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i Approved Fooelease 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-005,000100040001-5 OC EXECUTIVE BOARD FILES FOR AUGUST 1973 THROUGH DECEMBER 1975 k DEPOSITED ARCHIVES SEPTEMBER 1978. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531 R000100040001-5 Approved For Rse 20 1 9NFIDENTiAL 9 04 : CIA-RDP83-00531 R0QW 00040001-5 AGENDA 4 November 1975 A. NOC/Agent Real-Time Data Communications with Headquarters Case Officers B. OC Policy on Continuing Communications Operations During Terrorist Attack 12 January 1976 A. DDO Covert Support/R&D B. Proposed Policy with regard to Installation of Non-Staff Communications Emitters in Communications Centers 3 February 1976 A. New Initiatives Submitted by OC-E with the FY-78 Program Call 6 April 1976 A. Electrical Message Releasing Authority B. DDA Management Conference Report C. Report of the Covert Communications Support Study Group Pertaining to the Need for the MOtJ of OTS and DDO Technical Requirements Board (TRB) Responsibility 11 May 1976 A. OC's Role in Limited Protection of Voice Communications B. Sale of Equipment to Other Government Agencies Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531 R000100040001-5 I I - fin` "3-00534iROO0100040001-5 Approved FoLJelease . AGENDA 6 July 1976 A. Use cif OC Personnel in Covert Operations B. OC Organization for Career Management and Training and Administration C. Questions Pertaining to the Return of Covert and COMSEC R&D Responsibility to OC 3 August 1976_ A. Direct Communications from Communications Officers in Charge to the Director of Communications B. Communications Handling of Restricted Handling and Privacy Messages C. Establish OC Policy on Staffing of Communications Equipment Rooms (CERrs) and Data Access Centers (DACrs) 12 August 1976 A. Provision of Positions for Communications Activities outside of the Office of Communications Proper Specifically, DDS&T, OEL, NPIC, etc. B. KE Communications to Remote Sites 7 September 1976 A. Suggestion for improving the Competitive Evaluation System B. Policy Pertaining to Telepouch Activity and the Need for a Telepouch Equipment Replacement Program C. Automated Field Terminal Capabilities and Utilization Approved For Release 2,001 /09 4 ? CIA-RDP83-00531R000100040001-5 C oE TI, . 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531 R000100040001-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531 R000100040001-5 V F Approved For Release 200'F/09/04N:1 CIA- 1&531 R0001 00040001-5 n0 MINUTES Date Agenda 1 Feb 77 (Continued) Decision e. Item was endorsed as motherhood. The need for base stations for agent communications is one major vulner- ability which we should try to reduce. Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531 R000100040001-5 Date 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001?3 IA;R MINUTE S Agenda 1. DDO Covert Support/RFD 2. Proposed Policy with Regard to Installation of Non-Staff Communications Emitters in Communications Centers Selection of SKYLINK Multiplexing (SKYMUX) Option Implementing Questions raised: a. Should we buy additional KW-7's when we have KG-13's on hand? b. Should we procure remainder of items to complete 30 MUX systems? 531 R0001 00040001-5 Decision A MOU to be produced as a joint effort by a group headed by Operations. Milestones are es to blished as; (1) review of the draft MOU by Executive Board and (2) review of the finished document by the Executive Board It was the consensus that it should be OC policy to discourage placement of non- staff communications emitters in Comcenters with the exception of equipment to be used for EFE. It was decided by the majority to go BLACK MUX as the primary configuration. If we must go RED, will operate RED only. We will continue to provide best service we can to and others but we will not mix RED an CK in the same MUX channel. summarized conclusions as follows: a. Prior to implementation of SKYMUX, must have reliable SKYLINK service. b. Continue efforts to gain knowledge on KG 13 use on high frequency radio circuits. c. Should be moratorium on conversion from KW-26 to KW-7. d. Should be prepared by July 1976 to recommend procurement, if necessary, of additional KW-7's. Approved For Release .2001109/04 CIAc-RbP83-000818 iff 4c~c5ure the remainder of items 11~~ systems. Approved For Release 2001/09/ 4~ CIA_-k00A3 6'0331 R0001 00040001-5 MINUTES Date 3 Feb. 76 6 Apr. 76 Agenda New Initiatives Submitted by OC-E with the FY-78 Program Call; Secure Voice, 2 different version-s; Head- quarters Area Transmission System (HATS); Automated Test E ui t (ATE) for use 1. Electrical Message Releasing Authority Decision 1. Secure Voice Packages--The Board deci- ded to submit the incremental secure voice package. 