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Document Release Date: 
October 26, 2004
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Publication Date: 
March 12, 1980
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Approved For Releaw 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP82M00591 R00Q,P0090023-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Personnel Policy, Planning and Management THROUGH: Administrative Office, DCI STATINTL FROM: Special ssistan to the DCI f-or Compartmentation SUBJECT: Contracts for APEX Implementation 1. Action Requested: Your approval. to contract for a pilot stu y an~d_report to assist in the implementation of the APEX Special Access Control System within the Central Intelligence Agency. 2. Background: As the implementation of the Presidentially approved APEX System progresses, attention has been directed to the issue of determination of access. There must be an effort to comply with the requirements of E.O. 12065 to keep numbers small. Encouragement and assistance should. be available to senior management to assess needs of personnel for access. Action by CIA needs to be visible to APEX partici- pating departments and agencies to encourage critical reviews of their personnel's need for access. 3. Proposal: To satisfy these goals, it is proposed that an o leb` ctive study/survey of actual distribution and dissemination of SCI material in CIA be conducted. under a fee for task contract to produce a report showing those members of the population who receive access as compared to those with access approvals for other reasons as may be reflected on the master record of all holders. This report will be a factual picture of CIA's dissemination and internal use of SCI material and will be provided to senior managers for their assistance in determining need-to-know for access to APEX material. Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000200090023-7 Approved For Rele 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP82M00591 R00NW0090023-7 Employees with detailed knowledge of CIA's SCI programs were sought in the Agency to perform this task without success. The need for objectivity indicated the use of personnel outside the components being looked at. The Office of Security was approached but was unable to provide experienced officers for this additional APEX implementation task in view of recent high numbers of retirements and priority commitments in other areas. 4. Recommendation: It is recommended that you approve the use of two mice of Security retirees with unique experience and broad detailed knowledge of current SCI programs as independent contractors for a fee of each for a period of 60 working days to perform this task. The task should begin as soon as possible, no later than 24 March 1980 and be completed no later than 24 June 1980. The contracted task would be performed for the Special Assistant to the DCI for Compartmentation. Director, Personnel Pol cy, Planning and Management Attachments: 1 - Bio of Contractors 2 - Task and. Conditions of Contract Distribution: Orig - SA/DCI/C w/atts 1 - SECOM Subj w/atts 1 - SECOM ono /' SECOM4 1(12 May 80) Date 25X1 STATINTL Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000200090023-7 Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000200090023-7 Tasks and Conditions 1.. With a recent SPECLE print-out of CIA Headquarters holders of access approvals for Special Compartmented Intelligence as a master list of approved personnel, you are to identify those individuals to whom SI and TK material is made available from time of its receipt in headquarters to time of file or destruction. 2. There is to be no critical evaluation of the need-to- know. The fact of access is the guide for identifi- cation. 3. Your point of contact will be the area security officers or the individuals designated by the functional, elements with necessary introductions or initial access/ introduction provided by the APEX Security Advisor. 4. Weekly reports of progress are to be made to the APEX Security Advisor. A final report, identifying the numbers of individuals with witnessed access and numbers of individuals not seen to have access, and general observations will be required. All details of data will be documented on the SPECIE print-out using an easily understood device or procedure. The final report will be supplemented by additional detail as required. S. This task is being performed for the Special Assistant to the DCI for Compartmentation to whom the final report in two copies will be provided. 6. Necessary secretarial assistance will be provided by the Office of the APEX Security Advisor. 7. All classified material will be handled in accordance with CIA regulations and procedures. 8. Staff-like access will be provided except for those areas determined by the occupant to require escort. He will provide such escort. 9. The payment for this task is Oto be paid at 25X1 regular intervals determined by the Agency on Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000200090023-7 Approved For Rele a 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP82M00591 R009 00090023-7 certification to the Administrative Officer to the DCI by the SA/DCI/Compartmentation of full 8-hour r- I days actually worked computed at 10. The task is to be completed in 60 working days from start to finish and is to be completed no later than 3 calendar months from commencement. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000200090023-7