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Approved Fo1- Release 2001/12/05~~CIA~DP83-004158005700190009-9 25X1A a~~Cn.~T'?CG ~=~c'tG7U:: C, x'IC CLASS[FlCA~!"ION ~..~.. __~__va_____ COUP'TRY I'AG ES _.._. REMARKS - .____ 25X1X 25X1X 25X1X 25X1A m.ENCLOSURES i~o? ~. n'?~~.:. ~ photo~rr~~hs 25X1X 14 hcrc: ~;~era crsf~ flights at the ~int~r (Tr'! ~;~/' '~ U8) airfic~l vurztion o~' fliChts ~4xried froz:, 1;r.?o o ~~reu y~ ~?.~o rzinu~e~. .lost fliihts ~~~~?re local . i'h~; i'iold vas _~trictl.y ;uc~rdod but the . ;~a.LI: radial e~a.;;in~: ..~ in-line ~ ~k~ne il~e i:~orninL; ni' 8 ;pril i~S~G , despit ~ 1"ht.~r-ground fob;. ~ ~.~ 'J`he fi,,hters ~ ~ita3 in-line :~,:~ see.rsed to fly and ~lir~b fr,stc:r t;h:~:n those ~~,~it~~ r~tidi~..l engines. Un1y ~~ hose het fi~htQ.r:~ t~ith sv,-eptb~.cY 1?rin.;: ~,?;~:re flyizt~ A it ~a~~s noticed that these planes h~->d tLr~} ~~a three aYAal Slots abovq 1;he nose t~Jheoi flaps ~:i3 the riCht ride of tho suselr~~,e . The number off' slots differed n ^~he t'usel~z%;e bulCed slightly aft of the clots, as f Ar as approximately in line ti~.ith tho leAdiz~; ?d~;e of the r,~inr;so (3~ 14~.nes ti?~er:: used d bord~:r chile ~, ny ilia-h s pith ~'~-? e~en~;:~ne fi~,hters ih~re ~?serr~ t~~ 25X1A Cl..ASS! FICATION ;~"yC~:.T-C C;,?+T 3?I.,/ti ~ Gam';:" IC l";Z~ V G t"a,'1~ Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 25X1A s~cH~T-c o~1T:7oz/U:~ c~ ~~~ I c l ?,.L~ crsLx 30 'rhe i'ollo~~aira~ aircraft t?~:ero countr~d st tho g field. on 8 ,:~~~ril 1~35G : . 25 ,~ et p:l~ neg t'~ ith sareptbac:~i ~?~in"s ~ tt~ro~seat het plr_~nes t:ith conventional 25X1 C a Individual. het planes t~~ith s~~eptback ~Arin~:~ T~~~$ local flights ^~as a li~l~t wind and rain and clouds 4~rare :Zo~r? I'hoto~,raphs crate taken- of tiro het planes str~ndin~; on th? ground. '~ The field was strict ly fu~;rded o ao The i'ield v?aas occupied by~ the f`olloti~?in~ p~_a~.?s on ~ ~ including 1~ vrith camouf?.a~;e 3 ~e p cover s~.n~1e-~en~ine f i~;hters 3 bipl~.nes anal 1 tti~rin?~en~ine tran~port~ .,tion f?liht off' Threo het planes r;2ac~e a sorr~Zr-. about ~ minutes. .~rtcr 1:-~nu' ,~ tr~c airc~?a~'t 25X1 C m ~~hc status of t~h e radio inatall?:~~.tion. ~ ease ,~. the: :i field Vr?j.s 'the st~:.tion had I'~oca.r r~rasts :::nd ~. t?7oocien cabin in th? center, and t~ru:s near the ,~'inotir~'u.??t estate . 't'he sin ;l.o r~~?~.:~t h4~d b~;en ror~rovad. aiC~ix;I'-C(;tdrl'Iit1lf U~:S ~~''ICI'".I~~.~ {~IILY 25X1X Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 25X1A 25X1X ~C~:7~i ??C 0~3`fi~Ul?