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Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R0 JOGH0V0URTI MAIN Armenian Newspaper 3 December 1947 NSTRATIONS IN A PO Attacks were made on the office of "Saut-Ash_SHA!Bn (Communist newspaper) by demonstrators composed largely of the "Ikhwan Mualimin" groups. Since the office was closed, the attackers only broke the door and windows; then they proceeded to the S.M.M. Club (presumably Armenian Sportive Union of Syria) where they also did same breaking and burning; then they passed on to the office of Immigration, where they destroyed the documents. The attackers then went to the Liberal Democratic Party Club (Ramgavars and ruined the editing and publishing office of their paper "Yefrad." It is interesting to note the attacks. on the Armenian Clubs. Who lead the "Ikhwan Muslimin" groups, whose relations with the Tashnaks is well.-known, to these clubs? What is the relation between the Palestine question and the Sportive Union or the Immigration Office? (The paper implies that possibly the Tashnaks lead them), All material printed in "Aztag" is pure lies, low could the demonstrators in Damascus, who attacked the offi a of Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union, have been fired upon from that office by communists when the office was closed and the attaskers had to break the doors to get in to burn the tables and books inside? Then, how could the demonstrators have burned issues of Sautwash"SWB in a public place when the paper has been suspended for the past fifteen days? FAL OF CAST P OF I BANON IN FAVOR OF PALlSTI On Sunday, the Communist Party of Lebanon published an appeal which read as follows: The Arab nations learned with fury of the decision on the partition of Palestine. The Lebanese nation, who has always been on the side of Palestine an* has fought against Zionism and imperialisam, today, more than any other ti*e, is ready to do its share in the fiEht against partition. The Communist Party of Lebanon has from the first day condemned the partition plan, and today the party considers that its greatest duty is to gather all our national forces in favor of Palestine. Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000800040013-4 Joghovourti Tzain The Communist Party of Lebanon believes that the fight in favor of Palestine is a part of the fight for Lebanese independence and existence, and therefore warns the Lebanese people against the intrigues of the imperialists and their agents who will try to divide the national forces and try to give them an anti- national character in order to break up our unity and thus weaken the power of cooperation. (The appeal ends with an invition to all national forces and movements to units)* C RATION OF NOYBM 29 in THE B AISSANCE UNION CLUB IN BEIRUT This year, as last year, the Renaissance Union club celebrated the 27th Anniversary of Soviet Armenia. After the singing of Lebanese and Armenian hymns, Mr, Toros Jerian opened the meeting with a short but complete description of the occasion and described the progress made by Soviet Armenia. The speaker was Mr. K. Httarian, who said that November 29 opened a new century of progress for Armenia and that Armenians all over the world have decided to continue on the road of November 29, which gave us the realization of our best dreams. There was an orchestra, sing, and short films of Armenians immigrating from Beirut. 4 Desember 194% According to our Aleppo correspondent, the attacks on Armenian clubs and institutions were carried out under the direction of the Tashnaks and under the leadership of "Ikhwan Muslimin" and "Hizb-al (ovni'groups. The Tashnaks were disguised in fazes and zoubouns. The Armenian Sportive Union Club of Syria was pillaged and the muscial instruments transferred to the Homenetmen Sportive Club. There was no attack on the Immigration Office, contrary to the wishes of the Tashnaks. At the. Monday meeting of the Syrian Parliament, Deputy Muhammad AKLUK condemned the agitators and declared, "I don't believe the Communists are against our point of view about Palestine." Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000800040013-4 Joghovourti Tzain 3 CELEBRATION OF NOVM(HIIR 29 in OLebration was under chairmanship of Rev. ZAREH, Bishop of Aleppo Armenians. Present were: Mr. ISAGOLOV, Consul of the Soviet Legation, many members of progressive parties, Immigration Committee, compatriotic unions, sportive and cultural unions, correspondents of Armenian and foreign papers and many other well-known personalities. The opening speech was made by Mr. Arohak KAI BRIAN, who explained the meaning of the day, the benefits that the regime has brought, and also gave information on the work done by the National Councils in the All-Armenian Congress held in the United States. Mr. Ohannes GOSDANIAN read a speech in Arabic prai sing the new regime and the Arabo-Armenian friendship and their fight against foreign imperialists. There was music and songs, but before the program was over, it was learned that students were demonstrating, so Mr, closed the celebration by saying that the Armenians should do their share in the fight against partition of Palestine. It is learned fram Armenian papers in Greece that on November 16, the "Tohougodga" sailed with the sixth caravan of Armenians to Soviet Armenia with a total of 1838 persons. Thus during 1947 a total of 13,244 persons, and in 19461947 a total of 18,544 persons immigrated from Greece. The Central Immigration Committee of Greece is inviting the registration of those who desire to go to Soviet Armenia in 1948. 7 December 1947 DECLARATION OF ARWWIAN DEMCRATIC FRONT At a time when all the Arab nations are full of deep feelings and just anger about thedeoision for the partition of Palestine, the Armenian Democratic Front of Lebanon and Syria join in the lawful and justified protest of the Arab nations and invites the Armenians of Lebanon and Syria to collaborate with the Arabs in the fight. (Declaration issued.on 4 December 1947.) Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000800040013-4 aoghovourti Tzain APPEAL FOR UNITY OF ALL IEBANFSE PEOPLE BY C OMMtU I ST PARTY OF LEBANON The Communist Party considers that at the present time the greatest duty of all patriots is to unite national forces and to collaborate with other Arab nations for the protection of Palestine, Unity is essential in order to undo the work of the imperialists who try to break down the Arabs and thus facilitate their intrigues against the Arab peoples, The Lebanese people are invited to do their very best against Anglo-American intrigues, which prepared the partition of Palestine, according to the plans of Morrison, and encouraged the Zionists in order to keep their strategic positions in the Medi terranean, The incidents which have happened here are the work of the "Ikhwan Muslimin" groups who are agents of imperialists. Their main idea was to divide our national forces and thus divert attention from the fight against foreign imperialists, The Communist Parties of Syria and Lebanon have always been against the partition of Palestine. The deiaration appeals for a closer unity and cooperation between Syria and Lebanon. BC iBING OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY CLUB The Permanent Committee of Palestine protests against the bomb outrage against the Communist Club. The Committee cooperates with the Communist Party as well as with all other parties, The Committee requests the Government to make a quick investigation and devise means to prevent future attacks, After this protest, the Minister of Justice declared that the attacks were made by the enemies of Palestine and Lebanon and were probably organized by them, LEBANON AND ARAB PAI SEINE About 50,000 persons participated in a colossal demonstration held on Friday by the Najjadaha, Phalangists, Communists, and many students. The markets were closed until noon. On Friday evening, the Lebanese Parliament dealt with the Palestine question. Henry PHARUN emphasized that the Palestine and Lebanese questions are the same. The Premier declared that direct actions are no nearer Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000800040013-4 Toghovonrti Tzain 5 than is supposed. The Deputies unanimously voted two motions, one refusing the decision for the Partition of Palestine, and the other to appropriate one month's salary from each member of Parliament. It was voted to contribute 100,000,000 LL of financial aid for Palestine. 