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Approved For Releea e 2pc08 0 ~PA!R~82aS0 OOO3OO1OOOO5-1 Atlantic Drilling Areas DRILL, From C1 ated to camouflage., their real needs. It would be my permission to drill as close as 23 miles from shore. guess the Interior Depart- ment probably approved the An Interior Department acreage they (the spokesman said yesterday companies) most wanted." that the decision to 'cut back on the number of tracts The Interior Dspartment has begun to produce a available for drilling had draft environmental impact been based on environmen- tal statement on the proposed concerns as well as oh- drilling area, a . pokesman jections from the fishing In for the department ,said. several states and federal to be completed in agencies. These included the October National Marine Fisheries and public hearings on the .~, sites will probably take d the TT [ : Q__-;__ -A fl,- TT Q erv ce an and Wildlife Service. Seventy-one tracts were ary, he said. Although ther4_bas been a eliminated from the drilling relatively mild show of op- area after they were ob- position to' the.--, Coast jected to by the Mid Atlan- drilling plans upto now, In- tic Finfish and Lobster As- terioi Department officials sociation of Narragansett, have said they expect more MI., an Interior spokesman vehement protasis to arise at the public Bearings from ,said. environmentalists and oth- Despite the sharp cut- ers. backs in the available drill- If the_.deprtment's tents- ing area, an official of one tive timetable holds, a of the oil companies in- spokesman aid the tracts volved in the preliminary may be available for leasing exploration of the offshore by next May. Once a tract is site said the areas of pri- sold to aZ(t@ pr ems` ct"''di agreement were discussed and a lit- by the American senators may be tie progress was actually made. unavoidable. Whelan. The larva of the iwctuid moth,- vev we understand, can compensate for its to th tnt M AL huffing, puffing, Man ~gr~loth is, sadly, famil- , amo- far to most of us, as is the apinele'ss, infoi soft-shelled turtle of central and south- Ism If Quebec had the oil Re Geoffrey Stevens' Trying Not, to;,. "If Mr. Lougheed were Premier of Quebec, there, would be screams of outrage across English Canada."; What does Mr. Stevens suppose would happen if Quebec had the oil, and the fed- ~ral Government dared to impose an ex- port. tax to help pay for Alberta's lack of same, as 'the are now doing to subsidize Quebec and the Maritimes? Also why does the federal Government not tax the export of electrical energy by Quebec and Ontario. Hydro, the same as they. 'are doing; on Western oil? James A. Johnston Orillia hook dumping tent taker: nlent nalisi that and l nalisi style Alt} ands life: ti ity, if cussi( of the This congratulated for his decision (Book Dump- ? - : fracti to stop the dumping of remaindered Amerl- sons on the domestic market. This practice has which `damaged both writers and publishers in this who is country, and I am certain that all of us will welcome this decision. It is to be hoped that ultimately (and the sooner the better) legis- lation will be worked out to prohibit the im- portation of all American editions of Cana dian books in cases where the Canadian edi- tion is available., Lakefield sion to utilize the Finch subway station many times at all hours of, the day. I co1jd not. help but notice the piped-in music which the TTC is now oozing through the air in the bus-boarding area. Please note: (1) 1 am forced, by circumstance, to use the TTC subways. I refuse to passively sue- numb to that drivel as well. everywhere on Tl'C property, forbids me to, carry any sound-emitting device on, WC property (which..may. annoy ,others with thhat sound). 'I consider that. law to be equally applicable to the 'FTC itself. (3) With the imniigentthreat of a $56-mil- lion deficit for the TTC tind/or a substantial Fare increase for riders, it hardly seems the appropriate time to be wasting money , ' on such aggravating superfluities. Grant Chorley Agincourt Connaught ' Laboratories It is with amazed admiration that I am following the dedicated and unselfish cam- paign waged by some of your journalists aimed at purifying the Canadian public and scientific life for the benefit of our whole conmlunity. Their.; previous revelations of police brutality affecting almost exclusively the law-abiding, taxpaying, innocent citi- zens already has brought a great measure of feeling of safety for those walking the streets. 