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Approved For ase 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B0010 0300070004-3 SECRET THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20505 National Intelligence Officers 17 July 1980 MEMORAidDUM FOR: See Distribution National Intelligence Officer for East Asia SUBJECT East Asia Warning Meeting 1. Following is the agenda for the East Asia Warning Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, 23 July at 1400 hours in Room 7 E 62, CIA Headquarters. China -- Preparations for NPC: what is Hua Guofeng`s staying power? -- Reaction to Indian recognition of Heng Samrin -- will rapproachement live? -- "Second lesson" prospects in wake of Thai border incursions. Southeast Asia -- What is purpose of "summit meeting" in Laos? -- The Soviet Vietnamese connection after the meeting in Moscow -- Will there be more attacks along the Thai border? -- How serious the Lao-Thai border closing? -- Long-term Thai reaction to the Vietnamese incursion? -- How well is Prem doing? DERIVATI.-'::. CL BY SIGNER REVIEW 0': JULY 1986 Derived from 2lultiple Approved For Release 200/4.: CIA-RDP83B00100R000300070004-3 SECRET Approved For ,ase 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B0010Q0300070004-3 South Korea -- Public reaction to the purification campaign, new issue of military promotion and the appointment of General Yoo as the new KCIA chief. North Korea -- Possibility succession issue might be resolved at the Party Congress. Indonesia -- How serious are the current strains in US.-Indonesian relations? 2 SECRET Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B00100R000300070004-3 25X1 i STAT Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B00100R000300070004-3 Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B00100R000300070004-3 Approved For ease 2005/03/24: CIA-B00100 000301070004-3 2 July 1950 PNIC Warnin-- Agenda: Potential Wa-nine Developments over the next 90 days. I. Vietna Thail3rd-China: A. Do the Vietnamese incursions into T an' on 23-~~ s' h-fY a change in Hanoi's policy or were they simply a sho - ction to the Thai decision to begin repatriating Khmer 1. Can a case be made that the Vietnamese misjudged Thai intentions and had not expected the Prem government to begin repatriation? Did Hanoi share Beijing's judgment this spring that Preen wished to stop Chinese assistance to Pol Pot's forces through Thailand? Foreign Minister Thach's suggestion during his visit to Bangkok in May that Hanoi and Bangkok let the Kampuchea question rest for 3 or 4 months implied that the Vietnamese were confident that they would be able to bring about a gradual Thai disengagement from collaborating with China on Kampuchea. But following his talks with Thach, Prem reportedly concluded that Beijing was correct regarding the necessity of applying military pressure on Vietnam to force a withdrawal of its forces from Kampuchea. B. If Hanoi has in fact concluded that Prem has abandoned his initial intent to back away from a collision course with Vietnam, the Vietnamese may be contemplating a significant shift toward confrontation tactics in dealing with Thailand. le Duan, Pham Van Dong, and Vo Nguyen Giap are said to be in Moscow for consultations on policy toward Kampuchea and Thailand. 1. Foreign Minister Thach stated on 26 June that Vietnamese forces would now move against Pol Pot's forces south of Aranyaprathet in an attempt to stop the repatriation of these guerrillas. 2. Does Hanoi intend to maintain military pressure with the object of forcing the Thai tQ halt repatriation and end their resupply of DK forces? .Will. the Vietnamese withhold further cross-border operations for several weeks Approved For Release 2005/03/24: car-P83B0010 25X1 .Approved For Tease 2005/03/24: CIA-Ft00.14ON00300070004-1 in order to gauge Bangkok's response to the initial incursions? According to press reports, Thai authorities, citing border tensions, announced a sus' pension of repatriation on 27 June. On 30 June, Foreign Minister Sitthi postponed indefinitely his planned trip to China. C. China's response: Following Thach's visit to Bangkok, the Chinese claimed to be increasingly confident that the Thai would not yield to Vietnamese pressure to prevent Chinese supplies from reaching Pol Pot's forces. Chinese Foreign Ministry warned the Vietnamese on.25 June that they would fac25 grave danger" if they "persist in military adventures," 25X' 1. The ITM of 26 June judged that, "If attacks into Thailand continue or escalate, Beijing may feel compelled to increase its military activity along the Sino-Vietnamese border." 