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25)(1 A 25)(1 C 25X1A 25X1A 25f(1A Approved For Release 2000@i :ESA-RDP83-00164R000300090025-4 26 January 1965 MEiIORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: November 1963 December 1964 Action Taken on the History of theAgency's Activities in Vietnam. tion was located and general eotlectton? were examined during the first two months. The papers Which had been sent to the Records Center from such offices as the MP and 0/DCI were checked, and some files were ordered for examination. major4aps appearing in the written record it was necessary to identify those officers: in responsible staff, operational and support positions in order to augment the written record by debriefing these officers. In these first two Months of work it became clear that much of the activity in the field had not been written down and forwarded to Headquarter*. Some reports existed on the early Alitary Mission. 1 A few reports could be found on the Liaison Mission, but none of these were summa t was a?unt oar y 4ttsston bad been in opera for two years at that Little Witten tnfoxattn could be found on the background izational changes in the makeup s was particular/ true of the 1 of the firs sentative, teams 25X1A 25X1A Iwas soon obviou d be necessary to go to the field to debrief officers with background in the operations of the Also, it was presumed that documents in the files of the Station would quite likely all many of the gaps and round out Sketchy information existing in Head eveled in the Far East in January and -r/ft.:LApproved ForRelease2000/08/08 : CIA-RD SECRET 64R:11003000900254 adiq 25X1A 5X1A Approved For Release 2000/0S/ECHIRDP83-00ZO4R000300090025-4 2 A While in Vietnam, both inniMand in outlying posts, rviewed 73 officers.' These n erviews were found to be most itable and, in fact, areessential in the preparation of our Vietnam history. Although word had been sent to Headquarters that some files had been destroyed at the time of the 1 November 1963 cou the extent of,the destruction was not evident until e u ?om e dispatches with appropriate questionnaires and outlines of suggestions were sent to former Chiefs of Station section chiefs, and other officers who had formerly heleresponsible positions in Vietnam but who are residing away from Headquarters. At the outset the task of writing the history of our effort in Vietnam was assigned to one officer with the part- time assistance of two non-DDP clerk-stenos, and the part-time help of one DDP research assistant and later another clerk- stenographer. This assistance has been essential in typing the debriefing reports, many of which had been taken on tape, typing historical drafts and in the maintenance of files and cross-reference lists such as cryptonyms and true. Throughout these first 14 months one of the more time-consuming aspects of the work was the maintenance of appropriate controls on sensitives operations and the proper use of eryptonyms and pseudonyms to maintain the security of operations. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 SEE-W83-00764R000300090025-4 Approved ForRelease2000/08/A8,;?CaGRET IA-RDP83-00Z64R000300090025-4 In the development Of this history through December 1964, 317 Agency officers werelinterviewed and approximately 215 reports prepared from these interviews. In order to obtain the highest possible degree of accuracy, it was determined that the interviewee should have the opportunity to review what he. had said and make adjustments or additions to improve the clarity and add points overlooked in the debriefing. Thus, the following procedure Was followed: (1) I approached tille individual and obtained an indication of the breadth and depth of his experiences and knowledge, if warranted, arrangements Were made for a full debriefing, In a few instances an individual's. experiences and information were so limited that they did not warrant a -debriefing. (2) An outline of the information desired and a general paper indicating how this information would fit into the total historical effort was given to the officer. One purpose was to peak his interest and stimulate his desire_ to contribute Inmost instances the outline and guidance was given a day or more prior to the actual debriefing so that he could have his thoughts organized, recheck dates, etc. Otherwise, there was a brief discussion off what was desired immediately prior to the debriefing and a brief oUtline developed for the officer to. follow, (3) Then the actual debriefing was held. These vari d from one-half hour to as 'much as three or four hours. Some- times, the debriefings involved two or three meetings. References were made to maps photographs, charts and slides when available and pertinent. Wherever 'possible, the debriefings were on tape. (The use of a small, quiet, isolated conference room was very helpful in easing the debriefing and in relaxing the Inter- viewee.) Otherwise, extensive notes were taken and the report of the debriefing dictated immediately following the session. (In the case of information received by dispatch, identities and pseudonyms of staff personnel which had been inserted were replaced by true names or cryptos depending on the