9 December 1947 The local press unanimously condemns the bombing of the Communist Party Club. Only AZTAG and AL SULK remain tiers. NOTICE OF ARMENIAN B VOLENT G. UNION On November 1, we sent four excavating machines on the "ROSSIA" in order to help the construction of houses for the immigrants in Soviet Armenia and two others will be shipped soon. The cost of the six machines is $75,000.00. The Central Committee made available $5000 and then another $10,000 to help the 15,000 Iranian Armenians who were preparing to go to Soviet Armenia, but whose departure was profited by the Iranian Goverment. According to the wish of the testators, student scholarships were granted to three young Armenian men who will study in Beirut Universities, All of these young men are from Hadjen. (November 10, 1947, New Cork) DECISION OF MLNTING OF LEBANESE SYNDICATES On December 7, under the chairmanship of Mustafa ARIS, a big meeting of syndicates was held at which representatives of 16 Lebanese syndicates were present. It was decided to 1, to refer the motion of forming a general union of the laborers' and employees' syndicates to the investigation of the executive bodies of the syndicates. 2. to hear the results of the above motion at the meeting to be held on December 14, when repre- sentatives of all syndicates will be present. 3, to continue the meetings and applications to have the labor law executed. Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000800040013-4 Joghovourti Tzain 6 10 December 1947 HOW TASUNAZ CHIEFS PREE'ARB ATTACKS ON A IIAN CLUBS A ANIZAATTIONS Refers to those who supposedly prepared and planned the attacks, giving names of Armenians who were among the attackers, giving name of certain Arabs (mostly Ikhwan Muslimin and Govmi members) and calling them low-class thieves and criminals. The article says that seventy of them have been arrested; that the same kind of attacks were planned for Beirut, but no people could be found to do such dirty jobs. An article entitled, "How they Betray the Immigration." The article is reproduced from "Leraper" of New York and attacks James G. Mandalian, editor of "Hairenik Weekly" (in Boston), saying that the Tashnaks are doing all in their power against the immigra. Lion by blackening facts and. the Armenian people's prestige. Thus they are misleading Americanpublic opinion and representing Armenians as ungrateful and bad people. INTER-COMPATRIOT UNION HELPS SOVIET ARBffi1TIA The President of the Immigration Committee has asked for 1000 tents, and the Union has shipped 1217 tents on the "Rossia." For this purpose, the Union will collect $16,100 4ninstbezn thousand one hundred dollars. On the same steamer, 70 bales of seaondo>hand clothing were also shipped a gift of the Armenians in Philadelphia. The "Rossia" is also taking two trucks to the Central Immigration Committee of Erivan. Ministers Gabriel MURR and Abmad HUSAYNI are busy investigating the bombing of the Communist Party Club. Nicola SXAWI and Farajallah HILU were received by the above ministers and they promised to find the guilty persons so as to do justice for communists. Ahmad HUSAYNI said he does not believe that the attack was made by Communists, as they will not do such deeds, l2 December 1947 The Permanent Committee for Palestine asks for the opening of the Com- Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000800040013-4 Toghovourti Tzain 7 munist Party Club. The Committee has authorized its representative, Dr. Joseph HITTI, Deputy, to go to Serail and ask for the opening of the Club. In fact, Dr. kIITTI was received by the President of the Republic, to whom he explained the situation and told of the contribution the Communists make to national life and the Palestine causs. The Communist Party Club will be opened soon, writes "Le Soir." Note of Jogho Tzain: The Investigating Judge has agreed to the reopening, but the Prosecutor has requested another investigation. Yesterday morning, a large deputation of sixty persons went to see the President to protest the closing of the Communist Party Club and to ask for the release of the three party members who are in prison. They presented a memorandum to is Excellency in this connection. Then the deputation visited the various Betnit news- paper offices which gave them a wholehearted welcome and a promise of help to clear up the situation. CEI$BRATION OF NOY. 29 in Amman The young men of Amman have oiebrated the 27th anniversary of Soviet Armenia with unprecedented pomp. There were speeches, songs, music, and Armenian dances. Unfortunately, again there were persons who did not like this patriotism and began their threatenings on the next dey. Poor fellows who are trying, even in Amman, to defeat the patriotism of Armenians. Approved For jslea 002108/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000800040( vala_-~ A Z T A G - "" Armenian Newspaper An editorial enti ed "The Last Decision" gives the fats about the partition of? alestine and its effects on