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25X1A I RA4 NO Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-004158006600080003-7 V 1949 51.61A CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED 25X1A CENTfA;L INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. 1 COUNTRY Iraq PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED Transmittal of Baghdad Press Items 25X1X 25X1 A- DATE DISTR. 15 November 1950 NO. OF PAGES 1 NO. OF ENCLS. 8 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ''The attached material is sent in. the belief that it may be of interest: Daily Reviews of the Baghdad Press, Baghdad, Iraq These attachments are of a free classification. CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTED State Department review completed VTT CCEO4 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 D AIL Y R E V I E W 2j AA Embassy of the U.S.A. Thursday, October 19, 1950 Baghdad, Iraq. of the 11115 IS M ENCLOSURE TO r~ ~ ~, r:?'ThP.q B A G H D A D P R E? S ASHOURA DAY. The Shia Qadhi of Baghdad has announced that Ashoura or the 10th day of Muharram will fall this year on October 23. (Liwa Al-Istigial) ARAB LEAGUE COUNCIL SLATED TO-CONVENE ON OCTOBER 23. Egyptain Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Abdul Rahman Haqqi told the reporter of the Egyptian Broadcasting Service that the Arab League Council will convene on October 23. The meeting will be held at the Secretariat of the League in Cairo. He will represent Egypt.- (Liwa Al-Istiqlal) NEWS FROM SYRIA. According to an ANA message from Amman, the Syrian authorities have announced that the Syro-Jordan frontiers are closed down as from October 17. No reason was given. (Liwa Al-Istiglal) Yesterday, in its evening news broadcast, the Baghdad radio quoting its Beirut correspondent reported that the Syrian government has barred Syrian and Iraqis from entry into Syria as from October 18. But,. the report was found to be incorrect, and the Baghdad Radio denied it later. (Al-Hatif) Following his arrest,. Hussain Towfiq, charged with the murder of Amin Othman Pasha and residing in Syria, confessed to have taken part in the attempt made against Col. Shishakly's life.. (A1-Nabaa) . IRAQ....... Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 October 19, 1950. IRAQ APOLOGIZES FOR REPORT ABOUT KING FARtJK 4 According to a story filed by the "A1-Ahram" co rres- riondent in Baghdad, the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs has apologized to the Egyptian representative in Baghdad for the report of the. Baghdad Radio correspondent in Beirut that King Faruk would reside in Syria', and expressed the government's determination to take action against those who are responsible for the release of such a story'. (A1.Alam Al-Arabi) EDITORIAL COI NTS. Sada Al--Ahali, Liwa Al-Isti lal, A1-Ingad. A1Umma, and A1-Yagdha deal with the problem of this time of the year, that is admission in colleges and the fate of secondary school graduates. They concur that higher education is a right and that the educational system of Iraq should be revised in the light of the country's needs in order to set up vocational and technical schools. Speaking of the petition submitted by the opposition parties to the King in Egypt, Ash-Shaab notes that it is, indeed, surprising that the opposition, which until recently was in power, has turned against the group at the Royal Palace, which helped it to rule the country. It is noteworthy that the Wafdist press is keeping quiet; it seems that the Wafd wants the Royal Palace group to be crushed by its former allies. The situation might lead to important developments in the near future or once again calm down. Speaking of the Far East, A1-Akhbar says that the Korean episode is ending, and the unity of the country will become real. The world was awaiting for President Truman's statement after the conference at Wake Island with General MacArthur; and indeed, he spoke foremost of the future of Korea. Besides, the Korean question there are other problems confronting the U.S. in the Far East; they are Indo-China, Formosa, and the Red Chinese representation. Commenting on President Truman's San Francisco speech, A1-Yagdha says that he praised MacArthur very much and did not say anything new.. However, he referred very briefly to the social injustices in Asia. Although it was a mere reference, but it was one of the most important subjects he dealt with. Unless these social injustices are undone, the U.S. efforts to check Communism are to no avail. Is it an indication of Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R0066000806&- -- Approved For Release 20 /1Q/22 :yCIA-RRDPE8 - 02415R0006600080003-7 of the THIS IS Mi ENC[fc[IRE TO BAGHDAD PRESS Embassy of the U.S.A. Friday, October 20) 1950 Baghdad, Iraq. SYRIA.. 