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Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-0041hR000qQ6cp0 4icw, April 2, 1949
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Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
Weekly Newspaper Established in 1917
April x',.1949
Journey To Iced Shantung
Banditry In Kwangtung
Hnu i hien
Christian Missions In China
VOLUME 113 Approved For Release 2006/04hY4'df-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4 NUMBER 5
Appproved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The' China Weekly 17evi,ew, April 2, 1949
From The People
d d t
Sdm J. Wile, Aver aaang anager
Assistant Editors Correspondents
J. B. Powell
(Editor & Publisher, 1918-1947)
John W. Powell, Editor & Publisher
Fang Fu-an, Financial Editor =
Comments from readers on current topies
are cordially invited: their opinions, how-
ever, do not necessarily represent the views
of The Chins Weekly Review.
Post Office Answers
To The Editor:
With reference to the letter from Mr.
S.F. Wei published in your esteemed
journal of the 12th instant under the
caption "Hongkong Postage", complain-
ing of the exorbitant rate of postage
for printed matter for Hongkong, I have
to inform you that the rates of postage
for Hongkong and Macao are based upon
the Postal Agreements between China
and Hongkong and China and Macao,
which provide that, with the exception
of letters and postcards which are charg-
ed the domestic rates of postage, all other.
categories of mail matter, special fees,
etc. should be charged. according to the
Union tariff of postage. As newspapers,
magazines and other printed matter do
not fall under the categories of letters
and -postcards, the International rates of
postage apply in accordance with the
provisions of the above-cited Agreement.
It is, therefore, obvious that, under the
restrictions of the said Agreement, no
unilateral action can be taken towards
the modification of any of its stipula-
Director of Posts
March 28, 1949
Fukien Defended
To The Editor:
In his article, "How Safe and Sound
is Fukien," which appeared in the March
12th issue of the Review, Mr. Lin has
shown an extensive knowledge about my
native province and his criticism is well-
founded. But in his eagerness to point
out the weak points of the province, he
has totally neglected the human factor,
without which the world would be a
place of desolation. e
While it is true that Fukien has never
played an important part in any of the
wars, this was equally true of Kwang-
tung province before the Republic of
China was established. That the last
emperor of the Sung dynasty preferred
Kwangtung does not prove that this pro-
vince was safer than Fukien. As a
matter of fact, the dynasty had removed
its capital southward many times before
coming to Kwangtung, and sought a place
of refuge rather than an advantageous
position from which to launch an offen-
During the recent Sino-Japanese war,
the Japanese not only seized Amoy but
fortified the island and stayed there for
the duration of the war. Fukien's moun-
tainous terrain and. unproductiveness was
not a factor that kept the Japanese from
invading that province. Since they could
strike at the Central Government with
comparative ease from any point other
than Fukien, it would. have been foolish
to operate out of a province where they
were bound to encounter more difficulties.
However, no place is worth much with-
out the human factor. Look at the
state of Utah in America, popularly called
"The Great American Desert," with its
Mary Barrett
Yang Chen fanm
Rose Yardumian
Julian Schuman
Joan Faulkner
Contributing ;r ditbrs
Lin Wo-chiang
Charles J. Canni ig
C. Y. W. Meng
Edward Ro.rbou ch
Ben Y. Lee
Frank L. Tsao
Tseng Yu-hao
Shen Chien-tu
James L. Stewart
F. K. Chao, Busi cress Manager
Jefferson Cath
Van Shih-ching
Tong Chun-cho
Chen Fu-sheng
Mark M. Lu
Galahad Wood
Joseph I. C. Luan
Lauw Thian-hok
Harin Shah
C. Y. Hsieh
Joseph P. Lyford
Chengtu =
Foochow =
Batavia -
Bombay =
Jacques Decaux - Paris
S. E. Shifrin - Seattle
Ngiam Tong Fatt - Singapore
Hugh Deane - Tokyo
Chen Pang-cheng, Circulation Manager
Index for April 2, 1949
Editorial Pa -agraphs
Pacific Pact . . ............................................. ....
Self Help . ...................................................1
Special Articles
Journey To Red Shantung ..............................Hugh Deane 103
Springtime Note; From Hunan ......................Tioni Farnham 104
Christian Missicns In China .................. A Chinese Christian 105
Banditry In Kv angtung ................................Hsu Chien 107
Economic Section
The Week':; Business ........................................... 108
Letters From T ie People .........................................
25 Years Ago ...................................................
News Of The W ek ................................................
The Review's E--?glish Lesson LXXVI ..............................
Chinese MagaznT e Roundup ..................................... .
US Magazine Ii iundup ................ ..........................
What Chinese Papers Say ..........................................
What US Pape s Say ........................... .. .....
New Books Of Interest ... ............................... ...
Subscription Rates
S months
Shanghai and China Outports ................. GY 30,000
China Ou ports (Air Mail) ................... GY 37,000
Hongkong and Macao ......................... GY 42,000
Hongkong and Macao (Air Mail) GY 49,000
6 months 1 year
U.S.A. an i other Foreign Countries .... TJS$5.00 US$9.00
Price per copy: GY2,500
3 months
Shanghai and China Outports GY 24,000
Chins Outports (Air Mail) .................... GY 31,000
(All subscriptions must be authenticated by the individual stu-
dent's school and must he sent directly to the offices of the China
Weekly Review.)
All mail rates are subject to change in accordance with postal
Cable Address "Reviewing" Shanghai Telephone: 14772
Contents of previous issues of The China Weekly Review may be 'found
in the "Intern aional Index of Periodicals," copies of which are on file in
most standard :ibraries.
All editoria's, text and other material in the weekly issues of the China
Weekly Review copyrighted under certificate of registration * No. 9953
issued by the N inistry of Interior. Registered with Ministry of Interior
of the National Government of the Republic of China, under certificate for
and g asshoppersd bC1~Vi~(ilti~ft lrueelea'~u~i+QiQi{+(~+ai~ui~irm~~,il~
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-004IgF 9 a0Wg igOK7viI w, April 2, 1949
111111111 A 11111111 A 11111111 A 11111111 A Ile [III] A 111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 AIIlrI,IIII I A 11111111111111111 Alt,;
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Shanghai's American Daily ---
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of it printed at least 15 hours ahead of other Shanghai
papers; for outspoken views; for bright touches Etnd enter-
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Effective March 16, 1949
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Local home delivery , . uY30 000
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The Shanghai Evening Post `& I ercury
19 Chung Cheng Road, Shanghai (13).
tainous regions and soil too poor to
yield any crop, it now thrives and
prospers through proper cultivation. And
Japan, with few natural resources, and
soil saturated with volcanic ash, came to
be one of the great powers of the world.
Formosa, a wilderness, was built up to
a rich productive island which contribut-
ed greatly to the support of Japan before
the war, and .ongkong, now called the
Gibraltar of the East, has been developed
into one of the greatest port cities of the
world. All this was not conjured up over
night, but was accomplished by great
human effort.
Many things have been possible despite
poor natural resources and few advan-
tages: Sun'Yat-sen's revolution was crad-
led in Kwangtung where there was little
to work with; the great dynasty of
Ch'ing was founded in Shensi, certainly
not one of the richest provinces in China;
and the Communists have been fighting
superior odds under adverse conditions
for more than 30 years, and have sur-
mounted great difficulties. If all this is
possible, why can't the Kuomintang, with
US aid behind them, do as well? I am
not a pro-party man, but I do think
the Kuomintang has a very good chance
to win back if they work hard. They
certainly have better conditions now than
their antagonists did four years ago. I
agree that Fukien is not a. Normandy,
and in the event of war between Russia
and America, the latter would surely use
Korea rather than Fukien, and Japan
rather than Formosa. But the article
was not discussing such a war, and in
the meantime the two provinces of Fukien
and Kwangtung have much to offer the
Kuomintang. If they fail, it is the fault
of their leaders, mismanagement, despotic
policy. It all depends on how they exert
Magazine Ban
To The Editor:
I was greatly shocked by the fact that
a number of 'Shanghai publications
which spoke the people's view and had
a great many readers have been forced
to discontinue publication by the newly
established "cultural control authority"
of the. Nanking-Shanghai-Hangchow Gar-
rison Headquarters.
According to press reports, such maga-
zines as World Culture, The Revelation,
The Modern Woman, Outlook, The Uni-
versity Review, and The Middle School
Times were banned because they are con-
sidered to be against the martial law.
But these magazines, it should be pointed
out, are legal and have been duly
licensed by the Government authorities.
These magazines have played a leading
role in the present culture of China.
They have suffered from economic hard-
ships and, political pressure and their
closure at this time is hard to under-
stand. It's clear that political pressure
on the cultural organs is heavier than
ever before, and it is rumored that press
censorship may be re-introduced.
This is what is behind the "honorable
peace" about which there is so much
March 25, 1949
Spanish Loan
To The Editor:
To round out the sad picture drawn
by your editorial "US Loan For Spain"
in the March 19th issue of the Review,
the following is quoted from the Euro-
- pean edition of the New York Herald
,p~,~+ et ,~ /~++ ~eA~ ppppOPnr~f
561111111111111 11111 111 7 11111 111 111,,Approv~@1fi1Fi~aptriasteiQ/~/~~~Qd1/1L~n~f~g1toiiCI1l17RY"Gd415ROOG?0O0ft?O42th:
The China Weekly11 PtRipse 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4 95
"The Spanish press has published the
news of the $25,000,000 Chase Bank loan
without comment.
"Although financial circles were pleased
at the transaction, privately, however,
they were disappointed that it was neces-
sary to mortgage Spain's gold reserves.
"It was hoped the Chase deal will serve
'to break the ice' toward granting Spain
an official American loan really big en-
ough to revive the country's heavy in-
dustry, agriculture, and transportation
which, as interpreted here, is a dire neces-
sity not only for Spain but also for the
general rehabilitation program in western
"(A spokesman for the Chase Bank
said the loan had been granted after
consultation with and approval by the
US State Department.)"
I ani quite taken aback by the views
expressed by you in connection with
this unholy project. You risk prosecu-
tion by the Un-American Activities Com-
mittee and the horrible threat never to
be admitted to occupied Japan and Ger-
many in case you finally realize that all
"really" bad Fascists have reformed, and
that the safest place in the face of the
Red Menace is the US zone of Germany,
Japan, and Spain in that order.
I just came back from there. Nazism
was a good idea badly carried out.
March 21, 1949
New TB Drug
To The Editor:
The seriousness of the tuberculosis
problem may be seen by figures compiled
in 1946 by the United Nations Health
Investigation Office, which estimated that
some 300 out of every 100,000 persons
die from this disease each year. If this
estimate is accurate, at least 1,500,000
persons in China die from TB yearly.
The Svenska Lacartidin Magazine 43,
2029-41, 1946, reported that 'a physician
in the Sahlgrenska Hotal in Sweden
named Dr. Jorgen Lehmann had utilized
a para-amino-salicylic-acid preparation to
treat tuberculosis and had achieved very
effective results.
I was therefore very glad to learn
from an advertisement; in the Chinese
papers that the Grena Chemical Works,
a. Chinese medical factory, may be able
to make a P.A.S. solution prepared by
Professor Wong-Shao-ting, since its price
will be much cheaper than that imported
from abroad.
Since the demand for P.A.S. is so
great and I earnestly hope that our own
medical factory can increase the produc-
tion of P.A.S.
March 28, 1949
New Education
To The Editor:
A schoolmate of mine has just come
down from the liberated areas to see his
mother. He told me the following about
secondary education under the New
At an educational conference held last
winter by the authorities of the North-
east and North China. areas, middle
school policy was discussed and certain
principles laid down.
The greatest difference between educa-
tion here and in the liberated areas is
that students there must work to earn
h 1; ' F' I th
they spend half of tch day on such
labor, their records d- not seem to be
any worse than tho- of students in
KMT-controlled areas.
Textbooks in comp courses such as
politics, history and the national language
are being revised, but he others are not
School affairs- are decided by the
School Affairs Ruling CoAmittee which
consists of six teacher ; and one or two
students. This body has the highest
authority in the school
I have described th use methods with
the idea that they !tight possibly be
applied to middle scho ds here as a pro-
gressive reform.
March 25, 1949
So-called Reforms
To The Editor:
What has happened to the reforms
issued by Acting President Li Tsung-
jen? One of them provides for the
abolition of special criminal courts. These
coltrts have been abolished, all right, but
in their place has been established mili-
tary courts with the privilege of execut-
ing people "on the spot." The summary
executions of 21 persons in Kunming and
three bus workers in Shanghai illustrate
how these courts work.
A second reform was the lifting of
restrictions on newspapers and maga-
zines. However, the banning and con-
fiscation of newspapers and magazines
has been renewed in Shanghai. Thou-
sands of copies of "inside story" maga-
'IIt111111IIII11111111111111I11111111!IIIII !IIIt111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIII II11111111111IIIIIIIIIIl IIIIIII111111111IIIIIIIII{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi'-
1199 Nankil g Road (W)
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- Established 1898
Importers & Exporters
149 Szechue 1 Road, Shanghai (O) Tels. 16833-2-1
Tiead Office: San Francisco
New York Bombay Tientsin
Affiliated Companies:
Hongkong and Saigon
Singapore and Penang
eir vmg. or e, ere are
three producing groups which have been = CONNELL, BROS. CO. (PHILIPPINES).
association at North Horan Middle = Manila, Cebu and Iloilo
Confectionery ? Restaurant
School. When school is over, these 2
grcups go to help the farmers and do
whatever work is nsyovedl,m2eleasaIi~Q`il,~ntul~'illf~n{1~~r>~Q4~In~lII~QQ0~0Q~ipQQ71n411ul1uul!Initnunuul~!uni;
96 Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-004'1 0 3m00 ee
a6gQ0~ 4i
y ev::w, April 2, 1999
tines" were confiscated by the police and
garrison authorities on March 17., These
magazines contained a number of articles
that were pro-Communist or critical of
the Government, and many of them may
not have been based on fact. However,
their wide circulation is an indication
of the frame of mind of the general
public, and the policy of banning or con-
fiscating them is an ill-advised one which
has not worked in the past.
Despite the promised cession of acti-
vities of KMT secret agents, the dis-
appearance of people is on the march
again. It is rumored that a delegate
of a shipping company in Shanghai was
arrested soon after his return from Pei-
ping, where he had contacted Communist
These developments, together with many
other oppressive measures, go to show that
the diehards and reactionaries are not
willing to have any house-cleaning pre-
paratory to peace talks with the Com-
munists. They have never wanted peace;
they want a hushed silence under threat
of imprisonment, torture and death.
March 23, 1949
Chungking Bombing
To The Editor:
I don't know what the B-24 bombar-
diers could have been thinking about
when they bombed the Chungking. I
should like to ask them whether they
thought it was for the good of the na-
tion. China cannot make any warships
and it is hard to say when this loss to
our country can be made up. I believe
that the bombardiers were disloyal to
their country although they might be
said to have been loyal to the KMT.
I am sure that th Chinese Civil War
is not likely to be von by aviators or
the navy or by for?ign loans. Only a
Government which is championed by the
people can win, arr the action of the
KMT in bombing u trships of its own
country will surely de rease its champions.
It is interesting tc note that the Chi-
nese airmen rode on American planes to
bomb a British war. hip. It is now re-
ported that two more warships presented
to us by America, ar, , to be anchored at
Kaohsiung in a few days. Whether or
not these two shit; will repeat the
tragedy of the Chun; king no one knows.
S. T. G.
Taipeh, Taiwan
March 22, 1949
Wants Subscription
To The Editor:
It is really hard t o obtain real news
and just views from he newspapers and
magazines of this country. Although
there are many Chin se newspapers and
.'Illl"IIIll"II"il"IIIII"IIlII 1111.1e IIIIIIIIIII11"Il IIIll~ll llll1Illl'.
cm-ny s
133 Nanki -1g Road
Sham -hail'
lulu~i1111111111111II1tI11ltl nlnu lll11111InlIl IllIl111II1sIIi
magazines, every one of them is inclined
either to the right or the left.
We would like to read your Review
frequently but can't afford the price to
buy it. Could you send us a free subs-
critption for two months before we
finish our school life? We are very
`much obliged.
Chung Ching Technical School
Marc'i 16, 1949
Any Old Copies?
To The Editor:
I have been your reader for only half
a year and have grown so fond of it.
I hope I can read the Review always.
But now my finances have failed and
1 am obliged to bid you farewell.
China, as well as the world, is. now
facing a fearful storm and the grey
clouds gather in every corner. We cc; t_
men people know not when the storm
will come or in what way, and can cnly
follow events through the newspapers
and magazines. I think your Review
is the very one to help us during this
stormy period of time.
I often have read that some of your
readers get free copies through the con-
tributions of other readers, and that old
copies are sent to needy readers. Now,
since I am in distress, I can only wish
luck might fall upon me.
Nanting, Kiangsu
March 20, 1949
(The REVIEW'S free subscription
kitty is empty too. If any readers care
to contribute to this fund or send their
old copies to us, we will be happy to
pass them on to n,e.edy readers-Editor. )
_v"luu"untuuunlul"uulnnluulu~nwnun~uulu~{uu"u~nwulnlntnuumuunulnuluunnnu.~ nuu.u"nnullunwln~uulnluulellulu~u.u~uuluulu~llu~lun.ilsunulunulwnulllu.-
Affiliated With
Shanghai r ),,ice:
99 Nanking Road (0) Telephone 11440
Branch s:
1/11111111111"11"11"11111"I~"Illl"II"II"/j"II.111JIfJjl 11 ~"jf/II~Yi ~I~jl if!{'~11 "yIWW"'111f1Vflf]I-~11t~~2111111 ~.ICrIIY.'Im'~Ifillr~fAii/LOAi q15 7?y411 l llllll"II I [ill] III 111.11,'
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 2, 1949
Missing Persons
To The Editor:
In spite of Acting President Li Tsung-
jen's directive against illegal arrests, four
persons are missing here: Two teachers,
a student of the Shanghai College of
Law, and an employee of the District
Mr. Li Tze-cheng, head of discipline of
the Provincial Chuchow Normal School,
was visited by plain clothesmen who said
several students of the Normal School
had been taken to Garrison Headquarters
because they had quarreled with some-
body in a theater. They requested that
he go with them to see these students.
Ile wanted to call the roll first, but they
would not permit him to do so. When
he had not returned by the next morning,
the principal of the school went to the
Garris=on Headquarters and was told they
knew nothing of Mr. Li's whereabouts.
Mr. Wang Do-hsiang, a history teacher
at the Provincial Chuchow Middle School,
was chatting at home with his wife and
a younger sister when plain clothesmen
entered the house under the pretext of
checking the census. They pointed to
his younger sister and asked who she
was. Mr. Wang explained and said she
was studying at the Yu-Nong Middle
School where she was to return the next
day. The plain clothesmen would not
accept this explanation and took him
away with them.
The student, Mr. Chen Nan-hsiang, also
was taken away by plain clothesmen act-
ing as census takers, who charged him
with housing persons without registering
them with the census authorities. His
elder brother wanted to go instead but
was not permitted. He followed Mr.
Chen to the Garrison Headquarters but
was refused entrance. Later he was told
his brother was not there.
_11111! IIIIIlIIIIIIII tIl111tiIl Il11111111111111I111111111111111111111 tI1111111t11111 tIItIl11I111111111t IIt11111111111l III IItIH itI1111111tlltllt111111111~1111tIIt1111111I111111111IIIIIIIIItII111t111iif lltllf llf llf ll.lielllllell ell/1lf llfllellfllf llel ~.
Mr. Kao, the C 'errment employee,
also was taken .,.waa from his house when
someone asked him to go out to talk
over some affairs. I e has not been seen
Chuchow, Chekiang
March 18, 1949
"Wet Firewood"
To The Editor;
Present indication < are that the Gold
Yuan has got out 'f control. At very
short intervals, GY totes of $5, $20, and
$50 denomination lave passed out of
circulation. And y ^sterday, barely a
fortnight after GY ':50 notes were pooh-
poohed as "wet firer ood", GY $100 notes
were being widely ejected in everyday
business transaction here in this town
of Dan Shui Hon, Hoiping. The local
bankers and mercl ants are hurriedly
shipping huge amounts of these unwant-
ed notes to Kougmo In or Canton, where
they are said to be still accepted, to be
dumped on the mnl kete. there.
From my obscrvat ons I find that small
notes first were reused in the country-
side, the rejection sp ?eading to the larger
places. This state a` affairs implies that
the people in far-lung places have be-
come extremely nerv:,us about possession
of GY notes and have learned from ex-
perience that they an turn into waste
paper over night.
Also it is interesti'g to note that even
before the $1,000 n tes are brought in
here, the $100 not(: are being rejected,
and the only ones _lsable are the $500
notes. It look;: her as if the peoples'
rejection of the (i" may move faster
than the Govcrnvu nt can issue new
Thank You!
To The Editor:
We are proud to tell you that your
esteemed Review is made accessible at
our University; both the University
library and the Students' Center of the
Christian Fellowship have subscribed to
It has been our wish that hereafter
more people will have a chance to know
the Review, so that its recognized value
may be known in even wider circles.
The National Chekiang University
Hangehow, Chekiang
March 18, 1949
Yenchow Bandits
To The Editor:
Recently many bandit outrages have
occurred in this city of Yenchow, and in
the surrounding countryside. They have
entered the and robbed the people
of their rice, money and gold. Many
very rich men have received anonymous
letters from the bandits demanding more
gold and rice. Many of these men have
paid so the bandits would not kill them
and burn their houses.
This situation is a disgrace to the
whole nation. The provincial authorities
of Chekiang and the troops stationed in
this area should be held responsible for
these incidents.
The bandits are neither Nationalists
nor Communists. We are, told by news-
papers that the bandits are mostly sol-
diers who have been paid off, and that
the more soldiers we pay off, the more
bandits will be let loose.
Hoiping, Kwangtung Yenchow, Chekiang
March 20, 1949 March 19. 1949
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Thla China Weekly Review, April 2, 1949
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* MARFAK Lubrication Service
* Crankcase Flushing
* Oil Change To Summer Grade
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* Battery Service
Tire Inspection
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? 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllll{11111111111iI11111111111111I11111JI111tI11111111111111111il llllllllllllllkl i1111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111III111111111111tI1111I1111111~
The China Weekly" Rp eoved F? 2,% I ase 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
149 nltli i M !J %
A Weekly Newspaper Established in 1917
The editorial pages present each week the opinions
of the editor. The other pages of The China Weekly Re-
view are written by the other members of the staff and
the contributing editors who report and interpret the
news irrespective of the views expressed in the editorials.
Pacific Pact
T HE official announcement of the Atlantic Pact
was the signal for an all-out campaign by
various interested parties to persuade the non-
communist powers with interests in Asia to unite
in a Pacific version of the Atlantic defense plan.
We don't like the Atlantic Pact, but we'd like a
Pacific Pact even less. While. the Atlantic Pact
is the latest in a series of moves designed to tor-
pedo the United Nations, it at least has the
blessings of governments put in office by fully
sovereign countries, regardless of how naive or
unenlightene4their respective electorates may be.
The most vociferous appeals for a Pacific Pact,
however, come from the capitals, of European
colonial powers who are afraid that they are
about to lose something to which they have no
legitimate rights.
The campaign to induce Uncle Sam to pull
a few colonial chestnuts out of the fire began a
long time ago and has been increasing in intensity
in almost direct ratio to the advance of the Chi-
nese Communists from the north. In the Feb-
ruary 5 issue of the Review we warned that
European .powers with colonial holdings in Asia,
aided and abetted by individuals and organiza-
tions in America and other non-colonial countries,
were plotting a means whereby America's money
and materials could be sucked into a Pacific plot
to preserve colonialism. At that time we said:
"The trap, laid snugly in. the various colonies, is
being artfully baited with the red flag bearing
the hammer and sickle and the European coloni-
alists are waiting behind the bushes for the
American bull, who seems to go completely
berserk at the sight of anything red, to charge
in and solve the crisis."
In the few weeks that have passed since
then, the campaign has reached a new tempo.
Almost every day the newspapers are full of
scare headlines over stories-largely undocument-
ed-telling how the Chinese Reds are plotting
revolution and anarchy throughout Asia. The
pressure has become so strong that the few in-
dependent countries that exist in Asia today
have begun red witch hunts of their own, im-
munist Asia has worked itself into a frenzy in
an effort to impress Uncle Money Bags that it,
too, is against communism and thereby is de-
serving of a handout of US dollars.
A most unholy trinity composed of European
colonialists, misguided and/or corruption ridden
native governments, and American vested in-
terests are working night and day to involve the
United States in a most foolish adventure in
Asia. Whether they will succeed in their plot
remains to be seen. Meanwhile it is well to be
advised of their doings.
The most prominent position in this campaign
is held by France, a country whose bankrupt
colonial policy in Asia is apparent to all. For
about three years the French have been trying
to impose their repressive rule on Indo-China.
Today, the French are on the brink of being
thrown out of Indo-China by the Vietnam re-
sistance movement. With a Communist China
in the offing, a Vietnam victory is assured.
Fr ante's only chance now is for America to save
her colony for her. To this end, the French
propaganda machinery has been working over-
time grinding out story after story about the
Red menace in Asia, %how French democracy is
on the verge of extinction in Indo-China, how
China's Reds, who are nothing but Moscow's
hirelings, are unfairly aiding the Indo-Chinese
in, their fight. All of this, of course, is pure
hogwash. The French are taking a beating and
are looking for help.
One excellent example of how the colonialists
twist the news was contained in a United Press
story from London on March 24, written by
Harold Guard, one of UP's staff correspondents.
Guard reported : "Intelligence reports from
Indo-China said today that Chinese Communists
from Yunnan Province have joined Vietnam
guerrillas in fighting French colonial forces."
The story then gave details of border attacks
from China, saying, "Chinese Communists now
control half 'of Yunnan.... 70,000 Communists
(are) moving to occupy six important towns
within easy reach of Indo-China by road and
The first thing that is wrong with this story
is that it comes from "intelligence" sources. No
matter whether they are French or British, they
are obviously suspect in this case since both are
official agencies of governments which have ac-
tively been playing up. the red threat in Asia
for their own partisan ends. To readers here
in China, it is useless to point out the many
other errors in the- story. Correspondent Guard,
perhaps, may be pardoned for not knowing his
Chinese geography or for not being familiar with
the many revolts-only some of which are Com-
munist led-in Kuomintang areas of China. How-
ever, he also should know better than to write
about China from London, especially if he has
no more reliable sources than French or British
secret police organizations.
The Siamese have not been far behind the
French in their yelping about the dangers of
the reds. The Siamese Government, which is
prisoning in some cases thousands of their own not known for its eficiencw~, ossibly has two
citizens. It aln#Agpr ForalRel}Ia>~g i6JON21 : CAArR 8~ Q41 W@0 #~@RO Qtdfg4to get on the
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 2, 1949
anti-communist bandwagon so as to be in a posi-
tion to grab off its share of the money which
it is confidently hoped Uncle Sam will dish out.
The other could be to seize a fine opportunity for
obtaining outside support for a continuation of
its long-time campaign against the large Chinese
minority in the country. According to- press re-
ports, virtually all of Siam's estimated 4,000,000
people of Chinese descent may be- considered
suspect., Government spokesmen have talk=ed
loudly of the communist menace and have re-
marked pointedly that the monstrous doctrine of
Marxism has little appeal for Siamese, being
confined almost entirely to the country's Chinese
community. Viewed in the light of past actions
of the Siamese Government, this sudden concern
over Communism is merely another chapter in
a long history of pogroms against the Chinese
The Philippine Government apparently does
not wish to be left out and' has joined the
scramble. According to daily press reports,
Manaila is rapidly discovering that the Hukbala-
hap rebellion is not so much a result of the
government's inability to solve its landlord-
peasant problems as it it the direct result of
foul instigation by the numerous communists
among the islands' Chinese population.
The ability of the Chinese Communists
should not be underestimated, but we wonder if
these people, who have yet to bring the major
portion of China under their control, are capable
of turning all of Asia upside down through such
extensive operations as some would have us be-
What Press Association D'ya Read?
" ..the first British skipper to return here from a
regularly scheduled run to North China.... said that all it'-
dustry in Tientsin was 'completely stagnant.'-United Prc. s
dispatch from- Hongkong in the Shanghai Evening Post,
March 22.
"The United States ,Department of Agriculture says six
of the seven former China Textile Industries, Inc. (govern-
ment owned) cotton mills have resumed operations in Tientsin
under the Communist regime. The seventh was reported to be
beyond repair.-Associated Press dispatch from Washington in
the China Press March 22.
Self Help
W ~'-` E have discussed the question of self help
W upon several past occasions, usually point-
ing out that no amount of foreignaid could solve
China's many complex economic problems unless
an energetic program of self help were inaugurated.
Such a belief can scarcely be questioned, but the
argument usually has arisen over whether or
not the Government actually has attempted to
help itself. Official sources, quite naturally, have
maintained that the Government was exploring:
all, possible avenues in its search for methods of
obtaining aid within this country and that only
the Civil War has prevented China from pulling
herself up by her own boot straps. Others have
maintained that there was little or no evidence
of self help or that efforts directed toward that
end were entirely too puny. Some critics have may give an inkling of how the question of self
h d th
of deliberate misuse of foreign aid.
Personally, we have been of the opinion that
precious little effort has been or is being made
to develop internal sources of aid, while the
existence of waste in handling foreign aid is
evident to all but the blind. This is not to say
that the Chinese Government has not recognized
the need for helping itself by using indigenous
methods and materials for reconstruction and re-
habilitation. However, it does appear that the
matter has gone no farther than the "recogni-
tion" stage. We have yet to see any evidence
that this administration has. been able to or-
ganize itself sufficiently for " effective action.
Thousands of tons of rotting and rusting materials
and machines, piled in huge storage areas
throughout the country, bear ample testimony
to the Government's poor use of outside aid.
There are, we know, many standard reasons
advanced as to why such materials have not been
used. It is said that the materials themselves
are unsuited to China, that the machines were
not in working order, that the Government had
no money to finance the distribution of the sup-
plies, etc. A trip through any of these storage
depots, however, will illustrate the flimsiness of
such statements and adequately show that they
are at best very poor excuses for a seemingly
complete inability for organization.
The continued existence of these depots,
filled with materials which in some cases arrived
in this country more than three years ago, is
a visible indictment of the administration. The
claim by officialdom that the materials are not
usable in this country can easily be disproved
by a walk through any of the several so-called
thieves' markets in Shanghai, where salvaging
and improvisation, developed to an astounding
degree of perfectio , may be seen. For instance,
the fact that the glass craftsmen have developed
a. technique whereby the smallest pieces of broken
window pane can be salvaged and made into use-
ful articles testifies to the truth of the saying
that nothing in this country need be wasted. The
blocks-long sidewalk markets where gears, bear-
ings, chains, and all sorts of machine parts are
bought and sold and bartered, is proof that the
small Chinese merchant can, if circumstances
permit, organize his activities in such fashion as
to fulfill a public need. The people have the
ability and the organization to use the materials,
no matter how small. It is only the Govern-
ment, undecided and uncertain, which perches
atop valuable materials like a hen sitting on
infertile eggs which eventually will rot and be-
come useless.
Is it any wonder, then, that an administration
which is incapable of making good use of materials
given it has difficulty in discovering ways and
means of helping itself?
* *
W HILE there is as yet little information about
such matters in Communist areas, a few
Inge at, not, on
y were there no signs of hol is bem met o 0 f I e. Obviously,
self help .butt rfbeed mus R e2QOWOl 1 : CI4 B 01 44A i erica in sight,
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 2, 1949
the Reds will have to accomplish all their re-
habilitation and reconstruction aims through
self help. How well they will be able to organize
themselves and how fast they will be able to
proceed toward their announced goal of increas-
ing production and making a better life for the
people remains to be seen. However, it does
appear that they have gone the Nationalists at
least one step better by making an effort to do
One story from Manchuria tells how the
workers in the state-owned fa.rm implement
factory in Harbin recently perfected two new
farm machines.. One was a horse-drawn soya
bean harvestor which is said to harvest more
than eight acres of beans a day. The other, a
threshing machine drawn by a four horse team,
can handle more than three tons of grain per
day. The story ends on a characteristic note:
"Only after the agrarian reform did the farmers
in Manchuria begin to have the spare cash for
new machinery."
This seems to us to be a very significant
story. With reform of the land tenure and the
tax systems, the farmer's living standard is
raised, and as soon as this is done, the state
factories begin turning out improved machines
for him to buy which will in, turn increase his
productive powers and, presumably, his income.
In Manchuria the Chinese Communists found
precious little in the way of ready made capital.
In fact, the area had been pretty well stripped
of its industrial machine by Russian confiscation
and local looting, not to mention the American
bombing during the war. Presumably, the Com-
munists had to start pretty much from scratch.
They reformed the land system and then, with
the farmer's economic condition already slightly
improved 'and with cash in his pocket for the
first time, set about making labor saving ma-
chinery to- sell him.
Contrast this to the extensive agricultural
improvement system blueprinted for National-
ist areas. The emphasis was all on foreign
help, foreign technicians, foreign money, for-
eign machines. The foreigners, their machines
and their money, all arrived, but what has
been the result? True, some organizations, such
as the NAEC, have been set up and are function-
ing. However, what about the farmer? Shack-
led with the old evils of tenancy, heavy and
unjust taxes, and occupying a social position but
little better than that of a serf, these improve-
ments on the whole have been of little help to
him. Hundreds of tractors were brought to
China, but how many have been put into use?
