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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 1, 1953
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E1?L 16.UIt AA '25X1X6 proved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-0042 25X'3A4' 8 4 VENEZUELA GENERAL Maracaibo Bar Project Considerable amounts of equipment, to be employed in the dredging opera- tions of the inner bar, have arrived in Maracaibo from the U.S. and Eastern Venezuela. The same contracting firm has practically completed the dredging of the OOrinodo River (CaNo Nacareo) for the U.S. Steel Company and is moving its heavy equipment skilled personnel to the Maracaibo project. It is probable that dredging operations on the north end of the channel will commence about April 15 although the official inauguration is set for April 19, Anniversary of the Declaration of Venezuelan Inde- pendence. Bids for the construction of the eastern jetty have been requested by the Institute of Canalizations,for March 31. President's Messa6e to the Constitutional Assembles On March 28 Provisional President Col. Marcos Perez Jimenez delivered his annual message to the Constitutionalsembly. Only indirect reference was made to the operations of the petroleum industry wherein he spoke of the governrimentfs plan for effective conservation measures to assure maximum returns and minimum waste. According to a newspaper report the Government is preparing a five year plan for railroad construction, setting up a steel industry and a vast electrifica- tion program utilizing the falls of the Caroni River, a tributary of the Orinoco. Official notice of such a plan, it is said, will be announced shoorrtlg. oSuch~ cpno- gram will entail enormous expenditures which may expedite cessions in order to obtain funds for such a project. 25X1A2g 25X1 A2g Only is saPp id test-~`of Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CI ?RJ~P83,-00423R00030JW9%6 Constituent Assembly All the Articles of the proposed new Constitution have been approved in their second reading. A third reading is still required but no major changes are anticipated and it is expected that it will be totally approved before April 19. Creole's Second Ule/Amuay Pipeline A second 2611 Ule/Amuay pipeline running parallel to the first one has been tested by Creole. Present capacity of the new line is around 180 to 200,000 barrels daily, giving a total capacity for both lines of approximately 500,000 barrels daily. This line will be put into service within the next few weeks. Week ending March 23, 1953 1,713,335 barrels daily Month of March (approximate) 1,700,000 u " COLOMBIA GEN iAL Elections for Representatives took place as scheduled. Both the Liberal party and the Alzate wing of the Conservative party boycotted the election; how- ever, over a million votes were polled which is an increase over former Conserva- tive highs. Since the House is an all Conservative body, the Government may be expected to receive complete support. Acting President Urdaneta and the President of Venezuela, Col. Perez Jimenez, held an interview at the international boundary. This meeting is of interest as indicating a trend toward closer relations between the two countries. A joint official report on matters discussed has been promised. PERSONNEL STR1 NGTH Venezuela ar Do Monthly Daily Total March 31, 1953 ll ' 74 296 230 600 Colombia March 31, 1953 3 18 99 120 OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES Western Venezuela Active in Western Venezuela were 19 exploratory rigs, 11 surface, 6 reflection seismograph and 4 gravity meter parties. Eastern Venezuela Active in Eastern Venezuela were 51 exploratory rigs, 6 surface, 9 seismic and 4 structure drill parties. Approved For Release 1999/09/10: CIA-BpP 301550001-6 A Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000301550001-6 ION Colombia 25X1A2g Active in Colombia during March were 20 exploratory rigs and 7 surface, 5 seismic, and 2 gravity parties* w a h1O,T ac/:l, Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000301550001-6