the Arab world, saying that th6 re in Palestine will probably start now. The United 1tate nd the.,Soviet,.Unipn Wanted to. divide Palestine because they had oettainldeaffl of their.own. The United States has the forth eo -:pro41dentiai election, when Jewish capital will be of great importance. The Soviet Union is interested in the departure of the British, which may result in disturbances and therefore necessitate the intervention of Moscow. After the bloody events in Damascus, the Minister of the Interior dissolved the 00=44ist Party and is now searching for its leaders. According to Damascus papers, Communist employees of the Government, as well as teachers, will be discharged and prosecuted in the courts. 4 December 1947 The First Day of the Strike in Aleppo The French Agency reports that the strike was much more serious than was reported, on Sunday evening, the Demonstrators attacked the Roxy Cinema where Armenians (not Armenians but Communists, ed.,) were celebrating the anniversary of Soviet Armenia at which the Soviet representative, Mr, ISAGOIAV, officiated. There was fighting; some of the audience were wounded. The police came and accompanied Mr. ISAGOLOV to his residence, Monday morning the situation became more serious, The demonstrators attacked and ruined the press of "Yelraf" an Armenian paper, the offices of the Immigration Committee, and the Headquarters of the Communist Party. The library of the Jewish club was burned down. A.B.C. ,was pillaged, Three synagogues were attacked, Two hand bombs were thrown on one of the synagogues. In the afternoon, the Laique school was also attacked. Now everything is quiet in Aleppo, strikes and Demonstrations Regulated Yesterday,, two meetings were held in Beirut, The first in the headquarters of the National Congress at Babgedriss, The second in the residence of Mr. Muhammad Jamil BAYHUM, General Sesdretary Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000800040013-4 AZTAG 2 of the movement fighting the Zionists. Representatives of all parties and movements were present at these meetings. They emphasized the fact that demonstrations against the UNO decision are being made by irresponsible persons, rearing that this situation may last for a long time, those present at the meeting decided to form a oormnittee which will organize any strike or demon- stration to be made. The Committee met at 5 PU and decided that no strikes or demonstraw tions will be held in Beirut. There will, be only a campaign to collect money to help Palestine. 10 December 1947 In Lebanon, 8000 volunteers for the Palestinian cause have registered for fighting. The Lebanese Community in Argentina has collected 100,000 pesos for Palestine, 9 December 1947 The local Communist Club was searched thoroughly and twenty Communists were arrested. According to the local papers, the bomb was thrown by three communists, one of whom was an Armenian, revork BAYTAYAN, The police immediately conducted an investigation; the communist club was searched thoroughly, and, according to Rl Shark, a few weapons and cartridges were found. Twenty communists were arrested and questioned. Three of them are still in prison. Another bomb was thrown on Bliss Street, near the American Legation, Revenue taxes are to be increased in order to help Palestine. The Homenetmen Sportive Club of Damascus has had a meeting with the Liberation Committee of Palestine at which they declared the readiness of their organization to serve in the Palestine cause. The employees held a meeting at which they decided to appropriate one days salary each month for Palestine. The city of Beirut also presented 100,000 Syrian pounds for the same cause. Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000803~ A R A R A D Armenian Newspaper 3 December 1947 Izumigration from Greece to Soviet Armenia Continues We are informed by Armenian papers in Greece that immigration continues. The "Tchongotga", carrying the fifth caravan, left Piraeus with 2139 Armenians on 19 October. Thus the number of Armenians immigrating from Greece up to October 19 is 21,321 and, according to Armenian papers published in Greece, two more caravans will depart for Soviet Armenia this year. The "AREV" paper (published in Egypt, Ramgavar) is informed from an Armenian coming from Greece, that the sixth caravan left on November 4 on the "Tohongotge". Mr. Peniamin JAMGOTCI3IANrs speech in Cinema DUNIA on 27th Anniversary of Soviet Armenia. December 3 and 4.) 