A. F. Petrukhnov, Ye. M. Epshteyn and G. A. _ Abramson] [Text] AUstract: The technical specifications, block diagram and design principle for an autonomous (self-contained) buoy com- plex intended for stationary observations of physical processes in a subsatellite polygon in the ocean are examined. - Autonomous buoy complexes (ABC) are used in oceanographic investigations. These complexes are outfitted with modern electronic instrumentation and means for _ the distant transmission of data, this malcing it possible to carry out sta- tionary observations of physical processes in the range of temporal and spa- tial scales [2]. Buoy complexes are used as independent (self-contained) meas- urement systems collecting the necessary volume of hydrophysical information. The development of satellite oceanography provides for both the development of inethods and instrumentation for remote measurements and the development of contact measurements necessary for the calibration and interpretation of data obtained by remote instruments with the use of artificial earth satellites. = Accordingly, buoy complexes are being used at the present time in higher-order measurement systems consisting of artificial earth satellites, autonomous buoy complexes and a center for the reception and processing of information. The use of buoy complexes in subsatQllite polygons provides a new approach to de- velopment of the structure of a measurement system and ttie organization of - work in a polygon and imposes increased reqiiirements on the technical spec- ifications of the complex. At the Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, special- ists are carrying out work for creating different measurement facilities for - subs:itellite polygons, one of whicli is the "Okean" autonomous buoy complex - developed in collaboration with specialists of the institutes of the Ministry of liigher and Specialized Secondary Education of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR. The experience accumulated in the USSR and United States in the creation of buoy complexes [3-9] determines a new approach to development of the "Ol:ean" autonomous buoy complex. 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fig. 1. Diagram of "Okean" autonomous buoy complex. Ttie buoy complex (Fig. 1) consists of a disk-shaped surface buoy 1 with four hermetically sealed compartments for the placement of on-board electronic in- strumentation, anchored in the polygon to be investigated by means of an an- chor line 2 formed by a steel cable of variable diameter. The anchor line has two cable pivots 3 and an anchor 4. Beneath the bottom of the buoy there is an assembly with power modules 5. Attached to the Uuoy is a measurement line con- sisting of eight hydrological measurement containers 6, connected by a sup- porting-electrical communication line 7. The line is supported by a float a. Parallel to the measurement line is a steel cable 9 connected to it by clamps. Mounted on the buoy deck are antennas for short- and ultrasliort-wavelength radio lines, a meteorological block with. sensors and signaling lamps. The buoy has the following technica�1 specifications: displacement 7.7 m3; hull diameter 3.5 m; height of hull 1.1 m; height with antennas 8 m; fully out- fitted weight 3300 kg; depth of placement up to 5000 m; limit of self-contain- ed operation 30 days. Ttie structure of a buoy anchor line rated for placement at a depth of 4700 n is given in Table 1. Ttie deflection of the anchor line corresponds to 5% of the depth of placement. A sixth link of the anchor line runs beicween artchors with a mass of 300 and 500 kg. _ The measurement system of the "Okean" complex (Fig. 2) includes a measurement - line, a block for the reception and storage of hydrophysical information, a meteorological measurement container with sensors, apparatus for the storage FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040056-1 H'UK Uh'N'1l:lAL U5E UNLY und transmission of hydrophysical information, unit for signaling the ship, elements of the short-wave command-information radio linkup and an electric power system. This complex ensures the measurement of the following hydro- meteorological parameters: hydrostatic pressure in the range 0-2 riPa with an error not greater than 0.8�0 of the upper measurement limit; water temQerature at different depths in the range -2 -+33�C error not greater than 0.05�C; specific conductivity of water in the range 17-70 mmho/cm with an error not greater than 0.02 mmho/cm; air temperature in the range -10 -+35�C with an error not greater than 0.05�C; air humidity in the range 30-98% with an error not greater than 7%; wind velocity in the range 1.5-30 m/sec with an error not greater than (0.5+0.05 V) m/sec; wind direction in the range 0-2 ,T1rad with an error not greater than 0.15 rad; buoy listing in the range 0- 0.5 rad with an error not greater than 0.08 