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Document Release Date: 
March 30, 2001
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Publication Date: 
August 8, 1975
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Approved For Release 2001/05/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000200050086-4 8 IWG 1975 MLMORANDUM FOR. Acting Deputy Director for Adeinistration SUBJECT Office of Security Action Plan/Objective Nuaber; B5/133 Complete durieg PY 1975 a study of the impact of a prohibition of the non- operation/al use of the polygraph and similar techniques and develop alternatives to the polygraph in the investigation and adjudication of non-operational cases. 1. This memorandum is for information only. 2. During FY-TS, the Office of Security completed a study of the impact on Age cy security, should non-operational use of the pelygraph be prohibited. As part of the study, a number of options were considered as possible substitutes for the polygraph. A report of the study is attached as Tab A. 3. After a careful review of the Tab A alternatives, we conclude that there is no currently available substitute for the polygraph. However, since this objective called ff.or presentation of a specific alternative, we have chosen to present a plan which we call the Securit" Risk Test, (Tab 4. There is mixed professional opinion as to whether is oven feasible to produce a product such as the Sectqlty Test. Such a test, if produced, would be necessarfri?trid- to current security standards and policy which are always subject to change. Any secb change could invalidate the test and require additional expenditure of manpower to develop a now one. Purthermore, there is the possibility that trio sane legislative proposals which seek to outlaw Lb? polygraph woul4 be extended to prohibit the use of stress-in4ucing psychological tests of tnis type. OS $ 6 E2 ttalzT CL BY 063344 Approved For Release 2001/05/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000200050086-4 5X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/05/02 : CIA-RDP83600823R000200050086-4 S. in our opinion there is no assurance that the Security Risk Test could be nade to produce meaningful results. Therefore, in even forwarding it to your office we have grave reservations as to its potential to substitute for the polygrap We intend, accordingly, to take no further action to pursue Tab B and will consider it Instead a "shelf item.' Atts Distribution: Orig. 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - OS/PSI/SSD IB Rewritten: Robert W. Jam no Director of Security Adse D/Security OS Registry C/SSD IB Subject File no :jeb (4 August 1975) :jm (7 August 1975) Approved For Release 2001/05/02 : = DP831300823Fi0 200050086-4 FOIAb3b