25X1A Reports from Damascus say that the military police has laid down its hands on important documents which indict the recently arrested ring. Ahmed fish-5harbati and Amin Ruweiha, who are among the detainees, are .known for their connection with Shukri Al-quwatly. Col. Shishakly left the milit%ry hospital. Now, it is evident that although he escaped death he had his arm hurt. Following his exit from hospital, he supervized in person the arrest of between 15 and 20 army offipers, including five senior ones. The arrest of Sabri Al-Asal i, Secretary General of the National Party, has been ordered. Colonel Towfiq Nidhamiddtn, one o`' the three colonels who engineered the coup d'etat No. 3, Lt reported to have flown to Cairo. (Al-Nabaa) EGYPT. In Egypt, King Faruk has arrived. in Alexandria. The opposition parties are to submit their petition wherein they warn him of the possibility of revolt uni ss the inquiry into the arms scandal is properly conducted, rmy maneuvers slated to begin today have been cancelled, and nc reason was given. (Al-Istiglal) KING AB DULLA . King Abdulla is flyin; to Baghdad tomorrow morning, October'21. He will be attended by: Samir Pasha Ar-Rifaye, Royal Chambe!r15tin Shawkat Pasha As-Sati, Special Phy , to the King Salim Kardash, Special ADC to the )J.nj'; Dr. Mohammed Hizi, a deputy ~or 'j 11fl , : pP(?_f-0 ~ ~ g 3Of the Supreme Hadquarters SheikhM Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 _3_ October 19, 19504 change in the American policy or another sedative ? SHORT NEVIS. According to informed sources, the Iraqi government is preparing itself to resume sterling balances talks interrupted since the sterling devaluation. (Al-Umma) The Mexican Minister in Beirut will come to Baghdad late this month, to present his credentials as Minister in Baghdad, following the decision to exchan e diplomatic representation between Iraq and Mexico. (A1-Ittihad Ad- Dasturi) Baqir Al-Hassani, Director of Commerce, Ministry of Economics is due today from Tehran where he attended the Is,jlft 'eg tej%!p@st8Pj"WR~ b9lA-f PE8 B$ 006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 .G 4-RDP83-0041 QtdV6bW0800Q3-19 STERLING .~(ALANC S; TALKS The Ministry of Finance has secured the Council of Ministers' approval of the bases it laid down for resuming the sterling balances talks,. The Ministry has also prepared a letter to the Foreign Office asking it to convey to the British Embassy in Baghdad its desire for resuming the nego- tiations next November.. It is confirmed that they will . t ake place in Baghdad. (A1-Umma.) REPORT OF CLOSING SYRIAN FRONTIERS DENIED. The Syrian Charge d'Affaires in Baghdad, in a statement ,to the Baghdad Radio reporter,. has denied the report that the Syrian frontiers were closed to Iraqis and Jordanians.. (Al- Umma) ADVISORY" AGRICULTURAL COUNCIL POSTPONES MEETING. The Advisory Agricultural Council was summoned to. convehe' on October 21, but. 1 r meeting has been postponed until October 24, A1? Umrna } SCANDAL AT THE FOREIGN ' Cr' b,,WGE'; OFFICE. A scandal involving an initial 'amount of $ 11 000 has been revealed at the Foreign 'Exchange Office. A form .of dollar allowances to students was faked and disbursed by the Deputy-Controller of Foreign Exchange without approval of the Board. The author isa.certain Menashi, a Jewish `clerk who was given the chance of 1'eavin the country under ,the denationalization law. (Al-Istiglal) VIEW ON KASHMIR. .Sheikh Qassim Al-Qeyzi, Chairman of the. a Al-Islamiya" (Islamic Conversion) Society in Baghdad, made t"ie "following statement""about Kashmir "Kashmir is an Islamic province dear to every Moslem. It is obvious that all Moslems are concerned over any catas- trophe or calamity to befall the Moslem people of Kashmir. It. is incumbent on the Islamic peoples and governments to support this Islamic people threatened with annihilation., India should realize that millions. of Moslems 'scattered over hhe suf fe jngs their brethren in thg 1 ob will sha ro t r ~~ f , 10 R pprpveq, For elease 03 /22 : IA- 3-0 15ROO6600080003-7 Kashmir... 'Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 -4 - October 20,.