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Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R000100130071-1 TRANSMITTAL SLIP 5 August 1966 Director of Security ROOM NO. BUILDING AZU- REMARKS: Attached is a request to determine whether or not any of the NSCID;s and DCID's which affect the Support Servic need revision. I believe that O/S may be the only Support Service involved. However, we are sending a copy to the Office of Communications and will review documents next week to determine if there are others. Will you please prepare the response for DD/S. The report is due in NIPE by 15 August. FROM: EO-DD/S ROOM NO. BUILDING 7D24 Hg.-- 1 RFEB M 5 .t)A I REPLACES FORM 36-S WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R000100130071-1 Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R0001OQ130071-1 fAagw 11" l4ZMOYAMLUM TOR: Us Di rLb.t SUMMCTs Possibts Need for Revision of NeCIDi sad LCID. 1. b tie coarse egibe DG' dti asses with the President's Ttr s 1mWdlliges" Aiviaei b e&" an 23 ,9Fs.11r. he undertook to e:aseslas the N$CII)a sad DCtDs sad report which. it say. of these regeiridd modification. This was in reoposs. to the aosard'a gwsttes as to wb &er tbsse docnsrerts, should sot be revlei ed sad reprised "I& the t Brest of ;providing meted sad clear-cut dvlds-nco to the imaeillgsscrr eosaaraeafty-." 2'. As a ros alt of the dfaaassfea. the aoaseastss of the board seamed to be that there was as eornpellisng reasons for any across- the.beard rovistm of these docamelds. Certain specific ones were msetiised as requirt a apse attention (sea saac fwd excerpt of Mr. lroaa' mea..raadar. for the reword, .dated l AMust)- 3. 1 weold be appreciated It all addres"se would a ausxlne NaCIDs sad DCM& which are applicable to their work. Including aM redly the ;specific fanatiesai owes bat the more 1eaeralised NSCLDs. speciflfcally 1, A sad 36 to see whether in today's circumstances they Make adequaw prsvisWe for caordiaatiaa and gabiance of the cows. tnity. and appropriately reflect a proper allscalloo of resresaiM lea. is order asst to hecur undue delay. it to suggested Otat VtB Committee Chairmen respond to this re est as tadtvtd*ts ratlwr than referrLsg it to their cowardtteoa. 4. The first Asp should be to ntify say of these docur.szits which clearly require revision to reflect signineant cha*gas and doneioprr stn wlhtch have t4hen place sines their issuance (s. ff., allocation of rospersibtlitles for tatelLtgtnee under NSC1 3). Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R00010013007,1-1 Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R000100130071-1 Tbla wwaU t v lr In the ltrst bss#asao tho g.a.val a sati.rsttas of whrtbeir,say at th.m aaa4 to be rsvtsai, art this spscUlcs at basr bsotd be, ch+sag.4. Over be has WA the brasltt at all y'attor ria? as Ws point. Ow DO wiU he I& a ,as1$laa to #l.e"s this Maflsr. rebate to as towers ltessism at U$t#. With rospect to those ctt wtU la gwd sagrira ra tal.a. bra co%U he gW cosaiiarattas In the uraattw to No spaeiries of seek ct&Ws. S. * is rd..+i that yet, Id this ottko ha,. by IS August Year views is swm wary as to tlmas cirnsats which io of as sat es4l1. T abs e". AD!DcI!MLPZ aa-s+rat sat isDis- ir.ll*r Lisi~rtba~as~ DDI DDP JDDrs DDS O...:&1 cs...L Isapactor t3rstzst D/OtZ All Uiit Csr:asriita. tbstrsma taS", usix P1 * Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R00010 -1 Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP83-01022R000100130071-1 Approved For Release 2006/10/14: CIA-RDP83-010228000100130071-1