Some are used by Government organizations, but
we would guess that scarcely any have. actually
been put to the use for which they were intended.
Take another example. From Kaifeng it
is reported that the People's Government has
completed the dredging of the Hui-Chi Canal
which passes through the city. Un-dredged for
10 years, its overflow had inundated the flatlands
surrounding the town, thus making unworkable
one-fourth. of the area which in. the past used to
the unemployment of an estimated 1,2010 salt
The dredging was accomplished. by the
mobilization of 5,000 workers found without jobs
when the Reds took over the city. One might
be tempted to ask why the Nationalist adminis-
tration of this city, which was in occupation
about three years after VJ Day and which pre-
sumably had at its disposal all sorts of mech-
anical dredging and other equipment as gifts
from UNRRA or secured through surplus pro-
perty deals, failed to undertake the job? How
is it that a Communist administration, working
without the aid of foreign tools to lighten the
work, was able to undertake and complete the
job in a matter of months? Surely the Reds
had to face at least as many obstacles as the
There are many possible explanations, of
course, for this seeming ability of the Com-
munists to pitch into a job and get it done. One
very likely one is easily explained by the old
adage about how a new broom sweeps cleaner
than an old one, meaning that people new to
power are on the whole more earnest in their
administration, more efficient and more deter-
mined to please than an old gang which has be-
come so accustomed to ruling that, it has, for-
gotten the importance of popular goodwill.
Another reason, perhaps, is that faced with
the prospect of gaining control of a China which
will be cut off from the American dole, the Com-
munists realize that any improvements to be
made must be brought about by their own efforts
and that, therefore, they have to get busy and
do what they can with the materials on hand.
The KMT, on the other hand, has not really had
to get out and dig for the past few years be-
cause it seemed certain that Uncle Sam could be
counted upon to provide the money and direction.
A still further possibility-and the one
which we believe is the most important-is that
the. Communists are by nature a very realistic
bunch not given to living in a dream world filled
with wonderful paper plans for the future. At
the present moment they are viewed by many
as a huge colossus from the north which is about
to shove the tottering Kuomintang aside and
swallow the country. However, it should be re-
membered that their dominance of the scene is
a quite recent affair. As recently as -a' year or
two ago there were many people who would not
have given the Communists much of a chance.
Ever since 1927 the odds have been weighted
heavily in favor of the KMT. Purged from the
Government, defeated militarily time and again
until finally surrounded in a small pocket in
Kiangsi in 1930, the Communists have been on
the verge of complete defeat countless ,times.
When the Generalissimo drove them into the
barren north Shensi countryside in 1935, most
observers felt that the end was in sight. Even
many of their supporters and friends thought
that all was up with the Reds. However, they
seem to have come through very well.
The reason fore their success, we believe,
lies not so much in the fact that they are com-
produce 1,OOO0a4? 1 . C # 8 0 b~ ears to offer
nitrate yearly. ors 11lJ year-0 e 0o cause a hope o a e er i e for e downtrodden in
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
Thy China Weekly Review, April 2, 1949
many lands, as it does in the fact that the Corn
munists realized that if they were to exist at
all, they had to provide a platform that was
popular with the broad mass of the. people.
Whether the platform was a pr` oper "red" one
or not was unimportant. What was important
was., that it give the people a better deal. Boiled
down to one essential, the Communists' program
meant reform. There is a lot of loose talk about
the excesses of the Chinese Communists, their
atrocities against "the people," etc. However,
the fact remains that there is ample evidence
that in areas where they have assumed control,
they have been active reformers of the social,
economic, and political scene. People fleeing the
Reds have told of their brutality, their iron rule,
and so on. However, it would seem that the
mass of the people must like what the Com-
munists have been doing. Otherwise, why would
they support them and enable them to rise to
their present powerful position?
Suppose that all the stories of Communist
atrocities were correct. Suppose that the Com-
munists actually had killed all the landlords and
their families and divided up their wealth among
the tenants. Who would really care, aside from
the landlords and those closely connected with
them; a group consisting of perhaps 15 or 20
percent of the population. Observers who de-
plore bloodshed might well object, but the vast
majority of the population, which will benefit
thereby, can hardly be expected to offer serious
opposition to such a program.
Since there seems ample evidence that these
"excesses" which have been made so. much of
by the KMT and others have been few and far
between and that the Reds reform measures on
the whole have been rather orderly, it would
appear that the extreme realism school of thought
has triumphed. Forced by circumstances - a.:
much as anything else - to give good govern-
ment and to face problems realisticly, the Com-
munists have won out against seemingly over-
whelming obstacles. The few reports of achieve-
ments now reaching Shanghai from areas more
recently taken over seem to confirm this view.
The Reds are giving good, efficient, and honest
government. A few, especially those who have
battened off the peasants and the workers in
the past, find that there is no place for them
in the Communist's scheme of things and have
come running to Shanghai and other havens
with howls of anguish. The vast majority,
however, appears to be staying put and to be
enjoying such improvements as canal dredging,
land redistribution, higher income and supplies
of better farming tools.
From the little evidence now available one
might hazard a guess that the day of self help
is approaching. Its arrival will satisfy a lot of
people and at the same time will confound a
great many, especially those who have heard ex-
cuses for so long that they have come to believe
that the Chinese were a special breed of people
25 Years Ago in
The China Weekly Review
Peace Plan Contest
The various manuscripts received in the Review's contest
for a best and most practical Peace Plan for China have at
lost been translated into English or into Chinese as the case
may be and turned over to the judges ...... The widespread
interest which the. Review's contest has aroused throughout
China is indicated in the number of letters which are being
received...... One letter this week from Mr. Wilfredo T. Ty,
editor of the Fukien Star of Foochow, reads in part:
.....if you ever wish to be of any use in China, my
Challenge is, do something for the next generation. Invest
your fortune in the next generation and thus be assured of
twofold greater returns. We already know enough about the
nature of the human youth to supply us for a long time to
come with a working basis for his direction and improvement.
Our point of greatest interest is of course the prevention of
the young from taking up the ways which are deplored in
the conduct of the adult and further to develop in them in-
dependent judgment, the power of sustained and self-directed
activity in enlarging social relationships, the ability to grow
in co-operation with, and not in opposition to, the rest of
their countrymen. In other words, to develop in them a new
morality. When this, and a few other reforms have been
accomplished, then many if not all of the evils which now
afflict China will vanish or remedy themselves automatically.
Then and only, then will China be at peace."
Opium Business
The Anti-Opium Bureau in Canton has claimed the exclu-
sive right of preparing opium for sale in the city. The
Bureau is preparing daily 4,000 ounces of opium, making a
profit of $8,000 every day, when all products are disposed of.
The prepared opium is being sold from $11 to $5.50 an ounce
according to grade and origin.
10 Years Ago In
The China Weekly Review
Industrialization Of Siberia
Agricultural production in eastern Siberia has increased
five times over the previous output, coal production has in-
creased four times and scores of new mines with modern
technical equipment have been opened in the Irkutsk region,
according to the report of Kachalin, the Communist delegate
at the 18th Communist Congress recently held in Moscow.
ITe said that Eastern Siberia has become a flourishing industrial
country where thousands of tractors, harvesting combines and
other complicated agricultural machines work on collective
farms. Gross industrial output had increased more than 200
percent, providing a firm foundation for future development
of the region as well as strengthening the defense power or
the Soviet Union in the. Far East.
Puppet Nanking
Nanking made much fuss and noise on the occasion of
the first anniversary (March 28) of the creation of the
so-called "Reformed Government" by the Japanese.
Failing in repeated efforts to erect a unified structure
fir the control of the various rival regional groups, the
Japanese are now trying to make Nanking the center of their
future political intrigues. This is revealed in a statement,
ir;sued by the Nanking regime, announcing that plans for the
organization of a central administration are nearing com-
pletion, the fundamental principle of such an administration
being close cooperation with Japan and its ultimate objective,
the establishment of a new order in East Asia.
With the assistance and under the direction of the
Japanese Government, the statement claimed, Nanking and its
affiliated groups made marked progress during the year. But
differing from b_e : Cl DR 04j1(5R0030000tf0007 killing of several
in their reactions and a l11 les, important officials of the regime.
The China WeeklyA'YCEVroeweCAFOIrPlse 2006/04/21 :CIA-RDP83-004158003000060007-4
Journey To hied Shantung
IN Tsingtao, where dispirited Na-
tionalists and uncertain Amer-
icans await the Communists, infor-
mation about how to cross to the
Communist lines is as plentiful as
beggars and deteriorating US-made
materiel. This information is not
always reliable, but getting to the
Communists is so easy that it does
not matter very much. Larry Tighe,
a businessman and writer, Henri
Cartier-Bresson, a Magnum photo-
grapher, and I crossed over pain-
lessly in a jeep on February 10th.
We were escorted through the
Nationalist lines by a staff officer
who took the precaution of substitut-
ing a private's cap for his, own. At
Chimo, some 30 miles northwest of
Tsingtao, the commanding general
told us without fervor over lunch
that the Reds might shoot us. "On
this side is freedom; on the other,
tyranny," he remarked. We spent the
night at the Nationalist outpost of
Lingshan, a fortified village.
The next morning we drove slowly
into no man's land, along the rutted
road of a brown, tarred. valley, pass-
ing the indigo figures of peasants
who grinned at us.. When we saw
people in the distance, we slowed the
jeep to a crawl, and Cartier-Bresson
and I walked in front of it, waving
a white flag. But we went through
several villages without meeting any-
body except little knots of curious
peasants and groups of racing
In a village eight or 10 miles from
Lingshan we met a blue-clothed
militiaman with a Japanese rifle. He
grinned, got in the jeep and 'took us
on to the next village where at last
we saw the padded yellow uniforms
of the People's Liberation Army.
We stayed in this village a week,
living in battalion headquarters.
Two officers came and interviewed
us in Japanese,` and a day or so later
an English-speaking hsien official
interviewed us more thoroughly.
This official took us on about 10
miles to a village suburb of the
county seat of East Pingtu. Here
we waited a fortnight vainly for a
reply to our request to proceed to
Tsinan. This request was transmit-
ted through official channels to the
East China and North China gov-
ernments, both of which, we dis-
covered later, were being moved.
Another factor hindering quick ac-
tion was the inadequacy of com-
munications, which bear a. heavy
military and administrative burden.
After a fortnight I was obliged to
give up, the idea of continuing to
Tsinan and requested permission to
return to Tsingtao. This request,
too, was transmitted to the East
China and North China governments.
It was granted after another two
weeks, and on March 18th the three
of us drove back to Tsingtao, again
crossing the lines without incident.
Hugh Deane
During our five v eeks' stay in the
two Red villages w were restricted
most of the time t , the compounds
in which we livrd. The officials
explained that th !y had to ob-
tain authorization before we could
go about freely. Trey also express-
ed the fear that ve might be at-
tacked by Kuoraintt rg terrorists, as,
they declared, two Catholic. priests
had been som.' t: me before. We
were treated with friendliness by
all soldiers, official: and peasants
with whom we cam( in contact, given
the best possible i'h od and lodging,
and allowed to sei d whatever tele-
grams and letters v e wished into the
Liberated Areas.
When we left., w: tried unsuccess-
fully to pay for o it lodging and
food. "There is i o provision for
payment, and no o ie ever has," an
official told us. Orr offers of gaso-
line and tools wcr also rejected
politely. At last wf forced our hosts
to accept a medical kit, by threaten-
ing to throw it it a ditch on our
way to Tsingtao.
* s
OUR week in ba-_ talion headquar-
ters gave its in imate and favor-
able impressions o the Communist
armed forces, thou;r,h the troops we
saw were only hsie ' guards and not
a component of a t old army. Most-
ly young boys in heir teens, they
were healthy; earn 'st and cheerful.
They were well-unformed and fed,
and their arms. th 'ugh presumably
inferior to those is sued to the 'field
armies, were zealoisly tended. We
watched squads of hem practice field
stripping light n achine guns in
freezing weather. Recruits were
given detailed inst ?uction with the
help of diagrams balked on the
walls. Perhaps ins t striking was
the relationship between the troops
and the peasant.. It was. so
friendly and natura that the soldiers
just seemed to he part of the popula-
I talked several imes in Japanese
to a soldier named 11 who came from
Harbin. He had leen in the Na-
tionalist army two years and about
a year ago had one over to the
Communists. Re old me that he
received the equiv.,lent of 10 Peo-
ple's Bank dollars a month.. "The
organization of th, People's Bank
is a big step towar:l the stabilization
of the currency," he added pride-
In the evenings t courier would
come on a bicycle with mail and
copies of the local newspaper, the.
Giao Dung Pao. .c little knot of
soldiers would read the paper by the
light of a peanut oil lamp which
cast giant shadowe on the earthen
walls. Sometimes the paper would
publish a new som.g, and the sol-
diers would puzzle mut the tune and
then sing it.
Not only was th ,re a great deal
them sang the Internationale, but
the favorite song was a new one
called Discipline for Entering Cities
Song. Another was the Eight Dis-
ciplines and Four Principles Song.
The daily newspaper also served
as a kind of textbook. Li told me
that the soldiers would study the
paper and then during a class
would ask the instructor to explain
things they did not understand. A
group discussion would result. "A
Well-educated army is a strong
army," Li explained to me.
Most of the newspaper was de-
voted to local and national news,
but foreign news was allocated some
space. Thexpulsion of Anna Louise
Strong from Russia was given a
front-page box; Agnes Smedley's
reply to, General MacArthur was
summarized. American policy to-
ward China was several times re=
viewed, and survey articles dealt
with the situations in Indonesia and
A hunger for detailed news about
the outside world was evident among
the local officials. A half-dozen
copies of The China Weekly Review
which we brought with us were read
avidly, and numerous articles from
them were translated. A desire for
scientific information was particular-
ly apparent. One official listed for
us foreign magazines which he would
like to receive: New Masses, Po-
pular Mechanics . . .
On one wall of our compound was
a skillfully-executed cartoon showing
a big-nosed American general hold-
ing a little bespectacled Japanese as
if to place him on a saddled dog
named Chiang. The title was- "Ser-
vant of Servants." The soldiers
would laugh merrily, and with a
touch of embarrassment, whenever
we went up to eye this more closely.
The soldiers were curious about
our possessions, which they would
examine casually and discuss. They
were always friendly, and some-
times with great hilarity we
would chase each other around the
compound. The soldiers had a chin-
ning bar lashed between two trees
nearby and in the evenings they
would take off their padded coats
and take turns doing tricks on it.
THE area in which we stayed has
been the scene of intermittent
fighting since about 10 years ago,
when the Shantung Column and Lin
Piao's Eighth Route Army division
began to resist the Japanese in the
province. The Communists early
established a guerrilla base in the
area, from which they harassed the
Tsingtao-Tsinan railroad, and tales
of raids, ambushes, heroes, traitors
and tricks played on the Japanese,
we discovered, have become part of
the local folklore. The last heavy
fighting took place, in 1947,. when the
tionalist lines wit,pros; F mReleas4i2OO&/:Of12,ln=?-C At,RD G415Roe380o0a00.07~,+4 which had been
lenged once. they walked along. Once a few of largely destroyed by Nationalist shell
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-004T15R003000060007-4
z China Weekly Review, April 2, 1949
fire then, and were told that the local
Communist forces had defended it
bitterly, wiping out several Kuomin-
tang regiments. Now what is left
of the population is rebuilding slow-
ly; new straw roofs have risen here
and there among the smashed walls.
The harvests of the last two years
have been small as a result of the
war and bad weather, we were told.
This year the -local authorities,
directed by the provincial govern-
ment, have begun an intense drive
to increase production. The Giao
Dung Pao every day carried long
articles and editorials about spring
plowing and sowing, a seed and fer-
tilizer loan program has been worked
out, and about March 10th the sol-
diers went into the fields to help the
peasants. Daily progress reports
were sent to Tsinan by radio.
Land Reforth
The land reform has been carried
out in the area, a Communist Party
member told us. The richest land-
lord in the vicinity owned about
1,000 mow .(one-sixth of an acre)
and the second richest, 365 mow.
This land has been distributed to
the former tenant families, - which
now, own three mow, more or less,
per person. Land owned by land-
lords was confiscated outright, but
they were allowed to retain enough
for their own use on the same basis
as the peasants. The rich peasants
were handled differently. Efforts
were made to persuade them to give
surplus land to poorer relatives. If
persuasion failed, pressure was
brought to bear through village
meetings. Peasants who owned only
a few more mow than their neigh-
bors were not asked to give them up.
In some counties in Shantung
some ultra-leftist incidents took place
a- year agog we were told. A few
landlords and collaborators were
shot by decision of village meetings.
These killings, however, were termed
illegal by the higher authorities,
since the magistrate is the lowest
official with the power to order
Another problem created by the
redistribution of land, we were in-
forrned, has been the tendency of
poor peasants who have received ad-
ditional land to celebrate by working
less hard. This caused middle pea-
sants to grumble: "We worked to
get our land. You get some for no-
thing and now you just loaf." To
meet this problem, the Communists
began production campaigns.
Poorer villages have been given
land by richer villages. To effect such
redistribution, conferences of several
villages are called. If a village re-
fuses to yield land to a poorer neigh-
bor, the case may be referred-to the
commissioner, the immediate super-
ior of the magistrate, for settle-
For tax purposes the land in this
area has been classified into ten
degrees. The annual tax is two cat-
ties of grain per degree times mow,
regardless of the size of the crop.
es w
Thus a peasant who owns. ten mow ed that General 1A it his process of lion the two threats to her peace-
of eight degree land will pay 160 organization had cecnfiscated these the otentia ivil war to the
catties. In some cl b''F'YSr,RelGesi,2? /(4p21otiCtA`6 #Z 00415RQ roOQ ~ 'aY Hankow to the
a net profit tax sys e is eemployed. acts on. the part of are said to be north.
Springtime Notes From Hunan
-- Toni Farnham
THE beauty of th Hunan country-
side in sprint cannot be a
source of joy to it, inhabitants this
year with troubles even worse than
economic chaos be: etting the pro-
vince. Early in M rrch news of an
army of rebels in t:he western part
of . the province came first as a
rumor. Then, with the publication
of newspaper aecour ts, it became the
subject of discussioi on everybody's
Are they' Conr;nunists? They
deny it. Even -;troi-'er is the denial
that they are bandi-.s; they are the
"People's Liberate g Army" and
they claim a just rievance and a
cause for which ~ey fight. Tsao
Chen-ya, the leader of the liberators,
was the chief of p dice in Hwang-
hsien, westernmost city in Hunan.
Schoolboys learning the geography
of their native province call that
part "the nose on the old woman's
face." From Hwanghsien, leader
Tsao took his follow ire to the North
and East as far a.,. Chenki, wartime
capital of Hunan. Chis city is the
site of the famous ave-arsenal, and
a desirable plum fi,. anyone seeking
power. Here the 'liberators" took
captive the head o the arsenal and
held him prisoner while removing
8,000 rifles and a oodly supply of
From Chenki the :.rmy, now grow-
ing to a size report !d as high as
7,000, continued nun th to Yuanling.
At this point the a ell-planned and
executed "revolution " disintegrated
into a campaign f pillage. The
citizens" of Yuanling : ound themselves
the victims, rather than the bene-
ficiaries, of the upi ising. For ten
days they huddled or, t'error while all
shops and homes we e systematically
looted. An estima ed 400 shops,
after being cleared >f all valuables,
were burnt on the pretext that illu-
mination was neede( to prevent the
Nationalist army, !cently arrived
from eastern Hunan, front crossing
the river. In any ev ~nt the regulars
contented themselve: with sporadic
rifle fire, making no attempt to
cross. On March 10 the rebels after
one last wave of loo "ing, turned the
city back to its, ofli ials and with-
drew in an orderly manner.
The grievance of t ie revolutionary
leader and his folk wets has been
directed against ti e Vice Com-
mander-in-Chief of t"h , Peace Preser-
vation Army, Generic Li Mo-an, who
was sent recently from Changsha by
Governor Chen Chien to organize and
prepare that part o' his command
area for the nation i resistance to
north. The farmers ,f this area are
known to posses:; go is for their in-
dividual protection
a id it is report-
the cause of the uprising. Leader
Tsao declares his loyalty to the
Nationalist Government, and espe-
cially to Governor Chen, while seek-
ing the overthrow and removal of
General Li.
On the eleventh of March a nego-
tiated agreement was reached in
which the following points were
made: 1) All the "rebels" at pre-
sent under the leadership of Tsao
Chen-ya would be formed into a
division of the National Army. 2)
Commander of this new division
would be Wong Yuin-wha. 3) All
the junior officers under Wong would
be elected by their own men. 4) All
pay, subsistence and supplies to this
division are to be on an equal basis
with those remitted to the Nation-
alist Army proper.
Tsao Chen-ya is to be commander
of a regiment in this new army. At
present, members of the liberation
army have returned to their home
villages and Tsao Chen-ya has gone
back to his job in Iwanghsien to
await the reorganization. Governor
Chen is reported to be sending an
official to Hwanghsien to count, in-
terview and organize the new army.
Other parts of Hunan also are re-
acting to the weakened authority of
the Central 'Government. Southwest
of Changsha in Shaoyang, from
where this is being written, life has
become tense after many rumors of
bandit attack. The present state of
mind is best evidenced by a collapse
of the market for staple commodi-
ties. First grade rice plunged from
7.60 to 4.50 silver dollars, even
though transportation costs in this
rice importing area have been in-
creasing. All the police from the
Hsien villages have been brought
into the city for fear they would
suffer the loss of their arms. A
curfew has been ordered, and one
night recently the lights of the city
were -kept on all night in anticipa-
tion of an attack. However, the
recent arrival of troops from the
First Army Regiment has helped
ease the tension.
Wu-kang Hsien, south of Shao-
yang, has not been so fortunate and
is now experiencing the discomforts
of its own small revolution. Its
rebel army, starting with. fifty men,
has grown, if rumor may be relied
upon, to 2,000 men. A door-to-door
canvas of the largest village yielded
the necessary guns, flashlights, and
tennis shoes to equip an army. Local
tailors were set to work making
uniforms from confiscated cloth. So
far the influence of this group has
not extended beyond the hsien
Although not unduly disturbed,
sha wat
Aggqrove~dFo , 1 49
The China Weekly R. d i?ew, r Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
A Chinese Christian
THE foreign missions in China
are facing a situation today
which they have never faced before.
China has been going through a re-
volution ever since 1911, but we are
witnessing' a stage of that revolu-
tion now which is unprecedented in
scope and intensity in the whole
history of social change in China.
My feeling is that while the Chris-
tian missions were able to make a
valuable contribution in China in
the past and could truly be regarded
as pioneers, prophets, fanatics and
martyrs, they have become confused
at the present time and have not
only lost their grip on things but
are also uncertain of the direction
in which they should be going.
In the past decades the missions
came.. to China as a leaven in, and
a crusade against, the then existing
order of society. They were fruitful
not only in the introduction of new
thoughts, new institutions and new
ways of life, but also in the de-
molishing of outmoded customs,
practices and ideologies. The Chris-
tian churches, schools and hospitals
were effective tools in the achieving
of these aims. A Chinese who be-
came a Christian in those days was
a hero because in many ways he dis-
carded the things that were behind
and placed himself in a conspicuous
position which was open to ridicule
and persecution. The missionary,
too, was a prophet because he was
able to tell the Chinese what was
wrong with their past and to point
to them the way of the future. To
put the matter in a nutshell, China
was then a very backward country
and the Christian missions from the
"civilized" west brought with them
a superior culture which the Chin-
sse people needed even if many of
them rebelled against it for a time
because of social inertia.
THE author of this article,
who for ob ?ious reasons
prefers to rema n anonymous
at the present ii ne, is a res-
ponsible Chime. ! Christian
known personalit to the edi-
tors. For sorr,e ti me he has felt
that the Christ; n movement
in China, partic:rdarly the part
played by the fo eign mission-
aries, was at t ariance with
fundamental Chri tiara concepts,
and was out c f step with
events in modern China. After
considerable ?rffor? , he was per-
suaded to write rut his views
for publication in the Review.
The whole quit tior of the
future place of the Christian
movement in 1- nina is, we
feel, of great inr,ortance. We
have, therefore, invited both
Chinese and forf ign Christian
leaders to preset!, their views
and will also welcome expres-
sions of opinion from readers.
realistic and practit at just because
it is in accord with the interests of
the masses of people who are suffer-
ing from the old reime. If this is
not a fact, then the growth of Com-
munism in China, is;hick is captur-
ing not only the to ling masses but
also the intellectus i class, simply
cannot be explainer.,. Communism is
steadily gaining- t;:r ound in China
and the likelihood i it will play a
dominant, if not sic, role in the
politics of China in the future.
existing order whole- heartedly, and
yet they would be reluctant to give
it up in favor of something which
they believe to be contrary to Chis-
tian principles.
Why is it that the Christian
missions and the Christian move-
ment in China as a whole are op-
posed to the present development in
China? It is because they are too
much one with the existing order.
Both capitalism and protestantism
grew out of a revolt against the
feudalistic society with which the
Catholic Church was more or less
identified at that time. Both stood
for individualism and laissez faire
which constituted the core of liber-
alism in the modern age. Individ-
ualism has its values; in many
ways it contributed to the develop-
ment of the human personality. But
in other ways individualism. has been
the cause of many of the ills of our
present social order. It elevates
human personality by one hand and
immediately destroys it by the other.
It permits freedom of action for the
individual and yet it brings social
chaos to a world which is no longer
divided by geographical distance. It
has. been the _ cause of an economy
of plenty, of emancipation from the
world of nature, but at the same
time it has brought about social
inequality, class conflict and inter-
national antagonism.
Toward Collectivism
The present revolution which is
now going on in China and other
parts of the world is a revolution
which is trying to put collectivism
lism and a
f indi
e p
planned economy in the place of
What has all this development to social anarchism. There are people
do with Christian nussions in China? who want to hold fa-,,t to the liber-
Perhaps it is not ur fair to say that alism for which our present in-
the Christian missiors as a whole do dividualistic order stands; they do
New Situation not understand the present trend of not realize that the progressive dis-
events and cannot e it in the his- integration of the present order will
The situation today is entirely torical perspective. They are, there- make this impossible. There are
different. China is still a semi- fore, taking a neorce or less negative others who think that the present
feudalistic country--and semi-colo- attitude to it. But ?,ven if they had individualistic order should be chang-
nial as well, many would say. But understood the pre; -rat development, ed, but that it should and could be
China's revolution is heading not they would not ha a taken a =dif.- gradually 'and peacefully evolved
toward the patteril of the west but ferent attitude; sim dy because this into _ a collectivistic order which will
toward one of her own creation development is so ' ont nary to the preserve the best elements in the
which is designed to meet her outlook and assunr rtions to which liberalism of the present society. But
peculiar needs. This is not of organized Christiani y has been ac- the possibility of this has not been
China's owrr ehoice; it is forced on customed. Thie re gative attitude demonstrated by any group of nations
her by her own travail and the expresses itself ii, many different in the modern world. But there- is an-
general world situation since the end ways. In the first place Christian other disturbing factor. The present
of the last war. In the first place, missions' have ma ;.rifled and exag- revolution is not taking place in a
the pattern of the west-capitalism gerated the shortcorr ings of the Com- vacuum; it has to be carried out in
-is on the decline, although it still munist movement in China. They a social setting which is preserved
possesses great potential strength in have pointed their tinge,r at the al- by force, implicit and explicit, and
its present monopolistic stage. The leged violence and atrocities of the by an inertia which favors the main-
era of capitalism is coming to an Communists, especially those con- tenance of the status quo. Although
end and it is impossible for a semi- nected with Christi ins, and regard this revolution will not mean the
feudalistic country to. develop itself themselves as srrf erers for the uprooting of everything in the pre-
fully into such a social order even Christian cause. T-i y do not realize sent social order, because it will
if it wants to. In the second place, the fact that the Communists are preserve much of its useful and
the existence of communism in working for a new social order and wholesome 'groundwork, it would
China has ' pointed a way to the that e' 1 ire ssar.1 ,conflict am rat nev rth e s, to the de-
Chinese_ people - ei/Qd FaraRele3se ivrb t : Cr Rl~it3'i tQQ415RO ~ 0016 (~ went dominant
many people think-which is more people may not wan, to support the class and that will mean a certain
amount of struggle in which violence
and bloodshed will necessarily be in-
The dilemma which we are facing
today is this: The present social
order simply cannot be maintained,
even if we want it to be. A radical
change is bound to come and it will
mean more or less negation of thy:
present individualism and liberalism
-until the new collectivistic order
is fully established. The change is
forced on us and we have to pay
the price for it. If we are not happy
with the way in which others are
attempting to bring about the change,
it is up to us not only to devise
better methods but also to demon-
strate that these methods will work.
But this, it seems, we are unable
to do, We are facing a dilemma be-
cause we are in the situation of a
person who is sick but refuses to
recognize his sickness., and is trying
his utmost to avoid the inconveni-
ence, pain, and cost of having to
consult a doctor.
Unfortunate Incidents
What is the situation in which the
missionaries in China find themselves
today? The Communists are steadily
gaining ground; in due time, they
may be able to bring the whole
country under their control. In the
so-called liberated areas the Chris-
tians, particularly the Catholics,
seem to be experiencing a good deal
of difficulty. Perhaps a good many
of the reports about Communist at-
rocities and excesses are exaggerated
or distorted. Yet it is beyond doubt
that a good many of .them are true.
There are various explanations
for these occurrences, and we may
take them for what they are worth.
In the first, place, in a period of
turmoil created by the civil war un-
fortunate incidents would take place
in spite of the bee intentions. This
would especially le true when the
fighting force:; ar , newly recruited
and lack discipline. In the second
place, the Communists are carrying
out a series of very drastic land re-
forms in the libe ated areas which
would naturally come into conflict
with people who are big land owners
or rich farmers of have in one way
or another oppre; sed the common
people. Christians who suffer in this
way suffer not as Christians but as
civilians who come under the opera-
tion of the new 1 +gislation. In the
third place, a large percentage of
our missionaries are American
citizens and many of our churches
get their suppor{ from American
sources. The unf )rtunate fact is
that the Commu:ds.ts regard the
United States .e. an even more
dangerous enemy than the present
Kuomintang regini ~ in China. They
often connect the missionaries and
the Christian chuff ches with Amer-
ican imperiali,;m. Whether or not
the missionaries ?r the Christians
are actually engt ged in activities
which the Commun sts consider to be
subversive, they as under suspicion.
Broader I" rspective
If these explan itions have some
degree of truth i m them, then the
whole situation tikes on quite a
different color. It would seem then
that the responsildity for the un-
fortunate incidents, lies just as much
with the missionar +.s and the Chris-
tians as with the 7ommunists. Our
failure to deal - rith the burning
issues in the prese,it social situation
has brought about communism, and
our hostile attitu to towards.
and the ci nscious or uncon-
scious ties which ve have with the
existing order in., ke the situation
uuwnuninnuuu~uuuu~nnnut;uuuuuuuwwuainmuunmuwnuunm1un;uunum;4ntucr mm 111111111111111111111111111 p-,
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-0044A~PW(1y7e4ew, April 2, 1949
at any angle. No matter how the minute-hand is shifted,
you will soon find it perfectly adjusted.
respects no position: it will work
&, Watch
The failure on the part of the
missionaries and the Christians to
look at the whole matter from this
broader perspective has caused them
to take a negative attitude toward
the present development. Instead of
thinking in constructive terms as to
how they can contribute to the build-
ing of a new order and how they
can lessen the evils which would in-
evitably accompany this period of
change, they are thinking in terms
of evacuation and withdrawal. Some
even talk in terms of the "new cat-
acombs" they may have to go into.
All this is most unfortunate, con-
sidering the revolutionary and pro-
phetic nature of the original Chis-
tian gospel.
Whither Christian missions in
China? It seems no one has even
attempted to answer the question.
In fact we cannot answer it until we
are conscious of our involvement in
the status quo which necessitates
radical change. But if we are con-
scious of it, then we shall see com-
munism not as a menace to the
things we hold dear, but as a chall-
enge to the task which we should
have taken up but have failed to.
We may then see the vision of a new
world of possibilities, in which we
shall be able not only to do our part
in building a new world but may
also be able to convert many who
now seem to oppose us in the Chris-
tian way of life. The fact that we
do not see this vision is due to our
obsession against communism and
the Soviet Union. We have grown
up with the present social order and
have found ourselves comfortable in
it even though it is full of contradic-
tions. But the time may come when
the march of events may open our
eyes to the true situation and then,
in repentance, we may be. able to see
wherein we have gone astray.
Whither Missions?
Whither Christian missions in
China? ,It will be difficult for
missionaries to answer this question
for themselves. It will he difficult
for Chinese Christians to answer it,
because ideologically they are so
much at one with the missionaries.