sensitivity.) (4) The tape or the dictation was then typed as a rough draft; it carried the numerical designation of the individual and included references to the period of work in Saigon and responsibilities while there. Approved For Release 2000/08/gtatTDP83-00764R000300090025-4 Approved For Rettrase 2000/4/Eag-RDP83-00744R000300090025-4 4 (5) This rough draft as than returned wherever possible to the individual for corrections, deletions and supplements. (6) The rough draft was returned to the Historical Staff and adjusted to a standardised format. At this time the paper was also reviewed for sensitive operations, and for possible inadvertent divulgence of unilateral or curren questions in this regard ware resolved with th CI officer and clerk or the Vietnam Desk. (7) The report was typed in final form and proo When an individual Obviously had extensive information and access to related written material, and where his time permitted, he was asked to submit a detailed report covering some element of the history. In those instances where an individual being debriefed bald previously prepared an historical-type summary of his activity, this has been included as either an attachment to his debriefing report or as a separate report, in collection on Vietnam Some officers had submitted written responses to outlines covering their specific responsibilities in lieu of oral debriefings. The above reports have been in- corporated as background,historical material on Vietnam. It became evident aS the work progressed that it was extremely difficult if not impossible to limit considerations 25X1A to the. Clandestine Serviees if all asnects of our activities in Vietnam were to be considered. 25X1A TPOINVIFF In one par Jou ar year the Office of Security conducted approximately 200 operational polygraph examinations at the re- quest of Station case officers; Security officers have also assisted in handling senoitive personnel and have supported TSD in documentary work.1 The support of the Office of Communi 25X1A tions is more obvious. In a.. ' . ,- .utine t e of 25X1A 25X1A 5X1C pprove or e ease 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/0:EttzEr83-007.14R000300090025-4 d into 1960t8 OCI has had an officer stationed the request of the Chief of Station to give direct YPe lytical and drafting Support to the Station. The type of support rendered by OCR components, such as the Biograp Register, the Graphics Register, and th in translation work, is obvious. IIIIIelso has contributed case officers and analyses, geographical repj!!!!!!!Irafted new maps covering 25X1A translators from its caORR has made numerous map selected information at the request of the Station and the Desk. ONE's National Intelligence Estimates and post mortems have contributed to shifts in,policy and to the support of our effort in Vietnam by senior intelligence groups. DD ? ar has had a minor part to play in the Agency's ef orts. 0 I and OSA have contributed to the analysis of CS reports and support of special and sensitive operations of the Agency. Thus, in the development of this history it was essential that not only the deputy directors themselves be briefed on the project and provide assistance but numerous officers within their spheres of responsibility had to be contacted and inter- viewed. Within the Clandestine Services and in relation to the operations in Vietnam, 174 individuals have been interviewed and/or debriefed. In fields of support, 79 officers have been debriefed. In the review of special (sensitive) operations, 44 people have been interviewed or debriefed. In acquisition of existing reports and Other historical material, 20 officers have been interviewed and have provided specific support and broad assistance through their staffs. In other words, 317 individuals in the Agency have directly contributed to the development of this history. This does not include the many officers and clerks who have given their time In the normal fulfillment of their responsibilities in such areas as RI, the Vietnam Desk and the support and desk offices throughout the Clandestine Services. They have processed correspondence, located personnel and doeuments, provided additional typing assistance when needed, and otherwise supported ma in this effort On Vietnam. 25X1A 25X1A A number of projects still have to be reviewed. Thirteen individuals with former r sponsibilities in Vietnam have yet to be interviewed or to complete their interview reports. Approxi- mately 85 of the finished reports which have been typed still Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP83-00764R000300090025-4 SECRET Approved For please 2000/03feRETRDP83-00764R000300090025-4 25X1A 25X1A arts will be maintained appropriately ne ocontrol.. The integrated historical summary not carry oryptonyms and pseudonyms, discuss operational teehniques or treat unilateral and sensitive operations. It will be Considered a document which can be used throughout the Agsny where the need exists. It and some of the sub-reports wiU be useful as OTR course material, Copies of the reports which have been received from the DOS* DDI and DDS&T components will be returned to the office of those Deputy Directors for their reference. Also debriefing