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Publication Date: 
January 21, 1971
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Approved For Release 20@~l CIA-RDP83B00823R000200070056-5 21 January 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Security SUBJECT : Dulles Papers - 1. In accordance with your request that I review the Dulles Papers and assemble together all the personal correspondence, reports, etc. , concerning and to insure that all 25X1A9a such material gathered contain no apparent Agency classifications, the following is set forth for your information, 2. On this date, I completed the requested assignment. Material collected contained papers dating from 1942-1962, including a manila folder of papers selected by 25X1A9a to be retained for Agency safekeeping, much of which deals with a German communist whom 25X1A handled for Mr. Dulles, along with several other documents of a possible sensitive nature. 3. In addition to the above, a large assortment of reports, personal letters, etc. , which when placed together amounted to four large manila type folders of material was removed from the files being maintained in Room G E 42, screened and placed in a gray flip top box with the enclosed folders numerically numbered chronologically as follows: Folder I - 1943 Folder II - 1944 Folder III - 1945-1949 Folder IV - 1952-1962 Approved For Release 20021C8E lA-RDP83B00823R00020 GROUP I Excluded tram aatomatla dawagradIAg and Approved For Release 2001/03/O PRE : CIA-RDP83B00823R000200070056-5 4. The material in Folders I, II and part of III consist primarily of reports furnished to Mr. Dulles by 25X1A9a h h l d b OSS en s w e was emp oye y as 25X1A6a approximately up to 1946. Additional correspondence contained in Folder III and IV center mostly on her personal life and relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Dulles and other personalities. The sensitivity and disposition of this material with regard to OSS and the personal lives of herself and Mr. and Mrs. Dulles I feel should be given some review by responsible Agency officials prior to final release of the material. I found no Agency stamped classified information during this screening. 5. All of the above material is now filed in the front of the bottom drawer of safe 2331 in Room 4 E 53. Material referred to in paragraph 2 above I placed in an envelope, labeled it accordingly and sealed the envelope. The four folders referred to in paragraph 4 above I put into one gray flip top box, labeled it accordingly and sealed the box. I then tied the envelope and the box together in order that they may not be separated pending a final decision on disposition. OS /Records Management Officer Approved For Release 2001SEGflETIA-RDP83B00823R000200070056-5