The sad thing in our era is the fact
that the United States as the richest
and most powerful country in the
world .is trying to impose its social
pattern on peoples and nations which
are struggling fbr a new social
order. Instead of allowing these
peoples and nations to find their own
way in the light of the situation
they are in, the United States seems
to be dictating to them, in fact if
not in words, the way which they
should go. This attitude of the
United States is facing obstacles in
many parts. of the world and it is
now meeting with the most per-
sistent opposition in China. Will
the missionary movement in China
be able to rise above this situation
and to proclaim the prophetic word
or will it seek the easy way and
identify itself with the forces of re-
action? The answer to this question
Work. Ltd
~niumuumuuuuuunuu~unun~mum~wum~mum~wunuu~unnuuinunnnuuwuuuunnuua ^nmm~iuu~uuwunnup~ China during the next decades.
11su Chien
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 2, 1949
(WANGTUNG province is experi- once vice comman(i, r-in-chief of the
encing even more Unrest under land forces; Uene,al Lo Cho-ying,
its new governor, General Hsueh ex-governor of E wairgtung; and
Yueh, than during the regime of General Huang Tao, an army com-
T. V. Soong. This is not because mander, have b~?en -aided and strip-
General Hsueh, a famous commander ped of munition:, an i other property.
in the anti-Japanese .war, is any It is worthy of note that, while
less able than T. V. $opng. The
problems are just too big, 3or any regions used to attar over hilly
administrator who is powerless to cently ently have and a been re:not. n es , they. re-
unicat points
the underlying causes of the close to have
people's discontent, impo~?tan~ communication
linos. Scores of hr ?hway bridges in
Hence the steady increase of various hsien have been demolished,
banditry and Communist activities thus blocking motoi traffic and im-
throughout the province. Even the peding the movemer t of KMT garri-
central area, which has the most son troops. Lofo r Mountain in
densely populated and richest hsien , eastern Kwangtune has been occup-
once by Chen's mutineers, under
constant threat and a strong garri-
son force has to be. maintained.
Early in March, several thousand
troops from Red-dominated Hainan
Island crossed over to Suwen on the
Luichow peninsula and were report-
ed marching toward Suichi and Lin
kiang to join forces with their col-
leagues there. One story reports
that when this juncture is effected,
the Reds in southern Kwangtung
plan to contact Communists in the
West River areas and make a drive
on the vital central area of the pro-
-Taishan, Sinhui, Kaiping, etc., has ied and develop:'d ;r to a strong base West River Area
not been able to escape such activi- from which the Cc imunists will be The growth of Communists in the
ties. To cite a few ipstanges: in a favorable posi ion to strike at
West River area likewise is a source
Peisha, a town in Taishan, was nearby cities. of alarm to the provincial authori-
looted by a gang of more than 200 Informants state hat the Reds in ties. Since the uprising, toward the
men armed with machine guns and this region have i .sued a kind of end of last year, of a militia unit
other firearms. A taxicab on the "People's Notes" in denominations of led by a Chin chief of Tucherig, a
Kongmoon-Sinhui highway was held from one to 50 dollars for circula- town on the West River, numbers
up by four armed robbers who tion in areas they ?.ont.rol. Late in of peasants who are fed up with
made away with several bags of February, the erhange rate was Government misrule have been join-
GY notes worth around 12,000 Hong- said to be GY30 to one of these ing the Communists. It is estimated
kong dollars. At more than one t
place river boats plying between notes. Large e ansactions were that Red forces in the last two
g said to be conductee chiefly in silver months have broken into upwards of
Changsha and Kongmoon have been and retail trade in the People's 70 Government granaries and distri-
fired upon by bandits on the river Notes. buted the foodstuffs to the poor
banks. peasalrtti. During the early part of
In fact, waterway communications Southern K, .vangtung March, strong Red 'units attempted
are a favorite target. At numerous to capture the hsien city of Loting,
spots along the river between Wu- Similar developm nts are taking and it was not until heavy reinforce-
chow and Canton, river bandits im- dace in southern iZ ,vangtung. Three ments arrived that the KMT troops
pose a toll upon each passing vessel. or four month: a.i~ ) a whole regi- were able to force them to retreat.
This ham ers the free flow of oods went of the provincial Peace Pre-
p g servation Corps k0 by Commander Despite their relative inexperience,
and causes commodity rises to in- Chen I-lin rose up . nd joined forces Red forces in the central area have
crease even further. Firewood, for with the Comrrun i, ts. Since this displayed as much audacity in
which Canton and its outlying re- revolt, the Comm-+inis's have been breaking into Government granaries
gions look chiefly to Iwangsi, is an noticeably more act we, using Suichi and disarming local militia as their
example. The heavy tolls exacted and Lienchiang as bases of operation, more veteran comrades in other
by bandits Tor allowing this corn- This has put the p,,) is of Kwangehow- areas. While in the not so distant
modity to pass through have boosted an, which already is been attacked past their raids were confined to
its price considerably. small r towns, they .Mnow apparently
consider themselves- st'rong enough
East River Area 'TITO DISCOVEE.S AMERICA' to attack larger places. Two months
Waterway communication in east- ago the so-called `tSinkui-Kaoming-
ern Kwangtung is even more pre- Hokshan People's Liberation Army"
carious. From Waichow all the way raided the hsien seat of Kaoming,
up to Laolung scores of toll ? collect- burned down the hsien government
ing stations have been established building, broke into the granary and
along the river and ships who re- captured a quantity of arms. Re-
fuse to pay cannot pass safely. Re- cently this 'same force, numbering
cently a strong military convoy had Il / some 600 men, made a night raid
to be sent to escort hundreds of
on the city of Kaiping and was re-
vessels down the river. pulsed only after some three hour:
In the East River area, where the l of fighting. Following this, a group
famous Communist East, River cf of armed Reds suddenly appeared
the rural districts of a~number of 11 ?Tfit town in Kaiping hsien, and posted
hsien, 'among them Haifeng, Lufen'g, "`L l l ~I up slogans, distributed handbills and
Sinfeng' Lung,men Wuhwa, Tsichin, talked to shopkeepers about the
policy of helping the
Tapir and Meihsien, have fallen
into the hands of the Reds. Gov- people. These visitors made short
ernment officials And it extremely work of their propaganda mission
risky to stir out of the hsien cities, and made good their escape. All
and when it is necessary for them these activities have given the local
co uo ,5?U Lrley Very VwLCll UIM*Ulsc -- - "a.'.
themselves. ove nment laws and `'
Cl ; _ Although the authorities make a
decrees have no effect in areas 10 great issue of "Communist bandit
or 20 1i beyond the hsien cities. The atrocities," the people are coming to
C~4-RDP83-00415E 0 40~@609Ox very least, the
homes of K1VIT ge Ali ctfk Release 2006
among them Genera an an--cieh, ~z i etc.. Trieste e s are vastly different from or-
dinary 'bandits. Incidents like the
following have made a great im-
Last summer the Reds conducted
a night raid on Dan Shui How in
Kaiping hsien. They kept their
hands off the inhabitants' property,
however, although they were in a
position to do as much looting as
they wanted, since the gar4ison
troops in the suburbs had been sur-
rounded. In a hsiang in Kaiping, a
band of armed Reds shot several
bandits who, in the name of the
"People's Liberation Army," had
plundered a passing bus. They re-
quested the local inhabitants to re-
port the execution to the hsiang
Awaiting Communists
The sentiment of the people, in
fact, is more and more on the side
of the Reds. One old man of well
over 60, a hsien councillor of Kai-
ping, openly told his friends that he
was awaiting the arrival of the
Communists, saying, "Since the
Communists have been in the North
for so long, why don'.t they come
down to the South sooner?" This is
the boldest remark about communism
that I have heard made publicly. It
is to be understood that the old man
is a local luminary who has been
in public service for scores of years.
Hence he is in no fear of being red-
baited merely for having made an
"undesirable" remark.
North America
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 2, 1949
1'.7:Iii Q~J
Combined Assets
113 Kiukiang Rd., Tel. 12867
= Approved For Rel
r: iii,1111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111.
The Week's Business
'r HE Shanghai market ruled firm expenses for April should be some-
during the past seven days where around GY10,000,000,000. or
under review. 13 ,cause of the large GY15,000,000,000.
sums paid out b:, the Central Bank Under this situation, it is hardly
of China for C :'ereiment and mili- possible for the Government to arrest
tary use, as well as large sums re- price increases by the sale of gold as
mitted here from outports, the the Central Bank of China is continu-
money, market axas easy and as a ing to. do in the newly reopened
result people rue led to buy financial Shanghai Gold Exchange. The daily
articles and commodities, receipt in Gold Yuan notes front the
That inflation is getting worse sale of gold by the Central Bank is
and worse ever. day can be seen estimated to be GY5,000,003,000 or
from the fact tha, the printing press (TY6,000,000,000. For some days,
finds it impossil.l:l to keep up with however, it is only GY1,000,000,000
the increasing demand for cash or GY2,000,000,000, and on many
notes. During 1n past three weeks, days the Central Bank has refused
there has. been a severe shortage of to sell gold. With the Central
cash notes in tie local market and Bank's outpayments for political and
premiums of as ugh as 20 percent military expenses increasing daily,
are being paid fee cash. - it is difficult to see how the present
A number of factors, in addition policy of gold selling can recall suffi-
to the printing pess bottleneck, are dent Gold Yuan notes to check the
responsible for this situation. Among increase of prices.
the important` on is are: Another byproduct of this un-
1) Large s;ums of cash notes are checked inflation is the serious crisis
reported to have )een distributed or faced by local factories. Only paper
are being reservv='d for distribution mills engaged in the manufacturing of
to Government a flees by the Cen- banknote paper can make good money
tral Bank of China and,, as a result, and keep busy. In the leading Tien
no cash notes ar-. available for dis- Chang Paper Mill, all machines will
tribution to the commercial bank's suspend operations by the end of
and business fine:;. March, except the one used for the
2) For the p,u;t month, the Cen- manufacturing of banknote paper. In
tral Bank of China has refused to general, it is reported that for the
issue notes of de'iomina.tions bigger manufacturing of one ream of news-
than GY500 ar GY1,000 on the print, the local mills lose a sum
reasoning that the issuance of big equivalent to two reams of news-
denomination notes would stimulate print. This is due both to the high
the markets and cause a general cost of production and the low
rise in quotations. The authorities market price. Paper mills must buy
apparently do net understand that highly priced foreign exchange
the necessity of issuing big de- clearance certificates, in order to im-
nomination notes is a result rather port pulp and other materials, thus
than a cause of ;:iflation. boosting costs, while because of the
3) The buyil.: and selling of general weak conditions in the coin-
silver dollar coins by large numbers modity market in face of the con-
of people on the =treets is reported centration of Communist troops on
to have kept l:r_ ge sums of Gold the northern bank of the Yangtze
Yuan notes froii circulation else- River, market prices are poor.
The situation ri is deteriorated to
such an extent; tha!; the Central Bank
has found it ae:cessary to issue
Banker's Checks in denominations
of , GY5;000; Cl 10,000; iGY50,,000;
and GY100,000 or circulation in
place of cash npt-> If this practice
is continued and i:` there is no limit
on the issuance ci' these checks, it
is generally feared that commodity
prices will ine.reae' very fast, since
it is far cheaper to issue Banker's
Checks than cash notes.
According to thl: ' Financial Daily,
which is reported 'o have some con-
nections with Dr. ;?. Y. Liu, Governor
of the Central Bunk and concurrent-
ly Minister of Fir ante, the Govern-
ment paid out G t40,000,000,000 as
political and military expenses dur-
ing the month of 'i'ebruary. During
the first 19 days cif March, as much
as GY159,400,000,G00 was paid for
political and mili:,jry expenses, and
the estimate for the ,entire month of
March is over G7d100,000,000,000, or
Conditions in other factories are
reported also to be very dull. Be-
tween 70 and 75 percent of the
underwear manufacturers in Shang-
hai have suspended operations. Many
of the leading knitting mills in
Shanghai are working only seven
hours a day. The dyeing and weav-
ing mills have had their working
capacity cut down by 50 to 60 per-
cent and the textile mills have been
incurring losses regularly because of
high production costs. The woolen
textile industry has only one month's
supply of raw materials,; and the
marketing of woolen yarn is almost
The following table gives , the
quotations on March 23 and 30:
Mar. 23 Mar. 30
Gold .......... 554,000 800,000
US Dollar 12,450 16,000
Clearance Certificate, 10,900 16,000
Silver Dollar .... - 7,900 12,000
20's Yarn ....... 1,880,000 2,930,000
Rice .. ........ ' 60,000 89,000
2ft6gb4/24e:= CAA- P8i i OSb0?M6007-4 7.28 9.75
if ?g se 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Week+Rg t Afro
Peace Talks Commence In Peiping;
Communists Shift To City Policy
PEACE negotiations between the
Government and the Chinese
Communists are expected to begin in
Peiping on April 1. The Govern-,
ment's peace delegation,. is headed by
General Chang Chih-chung, the
other members being Shao Li-tze,
Huang Shao-hsiung, Chang Shih-
chao, and Li Cheng. The Com-
munists are represented by Chou En-
lai, Lin Piao, Yeh Chien-ying, Lin
Pei-chi and Li Wei-han. The Gov-
ernment has accepted Communist
leader Mao Tze-tung's eight terms
made public on January 14 as the
basis for discussion.
According to the Chinese-owned
China Daily Tribune, the maximum
concessions the Government is ex-
pected to make on these eight points
are as follows:
1) In the matter of the punish-
ment of war criminals, the Govern-
ment will request the Communists
not to adopt an attitude of "retalia-
tion", but will agree to the complete
withdrawal from politics of such
leaders as wore ardent advocates of
the civil war.
2) With reference to the abro-
gation of the Constitution' agree-
ment will be given to the convoca-
tion of a new National Assembly
truly representative of the people in
the country for a referendum.
3) The question of the abolition
of the legal status of the present
Government is considered of no
consequence in view of the expect-
ed formation of a coalition Gov-
ernment if the peace talks succeed.
4) The reorganization of the
Army should be carried out on the
principle of the nationalization of
the armed forces.
5) As to the confiscation of
bureaucratic capital, the Government
will agree to its requisitioning on a
fair basis.
6) The enforcement of land re-
form is also the policy of the Gov-
7) The abolition of "traitorous"
treaties can be effected after care-
ful study of existing agreements.
8) Complete agreement is ex-
pressed with the convocation of a
new Political Consultative Confer-
ence for the establishment of a
coalition government.
be the first demur d of the Nation-
alists on the grounds that continua-
tion of fighting is not conducive to
peace negotiations.
Well-informed sources predict that
the question of reo, gailization of the
armies is the crux of the peace
issue, and it is gererally feared that
the peace talks n,ny breakdown on
this point.
Before the departure of the Gov-
ernment's peace delegation, a series
of important confc rences were held
by responsible generals of the Minis-
try of National Defense to discuss
the reorganization +f armies. Acting
President Li Tsung-jen, Premier Ho
Ying-chin and all members of the
peace delegation also were present
at these conferences, Results of these
talks were guarded as top secrets,
but it is understood that, after much
,..deliberation, the Government adopted
certain formula wl ich would "pos-
sess the dual foatui,~ of being accept-
able to the Commi nists and at the
same time be capal le of maintaining
the entity of the ationalist Army
which Generalissineo Chiang Kai-
shek laid down as c tie of his require-
ments for a peace settlement."
Peace-A Question Mark
PUBLIC reaction ?:o the opening of
peace talks ha.: been a mixture
of hope and appreii: nsion. A United
Press story dated March 27 from.
Nanking makes in'resting reading.
It reads in part r:s follows: "The
question on most I ps was: Can it
be possible? To most cautious ob-
servers peace proslects are a ques-
tion mark at b be restored with
Government help if necessary; pro-
duction power L. to be increased,
production costs lowered, and pro-
duction increased both quantitatively
and qualitatively.
"The develu?pmc-irt of industrial
undertakings is to be accompanied
by higher profits and higher wages
so that general income levels may
be raised. Re-pr..'ductior- processes
are to be promos'd with the build-
ing of organic sty: ictures for the ac-
cumulation of industrial capital. At
the same time, le >or efficiency is to
be improved and the living conditions
of workers improved through the
application of the' principle of 'bene-
fiting both labor and capital.' The
supply of mai eria' resources from
rural areas for cities, and the supply
of finished produc,s for rural areas
from cities are bo;h to be increased,
and the economic tics between the
two regions are tc be strengthened.
"The basic ehjective, therefore,
consists in the promotion of indus-
trial undertakings and improving
conditions of workers."
Contrary to pr+ railing fear about
Communist hostility toward capital-
ists, the Chinese Zeds, the magazine
discloses, are enli iting the coopera-
tion of private capital in their efforts
to restore and expand industrial pro-
"After VJ Day, ' the article says,
"the liberated areais were expanded
to include m:.uiy middle-sized and
small cities and towns, some
towns and cities 'of' larger size,
conditions in the liberated areas be-
came an important field of activity.
"It was then felt that in order to
develop various light and heavy, in-
dustries on a larger scale, the co-
operation of the capitalists in the
liberated areas was necessary. Ex-
perience gained also indicated the
pgacticability of encouraging private
industrial undertakings. Many en-
terprises formerly operated by the
state in the Shansi-Chahar-Hopei
Border Area, for instance, have
either been turned over to private
ownership or else have encouragt_ed
private investments. The same policy
is put into practice in other liberated
"Such a tendency, it will be seen,
serves to promote the development
of industrial capitalism. This en-
couragement of private industrial
capital must, however, be distin-
guished from the oppression of na-
tional industrial capital which is
practised by the feudalistic, coxn-
pradore, and bureaucratic capitalists
of Nationalist. China."
In order to step up production,
the Communists are reported by the
magazine to have improved labor-
management relations and technique.
The article notes :
"One of the first problems receiv-
ing attention from the authori-
ties is the improvement of organiza-
tion and management as well as the
improvement of production. techni-
ques. With reference to the latter,
in addition to improving existing
technical methods, special attention
is given to the introduction of new
and more effective production me-
"The acquisition of adequate sup-
plies of raw materials to insure con-
tinuous production, the best use of
production, tools, and economy in the
consumption of raw materials are
other factors taken into serious con-
sideration in efforts to increase pro-
ductive power."
In conclusion, the magazine de-
clares that the industrial policy of
the Chinese Communists so far has
been fairly successful, saying:
"The majority of coal mines have
been restored and most are operating
on a normal basis. Other mining
enterprises, including gold, mica and
iron have also been re-opened in the
various districts. Most power sta-
tions and other utility services have
been restored.
"Many enterprises formerly oc-
cupied by the enemy or forced to
suspend operations have been res-
tored to their rightful owners when
the democratic government estab-
lished its authority. Mention may
be made of the Tai Chang Flour Mill
at Kan Tan; the Tsi Foong Flour
Mill at Tsining; the Chang Yu Bre-
wery at Chefoo; and the Sui Feng
Flour Mill at Chefoo. All these
plants were restored to their orig?-
honestly done their best for their districts. In these places, there was inal owners, and loans were issued
American friendsApproved For Release c 0610 1nL G1AQlDf S3 O415RO0300O0t60007 4in the resumption
"Take just one instance, in trial activity; her?iuunMimuneurnmuMUUUUeueu?~ieuuuunieutuuinuueuenniuuuuiuniuuuiuiuimuieununweunMiMauuuuuutnnuur=
Bad Discipline
To The Editor:
The discipline of the soldiers here is
getting worse by the day. General Li
M.o-an, the commanding officer of the
17th Pacification bureau, has admitted
that he cannot control them. The fol-
lowing are some of the incidents that
have occurred:
The soldiers
trees within a
radius in the area
New Low Rates to U.S.A. on
TO 100 Ibs, or more
_-_-----_ $7.88
DETROIT -----------------------------------
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PITTSBURGH----------------------------- 2.03
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Special rate on NEEDLEWORK*
- --# 1.42
? CLIPPER CARGO covers your shipment to anywhere
in the U. ~.-on one- Air Waybill. Cuts paper work ...
eliminates separate insurance documents. Let us show
you how t:) reduce shipping weights and packing costs,
too. Then are many more advantages in using the
world's nL ,st experienced airline. Get the facts from
your Clipper Cargo Agent or ...
(enl. Agts., CNAC-Cathay Hotel
.ihanghai ? Phones 15757, 19229
AftIff 11AMlCflT
ff/0 A `LQ fllllff/ flYS
?+T exsea~el'C
Clipper, Trade Mark, Pan American Airways, Inc
Wiring &
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-004151,90n000,OOk4y-Review, April 9, 1949
5111111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111II11111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIII111111111111111111I11111111111111111111 II 111111111111111111111111111111111111`11111111111 Ilk where they are stationed. Since most
3 people depend on the trees for firewood,
you can imagine what a hardship this
Shanghai's American Da.ily--- = has caused. Y
The company often stations a sentry
on the main road to search the people
= passing by, and if they possess anything
more than "just a ne` spa er77 valuable such as a gold ring, watch or
fountain pen, he "takes it over." Now
During these trying post-war days, the Shanghai no one dares go along the road after
T Evening Post and Mercury has slipped into a peculiarly Recently two soldiers were sent to
intimate place in the minds and hearts of rc aders. Per- investigate a certain case in the village
- of Yang-ma Chia not far from the hsien
haps that is because it tries in every way to )e as human city. Since they have no right to er,-
most = gage in such activities, the people made
as your best friend. Read it for true straight news
of it printed at least 15 hours ahead of other Shanghai = them go away. The following day eight
armed men led by the company com-
papers; for outspoken views; for bright touch-,s and enter- = mander came to the village, seized 30
tainment features which will take your m. nd off your innocent people and took them away to
the Itsiang chief office, where they are
= troubles. For the times, subscription rates are low: being held until the families ransom
them for 50 silver dollars. The hsien
REVISED councillor went to try to mediate the
T MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES disappearance of held the rt two sowo sable `for the
= ldiers (which
= Effective March 16, 1949 is not true) and that they must give
= at least 30 rifles as reparation for the
(Subject To Increase) loss. The councillor already had offered
the soldiers 300 piculs of rice. The
= matter is still not settled.
Local home delivery GY30,000 In the western part of Hunan, the
Pick up your own paper .. .. .. .. 27 000 soldiers also have lost all discipline and
have taken food, oil and even mattresses
China Outports (Ordinary mail) _ 31,000 = from the people without payment.
KII 1111111111111111111 I IIIII III 111/11/1 111 flu 111111111111111111 I I IIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 [111111111 111111;
Lihsien, Hunan
March 15, 1949
Farmers' Army
To The Editor:
I am a medical college student with
little money,' and had been studying at
Hsiang Ya' Medical College in South
China. When I recently contracted a
]Illl1II1111I11111111111111111111111111111111!111111111! 11111111!111111 I!111111!11111111!11!1111!11! 11111111111117 unlldrl[1111111111!111111111111111111111111111111!1111111111! II 11111 III 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II1l1111r.
11C_ ?r%
19 Chung Cheng Road
Shanghai (1E)
Affiliated With
Shanghl ii Ofce:
99 Nanking Road (0)
Telephone 11440
(Based on various districts)
Single Copy . ..
The Shanghai Evening Post & Mercury
~I 1111111ll111l111111111111111111111111s11111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [III I11111111ll l I l 1 I 1 1111'.1 1 ll 111 11 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 111111111II I1111111I I111111111II IIIII
Approved For Release
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 9, 1949
disease, I had to leave college and come
to Nan Yao, one of the five big moun-
stains in China, for. cure.
Now ,I want to give you the following
information about Hunan, and hope you
Kill send me a free copy of your Review,
as I no longer see it at the library.
In the history of China, Hunan people
have always been the pioneers of every
revolution for the benefit of all China.
They are considered ultra-modern and
Since the present civil war has spread
so extensively, prices have sky-rocketed
and taxes have grown increasingly heavy.
Now, to ward against a famine in the
spring, more than 2,000 farmers have
organized themselves into an "Army of
the People" to fight against conscription
and taxation of foodstuffs.
First' they fought at Yitngling, and
later at the three cities of Mu-young,
Luki, and Sinki. A weapons factory was
raided and 8,000 rifles taken at Sinki.
They have now become so strong that
the two regiments of Nationalist troops
are no match for them. The Kuomin-
tang should realize now the Bandit Sup-
pression Campaign is of no use.
Nanyao, Hunan
March 12, 1949
American Aid
To The Editor:
The present attempt is inspired by a
reading of C.Y.W. Meng's article, "A
Chinese View of American Aid," in the
March 19, 1949, issue of the China
Weekly Review. The writer in China
enjoys the distinction of being` at one
and the same time a citizen of this
country and of the United States. He
has -no political axe to grind....
From the time of his adolescence he
has devoted himself to efforts to helping
China become a free, independent, pro-
sperous and progressive country ...... If
China can attain this end by any aid
from America, he wants to see America
give this aid unstintedly to the greatest
possible extent. Mr. Meng seems to
think that American aid should cease
because, presumably, American aid is
producing. the opposite effect ...... I must be suffering from what Mr.
Meng called "Uncle Sam's mental bank-
ruptcy," because I cannot make sense out
of his M
When he states that esent American
aid prolongs "our civil war" and inter-
feres with a "peaceful movement for
political and social change in China," I
can't understand it. I don't understand
how a civil war, in which unnumbered
thousands of combatants and non-
combatants are killed and maimed, can
be called a "peaceful movement:'
Being "mentally bankrupt," I cannot
understand how American aid, which is
designed to lessen human suffering in
China and to promote economic and
educational growth within the country,
can be interpreted into meaning that
y'1111lt11111t11111111t111 III11111151111511111it11 I I111111111111111111111i'~
Cantonese Restaurant
such aid has the erect of operating
against "political f ?eedoin, economic
equality and social security for all
..Now, it ha:, appeared to me that
the American aid to China heretofore
given was and i;; gig en to a dynamic
consciousness of "a changing China, a
progressive China, and a new China"--
the very kind of China that America
and all men of goc.t will wish to see
China become.... Mr. Meng will place
me under a debt of gratitude to him
if he will be so kind as to show me
how American aid prevents, or tends to
impede, efforts to nuke China change
and become new and -i,rogressive.
He hits the point, lowever, when he
says that America a ms to counteract
Communism. What's wrong with that?
The American nation was founded on
the principles that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed with cer-
tain inalienable rights, and that among
these are the rights t, life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness: Does Com-
munism stand for then principles? Look
at Soviet Russia today, Ii; is the classic
example of what Conv,iunism is.... Dods
it stand for "political freedom, economic
equality and social security for all
peoples?" Why, then, do its people try
so hard to escape from this political
heaven-even at the r sk of their lives?
. But the conten ;ion seems to be
that China today is ",uled by a group
of "extreme rightists," "reactionary
ruling classes," and "corrupt regimes."
Unfortunately, this s all too true.
That's why China ha been brought to
her present sorry pas My question to
Mr Meng is this: What choice have the
Chinese people? Ir. there any other
choice than that of acr epting Communist
dictatorship, or doing everything possible,
with whatever outside help is available,
to reform a Government presently domin-
ated by "extreme rightists" and "re-
actionary ruling classes?"
.Does Mr. Mang wish to imply
that the Communist regime that now
threatens the whole of China is not Com-
munist in the sense that we understand
the Moscow model--that, In fact, it is a
regime truly devoted Lo "political free-
dom, economic equality, and social security.
for all peoples?" If it `is, I want to
know it quickly, b-cause 'I've been
opposing that regime.... and if the pre-'
sent overlords of Peiping are for these,
I'm with them.
Mr. Meng can prove this promptly, and
remove all my doubts. All he has to do
is to go up to Peiping, and induce The
China Weekly Review to do the same.
If he and The China Weekly Review can
go up there and lambast the Communist
regime for its wrongs (as I suppose
there are some), as'both have so success-
fully been pasting the Kuomintang Gov-
ernment for its sins (of which there are
undoubtedly many)-with impunity-he
.can persuade me to believe that we are
watching a "civil war" that is only a
"peaceful movement for political and
social change." And I'll write home to
my folks and tell them to pester the life
out of our. Congressmen and Senators
until they stop aid to China.
E. K. MOY.
March 27, 1949
(We think reader Moy, a war-time
general in the Nationalist Army, and a
great and good .friend of General Chen-
vault, does have a political are to grind.
If not, we hope" he will wait with us
to observe at first hand the good or bad
points of the Communists, who seem to
be well on the way to winning the
Civil War whether or not there is Amer-
ican aid---Editor.) -
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Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April, 9, 1949
Feudal Justice
To The Editor:
It was gratifying to read your edi-
torial "Feudal Justice" in the March 26
issue of the Review. You expressed what
many people want to but dare not say.
For other measures of General Tang
En-po, I should like to add the following
which he effected in Honan: In order
to eliminate armed resistance, he dis-
banded the Honan Militia by either assas-
sinating their leaders (for example, Pi
Jing Fang) or driving them to the front
as cannon fodder. He also used farm-
ers' wheat fields as drilling grounds and
farmers were killed by shrapnel when his
army practiced shooting.
The chapter "Honan Famine" in
Annalee Jacoby's and Theodore White's
book "Thunder Out of China" carries.
more details on General Tang En-po's
March 27, 1949
To The Editor:
Because of the wide disparity between
the rich and the poor, it is hard for the
former to understand how hard things
are for the latter.
A French writer speaks of a duchess
who once visited a convent too poor to
have a fire to warm the building.
of living by reducing taxes and exempt-
ing them from extra taxes. On return-
ing to Peiping., she was asked how thet
free tax was to be decided, and she
replied, "Oh, wait! Peace has. come
back to the world and people are going
to enjoy themselves very well."
Such mistakes come from ignorance
and the wide difference of the standard
of living between the poor and the rich.
Changsha, Hunan
March 20, 1949
Good Faith
To The Editor:
Because the civil war keeps inter-
rupting communications, it takes at least
16 days for the Review to get here
through the mails. I keep thinking that
if there were no war I should be able
to get your magazine more easily.
Everything here keeps getting worse
and worse because of the political and
economic situation. The only way the
present crisis can be relieved is through
peace. I would advise the Government
to use good faith with the Communist
Party, and as a college student I say
loudly to the Government, "Quickly, give
us peace."
Kweiyang, Kweichow
March 17, 1949
him, 11 A=
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Shivering with cold, the duchess felt
great sympathy for the nuns at the con-
vent, and ordered firewood to be sent to
them. After warming herself at the fire
in her home, she gradually began to for-
get the misery at he convent. When
the servant inquired how much firewood
she wished to have sent, she said, "Oh,
never mind, it is going to be warmer
And a similar instance in China is
mentioned. During the Boxer Revolt the
Empress Dowager es?!aped to Sian, where
,,.ce was directly acquainted with the
hardships of the people. She was great-
ly moved by their poor circumstances
and promised to improve their standard
K ti.
33e tiiz ORIENT
The China Weekly- R roveddpFor9R194e~ase 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
A Weekly Newspaper Established in 1917
The editorial pages present each week the opinions
of the editor. The other pages of The China Weekly Re-
view are written by the other members of the staff and
the contributing editors who report and interpret the
news irrespective of the views expressed in the editorials.
Abundance For All
H ENRY WALLACE, former US vice-presi-
dent and recent unsuccessful candidate for the
presidency, has suggested that the United States
and Soviet Russia cooperate in making-China a
testing ground for a program of "abundance for
all peoples." Mr. Wallace then went on to say
that neither communism nor capitalism can solve
the problem of want until "both, by agreement,
get rid of the spirit of intolerance".
We can imagine the reaction of many people
to Mr. Wallace's proposal, which was made to a
meeting of the Cultural and Scientific Conference
for World Peace in New Yotk. The Conference,
even before it began meeting, wasp labeled by the
American State Department as a vehicle for the
spread of communist propaganda. With such a
prejudiced approach by an important American
governmental organization, it is likely that the
suggestions made by Wallace and others will be
labeled in many quarters as red propaganda,
impractical, foolish, etc. Many of Wallace's
earlier proposals have met similar receptions.
For example, we remember when, as Secretary
of Commerce in the last Roosevelt administra-
tion, Wallace said that the American postwar
economy could be so geared as to provide
60,000,000 jobs. Newspaper editorialists, column-
ist,, and various public figures hooted in derision,
claiming that this was another example of
"Henry's dreaming." Since the end of the war,
American employment figures have frequently
been well above the 60,000,000 mark.
Despite the allegations of those who claim
that there. are so many people in the world today
that they cannot .be fed adequately, we think that
Wallace's idea of Russo-American cooperation. in
China to attempt to provide a program of
"abundance" for all the Chinese people is no
more of a "dream" or "vision" than his earlier
idea that the American economy could provide
jobs for 60,000,000 workers. '
The end of the Civil War in this country
should contribute greatly to China's ability to
feed and clothe herself. In years past, the
country's annual food deficit was not so,great in
normal seasons. The cessation of fighting, which ing. It should also be remembered that this
would mean the end of huge non-productive fabulous sum represents money which the govern-
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
armies and a chance for the farmers once again
to tend their fields in peace, should provide a
tremendous boost to the local economy. Added
to this a program of foreign help, which would
provide capital and improved techniques, and
China should soon be on the, road to self-
sufficiency. Even if she cannot economically
raise sufficient food, other industries working for
the export trade can be developed so that she will
acquire sufficient foreign exchange to buy her
additional food requirements from surplus areas
We grant that the population pressure in
this country constitutes a major problem which
will have to be met in the very near future,
especially if any improvement in living con-
ditions for the masses results in population in-
creases of such rapidity as to "eat up" the.sur-
plus. However, there is a good chance, we be-
lieve, that modern production techniques may
enable the nation to keep ahead of population
growth for some time. Daily headlines in the
local press would indicate that. A report from
Manila recently described an experiment With
enriched rice which may provide the answer to
beri-beri, an lindiginous disease in Asia's rice
eating countries. The added nourishment pro-
vided by enriched rice might also go a long way
toward eliminating the many other diet deficiency
diseases and ailments commonly found in China.