0697 O 1:OOtl& t scientific f those who will be able to follow their brand of dialectics, which in a ser emmtpi. m kin petty 'An cracih Hots one t rasse, did! A r which good tempt comp Alin the of shows might tured .might five. I If p lack c row; 1 arouni monet why t outsid how d Flaw jo ~ th joy?V ing th, over ; again': sure, ch_ildri worth. one an i+. Appro ec ReWse t 8bla f&-&'E)'m2S00697R000,~ By GEOFFREY STEVENS OTTAWA What's not so good and what gives There are reasons for 'being both rise to a certain pessimism is that p much seems to have tra er t y v no optimistic and pessimistic about the outcome of the Third United Nations pened since the Caracas session ad- Law of the Sea Conference which re- journed at the end of August. The idea then was the months leading up smuts in Geneva on Monday There to Geneva would be devoted to inten- are two main reasons for oyptimism, live discussions with other countries the first being that there was, at the to narrow existing differences and to conference's first session in Caracas set the stage for hard bargaining to last summer, a very real determina- beg in without delay in Geneva. In- tion on the part of virtually all of the stead, a .weariness--a sort of diplo- 137 nations to come up with a coin- matic fatigue--seemed to set in prehensive international treaty. Per- m after the 10 hard weeks in Caracas. haps some of them were preoc- to far as Canada is concerned, pied with tactics rather than with there have been some bilateral talks no. one wanted to r negotiating. But do anything that would destroy the with the 'United States and Japan; 'representatives from Guides and possibility of eventually reaching all have passed through Ottawa; cge that his government Mr. Lapointe led a delegation to could mant could ratify. Senegal, Tunisia and Algeria in Jan- The second rgency for optimism as no noted nary; another External Affairs offi-the sense urg ye erda of surrounds which, as noted cial went to Tehran; the leader of the confer- the Canadian Law of the Sea delega- yesterday, "We've got to have good suts even i they are n partial tion, Alan Beesley, who doubles as res, even ow a from m on the only confer- Ambassador to Vienna, flew to New results, to show York for meetings at the United Na- nal Affays Paul Lap,, of d Exter y tions. But this rather diffn e.activity n al , who will eputy does not seem to add up to concen- leader of the Canadian delegation in trated pre-conference negotiating Geneva. Ambassador John Steven= and there is no indication that any son, the leader of the United States of it has really advanced Canada's delegation, 'emphasized the same position. point in an interview in New York: . Another cause for concern, if not It is very critical that Geneva does pessimism, is that no one is quite produce not only progress but some- " sure what will happen when every- thing people can see as progress. one gets to Geneva. The assumption Everyone involved in Law of the is that the conference will go Sea discussions knows the negotia-. 'straight into working sessions, skip- lions are in imminent danger of ping the formal plenary sessions and being overtaken by events. If Ge- political speeches that ? wasted so neva does not produce real and tan- much time in Caracas. But the con- gible progress, countries like the ference could go off the rails before United States, Norway, Iceland, Ja- it has a chance to get down to work pan and, yes, Canada, to mention if.--as rumors in diplomatic circles only a few, will give up on a com- suggest-a group of African nations prehensive treaty, move to have the Palestine-, Llbera- Then, one of two things would hap- tion Organization (which ad ob- ' C s) seated as rat pen. Either every country. would lay server status in d .aflt,,, to as much of the sea. as it a full delegation and to have Israel could, or negotiations would turn to erism of piecemeal treaties cover- 0 specYific issues. The trouble with great as one comprehensive weary:. A imai cause im Each country would be free to ratify that is already making the rounds the treaties that benefited it and re- about yet another Law.. of . the Sea sect those that benefited spmeone 'Conference in early 1976, This sort else. of talk is self-defeating. The more The awareness of the undesirabil- likely the delegates think a future Ity of the alternatives-unilateral ac-. conference is, the less they will feel thin or piecemeal treaties-can only compelled to accomplish in Ge- spur delegates at Geneva to move neva. The postponing of hard deci- quickly to a draft treaty. And that's sibris is beast of the nature of the dip- good. Your article. re Linda Epstein's It #gOqq.