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JPRS L/ ~ 0437~
5 Ar ril 1982
West Euro e Re ort
p p
CFOUG 6/82)
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JPRS L/10437
_ 5 April 1982
(x~ot~o 6/s2I.
Research, Technology Minister on Government Plans
(Jean-Pierre Chevenement Interview; PARADOXES, Winter 82).... 1
Reservai~lons Voiced About Centralized, Yl~nned Research
(Dominique Pignon; Z'EXPRE55, 12-18 Eeb 82) 7
Ne~H Propeller Technologies for Commuter Aircraft
(AIR & CO~IOS, 28 Nov 81) 9
Airbus Orders 11
Airbus Flights Tests With AFT CG 11
RJ-500 Bench Tests " 12
~erospatiale, Renault Technical Exchange 7-2
_ a_ [III - WE - 151 S&T FOUO]
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Yaris PARADOXF;S in French Winter 82 pp 64-69
~ [Interview with Jean-Pierre Chevenement, minister of safentific reaeaxch and tech-
r.~~logy, by Jacques Houbart; date and place not given]
[Text] From 13 to 16 January the National a~mposium on Research and Technology,
preceded last fa11 by major regional meetings tha,t brought together all laboratory
- and industry paxtners, was held in Paris. The chief organj.zer of tYiia vast operat
tion, Minister of State for Scientific Research and Technology Jean
Chevenement, conceived it as the trigger for a renewal of research and development
in France~ He plans to achieve an investment in research on the order of 2.5 peri-
cent of the GNP by 1985, But this massive investment in gray matter provided by
the taxpayers will not be enough to fertilize the econo~yr.
Will not the succeas of 'chis laudable enterprise be threateneds
if the development of the class struggle prevents businesses, particularly the
small and medium-sized industries, from participating in the movement;
if the fanaticism of certain union members who stir up the antinuclear committees
is given free rein;
if the bureaucratization of reaeaxchers outs them off from economic reality and
the demands of growth?
Uur colleague, Jacques Ho�abart, asked these queations of Jean-Pierre Chevenement,
[6Zuestion~ At the time of the regional meetings that paved the way for the Nation-
a1 Symposium on Research and Technology, you atreesed the fa~t that, while the
French national reaeaxch effort came to 2.2 percent of the GNP in 1968, in the face
of the impact of oil [prices] the Valery Giscaxd d~Estaing administration allowed
- it to drop to 1.8 percent. Feeling that the best anticriais therapy is the in~ec-
tion of gray matter [into the :~conomy], you, Mr Minister, propose to aahieve a
rate of 2~5 percent by 1985. But doesn't the "change" theref'ore consist of a return
to the firat days of the Fifth Republia, indeed to that policy of "great programa"
_ (nucleax, aeronautics, computer) so disparaged by a~.althu~iari I~eft that sees only
~ an activity of "Satan" in ecientific and techriologi,aal progresa3
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(Anawer] On 1 July the preaident atid the government set an ambitious ob3ective
in the national research and development efforts to go from the 1.8 percent o~
- the GNP of today to 2.5 percent by 1985. Whether in the 1990's France is ahead of
or lags behind the big industrialized countries dependa very laroely on our ability
to achieve this ob~ective.
In fact, the solution of most of the problems that confront us today involves an
important scientific and technolagical component. The g+overnment feels that the
technological research and development af~ort constitutes one of the privileged
ways of ge.ting out of th~ cultural, social and eaonomic crisis into which Frence
finds itself plunged. The ambitious ob3ectives the g~overnment has set for the
technological research and development effort are also pa~.~:t of a strategy to pre-
paxe for the future. They will be written into the orientation and
law the grovernment will present to Parliament in April 1982.
The great technological programs (nuclear, apace, aeroriautics, data procesaing)
you refer to have played an i.mportant role in the ao-antry~s saientifia and tech-
nolo~ical development. They were and, f~rthermore, sti11 are an important element
in a policy of national independence~ Today our outlook is different. In parti-
cular, it is a question of assuring F'ranae~s eaonom:c and social development in
the 1990's. New mobilizing progra~ms will be the tool of this policy. Setting
them in motion should permi.~ us t~ link major ob3ectives of na,tional interest
(national independence, ability to competa ecor~omically and recapture of the do~nes-
tic market, fu11 employment of manpower, national solidarity, etc.~ with completed
basic reseaxch efforts, applied research end technological development. T!?eae pro-
- grams will link laboratories, teams and businasses with pilot pro~eats.