In the US, where mechanization is almost
taken for granted, new innovations in agriculture
are being tried out each year. Cotton growing,
which is a big industry in China, too, is being
mechanized rapidly in the US with machines now
available for most of the work. While progress
is slow and the trial and error process is still
going on, a recent press dispatch from Washing-
ton reported that "mechanization of the cotton
crop has now been accomplished experimentally
at every stage from the seed-bed to the market."
Think of the labor such a development would
free for industry in China!
The world, especially the United States, now
has for the first time in the history of mankind
sufficient tools to manufacture from nature enough
materials to feed, clothe, and house all people.
It is no longer necessary for a large section-
perhaps even a majority-of the world's popula-
tion to live on a subsistence level. Proof of this
can be obtained from a glance at the official ex=
penditure figures for the last war. Enough
money, representing actual industrial and agricul-
tural production, was spent by the powers for
military means to have raised the standard of
living of the respective countries immeasurably.
According to the "World Almanac," the
total amount spent by the six principal belliger-
ents (not including China for which no estimates
were available) was US$1,116,991,463,084. Added
to this was an estimate of US$'230,900,000,000
representing property damage. US$1,347,891,-
463,084 would, for example, easily _ provide
adequate housing and clothing for every man,
woman, and child in China.. The possibilities of
what could be done with such a sum are stagger-
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-0041 g0R000R0 077view, April 9, 1949
ments of the principal powers were able to extract
from the people over and above their, daily re-
quirements. In the case, of the United States,
the people supplied the surplus wealth without
much, if any pain, while in other countries, such
as Germany, Italy and Japan, it was obtained as
a result of great privation.
In any event, the mere fact that the countries
of the world could afford to spend such a stagger-
ing sum and to. suspend or curtail normal pro-
ductive activities for up to six years proves con-
clusively that mankind now is, able to produce
yearly a considerable surplus of materials above
the basic rpinimum requirements. The fact that
such "surplus" wealth is not used for the benefit
of mankind in relieving want and in improving
the machinery of production reflects upon the
intelligence of the governments of the world.
The United States is today spending pro-
digious sums on self defense, unsound foreign
relief programs, and military aid schemes for
other countries under the provisions of treaties
such as the North Atlantic Pact. This money
would easily abolish poverty and want in the
United States if spent properly. What's more -
as the war years proved-the natural wealth and
highly-developed productive machine of the
United States would. enable it alone to contribute
greatly toward eliminating want in the rest of
The factors hampering Russo-American co-
operation on a plan to provide an abundance for
the many people suffering from want are largely
political, and these political reasons in, turn stem
largely from the narrow selfish interests of certain
partisans who actually do not care about the
welfare of the masses. This is indeed a sad
commentary upon our time.
Another Student Tragedy
A T LEAST one student has died as a result of
injuries received during a fight in Nanking
when a group of soldiers attacked a student
parade. It is disheartening to see students
in Nationalist China once again becoming the
victims of violence, especially during a time when
the Nationalist Government has in .a&,tuality sued
for peace. If nothing else, it makes one wonder
about the sincerity of the rulers who day in and
day out for the past few months have been pub-
licly stressing their desire for peace.
While only the naive would believe that the
Nanking regime would have become so desirous
of peace if it still had its armies intact, its eco-
nomy on a sound footing, and its people under
firm control, one may even become suspicious of
the Government's intentions if it allows students
to be beaten and killed for expressing a desire
for peace. Since the Government has in fact
already dispatched a mission to 'Peiping to dis-
cuss peace terms with the Communists, why
should the same Government frown upon student
demonstrations or parades favoring an end to
hostilities ?
The Nanking municipal authorities, presum-
ably controlled by acting-President Li Tsung-jen,
reasonable view of the situation than elsewhere.
In Nanking, it is reported, the authorities have
decreed the death penalty for any soldier caught
attacking students. Meanwhile, in Shanghai the
authorities continue to view the students as
Communist agents and to warn them against any
demonstrations or parades.
About the only conclusion one can draw is
that the Kuomintang authorities, who are talk-
ing peace with one hand and beating students
with the other, either are hypocrites or are ac-
tually so stupid that they cannot see the ridi-
culous contradictions with which they are sur-
rounding themselves.
Irresponsible Behavior
A S the tempo of the "cold war" between the
United States and Russia mounts,, each
nation appears more and more to be carrying a
chip on its shoulder. If this tendency continues,
there is virtually no chance of averting war.
Living in this atmosphere, we perhaps become
accustomed to new "outrages," new political and
economic maneuvers, threats, reactions, etc.,' but
the fact remains that relations have been strained
to a dangerous degree, despite the oft heard re-
mark that since no one really wants war, there
will be no war. '
It appears to us that there is an excellent
chance of war, although almost everyone realizes
full well what a new war would cost in,'terms of
human suffering and material destruction. There
comes a point when one more insult, one more
threat, one more little incident sets in motion a
train of events which quickly culminate in war.
This has been the history of the beginnings of
many previous conflicts. World War I, it will be
recalled, began from one small incident which,
unfortunately, occurred at a time, when relations
were strained. If our memory of history books
serves us right, the . German Kaiser, although
long following a certain path toward war, was
most reluctant to take the final step when Aus-
trian Emperor Franz Joseph called upon him
to honor Germany's treaty obligations. In fact,
the Kaiser. is supposed to have made a last
minute attempt to persuade the Emperor of
Austria from carrying out his plans for
World War II began with somewhat more
deliberate calculation upon the part of the Ger-
mans, although there is some reason to believe
'that Hitler, having managed to run through a
good part of Europe without provoking Britain
and France, perhaps thought he could get away
with another conquest without war.
In the case of Japan's attack upon the
United States, which was perhaps one of the
greatest open acts of violence in modern times,
the situation was somewhat different. How-
ever, with the benefit of hindsight, it is possible.
now to go through the back files of newspapers
covering periods when war has started and to
see that a conflict was obviously in the offing,
no matter how much of a surprise it may have
seemed at the time. We think that if an ob-
it must be admitted, have finally taken a more server not conditioned to r headlines in his
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDPt3-00415R00300006oooi' 4
The China Weekly C !e , 9?,R@ ase 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
daily paper, were to pick up, say, a file of any
metropolitan American newspaper for the past
three years and skim through it, he would come
to the conclusion that step by step the world
was preparing for a new war and that if,
upon turning to tomorrow's paper, he saw that
war had broken out, he would not be particularly
If war comes tomorrow it will not be be-
cause Russia or America actually wanted to
begin a conflict that would be sure to cost far
more than either could gain. It would be be-
cause both nations, behaving at times in the
most childish manner, have insulted each other
so extensively, laid down so many ultimatums
and in general progressed so far toward an open
rupture that they had reached a state where
neither behaved ` entirely rationally. It has
'long been our opinion that if the Americans and
Russians were able to see themselves in the same
light as they view each other, the perspectives
of both might' be improved.
We were appalled recently by a United Press
story from Washington which read in part: "It
was revealed today that the Budget Bureau- was
considering a Defense Department recommen-
dation for expansion of an Air Force fleet of
B-36 `inter-continental' super-bombers. The
proposal was based in part on conclusions 'from
recent tests, all conducted under combat . con-
ditions, that the mammoth aircraft is virtually
immune from interception and has a range to
attack ~any Russian target from North, American
bases .... Military planners have marked off
some 70 strategic targets in Russia as possible
objectives in the event of war."
This story has passed with little if any com-
ment in the American press, although there was
some criticism by a few members of Congress.
However, their objection to it was not what one
might expect. Rather, they censured the Defense
Department because the publication of the news
"jeopardized" national security in that it gave
away a military secret !
It seems almost unbelievable that such a
statement could be made by a responsible Amer-
ican Government agency and -perfectly fantastic
that the only criticism of it from the people's
elected representatives was that a military secret
had been let out of the bag. Just suppose,
for instance, that the setting had been Russia
instead of America.` Suppose that in presenting
its military budget to the Soviet Government, the
Russian Airforce had said it needed money for
a very special plane, one that could bomb any
part of the United States and that, in fact, the
Russian Army had already marked out 70 cities
such as New York, Chicago, St. Louis, etc. for
bombing in event of war. The American Con-
gress and press would be howling to high heavens
and demanding that the State Department dis-
patch a stern note to Moscow ordering a
satisfactory explanation forthwith. How dif-
ferent it would be if it were the other guy !
Likewise, how would the Russians react if it
had been British. sentries in Austria who kkno kk
Approved For Release 200b/(4/21
down two Russian soldiers for stepping across
an imaginary line on a sidewalk in Vienna and
then kicked them into insensibility? Moscow
would this minute be denouncing it as another
calculated plot by the imperialists to disturb the
peace of the world. The extent to which we
have progressed can easily be seen by the almost
daily blasts of viturperation hurled at one an-
other by the information media of the East and
West. Moscow denounces the "imperialist
aggressors" for questioning "democratic" Russia's
peaceful aims. The most insulting statements
are made about the United States, and at the
same time hurt and alarm are expressed over
the "unjustified" criticism by America of. Russia.
Exactly the reverse takes place almost every
morning in the United States.
A war between the. East and the West is as
unnecessary today as it ever was. There are few
basic differences that could not be solved by men
of common sense and good will sitting around a
conference . table. However, from present, in-
dication's, it doesn't appear that such a solution
will be found. Each accuses. the other of bad
faith, while proclaiming his own spotless in-
nocence. Each proclaims that if he backs down
now, or even expresses a desire to negotiate, the
other will interpret it as a sign of weakness and
attempt to take advantage of it. With such
unreasonable attitudes prevailing and with each
side arming as fast as it can, the future looks very
People's Rights Protected
G ENERAL HO YING-CHIN, China's new pre-
mier, has issued instructions to the Shanghai
Police Bureau ordering that henceforth illegal
arrests shall be prohibited and that the "people's
freedom" shall be protected. The order, it is
reported, has been received by the local author-
ities . and Police Commissioner Mao Sen has cir-
culated it to all police departments with the
notation that they are to abide by it.
General Ho, it is said, emphasized protection
3f the physical freedom of the people and pointed
nut that arrests should only be made by the
judicial and police authorities in accordance with
the legal procedure as provided in Article 8 of
the Chinese Constitution. He is reported to have
leplored the fact that the constitutional pro-
vision was not strictly adhered to by various
)rganizations during the period of mobilization
end that illegal arrests were reported. In order
:-o respect the constitution and to render protec-
ion to the 'people, no repetition of the-past un-
lesirable practices will be tolerated, General Ho
This is indeed welcome news. Perhaps the
: nost significant part of the whole order is that
,.t instructs the authorities to govern their ar
ions by the provisions of the constitution. Th-r
-s one of the few public acknowledgements by a
s)rominent official in recent months that the
xovernme}n~t is } bound by the constitution. In
C~I7k-RDP&-bb4'1 &k6d6 O tinned since
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-0041 Q 0Qf 97R4ew, April 9, 1949
it was adopted with great fanfare some two years
ago. The last time it figured in the news was
when some local victims last fall had the courage
to complain about their treatment at the hands'
of the authorities, whom, they said, were not
abiding by the constitution. The reply, as we
recall, was that it was nonsense to talk about
the constitution at such a critical period in the
bandit suppression campaign because it had long
since been superceded by the provisions of the
national emergency. It was implied that those
who persisted in harping upon the constitution's
provisions for personal freedom might be suspect-
ed as Communist agents trying to disturb the
public's mind.
Now, however, all seems changed. The
second most important Nationalist official has
issued a stern warning to local officials telling
them that they must carry out their duties in
accordance with the provisions of the constitu-
tion. This is a great step forward and it is to
be hoped that General Ho will now turn his at-
tention to some of the other provisions of the
For instance, the constitution guarantees
freedom of the press. However, according to a
story in the Shanghai Evening -Post of March
24, the unbelievable total of 185 magazines have
been banned by the Nanking-Shanghai-Hangchow
Garrison Headquarters and the Bureau of Social
Affairs. Under General Ho's plan to return to
constitutional government, it would follow that
such restrictions upon the press would have to
be lifted. It is to be hoped that the new pre-
mier-will shortly issue further instructions to
the officials concerned.
During Sun Fo's tenure of office the com-
plaint was frequently made that military and
other local officials refused to carry out the
orders of the Nanking Government whenever
such orders conflicted with the views of the
authorities concerned. Now, with one of China's
best known generals holding the premiership,
local officialdom should be more amenable to in-
structions from above, especially since General
Ho has at one time or another been the superior
officer of most of the generals still holding com-
mands in Kuomintang China. No longer, pre-
sumably, can local potentates escape orders from
above by stating that they do not conform with
the Government's policy of seeking peace through
strength or other excuses such as the people in
Nanking cannot appreciate the problems of the
local commanders. Premier Ho is a military
man with a long record as number- two Kuomin-
tang general, ranking just behind the General-
issimo. In fact the Communist radio has had
a lot to say about General Ho, having at various
times referred to him as a bandit, a criminal
and as a prime instigator of the anti-Communist
Civil War. It seems clear now that General Ho
is the boss. Whatever happens from now on is
his 'responsibility. He has seen fit to order Kuo-
mintang officialdom to- observe the constitution
insofar as the people's physical freedom is con-
cerned. Let us hope that he pursues this policy
a bit further.
Approved For Release 2006/04/21
25 Years Ago in
The China Weekly Review
April 5, 1934
Chamber Of Commerce Report
In presenting the annual Report, the Chairman said in
"...... During January of this year, the various news-
papers in China published a letter written by Secretary of
State Hughes to Mr. George Lockwood, Secretary of the
Republican National Committee, which shows that the Ad-
ministration at Washington is aware of the seriousness of
the Chinese situation...... Secretary Hughes' letter in part
reads as follows:
" `The difficulty of the situation in the Far :East, as you
will perceive, lies in the weakness of the Chinese Government.
We have done what we could to strengthen it and to give
it the opportunity for development, but that development must
of necessity take place within. It is not possible for the
powers to create a government for China or to substitute
with any hope of success a government through their own
agencies. The utmost which they may hope to do is to bring
the Chinese authorities to a realization of their responsibilities
and give such assistance (even though it should be against
the will of certain elements in Chinese politics which hope
to profit by a continuance of disorder and., corruption) as
will tend to stabilize the finances and the transportation ser-
vices of the Chinese government and thereby bring about con-
ditions of order and security which may offer a less difficult
set of conditions in which the Chinese people may develop
an effective administration of their own.""
Southern Taxes
Further tax assessments are being made on the Can-
tonese people by the military authorities and as a result the
Canton silk dealers are considering suspending business as a
protest against a surtax of 50 percent on stable and 20
percent on transit likins for raw silk, The silk men are
now paying eight different taxes or contributions before they
finally land their goods on the market. These include export
duty, Kwangchow Prefecture likins, transit likins, stable
likins, and four others collected for local charity or protec-
tive service.
10 Years Ago In
The China Weekly Review
April 8, 1939
Wang Ching-wei's Intrigues
Fresh intrigues of the most sinister character designed
to bring about the -collapse of China's resistance to force her
to capitulate to Japan are unfolding themselves in the latest
activities of Wang Ching-wei, who appears now to be giving
himself up entirely to the Japanese in order to wreak ven-
geance upon the Chungking authorities.
In addition to his latest lengthy outburst which was
evidently inspired by the assassination of his henchman, Tseng
Chung-min, Wang is said to be working intimately with the
Japanese to hasten the downfall of the National Government.
An understanding is reported to have been reached between
Wang and the Japanese Premier Baron Hiranuma, whereby
Japan had furnished Wang with the sum of $4,000,000 to
finance his intrigues.
Flood Plus War
With the public eye focused on the Sino-Japanese hostili-
ties and the terrible destruction of human life in Japan's aerial
bombing campaign, little attention has been given to the fact
that a natural calamity in the shape of the rampaging, un-
controlled Yellow River, aided in its depradations by conditions
of war, is destroying the homes and livelihood of numberless
people in the Hwai River valley region of Anhwei province,
and has already created real conditions of famine.
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly eview, April 9, 1949
Edgar snow
COMMUNIST victory in China has
raised some of the most per-
plexing questions since the Marshall
Plan. and the Truman doctrine be-
came the foundations of our post-
war foreign policy. The questions
themselves are not entirely new. As
matters of speculation they have
engaged the interest of men in our
foreign service for years, as well as
that of other observers who foresaw
current developments. But the re-
volutionary change of power has
now transformed mere possibilities
of the past into these living enigmas
of the present:
Will a communist-led government
inevitably mean that China must fall
under the absolute domination of the
Kremlin? Will Moscow plant "spe-
cialists" in the Chinese police force,
the army, the party Politburo, the
state apparatus, to constitute a
government above government, as in
Eastern Europe? Will China fall.
into the orbit of Soviet economic
planning, with powers held by Rus-
sian commissars to operate mines
and industries . to meet Russia's
strategic demands? Will the Krem-
lin be able to dictate internal policy
to Chinese communists, as well as
control China's vote in the United
Unique History
For some parts of the world the
mere asking of such questions might
be synonymous with answering them
in the affirmative. But experts
share many doubts in the case of
China. 'Among them there is wide-
spread recognition that the de-
velopment of communist power in
China has established a unique his-
tory, with special variations in the
past foreshadowing deviations in the
I myself have for years taken
some part in written and oral dis-
cussions revolving around all the
points examined in this article. In
some quarters I have.been derided as
the creator of "the exceptionalist
theory" for China. It has never
been my contention that the Chinese
communists are "not real Marxists."
But internal evidence did convince
me that they will not give "absolute
obedience" to the Kremlin-the basic
test of anyone accepted as satisfac-
tory by Moscow. After a dozen
years of firsthand study of China I
concluded that Soviet Russia would
not hold effective domination over the
extremely nation-conscious Chinese
Some officers in our Foreign Ser-
vice took a similar view. Because. of
that, the State Department was
less worried about communists in
China than in other , places. That
was one reason why Mr. Truman
officially encouraged the formation
of a constitutional Chinese gov-
ernment representing communists
as well as nationalists. Our ex-
perts realized that the communists
Edgar Snow's book "Red
Star Over Chin ," published
in 1937, has earned for him
the reputation in the United
States as being one of the
Americans best informed on
the Chinese Com,n.unists. Sev-
eral weeks ago, in the Feb-
ruary 5 issue, th ~ Review re-
printed an article by Mr. Snow
entitled "Will Tito's Heretics
.Halt Russia?" n which he
wrote that dev dopments in
Yugoslavia may give a "per-
spective on event2 now tran-
spiring in China.' Mr. Snow's
views on this subject aroused
some controversy, expressed
both in letters and in an arti-
cle published in a subsequent
issue of the Re,iiew entitled,
"Yugoslavia, China, and Snow."
In the accompanying article,
reprinted from he April 9
issue of the Sate .day Evening
Post, Mr. Snow expands his
thesis that a Communist China
can remain incependent of
Russia. Publica.ion of, this
article does not rican that the
Review subscribes to Mr.
Snow's views in 1 heir entirety.
However, he has raised many
interesting questi ,ns and pre-
,,ents a very persuasive case.
Comments from readers will,
of course, be welcomed.-
the alternative would be civil war in
which the old re=gime would be
smashed entirely, and during which
the communists would be forced to
draw closer to Russia.
The attempt at a , ompromise solu-
tion failed, and milii ary events have
now borne out the lai;ter forebodings.
Yet there are powerful people in
Congress, and around it, who still
argue that salvation in Asia lies in
heavier and more di.-ect intervention
against the Chine.;e communists,
rather than an acknowledgment of
failure in that policy. The Adminis-
tration is now inclined to absorb
the lessons of event., in China, and.
to adopt a wait-and-see attitude.
But interventionist; insist that,
normal or friendly relations with
Chinese communists ire just as im-
possible as with the Russians. It is
necessary to fight them by all, means
available, short of scar. They con-
tend that it is. inconsistent to spend
millions opposing; guerrillas in tiny
Greece, while retreat ng before com-
munists in China, which holds nearly
a quarter of manki id. And. they
see no difference ',etween Greek
Reds, dependent on invasion bases
in Bulgaria and Albania, and a self-
sufficient Chinese Rrd Army with
formidable internal reserves at its
The Chinese party -say interven-
tionists who fear ttalin will boss
China-is an orthodox party thor-
Moscow unilaterally dissolved it. It
has supported the Cominform's re-
solutions. The party has even up-
held-though belatedly and some-
what "lukewarmly," our official polit-
ical observers have noted-Moscow's
denunciation of Tito, whom Chinese
communists admired in the past.
Like the Russians, too, Chinese,
communists believe in the "historical
necessity" to liquidate capitalism.
They intend to help install universal
socialism and-ultimately-commun,-4
ism. At present they are not en-
forcing communist or even socialist
measures. But they have made it
clear that they will, as soon as pos-
sible, establish state ownership over
all the principal means of Chinese
production, and collectivize the land.
The Chinese Reds have frankly
proclaimed themselves loyal allies of
the Soviet Union. Although the
Kremlin furnished very little ma-
terial help to justfy such claims, it
did give important political or
moral support. Chinese Reds
also sympathized openly with Rus-
sian aims to eliminate the in-
fluence of American power in Asia.
It is flue that the United States
furnished Chiang Kai-shek the prin-
cipal military and economic support
for his campaigns against the com-
munists. But even if we had re-
mained neutral, interventionists say,
it would have influenced communist
policies and attitudes very little.
Communists would still have de-
manded withdrawal of our armed
forces and cancellation of the com-
mercial treaty which gave the 'Unit-
ed States prior claims on China's
strategic raw materials.
Interventionists Logic
All that-which is more or less
true-offers little hope for any re-
turn to the "good old (lays" in China.
The interventionists also think that
such facts are enough to condemn
the communists as enemies of the
Chinese people, enemies of China's
freedom. They argue that a aov-
ernment led by such a party
inevitably means a nation ruled in
the interests of Russia, hostile to
the United States and committed to
eventual war against us. Therefore,
we should promptly extend the anti-
Cominform front to South China and
to the European colonies in South-
eastern Asia. We should arm all
those who would fight the commun-
ists,'"wherever they lift their heads."
But does adherence to an ideology
or a body of dogma by a ruling polit-
ical party alone determine the rela-
tions of a nation, with its neighbors?
Is the party ideology of the moment
of greater permanent importance than
the nation's whole past and the legacy
of the past living in its people?
Or greater than its vital economic
requirements and exchanges with the
rest of the world? Interventionist.
logic answers in the affirmative. It
professes to believe that ideology has
such a setup. Butt 6rOVed i~h or Release" Wb4l1l : d' '-' ~' 83t'd0415 N' M0 W07-4`c' willing, or-
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-0041, hR0f300tf 62py0 e4icw, April 9, 1949
thodox and loyal "slaves". of the quired immense experienge .arid.'self- China it is.,-.possible for two,distinct
Kremlin=as Ambassador Wellington eonfjdepc Poca:i-s o# vi1 ; war phases. of history-"new capitalismh?'
Koo has called his countrymen. have trained great numbers of corn- and "new democracy"-to coexist in
To be objective, however, it must potent military and political leaders. an extended transition. While they
be admitted that such assumptions China now has the laigest Commun- aim, eventually, to have complete
are simply not yet susceptible of ist Party outside Russia-more than socialism-and, beyond that, com-
proof. Neither Doctor Koo nor 3,000,000 members -and more than munism-the Chinese say that they
Chiang Kai-shek has been able to 2,000,000 troops lacked by millions expect various forms of private
demonstrate how successfully the of armed peasants. It is one thing capitalism to coexist with state cap-
Kremlin even now dictates Chinese for Russian generals to push around italism for many years. Reassur-
communist internal policy. Our own military or politi,+,1 bosses in the ances of a comparable nature were
military intelligence indicates that small occupied stales of Europe. It made and quickly were superseded
the Chinese Reds have won their is quite another p??oblem to manage in Eastern Europe, of course; one
battles without any military direc- a giant the size ui China, run by a does not forget that the same thing
tives from the Russians, and in- disciplined party in control of a could happen in China. But in the
deed without any direct military great army-which knows it could present primitive realities of China's
help. And in estimating the future, make a good defense of its independ- non-industrialized economy an at-
it is necessary carefully to consider ence against any foreign power, tempted rapid leap into socialism
certain factors which may entirely Sixth, Mao Tse- tung's personality would appear to be excluded by
exclude a Sino-Russian relationship is reflected in the internal structure practical political considerations.
of slave and master in favor of a of a party that is - whatever one may Underestimated By Moscow
relationship between peers. think of its methcds or what it up-
First, There are reasons to believe that
consider some geopolitical holds ideologically- -deeply Chinese. in Kremlin leaders long believed that
facts of fundamental significance. composition. It is loubtful if 10 per- the historical backwardness of China
China is in. immense country-almost cent of the members of the central
as large as the United States, and committee are S wiet-educated. In presented insuperable obstacles to an
with two times Soviet Russia's po- the rank and file not one in 10,000 early communist triumph. It is
pulation. It is rich in human and has been to Rus:;ia. They have doubtful that they ever took the
communists' chances very serious-
natural resources, with an ancient learned their Mar cism largely from cha 1927 debacle. One
civilization that has survived 3000 the history of the Chinese party, the ly striking after tillu illustration of the So-
years of catastrophes to keep its Chinese revolution, the text-books and attitude occurred during the
basic values, intact. China is the doctrines worked out in the writ- viet Incident, in ur ed Chiang country among all the colonies ings of Mao T'se-Ming and other na- Sian "detained" hirn K;
and semicolonies in which commun- tive leaders. Virt:sally all the vet- shek ian aHsueh-liang, who wished by to halt Chanh th-
ists have won power. From their erans who form the . hard core of civil war against ish secret allies,
beginnings, China's Marxist leaders this party, men now in their fifties
have, in theory, been international- and sixties, are p ?oducts of more the communists. Moscow vilified ists. In practice, they have been than twenty year.; of common his- Chang brigand Hsueh-andJiang as a prepared pro-Japan-
nationalists de-
dence continuing an indepen- tory made in China., They could not ese the Chinese repared to
dence movement. now be seriously .livided by outside bnounce andits also, unless they worked for
Second, China is the first major critics.
power, outside Russia, to fall into Asiatic %iarxism the prompt, safe release of the Gen-
Asiatic Again, throughout the
the e hands of it avowed in Marxists. contrast with Very Seventh, the Chinese communists Sino-Japanese war the Kremlin re-
important: Europe, a markedly ,lower were, until the Belgrade schism, the garded Chiang Kai-shek as the only
of living than the U.S.S.R. only non-Russian ,arty which dared man capable of "`unifying China"-
standard a ,whole. openly proclaim :.hat it had made as Stalin told Harry Hopkins. And
vital new contributions to the theory Russia furnished weapons and tran-
Fought Alone and revolutionary practice of Marx- sport exclusively to Chiang's army
Third, the Chinese Red Army-or ism. "Mao Tse-tung has created a -even long after the equipment was
People's Liberation Army, as it now Chinese or Asiatic form of Marxism," employed to attack and blockade the
calls itself-fought its major battles one of the Politburo members at Chinese Reds.
for survival long before the recent Yenan told an American correspan- Probably the sudden collapse of
war, and without any Soviet aid. dent. _ "His grew: accomplishment Chiang Kai-shek's forces last year
Excepting Yugoslavia, China has the has been to change Marxism from surprised Moscow no less than west-
only communists who actually came its European to is Asiatic form. ern capitals. Certainly the Sino-
to power without direct political or He is the first who succeeded in do- Soviet Treaty of 1945, concluded
military dependence upon Russian ing so." A clang;'-rops thought, of between Chiang's regime and the
arms. a variety unlikely to please the Kremlin, had clearly demonstrated
Fourth, the Chinese party alone Kremlin. The soeaker was Liu the latter's skepticism concerning
in the world today is led by a com- . Hsiao-ch'i, No. 2 ; heoretician in the the postwar future of the Celesti-
munist who has never been to Rus- party, and the 1\;nerican correspon- al Marxists. That treaty completely
sia. He is the only communist dent was Anna Louise Strong, who aal a Yenan at Soviet completely
chieftain ever expelled from a party was later arrester( in Moscow as a deprived
at the very moment when
-not once, but several times-who "spy" and expelled. Before that,
remained in power despite a Comin- Miss Strong's book had been pub- the former had obviously intended
tern order for his removal. Mao lished in Eastern Europe, with the to intensify ? an open struggle for
Tse-tung and Chu Teh-now com- foregoing and similar statements power.
mander in chief of the Chinese com: deleted from the :ext. We have heard much, recently,
munist forces-adopted an indepen- In fact Mao T --tung and his fol- about how Roosevelt sold Chiang
dent line in 1927-28, launched their lowers were the first to prove that Kai-shek down the river when he
own agrarian program and set up communist-led re??olutions in semi- agreed to give Stalin what he want-
the Red Army, and first soviet, colonial countries can conquer pow- ed in Manchuria. People overlook
without party directives. Mao is er by combining tre role of national the fact that at that same time
the only communist leader-Tito ex- liberation with a:rtifeudal social-re- Stalin cut adrift the Chinese com-
cepted-who has ;publicly criticized form- movements. In a setting quite munists. Once German defeat be-
Moscow's agents. Fifteen years ago unforeseen by the Kremlin hierarchy - came manifest, it had been the night-
Mao Tse-tung led in the arrest and they proved that sach revolutions can mare of Chiang Kai-shek that the
removal from power of the last succeed without depending upon ur- Russians would attack Japan, with-
Comintern . "specialist" sent to as- ban proletarian i?lsurdections, with- out any understanding with him. He
sume active direction of the Chinese out help from Russia or the world feared that they would then prompt-
Politburo. He was returned to Rus- proletariat, and oa the basis of the ly install the Chinese communists in
Sia and-to the best of my know- organized pea:;antsy as a main force. power, in the wake of their own ad-
ledge-has never had a successor. Today these communists observe a vance in Manchuria. The Kremlin
Fifth, as a result of long isolation somewhat unortho?lox program based chose, instead, to :sign a treaty of
and independent development, the upon Mao Tse-twig's original thesis alliance with Chiang, which promised
Chinese CommutAppRmiad For Releas*E2O86/04t24 -GlaoR[ 18 415R01036dOb6l1k ff1%exclusively, and to
Approved. For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China, Weekly'Heyiew, April 9, 049
recognize his . authority, and his
alone,-in? a Manchuria where. neither
he: nor the- United 'States. then had
.any forcer:. I- was in , Moscow when
that treaty was concluded. It was
considered good diplomacy by both
Chinese nationalists and American
official observers. It was believed
that . the treaty had definitely dis-
posed of the Chinese Reds, "once and
for all."
There is, in fact, no evidence to
indicate that the Kremlin thought
otherwise or was interested in more
than Russian nationalist aims in
Manchuria. It offered no other ad-
vance interpretation to Chinese com-
munist headquarters, then still at
Yenan, where the treaty came as a
complete surprise.
The Money God -Shun Pao
walled cities depend:,d upon it for
survival. They all saw golden op-
portunities slipping way as Chiang
Expectations Kai-shek rapidly replaced the Japan
Yenan's political line had clearly
reflected quite other expectations.
.Several days after the treaty was
signed but before it was published
-Japan had already surrendered-
the Chinese communists issued a
proclamation to their forces which
-demanded: (1) immediate seizure of
Nanking, and establishment of
a "people's government" there; and
(2) seizure of the cities of North
China and Manchuria, and disarm-
ing of Kuomintang troops in re-
pudiation of the Generalissimo's au-
thority. Yenan heaped scorn upon
Chiang Kai-shek as a "fascist," a
"traitor," and an enemy of the peo-
ple no better than Japan's puppets
at Nanking.
This, about the man with whom
Moscow had just concluded a treaty
recognizing Chiang as China's
supreme commander and Russia's
loyal anti-fascist ally!
It was nearly a week after V-J
Day before the treaty was made
public. It placed the Chinese com-
munists under even heavier pres-
sure than Marshal Tito had resisted
when, not long before, Moscow had
demanded that he accept Mikhailo-
vitch as a valid "nationalist" leader
of Yugoslavia. Finally convinced
that the text was authentic, the
Yenanites realized that both Stalin
and the United States were com-
mitted to support the Kuomintang
regime. 'T'hey had no alternative
but to compromise, in the first round
of the postwar struggle.
Within a month Mao Tse-tung
was in Chungking, negotiating-at
the instigation of American Am-
bassador Patrick Hurley - with
Chiang Kai-shek.
Meanwhile, the American Air
Force flew Chiang's troops into the
key cities of the north to take over
from the defeated Japanese. In
accordance with the treaty, our Air
Force and our Navy also ferried
thousands of Kuomintang troops
into Manchuria, The Soviet Rus-
sian command gradually handed
over the principal cities and rail-
ways to Chinese nationalists-not to
the communists.
