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Approved For Remise 2001 /0 - 1 Q22R000100040011-8
Memo from Deputy Assistant to the President
for National Security Affairs - 30 June 1971.
A. List the number of employees (government, consul-
tants, industry) holding TS clearances and have access to
various categories of compartmented intelligence data (by
noon 10 July 1971).
B. List names for TS and compartmented clearances
indicating government and non-government employment.
(Compilation completed by end of July)
C. Screen above categories for reduction of clearances
that do not meet the requirement for need-to-know. Emphasis
will be placed on consultant and contracted categories.
D. Review immediately individuals and organizations
outside government in same categories for purpose of reducing
non-government holdings.
A. DCI advised Mr. Latimer, NSC, orally the number of
employees with access to TS and compartmented.
B. Security Staff, OL, has compiled list of names of
persons holding Top Secret clearance in industry.
C. Office of Personnel has compiled list of contract
employees and consultants.
Approved For Release 2001/ -RDP83-01022R000100040011-8
Approved For Relea : IOU M-D
D. NRO has requested from the Project Directors the following
actions by 28 July:
1. Need-to-know procedures for access to compart-
mented information in support of the NRO (need-to-know
determination, not clearability procedures).
2. Procedures for determining when access is no
longer required.
3. Procedures for release and control of document-
tation to include disposition determinations.
4. Industrial facilities retaining compartmented
5. Number and names of consultants sponsored
solely for access in support of NRO activities and
determination as to whether or not their continued
access is essential.
By 20 August 1971 each need to know for Government and contractor
personnel will be re-examined and personnel no longer having a
current, valid need to know will be debriefed. By 25 August 1971,
the NRO is to be advised:
1. Number of personnel requiring continued access
and number debriefed by organization and program if
2. Identification of facilities where storage of
documentation will no longer be required.
E. The Special Security Center is notifying all control officers
in the compartmented systems advising them to send debriefing
statements on all clearances cancelled to the Compartmented
Information Branch (CIB).
Approved For Release 2001/04 EIfRDP83Ol 022R0001 00040011-8
Approved For Releae 2001/04/05s~;,FZJDP83-010248000100040011-8
F. The Compartmented Information Branch can furnish the
names of persons who have compartmented clearances (Government
and industry).
G. The Office of Personnel has furnished the Director of
Security the names of Agency employees by employment category
as of 30 June 1971.
H. On 6 July 1971, Mr. Latimer, NSC, was furnished a list
of individuals connected with former administrations who hold
compartmented clearances and their sponsors,
I. On 9 July 1971, the Executive Director-Comptroller was
furnished a list of clearances held by current consultants to the
Office of the Director.
J. A study was made by the Office of Security on the status
of current and contemplated Agency contracts with the
Corporation. The study included information on certa
employees holding:
1. Liaison clearances.
2. Top Secret or Secret clearances in connection
with Agency classified contracts.
3. Codeword clearances.
K. On 14 July 1971, Mr. Latimer, NSC, was informally
furnished information on compartmented access approvals with
regard to clearance of legislative staff members of the Congress.
At his request, he was furnished the specific legislative committees
with which CIA effects liaison. At a later date, Mr. Latimer will
be furnished the answers on other questions asked by him.
Approved For Release 2001/04/05: MT P83-01022ROO0100040011-8