As you can see, it is not ~ matter of returning to the 1960~s. It is a matter of
prolonging the~positive effort achieved then in aertain key domaina (epaae, nucleas
? research, aeronauti~s), of correcting ~eopaxdized situations (electronias, data
processing~ and above all of extending this effort to new techniques (biotechnolo-
gies, National Institute for Energy), to neglected industrial sectors (food produc-
tion mechanica) or a few strategic domains (materials, saientific inatrumentation,
And lastly, I attach a great deal of importance to seeing to it that thia research
effort takes into account our stake in democracy as it is today mariifested in o�ur
society.and throughout the entire world,
This is the point of the two priori~t~ missiona created for research on employment
and working conditions and research on cooperation with the developing countries,
The reseaxch and development technology policy ahould respond to the expectations
of the world of labor and of the oppreseed countries.
[Question~ Inaugurating the ANVAR [National Agency for the Valorization of ~e-
search] conference in Lyons last 15 October, you stress~3 tcie ma~or role bu~inesa
(paxttcularly amall and :nedium-sized buainessee and induatriea) ahould play in
the great leap forwaxxd in the field of researeh. You eaid that it would be "il-
lusory" to exp~ci t~ achieve a rate of 2.5 percent of the GNP "unless a consider-
able effort waa meuie by busineases." But is this considerable ef'fort posaible if,
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bound hand and foot Yinaacially and by the tanione and with their ataff aruahed by
the Internal Revenue Service, businesses oannot play their liberal role as in the
IInited States, for example?
[Answer~ The ob3ective of a national outlay for research and development set at
2.5 percent of the GNP by 1985 can only be achieved if a 3oint efforv is made by
the g~overnment, na,tionalized enterprises and private firma.
As far as the public sector is conceri:ed, the budget of the ministry I am in
charge of bears witness to the effort the government intends to make. It has in-
creased by 29,6 percent in comparison with 1981.
2~ The na,tionalization of a certa3n number of big comps~uies ie b~ed on the obser-
vation tlza,t the country is faaed with technological ohalleng~es (Thomson in elec-
tronics, Saint Gobain in data proceesing, Rhone Poulenc in biotechnologiea) and
that private induatry could no doubt not in fact raiae the naceasary funde. As a
result of theae nationalizationa, the reaearch and development effort ahould be
considerably stren~thened~
3. After all, I have alw$ys insisted on the fact tha.t a very broad private industry
sector should subsist and progreas along with the nationalized aector,
You cite the example of the IInited States and the "liberal role" we ought to a11ow
- private businesses to play~ In anawer to your quest~.on, I would s~y two thingst
a) "Bound hand and foot by the unions"s Do you really have the impre~aion tnat
for 8 months n~w union action has been oleaxly demonstrating a determiziation to
thwart economic development?
b) '~Bound hand arid foot finanaially"s Businessea complain of~overly high intereat
rates on loans. I can readily understand, but thie is after a11 the ob~ect of the
policy the government is pursuing at the preaent time, to reduoe the rate of in-
flation and gradually lower the prime lending r~te arid the overall eaale of ratea.
I point out to you tha,t interest ratea have not risen for 8 months now,
Aside from the difficultiea of financing inveatmenta ~hat are rea1, but which
should not be exaggerated, we must overcome the reticence of French bu,sineasmen to
free their capital in order to increase their own funde and improve their fira~s'
ability to assume debt$.
More generally speaking, g~overnment deviaea (ANVAR grante, mobilizing progrems,
etc.) should in the course of the next few yeare enable us to make a vigoroua ef-
fort to renew indus~rial research.
Question] Aaide from bueinesses, in a big publia organization like the CNRS
~National Center for Scientific Research~ they appear to be getting ready to grant
the dominant unions a bigger role, Naturally, it is a g~ood thing for the uniona
to be able to effectively defend the workers and convey t:~:sir own ideology, But ~
if it is a question of baeic research or tec.hnological orientation, paxticularly in
the field of energy, don~t we run the risk of seeing a veritable I~ysenkoism come
into being?
