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May 27, 1965
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Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500150001-4 Popy 1 of 6 copies 25X1 25X1 27 May 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: DCI Briefing of CIA Subcommittee of House Appropriations, 27 May 1965, 9 a. m. 1. The Director, accompanied by Mr. Houston, met with the CIA Subcommittee of House Appropriations. Present for the Subcom- mittee were: George H. Mahon, Chairman Frank T. Bow Glenard P. Lipscomb Robert L. Michaels, Staff Assistant 2. The Director opened the briefing with a statement on the British newspaper report that there had been a build up of Chinese troops in the South China area; he followed the briefing paper. Mr. Bow noted the statement that the Chinese air force in the area had been doubled and asked what this meant. The Director said this would amount to some 250 planes. Mr. Lipscomb asked if the IL-28s had arrived in North Vietnam, and the Director said two more had arrived, making a total of five. Mr. Mahon asked if it were likely they were going to drop bombs on South Vietnam, and the Director said this is speculative but they could do so; however, he felt the move was more psychological. Mr. Mahon asked if they could not drop a few bombs on Saigon, and the Director said this was possible but there were good air defense arrangements for our sites and for Saigon and said the force was not significant but more of a harassing matter. Mr. Mahon asked if there probably would only be "sneak" operations at the moment, and the Director answered yes. Mr. Bow asked if the Catholics were anticommunist, and the Director said they were. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500150001-4 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500150001-4 In answer to a further question from Mr. Bow, the Director said he had no indications that the Catholics were working in any way with the communists although they were violently against Quat. 3. Mr. Lipscomb asked about a CBS broadcast he heard about which stated there were two missile sites near Hanoi and that the United States had established the policy that these would not be bombed. Mr. Lipscomb asked if the Department of State is briefing reporters along this line. The Director said that of course State is always briefing a variety of people, as this is its job, but he knew of no statements about policy on bombing these sites. He noted that Mr. McNamara and the President had said they reserved complete freedom of action in North Vietnam. Therefore, he felt that the CBS program was probably a provocation to see if there was a reaction to their statement on policy. 4. The Director read the briefing notes on the situation in the Dominican Republic. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500150001-4 Approved For Release TOP SECRET 6. The Director then used the briefing notes to brief the Subcommittee on the Bolivian situation and in closing mentioned the Russian photographic satellite which had been launched at a 51 degree angle which would give it excellent coverage of the United States. 25X1 r 5X1 25X1 25X1 Attachment Briefing Paper, dtd 26 May 1965 Distribution: Copy 1-OGC/LC w/att Copies 2 and 3-DCI w/att Copy 4-DDCI thru ExDir-Comp w/att Copy 5-C/Presentations Staff/DDI w/o OGC:LRH:jeb Added: Copy 6-DDP w/oatt TOP SECRET LAWRENCE R. HOUSTON General Counsel 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500150001-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500150001-4 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP82R00025R000500150001-4