rad. Table 1 IJumber of link Cable diameter, 14ass 100 m, Length, Mass of mm kg m link, kg 1 13.0 55 300 165 2 11.5 43 2000 360 3 9.1 32 1000 320 , 4 8.5 25 1400 350 5 11.5 43 235 103 6 13.0 55 75 42 Sums 5010 1840 The system provides for outputs of the measured parameters in the form of a successive binary code with a repetition rate of 100 and 600 Iiz. The measurement system of tlie autonomous buoy complex is a multichannel system for the collection, storage, processing and transmission of hydrometeorological information. It includes sensors with a frequency output in r.he range 0-120 KHz and sensors with a resistive output in the range 100-2000 olim. Temperature is measured lay a transducer whose operating principle involves the discrimina- tion of the difference frequency of two generators with temperature-dependent and temperature-stable quartz resonators [1]. Hydrostatic pressure is measured by use of vibrating-reed pressure frequency converters of the DDV-A type. The conductivity of sea water is measured by the combined contact-induction method. i�teteorological parameters are measured using sensors of an M-49 meteorological strltion and a PDK-3 sensor-compass. The outputs of these sensors are matched by sipnals from the measurement system. The apparatus operates on the prin- ciple of time separation of signals from the sensors and is designed for the successive interrogation of 64 measurement sensors. In accordance with a pre- stipulated program, for example, each ten minutes, by means of a quartz pro- gramming unit, a device is cut in for the collection of information and this sliapes command signals arriving simultaneously at the inputs of decoders dis- tributed in all the measurement containers. After decoding of the address of - the corresponding channel each sensor is connected to the input of a converter, and then, with the arrival of the next address, the next sensor is connected. 118 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040056-1 I'()R OFNICIAI. USF. ON1.Y i ,J C~1 ~ l I' ~ ^ I o0 ~ I E' cd � _ I C, I o M r-1 i . ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~.a ~ ~ f iig FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY r-- - - ~ C] ~ ~ o , - i 00 N ~ I A I ~en x I F I Uy~ ~O~ Q eG x l ~ a ~ Ln N I I ~y' S I N I I ~ I ~ N S C y ~ ti .I I N x I m I x 00 ~H ~ x ~ ~C ~ m m O ma~tx I L x I ' ~ I I ~ m ( L~ o ..J ~ ~ U N J y E. tR ~x X wx ~ )c I IZ 00 v 00 ro a 41 ~ ~ ~ 0 co r- O .,I 4J cd 41 0 ~ ~ ~e N H a Ei 0 U >1 O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 r. 0 41 0 ~d ~ ro a) x 0 ~ O 0 0 ,H 41 ro ~ a a, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W O ~ p 00 cd ~ 10 U O r-I FA N ~o 'H 44 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 00 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R004500040056-1 FOR UN'H'1(:IAL U5E UNLY KEY TO FIG. 2: 1) Temperature sensor 2) Iiumidity sensor 3) Wind velocity sensor 4) Wind direction sensor - 5) Compass sensor 6) Atmospheric pressure sensor 7) Meteorological measurement container 8) Sensor... 9) Telemetric monitoring sensors 10) liydrological measurement container 1 11).Hydrological measurement container 8 12) Ultrashort-wave antenna 13) Short-wave antenna 14) Apparatus of informational ultrasliort-wave radio linlcs - 15) Ultrashort-wave transmitter 16) Memory unit 17) Data collection unit 18) Apparatus for signaling ship 19) Ultrashort-wave receiver - 20) Address decoder 21) Data storage unit 22) SW receiver 23) Command decoder 24) Short-wave transmitter 25) PINGI unit for data reception and storage 26) Electric power system 27) Battery of chemical elements 28) Converter 29) Storage battery Thus, there is successive connection of all the sensors to the converters. The interrogation cycle lasts 22 seconds. Information in the form of a frequency or resistance is fed into a unit for the collection of data where it is con- verted into a digital-pulse form and then into a binary code which is fed into a data storage unit. The latter consists of a summator, operational memory de- vice and transmitter of codes to the buoy memory unit. Using the summator and - memory unit there is accumulation of the results of ineasurements separately for uny channel and storage of the averaging results. After a definite number oE averaging cycles, set by the program, the result. is sent to the buoy mem- - ory unit where there is excess coding of information. There data are stored over tlie course of 24 hours. The interrogation apparatus, after the reception zind decoding of the buoy address, cuts in the buoy memory unit for the repro- d�ction oE data and transmission through an ultrashort-wave radio link during one communication session to an artificial earth satellite. In necessary cases there can be repeated reproduction of the information, which is transmitted in a 32-digit code. The word must first give the number of the channel and then _ the measurement result. Each measurement cycle, consisting of 64 words, is sep- In formulas (18) and (19) it is necessary to substitute the temperature values, measured in degrees, and the length of ttie segments is represented in meters. The instrument error d 7inst is dependent on the T parameter, in particular, for the isotherm T= 24� Id ZnP ~Zy�)I 63 I E Z., I t0,67 I dIJ I+d,6 IT ~ t +9,1 Ia (19) With an accuracy in measurements L Z1x4Z2 ~ 0.5 m, Q TDz,&Tl M pT2 0.010, 6T ~ 0.03� the instrument error does not exceed 1.2 m. For the other isotherms A Zinst has close values. Now we will discuss some peculiarities of ineasurement of T(Z) using sounding and distributed sensors. The possibility of approximating the real T(Z) distribution" is analyzed by a comparison of f(T), stipulated by the formula (2), with the tem- perature profiles TI(Z) obtained during sounding with the ISTOK complex. This means that the error IT(z) - f(Z)l in approximating the real T(Z) profiles by the func- tions f(Z) does not exceed the sums of the errors JT(Z) - TI(Z) I obtained during measurement with the ISTOK apparatus and the errors ITI(Z) - f(Z)l in representa- tion of the res ults of ineasurements TI(Z) by the f functions T- f 14, (T - TI I+I TI _ f I, (20) _ 129 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONGY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY - An important and unmonitorable component of the error IT - TI Ican be excluded if in pl:ice of the data obtained with the ISTOK complex, the parameters Tp, T1, T2, T are determined using measurements from drjfting buoys made simultaneously at all hori2ons. The use of sounding instruments has the advantage that the measurements are made at all horizons but these measurements are not simultaneous at.different depths. The sounding time to a depth of 150 m is about 3 minutes, which is not always ac- ceptable, in particular, in investigations of short-period internal waves. In actuality, the internal waves can have a period 10-20 minutes and a height ti15 m[S]. In such a case, coinciding with the instantaneous real T(Z) prof ile, for ex- ample, near the upper boundary of the thermocline, TI(Z) may be deformed by 5-10 m(with respect to the position of the isotherm) in the lower part of the seasonal thermocline. The drift of the vessel from which the soundings are made and the hor- izontal propagation of the internal waves lead to distortions of the same charac- ter. The noted errors in measurements with the sounding instrument are random; in � individual cases they can lead to the registry of isotherms displaced both upward and downward relative to their position determined by the real instantaneous pro- file. The limitation on sounding frequency is also important. Thus, for solution of a number of problems in oceanic physics associated with an investigation of the structure of intensive currents in the upper layer, transfer of heat and mass by synoptic eddies, direct measurements of heat content in the layer 0-150 m, determination of the position of the seasonal thermocline, invest- - igation of the characteristics of internal waves, etc., the use of drifting buoys is virtually the only correct investigation method. The physical and methodological principles for determining the vertical temperature profile, set forth in the ar- ,ticle, can serve as the basis for a sensor system on drifting buoys. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Nelepo, B. A., Khmyrov, B. Ye., Terekhin, Yu. V., et al., PROBLEMY, VOZM07,H- NOSTI I PERSPEKTIVY KOSMICHESKOY OKEANOGRAFII (Problems, Possibilities and Prospects of Space Oceanography), Preprint No 4, Sevastopol', Izd. MGI AN Ukrainskoy SSR, 1979, 52 pages. 2. Greku, R. Kh., Ostrepov, G. A., Puchkin, V. A. and Cherkasova, A. V., DREYF- _ UYUSIiCHIYE BUI DLYA ISSLEDOVANIYA TECHENIY V OKEANE (Drifting Buoys for In- _ vestigating Oceanic Currents), Preprint, No 2, Sevastopol', Izd. MGI AN Ukrainskoy SSR, 1978, 19 pages. - 3. Isayev, I. L., Lomanov, Yu. P. and Paramonov, A. N., "Interpretation of Meas- _ urements Made With a Distributed Temperature Sensor," EKSPERIMENTAL'NYYE IS- SLGDOVANIYA PO MEZHDUNARODNOY PROGRArIIME "POLIMODE" (REZUL'TATY 17-go REYSA NIS "AKADIIMIK VERNADSKIY" I 33-go REYSA NIS "MIKHAIL LOMONOSOV") (Experimen- tal Investigations Under the International "POLYMODE" Prograin (Results of the (17th Voyage of the Scientific Research Ship "Akademik Vernadskiy" and the 33d Voyage of the Scientific Research Ship "Mikhail Lomonosov")), Sevastopol', Izd. MGI AN Ukrainskoy SSR, pp 166-170, 1978. 130 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4. Kitaygorodskiy, S. A., FIZIKA VZAIMODEYSTVIYA ATMOSFERY I OKEANA (Physics of Interaction Between the Atmosphere and Ocean), Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1970, 284 pages. 