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[Answer] I don't very well see what I~ysenkoism has to do with your queation. I
a,m well aware that conditioned reflexes exist. I encourage you to rid yourself of
them, For me, it is simply a ma,tter of seeing to it tha.t staff inembera participate,
through their representatives, in the preparation of choiaes and in the management
of research agencies, The 1979 reform of the CNRS considerably reduced this kind
of fair participation by staff inembera, At the end of the national symposium,
ws'll see how we c:an establish new aet-ups within the CNRS and in the other public
institutions. Meanwhile, I have simply restored to staff repre~entatives those
rights they had before the reform and added three important union figures from
outside to the institution~s council as observers. This is a temporary measure
which will not pre~udice the final formula, This measure will enable ua to enlaxge
the representativeness of the council, which until now ha.s beer_ limited to a aen-
i,ain number of scientific and induatrial bigwigs.
[Question] After the last war, on the initiative of the A:C with Joliot, the issue
of a peaceful atom was a favorite topic of the I,eft. Since 1968 the latter, or at
least various partiea and unions, has developed a real antinuclear fanaticism, g~oing
as fax as sabotage. Can't we reply to the pseudo-ecolog3ets with real ecological
_ data, present the balance sheet on energy risks, compaxe variou~ sources? Play up
the /dangers of using coal/ [in italics~, a technique tha,t releases not only sul-
phur, dust, considerable radioactivity hi~er than tha,t produced by nuclear power
- plants in uziconfined complexes), but also a large amount of carbon dioxide that ia
added to the ~roducts of other combustion reactions and really representa a major
risk to the ecology of the entire planet?
[Anwwer] Indeed, during the 1950's the idea of a peaceful atom raised people's
spirits, Expected soon, control over nuclear energy even served as an axgument
for protesters of the time. I am thinking of the villag^ers of Tignea who used it
to oppose the conetruction of hydroelectric dama.
It is, of course, useful to compaxe the relative risks of the di~ferent industrial
activities and the different sources of energy. ary,ich studies have alread.y been
completed and continue to be conducted and more thoroughly grone into. Nucleax
energy always comes out ahead. In a rather g+eneral way, we note that the conven-
tional techniques axe more dangerous and deadly than the advanced techniques. Com-
parative risk studies therefore conatitute an indispensable preliminary to any ef-
fective action to improve induatrial safety, but they have little impact on indi-
vidual reactions.
For example, no one refuses to travel by cax, whereas many people axe still afraid
of flying~ Yet airplanes are incomparably safer than cars,
No doubt the result~ of risk studies been poorly populaxized, but I primaxil.y
believe tha,t the problem is a quite different one~ On the one hand~ how one per-
ceives the riak is a matter of emotional reaction, and columns of figures have
little influence on an emotional reaction, Familiaxization with it ia much more
ef fective.
But, above all, the opposition to it does not stem from the risk; it has quite dif-
ferent roots~ It isn't this or that industry tha,t ie concerned, Tt is an overall
ref`usal on the part of present-day aociety~
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We axe therefore dealing with a aultural problem. The proper reply is that this
society ou~t to leasn to lrnow itself better in order to better take charge ~of
itse~f~ In connection with this, I am convinced that development of the accial
sciences and the scientific approach to social ~roblems wi11 force the "antiscience"
idealogies, which, moreover, through some incomprehensible reaction toda~y flourish,
to retreat.
We must reverse the attitude of the French toward science, give them a taete for
lrnowledg~e and action.
In connection with this, I don't feel it usef~il to terrprizQ them with a new r~rth
(carbon dioxide) before lmowing the results of the etudiea I requested. on this
~c~lxestion] Mr Min~ster, may I ask you one last question cn your thoughts about
regulation/ [i~i italics] of reseaxchers?
Whether he be a univereity profesaor or en engineer or simply self-taught, isn~t
the researcher, by definition like sportamen a creature of adventure and whim.Q,
beyond regulation? Might one eay that it is certaixily appropriate to eoli~ly aid
him in his efforts arid gia.ide his later mutation, but not to turn him i.nto a bure~su-
~ crat3 How can you ensure the effectiveness of these teams? Was the last adm3nie-
tration's desire to facilitate mobility among research~rs so reprehenaible?
[Answer] The reaearcher, a creature of adventure? Certainlyl
But the reseaxcher "on the fringe," as you describe him, a man of whims and im-
pulses, "beyond regulation," is f~ndamentally a margt.nal peraon. In reality, re-
seaxch is a profession that demands an exoeption~7. combination of qualitiess cre-
ative imagination, enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity, but also perseverance,
method, rigor and a sense of responsibility.
