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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 S-E-C-R-E-T 22 June 1961 MFMDEARD114 FOR: Bureau Chiefs FROM : Chief, IBIS SUBJECT : Letter of Information GEHEIAL 1. The Twelfth Meeting of the FICS-MC Monitoring Service Coordination Committee was held on Thursday, 18 May 1961, it Headquarters. Present were: Assistant Director for Operations (in the chair); Head 50X1 of Monitoring Service, BBC; Deputy Assistant Director for Operations; and Chief, FBIS. The agenda included Chinese Regional Monitoring, Russian Regional Monitoring, African Monitoring, Latin American Monitoring, IIMIS Requirements, American visits to the BBC Monitoring Service, Kyrenia - Cavershms Coverage Coordination, Dissemination of USSR Regional Material, and Installation of a Lift at Caversham. 50X1 2. The following actions were taken to insure adequate coverage in connection with the assassination of Dominican Dictator Trujillo, and to follow political developments in the Republic: (a) The West Coast Bureau was directed to provide fullest possible coverage of Dominican radios between midnight and WOO. (b) The East Coast Bureau was instructed to provide fullest possible coverage at all other times. (c) A Headquarters cruising monitor assisted the East Coast Bureau in its efforts to locate Dominican transmissions. 3. FBIS support for the U.S. delegation to the Geneva conference on Laos continued, with texts of key monitored items and roundups supplied from the bureaus and RPB analyses of bloc propaganda forwarded by classified cable. Thirty-one such analyses have been prepared to date, and a nuMber of requests from the Agency representative on the delegation were filled in the field and by RPB. 4. African Bureau a. Actual signing of the construction contract has been delayed until final from plans are available Foreign Buildings Officer and from the Axchitectual Engineering firm, and until arrangements for electric power connections to the station are resolved. However, a letter of intent has been given the contractor and construction is proceeding satisfactorily. S-E-C-R-E-T 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 S-E-C-R-EsT SUBJECT: Letter of Information b. Masonry work is up to the roof level on two of four houses being built for lease by the Bureau. Although delay of approval of water connections to the other two houses has held up work, problems are now resolved and work should begin promptly on excavation for foundations and construction of building blocks. c. The bureau lost the services of its Cruising Monitor, When the latter had to be discharged. Training of the two foreign language monitors continues. The second monthly production report indicated a daily average of 200 words of publishable wordage filed during May. 5. Puerto Rico Survey a. Superb support arranged through the Department of Defense for the FBIS Puerto Rico survey team provided almost all needed tech- nical equipment and test facilities, resulting in a minimal shipment of material from the Headquarters area. Logistic support for the team during the survey was provided by the Signal Engineering Agency (SEA) and the Strategic Army Ccumunications (STARCOM) facility at Ft. Allen and at Salinas, both near the south central coast of Puerto Rico. Special test antennas were set up for the team by SEA, who also provided workspace. Through STARCOM, heli- copter and light plane coverage at low altitude was provided the team, greatly reducing time required for reconnaissance for sites. 50X1 b. The survey team concluded its work and returned borrowed equipment by the end of the month. Asst. Chief 50X1 ineer. ECB, departed from Puerto Rico on lb May. Deputy Chief, Field Operations Staff, and 50X1 Cruising Monitor, departed from the test site on 28 May. 50X1 c. Although test results have yet to be evaluated, tentative 50X1 evaluation indicates that such a station could provide good .coverage of Brazil, Venezuela, ColoMbia, the Guianas, and the Caribbean islands (excluding Cuba); fairly good coverage of Peru; fair coverage of Ecuador; poor coverage (but improved over present FBIS capability) of Argentina and Chile; and poor but adequate coverage of Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Cuba, Mexico or Central America. A test survey report, integrating reception observations conducted at the Panama Post in March 1961, will be prepared and submitted in June. d. One factor revealed during the survey, which may affect midafternoon reception of certain target transmitters, is an electrostatic cloud discharge noise. It is most prevalent during the period of May through September. Its effect on reception of FBIS target transmitters will be evaluated. S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 SUBJECT: Letter of Information e. Between 28 and 31 May the survey team visited St. Croix, Virgin Islands to determine the feasibility of the area as a site for an PETS monitoring station. Although there would be logistic support problems to resolve, the area has s le features, which will be covered in the survey report. 