~ experience completely disma Hat~ Father Took Linda From -March 7). in a society where Linda .Lovelace star of Deep Throat) is laughingly pictt in your entertainment section of the sa issue autographing a tattooed arni, I Krishna must represent a grave tin imagine some of our young people folloi the notion that purity of mind and bod the path to spiritual awakening. imagir licit sex is not allowed. Imagine fantas; and violence are not allowed. Oh Lord, this wTed orld be isafe from such frightenin nocents? Julie Lyons Islington in the act of deprogrammning Father. Took Linda From Sect-Marc Ted Patrick confined a 19-year-Old inn ual in a room for several days again wishes. He also showed disrespect an indignity to the deities of other religi.i wonder what would our reaction be if Krishna followers had used similar ti A wrong is a wrong, no matter who do( The whole affair smacks of our it ance of other religions and, sickenhij gious bigotry of the few. It is bas muuct to tear apart Shrimad Bhagws the would be to tear. apart a copy of S. K. Kumra Etobicoke 1 was outraged to read your front story about how a girl was deprogra from the Hare Krishna movement do Father know how athe From Hare Sect-Marc Krishna ment operates or what methods they attract devotees, but the reported it of deprogramming are a disgrace tos ciety which has any respect liberties and religious freedom V. A. Sreedhar Toronto The recent abduction and forcibl, sure to "de rogramming" (How Took Linda Frain Sect-March 7) o Epstein (Rudrani Dasi) are alarr, several respects. First, though least is the grossly false image th Krishna movement being fostered brain-washer for hire. Second, , tremely urgent, is the flagrant viol the rights of a young woman (with suggestions that there are more at) yet to come). Third, and to ins the' roux of all, is the assumption be this that the private sensibilities, identity, and religious faith of a woman of college age are no more ble in this society than the progi read into and out of a computer. P are only nine years short of 1911, it : I hope this incident will spur tl and conscientious response mostitc especially from persons Iay human well be that somewhere ai numerous new and old religio (Hindu, Christian, Satanist, or v attracting young persons today t some-surely not the Hare Krish) ment-that are clearly destructi% man beings. if there are such, tl Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300100005-1 and bourn iti-it u==wa~~... happens, Algeria wig, probably try to have the Viet Cong seated and China can be expected to challenge grain inCatracJa fully justifies Transport Law of the Sea (III) By GEOFFREY STEVENS OTTAWA Two issues will stand out from the dozens of others when the Law of the Sea negotiations reopen in Ge- neva next week. They are passage through international straits and ex- ploitation of the international seabed. They stand out because they are exceptionally difficult to resolve, be- cause they intimately affect the in. terests of the United States and be- cause the U.S. Congress cannot be counted on to ratify any treaty which fails to satisfy U.S. interest. Without American acceptance, a treaty would be next to worthless. On the straits issue, the United States (along with the Soviet Union and certain other maritime powers) is clinging to the doctrine of free- dom of the high seas at a point in time when most of the coastal states are eagerly dismantling the doctrine by bringing as much of the seas as they can under national jurisdiction. The United States supports the con- sensus at Caracas last summer. that the territorial waters of coastal states should extend 12 miles off- shore. The problem is that 112.inter- national strat ,: that are less than 24 miles. wide (including Gibraltar and Malacca) would become the terri- torial waters of the bordering na- tions. This means these nations could impose their own rules, ban certain types of traffic (say, oil supertank- ers or nuclear submarines) or close the straits entirely to unfriendly na- tions. This is totally unacceptable to the United States which insists on "unimpeded transit" through straits. The straits issue can only be re- solved through compromise. Vessels planning to pass through could be required to notify the straits states involved. There could be special navigational standards imposed on the transiting countries-traffic sep- aration, vessel construction, emis- sion of pollutants, and so on. It might be possible to restrict the types of armaments that could be taken through straits. So far, how- ever, the United States has shown no inclination to compromise. On the seabed issue, it is generally agreed there should be a bicameral