5. Isayeva, L. S., Naumenko, M. F., Rotenberg, V. A. and Yachmenev, V. Ye., "Features of Structure of the Temperature Field of the Upper Layer of the Ocean in the Northeastern Part of the Tropical Atlantic," REZUL'TATY ISSLEDO- VANIY SEVERNOY CHASTI TROPICHESKOY ZONY ATLANTICHESKOGO OKEANA PO PROGRAMME "DEKALANT" (Results of Investigations Carried Out in the Northern Sector of the Tropical Zone o� the Atlantic Ocean Under the "DEKALANT" [illegible] Program), Sevastopol', Izd. MGI AN Ukrainskoy SSR, pp 66-81, 1975. 131 EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 hUK VNMII,IAL U,L U1VLY EFFECTIVENESS OF REMOTE METHODS FOR INVESTIGATING THE WORLD OCEAN ~ Sevastopol' SPUTNIKOVAYA GIDROFIZIKA in Russian 1980 (manuscript received 30 Jun 80) pp 142-147 [Article by I. K. Ivashchenko, A. S. Lezhen and N. I. Mavrenko] [Text] Abstract: A study was made of the problem of determining the effectiveness of remote methods for investigating the world ocean. - It is proposed that a spec'-al efficiency criterion be formed using as a point of de- - parture the generalized criterion of effic- iency of large information systems, a class to which remote measurement complexes on different carriers belong. It is shown that the problem of evaluating efficiency is one of the fundamental tasks in the forming of promising optimum systems and oceanological _ research programs. i Remote methods for investigating the ocean are now coming into wide use in solution of different problems in oceanology, related to the necessity for obtaining regular operational information on the state of the world ocean and the dynamics of its de- velopment on a global scale. Their use is possible and desirable only with the: broad introduction into sea research of automated oceanographic systems based on modern electronic computers carried aboard surface and underwater scientific re- search ships, with the use of apparatus for the remote sensing of the ocean on aircraft and artificial earth satellites. Sat211ites can be used both for carrying out direct measurements and in the collection and relaying of information from a net- work of buoy stations. Since the carrying out of such global expPriments requires considerable expenditures of all types of resources the need arises for carrying out _ special investigations, as a result of which it should be possible to obtain evalua- tions of the alternatives for the development of remote methods and recommendations can be formulated concerning the rational spheres of their application. A special place is allocated to the problems of planning of an experiment and evaluating the anticipated efficiency of use of remote methods. The great many such problems involved in evaluating the feasibility of creating and using noncontact research methods in general and with the employment of space tech- nology, in particular, can be broken down into three classes. 132 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Finally, d third cZass of problems which must be solved in the development of re- mote instrumentation for investigating the world ocean are the problems of validat- i.1g the economically optimum structures of ineasurement (data) systems and evalua- tiop of their operational efficiency. It is already clear that not one of the known research methods independently is capable of ensuring solution of all oceanological problems in the required volume. This can be handled only aising a complex system which includes both contact (trad- itional) and remote (nontraditional) instrumentation. The central problem in the economic validation of use of any type of instrumenta- tion is the choice of an economic evaluation criterion. In a general case the type of criterion is determined: purpose of the investigations; characteristics of the investigated object; stage of the life cycle in which the investigation is carried out; research problems. Since a complex system belongs to the class of large tech- nical systems and the end product of its functioning is information with stipulat- ed characteristics, such a system can be classified as a large information (data) system. Since reference is to an evaluation of the eff iciency of operation of instrumenta- tion in the stage of its development, an integrated approach requires allowance for expenditures in all stages of the life cycle with the time reduction factor taken into account. In order to evaluate a complex system it is necessary to have such a criterion as would reflect the principal characteristics of its structure and functioning; assignment to a class of information (data) systems; presence of different types of subsystems (scientific research ships, aerial and space carriers of instrumen- tation); interaction of different subsystems; features of determination of ex- pend itures on e lement s of the system. W.ith allowance ior the considerations cited above, the criterial function can be represented in the form h,P N, /J2 L /i , where CN1 is the cost of a unit of information supplied by different types of in- strumenEation for the j-th problem (task) or in the form [6] C (in rubles/bit) o pt /711, c ` A;c ~ f LGO M .i�.