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Publication Date: 
March 20, 1952
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} Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R010700040901-7 SEC:L ET/CONT1 OL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1A 25X1X German Democratic tepublic FDD Abstract IRON ANH STEEL PRODUCTS PRODUCED BY EAST G&%R AN PLANTS (57 Pp; German; 25X 25X1A' The iron and steel production program of e Center for Metallurgy on 47/48 Behrendstrasse in Berlin 11V 8 was issued in October 1950. Part I of the production program contains a list of iron and steel supplying plants, and part II roduction program of the supplying plants. the p 25X1A -Comment: This production program is used chiefly as a catalogue for the various consumers. Therefore only marketable iron and steel goods are listed and only those supplying plants which are engaged in commercial deliveries are listed. The list __ of goods contains all the usual commiercial measurements. This document consists of a photostat copy of part I of the Iron and Steel Pro- duction Program issued in October 1950 and contains the following information: 1. A list of branch offices of the German Trade Center for Metallurgy, giving names and addresses. These offices are located in: Berlin, Chemnitz, Dresden, Lrfurt, Finsterwalde, Gera, Goerlitz, Halle, Leipzig (two branch offices), Luckenwalde, Magdeburg, Potsdam, Riesa, Rostock, Schmalkalden, 'nchwerin, and Stralsund. 2. Introduction and explanatory remarks. Here it is pointed out that the supplier must be left some leeway regarding materials; that any second choice must be indicated; and that no ghigher quality material should be ordered than is actually needed. An "x" mark shows which materials are in production at present, while an "o" mark shows that these products can be obtained only by special agreement at present. 3. List of plants. The following 24 plants are listed in this production catalogue: Thale, Hoffmann & Motz, K'VO (Oberspree Cable Plant), Lonza, Dresden, Olbernhau, Groeditz, Lippendorf, Faradit, Auerhammer, Doehlen, Salzungen, _ichael Nieder- kirchner, Maxhuette, Praema, Hennigsdorf, Riesa, Willy Becker, Burg, Brotterode, Blankzieherei (Berlin), Delitzsch, -.8randenburg, and Hettstedt. The full firm names and locations are given for the aforaaentioned plants. A total of 48 pages of tables showing which products can be obtained frarn the abovementioned plants. DIN-specifications and measurements in millimeters are given for the products, which include: Pig iron, ferro-alloys, semi-finished materials, rails, sectional steel, steel bars, special purpose steel, hot-rolled strip, heavy, medium, and thin sheet, etc. 25X1A 25X1A The forei n langua e document or a microfilm of it is available from CI9t5X1A Library, 71 "s A -, qf SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY e' A r AA A 'gi p Approved For Release 2002/01/04: CIA-RDP83-00415R010700040001-7