Whether they are researchers, engineers, teahnicians or administratora, whether
they work in the administration, in public institution~ or in private firms, all
those individuals who participate in the researoh effart are not on the fringe of
the society. They are at the very heart of it, ~ust as it fe true that the eolu-
tior to none of the great problems of our times health, employment, working aon-
ditions, energy, communications, environment, will be found largely in reeearch.
For 40 yeara now, the direction the whole soaiety hae been moving in hae been in-
atitutionalization of research, coneidered to be a vital fl~nation of the eociety.
Today even more than yesterday, progress is g^oing throu~ a renewed effort to
search for lrnowledge, to experim~nt and to innovate~ Researchere' ~ob is, to be
; sure, to investigate, but also to improve their reaearah throu~ applications, to
teach in order to pass on their duty to inform arid aid the nation in its ahoicea
f or the future.
All this demanda not marginalization but, quite the contrary, ~ob security, pros-
pects of clearly defined careers arid good fring~e benefits. Publio char~ters and
collective agreemente should in future recognize these righte for them, This con-
stitutes an indispeneable condition for effectiveness and true.mobility, voluntary
and org~anized.
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Social regresaion has never aroueed enthueiaem; fl~rthermore, we have seen that
this is so. To create new dyna~oiem, we have to g+et soaial prog~ese arid eaonomic
progress to march in step.
OOPYRIGHTs Compag~ni.e El~xopeenne d'Efditions et Pnblications Periodiques, 120~
Champs Elyseea, 75008 Paria
Csos 3100/4~4
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Pa.ris L'EXPRESS in F'rench 12-18 Feb 82 p 80
[Article by Dominique Pignon~ reseaxcher at the theoretica.l hysics laboratory
of the Advanced Teacher Training School: "The New Alliance"~~
[Text~ The colloquium on "Reseaxch and Technology" concluded on a note of
suc~ess; but Jean-Pierre Chevenement~ minister of state, should listen to
Chevenement~ the initiator of this "atates general" of reseaxch, for the
lessons learned exceed the initial ob3ectives of the organizers. Ma.ny lea.ding
figures in the field of reseaxch indicated that they have reservations concern-
ing the plan for a union betxeen science and the atate that xould be too close.
The systema.tic preference of the great scientific orga.nirations for large-scale
programs of research and development comes increasingly in conflict xith the
forms of innovation and discovery. Institutional inertias often hinder the ~
precise initiatives that go counter to the prevailing current. Moreover, the
attemnts to render the bureaucracies (even the acientific ones) less cumbersome, in the, often produced advsrse effects and resulted instead in
s'c.rengthening their paralyzing control.
The fact is tha,t these reservations of principle conceal deep-seated tensions.
_ The very nature of research demands creativity and innovation~ that is to say,
risk-taking and the right to mistakes; whereas the institutions that are
in chaxge of research insist on guaranteed estimates and abhor uncertr~.inties.
More and more often, therefore~ innovation has been the province of those
teams that labor on the periphery of the laxge=scale programs--teams such as
that of Roger Guillemin, Nobel laureate in ~nedicine, kho has had to ~~xile him-
- self in the United States in order to carry out his resea.~ch. These new teams
o.f "elite soldiers" (which are becoming the rule in the sector of the most
advanced research) axe opposed to the ponderousness of the ~ench organization-
al model. ~
The concluding report by Philippe Le.zar~ the new director of the Na~tiona.l
Institute of Health and Medical Reseaxch (INSERM)~ used exotic words~ favoring
ideas such as "networks," "interfaces" and "open systems" and praising the
"aleatory factor" and risk-ta.king. It is indeed a new philosophy of science
and knokledge, enunciated unabashedly, and the traditiona,l "hard" world of
classical induatry cannot fail to regaxd it as a provocation. This nex ooncept
of the "soft" technological galaxy--enunciated by a biologist--rubs the govern-
mental and technologica.l poxer structures in ~ance the wrong xay. The great
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governmental entities axe more inclined to continue to think in terms of
"hiera,rchy," "authority," "comma.nd" and "centralized pla.nning." The models
associated with these designa.tions have been successful in connection with the
freeway programs, the establishment of the nucleax i~xiustry, and the equipping
of asmies; but they have also failed in connection Kith modernization of the
- steel industry and have been incapable of aassisting in the process of building
a competitive computer industry. Moreover, the fact that d.a,ta processing
(just as in the case of the biotechnologies) does not fit the pa.ttern of
extremist centralism is unquestiona.bly a sign o~ the obsolescence of these
mana,gement models. The fact that the adverse effects of these models is
multiplying is an increasingly obvious symptom of this obsolescence.