~ ~oi ~~p � where CP~ (rubles/lan2) is the cost of obtaining information on a work unit (cost of a unit work) carried out by the P -th instrument for the j-th problem; NEPj (in bits) is the total annual volume of information supplied by the p-th instrument for the j-th problem; AYear (km2) is the annual volume of work carried out by the ,A -th instrument for ttiipj-th problem; NE jP/Axear is the information content of a work unit; EH�k indicates that the formula takaB into accowzt expenditures in a reduced expenditures sch eme. FOR OFFICIAL3 USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 CVK VNMII,IAL UJC. V1VLY ~ As limitations we have: operational: with respect to the number of carriers of information; with respect to the computation time for data collection; with respect to the number of types of information; with respect to the quality and quantity of collected informatiori; with respect to work volumes; resource: with respect to ex penditures on transport, remote measurement instrumen- tation, control, interbranch and branch data processing. The principal difficulty in use of the criterion "oost of a unit of information" in practical computations is usually a quantitative evaluation of the pragmatic - information, but the form of the criterion proposed in [6] gives approximately such an evaluation through the index CR1, Pj In order to adopt a- decision concerning the feasibili,ty of creating and operating a system it is necessary to have an evaluation of its efficiency. If the system belongs to the class of large informa tion systems, as in our case, the genera lized efficiency criterion can be represented as the minimax of the mean gain in the broad sense, represented as the excess of the positive effect over the negative effect [6], nzfa \ x/ - Q 11 irt. rrz \ X where ~(x) is the generalized efficiency criterion; widi 6 (x),> 0 it is desirable to create and use a new system; F, (x) = 0 corresponds to the "threshold" of feas- ibility; QI is the positive component of th e effect; QII is the negative component of the effect. _ The great uncertainty caused by the absence of the necessary statistical data and peculiarities of the system do not make it possibLe to evaluate the economic effect for all research prob]ems on the basis of available methods. For some percentage of the problems involved in investigating the ocean, whose so- lution is possible by both traditional and nontraditional means, the economic effect can be determined in accordance with a standard method using the index "annual econ- omic effect," determined from the difference in reduced expenditures and being a special case of the generalized efficiency criterion. For problens not having an analogue, the author of [2] proposes an approach based on use of discrete analysis methods. It must also be remembered, first of all, that the use of remote methods for the solution of unique problems may not give a direct economic effect but their solution is sought for social, political or other reasons, and secondly, the total effect from the use of new instrumentation must be calculated for all spheres of use of the results of their functioninb. Thus, the development of predictions of tlie development of scientific research and measurement instrumentation and formation of optimum systems for investigating and evuluating the anticipated eff iciency of their operation these are the principal tasks whose solution will make it possible to form optimum promising programs for oceanolobical research, includinb scientifically validated long-range space pro- r;rams, and in the last analysis, solve the problem of increasing the efficiency of ttie investigations made and the quality of their control. w 134 FOR OFFIClAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000540040056-1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL,Y The first class of problems is related to the development and choice of promising clirections in investigations of the ocean from the point of view of use of remote methods. The basis of these studies is the development of a forecast of the development of oceanology, a component part of which is an analysis of promising means and meth- ods for studying the world ocean. For the formulation of a prediction of scientific research the authors of [1] pro- posed use of a combination of statistical and heuristic methods. In a probailistic model (information-logic scheme w.ith "loops") the sequence of states of the object the scientific research process is represented in the form of levels of the "life cycle" of the project and forms a spatially-temporally discrete Markov chain. It is assumed that at any moment in time in state space there is determination of an n-dimensional vector of state