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Document Release Date: 
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Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300010091-4 Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300010091-4 Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300010091-4 Senate-Select Committee on Intelligence Democrats Birch Bayh (D., Ind.), Chairman Daniel Inouye (D., Hawaii) Adlai E. Stevenson (D., Ill.) Walter Huddleston (D., Ky.) Joseph R. Biden (D., Del.) Daniel P. Moynihan (D., N.Y.) Henry M. Jackson.(D., Wash.)* Republicans Barry Goldwater (R., Ariz.) Jake Garn (R., Utah) John H. Chafee (R., R.I.) Richard G. Lugar (R., Ind.) Malcolm Wallop (R., Wyo.) May leave David Durenberger (R., Minn.)* *New Members on Committee; this listing subject to change. Durenberger may be replaced with a Republican Member who also sits on Judiciary, or an additional Republican may be added who also sits on Judiciary. If the Committee adds a Republican in addition to Durenberger, they also have to add a Democrat. Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300010091-4 ? House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Edward P. Boland (D., Mass.), Chairman Clement J. Zablocki (D., Wisc.) Bill D. Burlison (D., Mo.) Morgan F. Murphy (D., Ill.) Les Aspin (D., Wisc.) Charles Rose (D., N. C.) Romano L. Mazzoli (D., Ky.) Norman Y. Mineta (D., Calif.) Wyche Fowler, Jr.-(D., Ga.) There is some question about whether he will stay on the Committee or not Republicans J. Kenneth Robinson (R., Va.) John M. Ashbrook (R., Ohio) Robert McClory (R., Ill.) William Whitehurst (R., Va.) New member - replaced Bob Wilson C. W. Bill Young (R., Fla.) New member - to reflect increases by Republican in the last election NOTE: Committee assignments have not been made, but I think that the following can safely be considered to be the Subcommittee Chairmen: Burlison - Program and Budget Murphy - Legislation Aspin - Oversight Rose - Evaluation Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300010091-4 ? ? Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Defense John C. Stennis (D., Miss.), Chairman Warren G. Magnuson (D., Wash.) William Proxmire (D., Wis.) Daniel K. Inouye (D., Hawaii) Ernest F. Hollings (D., S. Car. Thomas Eagleton (D., Mo.) Lawton Chiles (D., Fla.) Dale L. Bumpers (D., Ark.) Listing from last session. Democrats have not decided yet. Republicans Milton R. Young (R., N. Dak.) Ted Stevens (R., Alaska) Richard S. Schweiker (R., Pa.) Henry L. Bellmon (R., Okla.)* Fairly sure Lowell P. Weicker (R., Conn.)* Edwin J. (Jake) Garn (R., Utah)** *Bellmon and Weicker are new Members of Subcommittee. **Garn is a new Member of Appropriations Committee. Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-001~6R000300010091-4 ? ? Senate Armed Services Committee John C. Stennis (D., Miss.), Chairman Henry M. Jackson (D., Wash.) Howard W'. Cannon (D., Nev.) Harry F.'Byrd, Jr. (D., Va.) Sam Nunn (D., Ga.) John C. Culver (D., Iowa) Gary Hart (D., Colo.) Robert Morgan (D., N. Car.) J. J. Exon (D., Neb.)* Carl Levin (D., Mich.)* Republicans John Tower (R., Texas) Strom Thurmond (R., S. Car.) Barry Goldwater (R., Ariz.) John Warner (R., Va.)* Gordon Humphrey (R., N. H.)* William Cohen (R., Maine)* Roger Jepson (R., Iowa)* Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300010091-4 ? ? Senate Foreign Relations Committee Frank Church (D., Idaho), Chairman Claiborne Pell (D., R.I.) George McGovern (D., S. Dak.) Joseph R. Biden John Glenn (D., (D., Ohio) Del.) Richard Stone (D., Fla.) Paul S. Sarbanes (D., Md.) Edmund S. Muskie (D., Maine)* Edward Zorinski (D., Neb.)* Republicans Jacob K. Javits (R., N.Y.) Charles H. Percy (R., Ill.) Howard H. Baker (R., Tenn.) Jesse A. Helms (R., N. Car.)* Richard Lugar (R., Ind.)* S. I. Hayakawa (R., Calif.)