international seabed authority on the pattern of the United Nations itself. That's where agreement begins and ends. 0 __ Flora MacDonald I am becoming a little weary with all the fuss about the possibility of Flora Mac- Donald being the next leader of the Pro- gressive Conservative Party and even Prime Minister. During the past few weeks, she has appeared on nearly every radio and TV interview show in Toronto and has been the subject of numerous newspaper col- ummns. Now, before the women libbers begin to. scream, my concern about all this attention being paid to Miss MacDonald has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman. As everyone knows, a woman can be bright, and stupid just like a man. merely r+ recalls th fly. It is for it ret world we Many s but shoal Yester< a major at the to cycle wa What I want to know is Miss MacDonald's with a beliefs about man and society, what she me was stands for, what solutions she has for such gun but pressing problems as growing unemploy- emblem ment, economic recession, the energy prob- fot the lem, food shortages, growing racism in Cie. Canada, and peace, to mention a few. She Here says she is concerned about the fabric of German society and about the growing number of on Sept people who are losing faith in government. gun th( connection between women There is obviously some . the attitude of the voter to government and the performance and quality of leadership of our elected: officials of all political parties. I am convinced that the man on the street is prepared to do what is necessary and will respond to honest and forthright leadership .. and example. So; please let Miss Mae-. Donald stop being coy about this leadership business: and standup and be counted. Albert G. Watson Toronto Statists Your columnist, Geoffrey Stevens, must be wearing blinkers if he honestly believes the allegations of Tory. MPs Howard Graff toy and Sinclair Stevens describing-the Tru- deau Liberals as statists to be "so ludicrous as to be hilarious" (Three Mild Surprises- Feb. 26). True, the new Grits haven't done their sharp left turn dramatically, as, say, by nationalization. But neither have most democratic socialists around the world lately. Today, Western socialists seek more to control the economy and people's lives : through interventionism and massive gov-. ernment spending. Federal Government intervention in the Canadian economy has been increasing rap- idly in the last eight years. Federal expend- itures have tripled during the period and federal policies have been partly responsi= ble for the increase in provincial govern- ment spending. Government spending in Canada (including transfer payments) has grown so fast with relation to gross national product during the period that at this rate by the mid-1980s it will equal the total GNP. If this isn't "leading the country down the slippery slope, to socialism and state con- trol" Pd like to know, what columnist Ste- vens would `consider. it to be. Grant Shaver Gormley Recently.I read I'm Stilt Living b Chiva Kwinta. It is the testimony of a Polish Jew. who, as a child, survived the atrocities of the Nazi regime. Yet, she does not denounce the Nazis but !3 The United States wants an au- thority that would be little more than a traffic policeman-issuing mining and drilling licences to coun- tries and corporations that have the technology to do the job and collec- ting royalties from them. The devel- oping nations, fearing a rip off, want an authority that would do the ex- ploitation itself. Again, it's a matter of compro- mise. Canada and some others pro- pose a mixture of contracting out and direct exploitation. Some Afri- can countries suggest starting with a lieeneing or contracting arrange- anent and gradually phasing it out in favor of direct exploitation. An even more difficult problem concerns the structure of the bica- meral seabed authority. The United States wants no repetition of the one nation-one vote problems, of the UN General Assembly. It would assign to the larger body (on which every nation would be represented),, only the power to recommend to the smaller executive body. The smaller nations naturally :want the real power to reside in the larger body. The compromise could be to give most of the power to the executive body. and structure -its membership in such a way as to guarantee that every interest. bloc is represented. But this could prove so awkward as to be impossible. To sum up, keep one eye peeled for. signs of compromise at Geneva on the straits and seabed issues. Keep the other eye (if physically possible) on Washington. If the Con- gress concludes