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Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 el e-d C-S-JO This is UNEVALUATED Information ~ Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 D aii:v"Ci.`+TEi.D coi3 a T ? '.i:.? T L Z. (_N:,tober 1944 Span sh crc,OC) B .o ;:laphi:aa!:, lnforinationR ..~ Col:, Diaz de Villegas . DICZ :.lM)NATION NO A 40986 ORIGINAL PZEEPOF T NO. VT 999, 1000 DATE OF ! PORRT 5 September T.^a44 EVALUP T IC'1 CONE i1.MP,TFON SUPPLEMENT CORRL'GTiON NLiM ER OF PAGES TF. qF ,YN'7R?.3 c ICN 2 Sepbernbe 1941? ATTACHMENTS R1Ga;12 TAntrier THEM r be11evt' ,that t .ia i? not trued Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 Jose Diaz de Vi Togas j, the Direotor of Morocco and Co ion.ies,r, in a Li.eute;ne.r.,t Co,.onel,, General Staff, although. his rank in mentioned in the pr-ass as colonel o He is expecting to be promoted to co)onol very ;loon,, lit was a faithful follower of General. Count Jordana in everyting regarding Morocoo,q but he knows nothing about Spanish Guinea, Rio de Oro, and Ifni,, General Franc::o thinks highly of him, He is cultu.rod, +s. Mon- %rchist, and an intimate friend or General Grgaz c He owes his present posit=ion to his good relations with the High Com- nuiss sioner o Diaz do Villegt8 fought in aueseia with the Blue, of which he was General Staff Commander, However, it is said that he did not go of his own volition but as an expiationo He does not sneak very highly of the Blue Division, appar4ntly be ause th.e;rc~ were isonte things that went against his oon- science. He had several quarrels with General Munoz Grande, because he (T)i w de Villegas) said that tho Blue Division was noi: a dt-~.ri iot but and "estraperlo" (black market) organ- izaatioxa at the front, oubsidized by what was sent from Spain. Hea resigned at than came time as the chief of the Blue Squadron,-, Colonel Romero? and roturned a long time before the Blue Divleion wms recalled from. Ruseta. r? There ha-fe been reports that Diaz de Vil'legas writes in. the ne?'i'I(;t 'P~:'1" GIC ?t'?t'ICT E, "hen Colonel lleir;beder ues flimh Commissioner he sent labib on a mission. to the 1`ast. 'urin5r the Civil "are itbil, acted, as IrannoIs Consul in l eyrouth, but the i rench mistr.eatee him,r3120) 4;, Maldonado said that Colonel Fuste, who came to !."orocco as aide to General Varela, was leaving for Spain, apparently to accept a position with a higher, salary. (VT.=3025) N CONFIDENTIAL OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES CONFIRMATION SUPPLEMENT NO. OF PAGES ATTACHMENTS Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 1LF.J.Aa6d~' L4J # I - OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON. D. C. INTELLIGENCE DISSEMINATION NUMBER A-58381 COUNTRY Spain SUBJECT Rumored Imprisonment of Potous9 Former Interventor of Tangier ORIGINAL RPT. VT-30109 3047 DATE OF INFO. DATE OF RPT. DISTRIBUTED 28 Mey 1945 29 May - 6 June 1945 19. July 1945 ORIGIN Tangier THEATRE CONFIRMATION SUPPLEMENT SOURCE %r :UB SOI.RCE NO. OF PAGES EVALUAT'ION F.0 except where noted ATTACHMENTS 1~, 2. C-2 3Q C-3 4, It is rumored that the former Interventor of Tangier9 Juan Potous9 is now in jail in Spain. According to stories circulated in Tangier, Potous was found to be in possession of 1300008000 pesetas in cash0 and9 since it was impossible for him to have acquired such a large sum honestly during his short term of office in Tangier, he had been prosecuted and imprisoned. (VT-3014) Another source reported that Potous was said to be in Portugal, and that his villa in Tangier was to be confiscated. However, it is believed that this villa was secretly sold to the firm of J. Salama y Cia. S.Ao (see A-561839 VT-27310 28450 28840 2832)0 According to a third source9 Potousm villa is now owned by a limited liability company of which a certain Ruiz is the principal stockholder, (VT@3047) MID A-2 I STATE ~ 1 OWI I FE` AN-- MC FCC JICA L JANAC Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 -~ -~ RESTRICTED t3 `r cs n-ssFr^.ancnv ,r. STRATEGIC SERVICES UNIT. WAR DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON. D. C. INTEU GENCE Di:a"SEMINATION ' NUMBER A-66429 suBJgcT "i ,graphical Iriforr.?Mt: on ORIGIN Ta,,^'ler THEATRE SOURCE Z SUB SOURCE EVALUATION C-2 ORIGINAL RPT. VT-3904; ifT-3962; ~ T 3967; VT'-5969 DATE OF INFO. See text DATE OF RPT. 31 Jan.