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Document Release Date: 
October 26, 2004
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82M00591R000200090025-5.pdf72.89 KB
Approved For Re`se 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R0200090025-5 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Security Committee MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: COMIREX's Downgrading and Sanitization Proposals 1. I think that the exercise is a great bit of work. 2 I do not believe it should go from the COMIREX to the DCI and then be sent to the Community as a finished item. Rather, the C/COM11IREX should send it to the SA/DCI/Compartmentation or to C/APEX Steering Group, with a representative from COMIREX, to explain what it is and how it answers the APEX needs. Some items we should have assurances on: a. Thresholds - Does the TEES proposal adhere to APEX thresholds approved in principle by NEIB or does it represent the COMIREX perception of thresholds as they are published in their parameters papers. b. Consumer acceptability - was there sufficient representation from the consumer popu- lation participating in the COMIREX deliberations. Remember, APEX is structured on a concept of bipartisan cooperation between colliectors/pro- cessors and consumers. c. No strings or compartmentation control tentacles on decompartmented or sanitized TK - other than regular markings prescribed by DCID 1/7. 2. The reason I propose that the SA/DCI/Compartmentation (in the long run) and as the C/Steering Group (for the implementation period) be identified clearly now as the Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000200090025-5 Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000200090025-5 DCI's rep and agent to implement APEX is based on concern that no one else can or should be allowed to make formal pronouncements as to what stays in compartmentation and what comes out and how this is done. If such control is not taken now - the SA/DCI/Compartmentation will shortly find himself in the same incontinent contest with the SIGINI' Committee, COMIREX and NRO that the Security Committee has about authorities over what will be compartmented and how. 4. Suggest the SA/DCI/Compartmentation go to C/COMIREX with a directive that all implementation steps in the APEX process are to be sent to him and not the DCI. Further, the SA/DCI/Compartmentation should make this clear a.t. an early meeting of the APEX Steering Group. STATINTL Distribution: One - SUBJECT SECOM Chrono Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP82M00591 R000200090025-5