-1950 Kashmix,.. and want only that they be given the right to be in- corporated into their natural state, Pakistan. The nations of the world should. enable every people to express its opinion with full freedom to determine its fate and the kind of regime it wants for itself.. (Az-Zaman) EDITORIAL COMMENTS. Commenting on the Truman-MacArthur meeting at Wake Island, SadaAlhali says that the news has overshadowed the developments of the ending week... But, the meeting was meant as a political maneuver to patch the disagreement of the two men over the Formosa issue. Speaking of the tensf, situation following the arms scandal in Egypt, 5 ada Al_. -,.Lli . rs that the Arab public is watchiric the developments to fo low the petition to the. King, because indeed all the states suffer of the same thing. . Assailing American AAl-Isti lal says that a negro couple was put j. a :sgo in the New York zoo, that the U.S. fights against em'_~~cip.. .: t1 of the peoples, and that in Korea it pref. n:;ed the coun-?ry ftc~m being unified. Moreover, in order to s;. the growing 'rcntir.ent of liberation and emancipation a:; ong the oppressed peec;p1 s of the world, the U.S. is creat?i r.g a UN force to fight ,.,, But, the paper believes, "The kro! .. d will be liberated. The oppressed peoples will revolt. The United States has to prepare itself to fight the whQle word peoples and nations. The spirit of liberation is imbuing thee weak peoples and na- tions, whether the U.S. is willing or 1tt...'t E N D Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 STAT Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP8.3-00415R006600080003-7 2 - October 21; 1950. According to the ANA correspondents in Baghdad,. the Iraqi government has decided: to close down its Consulate at AJ..,xand?.ria. Its officials will be transferred to the Legation in Cairo. (Az-Zaman) The committee in charge of determining Iraq's needs out of President Truman's Point IV Program of aid met on Thursday, October 19 and is due to reconvene on Sunday, October'22. (Az-Zaman) The Committee in charge of going through the new civil law expects to finish its task at the end of this month. (Az-Zaman) Senator Hamed Al-Naqib returned. from abroad. (Az-Zaman) Speaking in favor of the SyrO-Iraqi proposal at the UN for a Big Four's review of outstanding world problem, Ahmed Al-Amer, Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies, concedes that it will "clash with the big powers' interests and is doomed to failure"; however, he "favors it" as they might achieve something. As a core1lary to its failure, he is of the opinion that the UN should switch to the plan of consolidating the organiza- tion by enabling it to make quick decisions and by suppressing the veto right. He attributes the UN's failure to the lack of good faith of the member nations., (Az-Zaman) E N D Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 D A I L Y R E V I E W [HIS IS A ENCLOSURE TO of the B A G H D A D P R E S S Embassy of the U.S.A. Sunday, October 22, 1950 Baghdad, Iraq. Monday, October 23, 1950 25X1A ASHURA. Today is Ashura, or the 10th day of';uharram. It is an official mourning day to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain. Almost all evening and morning newspapers devote their editorial to the occasion. Describing it,Al-Umma (10/23) says "The day of the master of martyrs"; Liwa A1- Isti lal (10/23) The day of self-denial and sacrif. ice" ; Al- azir (10/23), "Anniversary of the father of martyrs" ; Al-Yagdha 10 23) "Anniversary of magnanimity, self-sacrifice and immor- tality"; and in Az-Zaman (10/23) Saad Omar calls it "Inspiring anniversary." WORLD PEACE AND SYRO-IRAQI F'ROPOSAL. Commenting on the Syro-Iraqi proposal for four-power talks, Sada Al-Ahali (10/22) says, "Naturally, we do not wishfully think Shat the proposed four-power talks will immediately end bloc-making. They would alleviate tension and lay down new_,. bases of international cooperation. The matter is that the big powers reorganize their. relations and restore their wartime cooperative spirit which existed despite ideological and politi- cal differences. Indeed, the fact, that both camps possess the atomic bomb, will make the next war one of total destruction and annihilation. Peace-lovers want it avoided by all means, and they welcome any proposal likely to afford the big powers the opportunity to settle their differences." Speaking of the Syro-Iraq. proposal, Al-Akhbar (10/22) stresses the need of "good will" on the part of the big powers. It notes that the U.S. was the first tosupport wit. Thetpaper rhe concludes, "Upholding the Syro-Iraqi proposal, big powers have to realize that the actual international trend will lead inevitably ~o war. War, in the atomic age, means annihilation of the world and Civilization. Therefore, they should overlook their ambitions and devote their sincere efforts to the welfare of the world. This is the only way to stability, p veV#oiaR~le C&10~'' - 'o~~I : CIpkRqP 3-00415R006600080003-7 SYRIA, .... . Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 October 22 & 23, 1950. SYRIA. Prompted by reports of unrest in Syria, As-Sijil (10/22) "pities" it because of the "enmity of its own sons" who might plunge it into a "civil war." The paper appeals to the Arab government to dissuade the "reckless clique" of army officers from "playing on with fire." The danger arising from the situa- tion is not local; it affects the other Arab states at a time when Arabs need "unity of ranks" to face Israel. The paper wonders why the Arab League is standing by with "folded arms" and fails to despatch a mission to end "these farces and acts of folly." ~k sic * ARMS TO EGYPT., Interpreting the American refusal to ship arms to Egypt, Liwa Al-Istiglal (10/22) thinks, "It is no secret that these imperialistic powers (the U.S. and 1Britain) are resorting to this means of pressure to force the Arabs to subscribe to the status quo in Palestine and to negotiate a final settlement with Israel." The American refusal has come as a "disappointment" because "Al-Misri" newspaper gave assurances that the U.S. had agreed to shipping arms to Egypt.. The paper believes that the U.S. and Britain would not persist in their "arms embargo", if Egypt displayed serious determination to get them from anywhere else. These powers, says the paper, believe that the Arabs will confine themselves to "threats". KING ABDULLA INTTERVIEWEU.. Interviewed by the Az-,'-"aman reporter, King Abdulla hold- ing.some local newspapers in his hand began his statement, saying, "What do you want me to say? These are some of your newspapers, they failed to say about my visit what even tradi- tion requires: What they would say had Vishinsky.visited Iraq?" He added, "Az-Zaman takes always from me what it wants and never gives what we want'." Asked about the attempts being made at consolidating world peace, he stated, "At the beginning, the intention is good. If the world leaders persist in it, they will come to results. Their efforts will be successful, if they endeavor to avert war." Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003--7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 3 - October 22 & 23, 1958 Asked about the Anglo-Egyptian negotiations, he said, "I wish wholeheartedly that friends settle their differences." But, he added, "The negotiations have not yet reached their serious phase." Asked about Israeli acts of aggression against Jordan, he stated, "Jordan shall not permit any aggression against it. It shall resist anyone who thinks of violating its territories." Asked for a message to Iraqis, he said, "I came to Baghdad. Again I salute Iraqis. I advise them not prefer any other country to Iraq and that their goal should be the unity among Iraq, Jordan and Syria. That is my line, the one of my father, my brothers and ancestors." (Az-Garran. 10/23) KASHMIR. In an appeal to "support" Pakistan in the Kashmir case, Baghdad Chief Notable Asim Al-Gailani urges "Islamic governments and countries to defend earnestly the "stronghold of Islam in India" and thy: "obvious right of the Moslem majority", because it is shameful to remain with folded arms and to beg hopeless assist- ance." (Liwa Al-Istiglal. 10/23) ,Qhairman of the Islamic Brotherhood Society, Am~~ad *VairZahawi is afraid that the Kashmir case will plunge India an TTa Stan into "fierce wars". He asserts, "The overwhelming majority in Kashmir is Moslem. 'It does not favor incorporation with India. Therefore, this majority should have its say in determining its fate..." (Liwa Al-Istiglal. 10/23) SHORT NEWS. The Office of the Uouncil of Ministers has notified Arshad Al-Umary, Jalal Baban, Ali Mumtaz Ad-Daftari and Abdul Emir Al-Uzri of their appointment to the Development Board. Consequently, Arshad Al-Umary has resigned his senatorship, Jalal Baban, his membership in parliament and Abdul Emir Al- Uzri, his post of DG of Irrigation. (Az-Laman. 10/22) Nuri Al-Qadhi, DG of the Office of the Council of Ministers, returned from his leave and resumed work at his office. (Az- Gaman. 10/22) Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Senator.... Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 -4- October 22 & 23, 1950? Senator Abbas Mahdi returned in Baghdad. He spent the summer in Lebanon. (Az-Zaman. 10/22) Iraq forwarded to the Arab League Secretariat a memo- randum about Zionist propaganda in Turkey and the results there- of. This memorandum was followed by another proposing that an Arab office be set up in Turkey. The reply of the Secretariat was that the proposal will be included in the agenda of the coming meeting of-the Arab League. (Al-Nabsa. 10/22) The Council of Ministers has authorized the Minister of udorks and Communications to send Sabah Nuri As-Said, Manager- of the Iraqi Airways, and liana' n Al-Askari, Trade Chief of the Iraqi Airways, on missions abroad whenever necessary. (Al- Umma. 10/22) In a letter to Al-Akhbar, 1~_.4hdrehi denies that he will represent his party at the Beirut conference of the socialist parties; he says that he has not been contacted. (Sada Al-Ahali. 