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June 1, 1967
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Approved For Release 2006/11/22F2M00097R000300020001-5
A001 NEW
1 June 1967
USIB Procedures for Dealing with Overhead
Reconnaissance and Its Exploitation
USIB-D-5, 1/7, 3 May 1967
USIB -D-69.3 / 1, 17 January 1967, limited
distribution through restricted channels
c. DCID No, 2/7 of 23 April 1965
d. DCID No. 6/1 of 23 April 1965, limited
distribution through special channels
1. In response to the request in reference a. , the United States
Intelligence Board has concurred in the following actions, which have
been formally approved by the Director of Central Intelligence as of
this date:
a. Approved the attached DCID No. 1/13 establishing a USIB
"Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation (COMIREX)".
b. Transferred the functions of the Committee on Overhead Recon-
naissance (COMOR) relating to SIGINT overhead reconnaissance projects
and activities over denied areas to the SIGINT Committee under DCID No.
c. Established the effective date of a. and b. above as 1 July 1967
(thirty days after final approval of these actions), at which time DCID
No. 2/7 relating to COMOR would be cancelled.
d. In the meantime, directed the Chairmen of the SIGINT Committee
and the new COMIREX to make the necessary arrangements for a smooth
transition of the functions previously assigned to COMOR.
NRO review(s) completed.
X sv'71./
v1 ..I!=Q
Excluded from automatic
downgrading and
Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP82M00097R000300020001-5
Approved For Release 2006/11/20 - DP82MOO097ROO0300020001-5
1 June 1967
2. Accordingly, the above actions are circulated herewith for
information and guidance of all concerned, and for appropriate action by
the Chairmen of the SIGINT Committee and of the new COMIREX with
respect to 1. d. above.
3. The approved DCID No. 1/13 will also be printed and disseminated
to holders of the Intelligence Directives Handbook.
Executive Sec!retary
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Approved For Release 2006/11/20 IF'.. 2M00097R000300020001-5
Nva~ USIB-D-5. 1/8
DCID No. 1/13
(New Series)
(Effective 1 July 1967)
1. Pursuant to the provisions of NSCID Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 8, and
for the purpose of assisting the United States Intelligence Board in providing
approved intelligence guidance for the collection and exploitation of imagery, 3/
a Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation (COMIREX) is hereby
established as a committee of the USIB.
Functions and Responsibilities
2. In accordance with policies approved by the USIB, the Committee
shall advise, assist, and generally act for the USIB on matters involving
the coordinated development of intelligence guidance for imagery collection
by overhead reconnaissance of denied areas3/ and, as set forth in the
l/ This Directive supersedes DCID No. 2/7 of 23 April 1965.
2/ For the purposes of this Directive, the term "imagery" includes all
products of overhead reconnaissance which provide a permanent
record of the likeness of any natural or man-made features, objects,
and activities reproduced on photographic material. This imagery
can be acquired through the sensing of the visual or any other se ment
of the electromagnetic spectrum b sensors,
I I Within the context o t is
Directive, imagery does not include records of communications, radar
signals or telemetry data which do not reproduce the likeness of
objects on photographic material.
3/ Denied areas include all territory and territorial waters claimed by
Communist nations, as well as such other areas of priority intelli-
gence interest as may be determined by USIB.
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S Attachment
USIB -D-5. 1/8
"National Tasking Plan for the Exploitation of Multi-Sensor Imagery, "
on matters involving the exploitation of imagery. Any action or recom-
mendation involving the establishment of policy shall be referred by
COMIREX to the USIB. The responsibilities of COMIREX do not include
intelligence guidance for the collection of imagery required in direct
support of actively combatant forces.
3. The Committee shall:
a. Formulate recommendations for the establishment by
USIB of intelligence guidance for imagery collection by overhead
reconnaissance in consonance with the essential national needs for
information. The Committee shall take appropriate action through
USIB to ensure the validity and practicality of this guidance in the
light of changing national circumstances and cost effectiveness
b. Monitor and keep the USIB appropriately advised
concerning the responsiveness of existing and potential systems
for the collection of imagery by overhead reconnaissance to
USIB needs for intelligence information.