-28 Feb.1946 DISTRIBUTED 25 :.arch 1946 CONFIRMATION SUPPLEMENT NO. OF PAGES 2 ATTACHMENTS 1. Carlos i?otbol, 66 C allo u-Arrakia, Tangier, Is an ass? stare o the i~rench sub-director of Police in Tan;ier, i::a,jor Loris Artus. :'3otbol loft his post as secretary in the police adrlin.istrction at the tine of the Spanish occupation of the International Zone. He bought the Tingus Cafe in the Soco Chico section of Tangier, and operated it without much profit until 1942. ,.hen Vichy fell, he went to Casablanca and worked for a tine at the local Postal a. ministration. In October lc.45, Zotbol r -turned to Tangier and assumed his present positioi_ at police headquarters. Ile is_ a protege of, Joseph Lassan*in the latter's capacity as Portuguese delegate in the Legislative iissei bly. 2. Jose BM Lo, Spanlsh busii)ess Tian, first cone to orocco ror.. Spain in 1:0'24 as a protege of General Sanjurjo wys~eri the latter was Spanish hip_,I# Co:rlruissioner. :'ocauso of hIs connection with the General, jo secured authority to place various Government coi.tracts and soon beeai:!e very wealthy. be is a close friend of 'T'oms Garcia ia'? ;iaeras, Spanish Director of e-'conomic Affairs in the Spanish Zone. `ru o Is also in close touch with Isaac and Samuel Salado and Isaac :.endrao, prominent Tangier business men.. 3. I-,oses Sananos Pinto, a member of the Communist :'arty In ann er, c aim to Tangier fro. I,rgeiitirn a'.out t:rent: years w -o. I:o was arrested for snr?-adirl Gor un?st Proja=panda, ILut was roleased throi.:i: tk.e ii,tercossiorl of the Consul Ce,,orol of j~rgeritiria. 1-e owns the . or Canto ,scuchado, a r:iaetixig Place f or Com:_3uniats. For further i.,forrnatio_, condo rning Iiasson, s-,-'e roport A-66348, VT-3063. RL STIi1CTI;U CLASSIFICATION Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 STRATEGIC SERVICES Ui+I`I', WAR I3hF11IxPi::tsi.jl' A-66429 4. Abdelaziz Diuri, a r:iember of the ivatiaa.alist I.1oslem Party In i oz, Has just boon released from prison in Tetuan and has been brought to Tangier by the Spanish authorities. Diuri was arrester: in 1939 for political reasons and was taken before the French I%.ilitary Tribunal in I- oz,. He was condemned to two years' imprisonment, expulsion from Ieoz for twenty years and fined 20,000 francs. After serving a one- year prison tern he was released bye the Gerr:?an Italian Armistice Commission who, L. 1940, sent. hir.: to Italy. Ile was there dreftod into the Italian li=my. '.-hen I: ussolini's Government fell, l:iuri left the Army and went to Genoa. -Vlaen the British and Amoricans arrived in Genoa, he left :Trance, evcapin' to Algeciras, Spain and then to Fez. The krenclr authorities '.r1 loz rraaited to arrest him again, but he esca,)ecl and went to Villa Sanjurjo, Spanish i.orooco. '%lhile there he was arrested b,- the 5pai:ish authorities because he had no identification papers. After serving oi.e !:7OL,th in priso:, at Villa Sanj,xrjo, the 5anisn authorities sent hire to the rrrison at Tetua,.. After remaining there for four months, the Spanish authorities released him and sent I_in to Tangier. He is a very good -fr3e.nd of j.-ohamed el-L alclcl al- hasiri, .1,9ader of "i.'Aoroccan Unity". Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 STRATEGIC SERVICES UNIT, WAR DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON, DC. INTELLIGENCE DISSEMINATION NUMBER A-68154, 404 ORIGINAL RPT. 7T- 3 SUBJECT ';io;ranhical Information on DATE OF INFO. see text Anton?? o Pena Oryellaana DATE OF RPT. 3 1946 DISTRIBUTED 24 :;a 1946 ORIGIN r THEATRE SOURCE SUB SOURCE EVALUATION CONFIRMATION SUPPLEMENT NO. OF PAGES ATTACHMENTS 1. i ntonio Pena lrellana, Spanish Republican Consul at :Mexico City, 1-ins returned to Tan,ior and is livid; at 106 Calla Playa. Pona was expelled fro::! Casablanca in 1941 by the Vichy Goverrmnerit. He had been liviri in Casablanca as a refugee fr. n Spain. 2. ' Pena rtes born In anepior and is 41 years old..':. 1"Q has a brother-in-law in London an(-' a brother, Lannon, Peedin;;,1 n,r lerid. The brother is a Spaiii& announcer for the British JVoadcasUIz, Coripariv. His sister is Married to the former Spanish Republican Consul General at London, Vicente Alvarez uyllaa. 3. Pena was interned in a concentration camp in irsnce followirar the Spanish Civil ar. Ise is anti-Yrench, and lass Communist than he was at one tire. According to Pons's statements, he is pro-z'-nerican and >ritish. 4. Pens received word recently fran the Spanish Consul Ierxorsl in Tan-ior, Cristobal del Castillo, that he could. return t c) Spa in at any time he chose to rho so. Pens stated that he would not return to Spain because he feared the possible consor,,uence. RESTHIM, TREA>r bW 119A AN* ktG F cc 4 L. Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 OFF ~?F STRATEGIC S VICES WASHINGTON, D. CG. DISTRIBUTED 31 October 1944 DIS^?_MINA T ION No. .A 42838 COUNTRY Spanish Morocco and Pan4er ORIGINAL REPORT NO. VT-1061, 1062 oU:DjzCr 1. Shipment of;,,afar Mate. DATE OF REPORT 22 September 1944 2. Ship Activte-tz EVALUATION See below SOURCE SUB SOURCE B-3 1. Three open railway cars and one closed car carrying Artillery soldiers and eight mortars of German origin, / six anti ,tank guns of Italian origin, and forty-'three cases of munitions arrived in Tangier on the night train CONFIRMATION SUPPLEMENT CORRECTION NUMBER OF PAGES DATE JIFORil A 710N 17 - 19 September 1944 ATTACHMENTS P.LACE-t~-4; ORIGIN Tangier THEATRE DG~""_ tan Of R. OSS. DPP. DIR ir. T. o. Pws PWR R & A / M. DIV. so 62 NY AFR. C. CUP. F. CAST 'i ALY N. C. EUR. NR. EAST V1. EUR. LONDON D. ALO. D. CAI PO D. L. 0. IN:, T R. R. R. REG. ..C33?GP f ..os??r~:a ~ ' L"DCC?T arUBrt.,nl',\~c p Ti CIiI~;CAL 8EICBET CLA53IFICATICN Teresa is 34 tons. Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 on 17 September. On the following morning the mortars and guns were taken to the port to be put on the tug=boat SANTA TNBJ SA, which arrived that afternoon. On the morn- . ing of 19 September, the material was unloaded from 'the railway cars while the angn were waiting for the right tide before putting it on board the vessel, The material was destined for the Cuerpo de Maestraenza at Ceuta. (VT.1061) C-3 2. Another source reports that the SANTA TERESA left the port of Tan ier for Ceuta on 19 September carrying sixteen field guns, 1,000 Hauser rifles, sixty cases of ammunition marked EIemnlosiv ware" (sic) and several anti-aircraft guns. This material came from the 59th Infaztr rRegiment of the Tangier , region. (VT-1062) BJw 3e The coastal survey vessel ALCAZAR took to sea to watch certain English launches or torpedo boats which were stop- ping Spanish. trawlers at sea and examining their food and fuel supplies, (V'T=1061) part of thA am3 ~:hinme t. The nxerrno c papit owe-Santa ing at Ceuta? the Santa Teresa probably could more than one trip from Tangier to Ceuta on th for loading at Tangier and time had to be allow OSS Tashin,ton Comments Inasmuch as the tide had Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 . _ W SECRET W OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON, D. C. DISTR!9UTED 23 Novoiaibor 3. 