Geneva is not mak- ing progress on issues vital to Amer- ican interests, it can be expected to take unilateral action; there might be enough votes to over-ride a presi- dential veto. Senator Warren Magnuson's bill to' declare an exclusive 200-mite fishing zone off the coasts of the United States, which passed the Senate by 68 votes to 27 in the,dying days of the previous Congress,. will be be- fore the Senate again, Similar 'legis- lation is planned 'in. the House of Representatives. "If the fisheries bill goes through," predicts a Senate aide who specializes in the Law of the Sea, "it will be followed very shortly by bills dealing with, mineral resources, environmental, pollution and unimpeded transit." If that happens in Washington, the debate in Geneva will be rendered largely, irrelevant. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300100005-1 11 C has I crime for th law, think conin ened Amer have and i to lia Tor `"libe worn good wort "bat ing, vati, othe dreg ?`de sair: moi N hav -d' 11101 toil ion sto fac crc thin an- off be the Cavalier Gi.offrev Stevens is to be c Dy I GIC MIOP al ii ear f nginE valor 'ent ons ,uehec 'I "pa. The ator ::overn i'sers" et an' F t;sa 5 Approved For Release 2001/08/07: A-RDP8 0 697R00030010 Law the OTTAWA If you accept the basic thrust of the Canadian policy, you'd have to agree that things are going pretty darned well for Canada in the Law of the Sea negotiations. We have reason---thank you very much-to be pleased with both the performance of our diplomats and the substance of the negotiations. We are, of course, delighted with the consensus that emerged at Cara- cas last summer in support of the proposition that coastal states. (of should ? have 12-mile territorial waters and an "economic zone" ex- tending 200 miles offshore. Why shouldn't we be delighted? Accept- ance of the 12-mile territorial limit would give international sanction to something we have already estab- lished unilaterally. And the 200-mile zone would give us control over 85 to 90 per cent of the fish taken off our coasts and the lion's share of the, gas and minerals of the continental shelf. So what does Canada want when the negotiations resume in Geneva next week? In a word, we want MORE. We think the 200-mile idea is very nice, but we'd really like to push the economic zone all the way out to the edge of the continental margin (a distance of 640 miles at eral clainr?to the waters of the Arc- tic will be recognized and that we will get most of what we want on pollution control in economic zones. However, it looks very much as -though we will have to abandon the continental margin. Despite the fact that Canada and some other broad- shelf countries are agreeable to sharing with the rest of the world some of the revenues from the area between 200 miles and the margin, they are not winning much support. Only about 40 of the:137 nations in'- valved in the negotiations support the margin position and votes at Ge- neva will require a two-thirds ma- jority. There's less outright opposition to the salmon, but there's also less out- right support. Only perhaps a dozen nations are vitally interested in safe.- guarding the species. Most of the rest are not interested in the ques- tion. Some of the African countries take the view that, although. they have never-fished for salmon, they are not prepared to sign away the right to do so in the future. Canada's only hope on the salmon and the margin is to try to work some trade-offs with countries with peculiar problems of their own. For example, the -Algerians are con- cerned about the special difficulties of semi-enclosed seas (the Mediter- one point off the east coast) ; that ranean being one) and about the way, we'd pick up an extra 400,000 Balearic Islands, - which belong to square miles to preside over, not.-to Spahr.but which would interfere with mention all the fish and all the non- Algeria's economic zone. Similarly, In the case of what are known as Greek islands that screen much of the anadromous species (such as the their Aegean coastline and the Tu- salmon), which spawn in fresh nisians are worried about islands be- sea, we would like to push our juris- like Indonesia, Fiji and the Philip- diction even further. We'd, like to pines are -shopping for support for a than th:e coastal country in. whose We them to draw their territorial waters the salmon spawn, to fish for limits around .the outermost points salmon at all. Our argument (and it . of their outermost islands. Canada has virtue) is that our best efforts to may find ? negotiating room with wasted if countries such as Japan . Of course, we