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AIR POTICR COMBEIIITIAL Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-004 SECURITY INFORMATION AMEMBASSY, 1772011 3.093 w'Ament of S Wfiph,rgtro T'.10g I 1JEPL MR RIR FE Oil F l'_$1;tiLE tk TEN h. WITU - Japan Avarromonw-mOnlenallt Matsukaate, Case On Deeember 109 1951,Liu Xing-I,esianeAustralasian L WFTU0 1 Fautsien Street, Peiping, China, sent the following telegram :to the WFTU: wMatsukawa appeal concludes middle December, we have w1 Avian Australasian unions to make final effort with protest; will do the same with other countries. Large sums of money sent !ram China. Will you consider send- ing donation from solidarity fund for defense and for familiedi If so vs can arrange to get money to japan-Asian-Australisian Liaison Bureau." On December 13, Saillant cabled Liu NingeT, "Agree financial liebility families Mitsukawa. We ask to make proposition !MM.* 2. Prijonara named by the OcallnatianebranolAjjaary_Cminta On November 14, 1951,Nciko Clown, Repreeentative of the Association of the Families of the Priaoners Convicted by the Military Courts in Japan and the National Solidarity Association of Japan9 sent the WFTU a copy of their appeal, summarized as fellows: The families of the men and women sentenced by the military court for alleged actions against occupation force policies appeal to all "fighters for peace". They condemn the Yoshida Government for concluding the separate Peace and Security Treaty with the U.S. siringthe six:year occupation, fundamental human rights in Japan have been completely denied and a great number of people were arrested or thrown into prisons, many because of their activities for peace, carried out with such slogans an 'Prevent War', 'Conclude Overall Peace Treaty'. Me want national independence and the preann- tation of an open questionnelee to General Meirthur." The appeal condemes the manner in which the prisoners were sentenced and also the seszial law being enacted by the Toshida Government for their retrial rather then release, 3. jadananagglaaiseiAlaugme On December 3, 1951, Mary Walfard wrote the following letter to the Ali? Japanese Citizen's Congress, 1 Ibtefuji Buntye-ku? Tokyo, Japan: "We have received and read with great interest your statement on peace and the current situation in Japan. The WFTU is, of course, in complete agreement with yeer ;402) 9PO#C, HBBrotmani WAConradier crEFIDEIVITAL ECUR4_,4 INFORM& State Dept. review comiNkkek For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R010000190006-3 .2 1093C0MPIDENTIAL .BiseekbasappplikSINSEFor Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R010000190006-3 determination to attain real peace in Japan and to fight against the re- militarisation of your country and the use of Japanese youth in a third world wnr. The World Federation of Trade Unions wishes the All-Japanese Citizens Congress success in their work of fighting for their stated aims." 4. LISLILIBBILL.411FTUL811.21.141.3 On January 1, 1952, the WPTU Liaison Bureau in Japan sent the WFTU Vienna, a letter, an excerpt of which follows: "The WFTU's proposal of united action for improvement of living and working conditions to the ICFTU and other international trade unions, canp. paigns for defence of peace, specially for conclusion of live Power Peace Fact, organisation and activation of peace committee at the working place, defence and improvement of social insurance, struggle for overall peqce tree* with Japan and against remilitarisation of japan, protest movement of the "Miteukawa case and support of convening of Conference of the Asia-Pacific countriee for overall japan Peace Treaty and against remilitarisation of Japan, has not only indicated the struggles in japan but also offered overflowing encouragement to the Japanese working class. "The imperialists and their agents, the Yoshida Government, have arbitrarily -ratified the "Separate Peace Treaty with japan' and the 'Security Pact between Japan and U.S.A.?. in the Japanese Bietsagainst the will of the Japanese people as well as peace.4*ving forces all over the world. "The colonisation of japan, the realisation of a militarised Japanp.the revival of militaries and proposed manufncture of cannon fodder of the Japanese people are being attempted for aggressive war against Aaia," Ilmorusas_as_isaaasathasiLasau On January 2, 19521 jimilollyman? WFTU Publications, London,. England, sent the renewing letter to Jeanine DOSSIM4 WPTU, Vienna: "Jack has already written to you about the article he is preparing on Japan. So far as the one I am preparing is concerned, it also does not, in the least deal with the situation in Japan itself. Its main theme is the movement of opposition to Japanese rearmament and to the "Peace Treatf in the countries bordering on the Pacific. 'It is held up because I an still waiting fora personal report on the recent conference in Australia of the Society for Non-Ratification of the Japanese Peace Treaty, which is to be the central point around which the article will ba built-up." CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORM. TIOS Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP83-00415R010000190006-3 robaityrods1 For Release 2003rt.DP83-00415R010000190006-3 6. CaLsorlisalta jaaawn_mulia2mta.10..MM On January 7, 1952 John Wolfard, WM, Vienna, wrote Jack Woddis? WFTU Publications, London, england a letter, an excerpt of which follows: In reply to your letter on the article on the subject of Japanese competition, we are in agreement that you should proceed with this. We are preparing here one or two general articles on the economic situation and the trade union -movement in Japan itself. Nery asks me to point out that the question of Japanese competition involves other countries than Britain, such as Australia, New Zealand and the United State* and that the article shou/1 deal with these aspects of the situation as well. If you do net have material for these other countries, data can be added to your article when it is received. "On the question of the conference between the'ICIPTU and WITU on the question of the low wages and bad conditions of Japanese labour, we believ that the author of the article might well make a suggestion for such a conference, but it cannot come from the WPTU *5 anorganisation. Can you give us some idea as to when we may expect this article so that we can plan our own articlee on Japan." For the Nigh Commissioner: BEN B. THIBODEAUX Counselor of Embassy for Economic Affairs cc: Rome London Paris Brussels OSR/Paris 2) MEC/Vienna Tokyo Canberra Wellington Approved For Release artfraVireth-RDP83-0044% nOVIMitt- ON