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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 30, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 13, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130010-5.pdf77.76 KB
-?' S-E-C-R -E-T ' YY ~ 'a Qpprbved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP83B00823R0~J'~80013001 ~` 13 January 1965 OS DIRECTIVE NO. 65- 1 FOR All Office of Security Employees SUBJECT: Control Markings 25X1A 1. The successful accomplishment of the Office of Security mission and objectives requires scrupulous compartmentation and control of certain sensitive information and the uniform compliance in the use of certain control markings within the Office of Security. In addition to control markings as outlined in - the following markings for intra-Office of Security purposes will be strictly adhered to whenever used and will be used only as specified below: a. This control marking may be used on classified information intra-Office of Security only if the originator or sender determines that, at that time,. the information should be seen only by the addressee. In forwarding such material marked EYES ONLY, unless the originator or sender delivers it directly into the hands of the addressee, it shall be sealed in an envelope which will be marked: EYES ONLY -HAND CARRY TO BE OPENED BY ADDRESSEE ONLY S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130010-5 1... !. Approved For Release 20/09/14 :CIA-RDP83B00823R0800130010-5 Information so marked will be hand carried by the originator or sender to the addressee or' by another OS employee desig- nated by him. Such material when under seal may be left with the addressee's secretary for delivery at the earliest possible time, directly into the hands of the addressee. Under no cr- cumstances will material so marked be opened by anyone other than the addressee or a person acting in his official capacity. Delegating others to open suc7a material is strictly forbidden. b. If action is required by-the addressee upon receipt of EYES ONLY information, he will establish necessary pro- tective controls to insure dissemination strictly on a need-to- know basis . c. Unless action is ta:~Cen by the addressee of EYES ONLY information, he will normally return it to the sender using the same control markings and procedures. However,- while such documents are in the addresse;e's possession, or until he has initiated further action he shall personally insure that the initial EYES ONLY request be observed. (NOTE: The'term Hand Carry will be used only i'or the movement of EYES ONLY documents as specified above.) To insure uniformity in the security of our information thf;re must not be any exception. 2. No other control markings will be used within the Office of Security except as authorized by Agency regulations and as set forth above. 25X1A A.eting Director of Security S=E-C;-R-E-T Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP83B00823R000800130010-5