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Approved For Rele,e 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3 ,Now 4 May 1976 TO: DCI STATINTL FROM: NIO/China SUBJECT: Seventh Day Adventist Broadcasts to China 1. Regarding Congresswoman Shirley Pettis's inquiries, this is the unclassified response. Macao, although a Portuguese colony, is run for and by the Chinese. The Chinese, in effect, took control of Macao during the Cultural Revolu- tion in 1966. Although the Portuguese have offered the Colony back to China, China has not accepted the offer as it would be a major digestive problem. The point is that if the Chinese Communists don't like a broadcast from Macao they can have it turned off very quickly. The Chinese in the past have been largely indifferent to religious broadcasts such as those beamed to China from the Philippines and Korea. As for the specific questions: a. The words God and Christ are still in the Chinese vocabulary (Shang Ti and Yeh Su re- spectively). According to John Fairbank there were never more than several million Chinese Christians but the effects of Christianity have troubled and consoled China for well over a cen- tury. You will recall that Hung Hsiu-chuan launched the Taiping Rebellion in the 1850s -saying that he was the younger brother of Jesus Christ. Twenty million Chinese died in this revolt against the Manchus. Cantonese are particularly well-in- formed about Western civilization and its vocabulary Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3 Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3 and many of those Cantonese living around Macao would probably be aware of this Christian terminology. b. The emphasis on health is very acceptable in China and I attach an item from Peking which de- scribes a massive health campaign underway. The Chinese with their millions of "barefoot doctors" and emphasis on cleaning up the cities are clearly concerned with health problems. They believe, how- ever, that they have the solutions and they seek advice from the outside only in specific areas such as cures for schistosomiasis. c.. As for music, the standard Chinese fare is muscular and marshall music but there is a residual love for Chinese operas. The Cantonese have their own opera and are addicted to it. I would suggest that Chinese opera would be well received. by the listening audience. d. Family life still exists in China particu- larly as pertains to the immediate family. The huge family conglomerates have been broken up and even husbands and wives sometimes are separated in the interest of the state, but the institution of the family is still acceptable and there is a strong bond among Chinese family members. The good family life can be propagated but not at the expense of the state as far as Peking is concerned. 2. I suggest that If Congresswoman Pettis would like to pursue points on China that she contact Mr. Frank Scotton who is the China Desk Officer at the United States Information Agency in Washington. His telephone number is 632-5161 and he has been alerted to a possible call from her. Mr. Scotton is well-informed on both China and on the media and if necessary could put the Congresswoman in touch with the Voice of AmeriSTATINTL people who are professionals in broadcasting to China. Attachment: Article Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3 Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3 F 5 Pt(c NATIONAL AFFAIRS Tne p.?vblce :)f unemployment was cor.,npletely solved i:: new C ina it 1953. Wi.'- c t:rfe ?ievelop-aer , of soeialis' coast:: uetiott t e rank:. of t e employed have been growi.og eve ~v year and sI:e question of .eemployment never cropped up. Wit, the organization of people's communes in the rural areas, ti.c broad masses of peasants tool, i,te socialist road of achieving prosperity in common. Triis uprooted the causes of bankruptcy and ended their drift into the cities. T::e labour force freed by the mechanization of agriculture now work on scientific farming, on diversified economy, on full-time basic r.rricultural construction and in commune or bri._,,ade-run factories. For, example Jr, Liac'tii people's commune, Hupei. Province, where mechanization is comparatively hig.r, 2,000 com- mune members have been freed from routine farmwork even?y year. However, not one of the 5,800 labourin;; people in is commune is. idle. A deputy secretary of the commune party committee said; "Ttore are many things to do in extensive farming. We need more man- power for improved cultivation and t,re raising of per-l.ectare yields in grain and cotton.'' Herr Chins takes good care of old workers. Hen over U0 and women over 55, can retire grit=, a pension ranging from 50 percent to 85 percent of their original wages, depending on their working years. They Set free medical care. Those who have not reached the retire- ment; age but are advanced in years do not. take part in heavy labour. Workers employed at se c;., tasks go on to other work when they get older. For example in coal mines, excavat- ing;; wor:rers are transferred to lighter work above ground when they grow old; and at iron and steel plants old workers are transferred from tending furnaces to less taxing jobs, In oilfields, old workers do not work at t.Le wells. In all these transfers, the workers' wages .remian unclanged. Under the capitalist system, new techniques and new installations mean the firing of large numbers of workers. But tc.ere is no such thing in new China. in every factory, nine and other enterprise, there are worker-cadre-technician technical renovation groups with wo?icer's as their main force, to develop mass innovation. The manpower economized throe h renovation is used in other work. In Taciring, China's biggest oil base, renova- 'cions keep ',ein.