But the Chinese Reds were already
too formidable a power to be
liquidated by any mere scrap. of
paper signed in Moscow. Over 1,-
000.000 members had a vested in-
nese and the Russian;. So they, too,
began a rush. for Manchuria, on
While the Generalissimo took
over the railways end cities, the
communists sent in some of their
best troops and cadres to infiltrate
the towns and villa;es, reinforcing
local guerrillas. All this competition
went on in the field, From the Yellow
River to Manchuria, while at Nan-
king both sides negotiated questions
of constitutional government and
military ;reorganization, with. Glens
,eral Marshall acting as mediator.
Gave LittlAe Help
From the best information I could
get, when I was in Korea in 1946,
the Russians had given little help
to the Chinese Ro(:s. The ' latter
were rather inclined to look upon
their "loyal allies" as an obstacle,
in fact. The Russians did nothing
to halt their rural activities, when
partisans had a ch.ince to disarm
hinterland Japanese garrisons, or
secure caches of awns. But they
enforced the treaty in the cities.
where they turned over power to
Kuomintang author ties. Russian
policy played no decisive role in the
ultimate defeat of (,hiang's armies
in Manchuria and it had no influence
on the fate of the Kuomintang south
of the Great Wall.
As a result, theref )re, of the com-
munists' sovereign victory in China,
there now exists in East Asia a. new
set of circumstances with significant
implications both iieide and beyond
the Marxist world. Moscow must
deal with. a major, fo-eign power run
by communists pos +essing all the:
means of maintaining real equality
and independence. This beconnes
important when it is realized that
potential sources of rriction between
Soviet and Chine: e ' nationalisms
already exist in Manchuria, Mon-
golia and Chinese Turkestan, where
Russian attrition ha: been going on
for generations. The question is:
Will the legacy of ast differences,
and their influence of the psychology
of the two regimes which now face
each other along any thousands
of miles of frontier, be overcome by
their adherence to a common ideo-
Complete control of Manchuria,
especially, seems i:idispensable to
state. Despite lts 40,000,000 popula-
tion, Manchuria. i5, still the" greatest
area left open,for settlement by im-
migration from densely crowded re-
gions. It -contains more than 80
per cent of all China's iron deposits,
37 per cent of her forest lands, a
large part of her coal, and great
water-power resources. Before the
war it held about 40 per cent of
China's railway mileage, 70 per cent
of her total smelting and mining
enterprises, and over half the textile
industry. It accounted for 40 per
cent of China's entire export trade.
Under Japan, Manchuria's industrial
facilities and communications great-
ly expanded.
Certain temptations are inherent
in Russia's special position in
Manchuria, cbup?ed with -the au-
thority of the Kremlin hierarchy in
the world communist organization.
By the Treaty of 1.945, Russia be-
came half owner of the trans-Man-
churian railway system, which has
its terminus at Dairen. Russia also
acquired equal ownership and man-
agement rights in valuable auxiliary
mines, industries, hotels and other
enterprises. Moscow obtained joint
control of the naval and air base
at Port Arthur, the right to move
troops in thz railway zone, co-ad-
ministrative authority in the city of
Dairen, and duty-free trans-shipment
At last there is in Manchuria a
government which would appear to
fit Moscow's description of "friend-
ly." Indeed it is pledged, by past
vows made before Chinese com-
munists came to power, loyally to
obey Kremlin-that its, Comintern-
directives. And yet-they are still
Chinese there. They can no more
wish to see Manchuria or any part
of China absorbed, annexed, bossed
or pushed around by Russia than
the Russians would like to see
Siberia annexed,-as an "autonomous
state," by China.
Head-on Collision
If Russia were now to seek to
deprive the Peiping government of
control over the economic, political
and military life of Manchuria or
to detach it from China after the
pattern of Outer Mongolian "inde-
pendence," there would be a head-
on collision of nationalisms within
the communist-run world. Chinese
communists could no more survive
the loss of Manchuria to Russia
than the latter could permit the
annexation of the Ukraine by com-
munist Poland or its absorption into
a Polish-German communist federa-
What meager reports one gets
about current Soviet-Chinese rela-
tions in Manchuria indicate that old
suspicions persist, abetted by the
Chinese basic dislike of Russia's
colonial position there. And , the
Chinese still resent Soviet looting of
Manchurian machinery stocks,
arsenal equipment, and so on, esti-
mated by the Pauley commission to
be worth $850,000;000.
China-trained Reds have also been
somewhat disillusioned by their en-
counters with Soviet bureaucrats in
terest in the party. Nearly 1,000,- any regime seeking the planned de- , Manchuria. Among themselves the
000 troops which sip J F & ele` 0G6/04/ lli?uCW .RDI eO0415M1 O0G060O?$t4 practiced an
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 9, 1949
almost ascetic equality in living con-
ditions, sharing everything alike be-
tween officers and men. They were
rudely shocked to discover the wide
differences in food, clothing, quart-
ers, pay and privileges between
various grades of Russian soldiers
and civilians. There have also been
incidents of arrogance and cone
A more serious source of friction
is likely to develop out of the prac-
tice of importing Russian-trained,
Russian-speaking Chinese to take
over responsible authority in the
Soviet-Chinese joint enterprises and
in zones of co-occupation. An out-
standing- case of the kind was the
return of Li Li-san, who was brought
to Harbin, and is now a figure of
power, owing to his close connection
with the Russian secret police.
As former head of the Chinese
Communist Party, Li Li-san bitterly
fought Mao Tse-tung and had him
expelled from the Politburo. Mao
won out in the field, where he
organized the Chinese Red Army,
and Li Li-sari fled to Moscow fifteen
years ago. For a time Li had Corn-
intern support, but Mao's success
with the peasant movement earned
reluctant sanction for his "line."
Now, in returning Li Li-san to Har-
bin in 1945, the Russians reopened
an old chapter of rivalry.
On his own, Li could no longer
seriously challenge Mao's internal
prestige and popularity. But some
Chinese communists think that his
restoration to regional power was
symptomatic of a Kremlin policy
aimed eventually to establish an au-
tonomous Manchurian party dominat-
ed by Chinese loyal to Moscow
rather than the Chinese Politburo.
Although Mao Tse-tung issued a
belated welcome to Li Li-san, he
must have resented this development
much as Tito resented. the MVD
specialists sent in by Russia to
"supervise" in Yugoslavia.
But 1945 was no time .to rebuke
Moscow. Until' China was firmly
unified under communist power there
would be no open schism between
the Russian and Chinese parties.
New Federation
And today? Much depends upon
how far .the Russians push for the
separation of Manchuria from China.
Far from accepting the role of satel-
lites, either for Manchuria or China
as a whole, the Chinese communists
look upon their country as the poten-
tial focus of a new federation of
Eastern socialist states, which can
exist independently, on a plane of
complete equality with the U.S.S.R.
While the Kremlin cannot be much
happier over such a prospect than
it was about Tito's Balkan federation
scheme, it would be highly illusory
to imagine that the Russains will
promptly repeat, in China, the mis-
takes which lost them effective con-
trol of Yugoslavia. They will pro-
ceed with extreme caution, hopefully
waiting for the Americans to make
success could be improvised.
able, rather than abide by ideological democracy that h have grown grown with
fled or greatly complicated by Ame-
rican policy. ? Sc long as it is true
that the United States is the main
support of the old regime in China,
and of any of all anti-communist
parties, groups, politicians or war
lords prepared to continue what is
now clearly a Inst war, Americans
will easily hold their present posi-
tion as Foreign Enemy No. 1. But
it is reasonable to suppose that by
1951 the communists will have shat-
t,--red all opposing military power
in the country, and America will
have accepted tha inevitable. What
then ?
The new Peiping communist re-
gime has been etablished by a re-
volution which satisfied some urgent
needs. of the ieasantrv-combined
with the eiiergg,' aroused by anti-
foreign slogans of a nationalist
movement. It can succeed and
endure only by c)ntinuing that same
pattern---by redsrming the most im-
portant promise:; of internal progress,
popular reform arid true national in-
dependence. It cannot succeed by
betraying those promises. It would
be destroyed if it surrendered the
interests of the Chinese people to
Russian demands which might make
of China a coil nial ;instrument or
base for aggress ve war against the
United States.
Ambitious Program
The new gov: snment's program
envisages rapid ,ndustrialization, ex-
panded public wo-ks and communica-
tions of all kinds, greatly increased
and modernized agricultural output,
enlarged facilitie for mass educa-
tion and public-hoalth work, and the
training of thousands of new techni-
cians capable of directing an econo-
my co-ordinated by state planning.
Yet it starts off with a nation that
is bankrupt--it: cities ruined, its
railways wvech(d, its machinery
antiquated or useless, its river and
canal systems broken down, its peo-
ple hungry, wr ary and ragged,
eager to work bit lacking the tools
and other means. Chinese com-
munists are not so stupid as to
think, once they 'begin to carry the
full responsibility of national power,
that they can solve all those internal
problems and sie iultaneously 'launch
a war, or help lussia to launch a
war, against the United States.
All Chinese a- e deeply conscious
of the desperate need for an extend-
ed period of pence. Mao Tse-tung
knows that his ambitious state pro-
gram will require capital and credits
on a huge scald, heavy industrial
machinery and ools of all kinds,
and hence a large volume of foreign
imports. He and other communists
realize that Russia cannot satisfy
demands for capital goods even in
Eastern Europe and Siberia. Still
less can Russia right now become
the industrial arsenal of a new
China. If the noN- regime is to make
a speedier Success of modernizing
China than its predecessors, it will
credit arrangements. America is un-
likely to recognize the new regime
until it has unified control over all
China. Even after that, relations
may be distant and cool compared
to the past. But the roots of anti
Americanism are not deep in China.
They will diminish in proportion as
the need of American help becomes
more urgent.
No Menace To US
China as it stands presents no war
menace to the United States in the
visible future. General MacArthur
was quite right when he said recent-
ly that Chinese Red successes did
not endanger our security. As a
market, China need not he missed in
the American economy; the balance
of our trade there has been heavily
unfavorable for many years. This
is an excellent time for Uncle Sam
to leave the initiative in our future
relations entirely up to the Chinese,
and give them plenty of time, years
if necessary, to realize the main
fact. That is, that Sino-American
trade is at least as important to
China as it is to the U.S.A.
I have suggested that there are
serious contraditions between the na-
tional aspirations of the Chinese
communists and Russian nationalist
expansion under the guise of "inter-
nationalism." But such differences
are a very minor matter compared
to the "contradictions" between the
"national aspirations of the . Chinese
communists" and the aims of con-
tinued American intervention against
them! If the purpose of American
policy is to strengthen China's inde-
pendence from Russia, then it is not
likely to be achieved by forcing the
communists-who already rule about
half the population-to resign them-
selves to the terms of Russian al-
liance, in self-defense. If it were
demonstrated, however, that the
United States does not intend to
hold onto any part of China, nor to
try to impose its will there in al-
liance with anti-communists of all
varieties, the factors I have discuss-
ed would then come into operation
in establishing the character of
Sino-Russian communist relations.
In any event, in the long run the
Chinese Communist Party probably
cannot and will not subordinate the
national interests of Cliina to the
interests of the Kremlin.. If our
policy is washed clean of interven-
tionism, history may evolve along
lines for which all the necessary
preconditions now exist. China will
become the first communist-run
major power- independent of Mos-
cow's dictation. And that in itself
would project entirely new perspec-
tives within the socialist camp as
well as elsewhere.
Peiping might eventually become a
kind of Asiatic Moscow, an Eastern
Rome preaching Asiatic Marxism
out of Moscow's control. As such,
it would come to constitute the sym-
bol of the overthrow of the Euro-
pean colonial system in Asia, as
China now represents a long-range preferences. China will need at private-property rights in the
problem of "management" for the least the .businesslike understanding ownership of this means of produc-
Kremlin, which poleas261~&ifs/2~nc1C1S4AbFt810ff$5ROY000f60~1?7er hand, it might
The China Weekly Lase 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4 131
also set up a frontier against the
expansion of communism as an ex-
tension of Russian nationalism in
the East-a barrier as effective as
that now erected at Belgrade in the
It is just possible that an inde-
pendent China under communist
leadership, at the center of a new
system of independent Asiatic states,
might eventually prove to be a prin-
cipal factor in the stabilization of
world peace. Given the opportunity
to develop its own resources in
arm's-length co-operation with other
nations, such a new Asia might form
a bloc of powers important enough
to maintain a stable balance between
the Russian and American spheres
of influence.
People accustomed to thinking in
terms of ideological absolutes may
find it hard to understand how "com-
munism" can be contained by com-
munism or how it could be checked
by anything but its exact opposite,
which they tend to see as "capita-
lism." But there are many shades
and variations in meaning and growth
in words of that type, and there will
he more. Dialectically, it is likely
that the threat of Russian world
dictatorship will be checked by rival
developments of communist power
as well as by social democracy and
modified capitalism.
New Polarizations.
History shows us that aggressive
universal faiths and organizations
have been halted beford they con-
quered the world-or burned it up-
by internal rivalries or disintegra-
tion more often than by attacks from
without. Until a few months ago,
many people considered it an im-
mutable law that communist states
everywhere, at all times, would al-
ways submit unconditionally to
Kremlin dictation. But even people
who do not understand anything else
about the Yugoslavia schism realize
that something new has been added
to the word "communism"-because
the above statement is obviously un-
true. Now at least it must be amend-
ed to read: "Every communist
state. at all times, will submit un-
conditionally to the Kremlin-unless
it has an army and a police force
loyal to its own national leaders
first, and to the Russian national
leaders second."
Anyone may speculate about what
comes next in China, but no one
can now predict all the results of
the new polarizations of power in
Asia. There are grave risks involv-
ed in a policy of nonintervention in
the internal affairs of China and
other Asian states. There are per-
haps even greater risks entailed by
unqualified support of the status
quo. For even the most myopic ob-
server must realize that a now era
of nationalism-independence com-
bined with various forms of social
revolution-is now a reality for most
Asiatic nations. Events in China
are merely the most dramatic cur-
rent expression of an upheaval that
is shaking nations from Korea to
Arabia. And Japan. had the right
phrase for it, even if history took
a different road to achieve it. It
They are fed by the Indonesians in
spite of reprisals by the Dutch on
any village found giving assistance
to the Republicans.
According to eyewitness accounts
Republican activities in Middle and
East Java are increasing. Systema-
tic night attacks have destroyed rail
bridges, railway stations and high-
way stations and highway bridges.
Road blocks are common. The use
of land mines is increasing. One, or
two important towns were so isolat-
ed they had to be. supplied from the
The Republicans 'boast that no
Dutch have set foot in Atjeh, . in
Northeastern Sumatra, since the end
of the Second World War.
The Republic periodically an-
nounces the recapture of towns and
even the reoccupation of certain
parts of Jogjakarta, their former
The resistance is costly to the
Dutch. The total is estimated at
$300,000,000. Indonesians are con-
vinced Economic Cooperation Ad-
ministration money has been used to
finance this military venture. They
argue that only withdrawal of ECA
assistance will have any positive
effect on the Dutch policy.
There is a common 'saying here :
"Hit them in the guilder-that is
where it will hurt most."
r p1~
h~11N i4YN6 N/~,~
is the era of "ASiaAfpp 0 -tWOW i i "ReIeasep 086t/~4 1a: CIA-RDP83 004 5ROd300006006'T 4uth
--and of government of, by and for
It is not my funct on here to pre-
dict whether this era will be for
better or for worse, for all concern-
ed. It is not in ny province to
pass any moral juegmonts oii the
events themselves. What is im-
portant for everybony, however, is
to recognize the changes visibly
made by history working before out
eyes. Especially the basic change,
Java Today,:
which is that the entire colonial sys-
tem is close to an end.
Any policy which denies that or
aggressively attempts to revive im-
perialism-under whatever name-
can only prolong the struggle of
Asia for equality and independence,
at further frightful waste of human
effort. But it is much too late. to
restore any empires in this part of
the world. Too late for Russia as
well as for any other power.
Resembles Police State-,
--Frances M. Earle
(The following account of conditions in Indonesia, written by Dr. Frances
M. Earle, associate y,rofessor of geography at the University' of Washington, is
reprinted from THE SEATTLE TIMES.. ~, Dr. Earle has been in Southeast Asp
on research work for c year, the past nine months in Java. She was in Jogjakarta,
the Republican capital, when it was bombed and captured by the Dutch on December
i9-Editor.)AVA today resemi les a police state.
In the larger cities, including Ba-
tavia, there are civil police, military
police, general police, special police,
Indonesian police, lCurasian police,
and Dutch police-pius the Army,
the Navy and the M.trine Corps.
The police and the military can
and da regulate alrn rst everything-
except traffic.
Jeeps, trucks and weapons-carriers
are familiar. They are all of United
States manufacture. So are most of
the military planes. So are many
of the uniforms, procured from
surplus stocks in th South Pacific.
Boyish-looking Dutch marines wear
canvas shoulder bag marked: "U.S.
Navy Gas Mask."
Dutch troops in Indonesia in Dec-
ember, 1948, were er timated at 130,-
000 to 140,000. At least one shipload
of troops from Hol,and has landed
since then and another is reported
en route.
In the interior, Republican forces
are operating. They are not as well
clothed as the Dutch, or as well-
armed. But early statements by the
Dutch command .th tt the Republic
would be crushed it the first three
days of operation were gradually
modified to six weep s, then to three
The official Dutch
sent is that nothing
but sporadic guer-
rilla attacks are
being made. Pri-
vately, the Dutch
t a 1 k hopefully
about pouring ad-
di 'onal'trloops+ into
Java to end Re-
publican resistance
by July. ,
troops have in-
filtrated or return-
ed to the pockets
they forz!Igerly oc-
cupied in Western
Java. There are
40,000 to 45,400
132 Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415,A02PPe&Uview, April 9, 1949
Educational Changes In Peiping
Yu Wah
Peiping (by Mail).
THE liberation of Peiping came
sooner than was expected and
education was caught unprepared.
Moreover, education constituted. a
different problem from the political
takeover, and the Communists felt it
should be dealt with slowly. The
frequently in the last two months to
discuss what can be done to gear the
university system to the New Demo-
cracy. However, all feel that the
changes must be so basic that it will
take time to effect them. Further-
more, although in such fields as
science, engineering agriculture and
medicine students have been trained
along western lines and the labora-
tories and textbooks have been im-
ported from the United States and
the United Kingdom, there is such
need for trained personnel that the
status quo must be maintained until
a smooth changeover can be effected.
Likewise, the law schools have been
left alone because there is nothing
to replace them at the moment.
In the arts college, however, some
minor changes have been made. Com-
munist literature has been introduc-
ed into the freshman Chinese classes,
and in freshmen English the old
textbooks have been discarded and
English-language material on Russia
substituted wherever possible. Some
students even requested exemption
from freshman English. A special
examination was given at Tsinghua
University in March which released
a small percentage of students from
the course, but the majority will con-
tinue the study of English.
Since the Government has not de-
manded any immediate reforms in
the curricula other than the elimina-
tion of reactionary material, the
faculty members favor postponing
any action until the end of the
second semester in June.
university system, imported as it
was from the West, could not be
transformed overnight into one in
keeping with the New Democracy.
The Communists have laid dowry
the general line for educational re-
form but its technical details are to
be worked out later by the educators
The author of this article is
not known. pr?5sonally to the edi-
tors other than the fact that he
is connected with Tsinghua
University in "eiping. His re-
port, therefore, is not offered as
a definitive account of Com-
munist views en university edu-
cation, but rather as an infor-
mative description of 'the
changes which , have already
been made or are being con-
under government supervision. The University, for example, has gone
guiding principle is this: Education down 50 percent.
under the New Democracy must Another ttrge:, of criticism is
transform China from an agricul- theology, the teaching of which has
turally backward into a modern in- been prohibited. This ban has af-
dustrialized country. Naturally, fected the Chine:.e Catholic Univer-
science, engineering, agriculture and sity and YenchingP University.' Pri-
medicine are given first priority. vate individuals, however, are to be
Science And Agriculture allowed religious freedom until such
The type of pure science which time, the Communists envisage, as
science returned students introduced the advances to a stage where
of natrre can be brought
to this country in the last 50 years uforces control.
under n
is condemned today for its isolation
Marxism and Leninism, which
from applied science. The concensus could only be '-smuggled" to the
now is that the study of pure science students under tie Nationalist rule,
should be incorporated with that of now are being given widespread at-
applied science and scientific colleges tention. The two subjects are being
and factories should be interrelated, taught at Tsinglnra, Peita and Yen-,
so that science and engineering stu- ching, although n.r credits are given,
dents may go into the factories for and in three new Communist univer-
practical experience while factory sities which have been established in
personnel may attend college for in- Peiping. These universities, the
struction or exchange of views on People's Revolutt.n University, the
various technical problems. Both North China Mil tary and Political
government and educational circles - University (of which Peiping's
favor the setting up of separate in- mayor, General Yeh Chien-ying, is
stitutions outside the universities to chancellor)
and th
th Chi
train technicians,- the number of University, have a combined atten- It has been suggested by educa-
which must be greatly increased to dance of 20,000 ,,tudents, and offer tional circles, notably at Yenching
fit in with government plans to four to six-month;' courses in Marx- University where US Ambassador J.
boost production. No action, how- ism, Leninism an' the ideology and Leighton Stuart used to be president,
ever, is expected to be taken before strategy of Mao 'tze-tung. that faculty members take over the
the new academic year begins in Another 20,000 students from the administration of the universities in
September. Peiping-Tientsin area are being re- order to release a number of office
The same ideas. have been ex- cruited for the Civilian Service Corps workers for more productive work.
pressed with regard to agricultural for the area soft h of the Yangtze While this suggestion has not been
education. Agricultural colleges, it river. Members of this corps, after acted upon, office employees and
is felt, should focus their attention a. brief indoctrina:.ion in Communist laborers at Tsinghua University have
on how to. improve the economic life ideology, will foiiiw the Liberation already begun to engage in produc-
of the peasantry through such means Armies for the taking over of Na- tive activities. The arable land at
as increasing their productivity and tionalist political, economic, cultural the University has been distributed
improving upon existing farm tools and educational institutions and among them for the spring crop and
and fertilizers. The 'peasants, it is state-owned railways and mines the yield will go to the tillers. The
hoped, will be encouraged to regard south of the Yangtze River. indication is that faculty members
agricultural institutions as an imme- The education and economics de- and their dependents and students
diate aid to them and not something partments of the universities have will follow suit. The present pay
remote and of no concern. come in for only minor criticism. scale for educational workers is not
Law departments have been the These subjects ara> regarded as in- large enough to support a family and
subject of severe criticism which dispensable tools :'or the promotion dependents, therefore, will have to
describes them as a "manifestation of the people's w:'Ifare if the bour- 'engage in some kind of productive
of Nationalist oppression over the geois standpoint is replaced by that work. Students are still receiving
people." The government has not of the proletariat. Bookkeeping and their government subsidies on a tem-
indicated definitely that they should accounting, for example, can be as porary basis, but eventually they,
be closed down, but has declared useful to the New Democracy 'as to too, will have to revert to part time
that the curriculum is "reactionary" any regime. productive labor.
and students so trained will find Shortly after I'eiping'je liberation The government took over the
themselves "unfit" for the new dem- the students in Tsinghua and other financial responsibility for Tsinghua
ocratic state. While no action has universities began clamoring for re- University on January 1. The
been taken by either the government forms in both the curricula and the salary of educational workers was
or school authorities, class attendance university administration. Students virtually unchanged and is calculated
at the law department at Tsinghua and faculty meml;crs alike have met in terms of so many catties of millet.
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : ClA-RDP83-00415ROO30000600074
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly' Review, April 9, 1949
Wages are paid both in cash and in
kind. Basic pay is calculated ac-
cording to two sets of formula, one
for pay under 300 CNC and the
other for pay above 300 CNC.
Briefly, it works out as follows: If
a worker's basic pay is 160 CNC, he
receives nearly 600 catties of millet,
90 of which he receives in kind. If
his basic pay is 400 CNC, he receives
nearly 800 catties, 90 of which is
paid in kind. An unskilled laborer
at the. university receives 150 catties
and a skilled laborer 300 catties. The
price of millet was quoted at eight
Jen Min Piao a catty in January and
11 Jen Min Piao in February. Up
to March 17, when the government
opened remittances and trade with
the Nationalist areas, the conversion
rate between the Jen Min Piao and
the Gold Yuan was one to 10. (The
blackmarket exchange rate between
the US dollar and the Jen Min Piao
is one to 600.)
Administrative Changes
Several changes have been made
in university administration. For-
merly, only professors and persons
on the highest levels of administra-
tion attended faculty meetings.. Now
they are open to persons of lower
rank as well. All decisions must be
discussed and approved by the par-
ties concerned before they go into
effect. While under this system the
president of the university may ap-
pear to be only a nominal head, the
feeling is that he should execute
the decisions, not make them. The
practicability of this has been illus-
trated by the fact that Peita, Tsing-
hua and Yenching universities have
been virtually without a president
since the liberation of Peiping and
this has not interfered with their
normal functions. Another notable
change is that school finances, which
formerly were a closed-door business,
have now been exposed to public
scrutiny. Also, the posts of dean of
discipline have been abolished.
Next in importance to educational
reform is the task of setting up a
research institute to make a thorough
study of Peiping's population problem.
The city has an estimated 1,300,000
non-productive consumers out of a
population of 2,500,000. The pro-
blem is how to encourage these con-
sumers to migrate to productive
areas and reduce the city's popula-
tion to around 1,000,000. Results of
the research institute's study and
whatever recommendations it may
make should,play an important part
in the government's production in-
crease program. The government is
also employing scholars to translate
books on law and government ad-
ministration patterned after the
USSR and the Eastern European
These reforms, and whatever
others may be made here during the-
next few months, it must be
emphasized, are not final, and will
not be until the entire educational
system of the country can be unifi-
The Week's Business
DESPITE the issu ,.nce of big deno-
mination notes of GY5,000 and
GY10,000, the shortage of cash notes
in the Shanghai market continued and
more bank orders had to be used,
many of which wt re found to be
Prices in general continued to rise
and the peak was reached on Mon-
day (April 4) when gold was quoted
at GY1,250,00b per ounce and green-
backs at GY28,000. The price of
rice reached GY160.000 per picuL
This bullish trend was checked in
the afternoon when the Central Bank
of China dumped ?,0,000 ounces of
gold in the ' market at GY1,250,000
per ounce and it w as reported that
over GY70,000,000,0tr0 was recalled
by the Bank durin';, the . day.
A tight money situation was
created and the interest rate went
as high as GY300 per mule per day
by evening. Many banks found it
impossible to balance their accounts
in the Shanghai Clearance House
and sold gold bars to the Central
Bank late at night at prices as low
as GY900,000 per ounce. It was
estimated that as much as 10,000
ounces of gold was sold during the
night to the Central Bank, which
made a profit of i;Y3,500,000,000.
In this connectic n, it worthy of
note that the Central Bank has
brought large quantities of gold from
South China in rtcent weeks and
more is expected o arrive in the
near future. Furthermore, gold is
-being purchased iy the Central
Bank in America ai the official price
of GY35 per ounce. All these con-
signments of gold are expected to be
dumped in the local market to recall
Gold Yuan notes.
In his report to the Legislative
Yuan, Dr. S. Y. Liu, Minister of
Finance and Governor of the Central
Bank, declared th:ai. China now has
gold, silver, foreign. exchange and
commodities valued at US$200,000,-
000. These assets, he said, will be
dumped on the na rket and should
last at least for one year. Accord-
ing to Dr. Liu, C iina's total note
issue at the end of March was only
GY200,000,000,000. At the exchange
rate then the Government could have
redeemed .all the (old Yuan notes
with US$10,000,000.
Dr. Liu revealed further that
three-fourths of the National Budget
is being used for military purposes
and that the Government will be
able to meet its obligations by the
sale of US$15,000.{100 worth of as-
sets every month. The monthly bud-
get for the entire Government is
120,000,000 silver collars, of which
90,000,000 silver dollars is alloted to
the National Defense Ministry for
military expenditur ~.s. '
' Approved For Relea
In addition to gold dumping, which
constituted the most important de-
velopment during the past week, an-
other note worthy step was the deci-
sion of commercial banks not to cash
checks until after they have gone
through the Shanghai Clearance
House. This means a 24-hour time
lag after a check is deposited, and
brought local markets to a. standstill
on Tuesday and Wednesday.
This decision on the part of the
banks was reached because of the
increase in the number of dishonor-
ed checks during the past months due
to the practice of businessmen issuing
checks without depositing the neces-
sary amounts first. The banks had
found it necessary to advance the
money and often when it was learned
late at night that the dishonored
checks amounted to hundreds of
millions of dollars, they were forced
to sell gold at cheap rates to the
Central Bank.
The decision was adopted, there-
fore, as a measure of protection for
New regulations issued by the
Finance Control Bureau to stop the
banks from the reckless issue of
bank orders also checked the smooth
flow of credits and, as a result, busi-
picul, dropped to GY150,000 per picul
ness and the markets were quiet.
However, prices increased as soon
as money became easy. By the
evening of April 6, gold. was quoted
at as high as GY150,000 per ounce
while greenbacks were GY32,000.
The price of rice, which increased to
the new record of GY200,000 per
picul, dropped to GY150,000 per picul
.on the same day when more arrivals
reached town.
Although statistics are not yet
available, well-informed business cir-
cles state that many firms have clos-
ed down and many others have gone
into bankruptcy. The Central
Bank's policy of selling gold at high
rates and buying it from the public
at extremely low rates when money
turns tight has been the subject of
strong criticism by the local press
during the past few days.. It is felt
that the Central Bank should assist
businessmen rather than compete
against them.
The following list gives the quota-
tions of some of the .leading commo-
dities on March 30 and April 6:
Mar. 30 Apr. 6
Gold 800,000 1,340,000
US Dollar 16,000 29,500 .
Certificate 16,000
Silver Dollar 12,000
20's Yarn 2,930,000
Rice 89,000
Wing On Textile 9.75
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 9, 1949
Delegates Open Peace Talks;
Nanking Students, Army Clash
THE Government's six-man peace
delegation headed by General
Chang Chih-chung arrived in Peiping
by air on April 1 to start negotiat-
ing peace with the Chinese Com-
munists. Details of the delegation's
reports to Nanking were kept strictly
secret and most of the papers. were
resorting to speculation on the na-
ture of the current talks.
The Kuomintang's official organ,
the Central Daily News, published in
Nanking, disclosed that the delega-
tion opened negotiations in Peiping
with proposals of an immediate
cease-fire and convocation of a multi-
party political consultative confer-
ence. It was even claimed by sources
close to acting President Li Tsung-
jen that the Communists had agreed
in principle to issue a cease-fire order
shortly. But competent observers
believe the matter is not that
It is understood that the Nation-
alist peace delegation spent the first
few days in an informal exchange
of views with individual members of
the Communist peace delegation in
order to "cultivate friendship" and
create a more favorable atmosphere
for formal talks. One Chinese paper
said General Chang Chih-churip, em-
phasized the Government's sincere
desire for peace in the interests of
world peace at an informal meeting
with the Communist delegation. He
was further reported to have said
that mutual recognition and not
mutual antagonism was required be-
tween the two parties. He urged
mutual consultations, not arbitrary
decision; mutual concessions, not des-
According to the same paper,
General Chou En-lai, head of the
Communist delegation, said in reply:
"It is only a dream of fools to think
that a third world war will break
out." Those "fond of war," General
Chou was reported to have declared,
wish to take the opportunity of
talking peace to delay the attacks of
the Communist People's Liberation
Army so that they can rearm for
a counterattack. He further de-
manded that Communist Leader Mao
Tze-tung's eight terms be carried
out and that the Kuomintang de-
monstrate its sincerity by actions
and facts, not mere words.
The mood of pessimism is very
strong in well-informed circles in
Nanking regarding the prospects
for peace. In the words of an out-
spoken and sharp-tongued observer,
"Maybe it was only a coincidence
that the long-awaited peace confer-
ence between the Kuomintang and
the Chinese Communists should have
started on April Fools' Day. It will
be the Chinese people who are most
likely to get fo.yled."
Nanking In,-ident
SEVERAL hou.-s after the Govern-
ment's pease delegation left
Nanking for Peiping, there occurred
in the capital r, highly regrettable
incident, involving students and army
officers. As a r^sult, a student was
killed and more than one hundred
others badly injured. There' were
different. ver sioi s of the incident.
But some facts were beyond dispute.
It was understocd that several thou-
sand students of the various colleges
and universitie: in Nanking staged
a demonstration and went to peti-
tion acting Pre ident Li Tsung-jen
about improving the livelihood of
the students as l releasing students
who were rounded up last year.
The students reasoned ,that since
acting Presidens Li had already
ordered the release of all political
prisoners there was no reason what-
soever why th:, arrested students
should still be detained. Besides,
the recent skyrocketing of commodity
prices- has mad. life very difficult
for the students
According to Reuter, the demon-
strating students shouted such
slogans as '94 ore American Aid
Would Kill Our People." They
carried posters saying: "We Oppose
False Peace. ])own with Bureau-
cratic Capitali;i s! Liquidate their
Pr9perties! W:~ Oppose Conscription
and Taxation in Kind."
