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Approved For Release 2002/01/17 ; CIA-RDP83-00415R010200070001-9 INFORMATION REPORT. CD NO 25- "j U.S. ln\Iii n tit iV.^'L'.JL Cr'Vl,l.S. U! 3," ils3 ~ v .?{hrk aL.a. .tt s.. .JL: - t.....L. gI 1XIEEL! PAX 9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. X,, UNTRY Oer ' (Russ'at.an Zone) SUBJECT Uranium Ore Shr.nts to the USSR 25X1 25X1A 25X1X 25X.1 A DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES 25X1X 1o Uranium ore ship rents of 92 axles each, identified from official records of :?BD C.hermitz,, ti/hich vmre dispatched to Brest Litovsk via Frsankfurt/Oder, between 3.1 and 18 August 1951,, included the fol. a ingf Date D3 hed from 3hi arrt : cowl No. 3.1 August Hartenstein K/9256 (1) 12 A" =St Sehwarzenberg K/9218 (1) 114 August n K ,92614 (1) 15 August K/9252 (1) 17 August K/92514 18 August Aus K/9083 1?3 August it IS/9249 24 An original bill of lading for a shipment of uranium ore was obtained in Franc wet/Cder. The train, .'v Siosc hi nt record was No. K/9350, left Johanrgorgenstadt on 30 July 1951 and was dispatched from Frankfurt/0der to Brest Litovsk at 17:17 on 2 Augusta The dispatcher of the shipment, which consisted of 145 freight caam and ow boxcar for the eight members of the escorting personnel, 25X1 B 3. Uranium ore shipucnts identified from official records of 3D Chennitz as having been disptaehed in 1:5 boxcars and one cormerted boxcar to Brost Idtovsk between 10 and 21 September 1951 included the fo7lorixg: Date - Dispatched from Shi.xment record No. 10 September Aus N/9602 (4) 13 September Schwarzenberg 11/9593 CLASSIFICATION C-RCq"/C0TJTW)T. - TT S, t1?FTOTATpS CRTL'T 22 Jen ~ 1952 Approved For Release 2002/01/17 : CIA-RDP83-00415RO102000700~5 12 _1 /9 V%L~` Approved For Release 2002/01/17.: CIA-RDP83-00415R010200070001-9 25X1A 40 25X1 A (1) 25X1A (2) 25X1A (3) 25X1 A (4) (5) Previously zoported Previously reported (6) Qor .rent: Bad Ilan renburg ?t51/J13 ), 'h'huringia, is reported for the SFCCfl T/Ct iTROL .- U.S: OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL UMT LIGFN0 ACENOY -i2- Date DisRatched frm Shi nt Record Nop 1C September Aue i.i/96O1 19 September n 11/9598 (5) 21 September yt/9594 Aceordin~ to oVicial records of the FraWeurt/Odes railroad station, the following uranium ore eh3.;unents passed through this station betvtoen 20 and 29 September 1951 on route to Brost Litovsk: " t D Humber of Boxcars Dispatched frets Shipnent accord Nod e a 20 Septevior 146 Johanageorgenstadt Lt/9691 (y.) 20 Sep::?mber 46 n 11/9590 22. 9f r,teraber 4.6 Auerbach 2.t/9611 22 : eptombor 145 including 20 with crude ore `25 with packed Annaberg Johann gaor# .enatadt Annaberg m/9591 23 September concentrates 46 Schneeberg 'J/9610 25 September 46 Niede rachlema 1x/9603 27,. foptoraber 146 Aue 1S/9595 28 Septo:nher !.6 Annaberg 11/9599 29 September 1#6 Bad Blankonburg W9612 (6) osnn rtt These shi onts were also observed by another source one or two daps later than recorded in the present report. 25X1 B Comaents the Uranium Mining Syndicate in Chemnitz- lbers iorfe Shipment rec : o. 350 was also observed by another source in Frankfurt/Oder en route to the East on 2 August 1951. Comments Uranium ore shipments from the Aus area are dispatched from the railroad area of RB!) Chemnitz. first time as a dispatching station for uranium ore sni ents. The it.oxma- tion would seem to indicate that the uranium mining area has been enlargedo SECT/C0:1T.3OL - U.S. OF IOLWL5 ONLY 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/17 : CIA-RDP83-00415R010200070001-9