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September 1, 1981
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Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200020009-0 ? 0 1 September 1981 MAU-1063 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, FBIS THROUGH : Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT . Monthly Report - Austrian Bureau - August 1981 Austria got a new American ambassador this month as Theodore E. Cummings and his wife arrived on 20 August. The new ambassador, who is a 73-year old former real estate developer from California, gave a reception at the residence on the 24th for all U.S. personnel. Except for who was in the slot that evening, all the FBIS staffers and wives, including new chief who had just arrived earlier in the day, attended. Adding an Administration touch to the occasion, the hosts arranged for each guest to receive a large jar of Reagan jellybeans as the evening ended. We hope to reciprocate soon by having the ambassador out for an orientation visit to the bureau. The rites of passage were also celebrated at the bureau as more than a few 2-liter bottles of Austrian wine, not to mention a full.spread of assorted foods, disappeared on the 28th as we said farewell to and welcomed and family. 0 formally took command on the 31st as Bill prepared to terrorize the Austrian/German autobahns one last time (to the relief of most Europeans) as he set out for Bremen where he will leave his car for shipment before boarding the train/ferry for London and some relaxation. A. Monitorial/Editorial 1. August ended on a promising note for our recruitment efforts as we received Hqs permission to hire one of our Polish candidates, a second-generation Pole who grew up in London. However, we may still have to wait until December before bringing him aboard because of the extended length of notice he is required to give his current employer. Although we have not progressed quite as far in hiring a.Yugoslav, several qualified candidates have surfaced, thanks in part Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200020009-0 Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200020009-0 ? ? to an ad in THE DAILY TELEGRAPH placed by London Bureau. At month's end, we had interviewed, tested.and received completed application forms from two of the individuals we had located through our own efforts. We hope to be able _.------ -- - -------- '--_--- _----- -- -.. .. C---------0 J____0 ----- Frlio resonded_ to the THE DAILY TELEGRAPH ad--one in the UK and the other in Geneva--are interviewed and tested. 2. The August doldrums cut into our output this month as our production dipped to 328,360 words, considerably less than the year's average of nearly 500,000 words and the first time we've fallen below the 400,000 mark since last December. It was a busy time, however, for terrorism in normally quiet Vienna. Various incidents during the month-- ranging from the arrest of two PLO personnel at the airport armed with machineguns and grenades, the hasty departure._ shortly thereafter of the-localPLO rep ostensib1 y for "vacation" but toting lots of luggage and a one-way ticket to Damascus,, the bomb at the Israeli Embassy, and the attack- on the synagogue--generated considerable reportage, including charges and countercharges between Chancellor Kreisky and the Israelis over the whole issue of maintaining.relations with-the PLO. B. Communications 1. The bureau chief and newly arrived engineer met with Embassy CPO personnel for a tour and briefing of their facility and discussion of the new State primary communications circuit which we had hoped to change over to in lieu of the current Autodin channel. Security problems concerning our usage of the circuit have since surfaced in Washington which may delay or even prevent us from obtaining a channel. 2. This month's bureau-logged outages on our Mode V Autodin totalled an unusually high 24 hours 12 minutes, some 13 of which were on the 15th during a scheduled Pirmasens downtime. The Pirmasens maintenance period provided us with another of our rare opportunities to use the Telex after the VCVC primary altroute also went out for about an hour. In other developments, the month's low operator error rate of 1.75 earned us still another Pirmasens performance certificate, our 7th this year. 3. The bureau's five Extel ASR B-315 keyboards were modified during the month to simplify the MIDAS pinkie "BLNK" key position problem for the wireroom operations. The "BLNK" key was interchanged with the "Colon/Semicolon" key and the appropriate wiring changes were made on the keyboards. Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200020009-0 Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200020009-0 A. Personnel 1. With all the personnel turnover this month, we were able to complete the housing shuffle for all bureau staff employees with minimum TLA costs. New engineer and family, who arrived on 3 August--a day late due to unexpected new car problems--have moved into former house and the A 1 we need now is some household effects and everyone will feel right at home. 2. Senior Electronics Specialist) (departed Vienna 7 August enroute to a PCS assignment at Key West. C. Lateral Services We were called upon again this month by the local ICA rep to provide videocassettes of several local TV roundtable discussions, this time on the Administration's decision to go ahead with the neutron bomb and the implications this has for European security. To the bureau: Regional Personnel Officer) and newly arrived State officer Kurt A. Wagner on 5 August for general briefing and orientation and detailed discussion of FBIS positions for classification purposes (Lognote sent to Hqs); retired FBIS Albanian monitor on private visit 19.August while on holiday; Walter Mackie, Embassy Support Officer, and safety officer from Washington, for safety inspection, 25 August; and new chief of Peripheral Reporting Section, John on 27 August for general orientation briefing (Lognote sent to Hqs). FOR THE CHIEF, AUSTRIAN BUREAU Attachments: Publishable Wordage Report Production Report Staff Personnel Report Nonstaff Personnel Report cc: Chief, FBIS London Bureau Deputy Chief FBIS Austrian Bureau Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP83-00385R000200020009-0