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October 23, 1952
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Approved roved For Release 200Q~%01 : CIA-RD 0011001300QW
23 October 1952
SUBJECT: PPC Staffing Requirements (as requested by COP)
1. Attached are detailed statements of the PPC Staffing Requirements
both in terms of minimum requirements and of the tentative ceiling
allocations recently established by your office. Complete statements
of justification accompany these.
2. Since the discussions to date on this matter have raised
some question in my mind as to the fundamental philosophy behind such
an element as a PPC Staff in the office of DD/P, I think it appropriate
that I should set forth my understanding of the problem so that I can
be advised if my views are in error. They follow:
a. I have discussed the background of the present
organization of the covert offices at great length with
25X1A prior to my arrival on board.
I understand that these two individuals were continuously
and heavily involved in the staff work and conferences which
led to DCI's memorandum of 15 July 1952. As a result of this,
it is my understanding that among the key elements of the new
arrangement of the DD/P Staff were (1) a planning and program
coordination element., and (2) a review and inspection element,
to assist DD/P in the accomplishment of his overall management
responsibility. These elements were of particular importance
because-the nature of the day-to-day events in this Agency
require that DD/P as well as COP spend a great deal of time
on current matters, and because it is impracticable to
decentralize operating responsibility to the field until
there is a well-integrated program and a control machinery.
25X1A b. Prior to my arrival, prepared a
statement of functions and sta fing requirements for the PPC
25X1A element of DD/P's office. The first estimate of people
required totalled ` By reducing the list of functions to
be performed and cutting personnel requirements accordingly,
reduced the staffing requirements to a total
of 1W Thus a 30% reduction of our personnel estimates took
place just prior to the establishment of the overall ceiling.
25X1A C. The functional statement and staffing requirements
upon which the total of wrested were submitted 12 September
25X1A 1952, and were subsequently examined in detail by
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Approved For Release 200Q,&9/01 : CIA- 036R0011001306i1k-8
of my staff, and of the Task Force
representing CAO. Mr. wised no question or objection
to any statement of responsibility or numbers submitted, but
rather left the impression that the T/O was entirely satis-
factory in its reduced scope.
d. The position, as I see it then, is that an honest
effort was made to set forth a minimum statement of the new
and undeveloped functions which this staff should perform and
an estimate of the minimum number of personnel required to
commence these duties.
e. It may be appropriate at this time to set forth my
concept of how these duties should be carried out. I think
it vital to the successful accomplishment of these functions
that they not be performed under the pressures which unfor-
tunately typifies much of the staff work carried out in
Washington. It is unfortunately true that so great is the
press of day-to-day business, unexpected crises, and the
problems of cutting red tape to get things done, that few
members of DD/P's Staff have the time to deliver themselves
of well and completely thought-out, long-range, views in his
behalf. One place where DD/P should be able to look for this
25X1A type of support is in the and, unless this Staff is
adequately manned to give us his type of support, the
work might as well be accomplished in other locations since
the quality will be no higher here than elsewhere.
f. There has been much discussion about the ceiling of
=laid down by General Smith. I have no argument with this
ceiling and am inclined to agree with General Smith that even
- is luxurious. However, on the basis of the
previously submitted requirement of M represents something
slightly in excess of of the total staff resources
available to DD/P. I canna feel that this is an exorbitant
number of people to coordinate the planning and programming
efforts of 5 functional staff elements and 7 area divisions
in this headquarters as well as to develop and furnish guidance
on matters of strategy and policy on behalf of DD/P.
g. Therefore, I regret to find the planning and program
coordination element in a position of having to reclama against
this second reduction in the staffing requirements. I feel
that a comprehensive analysis of the function be performed
will not support this additional reduction of -- one of the
largest reductions of which I am aware in any o e covert
staff elements.
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h. Since the statement of functions as set forth does
not appear to have been challenged and, since the staffing
requirements as presented have been cut rather substantially,
one is hard-put to escape the conclusion that had
~ submitted the original estimate of= and this estimate
been cut in a manner similar to the later estimate of S we
would now have an authorization fairly close to our minimum
re uirement carry out these functions. The fact that
attempted to reduce these requirements to
a are minimum appears to have back-fired in view of the
subsequent cut.
i. I also note with concern the fact that no provision
appears to have been made for the review and evaluation function
at the DD/P level. Yet the adequate establishment of such a
staff element in DD/P's office was one of the key concepts in
the organization adopted last summer.
3. After reconsideration and restudy of the T/0 as submitted on
12 September 1952, I will for the time being dispense with the require-
ment of two individuals listed under the Strategic Intelligence Group
and look to CFI for staff support in this field. The principal reason
for setting up this group was to give CFI an opportunity to place a
key individual in a key position within this staff. I feel that such
a move is inevitable in the long run and essential toward the adequate
coordination of the often dissimilar and at times conflicting interests
of the NSCID 5 mission and the 10/2 mission. All other staffing
requirements I feel are valid and essential as presented, except
for a clerk typist listed under the Office of the Chief which might
not be required at present. The imposition of a ceiling of 10 would
require that I dispense with the services of a Deputy and at least
one other key officer, which would tend to cripple either the Strategy
and Policy Group or the Program Coordination Group. I would prefer
not to make a specific decision as to which positions should be
eliminated prior to action by DD/P on the recommendation in paragraph
4 below.
4. Therefore, unless there is something faulty in my thinking about
this problem, I strongly request that the PPC T/O as submitted herewith
be approved.
Chief, Planning and
Program Coordination
A - Functional Statement
B - Table of Organization
C - Justification
Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : 4M100036R001100130007-8