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Document Creation Date:
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date:
July 19, 2000
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Publication Date:
July 12, 1951
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Approved Forplease 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP83`G0036R000500160025-2
No, 85 12 July 1951
SPAR 1 1
Priority of Disposal Program
1, CIA Disposal Committee Directive No, 1 assigns the
responsibility for CIA rehabilitation and resettlement action for
dis-,-)osal cases outside the United States to OPC and OSO
o _, ;ly
2, A 1 e_.zorandum from DD/P dated 29 June 51 is quoted in
gar hew ewit`:~~o
desire ''6` Lat the Offices of CIA charged 'ri :h
a,,-" or d this grogram a priority consistent with its
c: , a _ :~s,v Lance.
3, - t is requested that all OPC activities concerned with dis-
~usa= take careful note of the above.
.Lunge in Correspondence Procedure
Pending revision of vrC Regulation 110-2, the following
ocedur e is effective immediately.
2. A' correspondence for the signature of ADPC will be
_?anged w:-%--1 the green file copy immediately under the corer
beet. This ,-seen copy must show the initials of the drafting
officer as wes: as all coordination.
Symbol for We stern OP /OSO
'he symbol for the Wes-era semis >:=crc Division, Ol'C/OSO, 25X1A
pounced as W H. will serve as
- in e of ~ corn ned Division and will have the symbol CWH.
= pr`avea i-or F elease 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP83-00036R000500160025-2
SE CRE T OSO plans
Approved For l &ease 2000Th I :'t A-RDP83- 36R000500160025-2
Also have the prospect .ign a, "Special Annex"
a" ac iec to the Memorandum of P,g eement covering tine
ro se ct s under standing that employment commitment
. .ias been nade0
Witness th "Special Annex" m to indicate that
be a, ci i- c ssed wee on= t c~' 'rob. for with. the prospect
v Cii;.:ibasizeC? its zgnifical'S:;,e.
br, Submij 7e completed forFis to CPD together with
:_ view report On the prospect,
"Memorandum of A,greeinent" forms and "Spe
orms c e
av'L e through i 'e dminis$.ravive Offic
Gi~C DivisXc . Emp oyees a e responsible for obt
izs be ore cor a~ ping a pros-)ect. The forms
c side,. _e b. ing except to b~, taken to and fr
cit.. Annex"
s in each
ring these
iay not be taken
S. 't'hese procedures wisi be inco"rpated into a revision of
Regulation No. 20-1
NO. 103
7 September 1951
Assign-_ent of Labor Functions to OPC
-he auctions of the Labor Division, Office of DD/P, have
Approved For Release 2000/6ff/f7 elA-RDP83-00036R000500160025-2
to OPC and assigned to the Psychological Division.