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Publication Date: 
December 13, 1951
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i Approved For Re le 20N1/09~/07 : CIA-RDP&3;00415R009900070004-1 25X1A IF CATI SECURITY INFORMATIa4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY China/USSR SUBJECT Sino-Soviet Military Agreement and Global War Plans 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED Other Soviet representat'ves who 'Fere present at the conferen a were 10- li-fu-yang-k" o (C i~ and Ku-pan-no-fu STATE NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ow 1. Between 8 and 11 August 1951 a military and political conference was held in the Western Hills near Peiping. The conference was attended by the follow- ing groups: a. Soviet representativest Marshall Malinovsky; Pa-ktu-li wei-chti( j ,. ~,,'? 'v )l, deput head f the Ministry of Armed Forces; Lo-mu-k' o-y~eh-fu-ssu-chi(~1, Deput Chief of Staff Soviet Far East Milit l~strict ? an- ' 3tary , K no-wei-chi ~" ~..'If -~JJ- ) Commander in Chief, Dairen-Port Arthur Military District; and Sha-k'o- yu-lo-fu ( 1, ki ),3 head of the Soviet Siberian Military District. These men aj arriv d at Peiping on 7 August 1951 on a plane named LAOTUNGHAO ( $ Labor). They were met at the Peiping airfield by MAC) Taa-t.nnn /?' (i 't"t71 ), CHQU En-lai, HSU Kuang-yuan (.k b. Chin a presentatives: LIU Sfiao=chTi, C ), Chinese Communist Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009900070004-1 CD NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES 2 ~~ k y J i~?iz~s' T.g, ISO JungS, WU Hsiu-ch'uan ) Chinese Communist armored forces4en2ral, and CHANG Chao-yuan Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009900070004-1 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY _2_ IRIS IS p41 ?I~I.tIS'J4c CU F~- c. Korean representatives: -song and o on, o o whom arrived in Peiping on 8 August 1951 on the same plane with K'e-li-fu- yang-ko and Ku-pan-no-fu. d. Democratic Republic o Vietnam representatives: CHANG Chiang ( 7 ) and HUANG Wen-ping (-'. 1 j) . 1/6 0144 Von( ;~~7r-)1 d' I))) j e. Japanese representatives: Nozaka. anzo and General Saito. f. Mongolian r resentatives7: ft-lan-mu-sha and Ta--mi-i- fu '& ), commander of the "International Cavalry Regiment for Aiding Korea". 2. At this meeting a pact which covered a Far Eastern Military Alliance was drawn up and ratified. Copies of the pact were made in five languagest Russian, Chinese, Japanese, English, and French. The main points of the pact are as follows: a. The USSR is to assist the Chinese Communists in building up war industries* b. The USSR is to assist the Chinese Communists in building up an army of 2,500,000 men. d. The Chinese Communists are to continue to assist the North Koreans in the Korean war, which is to be continued. e. The USSR and the Chinese Communists are to assist the Japanese Communists in building up an army. An area in the Soviet Maritime Provinces is to be used as a base for this army. Assistance will also be given in creating disturbances in Japan after the signing of the Japanese peace treaty. f. If global war breaks out, the Burma-Indochina area is to constitute the China war district, commanded by a Chinese Communist General. Japan, Korea, and Manchuria are to constitute the North Pacific war district which will be commanded by a Soviet general. The commander in chief of all the Communist forces in the Far East is to be a Soviet general. 25X1A 1. Comment. These two Chinese romanizations may be for the Soviet names Bagurivitch and Tomkaefski. 25X1A 25X1A 2. Comment. M reported General Kanovich as commander of this 25X1A 3. Comment. This name may be Sakharov. 1. Comment. These names may be Korifyanko and Kobannov. 5. Comment. LO Jung may be LO Jung-huan. Comment. LO Jung-huan is a member of the Central Committee, the Central People's Government Council, and the Committee of Political and Legal Affairs. 25X1A 6. EComment. Presumably MAO Tse-tung was present at this conference also. 7. Comment. Possibly Outer Mongolia is meant in this case. Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009900070004-1