~U:~ C ~ :N~'IC Z.?.I.~a GI~~, 3 ^ '~ d The airfield was occupied by the follo~~~ 3.rg pl s on 19 ;'~pr it 19 ~ ~i~ het fighters 5C~ to 5~ sira~le-~o,nl;ine Ioti,7r~vin~ mono=~ pl r~r.~e s l~ biplanes and "~. 1?irge trQ27SpOrt a ".Where vr,~s much fly'in~; with ,het fighters ?~r~d sinry;~.e?eng3n? lowewing monoplanes. Tl~e ~ 4t fighters flevr ix~ forz~c~tions of u`~ to l~ planes, thQ flight time v~rgi~:3~; 25X1C +~~.?m 2u to 4r minutes. 25X1 C 25X1A ~1~ ~ Gor.~nent, ror photographs of planes sc:e :iru7~~L~~ through 7 ? 25X1A ~ 21 Ga.~:~rnent o `i?he fighters with radi~.l .; ;~"' ~~ro ~~ lg are Y'ak~lls. 'his ac~~ cc,unts .i?r tl~.e obsarved lotrar rs.te of ?r.~1p;~z?ed cr3th the Ys~~?3. 25X1F$ ~~~or~~ra.en*~. 'i'h? oval slots on the 25X1 A ~ 4j r h hoto~-'ra*7l'~.5. ~xa thy; oc:e p lion of the ^i.rf~.eld by ~~;t r3~z~cr~1`t said eor..v~;ntional f`i~;hters n The number of aircr~.ft indicates th:.t th4 f".old is sti7.:~. occupied by t~:Ta fighter rogi~~cnt s ? i'hes photogrsphs t~:kan of tY~ e ~a:t ~~.t1.A~'S 02? t;ypE~ 1~ Srlot"1 t~lE.' '011.?~"a'~.Y?.,,~"~ syriking features: poti~~ar plaxit ~ Vertical strut ixA air ~nt`eLi~? a ~~iV .1J,a.1. ?O~LJLY rl i~V i..r1U~7 Di~1~1V ~''Y~ Oi~V.{.,~5 Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 25X1A v~.c~~;z~-ccr~l~c;L/u~ c:~~r?icz?~z,~ c~>~r; ~. x+~uee1~.;e ~ .~~'1s~s on the side o.:' the :~ usela:`;e, under the rudder ~~ssembly ~probablg suxil3eir;y~ .~ ?znding bra~ey :'ings s~ sanding flays are e~ctenr~ed dov~~xi~vard r.nd resrward. ~,.: ~'~ it unit - 1'iorizant~al rod to the re~.r. ~.n line zr~ith elevator a semlbl;~ ~ Purpose of rod not lcno~vr~~~ .~~r~ent ~ `i`~~*o iA~eapons in sower sar,'rion C)f Y1C31~. ..~ti~;ht t~eapon C~~e :~ ~.rf~er caliber than left. ereapon. a?~case ~~rheel ~ ~'ossl.ble rotrtion b;~r 9Q c~a? ;;reel before retractin Q '.the other ~~lane photo~;r~~hEd is a Yak~3. ~' :.bnnex9sY ~ Photographs ~.~i1.~~3~`~-CCr~Ti~GL/U~ U~r?rcz.~1,::: crrLY Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 Approved -RDP83-0 Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2001/~2/Q5 - ~~A R~~'83-X041;: `''" :::: >.GIA-RDP83:-Oi#41:R00 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 Approved>~,For Releasej2001/72/05 :, CIA-RDP83-00415 25X1A ................. ................. Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 Approved',For Release 20fl1/~~/Q5 ,G1A-R[~1~83'=004'1580 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9 Approved-;For Release2001t12/05 Approved For Release 2001/12/05 :CIA-RDP83-004158005700190009-9