-; made and technology is being continually raised, But not one worker has h-o?en discharged. Amon;, the workers freed by technical transformation, some are excavat- in- new oil wells, some work in now oil fields, others go in for scientific research. In new China, every year the new graduates are given work in the industrial field, urban enterprises, state farms or people's communes to take part in socialist construction. The common pro-liberation complaint that "graduation means unemployment" has been banished forever. CITIES INSTITUTE MAY DAY HEALTH CAMPAIGN Pekin? NCNA in n ;lis 0823 GMT 30 Apr 76 OW [Text] Peking, April 30, 1976 (HSINHUA)--Peking, Shanghai, Tientsin and Canton have gone full steam ahead in carrying out their spring patriotic public health campaign which has greatly improved the urban environments. This is part of the programmes adopted by t.:ese cities to greet the forthcoming International Labour Day, Toe curre:st health campaign is bein,_ conducted amidst t:,e [great struggle to criticize the b:igg.est'unrepontant capitalist roader in the party Teng Hsiao-pint;, and to beat back the right deviat:ionist wind to reverse the previous correct verdicts of the C'rltural. itevoluLiorn. Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83BO0100R0001001"30045-3 Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3 Ppr; NATIONAL Ai"-AT',1, started in late March, the campaign in Pekin; has involved well over three million people, cadres and fighters and cormnander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, The , ;; as ",t given its streets a thorough cleaning and cleared rubbish to a total of 90,000 cubs:-- mete: T"ne show windows of department stores have all been shined and re-decorated, The Peking railway station workers have swept the railway beds and platforms and square in front of the terminal building the huge ng a complete brushing. The station is now look- ing tidy and neat. The workers of the city's restaurants, cinemas and theatres and parks and other service trades, inspirited by the current criticism movement, have done a much better job of spring cleaning than ever before. Shock work brigades have been killing flies and digging out larvae and all breeding grounds for mosquitoes and flies have bien cleared. In Shanghai, half a million residents h4--: been engaged since mid-April in cleaning work in the streets, parks, shops, factories, government organizations, schools and colleges, and neighbourhood committees. All shops in the main thoroughfares of this biggest of Chinese cities have been washed and their freshly decorated windows made sparkling clean, Gardeners and horticultural workers have been at it night and day to cut the grass and trim the trees, remove weeds and rearrange the flower beds. While cleaning the streets and improving environmental hygiene, the people have killed the over-winter flies and mosquitoes, cleaned up the breeding grounds for these pest:; and set put many fly-catching devices and mosquito lures. In Tientsin, north China's industrial city, workers, cadres, students and residents led by leading cadres turned out at the beginning of April to make the cit?f spick and span. Some 120,000 people have taken part in digging out 3 m illion larvae inS,o anti-ply drive. Barefoot doctors and commune members in the surburbs combined endeavours to elimj.nat,e pests and prevent diseases with manure gatheriri,1. They improved the environmental hy,-ienp by checking standards on the proper handling of water sources and animal and human e creta. Workers in the city's factories, enterprises, non-staple shops, restaurants, railway stations, department stores, parks and cinemas have made great efforts to im.p-.o=re environ- mental hygiene in their sparetime. Insectibide has been sprayed in major places of Kwangchow to eliminate possible breeding= grounds of flies and mosquitoes and prevent infectious diseases common in spring. More than 30 observation points for the prevention of such diseases have been set up in all hospitals, and regular health examinations are being given in kindergartens, schools and construction sites. The city's workers, peasants, cadres and com'z;.nders and fighters turned ou;; to improve environmental hygiene in and around the city. As a result, infectious diseases liable to occur in spring have been brought under effective control. Peking NCNA in English 130+ GMT 29 Apr 76 OW [Text] Peking, April 29, 1975 (HSINHUA)--An English edition of "Mao Tsetung Poems" a volume containing 39 poems, has just been published by the foreign languages press here.. It will be available on May 1, the International Labour Day, in Peking, Shanghai and C.- `on and later abroad. Chairman Mao's sublime poems reflect the tempestuous and earth-shaking class ggle and two-line struggle in different historical periods of the Chinese people's revolution, including the period of the socialist revolution, and thp, international communist movenen`. over the past 50 years, Approved For__lease 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3 NOW Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3 STATINTL FORM ! FEB Executive Aegistty DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTF.Lli[GI;NCIZT^i7 p Congresswoman Shirely Pettis a 7th ii Day Adventist handed me the attached sheet raising certain questions. Please answer the questions in an unclassifi memo to me, if possible.. Also I'd like to have your views on this operation they are running out of Macao. Maybe, if th- whole idea sounds negative we should talk to her ( I will) or you could go see her. She is a very close friend..... lives right next door to us. Approved For" Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83BOO100R000100130045-3 . Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3 May 1, 1976 Information on proposed China broadcast: The Seventh-day Adventist Church has bean given the opportunity to broadcast 22 hours per week on an AM station out of Macao. The station is picked up by millions in Cantonese China. In constructing the programs, the script writers need to know about the following points: Are the words "God" and "Christ" completely out of the vocabulary of the average Chinese Communist? Are programs based on good health acceptable? What kind of music is most acceptable? How can family living be approached in a country where the State is a Surrogate parent? 4,J ktz~~- Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP83B00100R000100130045-3