2. Deng Xiaoping, the prime mover in China's attack on Vietnam in February 1979, told a Thai cabinet minister on 26 May that a second and perhaps stronger military strike into Vietnam remained a serious option. D. The Chinese have an obvious interest in stiffening Thai resistance to' Vietnamese pressures, but if their public and private waThings fail to deter further Vietnamese incursions into Thailand, and if the Thai back away from confrontation with Vietnam, Beijing will have to confront some hard decisions. The Chinese military attache in Bangkok has said that China does not expect Vietnam to launch additional attacks against the Thai on a scale that the.Thai military cannot handle on their own. INR on 1 July noted that the Chinese would be faced with a dilemma if the Vietnamese should ignore Beijing's warnings, and judged that if-the Chinese feel the need for military-psychological SECRET Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B00100R000300070004-3 S." Should consideration be given-to issuing an Alert Memorandum calling attention to possible Chinese military. moves against Vietnam if Hanoi disregards The-Two Koreas: A. The central question for warning over the next three months focuses on china's warnings? un oo Hwan and his core. Approved For pressure, a ground or air exercise conducted so as to be clearly detectable to the Vietnamese might serve China's purpose. -~ guru" korea. might take in an.attempt to halt- the growing consolidation and institutionalization of the authority of If Gen Ch D _on 27 May almost certainly are viewed by the North Koreans as having demolished their hopes for an early "revolutionary uprising," i.e., internal confusion and divisions and violent demonstrations leading to the weakening of South Korea's political and military posture vis-a-vis the North. group in Seoul. Developments in the South since the military-.takeover of Kwangju. simultaneous overland infiltration raised potentially serious questions about North Korean intentions. The 14 D played down this incident by noting that "North Korean infiltration missions normally are at their high point between March and early fall." DIA, on the other hand, took a more serious view, stating that C. The attempted seaborne infiltration on 20 June and indications of a time for Judging trends in the South and.in US-ROK relations. B. Although the North Koreans so far have been unwilling to terminate the bilateral preparatory talks for a-meeting between the two prime ministers, they insisted on delaying the next session until late August, presumably to gain the infiltration attempts, coupled with more vitriolic propaganda attacks on- South Korean leaders, suggest that the North may be moving toward ?a more confrontational stance." D. If Chun Doo Hwan and his supporters succeed in keeping the lid on and make steady progress in consolidating their Dower in the next few months, Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83BO610OR000300070004-3 SECRET the North Koreans will either have to acquiesce in a fait accompli ending their hope for a "revolutionary uprising" in the South or gamble on high.riskT measures to reverse the trend..' If Kim Il-song opts for bold-measures, he may first withdraw from the Panmunjom preparatory.talks,'perhaps'before the next scheduled meeting in late August. The North Koreans-have prepared the ground for a walkout by questioning .the- credentials of__the.ROK delegates following the imposition provoke a clash alongthe.DMZ which would be blamed on true ..J.ascist clique" in Seoul; .martial law in the South. Apia-Somalia: mid-July, with the participation of Cuban troops, have heightened Somali con- order an attempt to assassinate Clum Doo Hwan and other ROK military.leaders. (The abortive Blue House raid to eliminate President Pak Chong-hui in January 1968 was conceived as "the spark that would touch off the revoluticn. A. -Ethiopian plans for a large military exercise near Dire Dawa in victims that Ethiopia will stage an attack into northern Somalia before the end of the year. A Somali faction headed by Defense Y *+;ster All Samantar reportedly believes that the Ethiopian military buildup in the Ogaden has created a critical need for an early agreement with the L'S for the use of Somali military facilities in exchange for US military aid. In the absence of such an agreement, Ali Samantar believes a large-scale. Ethiopian invasion would be inevitable before the end of 1980. He doubts that President Siad Barrels SECRET Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B00100R000300070004-3 -Sim -ma a order a - ste up ' y_..... pinfiltration atte%,s. with the mission -of provoking violence. that could tae turned against . the Seoul 'regime: Approved ForMease 2005103/24: CS@GRDP83B001.0*00300070GQ4=3 regime could repel such an attack or survive in' its present form. The Ethiopians, for their part, seem to attach equal importance to a u-omali agreement which would strengthen Somalia's ability to resist Ethiopian pressures. The mid-May DDO report stated that an attack into northern Somalia would be carried out before the Somalis can acquire foreign military. support. At the end of May, Foreign Minister Feleke mentioned the US-Somali negotiations in a talk