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Approved FooeleaseUff) 1iCAA-RDP8S00823R000500010011-0 OFFICE OF SECURITY WEEKLY STAFF MEETING 13 September 1973 25X1A 2. Pertinent Items of Interest: a. Agency "Image" Mr. Osborn stated that the DCI is determined to re-shape the Agency's image and is taking steps to open up its activities to greater visibility by the public and the news media. Mr. Colby is meeting with press representatives today to provide them with an "off the record" background briefing concerning the reorganization of the Office of National Estimates (ONE). Mr. Osborn stressed that the re-structuring of ONE was solely the DCI's idea and was neither prompted by pressure from the White House nor discussed in advance with administration officials. CONFIDENTIAL E2 IMPDE T CL By 061626 Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000500010011-0 Approved FOteleasi 999EB (A3IfAC JIA-RDPW00823R000500010011-0 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A b. Marchetti Manuscript Mr. Osborn said that he recently met with the Deputy Directors and other Agency officials to review the manuscript of Vic Marchetti's second book. The initial consensus was that the manuscript contained a great deal of sensitive information. A Task Force has been created to examine the material further and prepare a report setting forth recommendations for action by the Agency. c. OS/CI Specialist The function of the CI Specialist is being removed from Clearance Division and transferred to direct support of the DD/PSI. The present incumbent, Mr.-will continue in the position. d. DCI Philosophy Mr._indicated that a paper has been prepared and is now being circulated which outlines the DCI's philosophy about the Agency's objectives and operations. e. Security Management Advisory Group Mr.~tated that the newly formed OS/MAG has been given instructions regarding the ground rules for its activities. (Att. ) f. Field Offices 25X1A Mr. _has begun a tour of all the Field offices and is initially 25X1A spending several days- Discussions will be held with Field Office personnel relative to problem areas, workloads, etc. , and should prove to be most beneficial to all involved. g. Family Visitation Days The Agency will have Family Visitation Days again this fall. The DD/M&S Offices have been allocated the period 13 October through 10 November. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000500010011-0 Approved Fitelease 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP 00823R000500010011-0 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A h. Headquarters Compound Security An Agency applicant seeking to determine the status of his application recently effected an inadvertent undetected entry onto the Headquarters compound. The individual drove through the Bureau of Public Roads area on the access road from Route 193, crossed over the median strip, and entered the compound via the exit lane at Gate #3. He subsequently ex- plained what had happened to a guard near the main entrance. Steps are being taken to preclude similar intrusions in the future. i. Job Classifications The Office of Personnel will begin job classification surveys in the Office of Security on 1 October, starting in the PSI area. Primary emphasis will be on classifying new positions created as a result of the recent reorganization; however, O/P has in- dicated they will talk with all Office personnel. j. Recreation Committee The OS Recreation Committee has announced that an Office picnic will be held on Saturday, 13 October. A flyer will be distributed soon providing all particulars. k. Clearance Division ill be reporting for duty in the Staff and Operations Branch/CD next week. 25X1A 1. Demonstrations i 25X1A Information from-reflects that Leftist elements will stage demonstrations at the U. S. Embassy in that country pro- testing alleged U. S. involvement in the recent Military Coup that overthrew the Allende government in Chile. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000500010011-0 Approved FWelease 2000/05/31: CIA-RDP&00823R000500010011-0 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A m. Jack Anderson Jack Anderson's 13 September newspaper column appears to be little more than a rehash of previously reported information. The column is devoted primarily to an alleged deal for the de- struction of large quantities of opium in Burma. This proposal was reportedly relayed to a U. S. Congressman by dissident elements in Burma. n. Defense Nuclear Agency Briefing recently briefed senior officials of the Defense Nucleur Agency on the functions and capabilities of the Office of Security. The briefing was well received, and DNA officials expressed their appreciation to the above-named representatives of the Office. Representatives of the Technical Division provided a briefing yesterday to a group of DD/O Support Officers. Key aspects of the briefing concerned - countermeasures and the nature 25X1A of the hostile audio threat. Approved For Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RDP83B00823R000500010011-0 AD'"~?~TISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE O'`'TJY Approved 10Release 2000/05/31 : CIA-RD 100823R000500010011-0 11 September 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: Security Management Advisory Group The Security Management Advisory Group has been established at my direction to serve as an advisory arm of the Director of Security in the overall management of the Office. I envision the MAG acting not only as a sounding board for new management concepts, but hope that each member will exercise initiative and enthusiasm in prompting studies which may benefit our Office and members of our Career Service. I will begin by asking you to evaluate and submit. recommendations concerning a number of specific proposals, issues and problems now facing Security management. As you proceed, your continuing dialogue with personnel at all levels within the Office will suggest to you other topics which also warrant management consideration. I urge you to be alert to such matters and to undertake relevant studies on your own initiative. I do ask that before beginning work on any new undertaking or expanding the scope-of any ongoing project, you discuss the subject matter with me to insure that we are remaining within our general area of responsibility and are not likely to be in conflict with any Agency policies of which you may be un- aware. -I welcome each of you to membership in the Security MAG and look forward to a series of interesting and pro- ductive sessions. STATI NTL -"Howard J . Dorn Director o Security Approv ~RWg1 V090 M I14T B00823R000500010011-0 Approved F i1fg ibb010g ~OIA-REPOR0823R000500010011-0 MANAGEMENT ADVISORY GROUP GUIDELINES I. DO's 1. Exercise enthusiasm and initiative in develop- ing useful items, issues, and "think pieces" that might benefit all employees and, therefore, the Office. 2. Explore new ways of doing things--new methods which might improve efficiency, increase productivity, or enhance job satisfaction.. 3. Look upon MAG as a sounding board for new concepts or new ideas. 4. Identify significant current or potential problems which warrant study or referral to Office management. 5. Evaluate office activities which give indica- tions of being outmoded, no longer justified, or no longer meaningful in terms of the current operating atmosphere. 6. Focus on the communications aspect in all facets of our work, and explore new and different ways to improve communications and dialogue in the Office. Encourage candor and forthrightness in all discussions with Office employees. 7. Keep in touch with line employees--attempting to maintain an accurate "feel" as to attitudes and views, particularly among the younger employees. 8. Provide feedback on all suggestions received by you from employees. 9. Attempt to be completely thorough and objective in exploring issues and problems that are referred to MAG. Look at both sides of the question and adopt a constructive approach. Approved F MR le 72 /05 ifiiriMA ERJ 80 823R000500010011-0 ISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE 1LY Approved P Welease 2000/05/31 : CIA-RD P~00823R000500010011-0 10. Contribute to group discussions, so that there is a complete exchange of views within MAG and completed staff studies are well considered, meaningful, and timely. 11. Establish an orderly system of priorities, and make .every effort to complete studies that are assigned to MAG. 12. Recognize that MAG members may enjoy special access to privileged information and must exercise sound judgment and discretion in using such information. 13. Be extremely discreet in conducting inquiries or researching problems. 14. Look upon the one-year assignment to MAG as a useful training experience--an opportunity to obtain an insight on Office problems, limitations, and dynamics. 1. Information (oral or written) received by MAG in connection with projects, investigations or studies is privileged, and will not be disseminated or discussed outside MAG, unless the originator con- sents, MA.G_deliberately decides to do so, and the action is approved by-the Director or Deputy Director of Security. 2. Documents originated by MAG will not be dis- seminated outside established channels unless MAG de- liberately decides otherwise and the action is approved by the Director or Deputy Director of Security. 3. Do not discuss sensitive details of MAG work with other individuals in your regular office, keeping in mind that MAG duties are separate and distinct from normal office duties. Approved F K- g %?4nn/05/ T ZR Q823R000500010011-0 Approved Lle2$*/05#riPII;F 823R000500010011-0 4. Do not forget that MAG is an "advisory" group and that there may be overriding considerations which preclude the implementation of every recommendation. 5. Do not discuss personalities--either in the Office or in other elements of the Agency. 6. Do not pursue staff studies or investigations when it is obvious that the assignment is clearly beyond the capability or charter of MAG. 7. Do not get involved in personal grievances or personal complaints.. 8. Do not antagonize employees or otherwise attempt to pressure them even if they are not cooperative in assisting on a MAG project. 9. Do not pursue an issue or investigation beyond a decision point. Stay within the parameters established by the Director or Deputy Director of Security. Approved Foreiease0v/3~4'C]A~t323R000500010011-0 ., UP ^ UNCLASSIFI%pprove?F F ase 2000/05/31 :'-F r-W 3R0005Q.p1g~C'~IP ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET OS Weekly Staff Meeting FROM: 25X1A Plans, Programs Branch TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) AC /PPB Acting DD/P&M D/Security DD/Security 25X1A ZM 610 ~sED~ EDITIONS 011 /117,> 14493 14j 1417195% OFFICER'S INITIALS 14 September 1973 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 25X1A ,: IFIEp ro