27 years is a short period in the life of nations, but 27 years has been a rather long period of progress for Soviet Armenia. Armenia had a very low standard economically and culturally, before it was Sovietized. After that, the wise leaders of Soviet Armenia organized its finance and economics. Canals and factories were built every- where. :Schools, literature, art, music, all have progressed. The new regime has made class and national hatred and prejudices disappear, thus becoming a real Christian nation. During the second World War, Armenia contributed its full share in the fight against Fascism. Soviet Armenia contributed more than forty generals and more than 10,000 heroes to the Soviet fighting forces. And now, after the war, comes the fight of regimes. Capitalists want a peace in vhioh there will be the germs of future war, while the Soviet Union desires a peace where, with certain sacrifices, it will be possible to lay the foundations of national fraternity and cooperation. A November 29 Celebration was held in the Noubarian School. The history of November 29 was written by Mr. Avedis SIAN. The Director of the School, Mr. M. SE'ERIAN, spoke about the meaning of November 29, the good that it has brought us, with hearty wishes that all present celebrate the same in Soviet Armenia. Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R000800040013-4 ARARAD News from Soviet Armenia There are 1700 specialized workers in the watch factory of Erivan who are making 650,000 large and 100,000 small clocks, whose mechanical) perfection and beauty will be first class. The leather factory has started to produce pocket and hand-bags for men and women. These bags will rival European bags. The bags are made through those coming from outside. 5 December 1947 "Victory will be ours" declares Jamil MARDAM Boy, the Syrian Premier. "We lost a war in New York, but we must win and we shall win another war here"t The Liberating Committee of Palestine issued a declaration asking the Syrians to register as soldiers, and asking the rich to contribute financial support for arming and maintaining the volunteer army. No attacks were made on the Cinema ROZY where the celebration of the 27th Anniversary of Soviet Armenia was taking place. Several houses belonging to Armenians, Jews, and Christian Arabs were pillaged. 7 December 1947 Article about Impressions of Soviet Armenia, by Hrant DZVEDJIAN, Editor of Aravod, who departed to Soviet Armenia. Describes Erivan and its progress, pr&f ses the work that is being done, and shows appreciation for the Population's hard work, for Erivan's beauty and culture, for the construction work and for Ervian's progressiveness. The most important point, however, is the ease with which the immigrants adopt themselves to their new environment and circumstances, which is due to the wholehearted welcome and friendly help of the people in Soviet Armenia. The Executive body of the tramway service reports that there are twenty motors furnishing power to the Erivan tramways. On March 20, new express locomotives and wagons started operating on the Erivanw. Tifliz.BatoumaBaku lines. The Botanical Garden of Arzni has been widened and it now contains new trees benches, etc. Arzni is connected with Erivan by an avenue on which the Zoological Garden is located. Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP83-00415R0008000d7 Z A R T O N K Armenian Newspaper 4 December 1947 The Armenian Benevolent Gen. Union has started a campaign to raise another $1 million to help Armenians who are immigrating. News of demonstrations in Aleppo, on "Yeprad" paper, with a supplement that the "Yeprad" papers press was in the building of the Ramgavar (Democratic) Club. 5 December 1947 Incident in Amanos quarter In the Amanos quarter, the Arabs and Armenians lived like brothers for twenty-five years. A few days ago'. a small incident occurred during which people threw stones and a few shots were fired. During the next few days, however, both sides made an agreement and showed that they were sorry for what had happened. This agreement was made possible by the efforts of Janil Hadj, son of Ibn Hadj AHKAD, and of Mr. Hagop Koftiguian. ZARTONK also publishes news from a correspondent in Aleppo about the disturbances and attacks on some Armenian clubs and organizations. This article is the same as those published in other anti-Tashnak papers, accusing the Tashnaks of being the leaders of the demonstra. tions, and indicating the clubs and organizations of anti-Tashaak parties and associations.