reports from their officers (wherein these reports donot divulge details of operational teehniqueS, erntonyms, shnoitive operations, and the like) will also be returned to the appropriate Deputy Directors for attach- ment to their segments of the history. Also a full text of the overall history will be filed in each Deputy Direotorts office for the use of his people, SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP83-00764R000300090025-4 Approved For Release 2000/10NED-RDP83-00754R000300090025-4 Attachment to Memo for Record - 26 Jan 1965 VN HAstory Supportin Reports Agency Action HISTORY OF THE AGENCY ACTIVITY IN VIETNAM Liaison Mission Military Mission Operations January 1965 Status Report , Basic Latus !Reese ch, Material 1st Rough .Reviewed Report i Begun Assembled Completed an4 Edited Completed 25X1A Nationa 2594Ater gat on X TSD support to VN ----- - Reports of Operations in addition to or in lieu of Debriefings) "b-e-biTesfiii---Rep7irts Sensitive CL Sensitive TU Sensitive NI" 25X1A X (2nd) X 4 (in pro- cess) 39 (43) (in pro- ' 151 (178) eess) ,(T-221) A , , , , . Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIPORDP83-00764R000300099025-4 $ECRET i Approved For Release 2000/08ECRRDP83-007.64R000300090025-4 VN HA-litany ?upport1ng Basic Reports o 'Research Material Agency Action ' Begun 'Assembled Training Communications Security Medical Logistic OCI Rela ionships ONE Relationships ORR (including St FM & 25X1A OR) Relationships IstRob Reviewed Reports Completed and Edited Completed X OSI Relationships OSA Relationships Approved For Release 2000/08/0 -t9P83-00764R000300090025-4 I 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/04SECORUP83-00Z,54R0 26 January 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting of 25 January 1965 1. A meetin25X1Aia WAS called b the undrind on 2 an 1965 to welcome of the Clandestine Services, to the CIA Historical Staff. BACKGROUND 25X1A 2 25 1A with them and withaf and Mr *(the latter on part-time detail from the FI staff), the early phases of planning for the CS historical effort, and set out a course of action for each. They were given copies of background memoranda and the Memorandum for the DDIP of 30 November 1964 concerning the establishment of the CS Historical Board. (The CS Notice 1-632 establishing this Board was distributed throughout DDP in the third week of January 1965.) The CS part of the overall Agency histori- cal program and the means by which we might best pursue our responsibilities within the purview of the Agency Historical Staff were discussed. 3. All members of the CS group of the Historical Staff (HS/CSG) have been asked to acquaint themselves with the previous historical efforts of the Agency and the prior OSS history. They have also been encouraged to deliberately build into their own knowledges and experience basic concepts of historical writing and methods of locating, approaching and using the identified sources of information. This is to be reflected in the guidance given individuals responsible for drafting parts of the CS history. 4. 11111111111111 reviewed her experiences of the past two and one-half months on documentation concerning the early development of OPC. Many of her comments related to the Executive Registry, where each of us will be working from time to time, and her considerations of subject analysis and indexing. 54 Our record systems should be developed in such a fashion that CS officers participating in this program will not have to concern themselves with excessive scanning of Approved - Approved For Release 2000/08SECRIETRDP8 4,01, 00090025-4 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Re[ease 2000/08Sri1 BEATRDP83-007.64R000300090025-4 irrelevant pools of information. They should be able to use our reference leads in acquiring individual pertinent docu- ments. The various retired and active individual files and coltectton of documents used thus far by nd myself were discussed o trtex con ant, gaps and shortcomings. 6. A large number of papers already written or being prepared within the Clandestine Services will quite naturally lend themselves to in elusion in the /ndex of CS History, i.e., the Annual Assessments of the Oration1 Pro2rarn based 25X1 upon the Related Missions Directives, Operational Highlights papers, Country ProgramA, Briefing Books, annual budget submissions, policy papers. It wtl.1 be necessary to develop a procedure for retaining and system- atically maintaining such documents, probably at division and senior staff level. Also, in the early stages of our activi- ties, we must establish a program for halting the destruction of other selected documents which are of permanent historical value. These will include papers stipulating policies, action decisions, directives, interdepartmental agreements, high- level operational briefings, end related high-level management papers. 