False Peace
The .4ssocAat, d Press reported
that the demonstrating students dis-,
tributed leaflets which said among
other things: "Now we are hearing
of the departur= of the Government's
peace delegation. This is' only a
gesture to fool 'rhe people since the
Government hac, lost the war and all
its troops.... We know this peace
f,esture is false because the Govern,,
ment continues large-scale conscrip-
tion of troops, requisitioning of food,
and because the Government is con-
tinuing its prep,,rations for war and
strengthening the Yangtze River de-
The official vex sion, as made public
by the Government, described the
incident as a `clash" between in-
activated Nationalist army officers
and the demonstrating students who
were charged with having aroused
the of the officers
with their "pry,-Communist propa-
ganda." But tho official store, failed
to explain wh r more than 100
students were . injured in this
The students told a different story.
They charged that the whole incident
was a well-planned job. They were
beaten up with wooden clubs by
more than 1,000 inactivated- army
officers now under the care of the
Ministry of National Defense. It
was further charged that a large
group of students was stoned and
clubbed in front of the gates of the
Presidential Office.
The heavy casualties among the
students indicates that the whole
matter was something bigger than
an "accidental" soldier - student
fracas. Reports on the number of
students injured also were conflicting.
The spokesman for the Nanking gar-
rison headquarters said only 60
students were injured. The Ministry
of Education, in conjunction with the
presidents of the various universities
and colleges in the capital, conducted
a thorough check and announced that
110 students were injured, one of
whom died afterwards. The casualty
list made public by .the students
counted one killed, 70-odd badly in-
jured, 200-odd slightly injured and
30 missing.
Violent Reaction
The Nanking "incident" caused a
big stir throughout the country. The
violent 'reaction on the part of the
Chinese Communists, as evidenced by
the sharp attacks voiced by the Pei-
ping Red radio station; added
significance to the trouble. The
Government authorities were doing
their best to hush up the matter.
A special curfew has been enforced in
Hankow, Foochow and elsewhere to
ban student demonstrations. In
Shanghai, precautionary measures
were taken to forestall similar
student trouble. The local Chinese
and foreign press was called upon
'by the Government authorities to
help enlighten the students "not to
be utilized by some subversive
trouble-makers." Fang Chili, director
of the Shanghai Kuomintang Head-
quarters, deplored the Nanking in-
cident and requested the local press
to wield its editorial power to
prevent a similar tragedy in Shang-
In order to prevent further
trouble, the Government has ordered
the removal of the inactivated army
officers from the city to the suburbs.
But Tenter reported. April 4 from
Nanking: "Last week's skirmishes
between demonstrating university
students and veteran Kuomintang'
officers and N.C.Os back from the
front threatened to flare up again
today when officers picketed the
Dramatic Art School and threatened
to shoot any student venturing out-
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83--00415R003000060007-4
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 9, 1949
Psychological Warfare
AT the same time when peace
negotiations between the Kuo-
mintang and the Communists form-
ally started in Peiping, there ivas a
significant exchange of massages be-
tween General Fu Tso-yi, former
Nationalist commander-in-chief for
North China and Communist leader
Mao Tze-tung'. General Fu, in a
circular message to Chairman Mao
Tze-tung, all democratic parties,
people's organizations and patriotic
elements inside the Kuomintang,
pointed out that Peiping was saved
from destruction by a peace settle-
ment and expressed the hope that
all Kuomintang military and govern-
ment personnel with patriotic senti-
ments would courageously admit
their mistakes and work for peace,
on Peiping's pattern. Fu also pled-
ged y.:,, support to the Communists.
Mao Tze-tung in his reph' wel-
comed Fu's willingness to stand on
the side of the people and told the
civil servants in Nationalist China
that they would also be welcome
whoever they might be, provided
they distinguished right from wrong.
Mao's statement is viewed as a
severe psychological blow to the
Nationalists. Reuter commented:
"Qualified neutral observers here
today told Reuter that the Chinese
Communists dealt the Kuomintang
Government what was probably the
most serious psychological blow so
far when their chairman, Mr. Mao
Tse-tung, last night told Nationalist
officials that `they will be welcome
to work by us. no matter who they
"Mr. Mao's broadcast statement
may set at rest lurking' fears in the
minds of many Kuomintang minor
officials about what may happen to
them if the Communists took- over
all China, these observers said.
"The statement might also im-
measurably increase the popular
lethargy among the masses in Na-
tionalist China towards further re-
sistance to the Communists, and
heighten the prospects of further
`piecemeal peace' on the Peiping
pattern unless it is quickly and
effectively countered by the Ho Ying-
chin Government, they said.
"The statement has virtually cut
off any further retreat of the Na-
tionalist Government from the peace
conference table at Peiping if the
Communist terms prove too severe,
these observers thought."
MacArthur Plan
T HERE. has been march agitation
in recent weeks in the United.
States for extending more aid to
Nationalist China in its desperate
fight against Communism. Harold
F. Stassen proposed a MacArthur
Plan for Asia patterned after the
Marshall Plan for Europe. He
elaborated on the subject: "We must
conclude we are foolhardy to con-
tribute by our action or by our
withdrawal of aid, to the Com-
States. Before the signature, the
Soviet Government had protested to
the Atlantic countries against the
project, which it charged was ag-
gr'essive and aimed at Soviet Russia.
It further charged that the pact
violated the United Nations charter
and the Potsdam and Yalta Agree-
ments and contradicted both the
Arlg'lo-Russian and Franco-Russian
non-aggression treaties.
President Harry S. Truman signi-
ficantly emphasized that the in-
fluence of the pact "will be felt not
only in the area it specifically covers
but throughout the world." He also
hailed the pact as a "shield against
But Senator RoLert A. Taft
thought otherwise. He said the
pact might increase chances of an-
other world war and' called on the
Senate and public for a "complete
discussion" on its issues.
Taft, powerful chairman of the
Senate Republican Policy Committee,
expressed grave fears about the
consequences of the pact in an address
prepared for broadcast. He said
despite provisions reserving to Con-
gress the right to declare war the
pact in fact would bind the United
States morally to go to war if any
member- nation in Europe is attack-
ed either by Russia or some other
"I am inclined to believe, there-
fore, that if we adopt the treaty
we should do so with the frank ad-
mission that we are committing onr-
selves to go to war if Russia attacks
one of the Western European na-
tions," he said.
While he did not consider this
as "conclusive argument" against
the treaty, Taft said he was fearful
that its terms might "make us
a policeman for all Western Europe"
even if Russia became peaceful in
the meantime. His most serious con-
cern, however, was that pact nations
"may give the Russians the im-
pression, at least justified by them-
selves, that they are ringing them
around with armies for the purpose
of undertaking aggressive action
when the time comes.
"They may feel that, if war is to
come, they had better undertake it
before these armaments are built
up. Under such circumstances, the
pact, instead of being a deterrent
to war, might become an incitement
to war and make it more probable
instead of less."
Reaction in this country .to the
Atlantic Pact is varied. Acting
Foreign Affairs Minister of the Na-
tionalist Government George Yeh
told the Chinese press that the pact
would probably avert a third world
war. A joint statement issued by
leaders of the Chinese Communist
party and various democratic parties
and groupings condemned the At-
lantic Pact as endangering the peace
and security of mankind and. aiming
at provoking a new aggressive world
war. It promised that the Chinese
people would fight shoulder to
shoulder with Soviet Russia if the
Atlantic Pact signatories. should dare
assist by materials a l by counsel,
in maintaining the it depa'id.enee of
Canton and of the our southern
provinces of Kwangt ing, ICwan gsi,
Fukien and Hunan, and o? Taiwan
and Hongkong."
But Americans who are watching
the China situation ci the spot feel
that Stassen did not know what. he
was talking about. I i this connec-
tion, an AP story ma es interesting
"Americans in China read the
debates of Congress which center on
stopping Communism and wonder
anew how Uncle Sam can stop Com-
munism in this huge; crowded land
without getting caugh in a flock of
collateral problems t iat would re-
quire billions and rn ght not even
then be solved.
"Most of them feel that Commun-
ism, like every other revolutionary
movement in China's history, was
brought about by into ?nal conditions
which the west always oversimplifies.
They feel that until hose conditions
are rectified, China is doomed to
turmoil and to one revolutionary
movement after anoth!r.
"The renewed sug;-;?estions from
Washington that the Red tide be
halted by more Amer can money to
the Nationalists so ends to the
average American it, China like a
suggestion that old mistakes be re-
"It also brings up the problem-
who will the money go to? Chiang
Kai-shek and the disp rsed remnant
of his Kuomintang P-t vernment and
the scattered indifferent ragtag' mil-
lion or so discouraged men'
en that re-
main of his arrniec ' Or to Li
Tsung-jen and his new regime which
has its eye on one ot0j:ect and one
only--some sort of place with the
Reds? -
"The suggested lilr,cArthur Plan
has the American in Jhina scratch-
ing his head even harrier. Does that
mean a few hundred thousand Amer-
ican troops to run the show and
interfere directly in China's war-or
does it mean another Stilwell affair
with the new `MacArthur' subjected
to the same obstructi ins and pres-
sure frustrations wii -ch seem in-
herent in China tower 1 any foreign
leader who has a lot of money to
"Is Uncle Sam going to take on a
job like that on the o ie ,hand while
cutting 'back his own military ex-
penditures elsewhere? And if Uncle
Sam decides to underwrite the Na-
tionalists with a MaeA rthur plan, is
he also going to -shove' in additional
millions to solve the land problem,
to feed the people wi ale more war
devastates more land,. to stop infla-
tion which incubates urban misery
and sows new seeds of Communism
every clay?"
Peace Or War
THE much-debated -atlantic Pact 4
il 4
y sjgne
in Washington by 12 nations includ-
ing Belgium, Canada, Denmark,
France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,
bolster the e... southern ern p> dV6u F 9r Re ag@i2O0/04 2 :'C1A 4 8t3a0041'S4 6O3b6byj6 P-4
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 9,'194.9
Chinese Magazine Roundup
New Hope
BEGINNING from its
March 21 issue, the
New Hope Weekly has
printed a series of in-
teresting and informa-
tive articles about the
factional strife within
tical Science Cr rup, and the Re-
formationists (tli, followers of Wang
Ching-wei after the Nanking and
Wu-han open rif', ).
"In its struggle against the Com-
munists, the CC is waging an ideo-
logical war a:nsi. the common
enemy o'f , all K;'i TT cliques, but in
its struggle with fellow KMT mem-
bers, the matter boils down to be
that of a struggv:v for power, or to
be exact, for pr vate interests."
The CC clique managed to control
the Government through the
machinery of the party but the mass
recruiting of C overnment officials
into the party h is made the KMT
become a loose organization, the
magazine disclose.
";Under the principle that the
party is all powerful, it' has always
been the goal c f the CC to put
everything under the control of the.
party," the artic e explains. "Ac-
cordingly, the rune was formulated
that all public f inctionaries of the
National Govern vent must become
members of the ]-MT. Also, it was
stipulated that all officers of the armed
forces have to be party members. A
system of the s(s-called `special re-
gistration of pvrty members' was
then set up to 'acilitate the entry
of elite meniher. of society into the
KMT. This me ssure, however, by
opening the dou) to numerous op-
portunistic warlords, bureaucrats
and politicians who thus flocked into
the KMT, had th. effect of seriously
undermining th strength of the
party and of gr,.dually bringing it
to its present pli rht. Later on, the
Central Training Corps was estab-
lished as a mean ; of inducting peo-
ple into the KM' I'. Those who are
given one month of training are
supposed to beco7:re `marginal' mem-
bers, while those -.vho go through six
months of training in the `senior
training class' ar- absorbed into the
nucleus of the party. But all in
all, this practice has done, more harm
to the KMT th,;n good, since the
greater part of !he people inducted
into the party ar opportunists who
are only interes ed' in their own
political advancen.ent, while a large
number of men cf real talent become
alienated from thr party."
The phenomeu--1 success of the
CC clique has be 'n due to the fact
that it has the llessing and strong
backing of Gen,rralissimo Chiang
Kai-shek, the at',gaznie points out,
"That the CC has always been
able to.have the upper hand in this
political struggh is entirely due to
the unshakable ronfidencc of the
`Supreme. Leader' in the loyalty of
their clique, and is not due to any
xtraordinary skin or forsight as
isplayed by its; members It is
Chen brothers and though he, too,
enjoyed the confidence of the
Supreme Leader."
Masses Weekly
IN Shih-fu makes a detailed study
in Masses Weeklji of February
3, of the lessons of Chinese revolu-
tions and comes to the conclusion
that the present revolutionary move-
ment in China is quite different
from the revolutions of 1911 and
1926-27 in Chinese history.
"First," he says, "the historical
characteristics of the present revolu-
tion are vastly different from, the
revolutions of the past. The Chi-
nese revolution has developed to a
point at which the relative strength
of the revolution and counter-re-
volution has undergone a funda-
mental change. Today, the people's
strength of the Chinese revolution,
which is based on the ;proletariat
and the peasantry in cooperation
with the petty bourgeoisie and na-
the Kuomintang. Several paragraphs
dealing with the CC clique are given
With regard to the origin of the
CC clique, the magazine has this to
say: The CC clique began its
life as an anti-Communist organiza-
tion, in the form of a so-called AB
(Anti-Bolshevik) group organized
by KMT members in-1927. Later
.on, as the KMT organization became
bigger and the control of the party
became more centralized, the leading
elements of the AB group were
absorbed into the Organization Do-
partment of the KMT. Finally, the
AB group was completely dissolved
and its membership came under the
control of the Chen brothers who
were then in charge of the organiza-
tion work of the KMT. In this
sense, CC really meant `Centralized
Control' instead of the Chen broth-
ers as is generally explained.
According to the magazine, the
activities of the CC clique spread
from party affairs to the political
field. "In the beginning," it writes,
"the clique was only absorbed in
party affairs and cultural activities.
In was only after 1930, after the
defeat of Generals Feng Yu-hsiang
and Yen Hsi-shan, that the CC clique
extended their influence over poli-
tical affairs. So far as numerical
strength is concerned, the CC clique
probably heads the list of the
various factions inside the KMT.
But its leadership is too poor, and
talented people preferred to stay
away because they did not like being
bossed around. Chang Li-sheng,
top-level leader of the CC clique,
once significantly remarked that,
when he was the Director of
Organization of the KMT, ' he did
not even have the authority to ap-
point or dismiss any of his low
subordinates. The well-known Chow
Fu-hai and Ting Mo-tsun, both of
them high KMT officials who de-
fected to the Japanese to become
officials in the puppet Nanking re-
gime, were all active members of
the CC before they decided to de-
sert. Others, like Huang Yu-jen
who are now known for their.scath-
ing attacks against the CIC in the
Legislative Yuan, were also formerly
followers of the Chen brothers and
had been sent abroad by them. for
advanced training. Still others, like
Chu Chia-hwa and Chang Li-sheng,
though fostered within the folds of
the' CC, have now cut themselves
loose and are wont to oppose the
CC in all sorts of manners.
political enemies come the Com- though he was in all respects much the helm. This is another guaran-
munists, to be f 2iWpe6 dtPblPFkieleasWc2fl06l04/ 1 t'ICIIA DPO3n00415ROO80O00$OO?%-4'ictory."
solely on this to count that Yang
Yung-.tai, the la!- all powerful chief
of the Political :'eience Group, was
tional bourgeoisie, has far exceeded
the strength of the counter-revolu-
tionary landlords, bureaucrats and
big bourgeoisie who are supported
by American imperialists. The coun-
ter-revolution is well on the high
road to- destruction, while the re-
volution is marching forward by
leaps and. bounds....
"Second, the prevailing inter-
national situation is also different
from what it was in 1911 and 1927.
After the Second World War, the
whole world split into two hostile
political camps as the result of the
attempts made by American im-
perialism to dominate the whole
world and invade the countries in
both Europe and Asia. The line-up
is quite clear. One side is headed
by the United States, comprising
the British,. French and other im-
perialists. The other is led by So-
viet Russia, comprising the new de-
mocracies in Eastern Europe and
the revolutionary movements in the
colonial and semi-colonial countries
in the Orient. The former is an
anti-democratic imperialistic united
front; the latter, an anti-imperialis-
tic democratic united front. Be-
cause of the post-war political and
economic trouble in Britain and
France and the United States, it
is impossible for the imperialists to
act in concert against the Chinese
revolution. The rapid growth of re-
construction in Soviet Russia and
other Eastern European countries
has added to the strength of the
world revolution, which is also
superior to the global counter-re-
volution. This is favorable to the
Chinese revolution.
"Third, the Chinese Communists
who are leading the Chinese revolu-
tion are no longer inexperienced and
incompetent. On-the contrary, the
Chinese Commnunt~ts have become
hard-boiled, -well-tried and thorough-
ly efficient
with Mao Tze-tun
The China Weekly- Ipi roveAd Fps F g14gase 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
US Magazine Roundup
Foreign Policy Report
SIGNIFICANT analysis of the
North Atlantic Defense Pact is
carried in the February 15 issue of
Foreign Policy Reports published by
the Foreign Policy Association. The
study contains pertinent facts re-
garding the background of the pact,
written by Blair Bolles, and a dis-
cussion of the pros and cons, con-
tributed by Vera Micheles Dean.
In outlining the background of the
pact, Mr. Bolles recalls that the idea
of a military alliance between the
United States and Great Britain was
first suggested by Winston Churchill
in his Fulton, Missouri, speech on
March 6, 1.946 and received a cold
reception at that time. With British
Foreign Secretary Bevin's proposal
in January, 1948, for the formation
of a Western Union consisting, of
France, England and the Benelux
countries, however, and the develop-
ments in Czechoslovakia. - that Feb-
ruary, the traditional American
antipathy toward military alliances
began to dissolve, he points out.
The ice was broken for official
American action on an Atlantic Pact
with the passage by the Senate on
June 11, 1948, of the Vandenberg
Resolution proposing that the United
States pursue international peace
and security by the "progressive
development of regional and other
collective arrangements for in-
dividual and collective self-defense"
"Encouraged by the resolution,"
Mr. Bolles writes,-"the State Depart-
ment in July initiated conversations
with the Brussels powers and
Canada" and on December 10 started
negotiations on the Atlantic treaty.
From here on Mrs. Than +~tres
assumptions of the countries benefit-
ing by the Marshall plan. Others.
believe that it will ;)rove impossible
to restore the sens,c of security....
until Russian troops....are with-
drawn from Germany and Austria,
and therefore urge, nstcad, negotia-
tions with the USSR for a general
or at least partial settlement on the
The State Depart.rient, Mrs. Dean
says, answers the ti ?st of these ar-
guments by giving *s onomic recovery
priority over rearmament. How-
ever, she points out, opponents of
the pact contend tha:_ "the very pro-
cess of rearmameen1 will - generate
fears which still further rearmament
will be needed to allay, creating a
mounting spiral of expenditures in
which military estimates will prevail
over considerations +jf economic and
social recovery."
No direct answer, she says, to the
second argument-- he need for a
general settlement with the USSR-
has been given by tie State Depart-
ment, "whose basic premise is that
the activities of the Soviet Govern-
ment since the war save endangered
peace and prevented recovery."
The factor that it counted on to
provide American pr'blic support for
the pact, Mrs. Dear writes, is that
it safeguards the American "con-
stitutional process" }'y heaving in the
hands of Congress the power to de-
clare war. "This ve?y feature, how-
ever," she notes, "arouses the most
serious objections i-n the part of
the nations of Western Europe" who
realize they are tai? ing the risk of
antagonizing Russia and want to be
sure of automatic IIS action in re-
partment, she writes, "the core of
the case for the pact" is that "if
world recovery is to progress....
`the sense of security must be re-
stored.' " Therefore, "the North
Atlantic defense pact, backed by in-
tegration of the armed forces of
Western European nations furnished
with American armaments either as
outright gift or on terms of lend-
lease, is a necessary corollary of the
European Recovery Program."
Those who question this thesis, she
continues, "raise two principal argu-
ments. Some contend that the mili-
tary program envisaged under the
North Atlantic defense pact would
have an effect exactly contrary to
that desired by Washington, since
the necessity of diverting ;existing
economic resources to armaments
Would delay, and perhaps actually
jeopardize fulfillment of the Euro-
pean Recovery Program, both by
reducing the amount of American
and Western European manpower
and materials available for peace-
time production, and by making it
politically difficult to achieve the
revival of East-West trade on the
continent which was one of the basic
For Or Against UN?
NEXT comes the question of the
United Nation:. The State
Department, Mr:s. i):ean says, main-
tains that the pact is in harmony
with the UN by virtue of Articles
51 and 52 in the harter. Article
51` provides that "Nothing.... shall
impair the inherent right of indivi-
dual or collective ca lf-defense if an
armed attack occurs against a Mem-
ber of the United Nations, until the
Security Council 'mas taken the
measures necessary to maintain in-
ternational peace and security."
Article 52 says that "Nothing. , . .
precludes the Exists nee of regional
arrangements or agencies for dealing
with such matters relating to the
maintenance of int. rnational peace
and security as are appropriate for
regional action... consistent with
the Purposes and 1'rinciples of the
United Nations." 'n this connt,,: --
tion, Mrs. Dean :recalls that the
subject of re?'ioiFi arrangements
came up at both the. Du'-bartort
Oaks and San Fran-isco conferences
with regard to regional. agreements
already in existence in the Western
Hemisphere and the "problems that
might arise if the former enemy
states should resort to aggression
during the transitional period before
peace treaties had been concluded
and responsibility for keeping the
peace had been transferred to the
United Nations Organization." Chap-
ter VIII of the Charter was drafted
with these problems in mind, she
says, and contains article 52.
Mrs. Dean quotes "a distinguished
international ' law expert, Hans
Kel'sen," as saying that Article 51
was intended to be "a provisional
and temporary measure" to be used
"until" the Security Council took
appropriate action and "not as a
substitute for it." Therefore, she
says, it has been argued that any
pact such as the Atlantic one should
be "firmly and unmistakably 'sub-
ordinated to the authority of the
Security Council." Otherwise, the
veto power possessed by the US,
Britain and France might conceivably
be used "to prevent direct action
by the Security Council."
"A second major objection to the
North Atlantic pact," Mrs. Dean
writes, "is raised by those who
wonder how such a pact would affect
the position of the colony - owning
nations of Western Europe in their
relations to the dependent peoples
of Asia. Would the United States,
it is asked, in underwritir' - the
security and economic recovery of
Western Europe, be expected also to
underwrite the status quo in Indo-
nesia, Indo-China, Malaya, and other
colonial areas, whose present condi-
tion of unrest has a direct impact
on the security and on the eco-
nomies of Britain, France and the
Netherlands? Will the nations of
Western Europe be free to use the
arms they max receive from the
United States --- subdue native up-
Closely related to this, she says,
"is -the question whether the security
of nations can be defended solely by
military means against external
threats or external aggression, or
whether the main problem some na-
tions face is the possibility of in-
ternal upheavals .... There is danger
. that the fear of instability and
disorder understandably generated in
the United States by the desire to
see the ERP succeed within the time
limit of four years set for it may
cause some Americans to favor the
maintenance of existing regimes and
economic and social conditions, and
to consider any attempt to alter the
existing state of affairs as defiance
of ERP. The intimate linking of
ERP with rearmament might then
conceivably induce the United States
to permit the countrie benefiting by
American aid to use their armaments
for the suppression of internal dis-
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-0041,909APPgPPgRPTZ4iew, April 9, 1949
What Chinese Papers Say
T HE Army attack
on students in
Nanking. and the
formal opening of
peace talks in Pei-
ping were main
for their freedom and. to fight for
peace, they must be determined to
proceed thoroughly and completely
with the task of wiping out this
group of war criminals. The Nan-
king tragedy noIces it clear that
the eight conditions for the realiza-
tion of real p.--,ac(!., as brought up by
Chairman Mao Tse-tung of the
Central Committe< of the Commu-
nist Party, and primarily the 'first
condition for the 'unishment of war
criminals, cannot permit of any re-
vision.. . . .
"The occurrence of the Nanking
tragedy at such a time and at such
a locality as it did cannot but lead
us to question tie Nanking Peace
Delegation: Where is the 'peace'
advocated by v?~ur Government?
The fact is that the Nanking re-
actionary and traitorous govern-
ment from which the Delegation
comes has seriously violated the
basic conditions of the peace negotia-
State. The people throughout the
country unanimously demand that
the peace talks must be successful
and that failure cannot be rormiteed.
Violent propaganda outbursts will
only obstruct sake thinking and
clear understanding, and lead to un-
favorable reactions from the people."
The Shun Pao agreed: "If the,
peace talks are to succeed, mime-
diate suspension of all military
orerations should be the first pre-
But on the other hand the same
papers asked the Government to
strengthen its war preparations
south of the Yangtze. The Chung
Yang Jih Pao emphasized the im-
portance of the defense of Yangtze,
while the Ho Ping Jih. Pa?o, general-
ly regarded as mouthpiece of the
Nationalist army, explained that
making war preparations do not run
counter to talking peace.
"To be prepared for war and to
attend actively to the defense of the
Yangtze really do not conflict with
the peace efforts," the paper said.
"Instead, such measures will be
helpful to the peace cause. It is
obvious that once our defense of the
Yangtze is successfully taken care
of, the peace terms, of the Commu-
nists will not be so harsh, and hopes
for peace will grow. Moreover, if
the Communists - cannot cross the
Yangtze, they cannot fight even 'if
they want to, and they will have to
cease hostilities even if they do not
want to. As long, as the Commu-
nists are prevented from crossing
the Yangtze, the Government may
continue to be on the defensive and
not cross the river for a counter-
offensive. In such a case, the war
wi)W." automatically cease to exist, and
peace will follow."
topics of editorial comment in the
Chinese press. The signing of the
Atlantic Pact in Washington 4also
drew some comment.
Nanking Tragedy .
IN commenting on the Nanking
Incident, the Chung Ylang Jih
Pao, official organ of the Kuomin-
tang, advised the students to take
into consideration the extreme grav-
ity of the current situation and re-
frain from "making trouble."
"It is incumbent on the young
students themselves to treasure the
great sympathy which the public
exhibits for them, and therefore to
be constantly awake to the need of
reviewing their own actions," the
paper said. "Today the. situation is
too critical. On the one hand, the
peace talks are being begun, but on
the other hand, the Communist
Army north of the Yangtze is
steadily pointing its gun toward the
south and advancing by degrees. .
"Every one who looks forward
to the realization of peace must,
therefore, value the present pre-
carious moment, and seek to promote
real peace with a cool head, by
differentiating right from wrong,
and investigating carefully the vari-
ous issues involved in the peace
movement. Violent propaganda
efforts which are only partial to the
interests of one party and blind
rabble-rousing can only confuse is-
sues and mess up the main prob-
lems. Unnecessary demonstrations
can only give rise to unfavorable
reaction from the people and do the
cause of peace more harm than
good. Young people are emotional
and easily excited. Since the stu-
dent movement of the past two or
three? years has produced unfavor-
able impressions and repercussions,
the students should do some hard
thinking and should increase their
sense of self-awakening."
The Nanking incident drew a
sharply-worded editorial from the
Communist New China News Agency.
A summary of the editorial, as
printed in several papers in. Shang-
hai, is given below:
"The Nanking Student Tragedy of
April 1 once more shows to the
Chinese people that impossible
to expect the Kuomintang war
criminals to' repent and lay down
their arms. The Nanking tragedy
tells the Chinese. people once more
that any attitude of leniency and
protection in dealing with this group
of war criminals will only mean
that peace iii, China will not be
realized. The Nanking tragedy
further tells the Chinese people once
tions. . .
"Since Chaiirmar Mao Tse-tung, of
the Central Comas ittee of the Com-
munist Party on January 14
brought up the eight conditions for
the realization of real and perman-
ent peace, the Chinese People's
Liberation Army .as been patiently
waiting for two aid a half months.
But the facts hav, now ?shown that
this attitude' of p. etient waiting . has
not changed in thf least the attitude
of the reactionary and traitorous
Nanking Governn ent. It has not
made it lay dov n its weapoli of
slaughter. The group of assassins
in Nanking have row used the Nan-
king tragedy as challenge to the
people of China and the People's
Liberation Army. Yes, the Libera-
tion Army will 1-berate the whole
of China. The i., beration Army is
now preparing to cross the Yang-
tze, to mop up ,.I assassins of the
people. The time is not distant when
the patriots who have been sacri- ON the occasion of the signing of
ficed in the Nanking and other the Atlantic Pact, the Ta Kung
tragedies will to revenged. The [ho called upon all peace-loving
time is not distans when the Kiang'- people to strengthen their fight for
nan areas and th whole of Chipa safeguarding world peace.
will be liberated." "Basically, the Atlantic Pact dis-
k cards the machines-- of the United
Nations and openly adopts a policy
Peace Talks of military expansion," the paper
IN discussing the peace negotiations said. "It must also be noticed that
in Peiping, all Kuomintang- the ;bareign ministers of West
controlled papers joined in demand- Europe, during their present visit to
ing that the Con munists order an the 1J nited States to sign the Pact,
immediate cease-f!re and suspend are also taking the opportunity to
their war prepara ions, discuss the measures for the foster-
The Chung Yanta Jih Pao wrote: ing of Germany, the suspension of
". To promote peace it is the dismantling of the war industry
necessary that a lac ace(ul atmosphere plaits in Germany, and the removal
be cultivated. if iI e Communists are of restrictions over Franco's Spain.
really sincere in ;eeking peace to- At the same time, the United States
day, they should immediately suspend is discussing measures for military
military operation, halt their pro- aid to Europe. All these develop-
paganda offensive, and cease all ments show that the threat of a new
underground acii-'ities. The pre- war is growingly imminent. All the
sent peace talks affect the fate of people throughout the world who are
the nation and ,he lives, of the opposed to war must awaken to the
Atlantic P
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The China Weekly RPe ovRd1 Fq6- ease 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
THE current peace talk and the
future of Christianity under
Chinese communism was discussed in
the US press. Other comment dealt
with the recent cultural and scien-
tific conference on world peace held
in New York.
a w *
Christianity In China
~'HE Christian Science Monitor, in
an editorial entitled "Christian-
ity and Communism in Asia," said:
"Since common ownership of pro-
perty in the early Christian. com-
munity broke down through the
weight of human greed, Christians
have recognized in. varying degrees
that their `kingdom' was not of this
world. It could be brought into
human affairs only through indivi-
dual regeneration and gradual social
improvements following from more
Christian lives.
"But social improvements have
often been slow in, coming. In Asia,
for instance, the effects of Western
exploitation have sometimes been
more evident than the effects of
Western Christianity. Even Chris-
tians of the East are asking whether
a new social system may not be
The Monitor then referred to a
letter written by T. C. Chao, dean of
the School of Religion at Yenching
University and one of the
six presidents of the World
Council of Churches, which was
published recently in the Christian
Century. The Monitor says the let-
ter "speaks of the rejoicing of Chin-
ese Christian at being 'liberated'. by
the Communists from the Kuomin-
tang regime" and quotes it as say-
"An unexpected thing has been the
speed with which the Communists win
and Kuomintang forces fall to pieces.
No thoughtful Christian in China
can regard this unexpected speed.,
without a deep sense of gratitude
to God. Collapse of the Kuomintang
armies means cessation of war,
which is very much desired by all,
while it causes Communists to recon-
sider their policies and to become
moderate .
"Religion will- be indeed hated and
despised, but also tolerated; and
religion will be in need of a sort of
reaceful persecution to emerge from
cultus to reality . To my mind,
we Christians in China are facing
a most -creative, period of witness-
bearing. One ;s thrilled at the dan-
gers {and -opportunities confronting.
Christianity in.mingled proportions."
The Monitor comments: "Chris-
tians in the West may not take
so ebullient a view. The Chris-
tianity which hopes to cooperate with
dogmatic Communism may be in for
sad disillusionment. But there is a
tremendous challenge to Western
Christians in . this new develop-
U'S Papers Say
witness-bearing.' ('1 ristianity has
spiritual substance- s Communism
has only delusive shadow-of the
justice, the security freedom of
spirit for which the world's millions
long. Let Christians increasingly
translate into social action the. love
they are taught for tl e poor and dis-
possessed of.the earth aid they will
increasingly win the ,e millions to
their side.
"Asia is a g,re:ct laboratory today.
Western Christendom can hold out
to it a real and practical hope for
more abundant life. lerc is the best
answer to the, Communist challenge
and Christian confu~i in there."
Peace Talks
THE New York
Ti nes took a pes-
sitnisti view of the
cucren, peace talks in
Puipiw,, voicing the
opinict that, since
no chance to come o ,it on top, they
should be called "capitulation" con-
ferences. The paper said:
"There is little it i.son to be op-
timistic about the `peace' conference
that opened in China April 1. If
Nanking's delegates wake an honest
effort to reach a ger-rine compromise
of differences they wiii fail. And the
alternative is outriga.; surrender. In-
deed, the prelinl:inari.!s that led to
the choice of the clanking delega,
tion, coupled with the daily insistence
of the Coniniurtist; North China radio
that the only basis for discussion
was the eight-polo . program of
Mao Tze-tung, invite the suggestion
that `peace' conference is a mis-
nomer. `Capitulati,:n' conference
would be more accur-rte.