would be overjoyed mon before they have a chance to coup, we were to win everything we get back to Canada to spawn. The want. at Geneva. -But should we be Danish reply to this (and it has vir- overjoyed? Should we even be ask- tue, too) is that. east coast salmon ' ing for more than we already have? nadian because they feed and grow series, will look at the question of A&rogRtldu;?L200IYOB/07t}'Ct .sP,DP&P90'OE M00300100 05-lis cohrrbn, History and meat attitude toward the East Houses of Parliament. The pro; of Sir John A. itilacdonald's a block to the public is as scan the bastardization of this histr suit the doubtful tastes of pa, crats. And the arrogance of a I which apparently doesn't give Canada and its history as log doubtful tastes and comfort a: dated passes all understanding. I hope that as many of youL possible will protest personally i Minister about this cavalier alt: our history. We should prev+. means possible, any further ti of this historic office and we that it be reopened immediate view on Sunday tours. Pierre Berton Toronto I am writing to continent on ment decision to stop includi ear operations in, OIIIP insuran I" think this is a bad mistake.; I am 14 years old. Until la: had very protruding ears. It for as long back as I can rerr ways wore my hair long straight down: I never would tails or braids. 'I love to swim i swim with. my friends becau. hair got wet it- would part' s would show. Last August I had my ears OHIP coverage) and the o made a big difference to rne. first year of high school withot barrassed about my ears. I dc or pony-tails now and I go sw out feeling uncomfortable. I h operation has made viy lifa is There must be many boys a ears still to be fixed, who he did. It is cruel of the Govern; of this"type of operation as to a luxury. Many children whos not able to afford the expense tion will be forced to leave tr ears uncorrected. Perhaps the should think of the future whe children could' easily be emot people in need of very expe treatment. Hilary Thomas Port Hope - Who's iiterata Relative to Ian Morriso.n's Literate?-March 11): I would like to remind Mr. there is no conclusive evider his contention that an Englis dividual with more than eigh education possesses a higher i acy than a person with less. R. S. Craggs West Hill William French put his fi 05-1glected point about the book ada (Who's Literate?-Marcl Are we a nation of reader Approve For Release L0 if /070 IA U82s8e&o t0 100005-1 By GEOFFREY STEVENS OTTAWA "We must aim for nothing less than an acceptable distribution of the world's wealth. In doing so, the inequities resulting from the acci- dental location of valuable geologi-, cal formations should no more be overlooked than should the present unequal acquisition of technological and managerial skills." -- Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. "A 200-mile limit does not fully cover the Canadian case. We must obtain recognition of our rights and needs beyond that limit if we want to protect adequately our natural re- sources." -- External Affairs Minis- ter Allan MacEachen. These two statements, both made this week-the one by Mr. Trudeau in an excellent speech in London, England, the other by Mr. Mac- Eachen in a clear presentation to a parliamentary committee in Ottawa -set out with striking clarity ? the schizoid character of Canadian for- eign policy. The Prime Minister, in the best traditions of Pearsonian diplomacy, is touring Europe, preaching inter- nationalism and calling for an' equi- table sharing of the world's wealth and resources. In Ottawa, his Exter- nal Affairs Minister is spelling out a blatantly nationalist policy designed to guarantee that Canada will not have to share anything with anyone. It sort of takes the breath away. Nowhere is this schizophrenia more apparent than it is in Canada's approach to the Law of the Sea ne- gotiations. No country adopted a more nationalist stance than we did at the Law of the Sea Conference last summer in Caracas. No one will be more nationalist than we will be ; when the conference resumes on Monday in Geneva. At the same time, however, a good many less fa. vored nations will in Geneva, as they did in Caracas, accept at face value our sincere assurance that our most earnest desire is to protect the small and the poor from being ripped off by the big and. the rich. Canada, of course, is not alone in preaching internationalism while promoting national self-interest; we're just more efficiejit at It than most we've been remarkably suc- cessful in internationalizing nation- alism. Now, obviously even an im- perfect Law of the Sea treaty, as