6. A review of the history of a pro-French clandestine radio broadcast "The Algerian Renaissance Movement Radio" from 1957 to the present was map in response to amemorandum from Department of State. 7. During the month 86 percent of Daily Report pages were devoted to broadcast material and 14 percent to press scrutiny. 8. Of 246 items included in the Current Intelligence Digest during May, 79 (32.1 percent) were based Wholly or in part on FBIS monitoring. 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 9. Without any apparent prior coordination, either locally or at higher commands, the Amy Broadcast and Visual Activities an Okinawa revealed ad- 50X1 vanced plans for the construction at Machinato of two 20 kilowatt transmitters, beamed to Seoul, Korea, to transmit directly over Bolo Point, using frequencies on or very near the Bureau's targets. Protest actions were immediately initiated brtbe Bureau locally, and by headquarters through to CINCPAC and to the Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff. Relocation 50X1 of the AMA facility and selection of frequencies which would not ems ference with IBIS and other receiving activities have been requested. 50X1 10. Your allocated STAR= circuits between Headquarters and the London Bureau, and two between Headquarters and the Tokyo Darwinism rerouted from the Pentagon through the new STARDOM East Coast Relay Station at Fort Detrick, Maryland during the month. Operations continued nomaly. 11. On 28 May, the leased teletype circuit, providing the primarY facility for traffic to and from the West Coast Bureau, was interrupted at 1255 GMT by destruction of microwave and cable facilities in Utah and Nevada. After rerouting, the circuit ies again functional at 1359 GMT. 50X1 50X1 12. OCI has levied a White House requirement on FBIS to inform it daily on the whereabouts of specified key world leaders. Bureaus already have been instructed to keep track of top communist leaders. They are now alerted to the urgent need for all pertinent personal intelligence in commetion with such individuals as Castro and Guevara of Cuba, "Rant is" Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, Nehru of India, Sukarno of Indonesia, the Shah of Iran, and Abd an- Nasir of the TSAR. Any item filed exclusively to meet this requirement, rather than for general use on the basis of normal selection criteria, Mould be handled as an FYI with full logograph information to facilitate dissemination on the FB/S Wire. 50X1 - 3 - S-E-C-R-Edli Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 S-E-C-R-E-T SUBJECT: Letter of Information 13. Following an extensive period of preliminary exploration, the head- quarters of the Strategic Air Force Command at Offttt Air Force Base ? Omaha Nebraska, is now a fulltime subscriber to the FBIS Wire Service. 14. Substantial portions of the Lcinuca Bureau's wall done comparison of Cairo Swahili and Voice of Free Africa broadcasts, originally prepared at the request of USIA in Washington and printed in the Daily Report, were incor- porated into a Cairo eehassy dispatch detailing CAR propaganda activities in Black Africa. PROPAGANDAANALYSIS COMMENT 50X1 50X1 50X1 1. Radio Propaganda Reports parentheses): a. "Soviet Broadcasts on a survey prepared issued (Responsible analyst indicated in in Kurdish to the Middle 50X1 by the Mediterranean Bureau b. " 's KOMMUNIST Article on Literature and the Arts" 50X1 2. RR Special Services a. Eighteen analyses of Soviet propaganda on the nuclear testing issue were cabled to the U.S. delegation at the Geneva nuclear test-ban talks, in a continuing service. (Analyst: 50X1 b. At the invitation of the ORE Staff, analyst attended the final meetings of the USIB Representatives on the draft of NIE 11-8-61, SOVIET CAPABILITIES FOR LONG -RANGE ATTACK, following his submission of a paper in support of the Estimate in April. c. RFD was asked by the ODE Staff for assistance in preparing a memorandum for the Director on Chinese Communist intentions in Southeast Asia. d. A typescript report on "Propaganda lit/deuce Military Rockets Launched From Outer Space" was the Air Force System Command. (Analyst: 3. RPB Comment Bearing on prepared for The following are among Radio Propaganda Reports and special studies projected or under consideration for publication within the next few months (Responsible analyst indicated in parentheses): 50X1 a' - S-E-C-R-E-T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 S-E-C-R-E-T SUBJECT: Letter of Information a. "The Bulgarian Purge of Pasty and State Leaders" b. "Soviet Outer-Space Projects and Programming" d. "political. Implications of Soviet Provincial Press Treat- ment of Centrally Distributed Articles" e. "Problems Encountered in the Administration of CPR Communes" 4. Bureaus monitoring RCRA and Meow broadcasts in Mandarin are re- minded of RPB's continuing need for material from these sources on major East - West developments. Moscow Mandarin comment continues to be of special interest to consumers as an indication of developments in the Bina - Soviet dispute. RCM's "news" coverage of key world developments is studied alongside Moscow's particularly to shed light on differences in propaganda treatment that may reflect real differences in approach. - 5 - S-E -C -R -E -T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27 : CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 U-N -C -L-A -S -S -I -7 -I -E -D SUBJECT: Letter of Information EMOR/AL BRANCH CONDM GENERAL 1. Because of the confusion resulting from some =datelined items, field editors are requested to retain the dateline when given by the broad- cast source. 