4SPQN4I44Mga PE' TR4 H4/CSG 7. The primary task of the HS/CSG will be source loca- tion and document analysis. The secondary task will be the development of various historical reference tools, which in part will be unique to the Clandestine Services. A third HS/CSG responsibility will be to advise participants in the CS historical program. We must be able to explain to them the purpose behind the CS effort, to show them the relation- ships between their own work and the total history, to pass to them appropriate references and leads to "source centers," to outline for them the factors to be included in any CS historical paper, to assure them on the assistance available in the Historical Staff other than the above (i.e., review- ing papers before final typing), and to advise them on inte- grating such papers into the Index of CS History. 25X1 undersigned will supervise and coordinate the above efforts, inject the guidance and assistance of the CS Historical Board into the work of the HS/CSG, and integrate the CS historical program with overall Agency historical planning. Second, in managing this program, he will main- tain contact with officers at work on historical papers and when appropriate will review with division and staff chiefs, and other senior CS officers, the progress being made in Approved For Release 2000/0 :r - 2 - cREIRDP83-00764R000300090025-4 er-0 Approved For Release 2000/043A1-RDP83-007,$4R000300090025-4 25X1A their separate areas and the assistance which will be required of them. These consultations will reflect advancements made by the HS/CSG, determinations of the Historical Board, and plans, priorities and projections of the CS historical program. Third, the undersigned will serve as Executive Secretary o the CS Historical Board and will submit proposals for consid- eration by the Board. 9 M. first., will ensure that all sources of CS documentation are located and their contents reviewed to the end that CS material of historical value is brought into historical focus. (Material reviewed which appears to have little or no continuing value may be brought to the attention of the appropriate Records Management Officer.) The purpose shall, therefore, be to "winnow the wheat from the chaff" in the retired files and to appropriately locate and then record (by actual copy and/or reference) each item of historical value. Also, will ensure that such material which is being held in active or semi-active state will be similar- 5X1A ly recorded in the reference records. Thus, documents which have historical value will be identified and Incorporated in the Index of CS History. Second,is responsible for preparing necessary guidance papaT-Mirprecedural hand- books. These papers will include the necessary statements of purpose and procedure, subject matter, form and method, al). propriate referencing techniques, and debriefing plans. His third task, and related to this effort, will be the develop- ment of necessary instructions regarding the handling of sensitive material which is to become part of the Index of CS History, including the use of cryptonyms, pseudonyms and other precautionary techniques. 25X1A 25X1A 10. Mt.has been asked to develop an indicator to be placed on of historical value, preferably a stamp for marking the top page would be used; it should indi- cate that the item is "HISTORICAL INFORMATION" or "HISTORICAL MATERIAL." This would permit issuance of a later instruction giving the necessary procedures of control and review prior to destruction of an item so marked. 25X1A tus-11M=M it. The HS/CSG will receive priorities, names of recom- mended draftsmen, and action papers from the CS Historical Board. first, will maintain the listing of priorities. Second, she control the Index of personnel considered and recommended for use in the writing of segments of the CS history; progress will be carefully followed and -3 Approved For Release 2000/6ECREIRDP83-00764R000300090025-4 25X1 5X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/NREITDP83-00Z64R000300090025-4 25X1A of CS History, the status of each element. Third, Mrs. will establish and maintain the Index status reports made on these recommenda ions for the Board. 25X1A 12. To strengthen the archival records of CS historical documents, we must establish the required indices including appropriate notations of essential documents. Miss 25X1 first, is the focal point for this part of the HS/CSG effort, to include development of card formats and index procedures. Second, she will establish and maintain the file of individuals who have drafted or are otherwise reflected in documents under review. Third, en appropriate posting system of organization- al chronology of the Clandestine Services, including atypical staff units ommittees, and boards, will be maintained by 13, The HS/CSG will provide the mechanism for carrying out the CS historical program and for steering the efforts being made within the Clandestine Services under the priori- ties established by the CS Historical Board. This carries with it the responsibility for putting retired and in-use documents of historical value into appropriate archival order, taking any additional steps--if required--to halt destruction of essential DIV records of historical importance, and apply- ing the findings, opinions and guidance of the CS Historical Board to the program. In order to apply to the maximum the expertise developed by each of the HS/CSG officers, we will work as a well-knit team each freely consulting with the others and contributing to the fulfillment of the prescribed jobs. As indicated earlier, in order to enhance their pro- ductive fforte, the CS members of the Historical Staff have been enjoined by ma to make the fullest utilization of the historical and editorial know-how of the other Historical Staff members, to develop effective teamwork and to integrate our efforts wherever beneficial and feasible. 