whose coordinates are the quantitative and qualit- _ ative characteristics of the project stages. All the conditions necessary for use of analysis of the Markov chain are considered satisf ied, that is, stochasticity and ergodicity of the process, uniqueness of presence in a state with a given set of - vector coordinates, discreteness of transitions, etc. In some cases, in addition to these general assumptions, special simplifying assumptions can be introduced into the model: uniformity of the process (the matrix is not dependent on time), irrevers- ibility (loopless model), presence of "absorbing" states, etc. The developed method for prediction on the basis of a dynamic-stochastic model, formulated using a com- bination of factographic and heuristic methods with subsequent verification of the forecast evaluations, makes it possible to make the necessary choice of alternatives of development and accomplish a redistribution of resources in the optimum way. The problem of the choice of the range of problems (directions) in investigations of the ocean, for whose solution it is best to use remote methods, can be solved by the logical-substantive analysis method, and also with the use of formalized procedures discrete analysis methods [2]. A second class of problems involves the choice of an optimum (or quasioptimum) structure of technical research equipment. It should be noted that virtually all remote measurement equipment for investigating the world ocean (IR radiometers, SHF scatterometers, spectrophotometers, lasers, etc.) are multipurpose instruments, by means of which it is possible to solve a whole series of scientific-technical, national economic and other problems. In this connection it is proposed that a study be made of the real remote measurement instrumentation as a system having some ordered set of classification criteria, characterizing the system as a whole. As such criteria it is possible to propose energy consumption, autonomy. cost, inertia, universality, homogeneity, immanence, reliability, size, compatibility, etc. The "instrument-criteria" matrix table unambiguously describing the system is coded in a special way in a binary reckoning system and is processed in accordance with spectral or test algorithms proposed in [2, 4]. Such a procedure makes it possible _ to carry out an effective choice of the apparatus (on the basis of its characteris- tics) necessary for installation on artificial earth satellites or other carriers. At the same time, such a classif ication of the instrumentation makes it possible to group it with respect to types of statistical plans for experimental research [5]. 135 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIdLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504040056-1 h'UK UM'H'1(:IAL USr: UNLY BIBLIOGRAPtiY 1. Ivashenko, I. K., Lezhen, A. S. and Mavrenko, N. I., "Methodological Prin- ciples for Developing a Prediction of Fundamental Scientific Investigations in the Academic Scientific Research Institutes With Specialization in Ocean-, ography," MATERIALY KONFERENTSII "UPRAVLENIYE NAUCHNY14I ISSLEDOVANIYAMI I RAZRAB- - OTKIUUII" (Materials of the Conference "Control of Scientif ic Research and De- velopment"), Moscow, pp 38-42, 1979. 2. Mavrenko, 11. I., "On Determining the Economic Effect Under Uncertainty Condi- tions," TRUDY MAI. VOPROSY UPRAVLENIYA RAZRABOTI:A~*iI I PROIZVODSTVOM LETATEL'- ITYKH APPARATOV (Transactions of the tioscow Aviation Institute. Problems in Control of Development and Production of Flight Vehicles), No 393, P4oscow, pp - 34-37, 1977. 3. Berzhitskiy, M. L., SISTEP1IYY AIIALIZ I STATISTICHESI:OYE PLANIROVANIYE EKSPERI- MEi1TA V ISSLEDOVAidIYAIUi PRI SOZDANII OB"YEKTOV NOVOY TEI:FINIKI (Systems Analysis and Statistical Planning of Experiments in Investigations for the Creation of :Vew Instrumentation). Kiev, "Znaniye," pp 9-10, 1979. 4. Lezhen, A. S. and :Kavrenko, N. I., "Spectral Approac:t to the Classification of Oceanological Investigations, AVTOMATIZATSIYA NAUCHNYKH ISSLEDOVANIY MOREY I OICEANOV (TEZISY DOKLADOV V VSESOYUZIJGY SHI:OLY) (Automation of Scientific Inves- tigations of the Seas and Oceans (Summa.ries of Reports at the Fifth All-Union School)), Sevastopol', Izd-vo MGI AN t'kSSR, pp 34-35, 1980. 5. Nalymov, V. V. and Chernova, I. A., STATISTICHESKIYE METODY PLANIROVANII EI:- STREMAL'NYKH ERSPERIPiENTOV (Statistical Methods in the Planning of Extremal Experiments), Moscow, "Nauka," pp 10-15, 1965. 6. Mavrenko, N. I., Criteria and Methods for Evaluating the Efficiency of Space Vehicles and Methods for Investigating the Ocean," AVTOMATIZATSIYA NAUCHNYKH ISSLEDOVAidIY MOREY I OI:EANOV (TBZISY DOI:LADOV V VSESOYUZNOY SHKOLY), Sevastopol', Izd-vo AN U1cSSR, pp 161-162, 1980. COPYRIGHT: Morskoy gidrofizicheskiy institut AN USSR (MGI AN USSR) 1980 5303 - CSO: 8144;1936 END 136 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040056-1