2. HATS--Had been discussed at meeting on 2 December 1975--will assume this item not being funded in FY-76 or FY-77 and will submit it as a new initiative in FY-78. 3. ATE--Should be included in the program package as a new initiative for FY-78. 25X1A 1. Mr. announced that an OC Notice being published on releasing authority. 11 May 76 2. DDA Management Conference Report 3. Covert Communications Support 25X1A 3. Mr. to draft an outline -:or Boar use as a straw man. Draft to contain room for considerable detailing of levels of responsibility. Outline to be coordinated with Operations and COMSEC. 1. OC's Role in Limited Protection of Voice Communications 1. Conclusions--we should move ahead with officially including responsibility for limited protection of voice communications with the Communications Security Charter and we should proceed with efforts to obtain the devices necessary to discharge this responsibility. Actions to be taken: Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531R000100040001-5 Approved For Release 2001/a0li 11 F ~ DP I MINUTES Date Agenda 11 May 76 (Continued) 0 31 R0001 00040001-5 Decision b. Providing information and education to DDA and A/DDA on nature and extent of pr vbi~iu aiad our pr vpvid Ce-ppr ouches tv a solution. c. Providing same information and education to appropriate elements of the DDO, starting with TRB. d. Preparing necessary changes in regulations to establish limited protec- tion of voice communications as a responsibility of the OC. 2. Sale of Equipment to Other 2. Mr._ summarized as follows: 25X1A Government Agencies a. When another agency buys obsolete or obsolescent equipment, the law requires that funds received must be used to buy similar equipment or the funds revert to U.S. Treasury. b. When an agency buys currently standard equipment, the reimbursed funds can be used to buy replacements in the next procurement (which must occur in the same fiscal year). Above applies to all equipment, staff and covert. 3. Each member of the Board to consider individually the matters discussed and be prepared to take a position on OC response to proposals at a session of Board on .ay.. 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09104 :CIA-RDP83, op531R000100040001-5 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531 R000100040001-5 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531 R000100040001-5 Approved For Release 2001 %Qll'AIF QI'3"j( 0531R000100040001-5 MINUTES Date Agenda Decision 25X1A 3 Aug 76 3. Staffing of Communications 3. Mr. summed up that technolog X1A Equipment Rooms (CER's) and rather than manning seemed the best Data Access Centers (DAC's) approach for solving the problem. Mr. to investigate Llle 1eaS:LU111 Ly and Co t of providing a technological solution. If necessary, two or three months can be taken to complete the study. 12 Aug 76 1. Provision of Positions for 1. Conclusions sum.ned up as follows: Communications Activities Outside of the Office of Communications a. Agreement with philosophy that Proper--Specifically, DD/S&T, OEL, there should be a single OC career NPIC, etc. management service encompassing posi- tions and personnel. b. Management system which now opera- tes one way to support DDO and another to support DD/S&T should operate one way only. Directorate requiring support should provide short-range ceiling and budget support for one to two years to allow for orderly OC programming. c. Carefully consider timing of our presentation to Mr. Blake and later to EAG. This should take place after resolution of the future of R&D. d. Communications support should be provided at the Directorate level with- in DD/S$T rather than having an OEL or other OC staff, 2. KE Communications to Remote 2. Not for the record. Sites Approved For Release 2001/09/04,, ~ lAJRDP83 00531R000100040001-5 Approved For Release 2001/0 g , 'CIArRDQ 3 00531 R000100040001-5 MINUTES Date Agenda Decision 25X1A 7 Sept 76 1. Suggestion for Improving 1. Mr. to spearhead a study the Competitive Evaluation effort leading to proposed procedures and System wording of instructions to career panels. Ite1Rs to be specifically addressed aye: a. Provision of "comers." b. Direction for CEL panels. c. Method of determing list size (% or #). d. Clarifying to panel members what we are trying to accomplish and demon- strating management concern about the "sawtooth" problem. e. Serious consideration to be given prior to removal of any individual from the list. 2. Policy on Telepouch Activity 2. Summarized: There is a valid long-term and the Need for a Telepouch AFT consideration rather than one of who Equipment Replacement Program pokes telepouches. This is an added capa- bility of the message network which is valuable to both DDO and OC. A carefully worded memorandum to the DDO should be written recommending adoption of universal telepouches with proviso that OC workload is not to appreciably increase and if it does we will have to reconsider and either eliminate or limit telepouches. Also to specify that large volume stations now poking telepouches will continue to do so until our terminals progress to such a poin of automation that reconsideration can be given. Approved For Release 2001/00-/64 : CiA-RDP83=00531R000100040001-5 Approved For Release 2001/4{:IX'.RQF MINUTES Date Agenda 7 Sept 76 3. Automated Field Terminal (Continued) Capabilities and Utilization 1. Centralized OC Planning 2. Comcenter Nomenclature and CATRAN 3. Results of the Study on the Suggestion for Improving the Competitive Evaluation System (see Minutes of 7 Sept Meeting) Decision 3. Summarized conclusion--OC must think in terms of not more than two operators as the norm for staff communications. Should not increase number of technicians rather should upgrade the technical qualifications of on-duty communicators and increase grade level if necessary. Mr. asked to consider the new 25X1A philosophies and make a study of the cost of modernizing AFT to meet the goal of unattended operation. Any design change is not to affect the initial AFT purchase. 1. Conclusion--That there should be cen- tralized OC planning. Planning component is to be consolidated and located in P?1B for administration. Ceiling Board is res- ponsible for next action--recommending number and grade levels of appropriate personnel. 2. Board voted unanimously to refer the problem to Operations and P1B for a recommended solution. 3. Conclusions--Should adopt some version of a "designated for promotion" system and it should be close to Version B of the Services proposal. Proposed system should be written up and sent to Area Chiefs for evaluation and simultaneously "gamed." "Gaming" should lead to conclusions as to what effect adoption would be over next five years under situations ranging from headroom limits of ten or fifteen annual Approved For Release 2001/O9M` CIA-RDP83- 31 R000100040001-5 Approved For Release 2001~R~31R000100040001-5 MINUTES Date Agenda 2 Nov 76 (Continued) 25X1A 9 Nov 76 1. Decision promotions to as much as a 50% upgrade of positions. The Board will meet later on the subject and at that time will make decisions based on Area Chief input and results of "gaming." 1. Decision to be postponed until: a. Operations study is completed. b. SKYLINK situation is reviewed to determine our ability to concentrate installations in the Far East. c. Recommendations are received from 25X1A 2. The OC Ombudsman--What is 2. No conclusion was reached and no he? How does he function? decision was made. 3. Provision of a Position for 3. Board had considered the problem of providing positions for communications activities outside OC proper and had reached conclusion there should be a single career management service encompass- ing all communications positions and 25X1A personnel. Mr. - stated the conclusion that policy earlier established will be carried out. Ceiling/average grade problem should be raised and resolved. Approved For Release 2001 #J(4 CIA-Rp' 3-00531 R000100040001-5 Approved For Release 2001 Date Agenda 25X1A 7 Dec. 76 1. Relationship Decision 2. Integrated Network 2. It was generally agreed that reorgani- zation for data was unnecessary but that arrangements for augmenting operations data capabilities must be made. Also agreed tha- effort is satisfactorily being undertaken on immediate problem (customer to ODP) and on problem of planning for the long-range future by Plans Group. Long-range plans to be based on assumption there will be one network rather than fragmented systems serving individual customers. Should proceed now to identify additional position needed in Operations for data and/or redefining existing position for data talent. 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/04- Gl - DP8 -P9531R000100040001-5 fA=RD770p531 R000100040001-5 MINUTES Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531 R000100040001-5 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP83-00531 R000100040001-5