The technological options can no longer be dealt with in the minor mode. The
difficulty thtt the politicians have in a,ssimi.lating, and taking into account,
the technological dimension of the political options is another indi ion.
Here, too, the explosion of knowledge is rendering tY~e old organi.zationa,l
models obsolete. The present-day holders of technological power are less and
less often the aristocrats of knowledge that they once were. For the most �
paxt~ they are today merely administrators who axe fa.r removed from the real
problem.s. The "middle class" of reseaxchers and technicians--the new "brain
workers"--want in their turn to be recognized as a new tribuna,l for decision-
malcir~;. For that reason, what is at stake is in fact a dernocratic--a,lbeit
peaceful--revolution, to wits "Pluralize the right to speak; grant it to all
those whose competence, whose responsibility, whose civic spirit~ whose labor
and whose curiosity entitle them to be legitima.te actors in the process of
makinP; the cultural~ scientific and technical choices for our future." As we
can see, the general reporter minces no words. The ambition of the "neca
alliance" ~oes singularly beyond politics--the politics of the I,eft as well as
the politics of the Right. This endeavor will have to attack ma,ny impregna.ble
fortresses--both on the left and on the right--if the technologica.l "new deal"
is to be carried through to success.
COPYRIGHTa 1982 s.a. Groupe E`xpress
i o992 ~
CSO: 3102/171
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Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 28 Nov 81 pp 23,48
~Article by J. M.~
~Text~ The recent RAAA (formerly: CAAA) show at New Orleans (see AIR ET COSMOS Nos
881 and 882) provided propeller manufacturers an opportunity to highlight the
evolution that characterizes their present production as well as their future one.
Putting aside the future "propfan" (see AIR ET COSMOS No 863, 6 Jun 1981), which
the designers now think will hardly make its debut~before the second half of this
decade (in the civil domain at least), the propeller still has a good future ahead
of it, owing to increased fuel costs: The turbojet, even of advanced, is
still too much of a fuel guzzler for the regional transport plane, and~the pro-
peller remains the best generator of mass movement, at least in the 500-km/hr
range, a range that is amply suEficient for short runs.
But which propeller? After three decades of virtual staqnation, a"new propeller"
has appeared, characterized by high efficiency, light weight, and a reduced noise
level, The use of blades made of composite materials and the advances that have
taken the domain of aerodynamics are to a great extent at the origin of
this revival. Three propeller makers are, from this standpoint~, operational:
_ Hamilton Standard and Hartzell in the United States, and Dowty in Great Britain.
- In continental Europe, the situation is much less encouraging but not hopeless,
thanks to Dornier and to Ratier-Figeac, the first of whom has recently commenced
flight tests (9 October) on an experimental TNT ~New Technology Win~7 plane using
a high-efficiency 4-bladed propeller developed in cooperation with the Hoffman
firm, the DFVLR [German Research and Experimental Institute for
Aeronautics and Astronautics] and the Technical Univ~rsity of Stuttgart.
- - _ _ _
and the second of whom has beefed up its Research and Development Department,
invested in computer facilities, and launched a program of design and development
of a broad line of propellers (see AIR ET COSMOS No 866, 27 June) that is to
cover the gamut from 150 to 1,500 kW.
The latter French firm has also obtained from the STPA ~expansion unknown~ a
contract on which it is already at work to develop a glass-fibered, 3-bladed,
variable-pits propeller suitable for the Epsilon. the Figeac firm, which has re-
configured a"propeller-design" department, reorganized its fabrication opera-
tions and opened a"composites" workshop, has set for itself a precise immediate
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objective: That of cooperating with the propeller maker who will be chosen for
the ATR 42, with a view to representing him in France, assemble the propellers,
and provide technical assistance.
Getting back to the American propellers: Hamilton Standard, a leader in the
"pro~fan" research effort, has developed its new 14-RF (1,500-2,000 hp) propeller,
a 4-bladed one measuring 3.2-3.3 m in diameter and weighing less than 90 kg, cone
included, which has already been adopted by Embraer for its Brasilia, by CASA/
Nurtanio for its CN-235 and by De Havilland Canada for its Dash-8. This propeller
is available with a system of regulation (mounted on the reducer) that offers all
imaginable possihilities, plus, as options, electronic synchronization and de-
icing. It is to be noted that the blades of the 14 RF are of mixed fabrication.