10/22) The committee in charge of examining aid to Iraq under the Point IV Program of President, Truman will not announce the results of its studies soon, because Iraq would like to know Egypt's attitude, and maybe the matter will be raised at the coming meeting of the Arab League. (A1-hkhbar. 10/22) According to Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi (10/23), the said committee convened on Sunday, October 22, and adjourned until Thursday, October 26. Najib Ar-Rawi presented his credentials to King Faruk in Cairo, on Sunday, October 22. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi. 10/23) Ahmed Ar-Rawi, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs., returned in Baghdad. He spent the summer. in Lebanon, (Az- Zaman. 10/23) E N D Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 STAT Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 CIA-RDP83-00415R006600680003-7 2 - October 25, 1950. "The UN attitude towards the Korean problem," says Sada Al-Ahali on UN Day, "gives the proof that it is still unable to settle serious peace problems by peaceful means. contrarily to its charter, it encourages the use of force instead of resorting to peaceful means." The record of the UN for the past five years is a failure, as it has been turned into an instrument .for carry- ing out the.policy of some big powers. The Arabs have been bitterly disappointed by the manner their Palestine case was dealt with along the line of Anglo-American policy. It imposed partition with complete disregard to the right of self-determina- tion. As for the UN agencies, their works have been limited to study. The paper doubts that anything substantial will be achieved, if international tension persists. The paper concludes that nevertheless the world cannot do with the. TIN. "ghat we want," it says, "is the control of the big powers will slacken to enable. it to fulfil its mission of sparing coming generations the scourges of war... No doubt, the attainment of this goal depends on the growing consciousness of the peoples of the world and. the emancipation of the small nations from the influence and t he control of. the big powers." Al-Hatif says that the UN has proved itself to be "under the sway o{' force and the control. of the big powers". The paper believes that the UN will share the fate of the League of Nations, because-: the East-West conflict is heading to war. The Arabs, says Al-Yam, have been bitterly hit by the UN; nevertheless, they should laugh at the farce being played on its stage. Al-Akhbar regrets that the fifth anniversary of the UN is being celebrated amidst outstanding differences among the big powers, and it expresses the hope that the Syro-Iraqi proposed resolution of the big powers' talks will afford the world the opportunity of seeing these differences settled. Summing up the record of the UN for the past five years, Al-Alam Al-Arab,_ says that it "slew" Palestine, it "strengthened Imperialism's foothold" in Egypt and the Sudan, it "falsified" the will of the brave Indonessian people, it "stood still" in Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 face ...... STAT Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 October 25, 1950. The British government has agreed to Iraq's request to resume sterling balances talks. The British delegation is expected in Baghdad next Sunday, October 29. (Az-Zaman) Following the. Beirut reports that four Iraqi students at the A.U.'l'. were arrested on charge of Communism, the Ministry of Foreign Affeecirs asked the Lebanese government to inform it of the investigation. Moreover, the Eresident of the A.U.B. sent a letter to the Iraqi Cultural Attache in Beirut informing him of their arrest. (Az-. Laman ) Damascus reports indicate the intention of the Syrian Ministry of Justice to enter into negotiations with Iraq for a new extradition agreement (Al.-Umma The Development Board will start working on November 1. As for the ?3ritish and American members on the Board, the Council of Ministers has approved that Mr. Dicks be the British member; regarding the American, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been asked to contact the appropriate authorities to get a man appointed. (Al-Akhbar) The charter members of the Dates Company decided to meet next week J.n Basra to appoint its Administrative Board. Almost 101% of tee c aipital_ has been paid; and shares will be offered to the public after the appointment of the Board. (Sada Al-Ahal i ) Commerce Director Baoir Al-H:assani, who attended the Islamic economic conference of Tehran in the capacity of governmental observer, told Az-Daman reporter that the confe- rence unanimously approved a resolution amending its charter for the participation of Islamic governments in the conference. The reason is that governmental participation will permit a faster implementation of the resolutions to be adopted by t he conference. Omar Nadhmi to Baghdad from Turkey. (Al-Akhbar) The...... Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 5 - October 25, 1950? The Advisory Agricultural Council began its new session yesterday. It elected Ex-Economies Minister Baba Ali as its x ~ is ent . (Al--Ittihad Ad-Dastur i ) The Council of Ministers has been asked by the Ministry of Economics to delegate Darwish Al-H da to the FAO confe- rence slated for November 3, in Wa zng 'on. Darwish Al-Haidari will be seconded by two officials of the Iraqi Lrnbassy in the American capital. (Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi) Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 STAT Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 2 - October 2b, 1950. ANGLO-IRAQI FINANCIAL TALKS. The Council of Ministers has approved the bases of the financial talks. Iraq's needs of scarce currencies are estimated at ID. 8,500,000 for tke period from October 1, 1950 to September 30, 1950. As for the sterling balances, they will be discussed after talking over the scarce currencies. (Al-Umma) In an interview with the Al-Umma reporter, Khalil Feddo, DG of Farm Machinery and Implements, disclosed that the demands for farm machinery from the hard currency area have reached the mark of ID. 500, 000. ' hese demands are to be analyzed and classified in the light of the experience of, his department. In fact, agents have run short of farm machinery durinc the period between the issuance of the farm machinery monopoly ordinance and its amendment. It is noteworthy that 30% of the demands are for spare parts. As for the:, workshops at Diwaniya and I'iosul, the one at Diwaniya will be completed by the end of the year. But, the farm machinery department has failed to set up the other one as it could not afford it; however, a landlord has amreed to undertake the building provided that the farm machinery department leases it. (Al-Umma). EDITORIAL C01,,D,:~`T I'S . Pointing out that the prices of wool stuff have risen to the "wartime black market level", Sada Al-Ahali urges the government to tackle the matter immediately because this is t o create an additional problem for people of low income. It surTests that the government resorts to importing sufficient ouantities or to rationing. Moreover, it prompts the government to encourag(- the: setting up of new weaving factories to cope: with the difficulty of importing .wool stuff which is to bu diverted to the army in Britain, the U.S. and Europe. The celebrations of the UN anniversary are branded by Liwa Al-Istiolal as the "Lake Success carnival." The paper, says, "Two days ago, the U.3., Britain and the European and Asian states in their bandwagon celebrated the anniversary of the foundation of the UN, this child born dead. In vain the Anglo-American propaganda attempted to revive this corpse. The Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 speeches... STAT Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 October 26, 1950. Among the items on the agenda of the Advisory Agricultural Council, there is the proposal for amending the status of the Agricultural Bank to enable it to give "more effective assist- ance" to amricultural mechanization in view of the prices rise of farm machinery which are expected to reach 55%. (Al-Umma) The iviinistry of Financ: has accepted to place at the disposal of the M=inistry of Interior the sum of I.U. 30,000 for allocation to the local. administration of the various Liwas. (Al-Umma) The Iraqi delegation to the Islamic economic conference in Tehran has finished with drawing up its report to be submitt- ed to the Ministry of Economics. (Al-Umma ) E N D Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 D A I L Y REV I E W THIS IS ,R L CLOSURE TQ of the ED 1;'0T C' c'-yGH BAG H D A D P R E S S Embassy of the U.S.A. Saturday, October 2$, 1950. Baghdad, Iraq., Anxious about Syria because of political unrest, Abdul Razzaq Al-Dhaher, writing in Az, quotes an Arab proverb which says, "An ignorant does himself more harm than one to his enemy." 