944 DISSEhUNATION NO A 44500 COUNTRY Spanish Morocco . ORIGINAL REPORT No VT 1095 SUBJECT 1. intorest in Sale of Margarine . DAi11 OF REPORT 2 October 1944 2. Drug Traffic Between Germany and Spanish Aorooco EVALUATION B - 2 CONFIRMATION SUPPLEMENT SOURCE SUS SOURCE Z CORRECTION FL ^g. ORIGIN Tangier THEATRE DAT NFORr171ATlc's': 2 October 1944 ATTACHMENTS O. 039. 1301. DIP IS wo* T. 0. SLC iA; is DIR. sl pws v" t't'JR V?" R & A yR? M. DIV. FN F MO rsR NY AFR. E. run. r-. EAST ITALY N. C. I=UR. /p0 NR. EAST W. EU R. LONDON D. ALG. 0. CAIRO D. L. D. INTR. yam' R. R. ys? REG. Greer "cac4 "L'?D: C'T SUDMARIN 1 T C K Sd 1. Bulaix .3aeza recently sent a telegram to a certain Au;usto Atalaya, at Hotel Asturias, Madrid, to see whether the latter could place a consignment of margarine for him in MM4drid. A sample of margarine was sent to Luis Barborto, an intimate friend of Bulaix, to be delivered to Atalaya. 2. Atalaya was one of the most bloodthirsty and criminal Falangists I mown in Tetuan during the Spanish Civil War. He himself has boastod of killing; numerous Masons who were Spanish Loftists,in Tetuan. 3. Barberto, chief of. the Iberia airline in Tetuan, also has de- dicated himself to the persecution of Masons. Furthermore, he has availed himself of his position to transfer drugs from Germany to Spanish Morocco and Tangier, in connivance with the pilots of this airline. WD DNf T, 2-1 TATH T~:s^?. O+?lI 'whA AM-1 UC FCG JICA Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 OFFICE OF S T RAT EGiC SERVICES WASHINGTON. D. C. D;S T RIt''.>U T ED 19 November 1944 DISSEMINATION NO. A-44162 COUNTRY Spanish Morocco ORIGINAL REPORT NO. VT-2027 2U J CT 1. aelations Between Iberia Airline and. the Germans 2. German Interest in European- South American Airline DATE OF REPORT EVALUATION 14 October 1944 .8-2 except where noted SOURCE SUB SOURCE DATE ; H'si.i=ORI.'iAT1ON PLAC ORIGIN ME'S:an DG~. Dle iS ,~r!_1 0 Orr'. 1 T: Cc A M. o; V. FN } / CF2 NY rFR. 7 U. CUR. 17,' LY Id. C. EU R. NR. CA#T W. C up.. LONDON D. ALG. D. CAIRO D. L. D. r . ti. mzo. Greer i :o /Iu {~s 77 L-J 1. 10 October 1944 Tangier SUPPLEMENT Via} NUMBER OF PAGES ATTACHMENTS T it'H EA T 1' E A 42504, VT 1081p,' There is said to be a clear tendency or. the part of Spanish officials to break off their relations with the Germans who controlled the Iberia company and with others who were associated with them in manning international airlines and lines inside Spain. The personnel of Iberia are still very ,pro-German, and the Germans do not cease to give large sums of money to maintain this spirit. It is insisted that, while the war lasts, no- thing can stop the Iberia personnel from contacting German agents who still are implaAted firmly in Spain, the Spanish colonies, and Morocco. It is reported that Iberia is going to increase airlines inside Swain. Later, a Spanish commission will leave for South America, especially Argentina and Chile, whence they hope to return with a contract for the exploitation of air- linos between Europe and South America, from which Spain will benefit. German contacts in Portugal and Argentina are work- ing to establish intornational airlines and liaison, especially batieca these two countries. This project is of great in- terest to the Germans. Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 Approved For Release 2009/02/09: CIA-RDP83-00415R000500110019-3 S OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON. D. C. DISTRIBUTED 25 JanUar7 1945 DISSSER1lNATION NO. A 48831-11? COUNTRY Spanish :.Iorocco ORIGINAL REPORT NO. VT 2207--pt SUE)acCT S. ;gling of Livestock from. DATE OF REPORT 19 December 1944 - French : orocco EVALUATION 13-3 ORIGIN Tangier TIEATRE NUMBER OF PAGES FORMATION 3-17 December 1944 ATTACHMENTS A 47995-a, VT 2144-pt SOURCE Z. SUD SOURCE DIR. OSS. Dr=p. Dirt IS T. 0. SEC'IAT FtM3 4./ YWR /~ R tip A 11. Div. FN so MO Lr" X2 y.i ER NY ~.+^. AFR. C. EUR. F. CA $i ITALY N. C. L?UR. rm. EAST W. IIUR. LONDOid D. ALG. D. CAIRO D. L. D. INETi3. / R. R. rtSG. Greer Ora~ers :-- ~ 1 OEt?'G2 %"DOC- IO' 'sus