with the US ambassador and emphasized that Ethiopia buildup and the exercise in mid-July. could thus. be assessed: in- this content of Ethiopian concern that-a US-Somali agreement would'present a long-term threat to their position in the Ogaden and, more generally, in the Horn of Africa. C. From the warning standpoint, the near-term risk of a sharp military escalation may center more on Somali reactions to the Ethiopian exercise and attempts to keep Ethiopian forces away from the border than on the longer-term prospect of an Ethiopian attack into northern Somalia. IV. Cuba: -Castro's Next Move: A. Is Castro. preparing new initiatives on the refugees-negotiations complex of issues before the US elections? The regime remains formally committed to using the refugees-particularly the 360 who remain in the US Interests Section-to draw the US into talks on "basic problems" of the trade embargo, Guantanamo, and reconnaissance overflights. NID articles have suggested that Castro might (1) revive the Florida boat-lift by prortsing to release relatives of Cubans. in the US; (2) encourage refugees to enter-the Guantanamo base. B. The Soviet dimension: hypothetical scenario: Might Castro seek Soviet approval of a negotiating package that would include a guarded and vague Soviet offer to consider withdrawing the combat SECRET Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B00100R000300070004-3 -brigade from Cuba if the US agrees to Castro's terms for "normalizingg US-Cuban. relations? It might be recalled that the circumstances that prompted the Soviet decision `to have the brigade conduct conspicuous.. field maneuvers last August ve never been fully explained. This episode may still have an important-.bearing on future Soviet-CuDan initiatives. The decision was made in the knowledge that field maneuvers presumably was related in part to Cuban objectives at- the ublic controversy over the Soviet military presence was developing in the US. Senator Stone's initial . public. statement was made on-.15 July) ,-.The timing of ionaligtied=:Summit in Havana 3n September.: einusual attention: to .the"US military presence on Cuban- territory as a -permanen hreat to that country? s- sovereigityMoscow radio said the Cubans "have made ta.aa1-, L zia-F, r6501U ion 01 t Soviet media drew an implicit parallel between Guantanamo and the -Soviet. brigade. In his first public re w ion to US statements regarding the Soviet brigade, Castro on 28 September demanded that the Guantanamo base be "dismantled': He argued that "Carter's moral duty is to withdraw the troops and remove'the naval base from Guantanaa-lo because its existence is illegal and-immoral." C. If the Soviet leaders should authorize Castro to put forward a.. package which linked, explicitly or implicitly,. Guantanamo with the combat brigade, they presumably would do so on the assumption that the US administration--given --tine exigencies or the election carp ail Soviets probably would calculate that this outcome would damage the credibility of Washington's case for remaining in Guantanamo and strengthen Moscow's case for maintaining the brigade in Cuba. D. :.The "logic" of this scenario suggests that Castro would time the package- initiative for t greatest impact on the US election campaign.-perhaps .in late summer following the nominating conventions. SECRET Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B00100 R000300070004-3 --Afghanistan: (1) Proposals designed to broaden Kabul's 14 May- A. U=SR: possible post-Olympics initiatives: -TNF' modernization:. A new negotiating initiative that would formula for a "settlement," including a demand that the eventual withdrawal of Soviet forces be accompanied by the-."neutralization" of the. Indian ocean and the Persian Gulf, i.e., withdrawal of both US and Soviet naval units from these Approved_ For lease 2005/03/24 CIA-RDP83B00100 waters. additional Soviet forces into Afghanistan before the end of the year. objectives in Afghanistan and Southwest Asia and jUstified.the introduction of... settlement- plan on: the calculation that it would be-unacceptable to the-US Th zoviets would then contend that US rejection confirms their charges aboutUS build on Schmidt's co-kept of a freeze and drop or fuzz Moscow's predonditian that NATO must cancel or postpone implementation of the December deployment decision before negotiations can take place. Any Soviet TNP initiative would be aimed squarely at the US failure to ratify SALT II and be designed to exploit :tr_e vulnerabilities represented by the SALT III proviso in the December deployment .Denesnti s faction is already positioning itself to block any efforts by decision.- g Bani-Sadr and Ghotbazadeh to use the Shah's demise for another atterrrt to break -the impasse an the hostages. SECRET le ... B. Iran: Effects of the Shah's death on the internat. power str,, Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP83B00100R000300070004-3