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Document Release Date: 
October 26, 2004
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Publication Date: 
March 21, 1980
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Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591R000200090011-0 Mr. Moroncy: 1. Attached for your records is a copy of the 31 March 1978 memorandum for NFIB from its Chairman on establishment of the DCI Security Committee under R. W. Gambino and the estab- lishment of the Community Security Group. 2. Obviously certain changes have taken place in the past two years which modify some terms of this memorandum: The current DDA has delegated his role relative to SECOM to U/Security, CIA. While the CSG supposedly subsumed the compart- mentation security policy responsibilities exercised by the Special Security Center, in fact, the creation of a Special. Assistant to the DCI for Compartmentation, the development of APEX, establishment of an APEX Steering Group with solid charter, and formation of the APEX Control Staff render most of this policy function responsibilities of the SSC moot. - R. W. Gambino resigned. The Acting Director of Security has assumed the chair of the Security Committee. CSG's temporary location in Room 3E-05, CIA Headquarters building continues but space has also been provided in 3D-39. NEIB agencies responded to the Chairman's invitation to fill some of the positions in the CSG on a rotational, reimbursable basis. A senior agent from the FBI, Mr. William Johnson, and Col. Russel Newman from the Air Force, were selected and currently on assignment with the Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591R000200090011-0 Approved For Ruse 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591F0200090011-0 CSG. Mr. Johnson handles matters related to physical security and Col. Newman deals with some aspects of personnel security. In addition, Tas contracted to assist as my principal staff officer in connection with the mechanics of SECOM management and in prep- aration of some policy papers and staff studies. To round out the membership of the CSG, I have I Irom CIA assisting Col. Newman. There are currently two vacant positions occupied until recently by and. STATINTL They were assigned to address a ma. ers of compartmentation as associated with COMIREX, The SIGINT Committee and development of APEX. I has TATINTL recently been designated by the OS Career Boar c to fill position. The Director of Security, with approval of the DDA, established the position of Deputy Director for Community Affairs (DD/CA) to which I was appointed. As such I have been made a member of the OS management staff, a member of the GS-14/15 Panel, and a member of the OS Career Board. These duties are in addition to those of Chief, Community Security Group and Executive Secretary of the DCI Security Committee. As you are aware, the Director of Security recently relocated the Special Security Center and its Compartmented Information Branch under the DD/CA. 3. Recent discussion with the Acting Director of Security lead me to believe there are no further changes in this regard planned. The matter will be reviewed with the appointee selected as the new Director of Security and you will be informed accordingly should. he elect to have a different line-up than now exists. L1. This information and material is provided for your information and to allow you to respond. to questions by your personnel on the Charter and make-up of the CSG. Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP Attachment Dist: Addressee, SECOM Subj, SECOM Ch ono STATINTL Approved F Release 2004/12/22 ' `CIA-RDP82MOO591 R0001GOG9O611--0-------I NATIONAL FL KOi i I MTELL IGENCE BOARD /~ JRANDU 1 FOR IEEE NATIONAL IOhEior INTELLIGENCE: EdAU r J CT. f)CI Security Committee 1. At the 14 March 1978 meeting of the hoard, I announced the ssignment and subordination of the M Security Committee under the ;1uty to the DU for Support. 2. The Community Security Group (CSG) is hereby established in office of the 0/I.ICI for Support to serve as the focal point for .mun i ty Security affairs, staff support to the UCT STATINTL:urity Committee. is appointed Chic, Community ,:uri ty Group. He will concurrently function as Executive Secretary of DCI Security Committee. 3. The Security Committer: supported by the CSG will be responsible r advising rn{e on all matters of Co;amuni ty concern with respect' to uri ty policy and management. The Security Co;,mmi ttee will continue to action under the charter provisions of 001 :,o. 1 % l l (effective l May 1976). Community Security Group will subsume the compa rtrnentat i on security policy ,ponsi b i l i ti cis heretofore exercised by the Special Security Center, CIA. 4. The nucleus of .he Community Security Group is being former by the insfer of the positions until now associated with the Security Cor:r:) i ttee aft from the Intelligence Community Staff. The positions associated with rpartmentation security policy functions i n the Special Security Center, CIA e also being transferred to the Community Security Grar.rp. In addition, Tam king other positions available from the CIA to complete the organ ization. r-minations will be invited in the near future from the NFIE3 agencies to fill ne of the positions in the Group on a rotational, reimbursable basis. 5. Effective immediately Or. Robert U. Gambino, Director of' Security, CIA appointed Chairman of the DC1 Security Committee. 6. Effective 10 April 1978 the Community Security Group will be temporarily