2. The umlaut in German and Scandinavian proper names should be handled inaccordancewithinstructionsgiven in the Editorial Handbook, section D, paragraph III c. 3. 'literals on the 40th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party were collated and published 26 Nay in a 97-page Daily Report supplement. 4. Editors should avoid such double articles as "The Rome Il Nessagero" or "The CairoAl-Jbahuriyah." In cases where the foreign article forms part of the name the English article can be dispensed with by use of the possessive fora for the place: "Cairo's Al-Jtmhuriyeh. Mediterranean Bureau In handling items of a purely cerenonial nature such as the victory monument dedication on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Soviet Armenia, an FYI is sufficient, so long as the speakers' names are given and head- quarters is assured that no reference was made to top CSU or regional person- alities or that no aspect of foreign or domestic policy was touched upon. West Coast Bureau EXamination of the Capetown SAPS discards for the period 22 Rey - 5 amet revealed a nuMber of publishable items. Comparison with the Daily Report Showed that some items available from SARA were printed from other sources. ERG I1=13 AND PIKED OPERATIONS 1. The Shop and parts storage addition to the Okinawa Bureau operations building is completed. 2. Headquarters has authorized expansion of the OkimmesBuresu's edi- torial and teletype rooms from pr 61 funds The Air Force Purchasing and Contracting Office handled bidding and contracting routines for FT/S. The low bid at 0,400 has been accepted and the contract signed. 3. Puerto Rico reception survey, tenence support for the post. Asst. Chief Engineer, ma, returning from the STAT stopped in Key West to provide essential main- He improved TV reception; repaired and adjusted - 6 - U-N-C-L-A-S-S-I-F-I-E-D Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 U-N-C-L-A-S-S-I-F-I-E-D SUBJECT: Letter of Information receivers and dictaphone equipment; and instructed the Post Chief, in the operation of photographic equipment in support of TV monitoring. 4. The Pioneer Electric and Research Corporation has designed a long and medium wave Interference Suppressor to meet specific FBIS radio frequency interference problems. A prototype of this suppressor has been turned over to FB/S for test and evaluation. Tests conducted at both the East Coast and Okinawa Bureaus indicate excellent results in eliminating unwanted stations on the same or adjacent frequency. Procurement of this device has been budgeted for FY 62 for all bureaus where it was determined to be of value in dealing with common or near channel interference cases, which heretofore could not be resolved. 5. Arrangements were completed for the indefinite loan from the Navy of a CGS Morse Code-to-teletype converter for use at the East Coast Bureau. Delivery was effected, and the Bureau succeeded in placing the unit in opera- tion by the endlof the month. ADMINISTRATION 1. Long-range budget estimates for Fiscal Years 1962-1966, inclusive, were completed. 2. The position of "Chief Monitor" in the overseas field has been re- titled "Operations Officer." 3. The following FBIS regulatory issuances were released during the month of May: Subject Date Standardized Accounting System 21 April 1961 Foreign Press Services 5 May 1961 Allotment Numbers - Fiscal Year 1962 18 May 1961 PERSONNEL NOTES 1. New Employees Assignment Editor, Far East Section Editorial Branch Editor, ME, AF, WE, LA Section, Editorial Branch STAT STAT STAT STAT - 7 - U-N-C-L-A-S-S-I-F-I-E-D Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0 Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27 : CIA4DP83-00586R000300220007-0 U-N-C-L-A-S-S-I-F-I-E-D SUBJECT: Letter of Information 2. Separations Teletypist Editorial Branch Clerk Typist Radio Propaganda Branch Editor, Fir East Section, Editorial Brandh Editor, USSR & EE Section, Editorial Branch Editor, USSR & KE Section, Editorial Branch Watch Officer East Coast Bureau Propaganda Analysis Officer Radio Propaganda Branch Intelligence Assistant Radio Propaganda Branch Watch Officer - 8 - U-N-C-L-A-S-S-I-F-I-E-D STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/27: CIA-RDP83-00586R000300220007-0