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Document Release Date: 
November 21, 2006
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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1974
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Approved For Release 2006/11/21 : CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100190002-0 USIB /IRAC-Alva- 1/74 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 28 January 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR See Distribution SUBJECT D/DCI/IC Responsibilities Pertaining to USIB/IRAC Committees The following guidelines are set forth to guide the relationship of the D/DCI/IC to the USIB/IRAC committees: 1. All committees within the USIB and IRAC structure function under the authority of the Chairman of the USIB and of IRAC. 2. The D/DCI/IC is assigned responsibility for assisting the Director and the USIB Principals with the policy guidance, tasking and coordination of all USIB and IRAC committees. 3. The D/DCI/IC will inform himself fully on committee activities and, as necessary, coordinate the adjustment of workload and priorities. In addition, the D/DCI/IC will assure that USIB committees are sensitive to and deliberate over the implications to community resources of substantive intelligence tasking, collection and processing strategies. He will also assure that IRAC committees as appropriate are fully informed on USIB requirements and on USIB evaluations relating to the collection systems assigned thereto. 4. Papers from USIB or IRAC committee chairmen directed to the DCI should be forwarded in a way appropriate to the origin, but in all cases the D/DCI/IC will be kept informed and consultations held as appropriate with him. Papers intended for the USIB or IRAC should be processed in the normal fashion through the USIB/IRAC Secretariat. y10P1/Q Classified by: 01-0295 Exempt from general de- classification schedule of E.O. 11652, exemption category 5B(2). Automatically declassified on: impossible to determine. C O N F I D E N T I A L Approved For Release 2006/11/21 : CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100190002-0 Approved For Release 2006/11/21 : CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100190002-0 USIB / IRAC-AM-1 /74 " .-r- riuary 1 974 5. Nomination and selection of committee chairmen is to be coordinated through the D/DCI/IC for approval by the DCI. W. E. Colby - 2 - C O N F I D E N T I A L Approved For Release 2006/11/21 : CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100190002-0 Approved For Release 2006/11/21 : CIA-RDP82B00871 R000100190002-0 CONFIDENTIAL USIB/IRAC-AM- 1 /74 28 uanuary 1974 DDCI D/DCI/IC PD/DCI/IC D/DCI/NIO DDI DD/S&T DDO DDM&S Chairman, Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation Acting Chairman, Critical Collection Problems Committee Chairman, Economic Intelligence Committee Chairman, Guided Missile and Astronautics Intelligence Committee Chairman, Human Sources Committee Acting Chairman, Intelligence Information Handling Committee Chairman, Interagency Clandestine Collection Priorities Committee Acting Chairman, Interagency Defector Committee Chairman, Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee Chairman, National Intelligence Survey Committee Chairman, Scientific Intelligence Committee Chairman, Security Committee Chairman, SIGINT Committee Chairman, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Committee Acting Chairman, Watch Committee Chairman, Intelligence Research and Development Council, IRAC Chairman, IRAC Working Group Chairman, IRAC Information Working Group Executive Secretary, USIB/IRAC Executive Secretariat Executive Registry - 3 - Approved For Release 20O/ ~/ 1 1FOAPR1OFF$2 30IW1ZR000100190002-0