Hartzell Propeller offers no less, with its HD line, which will cover bhe gamut
between 1,400 and 2,200 hp, with diameters from 3.05 to 4.05 m and weights ranging
from 80 to 90 kg. The four supercritical-profile blades of this propeller are
made entirely of composite materials featuring extensive~use of Kevlar. The
resultant weight gain is between 15 and 28 percent. The other line (M 11073) in-
cludes 3-blade, 4-blade and 5-blade propellers (also made of Kevlar), designed
for the PT6A-45 and PT6A-65; the weight of a 3-blade unit is 52 kg... (the 5-blade
propellers will equip, for example, the Frakes improved N 262 and the Shorts
Dowty showed its 4-bladed, 3.20-diameter propeller that is to be mounted on the
SF 340's CT7-5. It is the latest addition to a family of propellers that already
equip the Gulfstream, the Merlin, the Metro, the JetStream, etc. The blades of
this propeller have a carbon-fiber spar.
Pending now is the choice to be made by AEROSPATIALE C(French) National Industrial
Aerospace Company~ and AERITALIA ~expansion unknown~ for the ATR 42. Competing
for this award are Dowty and Hamilton Standard.
COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1981
CSO: 3102/139
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AIRBUS ORDERS--Mr Tony Hart, chairman of the Board of Directors of Air Jamaica,
Mr Horace Barber, secretary general of the Finanae Ministry of Jamaica, and Mr
Jean-Yves Richard, Airbus Industrie's director of sales for South America and the
Caribbean, signec3 a contract on 8 January providing for the delivery in October
1982 of two Airbus A-300 B4-200 jetliners powered by General Electric CF6-50 C2
engines. These planes will be configured to carry 265 passengers, that is, 12 in
first class and 253 in taurist class. Air Jamaica, founded in 1966, is Jamaica's
national air transport company. Air Canada is a minor stockholder. its current
fleet consists of four B-727-200's, six DC-8's (three of which are Series 60), and
one DC-9-30. The two A-300 B4's just ordered will be put into service in November
1982 on the heavily traveled routes linking Jamaica with New York and Miami, and
on the major touristic routes to Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, etc. With
this order, Airbus Industrie's client airlines now number 43 and officially placed
orders for A-300/A-310's now total 505 planes, ~.s follows: 327~Type A-300 (258
firm orders + 69 options) and 178 Type A-310 (88 firm orders + 90 options). Air
Jamaica's decision is relatively significant, since it means.that the European
- aonsortium will henceforth have six clients in the Americas, the f.irst five being
Eastern Airlines (34 Type A-300 firm orders + 26 options); Cruzeiro do Sul (2 Type
A-300); Varig (2 Type A-300); VASP (3 Type A-300) and Wardair (6 + 6 Type A-310).
~Article by J. M.~ ~Text~ ~Paris AIR ET COSMOS in French 16 Jan 82 p 15~ ~COPY-
RIGHT: A. & C. 19 2~ 9399
AIRBUS FLIGHT TESTS WITH AFT CG--Airbus No 3 was used in~a series of flight tests
to explore the behavior of the plane with aft CG at 42 to 45 percent of its mean
aerodynamic chord versus the 35 percent currently allowed on the A-300. The
aftmost limit of CG travel has already been determined by simulator to be 50
percent. Actually, a 10-percent CG setback would enable a 1.5-percent reduction
to be achieved in Airbus fuel burn, by reducing trim compenaation drag (produced
by the tailplane). These figures apply only during cruising, of course, since for
takeoff and landing a CG displacement in excess of 33-35 percent is out of the
question--despite the attractiveness of aft CG from the standpoint of performance
during takeoff and climbing, owing still to the reduction of drag--because of the
geometry of the landing gear. One possible solution is that of in-flight fuel
transfer, a portion of it being transferred to tanks lodged in the tailplane. A
solution of this type is planned for certain of the long-r8nge Airbuses. We note
~ that the current Airbus mean cruising CG travel aft is around 25 percent. ~ Text~
~Paris AIR ET COSMOS in French 16 Jan 82 p 16~ ~COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1982~ 9399
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R004500050013-7
r~ux urrlt;t[w ua~ UNLY -
RJ-500 BENCH TESTS--Rolls-Royce disclosed on 30 December that bench tests have