* *New Members on Committee Approved For Release 2006/05/12: CIA-RDP83-00156R000300010091-4 At International Relations4lym 1ittee (House Foreign Affairs Committee) Clement J. Zablocki (D., Wis.), Chairman L. H. Fountain (D., N. Car.) Dante B. Fascell (D., Fla.) Charles C. Diggs (D.,, Mich.) Benjamin S. Rosenthal (D., N.Y.) Lee H. Hamilton (D., Ind.) Lester L. Wolff (D., N.Y.) Gus Yatron (D., Pa.) Cardiss Collins (D., 11.) Stephen J. Solarz (D., N.Y.) Don Bonker (D., Wash.) Gerry E. Studds (D., Mass.) Donald J. Pease (D., Ohio) Dan Mica (D., Fla.)** Michael Barnes (D., Md.)** William Gray (D., Pa.)** Tony Hall (D., Ohio)** Howard Wolpe (D., Mich.)** David Bowen (D., Miss.)** Floyd Fithian (D., Ind.)** Republicans William S. Broomfield (R., Mich.) Edward J. Derwinski (R., Ill.) Paul Findley (R., Ill.) John H. Buchanan (R., Ala.) Larry Winn (R., Kan.) Benjamin Gilman (R., N.Y.) Tennyson Guyer (R., Ohio) Robert J. Lagomarsino (R.,.Calif.) William F. Goodling (R., Pa.) Joel Pritchard (R., Wash.)* Millicent Fenwick (R., N.J.)* Danforth Quayles (R., Ind.)* *New Members of Committee **New Members in Congress NOTE: We have learned that the House International Relations Committee will change its name to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The resolution proposing the change is scheduled to be submitted on Monday, 5 February. Approved For Release 2006/05/12: CIA-RDP83-OG156RO(303000'tQ09 =4 ----?- Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-001513R000300010091-4 House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Defense Joseph P. Addabbo Daniel Flood (D., Pa.) Robert N. Giamo (D., Conn.) Bill Chappell (D., Fla.) Bill D. Burlison (D., Mo.) John P. Murtha (D., Pa.)* Norman D. Dicks (D., Wash.) Jamie L. Whitten (D., Miss. Don Edwards (R., Calif.) J. Kenneth Robinson (R., Va.) Jack Kemp (R., N.Y.) Silvio Conte (R., Mass.)* *New Members on Subcommittee (D., N.Y. .Ex-officio Republicans Ex-officio Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300010091-4 S ? House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Research and Development Republicans Richard H. Ichord (D., Mo.), Chairman Harold Runnels (0., N. Mex.) Les Aspin (D., Wis.)* Ronald Dellums (D., Calif.)* Patricia Schroeder (D., Colo.) Jim Lloyd (D., Calif.) Larry McDonald (0., Ga.) Democrats Bill Dickinson (R., Ala.) William Whitehurst (R., Va.) Donald Mitchell (R., N.Y.)* James Courter (R., N.J.)** *New Members of Subcommittee **Freshman Member of Congress Approved For lease 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-00156 000300010091-4 House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Investigations Democrats Samuel S. Stratton, Chairman Robert H.Mollohan (D., W. Va.) Dan Daniel (D., Va.) Harold Runnels (D., N. Hex.) Abraham Kazen, Jr. (D., Texas)* Del. Antionio B. Won Pat (D., Guam)* Melvin Price (D., Ill.)* Richard Ichord (D., Mo.)* Bill Nichols (D., Ala.) Republicans Robin Beard (R., Tenn.) David Treen (R., La.) Robert Daniel, Jr. (R., Va.) Robert Badham (R., Calif.) Floyd Spence (R., S. C.)* Approved For Release 2006/05/12 : CIA-RDP83-00156R000300010091-4 ? s House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Procurement and Nuclear Systems Melvin Price (D., Ill.), Chairman Charles Wilson (D., Calif.) Dan Daniel (D., Va.) Bob Carr (D., Mich.) Bob Stump (D., Ariz.) Anthony C. Leach (D., La.)** Nicholas Mavroules (D., Mass. Donald A. Bailey (D., Pa.)** Republicans Bob Wilson (R., Calif.) Marjorie S. Holt (R., Md.) Robert W. Daniel, Jr. (R., Va.) Elwood Hillis (R., Ind.)* Robert Badham '(R., Calif.)* *New Members of Subcommittee **New Members of Subcommittee and Freshman Members of Congress. NOTE: The Subcommittee on Procurement and Nuclear Systems was formerly known as the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Military Application of Nuclear Energy.