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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 28, 2007
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Publication Date: 
May 8, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83M00210R000300060016-1.pdf68.03 KB
Approved For Release 2007/03/01: CIA-RDP83MOO21OR000300060016-1 identities Legislation 8 MAY 1981 Last Friday the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism convened to take t:-sL: mony on S. the Seimte version of the Intelligence Identities; Protec-i:i.on Act. Te!~:t_i.fy- ing were: Senator John H. Chafer (k, , 111) ,, the B1l1. F s chief sponsorP the DCIV accompanied by the Acting 1)1.)(-) and. Legislative Counsel; Richard Willard, Counsel to the Attorney General for Intelligence Policy; Morton Ha?-per. in. and Jerry Berman, ACLU; and Jack Maury, represents :+cv 151-':t 0 testimony ways well`e3, with the Subcommittee Chairman ecpr.e.;~;ing su for expeditious reporting of the Bill to the full Committee.. STAT It was evident that opponents of the IBi1l are fully cognizant; of the fact that they do not have the votes to prevent Senate passage of S. 391. Moreover, based on the types of questions and hypotheticals posed by Senator Biden, it is also apparent that opponents of the legislation are hard-pressed to come up with persuasive and compelling arguments against enactment. I STAT Senator Biden argued that enactment of the Bill as currently drafted could prove counterproductive if the key subsection was eventually found to be unconstitutional. He also argued that passage of the Bill. in its current form could prevent disclosure of the identities of "double agent moles.." During the course of this line of inquiry Senator Biden stated that HPSCI Chairman Boland had received a letter from Philip Heymann, former Chief of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, on behalf of himself, Professor. Anton Scalia, and Attorney Floyd Abrams reiterating constitutional conc.erns, with the key provision of the Bill and suggesting a new approach. We have obtained a copy of this letter and the draft provision, which, on preliminary analysis, doe.: not appear to b- an attractive alternative to the current 1-louse or Senate versions. II STAT Approved For Release 2007/03/01: CIA-RDP83MOO21OR000300060016-1