25X1A 5X1A Approved For Release 200 MEMORAXDTJM FOR THE RECORD UWE= : .3.0.74411111M 25X1A 9 March 1965 25X1A In order to organize our thinking and to establish an initial procedure for the recording of personality information and CS chronological information, specific examples were taken up and conclusions drawn. It VAS decided that it would not be propitious or economic, at this point, to make an exhaustive effort at acquiring a com- plete a set of organizational charts, and names of key indi- viduals (branch chiefs and above) against the organizational 25X1A charts, even for the period prior to the amalgamation o nd Thus, it was decided that would not limit the emphasis of tion of components and reconstruction of the organizational charts which would reflect the evolution of the command struc- 25X1A ture of 1111111111i. Rather, it would be the responsibility of all officers of the HS/CSG to make written note of information relevant to the Index of Knowledgeable Persons and the Index of CS Chronology. It has been the intent all along for each officer of the H$/CSG to assume a personal responsibility for submission of appropriate information into the above two indices. 25X1A To facilitate this effort it has been decided that would prepare a recording/reporting format. This format is be in a list form and so set up that it could be handily used for quickly jotting down essential factors as they appeared in material being read. At the outset, the listings will be sent to once a week. She will check the biographic details of individuals and information relating to the chronology of the Clandestine Services against the two indices mentioned above. That information which is already recorded in the related index and, therefore, duplicating in nature would be ignored; that information which is new would be checked in the margin. Following the analytical note-taking and checking against the indices, the items checked as containing new information would be submitted for appropriate typing on cards to be returned will be responsible for inserting t for insertion in the proper index. AppapiliMpipp 25X1A . e will dices may be properly maintained. will prepare be provided with appropriate inst . that the in- 25X1A 25X11A Approved For Release 200WRWIL Oh I000300090025-4 dedmil0Atin Approved For Release 206 DP83-00764R000300090025-4 - 2 - a sample card format for the Knowledgeable Persons information and an appropriate number of examples, possibly three or four, which can then be used by any typist in preparing cards for the Index. Following this meeting the above info tion wa reviewed with VommlimmemmOmm 25X1A Approved For Release 200e DP83-00764R000300090025-4 Approved For Release .2000/08/08 : C 3-00764 90030010900.25-4DTP Return EMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Comments on'Meeting with Executive Registry _._ 1. On 18 March 1965, I had a-66.n.fer WI' Chief of the Executive Registry,. In 't.'?1104i dcuSbWL, -_ -, him of the progress being made in theAiS/CS a.4101'th sci''.41-m.,.. , that elements of the CS history were being ri10-41. ?further - informed him that it was the consensus of t 4 HS 'CSG members that before long more individuals would be desirous of using the 1 sour(e material held in the Executive RmfAry, 2, In light of the above. I aske1111111111if he could, therefore furnish the HS CSG with the shelf list of 1-(H.ders presently held and the record of folders already transmitted to the Records Center, He agreed to do so, but was not certain _how much value this would be to us most of the folders are main- tained by organizatD.nal breakdown_ However he agreed to pull together the shelf lists and provide them to us On the morning f 19 March, 25X1A? .uled the undersigned and advised that he would make a complete c(py of his 5 x 8 record'be,ok for HS 'CSG. It contains reference to all items previously transmitted to the Records Center; some of these pages hold information which may be helpful in identifying folders likely to hold CS source material. 25X1A 25X1A 3, is in complete accord with our plan for stamp- ing documents determined to be of historical value to the Clan- destine Services Se we can now use the stamp on the materials of the Executive Registry, 4, I discussed our plans regarding the duplication of TS documents in certain Instances or. the transferring '1 second copies in other Instances; also, where in our judgment documents presently held in the Executive Registry would come under ex- tensive uSe by writers of historical papers, we intend insure that a copy of eachsuch document would be available in the 3. 11111111is interested in having the Executive Pegistry support the CS historical effort in any way possible. He will 25X1A extend the services of the Registry in every. way possible through the regular control procedures, 25X1A 3E"ET Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP83-00764R000300090025-4