"The Nanking deli gates were ap-
parently under few 'llusions. They
described themselves as at the edge
of a bottomless abye;. Even more
pessimistic was t'aeir assertion
that no insui mou itable difficul-
ties need be faced, if there were
`mutual confidence, ?nutuar under-
standing and mutual concessions.'
Those delegates arc all old enough
and worldly wise enough to know
that to. speak of in ituality in con-
fidence, understandin_ and conces-
sions in respect to a conference with
the Chinese, or any other, Commun-
ists, ., is to employ a contradiction in
"Repeatedly,, the Communist radio
has insisted that it hts no confidence
in Nanking, nothing but, contempt.,
rather than understa cding, for Nan-
king's leaders, and no disposition
have clamped down the `bamboo
curtain' of secrecy. It is a mistake
to talk about `censorship' in Com-
munist China. There isn't a censor-
ship, because there is nothing to Cen-
sor. The press and the public will
not be represented at any stage or
in any degree in the negotiations.
What the world finally learns about
what happened will presumably be
what the Chinese Communists think
it ought to learn.
. "These have been sorry days for
the ` Republic of China. And few
have been. sorrier than that on which
these Nanking delegates `go before
their conquerors and their judges to
discuss the terms- of their sentence."
Cultural Conference
THE Philadelphia Inquirer sup-
ported the State Department's
assertion that the cultural and scien-
tific conference for world peace held
recently in New York was a "sound-
ing board for Communist propa-
ganda." The paper declared:
"Our thoughts-our efforts-are
directed toward peace. But we have
learned, and we must . not forget,
that while Russia's spokesmen shout
about peace, they are putting bale-
ful pressure on Iran, looming threat-
eningly over Finland and spying
upon every free country on the globe.
Americans should keep their minds
free of needless fears about all this,
preserve . their strength and their
will to, defend themselves and make
Russia's acts, not words, the only
basis of judgment about what the
Soviet Union really stands for.
The Christian Science Monitor ex-
pressed belief ,that the meeting only
caused "confusion;," The paper
said :
"Perhaps only political innocents
could have, expected this sort of
thing to promote peace. Americans
can, by frank questioning of national
policies, help to shape them toward
peace. But similar criticisms from
men who strain at gnats of Demo-
cratic failings but swallow camels
of totalitarian oppression are little
likely to foster either reform, or good
will. ... .
"This meeting sought to promote
the kind of `peace' desired by those
who say: `We must cooperate. It
is just a matter of good will and
tolerance.' But on that kind of
peace we should have liked to hear
from those who have been liquidated
in countries taken over by Commun-
ists when America was 'cooperat-
ing.' , . .
to make concessions, mutual or other- "This kind of performance makers
wise. Even after tie standard dis- for confusion. Where there is so lit-
count, for propaganc-t_ is made, there tle room for real dissent and where
is no reason to be hopeful even non Communists are so concern-
that any `mutuality' will be seen, ed about Democracy~s faults, some
except in the strictly Communist may be led to believe that America
version. And that r ersion has been is preparing to attack Russia, But
deed call for 'a creative period of gury in the fact that Com;mttnifts Politburo are so efpgged or ia1i ."
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e ma eek y Review, April 9, 1949-
The Review's English Lesson
MR. Al. L. Chen suggested that we discuss a Time Magazine
story, from the March 7 issue, concerning President
Truman, titled r'Auother Think Coming." Unfortunately,
there is not enough space to reprint the whole story, so we
shall try to explain some of the expressions used, as usuaI:.
Another think coming: A slangy phrase
used to describe someone who has guessed wrong,
who anticipates something which will not happen ;
it is usually contemptuous. "If he thinks I'nf
going to wait all day, he's got another think
Off-the-cuff : Extempore, as a speech.
Nostalgic : Homesick.
Smart-aleck: Smug, self-satisfied with own
cleverness; smarty.
Move on: This phrase can be used in two
ways : the first, in its literal sense, to gb on, for-
ward, ahead; the second, to describe committee
action or decision. It is not clear from the context
as given ("And when it is time for them
(members of my staff) to be moved on,, I do the
moving....") whether the meaning is to decide
which persons are wanted on the staff, or to decide
which are to be discharged (i.e., moved on some-
where else).
Blair House: A house near the White House,
which is used to. receive distinguished visitors ;
sometimes referred to as the "Little White
Ineffectual gesture: A move or action that
has no result; also, empty gesture. Sweeping the
sea, or commanding the tides to stand still, are
ineffectual gestures.
Cracking: (Also crackling), as used in
"cracking over the telegraph wires," is an onoma-
topoetic word, describing the sound Qf the
electric sparks.
Contrite: Showing sorrow or regret for
having committed a fault : repentant.
Tentative: Of the natures of an experiment;
something offered provisionally.
The Word That Came td Dinner: This is a
paraphrase of the title of a comedy that had a
long and successful run in the United States.
It describes the sufferings caused an innocent
family by an irascible celebrity, who came to their
home for dinner, slipped and injured himself and
was forced to remain in the household until well
enough to move. Thus, as used here, it indicates
that the unpleasant phrase made such a stir that
it could not be quietly forgotten.
Sedate: Quiet, calm, serene, serious, staid.
Gamy: Highly-flavored; gamy language in-
cludes highly. colored expressions which often. are
not admitted in so-called polite society. Also,
"racy." .
Clucked: Literally, made noises like'a hen.
Since the sounds sometimes' made by a person in
reprimanding a younger one, for example, are
similar, anyone who "clucks" admonishes or
their editorial pages," the image is of a flock of
fussy old hens, being most upset at some action
or statement, and reproving its author.
Cautious: To give cautious approval is to
approve so carefully, with so many "ifs, ands
and buts", that its force is weakened. In some-
what similar fashion, the phrase "damn with
faint praise" means to approve so cautiously, and
with so many reservations, that the effect is one
of disapproval.
Showman: A producer of plays, operas, etc.
As used in the story, the meaning is extended to
refer to a columnist, considered by the writer
to be interested only in attracting publicity.
Hardy: Bold, brave, resolute, confident,
strong, firm, long-enduring. The "hardy expert,
on the burning word" referred to, H. L. Mencken,
has long been one of the most outspoken journal-
ists in America.
Burning word: Here used to refer to profane
expressions, insults, gamy language.
Complained, complains: In referring to a
statement made in a book, either the present or
the past tense would seem correct, depending
upon whether the writer refers to. the moment
when the author set his words down (past tense),
or the moment when the reader sees the same
words (present tense).
Fudge: Nonsense, piffle, when used as an
interjection; usually cited in derision, as being
Sis-boom-ah: A college football cheer in the
US; hence, anything with sis-boom-ah has spirit,
verve, enthusiasm, drive.
THE following sentence, with which Mr. Mencken is quoted
as continuing, his remarks upon the phrase that caused
the uproar, we quote in full: "Put the second person pro-
noun and the adjective old in front of it and scarcely enough
bounce is left in it to shake up an archdeacon." The phrase
then becomes, "You old son of ' a bitch."
Bounce: Bouyancy, verve, drive, energy.
Shake up an archdeacon: Amaze or unsettle
a church official who is next in rank. below a
bishop. In other words, Mr. Mencken says that
the phrase, as amended, has little in it to amaze
or shock, probably because it is often used
Opprobrious: Attaching disgrace; as, an op=
probrious 'epithet.
* * *
~1 WE are asked to recommend some of the best magazines
devoted to English Language and literature published in
the US. This is a difficult question to answer, since there
are scholarly periodicals which deal with fine points of.grani-
mar and philology, there are good journals for a more general
interest, written well,, and there are journals, such as Time
Magazine or the New Yorker which have developed a style
of 'their own. Of the more general type, Harpers and the
Atlantic Monthly are among the best as far as the quality of
the language is concerned. The Saturday Review of Literature.
s the best sin
e source
or anyone w
ing to
chides. Thus in "the For a easer e ease d 6~l ik i
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Thy China Weekly Review, April 9, 1949
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A Weekly Newspaper Established In 1917
April 16, 1949
A West China Notebook
Lynn Chase and ?Amos Landman
Dead End In Asia
Andrew ;loth
Siam: Cockpit Of Interests
H. C. K. Woddis
VOLUME 113 ~rI
Approved For Release 2006l Diz'1?:0d1A-RDP83-00415R003000060007-Z NUMBER 7
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The China Weekly Review, April 16, 1949
Sole Distributors:
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The China Weekly Review, April 16, 1949
From The People
Comments from readers on current topics
are cordially invited: their opinions, how-
ever, do not necessarily represent the views
of The China Weekly Review.
American Aid
To The Editor:
I have read the article "A Chinese
View of American Aid" in the March 19
issue of the Review and strongly sup-
port the stand taken by Mr. C. Y. W
Meng. I should say it represents the
views of millions of our people.
The US is failing in its policy to-
ward China, and we oppose any military
aid program "to prolong our civil war."
As Mr. Meng pointed out, there are very
few expressions of gratitude from the
eaters of ECA rice, and Mr. La.pham's
proposal for new aid to the "Nationalists"
was unanimously opposed by professors,
peace-sponsors and even some legislators.
During the past ten years China has
been a semi-feudal country, As vivid
as, any picture is its personal regime,
corrupt dictatorship and the. misery of
its people. We Chinese would only wel-
come American aid that would really
help to bring about democracy, freedom]
equality and a new China.
Taiwei, Taiwan
April 4, 1949
Christian Writes
To The Editor:
I am a Christian living in Wusih. I
am also a Review reader. The article,
"Christian Missions in China" in the
April 2 Review helped me understand
many things which have been puzzling
me for a long time. But I wonder about
the point that preachers are too much
in favor of maintaining the status quo
and individualism, for in China today,
in many small towns, the churches are
not prosperous.
In my mind the whole problem of
the relation between the churches and
the revolution is full of contradictions
and it is difficult to obtain a balanced
view. I wonder if you could ask the
author of this article to write something
more on the problem, for I am certain
that there are many Christians like my-
self who need help on how -to be a
Christian in. the future.
April 4, 19,49'
Supports Premier Ho
To The Editor:.
I was very interested in reading your
introduction to our new premier, Ho
Ying-chin, in the March 26 issue of the
It was reported that General He, when
the Young Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang
kidnapped Chiang Kai-shek in 1936,
wanted to bomb Sian where the Gen-
eralissimo was being held, but that he
was dissuaded from doing so. I per-
sonally think He was blameless as far
as this incident was concerned.
General Ho, it will be remembered, has
always been against the Communists
J. B. Powell
(Editor & Publisher, 1918-1947)
Assistant Editors
Mary Barrett
Yang Chen-fang
Rose Yardumian
Julian Schu'n I.n
Joan Faulk
John W. Powell, Editor & Publisher
Fang Fu-an, Financial Editor
Sam J. Wilde, Advertising Manager
Contributing Editors
Lin Wo-chianl?,
Charles J. Ca:ining
C. Y. W. Me-+g
Edward Rol.rhough
Ben Y. Lee
Frank L. Tsac:?
Tseng Yu-hao
Shen Chien-tu
-James L. Step ,art
F. K. Chao, B.tsiftess Manager
Jefferson Cath
Van Shih-ching
Tong Chun-cho
Chen Fu-sheng
Mark M. Lu
Galahad Wood
Joseph I. C. Luan
Lauw Thian-hok
Harin Shah
C. Y. Hsieh
Joseph P. Lyford
Jacques Decaux
S. E. Shifrin
Ngiam Tong Fatt
Hugh Deane
- Canton
- Chengehow
- Chengtu
- Foochow
- Nanking
- Kunming
- Shantung
- Batavia
- Bombay
- London
- New York
- Paris
- Seattle
- Singapore
- Tokyo
Chen Pang-cheng, Circulation Manager
Index for April 16, 1949
Editorial i'aragraphs
Backward .. ................................... ........ 147
Reds Drive For Production ......................................... 149
An UNRRA Ixhost ................................................. 149
Special Articles
Dead End In Asia For The West .................... An(frew- Roth 151
A, West Chin r Notebook ...........Lynn Chase and Amos Landman 152
China's Suici,tal Factors At Work ..................A Midnight Cry 15t
The Stage Is Their School ............................F'red Rein 154
Siam:. Cockpit Of Anglo-American. Interests ........H,, C. K..Woddis 155
Economic Section
The Week's Business .................... .......... ........ 156
Letters Frott The People ................. ...... .;......... 141
25 Years A; o .... .. ....... ........ ..... . . 150
The Review's! English Uesson LXXVIII ............................ 15'7
News Of The Week ....... ..i.. 158
Chinese Mag Lzinc Roundup ...................................... 160
US Magazinr Roundup ....................... . ..... 161
What Chinese Papers Say ........................................ 162
What US Papers Say ...................................... 163
New Books If interest ............................................ 164
Subscription Rates
t months
Shanghai and China Outports ................. GY 120,000
China Outports (Air Mail) ................... GY 140,000
Hongk,.ng and Macao ......................... GY 155,000 and Macao (Air Mail) ............. GY 175,000
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in the "late -national Index of Periodicals," copies of which are on file in
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The China Weekly Review,. April 16, 1949
Shanghai's American WHY-
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as your best friend. Read it for true straight news, most
of it printed at least 15 hours ahead of other Shanghai
papers; for outspoken views; for bright touches and enter-
tainment features which will take your mina off your
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China Outports (Ordinary mail) .. .. .. 31,000
China Outports (Airmail) .. .. GY50,000 to GY70,000
Single Copy (Based on vari )us districts)
The Shanghai Evening Post & Mercury
19 Chung Cheng Road, Shanghai (13).
was ordered by him. Ile was later sent
abroad when General George C. Marshall
was attempting to mediate between the
Nationalists and the Communists, for
there was a feeling that Ho was block-
ing efforts to negotiate a peaceful settle-
ment. However, many people are con-
vinced that General Ho underwent a
change of heart while he was .abroad.
His speeches abroad were tinged with
a slightly leftist coloring.
After his return to China, General Ho
remained inactive for a period until the
time came when he was asked by Acting
President Li Tsung-jen to become pre-
mier. Immediately after General Ho's
appointment, there was much talk about
injecting new blood into the Nationalist
Government. Although there has been
much speculation as to whether or not
he could successfully open peace talks
with the Communists, I still trust and
support him fully and believe that under
his guidance the peace-loving cabinet will
negotiate a conclusion to the Civil War.
April 2, 1949
No More Surrenders
To The Editor:
We remember that after our victory
over Japan, General Ho Ying-Chin was
sent to represent China at the surrender
for which he received considerable pres-
tige from the people and received at-
tention from the world.
Now when cries of "Prepare for war
if you want peace" are bandied about,
Qeneral Ho has formed a new cabinet.
It is hard to tell what General Ho
will do but it does not seem likely that
he will be receiving any more surrenders.
Shouyung, Hunan
March 27, 1949
`.uunlummtmnuwull1111u11uutluutluulntutw IIII IH mtumIIIIIIllI 111111111 IIIIluutlllutu llnulr~ nuul lltutlmuutluntllllut-
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Foreign Postage
To The Editor:
With reference to the letter from Mr.
Loo Shih-cheng published in the March
26 issue of your esteemed Review under
the caption "Foreign Postage," I have to
inform you that the tariff of Interna-
tional Postage is based upon the rates
stipulated in the Universal Postal Con-
vention, and the foreign airmail postage
is fixed according to the transit charges
paid to the Aviation companies by the
Post Office. As both are calculated on
a foreign currency basis, the postage
rates on foreign, mail are collected in
Gold Yuan converted according to the
rates of the Foreign Exchange Clearance
Certificates, published in the daily news-
papers. Owing to the frequent fluctua-
tions of such rates, the Post Office is
compelled to adjust its tariff of Inter-
national postage in order to avoid undue
losses sustained by it.
I shall appreciate it if you will kind-
ly publish this letter in your esteemed
journal for the information of Mr. Loo
Shih-cheng as well as the public in
Director of Posts
Students Sympathize
To The Editor:
It was a sad surprise to read about
the incident involving the injured
students in Nanking. According to the
Ta Kung Pao, the fight started when
the demonstrating students staged the
famous "Yangko" dance in the streets,
11 infuriating idle Nationalist soldiers with
:~IIeItIItIItIItIItIItIl111tlltl~ll~l/y~ypra~l,s~Il~iiOPI~~I~~??Il~oo~ro r~nlnl~;GY~I + (f415RV0801N0@ OO1g4ed. Although no,
The China We p 16p4,Fq eJgpM92006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
casualties were reported among the sol-
diers, a number of students were in-
jured, and at least one killed.
What kind of democracy is this
that the Government talks about? By
what law was the demonstration for-
bidden? Yes, the martial law signed by
the Government does not permit demon-
strations, but is this law right? In-
cidents like the above have the sympathy
of the entire student body of China.
K. K. C.
April 5, 1949
Words And Deeds
To The Editor:
The Nanking student incident shows
that realization of the word democracy
is very different from just saying it.
On the surface, acting President Li
Tsung-jen makes efforts to stop the
Civil War, but the Government. is still
killing peace loving students with its
secret fifth column. It is high time
that the Government revealed that it is
using the peace talks as a mask unless
it accepts Mao Tze-tung's eight terms.
Y. Y. T.
Chinkiang, Kiangsu
April 4, 1949
To The Editor:
Following the Nanking student inci-
dent, there has been a. sharp conflict
between the Christian and non-Christian
students at National Central University.
IIIIIIIIIII11!IIIIIIIJIJIII:i1C III1111f1111111I111111111 1111/11/1 U 111`
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The latter accuse the former of taking THE STRAND CHEMICAL WORKS
a cold attitude toward the incident.
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the university is covered with a number = t lbtainable at all Dispensaries & Pharmacies.
am not a--Christian, should like to re- 11I11111111111111111111111111111!Ii11111111111111II1111111111I1111111ILIII11111111IIIIIII1111111111III111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111p II111111111l lIII1
port some of them to your Christian , sIuulnunl1111uunIn111111711111e111111I11111111111111111111I1~11111111111p111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111
readers. Here are a few: -
God is the other name of backward-
Could your God give us bread. and
What nonsense-God created man! It
is man who created God.
We do not want God. We 'want
science and democracy.
You Christians believe in the existence
of God, but we don't. How can you be
called men, since you lack a sense of
justice and sympathetic hearts, living on
others' blood and sweat, fooling the
oppressed masses with poisonous doc-
trines, asking favors of the ruling
masters and helping the reactionary
Government to suppress the revolution
of the people? The religious period is-
gone, This is the time of the people!
?- Y, C. LI.
April 9, 1949
Peace Talks
To The Editor:
In connection with the peace talks I
would like to make the following pro-
posal to the Government and the Com-
While war can break out at any time
when two contesting parties or one agree =
to wage war, peace 4s different. The
differences between men and nations will
always remain. As a matter of fact,
within reasonable, limits, such disagree-
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rents are actually wholesome. All pro- = APRESIDENT LINES
gress begins with differences of opinion AMERICAN ?
and moves forward as the -differences =
1 -
What is the Holy Spirit? It is the
are adjusted through reason and mutua IN
understanding. Peace is, therefore a r 51 Kwang Tung (Canton) Road Telephone 15309
mutual agreement Somme ?aa ~leass112iQQ~{~~/~e~uti/ 'i+ rr t~Dl~l$1$10411~1~6idQQ3Q000GQQQ7 nnuu1n1u1u1uunuunuunwr
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-0044h5,,R&Q 0%q Qy0R7vijw, April 16, 1949
fully and sincerely adhered to by the
two parties concerned. Such agreement
must depend upon the mutual efforts
directed by the parties towards the con-
clusion of a peaceful arrangement for
that purpose.
Many years of war have drained the
life of the nation. We want the KMT
and the CP to negotiate and explore all
means to bring peace to China. The
great task of keeping the country in a
state of peace and order and leading the
country towards modernization is on the
shoulders of both parties.
Both the Government and the Com-
munists should remember the Chinese
sayings: "The people are the foundation
of the country" and "Those who obey
the opinions of the people will succeed
and those who do not, will fail."
April 2, 1949
Chen Yi Detention
other questions put t~ him, Chiang Kai-
shek, to test hi$1loyal'.y, asked him what
he thought of the 1 +gislators' demand.
Chen Yi answered, 't, statesman's merit
or demerit will be judged by future his-
torians. It is better or him to be frank
and straight in all Vs dealings.'
"This caused Chia. ig Kai-shek much
"When the Comnn,nists issued their
first list of war crin finals, Chen, reply-
ing to newsmen of l WWingchow who asked.
his opinion, said: ..what do you
think should come fir ;t in our considera-
tions, the lives and property of the 43
war criminals, or the welfare of the
470,000,000 lao pai h.:ing.?'
"Again, when asked if the capital of
Chekiang would be r,ioved, he countered
with, 'Why move it'? Where are we go-
ing to move it?'
"When Chiang ho:-rd -hese two con-
versations, he was out raged. At the time Central Bank in Hangchow and concur-
when peace was, bci.,g sought through rently Chairman of the Board of Direc-
making preparations for war, Chiang tors of the Hangchow Chamber of -Com-
thought, it was impossible that Chen, one merce. The. story is this: Some of the
of the big shots in the Government, should merchants of Hangchow, in order to evade
have been so stupui as not to know taxes, had often made false reports of
what effect his ahead remarks' would their capital. When Jon Hsien-chun be-
create.' Probably he had some ends of came the mayor of that city, he was
his own; he was no longer reliable. greatly dissatisfied with this condition.
"Not long after, when Chiang had He sent his men frequently to make in-
stepped down 'and Is Tsung-jen had be- vestigations of the various shops. King
come the acting pres dent, the latter is- wanted to 'protect' his fellow businessmen,
To The Editor:
The following is my translation of an
article carried in the Hunan Daily News
of March 17th, entitled, "Why Chen Yi
was Detained":
"Though the reasons for Chen Yi's
being dismissed from his post as Gov-
ernor of Chekiang Province are many,
the main one is that he has, lost the
confidence of President Chiang Kai-shek.
Ever since last winter when Tsinan fell
into the hands of the Communists and
an investigation was made as to why
it fell, Chen has been in Chiang's bad
graces. After General Wang Yao-wu
was taken prisoner, some of the legisla- -
tors in Nanking.... went so far as to
demand that President Chiang step down,
as the fault was his. Chefs Yi was call-
ed to Nanking and questioned, and among
sued an order to rele tse all political pri_
-soners, with a view to showing his sin-
cerity toward peace, Again Chen Yi
took the order, serioi:sly, and bailed' out
five arrested student., of Chekiang Uni-
versity. When Chen Yi went to Chikow
to see President Ch ang, Chiang asked,
'Do you know someth ng of the arrogance
of the Che Ta boy:. ' ' and Chen replied,
'Yes, I know of it.' Why didn't you do
something about it, hen?' Chiang ques-
tioned. 'The more you meddle in their
affairs, I am afraid, the more they will
become troublesome,' Chen said. 'If you
don't meddle, do you think they will
cease to make trouble?' asked Chiang.
'At least, I have succeeded in avoiding
serious troubles during my tenure of
office so far,' Chen Yi replied,
"As the conversation went on, Pres-
ident Chiang's temper grew shorter,
until at last he could no longer control
himself. Ile struck his hand on the
table, roaring, `Obey me, and you shall
keep your post; or else, pack up and
get away with you.'
"When Chen Yi told his friends of
this unhappy scene afterwards, he was
all grumbles. 'It is better for me to
get away now,' he said. 'If I try to hang
on any longer, maybe there will be no
chance in the future for me to get away
at all.'
"Another thing worth mentioning here
is the disagreement between Chen Yi
and therefore came into direct conflict
with Mayor Jen. When -Chen heard of
this, he called King to him, scolded him
severely, and deprived him of - the title
of Chairman of the Board of Directors
of the Hangchow Chamber of Commerce.
Having been insulted thus, King went;
to his boss, a certain big shot, to com-
plain. The big shot, greatly offended
with Chen for having ill-treated his
henchman, went immediately to see
President Chiang. By speaking evil of
Chen in every way he could, he succeed-
AiliateEl With
Shanghai Of ce:
.99 Nanking Road (0) Telephone 11440
Brandies: -
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 16, 1949
ed in rousing Chiang's rage to such an
extent that the president decided to dis-
miss Chen Yi at once, without even
bothering to consult with his most trust-
ed subordinates. So Chen was unaware
of his having been dismissed until Chow
Yen's appointment as the new governors.
of Chekiang was made public.
"After Chen had been dismissed, Pres-
ident Chiang still felt uneasy. His
suspicion pained him so much that at
last he ordered Chen Yi to be detained.
According to some Shanghai papers,
Chen Yi was sent to Chuchow, his place
of detainment, by a certain general. He.
is now leading a secluded life there."
P. T. JEN'
Hengshan, Hunan
March 19, 1949
Will Share Review
To The Editor:
Ever since the unfreezing of the
August 19 price levels, commodity prices
have been soaring day by day so furious-
ly that they are beyond our reach and
the result is that the living standard of
the common people has descended to a
record low. Both school-teachers and
students, with their salaries and sub-
sidies lagging far behind, are unable to
find a way to keep body and soul to-
gether, let alone subscribe to magazines
and newspapers.
In, spite of being a subscriber to your
magazine for only three months, I find
in your readers' columns many requests
for free ?ubscriptions. , These seem to
be usually either from underpaid school-
teachers or poverty-stricken students for
whom these days even textbooks are
luxuries. However, these people are
fond of the straight views published in
your magazine, and their ardent desire
for the truth prompts their appeals for
your help.
I am extremely sympathetic with these
people and with a view to helping them
to some extent, I have decided to share
my Review. Would you, dear editor, in-
troduce me to one of these friends? If
possible, I will send him my copy every
week as soon as I have finished it and
he may return it to one after' he has
read it.
I-chun, Kiangsi
March 27, 1949
(Reader Liang will, be put in touch
with one of the persons on our waiting
list for free copies-Editor.) ,
Canton Strike
To The Editor:
One hundred seventy-six professors at
National Sun Yat-sen University went
on strike on March 25 to demand an
improvement in their living conditions.
This is the first time that any professors
in Canton have struck singe VJ Day. In
this respect, I believe Canton's professors
have been more patient than those in
Peiping and Shanghai, who have more
than once. used the strike weapon to pro-
test against irregularities. But things
have reached such a pass that even the
Canton professors could endure their suf-
ferings no longer.
In an open letter to the public, these
professors disclosed that they had re-
peatedly appealed to the various authori-
ties concerned. Under present infla-
tionary conditions, their monthly salary,
the equivalent of HK$30, is hardly suf-
ficient to support one person, let alone
an entire family.
2,000 cattics of ri?e to be contributed
to the professors, and they have been
gathering firewood, carrying water and
doing other odd jogs to help the teach-
ers.. Such acts o' genuine sympathy
present a sharp coltrast to the Govern-
ment's apathy.
Hoiping, Kwangtung
March 31, 1949
Why No Reporters?
To The Editor:
According to the newspapers, the Com-
munists have refused to let either Chi-
nese or foreign reporters be present at
the peace talks in Peiping.
My opinion is that the main reason
for this must be that the Communists
don't want to have the conditions in
Peiping made knot.,n to persons on the
outside. In that else, I can't but doubt
the administration, of the so-called
liberated areas. t Peiping is as good
as the Communist, say, why don't they
welcome reporters there?
First Army, Sian
April 2, 1949-
News From Peiping
To The Editor:
Recently, my sister, who is in Peiping,
wrote me saying, "Peiping has fallen into
the hands of the Communists. ' Many
beautiful buildings,_ are empty. The
former officials of Peiping have made
their way to Hongkong and Canton, a
few even going as far as America. The
people left in Peiping, except for a few,
are as poor as church mice. Of course,
there is;no need for them to escape and
most of them have shown no sign that
they have any intention of leaving Pei-
ping :,
My sister reported further that prices
are no longer skyrocketing, and, indeed,
that prices have been forced down on
various commodities by the Communists.
All youth of school age are able to re-
ceive a free education and daily neces-
sities are provided for them. Such news
surprises me very much. I have never
heard of such a thing in China since I
was born. I would rather study in Pei-
ping than in Szechuen, where we have
to pay thbusands of'GY to stay in school.
Y. D. C.
Tzeliutsing, Szechuen
March 31, 1949
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Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 16, 1949
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The China Wee-l~r~ved FoArpRel&006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4 147
A Weekly Newspaper Established in 1917 '
The editorial pages present each week the opinions
of the editor. The other pages of The China Weekly Re-
view are written by the other members of the staff and
the contributing editors who report and interpret the
news irrespective of the views expressed in the editorials.
. Backward Areas
AS we have mentioned in these columns before,
the problem of the "backward areas" has been
coming up for more attention recently in Western
capitals. In Paris, for example, sudden concern
is felt for the pitiable economic state of Indo-
China and other French colonial possessions.
London, likewise, is worried about the lack of
development in the African territories controlled
by Great Britain.
All of this concern would be more touching
were it not for the fact that it is such a, recent
development. In days past, when all one had to
worry about were the recurring economic depres-
sions and occasional wars between the various
colonial powers, little attention was paid to
development of "backward" areas. Such regions
were usually prevented from attaining any worth
while degree of industrial or other economic
development so that they would fit easily into the
old pattern of colonial exploitation for the benefit
of the home economy.
One does not have to be a devotee of Marxism
to understand the role the subject colonies played
in the development of trade and industry among
the leading capitalist countries of Europe. Capital-
ism, as we know it today, got its beginnings in
the industrial revolution. After industrialization
had reached a certain degree, the factory owners
of Europe found that they must develop markets
abroad in which they could sell finished products
if they wanted their business to expand and
prosper. In brief, they-came up against the pro-
blem of an oversupply for the home market be-
cause of the low purchasing power of the people.
Unless new markets abroad were found, a depres-
sion at home resulted.
Realization of this simple economic fact led
to the great rush for colonies. After all available
areas had been grabbed by the competing powers,
it was inevitable that they would fight among
themselves in an effort to secure some of the other
nations' colonial holdings. These were the rea-
sons behind the scramble for colonies, not, as was
Since colonies were to serve the function of
export market for finished products and source
of supply for industrial raw materials or food, it
was obvious that the Western' powers were not
interested in developing these backward areas.
The American Revolution started largely because
the colonialists knew full well that they were
getting a raw deal from their masters in Eng-
land. It was common practice for colonial pow-
ers to pass laws forbidding the erection of
factories in colonies. Actually, the ruling na-
tions were not only unconcerned about the lack
of development in colonial areas, but did every-
thing within their power to prevent any such
When the limits of the market had been
reached in colonial areas, the old problem of over-
supply again became apparent and depressions
continued. In recent years, a new development
in the relationship between colonies and the ruling
powers took place. Many European businessmen
found that if they moved part of their industrial
establishment to a colonial area, they could earn
a profit even during depression years because of
the small operation costs. In. this way,. China, a
semi-colonial country, became the field for con-
siderable foreign investment. Thus Shanghai,
which lacks many of the requirements for a large
textile industry, became a major textile center
anyway. If English mills, especially during de-
pression years when the market experienced a
great shrinkage, could not sell their products in
India or China because the materials cost too
much, it still was possible for mills owned by
Englishmen-but established in Shanghai where
labor was practically free-to operate at a profit.
Thus many English mill owners found them-
selves on the horns of a dilemma. They wanted
the manufacturing process conducted in England
so that the latter country could reap the reward
for the labor, but at the same time they found
that frequently they could do better financially
if they established their mills in the backward
The immediate result of the establishment
of foreign-owned factories in backward areas was
to open the eyes of the wealthy natives who de-
sired to follow the lead of the westerners. In
China, there developed a small industrial class
of Chinese who opened factories to compete with
English, American, German, and Japanese out-
fits. The foreign powers attempted to throttle
this competition by placing obstacles in the way
of the native industrialists. This was accom-
plished largely via the unequal treaties which
exempted foreign business in China from Chin-
ese control. Chinese industrialists, meanwhile,
always at the mercy of local gangsterism and
passing warlords, found it extremely difficult to
compete. In the colonies, the foreign powers
usually nipped native competition in the bud by
simply forbidding the establishment of extensive
industrial works by natives.
so often proclaimed, a high-minded desire to However, once again a new development has
bring Christianity or public health to unenlight- brisen
P8e0to upset the boal~dk balance. Revolution has
ened natives Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA- Ro0u11 00?00006~6aieas of Asia. All
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415 R
e, ina 0 $00Qp60100 -4iew,, April 16, 1949
such movements have a strong nationalistic flavor,
but some are also developing along class lines.
In semi-colonial, semi-feudalistic China a Com-
munist rebellion has succeeded to the extent of
forcing a corruption-ridden and wholly inefficient
nationalist regime to sue for peace. In Indo-
China a revolutionary coalition front composed
of nationalists and communists has about kicked
the French overlords out of the country. In
Indonesia, a pure nationalist movement-having
split with and suppressed its communist sup-
porters-is carrying on the struggle. In Malaya,
a Communist-flavored revolt is in full swing,
while in Burma, which, like China, might be
called semi-colonial, the nationalists and com-
munists, plus an autonomous-minded minority
group, are engaged in a three ring _ circus.
Perhaps this new development is more easily
understood in China. Here, the native group
which originally opposed the foreign powers who
sold manufactured goods and bought raw mate-
rials is now attempting to enlist the support of
these very same foreigners in the internal class
struggle. So long as the Chinese Communists
were a force scarcely to be reckoned with, the
native nationalists ?ought the foreign imperi-
alists. Attacks upon the .,unequal treaties were
constant. However, now that the Communists
have succeeded in rallying the oppressed peas-
antry and are on the point of driving out the
nationalists or-at least getting them under con-
trol, the latter are turning to their old enemies
and requesting support.
