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Document Release Date: 
April 22, 2005
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Publication Date: 
March 29, 1973
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Executive Registryw ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 29 MAP 1973 The Honorable James R. Schlesinger Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. 20505 As you will recall from my correspondence of 20 February, we have recently completed a review of the usefulness of the Community On-Line Intelligence System (COINS). The committee tasked with the review concluded that COINS serves a community need, but was notably weak in several areas. The review group offered recommendations in- tended to alleviate these deficiencies, and enhance the future effective- ness of automated information exchange. The review was enlightening in that it indicated a high interest in exchange of intelligence information throughout the user community, although roughly 95% of COINS-attributable expenditures for FY 73 were made by Defense Department agencies. We are prepared to pro- ceed with an approach to improving the system and at the same time controlling its costs, but I particularly feel your support is necessary to maintain and enhance cooperative interchange between the Defense agencies and those under your control. Since the review, some progress has been made against cer- tain of the COINS weaknesses. In order to proceed with the problem of file selection, I would like to convene a working group comprised of members from each of the major COINS participating agencies, (including NPIC), under the chairmanship of my representative. Participation from your staff would be appreciated. The represen- tatives should be capable of examining the files which the previous review pinpointed as being of high community interest, and establish the procedures necessary to assure their timely inclusion in COINS. Approved For Release 2005/05/23 : CIA-RDP82M00531 R000400010022-0 ASD(I)_/63-73 Approved For Reuse 2005/05/23 : CIA-RDP82M00531 RR40400010022-0 I would like the working group to have its organizational meeting on 10 April. I have enclosed a copy of the General Terms of Reference for their review. Sincerely, Attachment a/s Approved For Release 2005/05/23 : CIA-RDP82M00531 R000400010022-0 Approved For Release 2005/05/23 : CIA-RDP82M00531 R000400010022-0 The COINS Review Group evaluation, completed 1 February 1972 pinpointed inadequacies in the file selection as being a weakness of the present COINS system. This Working Group will focus on those Washington Area intelligence files, both within and without the COINS system, which were identified by the COINS Review Group as being of high interest to community users. The Working Group will determine the most desirable file selection for COINS, and derive substantive procedures for the implementation of the desired file selection. Given below are the general guidelines that should be employed by the Working Group. The specific details of the procedure will be the first order of business for the Group. 1. Determination of Storage Capacity - The data storage of each host's system will be examined to determine its ability to add new files and the requirement to purge old files. 2. File Prioritization - The desired file selection for each host will be prioritized on the basis of internal and community need for each file as well as technical factors relating to its ease of incorporation in the data base. 3. Data Base Delineation - A revised COINS file formation will be delineated, based on host storage capacity and priorities, established from items 1 and 2, above. It may be necessary to propose alterna- tive arrangements in the event of priority uncertainties or disputes over internal vs external requirements. The Group should also ad- dress cost and schedule implications of each alternative. 4. Implementation Plan - The Working Group will propose a de- tailed plan for the rapid and orderly implementation of the data base arrangement(s) delineated in Item 3. The plan will address factors such as update and maintenance schedule and responsibilities, software requirements, etc. The plan should be written in such a manner as to insure the implementation of the new data bases with a minimum of disruption to existing COINS operations. Approved For Release 2005/05/23 : CIA-RDP82M00531 R000400010022-0