started in Bristol on the high-pressure system of the future RJ-500 turbojet it
has developed jointly with the Japanese engine~-building industry, and that it has
already totaled 12 hours of operation in an altitude chamber. This~system includes
a 9-stage axial-flow compressor and a 2-stage HP (high-pressure) turbine. It is
heavily instrumented to enable measurement of its operating characteristics (ef-
ficiency, vibrations, turbine temperature). These tests were preceded by basiG
tests run during the past several months on the blower, the shafts, the combustion
chamber and the turbine. The first complete engine is due to return to the test
bench, still Bristol, next month. A second unit will return to IHI ~Ishikawajima-
Harima Heavy Industries~ at Mizuho, Japan, near Tokyo, in March. The RJ-500 in
question, the RJ-50U-O1, is a"demonstrator" the building of which was begun less
than 2 years ago. A distant offspring of the RB-401, the RB-183 and the Rt3-211
on the part of Rolls-Royce, and of the FJR-710 on the part of the Japanese, it was
designed and dimensioned as the demonstration model of an engine of 9 tons of
static thrust, capable of delivering a cruising thrust of 2.25 tons at Mach 0.8/ ,
30,000 feet, with an attractive 0.65-kg/kg p-h specific consumption, its intake
diameter being 1.5 meters. This RJ-500 was in fact optimized for a 120/150-seat
twin-engine jetliner weighing some 60 tons at takeoff: In effect, the Fokker F29
(see AIR ET COSMOS No 817). Then, the projects of the principal builders having
begun to show some headway, Rolls-Royce felt it must press forward with its pro-
ject and published, at the recent Bourges Exposition the basic characteristics of
its two proposed engines: The RJ-500-25 (diameter: 1.55 m; thrust: 9.5 t627,at
takeoff, 2.5 tons cruising; SFC ~specific fuel consumption~ lowered to 0. , and
the RJ-500-35 (diameter: 1.77 m; thrust 11.3 tons at takeoff, 2.95 tons cruising;
SFC 0.601). The latter is one of the engines being considered by Airbus and Delta
Airlines to equip the future A-320-200. In any case, the RJ-500 will keep its
main features, namely, its simplicity and its small number of components, both of
which will mc~derate its production cost. However, the needed increase in thrust
will nevertheless require the use of a 10-stage HP compressor and a 4-stage LP
~low-pressure~ turbine. The planned bypass ratio is 6, the pressure ratio 22.4,
and the flow rate 382 kg/sec (see AIR ET COSMOS No 865). ~Article by J.M.~
~Text~ ~Paris AIR ET COSMO~ in French 16 Jan 82 p 16~ ~COPYRIGHT: A. & C. 1982~
AEROSPATIALE, RENAULT TECHrTICAL EXCHA NGE--Jacques Mitterrand, president and
general manager of AER06PATIALE [Nationa.l Industrial Aerospace Compa.r~y~, and
Bernard Hanon, nresident of RNU-Rena.ult [Nationa,l Administration of Rena.ult
Factories~, on 1 February signed an agreement establishing the framework for
collaboration between Rena.ult and AEEtOSPATIAI~E. This agreement--of indetermi-
na.te duration--is intended to permit a mutual exchange of informa.tion and.
expertise arad is oriented paxticularly toward transfers of technology.
AE~QSPATIALE will bring to Renault its knowledge concerning the new materials
(composite ma.terials, new fibers, refractory ma.terials) and their application
in connection with the reduction of the weight of structures. The utiliza'tion
of lightwei~ht ma.terials in the design of the vehicles is one of the orienta-
tions that will make it possible to reduce the fuel consumption of the vehi-
cles. Rena.ult will bring to AEROS~ATIALE its special skills, particularly in
the domain of a.utomation and robotics. both at the desi~n level and at the
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~ level of inedium- and laxge-scale mass production techniques. The collabora-
ticn between Rena.ult and AER06PATIALE will be embodied in the specific agree-
msnts that will cover rot only joirrt research and development but work done
by either company in behalf of the other. When irxiicated, assistar.ce can be
requestea from governmerrtal sources. A coordina.tion committee consisting of
six members (three for each company) will monitor implemeritation of the
a.;reement and prescribe the objectives of the reseaxch. ~Textl [~asis AIR &
COSMOS in F`rench 6 Feb 82 p 9~ 10992
CSO: 3102/171 END
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