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"~}~~ 1 Attachment
USIB-D-5. 1/8
c. As appropriate, maintain cognizance and keep the
USIB advised of the plans and capabilities of all Government
agencies for the collection of imagery by overhead reconnaissance.
d. Monitor and coordinate on behalf of the USIB all
matters relating to the effective implementation, execution,
evaluation, and revision of the National Tasking Plan for the
Exploitation of Multi-Sensor Imagery, and, as appropriate,
maintain cognizance of other plans and policies relating to
imagery exploitation.
e. Formulate recommendations to USIB calculated to
ensure the validity and realism of intelligence guidance for First
and Second Phase Exploitation and Third Phase Basic Support
Exploitation activities, and their conformity to the National
Tasking Plan. *
First-Phase Exploitation is the preliminary, rapid interpretation of
newly acquired imagery for the purpose of extracting, organizing,
and communicating information to satisfy immediate priority needs.
Second-Phase Exploitation is the systematic review of newly acquired
reconnaissance imagery for the purpose of providing a succinct,
organized, and comprehensive summary of the information extracted,
or available for extraction from the .imagery obtained by a mission.
Third-Phase Exploitation is the exploitation in depth of reconnaissance
imagery for the purpose of extracting and coherently organizing the
accurate, detailed, and comprehensive information required in the
production of intelligence.
Basic Intelligence Support Exploitation is that part of Third Phase
Exploitation which is undertaken to provide a flow of basic image-
derived information required by more than one agency, department,
or command. SECRET
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Approved For Release 2006/11/6k,,gP82M00097R030002~,7~(ment
USIB -D-5. 1 /8
f. Monitor and coordinate by the establishment of
appropriate guidance, the development and maintenance of the
National Data Base of Image-Derived Information in accordance
with the National Tasking Plan.
g. Monitor the responsiveness of exploitation to established
intelligence needs, and, concurrently, review: (1) the products
of the exploitation effort in terms of their utility to consumers and
the relative cost; (2) the need to change either collection or
exploitation guidance accordingly.
h. Determine the specific need for overseas processing
of strategic overhead reconnaissance imagery and provide intelli-
gence guidance for the First Phase Exploitation thereof to meet
national needs. The Committee shall work in concert with recon-
naissance management authorities to review and, subject to approval
of the USIB
i. Advise the USIB with respect to the appropriate balance
between current and planned programs for the collection and
exploitation of imagery.
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Approved For Release 2006/11/20: 82M00097RO~Or0~ 3000200C~1tfchm
Examine and make recommendations with respect
to the impact of projected overhead imagery collection systems
on imagery exploitation requirements and techniques.
k.. Foster the effective interface of imagery interpre-
tation equipment research and development at the national and
departmental levels with projected exploitation activities, and
provide a focal point for the expeditious exchange of information
in the interests of ensuring coordinated equipment procurement
1. Examine and make recommendations, as appropriate,
on such related matters as dissemination and special security
Organization and Procedures
4. The Committee shall be composed of designated representatives
of the departments and agencies represented on the USIB, including
Army, Navy, and Air Force representatives. Representatives of
authorities engaged in imagery reconnaissance or exploitation under
the purview of this Directive shall provide consultants to support the
Committee as required. The Chairman may, as appropriate, invite
representatives of other agencies to participate in the work of the
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USIB-D-5. 1/8
5. The Chairman of the Committee shall be designated by the
Director of Central Intelligence in consultation with the USIB.
6. To accomplish its responsibilities, the COMIREX will be
supported by subcommittees as approved by the USIB. The Chairman
of the Committee may constitute working groups as required. The
Committee will be supported by a staff which will be directly responsible
to the Chairman, COMIREX, and manned by personnel provided by the
Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
7. The COMIREX shall share with other USIB committees
responsibility for the coordination of areas of joint or overlapping
Director of Central Intelligence
Approved For Release 2006/11/20: CIA-RDP82M00097R000300020001-5