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25X1X6 1~ 3 LI LJf day Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000900560001-0 Supplement to: 25X1A2g SUBJECT: Reestablishment of Free Gold Market/ Date Rehabilitation Tax/Exchange Position DATE ACQUIRED: Late Jul 53 and earlier (BY SOURCE) DATE (OF INFO): 27 Jul 53 Responsive to: This oc s information affecting the national def i ed States, within the mea 18, Sectio , of the U. S. Code, as amended. Its transmission o contents to or receipt by an unauthorized per i ed by law. The repro is report is 25X1X6 This UNEVALUATED INFORMATION is supplied for the possible interest of your analysts. It does not warrant dissemination by 25X1A2g 1. The decree reestablishing a free gold market, which was issued a few days ago, has been the salient feature of this country's economy during July _19537. This step was taken in an effort to improve the situation of gold producers, who were hard hit as the payment of a bonus of Col $30 per ounce had to be discontinued because of the decline in prices of export certificates from about 150% at the end of last year to about 78% a few weeks ago. The bonus had been paid out of the proceeds of these certificates, which originated from gold exports. 2. The trade and export of gold is now entirely free. If gold is exported, such ex- ports require prior registration and the foreign exchange proceeds must be deposited with the Bank of the Republic or an authorized commercial bank. These dollar earn- ings may freely be sold in the open market and can be used for any purpose. However, mining companies are no longer entitled to receive foreign exchange to pay for their imports of machinery, implements and materials as well as dividends, capital amor- tization or any other expenses payable in foreign exchange, which they are now supposed to defray by means of the proceeds of their gold exports. 3. Although it is much too early to say what the effect of this measure is likely to be, it has generally been welcomed as a desirable step toward the ultimate goal of an entirely free foreign exchange market. Ii. In an effort to aid those people who had to leave their properties because of in- security in the backlands and who are now returning to their farms and ranches, our Government has decreed a so-called rehabilitation and development tax of 20%, which will be levied on the capital and income taxes for 1952 to be paid by individuals and corporations provided that these taxes exceed Col $10 thousand in each case. As.our Government operates on the principle of a balanced budget, there was no alternative to finance this restoration program but to raise the above-mentioned additional tax. The effect of this legislation upon the stock market, however, was less marked than some observers had anticipated and after having suffered a setback security prices rallied. RE D in the USA of CIA and the Intelligence core o_ ____ec:?on and Dissemination, CIA. concurrence State, Army, Navy, Air and FBI. This report is To OFFICIALS ONLY f' 23604 ou the ector of the Office RETURN TO CU evil Approved For Releat9/09/10: CIA-RDP83-00423R0009 0 Approved For Release 1999/09/10 CIA-RDP83-00423R000900560001-0 5. Industrial and trade activity has continued at a satisfactory pace and a definite note of optimism is evident in business circles. As coffee prices have been edging upward lately and are expected to hold for some time, the outlook for the coming months as a whole may be considered bright. 6. As compared with last month June 19537, Colombia's exchange position has improved notably. As of 18 July foreign exchange purchases exceeded releases by US$11,411,000. The ratio of exports to imports has also improved: registration of the former aggre- gated on the same date US$275,418,000 whereas import registers amounted to US$266,453,000. These figures compare favorably with those a year ago, when import licenses totaled US$220,977,000 but export licenses, on the other hand, amounted only to US$210,554,000. 7. As a result of the increase in dollar holdings of the Bank of the Republic, the currency in circulation has also risen as shown in the table below: 17 Jul 53 19 Jun 53 (Thousands omitted) 18 Jul 52 Circulating currency Col $550,996 534,33? 503,109 Gold Reserve US 98,199 97,631 82,857 Dollar Reserve 78,548 64,193 38,422 Special deposits abroad 4,169 3,959 7,998 Other deposits 10,000 15,000 Total Reserve Ratio 58.57% 58.29% 44.04% 8. The Finance Minister recently emphasized that it is the new Government's intention to encourage foreign investments in this country to give an impulse to crude oil production, its refining and transport. It should be widely known, he added, that the new Administration tends in no way whatsoever toward the nationalization of an industry which normally pertains to the private initiative and interests. The contrary could only be explained in case that private capital should lose interest in this important field of economy, which, however, does not even seem probable in view. of Colombia's policy of guarantees and encouragement, which will be continued now thoroughly and decidedly. RES SECURITY INFO Approved For Release 1999/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00423R000900560001-0