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August 18, 1980
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Approved For~elease 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP82M0059~00200050015-0 UiREC"fOR OF C&=NTRAL IPJTELLIGENCE ~iP~tlrltj~ CoR1P~ltl@~ 1.8 August 1980 h9EMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, SF.COM 25X1A 1~RfJM: 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A ES/SECOM SUBJECT: Storage of APEX Nondisclosure Agreement 1. The issue of CIA providing a central repository for storage of the Nondisclosure Agreement has arisen. again. 1. The Department of State has acquiesced and it looks 7.ike there will be a standard APEX NdA. is the CIA representative to one of APEX Working Groups chaired by of the AF (also the AF SECOPI member). At. a recent meeting eve r.yane exce_t NSA and CIA opted for CIA to provide the repository. ~ wants a statement of position. 4. I've repeatedly informed that OS would not be equipped to do this ti~~ith current. resources. But I llavent't told 1-~~im holy many resources it would take to make OS change its mind. 5, As close as I can -Figure, we are talking about holding up to 200,000 NdA within the first two years of- APEX a.nd adding to this at the rate of probably 5-10,0()0 per month (on the high side}, 3-5,000 per month on the law side. Original p~;open would have to be stored for 7G years. While there may not ~t~e active interplay of this material, there would be a deed for an organized Pilo subject to access and document retrieval can reasonable notice. Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP82M00591 8000200050015-0 25X1A 25X1A Approved For'~lease 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP82M005900200050015-0 G. Resource requirem~:r.t for this task are computed to he 2 people a.t the clerk level (GS-5 or GS-6) far the first year and one GS-6 full time each year thereafter. Space requirements would be approximately 40 linear feet the first year and an ad.ditiona_1 2 or 3 linear per year thereafter. I3efox?e the first copy could be destroyed (70 years from ~_nitiati_on datel P the holdings will h~;ve grown. to require more than 300 linear f.cet o1' space. The material. is unclasp=ified but will require protective storage against wcathr.r hazaz?ds and effects of time. 7. continues to support the idea of central storage by CIA and I'm sure he will again seek your support and agreement to provide this service of common concern. Shall we encourage'? or Sha11 we discourage? 25X1A I)istributi.on: Orig Return FS/SFCOM 1 -- C/S~COM Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP82M00591 8000200050015-0 Approved ForV~lease 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP82M0059~000200050015-0 15 August 198p MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security/CA 25X1A ~~ROM: Chief, Special ecurity Centex SUBJECT: APEX Nondisclosure Agreements 1. `1"ie attached agenda for the 14 August 1980 Working Croup One meeting contains an item an the Nondisclosure Agreement which gezYerated substantial discussion and disagree- ment. Most of the agencies represented were strongly in favor of: a central repository for all Nondisclosure Agreements. opposed. to burdesiing the individual SIO's with this respansi- bility for which they have no resotarces. 25X1A ~? polled the attendees and f"ound that all favored a central repository except NSA (which preferred to a~rai7atain its own Nondisclosure Agreements) and CIA, which 25X1A abstaii~~ed, would ap}7reciate a CIA position an a central repository or ondisclosure Agreements--the point }?eing that all other agencies (except NSA) would like to see CIA accept this responsibility to which I could. not commit. - either OS or CIA. 3. I wo,.zld appreciate gr?~idance on t}ris matter- -even in 25X1A th.e form of a memo fa-om -putting the Office on record as either accepting or declining to assume the role of Nondisclosure Agreement keeper for the community, and the: concomitant resource impact. such an acceptance would entail. 'the recent decision by National Archives t}lat the Nondisclosure .Agreement might have to be maintained f.or some seventy (70) years shou:Ld also be considered. 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP82M00591 8000200050015-0 Approved Folease 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP82M005~f000200050015-0 flQ :~NSC 0 i. 02 APEX Nondi.sclasurc AgrE~e-nents (N1~P,s) Q3 tJ 4 25X1AQ `-% O~f Chairman, AP;;:~ Steeri.n kIandlinc~_af NDAs: 2 '7 ~~ a. Initial__APE_X_ Indoctrination. The ariginal siclned NDA should ?9 be forwarded~t.o t}ie Intelligence Community. 3I0 whc~ aLZtl7orized APEX 30 indoctrination. This S:CO would pe responsir~le for submitting re- ~l data to the 4C system (or interim pre-4C system} and then 32. ret:.aining the NDA in its repository. IC SIO:~ may z:equire a person :~;i to aperiodically complete additional NDAs for record-keeping, 34 security, or other purposes. NDAs completed under these condi- 35 Lions need not be kept in the repository and may be destroyed 36 wi-en no longer needed. 37 ~E1 b. Re.c9rdin~Individual APIaX Access Catec~orie~~. Each time a 3g 'person is authorized access to an individual APF'X compartment, 4D suDCOrnpartment, produr,t, or other APEX category, the fact will be ~Sl reported to the SiO aul:lrorizing access who will enter the data in tI? the ~C system. There is no need to record this access in the ~"3 Intelligence Commurri.ty SIO?s NDA repository. ~4 X15 c. Debriefine~s. When a person is dui~riefed in toto or is 46 removed from orZe or marE,a APEX accesses, the Debriefing Certificate ~7 (DC} must be forwar~iF~d to the t?IO who as_1thOra.Led tine access. 't'his X18 SIC) will eater flee data into tkre 4C system anci keep or destroy tha 4g DC, as desired. 'T'he DC need not be r_etainud in thf~ repository. 5~ Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP82M00591R0002~~'~~8nt Approved For~ialease 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP82M0059~00200050015-0 OQ c1. Tr~~nsiErs Arnon~~ IntE~l1_i~,~ence Cc~~nmanit.~ SIO`~. 6v7ienever a tel. person under the ~1P)~~ security cogiiiz~ince of. onr_~ Intelligence' C)2 Cornmuriity SIU is assic~n~~d (i. e~. , "in-status transfer, or ckaanc3e d3 cif employment.) to da.~ties requirin which he/she 1~ ma.v have cazlcerning the NDA or access to APEX materials. (Such ]7 _.=;ervations could, in some cases, result in terminating the ]_~ r~rie:f:ing