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Document Release Date: 
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Approved F, ' Release : CIA-RDP83-0042381200830002-5 1. The entrance to Beyrouth Harbor 2. A Mobile 72 ton lift used on the waterfront at Beyrouth Harbor 3. A 50---ton barge crane shown carrying a 25 ton lift. 4. A view of the breakwater from inside the harbor -- harbor entrance is on the right. In the foreground, one of the Beyrouth Harbor tugs 5. The section of Beyrouth Harb?r where heavy lifts are brought through the use of the barge crane. The crane on the dock is a 10 ton track crane of light construction. 6. A close-up of the same general heavy lift area in Beyrouth Harbor. The lighter in the right-hand foreground has 30 tons of cargo aboard. 6-A. Close-up of the. heavy lift barge crane. 7. Another, general view of the heavy lift area in Beyrouth Harbor. The left- hand foreground shows the narrow and standard gauge railroad tracks in use in Lebanon. 8. The heavy lift barge crane loading a 27 ton piece of equipment onto the lighter in the foreground. This is the only heavy lift barge crane in Beyrouth Harbor. 9. A view of Beyrouth Harbor taken from the same heavy lift area as picture number 8, taken from a right angle to the dock. 10. A view of the Beyrouth waterfront with the breakwater in the distance and the harbor area back of that; this view taken looking generally north. C 1,4 11. A view of the shoreline directly south of Beyrouth Harbor, taken looking lO9 rov to the north. 12. A view looking to the north (all of picture number 11 is in the foreground). The harbor area is in the far distant background. 13. Taken just south of Beyrouth looking to the south. 14. A beach scene showing summer homes approximately 5 miles south of Beyrouth. The vessel in the background is the one that went aground approximately 23 Dec 52. 15. A view taken from an airplane approaching the Beyrouth airport. The vessel near the beach is the ship that went ashore approximately 23 Dec 52. 16 through 36. Street scenes in Beyrouth. 37 and 38. Show an area known as "Canary Rocks" just south of Beyrouth. This Cliffline extends for approximately 1 mile. The beach then flattens out and has a gradual sandy approach. 39. The town of Aaley, taken looking west. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP83-00423RO01200830002-5 Approved F Release : CIA-RDP83-00423R(Q200830002-5 40. In the town Chtaura. Typical of the main road between Beyrouth and Damascus. 41. Leaving Beyrouth on the road to Zahle, commonly known as the Damascus road. 42. Approach to Beyrouth on the road from Zahle, taken approximately the same Location as no. 41, only in opposite direction. 43. Beyrouth as you approach it on the road from Zahle. ,/W CiA 44. and 45. taken just after you go over the summit of the mountain range on the ~o 9 ',7 a3 way to Zahle from Beyrouth. 46. A general view of the Bekka valley region as you see it from near Chtaura on the road to Zahle looking south. 47. The Bekka valley to the south of the Zahie road just before Chtaura. 48. Qass Elias as you approach it looking to the south.. 49. A typical road and countryside scene south of the town of Qass Elias. e"4 l Q7D? The road south of Qass Elias. 51. Camel transport at the edge of Qass Elias. 52. Threshing wheat at the edge of Qass Elias. 53. A large spring approximately 5 miles south of Qass Elias. 54. Typical road scene south of Qass Elias. 55. Still farther south, showing rolling hill country. 56. The hilly country just before you arrive at Sarhbine. 57. The Litani River taken from the road near Sarhbine. 58. Orchard country near Sarhbine. 59. Sarhbine, approaching it from the south. 60. Sarhbine, approaching it from the north. .61. A mountain road scene between Sarhbine and Camp de Qaraaoun on the paved portion. 62. Typical gravel road on the way to Sohznor,from Camp de Qaraaoun. 63. The gravel road after you leave the paved road past Sarhbine. 64. The town of Sohmor, approaching it from the south. C/4 65. The road south of Sohmor. /01 f/f Approved For Release : CIA-RDP83-00423RO01200830002-5 Approved Fir..;Release : CIA-RDP83-00423RQQ,1200830002-5 66. A typical Arab family on the road near Sohmor. 67. An Arab family near Camp de Qaraaoun. Gf4 /v9 f.2 Q 68. The road near Sohmor. 69. Where the road branches near Sohmor going to Rachaya el Quadi. 70. A typical Arab family. 71. A group of Arabs, with women carrying water jugs. No men ever carry 72-. water in Lebanon. Another Arab scene. 744 C'. 73 and 74. The dirt road that runs from Sohmor to the Rachaya el Quadi 'Ip 9'el f highway taken near the east end. 75. A countryside scene taken on the road from Rachaya to Chtaura. 76. The Damascus highway south of Chtaura. 77. Grain harvesting in the area between Saida and Nabatiyet ett Tahta. 78. The town of Bhamdoun on the road from Beyrouth to Zahle. The main road goes through town. 79. A Lebanese army tank on maneuvers between Beyrouth and Zahle. 80. The railroad siding and approach to the snow shed, beyond which is the tunnel near the summit of the pass between Beyrouth and Zahle. 81. Railroad trackage west of the summit on the way from Beyrouth to Zahle. The railroad goes into a tunnel in the rocky promontory in the upper left of the picture. 82. One of the tunnels close to the summit. 83. The railroad yard at Ryak, showing the shops. and a portion of the sidings. 84 through 102-D. Street scenes in the city of Zahle. 103. A primitive method of threshing wheat near Zahle. 104. Chtaura, approaching it via the road from Damascus. 105. A picture of a hotel in Chtaura. 106. The main street going through Chtaura. Chtaura is a "wide spot" in the road with three or four native stores and a hotel, a couple of service stations and very little else. 107. A picture of the Beyrouth airport showing the new administration building 1-/, / d9 1a 'Z under construction. The airport tower is supposed to be either equipped or is being equi Red with the very latest in airport radio e uipment. Approved For elease : CIA-RDP83-00423R001200830002-5 Approved Foj Release : CIA-RDP83-00423RQW200830002-5 108. Some of the hangars at Beyrauth airport. J 109.' A short section of the Litani River near Camp de Qaraaoun. 11.0. The town of Khraizat. This picture shows almost all of the town. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP83 00423R001200830002-5