long as it discourages every nation from setting its own rules, is much better than no treaty at all. But the original dream of a treaty that would truly treat the riches of the seas as the common heritage of all mankind is dead. Some of the figures are startling. If every coastal nation establishes an exclusive economic zone for 200 miles off its shores, 30 per cent of the world's ocean space will be brought under national jurisdiction. The fig- ure will be even higher if Canada and other broad-shelf countries are permitted to push their economic zones to the edge of the continental margin. One estimate is that the coastal states will have the exclusive enjoy- ment of $20-trillion worth of oil, gas and minerals in the seabed of their 200-mile economic zones. This sug- gests that by the time it is necessary or economically practicable to de- velop the international deep seabed (whose revenues all nations would share), it may be a case of too little too late. Some questions should be asked. Does Canada really need an. eco- nomic zone that would stretch to the continental margin? If the Prime Minister's words this week mean anything, should we not turn our thinking around and contemplate sharing with the rest of the. world even those resources that lie within 200 miles of our coasts? A proposal to this effect was pre- sented to a private breakfast of two dozen MPs in Ottawa this week by an American Law of the Sea expert, John J. Logue, director of the World Order Research Institute at Villa- nova University. Professor Logue proposed that up to 20 per cent of the revenue from each coastal state's 200-mile economic zone be contributed to a "world common heritage fund". The amount each nation would receive from the fund wo d in inverse proportion to its pe c a income. This way, at leas' portion of the oil riches of such areas as the North Sea, Per- sian Gulf, Gulf of Mexico and the Canadian continental shelf would be spread among the poorer nations. The fact that the MPs did not rush to embrace Mr. Logue's approach does not mean it does not have some merit. At the very least, we should take a critical look at our present Canada-first Policy. Last of a series Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP82S00697R00O1300100005-1 Georg On the 19th of , troops under the Pitcairn opened I Lexington, Mass. Since that tim( washed into thir opening shots of a cored by the Fat called mmuteme- oes and the ]a Loyalists have bi of near obscurity Actually the Ai as they call them sponsoring the w pers prove beyor can Revolution French-sponsoree British Empire. King Louis X1 ness and upon It XVI carried it t faction in the kn wiped out in the ment fact, that whole, affair rigs France plante funded it and pr supplies. Britist was beaten by : tion? in 1777. Thy diers and ships Yorktown than i It's high time straight. Gener, only a tool in the Murray Killman, Caledonia P( One of the with landfill sit pollution of boil courses by leas} many chemical! and heavy meta mind, I am into fill site will be 1 tons of polluted morial Park, T, William A. John Chairman, GUA (Group United Rockwood it mal A friend of m dren, went to w fare. After wort power job re-tr to improve her cepted . wi rate of $60 per could obtain t ment.,lnsurance the terms, and She was infoi lege that sui available throu ante. (No one aware that tin All the Unem completed, ant pear for an ini time would aff1 a later time, a time keeper at quest to appea 30 minutes ear Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP82S007R000300100005-4 ,....,, SIILrl' ON' NEXT STEP Speclak to The New York Times GENEVA, April 15-Although more than mid-way through its eight-week session, the Unit- ed Nations Law of the Sea Conference was divided today on how to plot its course for drafting a charter to govern man's use of the oceans. A suggestion by Hamilton S.. Amerasivnghe of Sri Lanka, the conference president, that the time had come for the 138-nation conference to. as- semble the many conflicting proposals ran into heavy going. Despite general agreement that basic negotiating texts would be necessary, a number of countries said more discus- sion was required before drafts could be prepared. The issues still causing prob- lems include navigation through international straits that would fall entirely within the territorial seas of bordering coastal states. A0.other key issue involves the rights and obligations of coastal states over the resour- ces `to which they would be given title in,an economic zone extending 200. miles ' off their, shores. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP82SO0697R000300100005-1