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if Z MAY 1974 ORANDUH FOR: FROM SUBJECT REFERENCES Deputy Director for Management and Services Director of Security Routine Agency Assistance to and Arrangements with USIB Agencies and Departments A. Headquarters Notice dated STATINTL 30 August 1973 B. Director of Security's Memo, dated 19 September 1973; Same Subject lined the Agency's position vis-a-vis assistance- rendered to other federal, state and local govern- ment departments and components. In essence the Notice set forth a reporting system whereby each Operating Official was obliged to report to his Deputy Director all such assistance or arrangements so that any activity which might be considered illegal, questionable or cause embarrassment to the Agency would be avoided. (b) On 19 September 1973, the recent Direc- form of a Headquarters Notice which out- STATINTL Approved C800fj~y140026-4 is. Action Rea uested: That the Office of Security be given approval to render routine assistance to and enter into arrangements with. the . agen?ies and departments of the USIB. 2. Background: (a) On 30 August 1973 a management matter was brought to the attention the ,d ency in the STATINTL for of Security, Mr. Howard J. Osborn, responded to by citing examples winch he :1t needed your approval. Approved Fq e ' Gb m~ CI ?-- R8 Q08 0 p 9~ X40026-4 Approved Alt,~Q/01 i flea 3 ij5F (c) Cognizant of my responsibilities as Director of 5mcutity, I have recently examined the matter of rendering assistance to, and entering into special arrangements with the agencies and departments of the United States Intelligence Board. Special emphasis ot s of the d ontflthat routine day businessuo? ~ which-has arisen this Office interfacing with t e USI3 community. -1 am referring to those routine oral or written requests of common concern and mutual interest which-do not fall within the protection of intelligence sources and methods; and which have been directed to past Directors of this Office, and I am sure, will be directed to me in the future. In honoring these routine requests, I realize that, perhaps, we are acting outside the framework of our sole responsibility to CIA, but are doing so for reasons which make sense to we and which are herein. submitted for your consideration. Such activities, for example, have included (1) shoring up the security. of a USIS agency or department's physical environment (secure areas, etc.)., -(Z).. lending security. equipment,_ . and (3) providing instructions in security techniques 25X1A and know-how (d) Such activity is performed in a spirit of unity and cooperation, and as a consequence enhances CIA's-image throughout the USIB community. I an can- vinced that such routine requests should continue to be not without unnecessarily burdening your busy schedule by-seeking your approval each time. In doing so, considerable time, man-hours, secretarial support and related supplies are also saved. In responding to STATINTL these requests there is no intention on our part to circumvent Headquarters Notic but to parti- cipate as a cooperative member of t He 13 environment in consort with the dictates of common sense and effec- tiveness. (e) The members of my staff who interface with the USIB agencies and departments have been made aware that any unusual or extraordinary request for outside assis- tance or special arrangements urc of vital concern to the Agency, to you, and to rye, as well, and mast be brought to :y attention and approved by you, if an action is warranted. 2 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000100140026-4 i k. JP 7 o IN17 Approved For . ECIA-FM 2W_1 &?3t26-4 3. Recommendation: That this type'of routine request for support or special arrangements with the USIB community, outlined herein as examples, be approved by you as activities which fall within the excepted intent of-paragraph 7 of Head- quarters Noticel - STATINTL STATINTL Charles ane Director of Security APPROVED DISAPPROVED. Distribution: Original - Return to Director of Security 2 - DD/M$S 1 - Director of Security 1 - C/SSC 1 - SSC Chrono era (3 May 1974) Approved Fob e4e stet2g02/ '/G3 . CII ?R , 3B 08~ (i00 06'