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Document Release Date: 
May 5, 1999
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Publication Date: 
June 1, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83-00423R001500620002-5.pdf552.15 KB
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP83-00423RO01500620002-5 BEST COPY Available THROUGHOUT FOLDER Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP83-00423RO01500620002-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP83-00423R001500620002-5 MINUTES OF REGUL1nR MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF PHILIPPINE SUG,iR ASSOCI-TION, HELD ON TUESD4tY, JUNE 1, 1954. PRESENT: Mr. Manuel. Elizalde Mr. Ernesto Escaler Mr. I. Plana s Mr. G. L. Noriega, altern to for Mr. J. Amado Araneta Mr. J. J. Brickley Mr. E. J. Brias, alternate for Mr. tintonio Roxas 'Mr. S. Jamieson Mr. Manuel El.izalde, a'resaident, called the meeting to order and thereafter presided. Mr. S. Jamieson, Secre- tary-Treasurer, kept the minutes. MINUTES OF r REVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the regular meeting of the Exec- utive Committee held on May 4, 1954, having been previous- ly signed and approved by all the Members of the Committee present at that meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, were ordered filed. SECRET__RY-'TRE.6U,_dEi.'S REI ORT The Secretary -Treasurer submitted his report for the period May 4 to June 1, 1954, showing total expendi- tures in the amount of II1O,329.55 and cash on hand and in the PNB of P48, 807.82. He explained that the expendi- tures of 1110,329.55 included the amount of P4,713.95 for miscellaneous expenses in connection with the waiver of progressive taxes, the charging of which to General Ex- pense was approved at the previous meeting. On motion duly made and seconded, the Secretary-Treasurer's report was approved and ordered filed. INTEL N.~TION.1~ SUG,,R iGREEMENT A letter from the Department of Foreign affairs dated May 14, advising that the British Secretary of State for Foreign liffairs had acknowledged receipt of the instrument of ratification of the International Sugar Agreement was presented for the information of the Committee and ordered filed. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP83-00423R001500620002-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP83-00423RO01500620002-5 i'teirarding ,, letter d -lted ..pril 3' fr ;.i the De- partment of Foreie-n ..ff rerluc stirs!- tti, it S.s ': i1-- ti oil to submit the n tine r i c;indid 1tt' f,. r- the 1 ,.gt f Exec- utive Director ..,f the Irrtern:tic1;iI uir C',uncil, the Secretary - rreoski rer w.is iristru. t 0J 1 reply. tl, it the ,issaciati.)nIs represent;tivcc h 3 lean iii 1ers,.r:'i1 touch with the Intern5iti, n : r 1 Suo r C: ur?ci 1_ r; this in, i t t e r tnd that a temporary irr:rngemt:ilt h .,1 i- eon n?d:' poridiu' the selection of a1 permanent F.xeouti~,, Pirtoct,,r for which the names of three candidate, (?, :d , ~ f:t.r i een su;-oested. Roo rrdi_nri ou.r 1 l~3-5~i texct .ss sur- '.r l r,,.iacti., ri, the t ssoci iti ori, st rtcd in provi ous inutes;, cabled its repre seit tativ . in L.I53 'n sonic weeks 14o inquiring whether a low gr,idt non - t cntrifueal. su? ti- In ide - tmills ,from surplus c ?.ne woul.d permi.ss I.P I e t' I? tax, 'rt under Section 3 rticI e 2 Ch ptc~ r T 1 , f , 1 nt t'rn it i ona7_ Sugar .agreement which c?x , ' r i.,, . tra`.. on re cpe..ot r c the domestic quota, t on r't, r , 1 : ] ? " }_E' .;eer f t ~}7'c rr - for local c nszr, t n ~, r r? r' e i Tr' r Lr '' F 1; ' ~ 1 i t ; 1, e o r len t . the "b' quota ray thr..r..' v~es C':r'J; rt tnr lr ~. _ 1 ... t (?[:`s into r;-f ncd ar' if they find it r,rcf as _ rj: arx' r e ,. ?-r.:t In this c~nr,E t on, i! ~a, b tl . t:~t thf; 1; lr r~uot?.. Acdmin- istrator issues lh 11 >, r rf?Er f '4_X_ t,i,? , .77.,-Litic ,mote only after his Office has rT,,de vt.J...in c .r;3 , t ; 1r ;lanter rr'lllers and dealers ;' i. t h 1 r. ^ F r r r:?; , 0 , _ r f: f ~r -e nr o- te c t.? en of oth 'til r mhQe is n' k on tC:' r ,rf , +r { r hr ~} t tic UI.~.` nr' refined sus"ar for local _`r uaptl 'r: K i, he 1 f'F?ote'I in the absence of le`i lotion such as is c . o ' ' t ( 11 t bi Is :' r~ferrt-d to. :,_11 rahiL 1:,r.I~,ALDE F r