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Document Release Date: 
September 1, 2000
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Publication Date: 
August 5, 1974
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140006-6.pdf99.71 KB
Approved For Re ' , IA-R , ~ 8;; 3 1 140006-6 v AD ~ ;d OGC HAS REVIEWED. 5 August 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: Inspector General SUBJECT: Office of Security Assistance to and Arrangements with USIB Agencies and Departments 1. While we have no legal objections to the recommended action, two points do suggest further consideration. The first is that Mr. Kane advises that the activities he is referring to now are being carried out pursuant to instructions to him from the Director. For these, obviously, no additional approval is necessary. It might be well, however, for the Office of Security to maintain some sort of a log of such activities which would also cite the authority for them. 2. It may be that not all activities are covered by existing instructions. If so, the blanket authority sought obviously would provide ample authority. On the other hand, it also would deprive the Director of the protection and assistance now afforded him by the senior level consideration and approval, or disapproval, which STATINTL is intended b Indeed, a major purpose of that Notice was to provide just such reviews. It might be appropriate for the Director of Security to seek the approvals required by that Notice, but on a case by case basis, of those activities not authorized by existing in- structions and not falling within one of the categories which do not require approval under that Notice. See paragraph 6 o STATINTL STATINTL It should be noted also tha oes not require approval of new activities before they are undertaken. The Notice apparently con- templates that responsible officials may undertake activities in accordance with their best judgment, with reporting, and subsequent approval or disapproval of continuance, to follow. This would seem a useful and hopefully not too burdensome mechanism to provide the management consideration the Notice contemplates. cc: DDM&S D/Se cur ity Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CJA-RDP83P008;3F Q001 ~1~440006-6 3$.,ix , da >;c a ~. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER OM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE fice of General Counsel oved I S e F - RET M ' Almost as soo re ived the attached, tephonedSTATI me about 1 . n is opinion, has been overtaken by our commitment to canvass T S Tbffice t TI to prepare a "data.base" of activities. He confirmed that the) original IG memo to the DCI h been retu n by 0GC without/ allowing it totgo to the DCI 'for the "blan ke t approval". feels, d I agree, that we should t'e no action the attachment other than to continue canvass for the purpose of submitting slated response tom STATINTL M AS ATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE I ITIALS 1 D/Security - 4E60 Hqs. 2 AUG 74 4 C/PP&AD AU s DD/P&M 9 AUG 6 2AUGt DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APP L _ DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT _ FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE _ NFORMATION SIGNATURE d 1~