As things have turned out, it is not the
principal colonial powers whose aid is being
sought, but that of the United States. This is
merely because the leading colonial powers,
Britain, France, and Germany, have fought
among themselves so extensively that they are
no longer in a position to give aid. The United
States, although not a colonial power in the
strict sense of the word, does operate pretty
much upon the same economic principles as the
European colonial powers and therefore reacts
similarly when it sees a market in process of
being eliminated or controlled by its own in-
habitants to such an extent that "free" or
privileged trade is no longer possible.
WITH this background on relations between
the "'developed" and "undeveloped" coun-
tries -of the world, it is particularly interesting
to read the press agency stories from London,
Paris, Washington, and other capitals of the
"developed" world telling of the great concern
that is felt for the inhabitants of the backward
Aside from a plaintive wail or two from
Paris where the ruling group would like to have
Indo-China considered a backward area in need
of development, providing, of course, that the
money comes from America or some place other
than France, the concensus seems to be that
Africa is the main undeveloped area in need of
economic aid. Perhaps the reason is that the
"dark" contineptpp is co ider dl the 21~~ t~0 1
rove or a ease
vanced politically and therefore may be exploit-
able for a while longer than other colonial areas
where the natives, although living in undevelop-
ed physical surroundings, have become entirely
too well developed politically.
All this talk of development, it seems, stems
from the late President Roosevelt who had an
ambitious and praiseworthy scheme for im-
proving the economic status of. all backward
areas and for moving populations around so as
to relieve pressure on some areas and provide
sufficient manpower for development of sparsely
populated areas. However, it now seems that
Roosevelt's plan is to be dusted off so that it
can complement the Truman Doctine, the Mar-
shall Plan, and the Atlantic Pact. The present
idea is to use American money, materials, and
know-how in an effort to expedite the exploita-
tion of Africa in the interests of the European
colonial powers with whom the US wishes to
align herself for the next war.
If left to her own devices, the. US might
rush in without due consideration and upset the
apple cart. A, least that seems to be the
opinion in London. The British, who are no-
body's fools, have learned a lesson in Asia
where a rich empire is slowly slipping out of
their grasp. While they want Africa developed
so that a substitute source of revenue may be
secured, they do not wish to do anything which
might cause the Africans to begin thinking
along the. same lines as their Asiatic counter-
A recent Associated Press dispatch from
London sheds interesting light on this point:
"A political planner in the colonial office
believes Britain probably will have to let go its
East African colonies within 25 or 30 years, even
in the best circumstances. The same thing, he
believes, will happen even sooner on the West
African Gold Coast, where political riots have
already taken place. This same attitude is re-
flected in the colonial section of Britain's new
four-year plan' for recovery submitted to the
organization for European economic cooperation.
"If investment is `pushed too far or too
fast,' the plan statement said, `it would give rise
to conditions that have the gravest consequences
to social welfare and stability.' In short, there
are agitators who could profit from inciting
Africans with talk of `exploitation by capitalist
imperialists.' If development schemes are car-
ried out in a way to make this seem partly logical
to the workmen, riots and rebellion are likely
to. wreck the best laid plans."
There it is in a nutshell. Faced with the
combined threat of a loss of revenue from straight
exploitation of Asiatic colonies and the closure,
of normal markets by an embittered native po-
pulace, the European powers, whose whole way
of life at home is built upon the colonial system,
are both anxious and scared to develop new
markets in Africa. With the lesson learned in
Asia behind them they are conscious that eco-
nomic development inevitably leads to loss of
CIR- vis-16 gF O b( 6UU7 t ie natives, and
poyed For, 2elease 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Wee 1 'Review, Apri 16, 1949
thus are fearful lest such development result in
an early loss of these last colonies in Africa.
The colonial powers, refusing to see the
handwriting upon the wall 'which tells them in
unmistakable terms that the days of colonialism
are over, are rapidly becoming enmeshed in more
and more economic contradictions. Weakened by
wars among themselves and loss of revenue from.
Asiatic colonies, they are too poor to undertake
development of the world's last available colonial
region over which they exercise physical control.
They have -turned to America for aid, offering
to split the profits if Uncle Sam will supply the
necessary tools for exploitation. It will be inter-
esting to see if the United States is really foolish
enough to finance this last hopeless adventure
of governments whose thinking has not changed
for the past two centuries.
The Democratic Life
Seventy-year-old Yang Ju Sam, first Korean Methodist
bishop, was arrested last night by a special police force for
allegedly collaborating with the Japanese ........ Arrest of
Yang (a YMCA director in Seoul) was interpreted here as
indication of a behind the scenes political tug-of-war being
waged between President Rhee and a group of national
assembly delegates who are in control of a special police
force.... The special police force, informed observers here
believe, is a political tool to throttle opposition .......... -
United Press dispatch from Seoul, Korea, on March 29.
Yang can at least take comfort in the fact that he is
living in Southern Korea, a democracy endorsed by the United
States, and not in Northern Korea, a Moscow-dominated con-
centration camp where the people's freedoms are ruthlessly
Reds Drive For Production
T HE Chinese Communists, according to their
radio broadcasts, : are currently engaged in
an all-out drive to increase production in all lines.
A propaganda campaigns designed to impress upon
individual workers and peasants the great need
for more materials has been launched. It is ex-
plained that the country needs'more food, more
consumer goods, more- capital products and that
these things can be secured only through increased
effort. Every opportunity is used to impress
upon the individuals that since they are now
working for themselves, they should work harder.
Aside from appeal's to patriotism, many con-
crete measures designed to increase production
have been adopted. A! labor emulation campaign
has been inaugurated. Workers"are told of the
fine work done in such and such a factory or
rural district and asked to enter into competition
in an effort to set a new production mark. Con-
tests between individual workers in the same or-
ganization are mapped out, with prizes for the
winners. In addition to these devices, a very,basic
inducement has been offered-higher pay. Work-
ers are told that their income will go up cor.?-.
1 1
tools. Numerous new farm and factory imple-
ments, it is said, have already been developed.
It, is, of course, far too early to be able to
judge the success of this program or even to
make an estimate of how much production can
be increased or what such an increase would mean
to the national economy. However, it is possible
to see the basic common sense behind the whole
campaign. China is a very poor and undeveloped
country and if she is to make any great steps
toward increasing her wealth and thereby raising
the overall standard of living, it must come from
the hard work of the Chinese people.
It is true that the mere ending of the Civil
War will result in vast improvement. The de-
mobilization of soldiers and their return to pro-
ductive work, the elimination of the "exploiter
class," especially from rural areas, inauguration
of efficient and honest government, development
of a sound system of taxation, and so on will
result in a vast improvement:
How - great these advances will be it
is difficult to tell with any exactitude, but
it is possible to get an estimate of the
extent to which China's economy has slipped
in recent years. According to Dr. On Pao-sail,
of the Academia Sinica, China's national income
has been falling year by year since 1936. His
estimate puts China's national income in 1946
at 25 percent below the 1936 figure. This is a
sizeable drop, especially when one considers that
the national' income was rising steadily in the
years immediately preceding the outbreak of the
Sino-Japanese War. Presumably, China has not
only sustained an actual 25 percent drop in income
(luring the decade 1936-46, but has lost even
more if one were to presume that during this
period income might have been increasing yearly
had it not been for the war with Japan and the
Civil War which followed.
Once the return to "normalcy" takes
place following - the end of fighting, the
percentage-wise increase of national income will'
be a slow affair considering that China must
start very nearly from scratch. However, if the
Communists are able to keep up the spirit of the
people, through measures such as those men-
tioned in the foregoing, there is no reason why
the country cannot develop an ever-expanding in-
come which, barring future setbacks such as
wars or other national calamities, can theoreti-
cally reach a stage where everyone's legitimate
wants and needs can be met.
If the Communists are able to carry out
such a program, they will have succeeded in doing
something which no other Chinese government
has been able to accomplish, or, for that matter,
even to contemplate.
An UNRRA Ghost
ing y wit
an production they achieve -~rHE Board of Trustees for Rehabilitation
above a certain norm. T Affairs (BOTRA), a post-UNRRA organiza-
Encouragement is given to those who think tion set up to supervise the liquidation of certain
of methods to improve techniques which result unused supplies which UNRRA willed to China
in increased production or in labor saving. In before its demise, has lodged a protest with the
some areas workshops or laboratories have been Executive Yuan over the requisitioning of these
set up for the FF%&r&PWefl aJ s 04'f2'1 : CIAi 3 044#i*0 i 'A6n0d7-4
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-0044R5Mh030QR0~PORT~1w, April 16, 1949
Such arbitrary action,. BOTRA pointed out,
is in direct contravention of the agreement sign-
ed between the Chinese Government and the.
United Nations which specified that no relief and
rehabilitation supplies granted China, by UNRRA
were to be used for military purposes. According
to the BOTRA protest, Nationalist troops in re-
cent weeks have been helping themselves to the
organization's stockpiles. Some one and a half
million board feet of lumber have been confiscated.
An additional 450,000 cubic feet of sand and
797,300 cubic feet of stone have been carted off
by local troops. Besides constituting a violation
of the Chinese Government's treaty obligations,
the less is, BOTRA alleges, crippling; some of its
programs. The lumber, for example, had already
been allotted to the Fisheries Rehabilitation Ad-
ministration for junk building.
It is, of course, always discouraging to see
materials designed for productive purposes swal-
lowed and digested-apparently without any ob-
servable benefits whatsoever--by the Govern-
ment's roving hordes of soldiery. However, in
this specific case there is a certain ironical touch.
For three years the Chinese people have been
waiting for BOTRA to start disgorging some
materials. Now, it seems, these materials are
fii ally being put to some use, even though it
may be non-productive. Perhaps we are being
a little unfair to BOTRA since its dismal record
has been in part the result of circumstances be-
yond its control. The whole Fisheries Rehabilita-
tion Administration fiasco, we understand, is
almost entirely attributable to the selfish inter-
ests of the local fish market and fish guild, which
have a powerful local protector whose authority
apparently cannot be successfully challenged.
Shanghailanders have been forced to go without
fish or buy them at outrageous prices because the
market and guild prefer to operate in an economy
of scarcity.
A combination of factors consisting of op-
position from various vested interest groups, such
as the fish guild in Shanghai, corrupt rural
magistrates who demanded their "squeeze" from
rural improvement programs, landlords who re-
sented any imported ideas or materials which
might tend to upset the. old feudal relationship
between master and servant, and an astounding
inability to function efficiently as an organization
have made BOTRA much more of a failure than
P. success.
Now that it is reported that Chinese troops
are appropriating materials, many of which have
lain in the weather for the past three years be-
cause of BOTRA's inability to put them to use,
the final curtain may be rung down on BOTRA,
as it was on UNRRA, which, wound up
its affairs and ceased existence just recently in
New York. In any event, it is hardly likely that
the Communists or the new coalition regime will
be willing to support any of the bureaucratic left-
overs, although it is likely that going concerns
such as the National Agricultural Engineering
25 Years Ago in
The China Weekly Review
Any Hope For Szechuen?
There is at least one measure of comfort for us as we
look out upon the unfolding of -the perennial flower of hope.
There has been so little to justify hope, and the flower has
been so often rudely blighted, that even if we are doomed
again to disappointment, no one will lose very much sleep
as a result of the nerve strain we have endured during the
past five years with the anxiety we felt during the Great
Revolution, at which time there was no fighting compared
with what we now expect. We cannot but smile at the
philosophic manner in which we now hear of "wars and rumors
of war."
So we may as well play at the game of hope instead of
indulging in an evening's "pleasure" over majongg which
pastime might meet with the wrath of the Chief of Police who
still needs funds. Whenever we order a consignment of goods
from Shanghai, or even Chungking, it is as good as a game
of chance, for the exhilaration in watching the slow progress
of the native junks as they crawl slowly by the "perils" by
water--perils by robbers--perils by the countrymen cannot be
beaten by a good horse race.
Everyone plays. it. Some put all their stake on the
black. The Gloomy Dean has nothing on them. If a soldier
walks across the street in broad daylight there is going to
be a bombardment of the city within an hour! If the news
papers mention that one of the "enemy" is making overtures
of peace it only means that the said "enemy" is about to
attack, Chungking has been taken away from Liu Tsen Hou
at least three times since the tide there turned in favor of
the North., But still he seems to remain there. No one blames
them-the outlook for so many years has been so gloomy that
their glasses are all smoked.
Actresses Organize
The actresses in Canton have organizer) a union. Among
their proposed activities will be the Issuance of a weekly
paper to promote their interests.
10 Years Ago In
The China Weekly Review
April 15, 1939.
Japan's Anti-British Campaign
Showing the widespread and organized character of the
agitation ggainst Britain and British interests in China which
the Japanese have lately been conducting in this country
through the medium of their puppet governments and local
administrations, posters of an anti-British nature were dis-
covered last week posted on walls in the western part of the
Shanghai International Settlement, which- is adjacent to the
territory administered by the Japanese-controlled City Govern-
ment of Greater Shanghai.......
China-World Power
Evans Fordyce Carlson, writing on "The Unorthodox War
Continues," said in part:
"When and if Japan commences the withdrawal of her
troops toward the seacoast, as the result of the realization
of these objectives by the Chinese, the latter will initiate the
final or Chinese counter-offensive phase. China's main striking
force has never been destroyed and stands ready to execute
the final coup de main when the time is ripe.
"A nation can never be conquered so long as the people
possess the will to resist. China 'still has that will. Both
leaders and followers now have everything to gain and nothing
to lose by continuing to resist. Moreover, this conflict has
Corporation will continue and possibly will forced on China a social revolution which is progressive with
receive even more encouragement than in the an effectiveness which, under normal conditions, could not have
been attained within another century...... The Giant stirs,
past. Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-R?P183aft4iN:zou3ubObimOb7r~4` great world power."
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415ROO3000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 16, 1949
Dead. End. In Aia For The West
And ew Roth
THE Western Powers are like a
group of "Dead End Kids" in
Asia. Their policies have brought
them to a dead end. They' scarcely
seem to realize the impasse exists,
much less know any exit therefrom.
The West knows it has suffered
serious defeats. Recent Communist
victories have so tipped the balance
in Asia that they may well be among
the leading reasons for the recent
Soviet peace offensive. The Com-
munist military and political victories
in China make it virtually certain
that all 450,000,000 Chinese will be
under a Communist-led Government
before the end of this year. In the
elections in American-run Japan the
Communists have boosted the num-
ber of their seats in Parliament from
four to 36. The American-supported
South Korean and Philippine gov-
ernments are uneasy as sporadic
Communist uprisings break out in
various areas. In Viet Nam a Com-
munist-led nationalist . coalition
harasses the few beachheads still re-
tained by the French. In Burma and
Malaya the governments find it dif-
ficult to extirpate insurgent Com-
munist bands which began their up-
risings last spring. In Indonesia the
Dutch attack has precipitated a
guerilla movement which seems like-
ly to come increasingly under Com-
munist influence. All of these Com-
munist movements, of course, have
taken considerable encouragement
from developments in China.
While the Western powers are
conscious of their setbacks, there
does not seem to be any general
realization that they are, to a very
considerable degree, in a blind alley.
Thus, many American military and
political strategists feel that" they
can make up for American setbacks
in China by allowing the conserva-
tive business elements in Japan to
achieve enough of a comeback to
make Japan an effective ally against
the Communist-dominated mainland.
By leaning toward the Japanese
businessmen, however, the American
authorities have helped push Japan-
ese labor toward the Communists.
In addition this policy has aroused
the active fears of those countries
formerly under the Japanese heel. In
China, for example, reports of
America's rebuilding Japan have
been one of the most compelling fac-
tors pushing the intellectuals 'and
even some industrialists-both of
them strongly anti-Japanese-into
the arms of the Communists.
Britain in Malaya 'is also threshing'
around in a dead end. Although up-
wards of 40,000 police and troops
are harassing less than 5,000 pre-
dominantly-Chinese Communist in-
surgents, the rate at which the Com-
munists are being rooted out is very
low. In order to cut down the
amount of support these guerillas are
porting some of them. This arouses
the antagonism of much of the
Chinese commur=ty which comprises
over two-fifths o-' Malay's population.
Furthermore, sirce virtually only the
Malays volunteer in any numbers for
the police and ;nilitary forces sup-
pressing the the ?at to Britain's posi-
tion, the British government is hard
put to resist lemands by Malay
leaders for spe vial privileges for
-them. These p ivileges are certain
to be resented b ; the Chinese. Bri-
tain feels comps fled to act energeti-
cally in Malaya because its exports
of rubber and tin produce over one
quarter of Britain's dollar credits.
But in fighting 0 preserve this "dol-
lar arsenal", i npoverished Britain
has been compelled to make sapping
police and military expenditures.
By its Decer..iber attack on the
Indonesian Republic, Holland plunged
headlong along ?- route in which com-
plete victory seems barred by the
wall of Indonesian resentment and
resistance and tie only alternative
now is complete withdrawal. Until
December there always existed the
possibility of settlement which
would enable Holland to retain its
privileged econoi-iie position for prob-
ably at least a generation. Holland
is a trading na ion which has kept
its comparativel, high living stand-
ards by serving as an entrepot for
Germany and by exporting Indonesian
products to the United States and
using the proceeds to finance its own
imports as well as goods for sale to
Indonesia. Although the Indonesians
were not willing ?:o permit Holland to
retain its prewa? monopoly position,
they were willing to allow it a pri-
vileged position in exchange for
political independence which they
reckoned as more important. Many
Indonesian nationalists have feared
that complete economic independence
would put Indonesia under the econo-
mic control of it ~ Chinese minority.
ALTHOUGH tie Dutch have cap-
tured a considerable portion of
the leading town: in the area formerly
under the Indonesian Republic since
they launched thAr current offensive,
they have met with more sabotage
and guerilla resistance than they anti-
cipated. Further more, the unprovok-
ed Dutch attack ias strengthened na-
tionalist feeling, already very strong
among the youta and the educated.
To one who has spent any time in
Indonesia nothin; has been more un-
realistic than th ' professed Dutch
elation when it was clear that three
Indonesian prir?ces, Rajah Anak
Agung, Tengu vlansur and Sultan
Abdul Hamid II would go along with
the Dutch, desp'Le the attack. The
latter two are aristocrats who have
always been in t:re Dutch pocket be-
cause they feel their only hope of
the Indonesian nationalist hares as
well as the Dutch imperialist hounds
but who, in the last analysis, has
decided that as a Rajah his privileges
are threatened by a republican re-
gime which proved to be strongly
anti-feudal in his native Bali. But
such allies. can do little if any good;
there are comparatively few aristo-
crats and many nationalists in Indo-
nesia. Dutch military expenditures
last year amounted to US$500,000,-
000-almost twice what Holland re-
ceived in ECA aid. This year they
seem likely to be higher without sue=
cessfuIly "pacifying" Indonesia, a
necessary prerequisite to its success-
ful exploitation.
The Dutch have succeeded not only
in antagonizing Indonesia nationalists
and in aligning other Asian nation-
alists against them, but also in com-
plicating the already difficult pro-
blems of other Western nations. The
Indonesian Republican government
depended on the US to protect them
against the Dutch, and one of the
reasons the Sukarno-Hatta govern-
ment suppressed its own insurgent
Communist opposition so enthusiasti-
cally last September was to prove to
the Americans that they were
sincerely anti-Cqmmunist. When the
Dutch attacked and the Americans
limited themselves to denouncing the
Dutch and stopping ECA aid to
Dutch-held Indonesia but not to
Holland, many fence-sitting Indo-
nesian and other Asian nationalists
came to the conclusion that the US.
is more interested in anti-Communist
imperialists than in anti-Communist
Britain has been similarly em-
barrassed by the Dutch attack. Al-
though the British had previously
shifted from a fairly neutral position
to one leaning toward its Western
Union colleague, the Dutch attack
complicated British relations with
India and other former British pos-
sessions. The British, for example,
had been working hard to cement re-
lations with India, in the hope
of keeping it within the Common-
wealth. But India has taken the
lead in aid for Indonesia, while
Britain has discreetly supported the
Dutch. In short, the Dutch attack
in Indonesia has almost done as
much to weaken Western influence in
South Asia as the Communist vic-
tories in China have accomplished in
East Asia.
In the meantime, the French have
been rattling around in their own
narrow cul-de-sac in Viet Nam.
Despite an army of over 120,000
men and an annual expenditure of",
about US$400,000,000, they are too
weak militarily to defeat the Viet-
namese and politically they are too
colonial-minded to give workable
terms even to their favored puppet,
receiving, the British feel them- being obedient emi-puppets. Anak In short, the West has come to a
selves compelled to root out large Ap un, r br t,_ ,y g ,p n - ~c~ }~ s .and South Asia and
numbers of ChApigro edtfea R&ease>. 41 u4i :t i tFit4>i i~3t4d h5FZ0 bNV ~lr?~b* to extricate itcPff
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415ROO3000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 16, 1949
A West China' Notebook
Lynn Chase and Amos Landman
BEYOND the coastal belt of China
lies a vast country-gaunt, tree-
less mountains in Kansu, camel
caravans in Chinghai, terraced rice
paddies , in Szechuen, primitive
tribesmen in Yunnan.
West China, including the Central
Asian province of Sinkiang, is popu-
lated by nearly 100,000,000 Chinese,
Moslems, Tibetans, Mongols, Tartars,
and others. It is a varied hinter-
land lying between Tibet, Soviet
Siberia, Red China, Nationalist
China, Indo-China, and Burma.
Technically, this tremendous tract
is under the hegemony of Nanking.
But as a practical matter, much of
it is autonomous or semi-autonomous.
Thus, a big slice of China will not
be immediately affected by the Com-
munist-Nationalist peace negotiations
now proceeding in Peiping, whatever
their result.
Northwest Metropolis
The metropolis of Northwest China
is a beige-colored city, Lanchow, in
Kansu province. Its buildings are
made of the baked earth on which
the city stands, and are covered with
a layer of dust of this same earth.
The city's sidewalks, like those of
many Chinese cities, are a hub of
commerce. Peddlers clutter them
with dried raisins and apricots,
garish Sinkiang rugs, Turkestan
caps, cotton piece-goods from Shang-
hai, and scores of other wares.
Mule-drawh droshkies and work-
carts-some equipped with pneumatic
tires which are scarcer than gold in
this area-raise clouds of dust no
matter how slowly they move.
Just outside the city along the
Yellow River, giant wooden water
wheels stand motionless, waiting for
the spring rise which will start them
turning and irrigating, the fields.
And in villages along the Yellow
River are children so poor that they
are naked from the waist down,
despite the paralyzing cold.
Not far away, in East Kansu and
Shensi, are the battle lines of the
Communists and Nationalists. If
the Reds win, then what?
Wu Hua-fu, Kansu Highway Com-
missioner, and Gustav Soderbom, a
Swedish businessman who has spent
most of his life in China, are con-
vinced that the Communists can
never take and hold the Northwest.
The Chinese, they say, are individual-
ists and will never submit to the
Communist organization of society.
Then you talk to Catholic and
Protestant missionaries, to -a Turki
rug merchant and an American busi-
nessman, to the Chinese themselves.
They ask that their names be with-
held,'then they speak frankly:
The Chinese are fed up with war;
they go to incredible lengths to The soldiers havr little artillery.
avoid conscription; even the most Their small arms inc of half a dozen
s not
unsophisticated look upon the Central varieties, creating ; supply problem. there is that he is in his 70's, and
Government as the cause o hi They v o r e eacher of many
taxes, corruptionl4 OV ~ elea(~ A41511 (~P q, ,~ This is China,
Many peasants would actually wel-
come the Reds, the, businessmen and
missionaries agrer.
Only the Moslems, whose anti-
Communism has a religious basis,
will fight. They a minority, but
they hold direct :ailitary control of
Chinghai and Ninghsia provinces, and
indirect control of much of Kansu.
The Moslem H ho dominates the
Northwest is Gei eral Ma Pu-fang
of Chinghai. We pent a day jounc-
ing over rutted rotds to call on him
in his exotic ca dtal, Sining, 150
miles west of Lar dhow.
The moment yoi cross into Ching-
hai, an arid, mou, tain-studded tract
bigger than Texas you see evidence
of impressive pub is works. Every-
where young trees have been plant-
ed-60,000,000 in tie last five years,
we learned later. Roads have been
improved, irrigati;.n projects built,
wool-processing plt.nts set up, and
clinics opened. El, en free schools
have been establi:hed-a rarity in
China today.
By discreet iu uiry, the other
side of the coin s revealed. Ma
Pu-fang is the al,; elute ruler of the
province. He hold, a monopoly in
most important en; rprises, including
the wool indu:;try, we were told by
merchants and others. Taxes are
said to be exorbitant. One source
reports that Ma drafted - without
pay-some 40,0D0 peasant men and
women to repair anme bridges which
were washed out b"7 a flood.
Interview With Ma
Thin-whiskered, imposing Ma Pu-
fang, whose bearin:?, is such that he
gives the impressio i of being four or
five inches taller than he actually is,
found time for an nterview one 7:00
So great is his hatred of the Com-
munists, he said, that he will fight
to the last man. But he also despises
the Central Govern meat. He attack-
ed Generalissimo Gliang Kai-shek for
sending him only y, trickle of arms
and ammunition. If acting-Pres-
ident Li Tsung-jen makes peace with
the Communists, : e continued, he
will ignore the pea 'e. He called for
American aid.
The concensus is chat Ma Pu-fang's
Moslem troops wil' fight. and fight
well. Those we saw drilling in Si-
ring were easily th..+ sharpest-looking
soldiers we have s''en in China.
But Ma's 100,000 troops are spread
thin on a line from -Tihwa, nearly
1.000 miles west c>f Sining, to the
Shensi front, about 400 miles east.
Following a recen? conference in
Lanchow of the governors of the
Northwest provinces, Ma drafted
enough men for ;mother division.
This does not chenge the picture
Air Transport, just flew them 50
tons of American aid program muni-
tions, but the arms stock remains
low. Northwest China, far away on
the Central Asian highland, appears
beyond the reach of effective Amer-
ican help, assuming such help is
Chinghai's hope seems to be that
the Reds will not now expend the
men to storm the Sining River valley,
the main entrance to the province.
It is a narrow defile which a small
force could hold for a time.
Similarly situated as to arms is
Ninghsia province, whose governor
is another Moslem warlord, Ma
Hung-kwei. Ma Hung-kwei, how-
ever, is closer to Red territory, has
a smaller percentage' of warlike
Moslems in his army, and does not
enjoy the same natural defenses. as
Both Mas represent a Moslem
minority ruling a non-Moslem
majority. According to reliable,
neutral sources, the latter has little
or no desire to fight.
Chungking And Chengtu
Five hundred miles south, in the
heart of Szechuen province, are
Chungking, China's' wartime capital,
and Chengtu, provincial capital.
Mayor Yang Shen of Chungking,
a former warlord, tells you the peo-
ple fear the Communists, but that
if, acting-President Li Tsung-jen
makes peace, Szechuen will accept
it. There is, however, one' proviso:
should Chiang Kai-shek reject a
peace consummated by Li Tsung-jen,
Yang believes that China's rich pro-
vinces, including Szechuen, would
support the Generalissimo. -
Two others, General Hsu Sze-
ping, Secretary-General of the
Chungking Pacification Headquarters,
a military, area embracing four huge
provinces, and a high official of the
provincial government in Chengtu,
both acknowledge that the peasants
are fed up with war.
The Chengtu Garrison Commander
and chief of the secret police,
Lieutenant-General Yen Hsiao-fu,
denounces the Communists, but say,
he is willing to string along with
the Central Government in its peace-
making efforts.
The position of the officials falls
into -perspective as you talk to
others. General Hsien Teh-sen, an
official of the outlawed Democratic
League, and a wealthy- landlord
living in a hilltop mansion 1,000
feet above the Chialing River, in
Chungking, declares, "the people
urgently need and want peace."
Despite the government's order
that political prisoners be freed as
evidence to the Communists of good
faith in peace negotiations, the staff
of two Democratic League papers
remain in jai], Hsien maintained.
The reason Hsi
lf i
Approved For Release 2006/04/21 : CIA-RDP83-00415R003000060007-4
The China Weekly Review, April 16, 1949
age and scholarship are venerated
even among political enemies.
Missionaries and foreign consular
officers confirm his statement that
the people want an end to fighting.
You are told of abuses by the
government. . The peasant spends
two or three days bringing his rice
to tax collection offices, for taxes
are paid in kind. Eating along the
way is expensive for him. But
sometimes when he turns in his rice
he is told that the grain is inferior,
and that he cannot be given full
credit for it. He has, no recourse.
Then the tax rice is often sold to
speculators-sor_retimes government,
officials-who dump it on the market
at harvest time, depressing the price
the peasant' receives for his grain.
A few months later, when the
peasant has to buy rice for food,
the price will have soared.
A Chinese recites a jingle com-
monly used to describe the public
attitude toward government of-
ficials :
"Meet and not discuss;
Discuss and not decide;
Decide and not act;
Act and not show strength"
Men In Uniform
Despite the talk about peace, sol-
diers are omnipresent. At first, be-
cause they are so unmilitary-looking,
one does not take much note of them.
But then you become aware that
wherever you go, however you
travel, there are always men in
In Lanchow, there are no customs
officials, so soldiers inspect your
luggage. On the Chinghai-Kansu
border, it is they who check travel-
lers (asking us for calling cards
rather than passports). In Chung-
king, Chinese Air Force planes were
flying passengers about the country
-for pay. In Chengtu, there were
no coolies to load a commercial
plane, so soldiers were ordered to
do the job.
Hanchung, a walled city in South
Shensi, is jammed with troops who
have been evacuated from Sian,
where the war is going badly for
the Nationalists. Military traffic on
the highway from Szechuen to Han-
chung, Sian, and Lanchow is report-
ed heavy. Soldiers ride truck con-
voys around Kunming to protect
them from bandits.
Seven new divisions are being con-
scripted in Chungking, five in
Yunnan, in addition to the one in
Officials declare the new units are
to be used only if peace negotiations
fail. But the men appear dispirited
and lackadaisical.. A former colonel
in the Chinese army who has. travel-
led all over West China says that
neither rookies nor veterans have
the slightest desire to fight. He
adds that even high officers cannot
support their families on their pay.
With few arms and a populace
which may become ugly if an at-
tempt is made to force it to carry
on the war, West China can only
await the inevitable. tion to Article 17t of the Constitu- (1FR f 4 ) by, as Mencius says,
When the Communists get ready tion, which declares that "Any law . "collecting for them (the people)
to move, the rugged terrain will be which comes into conflict with the what they like, and not to lay on
the most important and, some say, Constitution shall be null and void." them what the dislike" ( 47464M
the only factor t,@,PpmFao Releaspw2fl~Qgf/d /2vtiteUA D6i.$ 0445RQAf 8 600ii *& t-tt ).
Plebian eights:
China", ,, Suicidal Factors At Work
OF all the suicid: l factors at work
in this pseudo-4 emocracy of ours,
the trampling of p dple's rights has
been the greatest. The Government
has muzzled free ,peech and press,
imposed heavy tr xes, monopolized
commercial enterpi ses and indulged
in the wanton issue of banknotes. In
so doing, it has a;! ~nated itself from
the people, without whose support no
government can lom.g survive.
Professors Wen -to and Li Kung-
po were assassinated in Kunming
because of their outspoken attacks
on the corruption c' the bureaucrats.
Gestapo and secret service men have
been so omnipreser t in cities in the
interior that the o vners of teashops
and restaurants, jr order to prevent
any untoward inc i. cents, had notices
posted on their walls reading: "Re-
frain from talking politics. By order
-of the Gendarme orps." Even in
Shanghai men and women have been
secretly whisked v vay by the Ges-
tapo on the ptetc t that they were
either communists or anti-Kuomin-
tang and hav; been heard
of no more. As ate as last May,
disappearances ur.c Hr the guise of
suppressing comm anism were fre-
quent in Shanghai, but in reality the
victims' only crime if it could be
called a crime, wan to oppose official -
These activities silenced public
opinion, and innocent people, once
they were kidnaped by the secret
agents, had little .recourse. Many a
respectable family was terrorized
and its only alternative was to take
flight to Hongkong. The activities of
the myriad illega and semi-legal
organizations drov,> hundreds of in-
nocent citizens to Foreign asylums.
The Bill of Righ s remained a dead
letter in spite of the promulgation
of the Constitutiot, on December 25,
1947. There w.: s, for example,
the Peking student tragedy, in which
14 students died under rifle and
machine gun fire :.nd more than 100
were wounded.
No more did the Constitution safe-
guard the right to freedom of the
press. On July 8. 1948, the Hsin Min
Pao, an independ it Nanking news-
paper with a 20 y'?ar history and the
largest circulation in the city, was
permanently suppressed on charges
of violating Article 21 of. the Publi-
cation Law by "risseminating pro-
paganda and atteiapting to discredit
the National Government." This Law
reads: "No publication may print
anything which seeks to overthrow
the Kuomintang ire is in contradic-
tion to the Thre