25X1A Indeed, he says, Syria among the Arab states, is privileged, It is fully independent. Unlike Egypt and Iraq, it has no treaty- with any foreign power. Unlike Saudi Arabia and Yemen, it has a modern government. The genuine independence of Syria should be preserved. The Arab states should strive for it, because it opens the way to theirs. Syrian politicians should realize the consequences of political maneuvers and unstability. They might determine their independence and it would be too late to repent. After praising the abilities of the persons who have been appointed to the Development Board, Al-Akhbar points out that oil royalties were ill spent in the past. But, as they are to be put at thy.. disposal of the Development Board, the country expects much of it. According to Al-jtkhbar, the Development Bgard will not enter into operation before the beginning of the new year as its budget must be prepared and submitted to parliament for approval. The first task of the Board will be to supervize the 'ITharthar Project. Most of the drab broadcasting stations have approved the Baghdad Radio's propos,zl for an exchange of recordings. z-aman) Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 STAT Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 2 - October 27, 1950. Imam Sayid Mohammed Al-Khalisi made a statement about Kashmir. He pointed out that India occupied Haiderabad, which had a oslem ruler, on the ground that the majority of the po -uiat `on o' province was Hindu; and now it wants to lay its hands on Kashmir, where Moslems are in majority, arguing that its ruler is Hindu. Khalisi.expresses his confusion about "what principles and arguments" to take into consideration. He urges the Pakistan government to "insist" on its rights and to "have mercy of its brethren in Kashmir by refusing to surrender them to Hindu ambitions and cruelty..." In cast; the Security Council and India "unheed our.voice", says Al-Khalisi, "we and the people of Kashmir have only to re- sort to God, Who ordered us to defend our homeland. Moslems throughout the world should obey this order and respond to the appeal of their brethren of" Al-Khalisi warns that the responsibility for such an armed conflict will fall upon India and subsequently upon the Security Council. (Liwa Al-Istiglal) POINT IV PROGRAM. Liwa Al-Istiglal reports, "The: special committee in charge of appropriating the financial assistance allocated to Iraq under President Truman's Point IV Program and amounting to ID. 750,000 met yesterday morning at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its members agreed upon drawing -u a final report about the proposed projects and their cost. report will be forwarded to the appropriate authorities in the U.S., in order to get the requested financial aid for carr- ing out the pro jtects proposed by the DG of Agricul- ture and the DG of Irrigation." IRAQI-LEBANESE ECONOMIC TALKS. The Lebanese: government has agreed to Iraq's proposal that their economic talks take place in Baghdad. In a recent communication, Lebanon announces that it will send its delega- tion inthe near fyture. Informed sources herb expect that the talks will begin as soon as the Lebanese delegation will arrive. (Al-Umnma ) ADDITIONAL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1UNICIPALITIES AND PROVINCIAL ADILINIS TRATION . ApproW F&pRelaiie Mblfi=Z OSRDI!&10 O6608OGQ1V , Saturday, According...... Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 - 3 - October 27, 1950. According to rumors in lobbies, it will consider the addition of budget appropriations for municipalities and provincial administration. The Ministry of Interior wrote the financial au hori.t ies for drafting such a bill, as the original appropria- tions and the additional sum of ID. 30,000 have proved insuffi- cient. (Al-Umma) EDITORIAL COMMENTS. Commenting on the communique of the Prague conference of the Soviet and East European Foreign Ministers, S da Al-Ahali says, "There is no indication that the (Pragu(:,,) suggestions have met in Jestern capitals the attention they deserve, branding them "Indeed, the stand of the Western powers is still not clarified. 4e may consider this step on the part of the Soviets as the beginning of a new era for ending the most complex prob- lem existing between the East and the "ti1est..." as 'Soviet propaganda.' The paper accuses the U.S. of rearming Jest Germany. Speaking of the"American pressure" to bring about peace between Israel and the "Irab states, Al-iagdha warns, "The mere fact of thinking of peace with the Jews and of slackening the action for the rescue of Palestine is a crime and a treachery not only to grab Palestine but also to the whole Arab nation." "Deploring" the exchange of "harsh" words' between the Pakistan delegates on one hand and the Indian and the Afghan delegates on the other at the UN, Al-Ittihad Ad-Dasturi says, "We regret that Islamic states .fall the victims of differences at the time when they badly need cooperation... We wish that they settle their problems, friendly in order to go forward to- gether on the path to progress and development ..." The Saudi Legation in Baghdad denies that King Ibn Saud's health has deteriorated, and asserts that he is in good health. (:Al-Ittihad Ad-DDasturi ) Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 The,..... STAT Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006600080003-7